Christianity's Fatal Error

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 15 тыс.

  • @HolyKoolaid
    @HolyKoolaid  2 года назад +327

    Here are just a few of the MANY historical inaccuracies in the Bible:видео.html

    • @winniepuuh7895
      @winniepuuh7895 2 года назад +23

      Israel Finkelstein's books on this subject are also highly recommended. Finkelstein is one of the most renowned archaeologists in the world and the leading luminary in the field of the early Levant. Among other things, he has provided evidence that there was neither an exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, nor the kingdoms fantasized about in the Bible.

    • @smlanka4u
      @smlanka4u 2 года назад +7

      Buddhism teach about smallest matter zones, smallest time, smallest mind moment, smallest thought processing time. Quantum physics teach about a smallest time called Planck time. Abhidhamma mentions about 28 matter elements and 52 immaterial paramount emetions. Abhidamma teachings in Buddhism are like quantum physics. It is a mathematically provable explanation about the fundamental nature of the universe. The way to prove them is simple.

    • @winniepuuh7895
      @winniepuuh7895 2 года назад +19

      @@smlanka4u 😂🤣

    • @smlanka4u
      @smlanka4u 2 года назад +4

      @@winniepuuh7895, There are videos about it. You can check them. It is an outstanding theory.

    • @winniepuuh7895
      @winniepuuh7895 2 года назад +22

      @@smlanka4u "There are videos about it" There are videos claiming the earth is flat. Are you a flat earther? I hope not.
      But I am open to read peer reviewed articles on this topic. Please name one.

  • @gener.1253
    @gener.1253 Год назад +2508

    For most Christians, the Bible is like the User's Agreement that comes with computer software. No one reads it, they just scroll down to the bottom and click "I agree"!

    • @alanjohn2675
      @alanjohn2675 Год назад +148

      So true but the decisions is made for the child by the parents

    • @KenMasters.
      @KenMasters. Год назад

      That's Bill Maher you're quoting, he's very ignorant.
      Atheists are the ones who don't read the Bible, they only cherry-pick it for manipulative purposes.

    • @gener.1253
      @gener.1253 Год назад +17

      @@KenMasters. had you read it, cover to cover when you clicked "I agree"? Just curious.

    • @KenMasters.
      @KenMasters. Год назад +11

      I read it only once (edit: The User's Agreement). People don't react the same way when it comes to the Bible.

    • @michaelwilliams2430
      @michaelwilliams2430 Год назад

      @@KenMasters. I'm an atheist. I have read the Bible. I have a degree in theology. If anybody cherry picks, it's Christians, especially the born again cult.

  • @thoward_ht
    @thoward_ht 2 года назад +1431

    I have read the Bible faithfully every day for years, having read completely through it multiple times. It was during one of these times that my first doubts began to surface. The more I read, the less I was convinced.

    • @1970Phoenix
      @1970Phoenix 2 года назад +151

      You'd be surprised how often that happens.
      Fortunately (for Christianity), very few Christians actually read their bible, and of those who do, it is the one or a few verses each day that are in their "daily devotional".

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 2 года назад +7

      My experience is 99.9999% of atheists who claim to have read the whole Bible are absolute liars and its easy to spot within 1 minute of asking them questions about it. Many Christians are certainly guilty of not studying much of the Bible but atheists are by far the more militant liars about having deeply studied the entire book. I have hardly ever seen one who actually has. Most of them have not even read 95% of it. They only know a handful of passages from atheist sites. Oh but they will feign such assurance they have read it "cover to cover". That phrase is ALWAYS a dead giveaway.

    • @1970Phoenix
      @1970Phoenix 2 года назад +23

      @@ExperienceEric Two words … Bull and Shit. In other words, I'm calling YOU an "absolute liar" right now.
      You assert that your "EXPERIENCE is 99.9999% of atheists who claim to have read the whole Bible are absolute liars". For this to be true, you would have had to investigate 10,000 atheists who claim to have "read the whole bible", and after analysing this claim (somehow) you've demonstrated that 9,999 of them have not in fact "read the whole bible" Firstly, the likelihood that you have ever even met ONE hundred "atheists who claim to have read the whole Bible" is pretty low in my opinion. The probability that you have met 10,000, people belonging to this particular category of atheist is astronomically low. And the probability that you both met 10,000 of such atheists AND have performed sufficient investigation to prove (beyond reasonable doubt) that they are both wrong AND lying is effectively zero.
      Of the small number of atheists that you have spoken to bout their historical bible reading, how did you reasonably determine they had not read the entire bible? Are you conflating memorising the bible with having read it, because if you are (and you almost certainly are), then you are either dishonest or just plain stupid. Are you conflating having a different interpretation of particular passages with having not read those passages. Because again, if you are, you are either dishonest or just plain stupid.
      How have you determine that if someone uses the phrase "cover to cover", then that proves they are "ALWAYS" lying? What about a Christian who uses the phrase "cover to cover"? Are they lying as well? What if a Christian who uses that phrase, and then 5 years later deconverts? Does the truth then magically turn into a lie becuase they used the phrase?
      I was an evangelical Christian for about 30 years. I am now an atheist. I have read the entire bible COVER TO COVER. In my experience, I know far more about the bible than the vast majority of Christians. And I have learned much more about the bible since leaving Christianity than I knew while I was still a Christian. It is also my experience that MANY Christians are happy to lie for their god, just as you have done today with your obviously exaggerated claim.

    • @BlackEpyon
      @BlackEpyon 2 года назад +3

      Is it any wonder that the Catholic Church opposed translating the Bible into the vulgate for so many centuries?

    • @BlackEpyon
      @BlackEpyon 2 года назад +40

      @@ExperienceEric With a username like that, you're not going to call us "sheeple," are you? Because that would be ironic, coming from a sheep.

  • @Andrew-hf1dj
    @Andrew-hf1dj 2 года назад +2004

    as a child i asked my mom "what about the billions of people in china and india that aren't christian? are they all going to hell?" her response was "yup" and from that moment i knew christianity wasn't what it pretends to be

    • @jimralston4789
      @jimralston4789 2 года назад +230

      Yep. My mom gave me the parable of the potter and the clay. We are all clay to be shaped by the Potter as he sees fit. If he created billions to be condemned, who are we to question him. It's the basis for Augustine/Calvinist predestination. They try to fix a problem by creating a more sinister, arbitrary, and evil solution. Hard to believe that solution sat well with my Mom, but somehow Christians rationalize it.

    • @markrichards6863
      @markrichards6863 2 года назад +172

      I had the exact same experience. I was about 10 years old. Yet I was dragged to church, and catechism week after week. When I was 13 , I was told to get with the program or I wouldn't make my confirmation, and if I didn't get confirmed, I couldn't go to heaven. Iooked the priest straight in the eyes and told him, that wasn't for him to decide. He sat in stunned silence, then called my mother in, who tried to use emotional blackmail to drag me back into the fold. Religion has and evil, dark side. I've known people that were shunned by their families for not drinking the Kool-aid

    • @langreeves6419
      @langreeves6419 2 года назад +1

      Unfortunately, your mother doesn't get to define Christianity.
      Well, actually it is fortunate that she doesn't.
      Many Christians are Universalists.

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 2 года назад +53

      The dead sea scrolls covering the period from Birth of Jesus to 68 AD , does NOT say one word about Jesus or his 12 Apostles
      Hellenistic philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria (20 BCE-50 AD/CE)-alive at the purported time of Jesus, and one of the wealthiest and best connected citizens of the Empire- makes no mention of Christ, Christians or Christianity in his voluminous writings. Nor do any of the hundreds of other historians and writers who flourished during the first THREE centuries of the common era.
      The DEAD SEA SCROLLS were all written by Pagan Essenes . None of them have been edited by later Christians, as is the case with some other Jewish literature.
      All the scrolls (except a treasure map known as the Copper Scroll) can be dated prior to A.D. 68 or 69, when the Qumran settlement was believed to have been destroyed by the Romans in the Jewish revolt.
      The oldest of the scrolls probably goes back to the middle of the third century B.C. The people of Qumran belonged to a Pagan religious group known as the Essenes.
      Pliny the Elder, who died during the volcanic destruction of Pompeii in the year 79 A.D., described a community of pagan Essenes living on the western shore of the Dead Sea, close to where Khirbet Qumran is situated.
      John the Baptist was an ascetic Essene . He was a vegan and was uncircumcised . Various literary sources like Josephus and Philo tell clearly that Essenes were ascetics.
      We also know, from literary testimony, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the archaeological remains of Qumran, that the Essenes practiced many water baptisms for ritual purification-similar to a dip in the Ganges or the river Pampa or at Thiirunelli. At Qumran, however, all members of the community were baptized with water for ritual purification.
      Josephus writes, "And as for their piety towards God, it is very extraordinary; for before sunrising they speak not a word about profane matters, but put up certain prayers which they have received from their forefathers, as if they made a supplication for its rising" (Wars, 2.8.5). This testimony accords well with what we know from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
      Prayer and humility was one thing that the Essenes . When they cooked up stories about Jesus they wrote that Jesus Christ ate the Last Supper in the Essene part of town.
      Jesus is not historical character, The Dead Sea Scrolls have produced increasing evidence to cement the fact that Jesus Christ never existed and the whole story was cooked up at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD.
      The FAKE gospels were written after 325 AD after Jesus was cooked up at the first Council of Nicea..
      Twelve apostles of Jesus never existed.
      Jesus Christ names 12 apostles to spread his gospel, and the early Christian church owes its rapid rise to their missionary zeal. Yet, for most of the Twelve, there's scant evidence of their existence outside of the New Testament.
      The concept of using statistics to prove that 'God authored the Bible' is bullshit.
      Why was the library of Alexandria burnt ?
      The gospel of Thomas was not written by Jesus' disciple Thomas.
      Englishman Godfrey Higgins studied Greek, Latin and law at Cambridge . His two-volume, 867-page book Anacalypsis: An Enquiry into the Origins of Languages, Nations, and Religions, was published posthumously in 1836.
      In his treatise, Higgins writes " the mythos of the Jews and the mythos of the Greeks are all at bottom the same lifted from the ancient mythos of Hindus ; and ... are contrivances under the appearance of histories to perpetuate doctrines," and that Christian editors “either from roguery or folly, corrupted them all.”
      1900, Scottish MP John Mackinnon Robertson wrote that Jesus never existed but was an FAKE invention by a first-century messianic cult. He wrote about the First Council of Nicea of 325 AD where powerful forces invented a new god to fit the needs of the society of the time .Robertson specifically mentions the Talmudic story of the Yeshu .
      Thomas says: "Simon Peter said to them, ‘Make Mary leave us, for females don’t deserve life.’ Jesus said, ‘Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven’" (Thomas 114).
      AIYOOOOO -even Christians don’t like this
      When the master of James baby Jesus Christ never existed -- how can his disciple St James exist ?
      Even since the dead sea scrolls have been discovered CHRISTIANS and JEWS are jumping up and down like demented orangutans claiming that Essenes belong to them.
      Dead Sea text or Qumran Scrolls have absolutely nothing ZILCH, to do with the Bible of the Torah - never mind the diabolical lies of the Christians and the Jews.
      For arguments sake -even if messiah Jesus Christ existed , the gospels were written a even a century after Jesus' estimated year of death, by individuals who never met Jesus, and then were edited or forged over the centuries by unknown scribes with their own agendas.
      Dead sea scrolls have been written by Essenes of the sect of Apollonius

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 2 года назад +72

      "It is from the Bible that man has learned Cruelty, Rapine, Genocide and Slavery for the belief of a cruel God makes a cruel man.”
      Thomas pine
      Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has “come not to send peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34
      Jesus says, “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace on earth! No, rather a sword lf you love your father, mother, sister, brother, more than me, you are not worthy of being mine.
      “The real beauty of this verse is that Jesus demands people truly love him more then they love their own family. I ask you how can we love someone that we can not see or interact with? Love is an emotion pertaining to physical existence not to faithful ideologies, yet God threatens you with death just because your love for your mother maybe stronger than your love for him. (Matthew 10:34)
      "I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough - I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race."
      Friedrich Nietzsche

  • @tamou_whanau1441
    @tamou_whanau1441 6 месяцев назад +154

    So strange, I have come to realise that as someone who was against everything religious until 7 months, I can never go back. I love the lord with all my mind, body and soul. Its so much more than you realise. Day by day as I pray to learn for guidence, the lord keeps blessing me with love and wisdom for everybody around me. My spirit keeps growing and my body is full with hope, faith, love and prayers. If I had found your channel before I learned the truth, I would be cheering you on. Now i can only pray for people like you who do not understand what is deep in your heart. God bless you all my beautiful brothers and sisters.

    • @ThyBountyHunter
      @ThyBountyHunter 6 месяцев назад

      Well you never were an atheist you were an anti-theist. Fact is if you understood what atheism was you'd realize what a waste most of your comment was.

    • @96Logan
      @96Logan 6 месяцев назад +19

      I was raised Christian and got a Christian education from pre-school through 12th grade. I fell away for almost a decade when I started college and went down some really bad roads. I'm back in the faith as of about 10 months now and my outlook on life has changed so dramatically. Your words meant a lot, thank you. God bless you, my brother in Christ and stay strong. If I don't have the pleasure of meeting you in this life, we will have to catch up in the next. 🙏✝️❤️

    • @ThyBountyHunter
      @ThyBountyHunter 6 месяцев назад +12

      @@96Logan The whole outlook on life thing is just a personal thing and really nothing to do with belief or lack there of. After all I am not one to say you didn't but then when I stopped believing 33 years ago my outlook changed for the better and has never fallen since and still it grows.

    • @tamou_whanau1441
      @tamou_whanau1441 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@96Logan your words are very encouraging my brother and I am forever grateful. All glory to god and thank you too. Until we meet, may the lord bless you abundantly. 🙏😁

    • @koalaplays8855
      @koalaplays8855 6 месяцев назад

      See that’s how you guys look at it, those who want to connect with the truth can easily find it, and those that oppose it or try to disprove it are idiots, WE DONT KNOW OUR ORIGINS, AND WE DONT KNOW WHATS AFTER DEATH, unless you can prove those statements wrong you are the one that’s stupid.

  • @marksmith7121
    @marksmith7121 2 года назад +686

    I got kicked out of a World Civ class for bringing this up one day. It started with the flood an went on from there to arrive at me basically making this point. The prof was a HARD CORE Christian to say the least. He crossed over from debate to full on fury about how I didn’t understand what I was talking about and how I just didn’t get it even after I’d pointed out the holes in his logic. He invited me to leave at that point. This was 32 years ago. I dropped his section and retook the class a year and a half later as it was a GenEd requirement. When I talked to the new guy and told him that story, he laughed and rolled his eyes and told me about the other guys reputation in the department. I got it after that.

    • @Sephiroth144
      @Sephiroth144 2 года назад +73

      My biggest problem with this story- he was STILL IN THE DEPARTMENT. Crap like that should've got his ass canned- or at the bloody least, transferred to a different department.

    • @Julian0101
      @Julian0101 2 года назад +25

      @@jjphank Ah right, 1000 pieces were many are missing, some of them dont fit with the supposed picture and some others have been chewed off by different sects of bugs.
      Nice try buddy, but the bible is so f_cked up that fixing it, would be a nobel prize worthy feat.
      So you can start by presenting your nobel prize, any other answer will be taken as an excuse for your baseless assertions.

    • @andrewc1205
      @andrewc1205 2 года назад +44

      @@jjphank I don't think so. Explain how macroevolution ties to your god. Or the fact the universe is billions of years old.

    • @andrewc1205
      @andrewc1205 2 года назад +47

      @@jjphank explain how different cultures around the world developed different beliefs and ideologies about how we got here. Explain how these cultures and societies developed separate languages - and please don't tell me the ignorant Babel story.

    • @drinkawater7477
      @drinkawater7477 2 года назад +5

      This story later inspired the film series God's Not Dead

  • @nolanbalzer1796
    @nolanbalzer1796 2 года назад +1041

    I distinctly recall the seed of this same idea forming in my mind when I was in Bible college.
    15 years later, after losing my faith, I was finally able to put it into words, which I can now express to those who ask me why I no longer believe:
    A maximally great being, with perfect knowledge of our limitations, the benevolent incentive, and the power to communicate unambiguously, personally, and instantaneously to each individual on earth has, instead, decided to convey the most important message his creatures will ever hear through a book so prone to error, contradiction, and ambiguity that there is still no unified consensus on exactly what that message is or how to accurately interpret it.

    • @donavanj.1992
      @donavanj.1992 2 года назад +45

      Wow, this really hit home.

    • @bots102
      @bots102 2 года назад +38

      wow this is really well written, thank you

    • @lain7758
      @lain7758 2 года назад +32

      "Faith is bad because it relies on faith!"

    • @TigerT242
      @TigerT242 2 года назад +52

      Christians: "That's the point! Human's aren't perfect so their interpretation can't be perfect!! It's not the Bible's fault!"

    • @lain7758
      @lain7758 2 года назад +10

      @@TigerT242 how tf is anything the Bible's fault, it's a book

  • @neekerbreeker
    @neekerbreeker 2 года назад +379

    This really says it all. I consistently see Christians claiming that their god is perfect, all-knowing, etc but if questions like this are asked, the believer rushes to make excuses. This is one of the reasons I think every believer makes up their own god. They might follow some major points of dogma but ultimately the person's god represents what the person believes.

    • @ericspencer8093
      @ericspencer8093 2 года назад +53

      More precisely, I'd say the person's god represents their particular needs and limitations. Amazingly, that's the same way an imaginary friend works.

    • @gregorywullaert8618
      @gregorywullaert8618 2 года назад +13

      What are the excuses? The big ones I can think of that we're in a broken world (which is a major tenant of the Christian religion with original sin) and that the Lord respects human dignity (which the Christian God clearly does as He saw it fit to become one of us).
      By respecting human dignity, God lets us take an active role in our own salvation. The God that Holy Koolaid is asking for a divine boss, barking commands from on-high. Using Biblical authors and Christian leaders, God allows us the honor of thinking about and contemplating Him and acting as a family helping each other. The whole idea in Jesus is that "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." He wants to be part of the human family, not an overbearing slave master.

    • @neekerbreeker
      @neekerbreeker 2 года назад +30

      @@gregorywullaert8618 I didn't think Holy Koolaid was asking for orders to be barked, but rather for clear communication appropriate for the audience. We have one 2000-year-old book. Its authors aren't definitively known so that context is lacking, and many of the book's messages are interpreted differently. That doesn't seem very effective and it's hard to understand why, when even humans can do better.

    • @gregorywullaert8618
      @gregorywullaert8618 2 года назад +4

      ​@@neekerbreeker It would be interesting to see how a deity would actually pull that off. Like, would we just all intrinsically "know" that this message is from God? And if so, how forceful would that knowledge have to be implanted in each of us? Would it differ from person to person since, after all, not everyone needs the same level of evidence to reach the correct conclusion?
      But the real question here is: is that even the best route for Him to take? Billboards and even morning "God convos" are easy to ignore. And listening to your local pastor or even the pope takes a level of humility that personally reading a sign does not. By allowing human authors and teachers, you also get a level of "family" to humanity that one-on-one talks would not and Christian unity is (perhaps ironically) a huge desire of the Christian God (it is Jesus's final "public" prayer at the Last Supper).
      God's motives and priorities are not the same as Holy Koolaid's currently are. Holy Koolaid is, in the end, just asking for him personally trusting others to be taken out of the equation (not surprising as it does sound like his human teachers were very misleading and, from his perspective, straight up lied). But trusting humans is an important lesson towards trusting God. Like "John" says in 1 John 4: How can you love the God you can't see if you can't love the people that you can see?
      (also note: despite being almost 2000 years old, we do have good cultural context for all of the books in the Bible. Intepretations were always debated but it wasn't until the Protestant Revolution that divisions started becoming as many as they are today)

    • @Dr.Spatula
      @Dr.Spatula 2 года назад +15

      @@gregorywullaert8618 If the knowledge is inherent then there is no need for evidence. It would be something everyone on earth collectively knew. It would literally be instinctual

  • @Siralantoon
    @Siralantoon 8 месяцев назад +14

    Thank you. I very much enjoy your channel.
    I'm an English pensioner so by definition skint..😂
    But I wanted to express my appreciation.
    I survived heart problems and Cancer without any supernatural assistance or any desire to start begging an invisible deity for help. Keep up the good work; I will never see that redeemer statue in the same way again.😊

  • @ianmitchell4745
    @ianmitchell4745 2 года назад +553

    At my (no deceased) father's 50th birthday I met an old guy from the deep south who put it clearly to me. "If God is the way Christians describe him, I don't want any part of that". I've also felt myself, and I think you sort of touch on it here, that if God is the way he/she is described that would make me better than God. I would never be as cruel as God is described in the bible. I don't think many of us would be.

    • @bcalvert321
      @bcalvert321 2 года назад +24

      God is not cruel. He is a God of love. You want God to be how you would have made Him but he created you.

    • @darthbahnsen3832
      @darthbahnsen3832 2 года назад

      @@bcalvert321 It's simple as this my friend:
      1. If God exists, hes powerful enough to redeem living beings without suffering.
      2. Living beings suffer.
      3. God either is not powerful enough to redeem without suffering, or he prefers for us to suffer.
      God either is the cause of all suffering or is not powerful enough to prevent it.
      Either way, the bible only makes the problem worse. He made mistakes, had regrets, wills spirits to deceive men, working thru dishonesty. He wills the deaths of innocents repeatedly, demands to be worshipped and given credit for every good deed a human does, and displays all sorts of bigotted and discriminatory ignorance. God has stood by and watched every rape, murder, and heinous act you've ever known and chose to do absolutely nothing to interfere.
      Seeking to understand the world thru the bible for almost 2000 years looks stupid compared to what trying to understand the world thru the scientific method has accomplished. He lets all these lying, cheating pastors and preachers fly around in their jets and live a rich lifestyle by taking money from the phycologically vulnerable because that's the way God wants it if God exists. God is the one who put the system in place, god is responsible for everything from before genesis forward if God exists. All the dishonesty, hatred, wars, resource shortages; God is responsible for all those things if he exists. Is it loving to watch generation and generation of humans fail in a system you not only created, but have the power to change? I don't think you've cross examined your beliefs anywhere near thoroughly enough, you brought absolutely no logic to the conversation other than to define God as such an objectively abstract thing as 'love.' Time to do some thinking buddy.
      And by the way, who did create God?

    • @BustyBraixen
      @BustyBraixen 2 года назад +1

      @@bcalvert321 yes. There is nothing wrong sending a global flood because everyone was totally TOTALLY evil. Well, except for that Noah dude and his immediate family. They were the only ones out of literally the entire population of earth who were good people. Makes perfect sense to kill all life on earth. All the animals too, for some reason, even though they are incapable of evil, but its totally necessary to kill them too, I guess. But don't worry, we got Noah to cram two of every animal species to exist into a wooden boat way to small to support them so they can live on and doom the world later since literally all life on earth will now be the direct result of incest.

    • @juanausensi499
      @juanausensi499 2 года назад +137

      @@bcalvert321 If a human had done the same things as God, you would consider him evil.

    • @bcalvert321
      @bcalvert321 2 года назад

      @@juanausensi499 What evil things are you talking about. The people killed during the flood were all evil. Those that made war against Israel wanted to destroy them. Atheists are always talking about the evil God but they haven't a clue who He is. They always take verses out of context to try to prove their points.

  • @marsrover5898
    @marsrover5898 2 года назад +1013

    it wasn’t until I became an atheist that the fact that there’s SO MANY different translations of the bible, which lead to different denominations, that it hit me “why would a perfect being choose such a flimsy method of preserving the most important book ever written?” it’s crazy how coached I was to never even consider that question. Indoctrination is real.

    • @Anonymous-md2qp
      @Anonymous-md2qp 2 года назад +135

      Asking questions is discouraged. I’ve seen hundreds of comments about people being removed from classes and churches for asking questions.

    • @gleanerman2195
      @gleanerman2195 2 года назад +22

      @@Anonymous-md2qp That's why it is a FOOL proof system, it takes fools to believe in it.

    • @marsrover5898
      @marsrover5898 2 года назад +76

      @@Anonymous-md2qp Yea we were taught to OBEY and that blind faith is a core virtue and something we should aspire to have. I remember having real questions and they were met with resistance/hostility

    • @charisma-hornum-fries
      @charisma-hornum-fries 2 года назад +48

      I live in a country where only about a few percent of people identify as believers so reading that you “became” an atheist is the opposite of our reality. Although the Danish flag is shown in this video as we have taken Christianity into our collective. It’s misunderstood that we are all Christians. We’re not. We have chosen the Christian church to be under democratic leadership and control. I can only imagine how much your mindset had to realign itself with a lot of new questions. I hope you are okay.

    • @Sephiroth144
      @Sephiroth144 2 года назад +19

      Because the "Perfect Being" is kind of a dick...?
      (Also, I heard Cell going "what?!?" in the distance- probably gotta deal with that now too.)

  • @katherinesmith1849
    @katherinesmith1849 2 года назад +483

    It's honestly so funny, pastors encourage people to read their Bible because it will"strengthen their faith". But reading it is what made me question lol. I wonder if Pastors even know what's in the Bible or if they just choose the willful blinders.
    Edit: Wow guys I didn't expect so many likes thank you! For anyone who is just getting angry at me in the replies or quoting Bible verses, know that I would love to see Christians in a different light, but you are really just reflecting a bigger reason why people are leaving it: Christians only seem to know how to show hate. Until Christians start honestly living by "Love they neighbor" I'm out. Also Titus 3:9 "Avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless." So I guess I'm wrong by saying the Bible tells you to lead by action not arguments. That's my interpretation of that verse. *shrug* See how fun this can get? Now, I'm out. Y'all haters are not worth my time.

    • @gleanerman2195
      @gleanerman2195 2 года назад +36

      True christians never question. Ain't that some shit?

    • @aaronmatzkin7966
      @aaronmatzkin7966 2 года назад +25

      Pastors know that the phrase "read your bible" won't actually make people read their Bible. It's more like saying "see for yourself that everything I tell you is true", except seeing for themselves requires a little work so they just end up believing their professional liars. I can't imagine how most of these believers won't take the time to read what they believe to be the inspired word of the creator of the universe, containing everything they need to know. The first time I read the bible was in high school, and it took me two weeks, and I never even believed this nonsense. I just thought it was a good idea to know what these indoctrinated primitives believed. Turns out the only thing a high school student with knowledge of the bible heard from christians was, "that's not in the bible!"

    • @multi-milliondollarmike5127
      @multi-milliondollarmike5127 2 года назад +35

      @@aaronmatzkin7966 It really is like that. I think that it's a cognitive dissonance issue, where they think the Bible doesn't have controversial stuff in it. Problem is, it definitely does and the more we learn about the world and morality the more obsolete it becomes. The fact it promoted slavery and even had verses where it said 'slaves obey your masters' in the new testament is disgusting.

    • @1970Phoenix
      @1970Phoenix 2 года назад +26

      Pastors know full well that most of their congregation don't even open their bible except in church on Sundays.

    • @gleanerman2195
      @gleanerman2195 2 года назад +8

      @@1970Phoenix I think most do, I did but when I questioned it they would tell me to just have faith in christ, that's all you need. So, I just put on blinders for 56 years. Looking back what a waste of time, Such a dumb ass.

  • @kasunex1772
    @kasunex1772 9 месяцев назад +46

    The fact that "God doesn't behave according to my expectation or image of a diety, therefore he doesn't exist" is considered a logical argument by so many is wild to me.

    • @gwit4051
      @gwit4051 9 месяцев назад +18

      the argument is: "the christian god doesn't behave according to the properties it is described as having by its own scripture and followers, therefore it does not exist."
      this isn't the atheist expectation or image of a diety, this is the christian one, and it is incoherent and self-contradictory.

    • @kasunex1772
      @kasunex1772 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@gwit4051 only if you trust human reason to be able to accurately judge such a thing that is naturally far beyond human comprehension. Seems a little contradictory.

    • @gwit4051
      @gwit4051 9 месяцев назад +17

      @@kasunex1772 That's not what I'm saying here. Christianity posits that they comprehend and understand god to an extent, and the things that they claim to know about him are self-contradictory.
      Not to mention that if a god is beyond human comprehension, then any assertion about that god shouldn't be treated as fact, because yknow, you can't actually comprehend what the properties of that god are.
      If there is a god, then it is definitely not the christian one. That's what's being said here.

    • @kasunex1772
      @kasunex1772 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@gwit4051Christianity posits to be giving a metaphorical or simiplified version of God, given the full truth is incomprehensible. Yet, you poke holes in the metaphor without having any deeper understanding, forgetting a metaphor is...well, a metaphor.

    • @gwit4051
      @gwit4051 9 месяцев назад +14

      @@kasunex1772 What a convenient cop out. I assure you, the christian religion is not just metaphor. Even if you could somehow prove it was originally, most christians take this stuff literally and always have, and that is why we debunk it.
      Also, the god we're talking about still can't be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent if it uses vague metaphor as its only communication with humanity. The point of the video stands.
      Also also, how can christians make metaphors about a god they can't even comprehend? It seems like they'd be destined to make inaccurate metaphors if they can't even understand the thing they are making metaphors about.

  • @belgarath6388
    @belgarath6388 2 года назад +286

    Yeah that "God cant speak to us directly because his presence would oblirate us" is definetly a cop out apologetics considering that he literally walked and talked and cheated in wrestling with some of his followers in the past. It's not like the "unchanging" god suddenly changed conviniently with the invention of cameras or something.

    • @NoChance18
      @NoChance18 2 года назад +27

      To be fair, in that wrestling match it wasn't directly stated that divine dick-punches were against the rules.

    • @ErrantMasa
      @ErrantMasa 2 года назад +23

      the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones of the Cthulhu Mythos do just that, but they 1) don't care 2) are honest about 1, and 3) find our souls tasty

    • @soriac2357
      @soriac2357 2 года назад +24

      But wouldn't an all-powerful entity know how to lower his voice? One way or another, it does put severe limits onto this "god"

    • @mike140298
      @mike140298 2 года назад +20

      Or he could just make us capable of surviving his presence, or he could just appear in some kind of diminished form.

    • @dwlonewolf2273
      @dwlonewolf2273 2 года назад +17

      heck if he simply made the sun talk in his stared we would be sorted. Heck if he just made the sky talk everything would be sorted. I mean Moses got a talking burning bush, why can't we get a talking sky?

  • @Fade2GrayOG
    @Fade2GrayOG 2 года назад +45

    The messiness and inaccessibility of revelation was one of the biggest issues that began my deconstruction.

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад +1

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless

    • @cedriceric9730
      @cedriceric9730 2 года назад

      I have accessed some revelation , I have seen how heaven will be and even a little of how it is right now
      Are you jealous ?

    • @UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana
      @UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 2 года назад +2

      I love Revelation. It has a fun alternative reading if you use a different tone, where all the Christians lose and all the villains win. It makes the Bible have a much more satisfying narrative conclusion.

    • @miyagi420
      @miyagi420 Месяц назад

      Can you elaborate?

  • @joeodd2
    @joeodd2 Год назад +266

    As an agnostic, I've come to understand that Christianity and all religions exist because they are useful to someone. One reason I can't be an atheist is because I can't honestly tell people that my way of thinking is better for them than their religion. Everyone has to find a way to navigate this world, and for some, using pure logic and reason is enough to make it through the tough times. However, there are many who need hope beyond what logic and reason can offer. I understand this and only take issue when those people try to impose their beliefs onto me through laws and regulations (like how I can't buy hard alcohol on Sundays in Texas, but beer and wine are just fine as long as it's bought after 12 p.m.). I've known a few very good-hearted Christians who let their actions speak for their faith more than their words.
    My father is one of those people, a man who drove hundreds of miles with a working home A/C unit after I told him ours broke during the middle of one of the hottest summers in history. A man who, upon arriving to install our new A/C, saw my beat-up old Mazda and decided to gift me his much newer Kia. Then, when I flew to New Orleans to pick it up, he gave me a few thousand dollars so I could pay my bills and stay for a few days. I would never tell a person like him to abandon his faith if that's what's working for him because I have no idea if what I believe can offer him what he's getting from his faith. Maybe one day, humans will evolve to the point where we no longer need religion. Until then, I just try my best to tolerate it and avoid pointless debates (which isn't always easy).

    • @RobespierreThePoof
      @RobespierreThePoof 8 месяцев назад +14

      Agnosticism is about claims of knowledge of God (Gnosis). Your reasoning is entirely about others emotional or personal needs for religion.
      I can't follow your reasoning at all.

    • @SubLuminary
      @SubLuminary 8 месяцев назад +20

      That is an extremely respectable way to view the world. Honestly, you'd probably go to heaven or something similar to it in most religions.

    • @blubin189
      @blubin189 6 месяцев назад +13

      ​@@RobespierreThePoof False, you are talking about Gnosticism not Agnosticism

    • @susans3411
      @susans3411 6 месяцев назад

      If there truly is no God, why should hope or logic and reason matter? How do you know that logic and reason are preferable to nonsense and chaos? And how can we even know what "logic" is?
      The fact that the universe is reasonable and logical points to a Creator and Maintainer. That's why you can't be an atheist.
      (In fact "atheism" is a modern concept. Everyone believed in some diety/panoply of dieties before the late Enlightenment. I would argue atheists still believe in a god--themselves, primarily, with subdieties of logic, knowledge, science, self-determination, etc.)
      It's an interesting rabbit hole, this!

    • @conradbulos6164
      @conradbulos6164 6 месяцев назад

      Uh, your dad did those kind things for you because you were primarily his son and loves you. We ll never know how much of it is the effect of religion and if he was a Christian, you benefited from his faith. Being an agnostic is a better position than being an atheist cuz at least you leave it open.Atheists
      are just too full of themselves and are just simple rebels against the established institutions of faith to appear fake intellectuals with faulty and flawed reasoning.

  • @vkquads
    @vkquads 7 месяцев назад +30

    Your first argument describes Christ perfectly. John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." In order to "follow him" we must obey his laws. He specifically tailored to all people which is why it is such a popular religion in the first place because people from all over the world can understand. You have definitely put thought into your research and I applaud you for that thank you for giving your differing perspective.
    I am a Believer for three simple things:
    1. If I am wrong, my life is meaningless anyway, and no harm in believing.
    2. From what I have read, I simply have not found a Skull crushing argument against it.
    3. The faith is logically and simply turn from sin and put your trust in him.
    For anyone who is doubting I encourage you not to listen to pastors and religious icons but look at the original documents and make a conclusion for yourself. God bless!

    • @Non-religiou
      @Non-religiou 6 месяцев назад

      Get lost hypocrite

    • @DavFN123
      @DavFN123 6 месяцев назад +6

      The only problem with that statement is that as he said, we don't have access to the original documents, just translated versions which often have errors. I do wish you go faith as a good honest christian is usually a good person as long as they live by the love thy neighbour. I had tha same thought as well for your first point but I also thought, there's no way that I deserve to go to hell just because I don't believe. I'd rather go to hell then than live a fake life. Enjoy your day :)

    • @vkquads
      @vkquads 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@DavFN123 I must note that we also have no original document from Plato, or Homer's laid and practically any other historical document. I believe many Christians say they are "Christians" when really they are guilty of the same thing they accuse. Anyway thanks for being civil and not someone who pefers to belittle someone else!

    • @florianopolis6299
      @florianopolis6299 5 месяцев назад +3

      That makes no sense whatsoever.
      There are historical texts.. Lots of them. Only some claim to be divine. So what if there is no original text from Plato? What does it matter?
      Why compare two things that are not in the least connected?

    • @KanyeWestLyricalGenius
      @KanyeWestLyricalGenius 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@florianopolis6299you missed the point. Despite not having original texts from Plato we give him credit for the copies we have. The same can be said about the Bible and gospels. Despite not having the original manuscripts, we have enough copies dated close enough to Jesus lifetime that they’re deemed as accurately representing the story.

  • @multi-milliondollarmike5127
    @multi-milliondollarmike5127 2 года назад +352

    I was a Christian for a long time until I read the Bible. However, I only made it 3 quarters of the way through before I realized it was full of obvious problems and contradictions. So I stopped reading and eventually started researching and now I no longer believe. It certainly doesn't help that it blatantly endorses slavery. As a black man myself, I couldn't just pretend I didn't read that. (Update May 20th: Christian apologist, before recycling the same arguments over and over that I've debunked, please just skim through the comment thread first. Thank you.)

    • @1970Phoenix
      @1970Phoenix 2 года назад +51

      Glad you made your way out. It was the scientific inaccuracies that made my brain finally give up on the superstition and embrace reality.

    • @thedragonofechigo7878
      @thedragonofechigo7878 2 года назад +11

      Same here.

    • @dragondancer1814
      @dragondancer1814 2 года назад +37

      The Bible and Christianity’s attitude towards women was one of many deal-breakers for me, to say nothing of the differences in wording between translations! I’ve got three different Bibles in my religious books library (the KJV, the NIV, and the Good News Bible, which was used in the Episcopal Sunday school classes I suffered through as a kid), and they all have different wording. It’s enough to drive anybody bonkers!

    • @bazileia9222
      @bazileia9222 2 года назад +5

      Same here

    • @keithherring7677
      @keithherring7677 2 года назад +7

      "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

  • @44yvo
    @44yvo Год назад +94

    "When inventing a god, the most important thing is to claim it is invisible, inaudible, and imperceptible in every way.
    Otherwise people will become skeptical when it appears to no one, is silent and does nothing." -LindseyBrown

    • @davidsmith7653
      @davidsmith7653 Год назад +29

      The ancient greek supernatural beings like dryads (tree nymphs) and nyiads (water nymphs) were originally very accessible to humans. But eventually people who worked with trees like charcoal makers and people who worked on rivers or fished them got suspicious when no one ever saw a supernatural being. So they were put somewhere less accessible at the top of mount Olympus which no one back then could climb. However climbing equipment and techniques got better and when people actually did get to the top of mount Olympus, guess what, no gods. So they were sent even further away into the sky above the firmament and the crystal dome. But then we invented rockets and sent men to the moon and guess what, no one crashed into a dome or saw any gods so they were moved even further away, beyond time and space. If we ever find a way to explore outside our own universe, if there is an "outside" religious leaders will have to produce another sleight of hand and hide their gods outside of the "outside".

    • @44yvo
      @44yvo Год назад +3

      @@davidsmith7653 So true!

    • @get2it7
      @get2it7 11 месяцев назад

      @@davidsmith7653good analogy . But where did all of creation come then?

    • @ochmus
      @ochmus 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@get2it7does it matter to you so much for you to know the creation of the universe? What do you gain from it if you learn the truth tomorrow. The 100% without a doubt you have evidence truth. What will you do with knowing how to universe was made ?

    • @centerloper
      @centerloper 10 месяцев назад

      @@get2it7 We don't know. Is that so hard to say? We actually don't know. Big Bang theory only tells us of a great expansion/explosion that we are still riding. Everything before that is impossible to know. Yet, we have somehow made entire doctrines claiming we do. The arrogance.

  • @baer0083
    @baer0083 2 года назад +171

    Yes! I found this argument by just going through the steps a "perfect god" would take some months ago and its pretty clear: This kind of communication is laughable for any perfect god, trying to get his message across.
    Additionally: A perfect god would have exactly known what would happen and how many riddle-like verses would get abused.

    • @thesoundsmith
      @thesoundsmith 2 года назад +14

      That was never the clincher for me. It was easy to attribute human failures to "God," we were made in HIS image. It was the illogic and refusal to accept Science as an alternate to a Lord and Savior who doesn't save. There were EASY ways to keep the con alive, "God gives us only what we can handle," but they either believed their own dogma or were too lazy to update. The game was rigged, so I got off.

    • @baer0083
      @baer0083 2 года назад +22

      @@thesoundsmith Good take!
      God is perfect, except when he isnt, someone other is accountable, except the bad dude shouldnt even exist with a perfect good.
      "God gives us only what we can handle, except when its to much its our own or the devils fault"

    • @bartomiej5533
      @bartomiej5533 2 года назад +5

      @@thesoundsmith yeah... humans were created in God image that is perfection... and the result is sooo far away from perfecion that is feels like a laughing matter...

    • @bcalvert321
      @bcalvert321 Год назад +6

      Some really stupid comments here. You talk about how God is not perfect but it is your perfection that you are thinking of. IF I WAS GOD I WOULD HAVE DONE IT DIFFERENTLY. The most stupid answer any man or woman could give. Are you going to tell me you are perfect and never messed up? You can't because you are imperfect. You have no universe you created or earth to put life on. You did not put the sun where it is. It is in a perfect place, we do not burn up or freeze. He put a moon in a perfect spot so the Oceans would stay in place. They go in and out when they are supposed to. It creates life and supports life by doing this. God has a plan for everything. He does not have to share that plan with us. He has given us a Bible to read and learn about Him. This world is getting worse by the week. No Republican or democrat will change this but the Bible says there would be a time like this. A time when life is not important anymore. Where men and women will take sin and try to make sin okay. That wars would be all around us and that we would have to pay very high prices for food and goods. Things are not going to get better and He told us this over 2 thousand years ago. But Jesus will come back right before this world is destroyed by mankind. Do as you like but you are the losers, not those that have turned their lives over to God.

    • @baer0083
      @baer0083 Год назад

      ​@@bcalvert321 Nope.
      for example your "distance from the sun"-argument: What about the other planets in our solar system? What about 99,999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% and even more of the unvierse being DEAD and uninhabitable? Its like searching for the perfectly round grain of sand at beach, finding ONE and then claiming that the creator of beach created a beach with only perfectly round grains.
      One imperfect thing in a supposedly perfect creation denies assertion that the creation is perfect. Thats the problem when claiming there to be something "perfect". Have you ever seen someone wearing glasses? Perfect eyesight isnt even a thing.

  • @diamond_zone
    @diamond_zone 3 месяца назад +53

    People should be able to criticize the bible without being condemned for it. If we're not allowed to question something that has beed written 2,000+ years ag, I think that's concerning.

    • @SagreChinto
      @SagreChinto 3 месяца назад +2

      If you seriously believe that you can't question anything that is in the Bible then i think that's quite big misunderstanding.
      Yes, there are few things that can't be questioned but by pure fact people are to this very day considiring other options and other meaning of many many chapters and verses just disprooves your entire point.

    • @diamond_zone
      @diamond_zone 3 месяца назад

      @@SagreChinto wait, are you agreeing with what I said, or not?

    • @SagreChinto
      @SagreChinto 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@diamond_zone both yes and no.
      Yes it would be concerning if we couldn't question what is in the Bible for over 2k years
      but guess what, we can and we are even encouraged to do so by the same book?
      We should chellange our faith, ask question and then find answers in order to strengthen it. No questions no improvment.
      So no, saying that we can't question anything that is in the Bible is just one big misunderstanding.
      Only few things can't be questioned
      Hell and Heaven
      i'm not an expert but pretty sure there are like few more things
      Yes, i know people were using Bible as a tool to get into power and unalive people and do bad things but in order to do that they had to censor the bible or modify it (Prime example being the modified bible being shown to afro-americans back when slavery was common)

    • @diamond_zone
      @diamond_zone 3 месяца назад

      @@SagreChinto Not gonna lie, I still don't see where you're disagreeing what I said, but I think I have an idea where. If you're referring to my last sentence where I said "if we're not allowed to question something that has been written 2,000+ years ago, I think that's concerning", I can sorta see where you're disagreeing, but with your explanation I don't see why you're disagreeing since we're practically saying the same thing.

    • @SagreChinto
      @SagreChinto 3 месяца назад +1

      @@diamond_zone well then pardon me
      I though by "something" you meant entireti of Bible.

  • @ryohn5468
    @ryohn5468 2 года назад +57

    I once yelled at a minister as a child that I hate God. I yelled it so loud people looked at me like I'm crazy. But maybe it was something I already knew. Sunday school sucked. All sugarcoated and prettied up. If I had been taught bible criticism I would let people in church know what I believe. Churches don't let children read the Bible critically. They're supposed accept everything at face value.

    • @LaLaBlaBla-r7m
      @LaLaBlaBla-r7m Год назад +1

      Please distinguish between "people" and "church" and Jesus of the Bible ;)

    • @wendydabee
      @wendydabee Год назад +2

      Christianity's god is a great example of a fully narcissistic, megalomaniacal, evil, and abusive entity; how anyone sees that kind of god and says, "Yeah, THAT's the god for me!" boggles my mind.

    • @wilsontexas
      @wilsontexas Год назад

      ​@@wendydabeeyou seem to be focused on the negative. Does God has any positive traits? Also it isnt megalomania if you are all that he claims to be.

    • @wendydabee
      @wendydabee Год назад

      @@wilsontexas NO, 'God' does not have any positive traits. Literally none.
      If Christians were honest, their god fully and perfectly embodies a narcissistic, abusive, gaslighting, jealous asshole. Who wants to worship a god like that? Not me, but you do you; I just think it says a whole lot of 'not good things' about people who like/love/want to worship a god like that.
      And yeah, it's the absolute *height* of conceit to think we're the only ones made by god. It's sickening, frankly.

    • @babyfaceyoungbrother
      @babyfaceyoungbrother 2 месяца назад +1

      @@wilsontexaslol at least she’s being honest. Anybody kissing a** to go to heaven ain’t going -2pac. God probably respects her more than y’all who lie about how you feel for reward.

  • @scottstollery2191
    @scottstollery2191 2 года назад +161

    Been listening to Mark Twain's autobiography (Volume II), and he is absolutely scathing in his critique of the christian god and its followers. At one point, Twain basically arrives at the same argument that an omnipotent god could do much better than a book that in every instance was written by someone who wasn't at the events described and, moreover, can't prove its supernatural claims. He writes, "It is only when He wants to prove a future life to us that his invention fails, and He comes up against a problem which is beyond the reach of His alleged omnipotence. With a message to deliver to men which is of infinitely more importance than all those other messages put together, which He has delivered without difficulty, He can think of no other medium than the poorest of all contrivances: a book."

    • @IsmailofeRegime
      @IsmailofeRegime 2 года назад +11

      Jean Meslier, whose 1729 Testament is among the earliest atheist texts, made a similar point. In response to the claim that "the will of God. . . was sufficiently made known" to men, Meslier replied: "what are these laws and orders that we can clearly and sufficiently really know came from God? Are they the pagans’, who recognized and worshipped many kinds of divinities and were rejected by everyone who worshipped only one God? Are they the Jews’, who worshipped only one God whose laws and orders they claim were only ever observed in a little corner of the world. . . Are they the Muslims’ that the Christians consider as having been made by an impostor and false prophet? Are they of the Indians and Chinese? The Iroquois and Japanese that are not at all known to us? Or, finally, some other similar so-called divine laws and orders that we have not heard of yet?"
      The spread of a religion is so obviously a *human* act rather than a divine one. If a people has literally no knowledge of a particular faith, then they will remain blissfully ignorant of it forever and ever until other humans decide to inform them. If every single Christian circa 50 AD had died or been killed, not even a Christian could claim anything in the Bible suggests God would have sent down Jesus Christ 2.0 to recreate Christianity.

    • @Coach_Ren
      @Coach_Ren 2 года назад +24

      @@jjphank Sit down, no you cant lol
      It's psychotic to wish an innocent person burn eternally. Really think about what you're saying. You need help

    • @markjackson3459
      @markjackson3459 2 года назад +17

      @@jjphank If you really are sucked in by all of the religious garbage then your whole brain is tied behind your back.

    • @Mcfreddo
      @Mcfreddo 2 года назад +4

      @@jjphank No need to apologise, just realise the embarrassment others see in belief in general and in what you hold.

    • @wesbaumguardner8829
      @wesbaumguardner8829 2 года назад +14

      @@jjphank Why don't you, then? It is not necessary for Mr. Twain to be alive for you to destroy his arguments as they still stand. His words are written for all the world to see, and if his arguments are false, you should be able to refute them. Of course the standard "look at the trees" and "this book is true because this book is true" arguments often posited by those practicing apologetics do not constitute refutation. If you can make a logically consistent argument that is free of self-contradiction and fallacies, I would be glad to hear it because it would be the first time in my life I have encountered such an argument from an apologist. I would literally consider such an argument a miracle.

  • @joshkresnik6402
    @joshkresnik6402 Год назад +132

    I love that in the midst of having a serious tone in your voice, you manage to throw in a billboard sign that said, “don’t eat tide pods” that managed to be hilarious while still maintaining your serious tone and remaining on the tangent at hand. I just think that is absolutely marvelous

    • @Bossman21D
      @Bossman21D 9 месяцев назад

      You have to worship someone…

    • @Doogtsm
      @Doogtsm 8 месяцев назад

      As a Christian myself you have free will to believe or not to.@@Bossman21D

    • @napo5489
      @napo5489 6 месяцев назад

      I would also be confused about christianity if I never felt his presence...

    • @_Siloam_
      @_Siloam_ 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@Bossman21DJesus ❤

    • @smile-uj4io
      @smile-uj4io 5 месяцев назад

      reddit moment

  • @Defiantly_Joyful
    @Defiantly_Joyful 4 месяца назад +20

    I’m a Christian and a Libertarian. I like to listen to others who believe differently. In the Bible, Jesus was asked what is most important and he answers: Love God and Love Others. This is the simple dogma I strive to follow. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🦋

    • @MichaelFerraro-bt4ig
      @MichaelFerraro-bt4ig 4 месяца назад +5

      That’s the beauty of the book, anything you want to “believe” (be it pure good or pure evil), you’ll find it

    • @awakenow7147
      @awakenow7147 3 месяца назад +2

      I appreciate this. Thanks for being one of the good ones.

    • @michaelsbeverly
      @michaelsbeverly 3 месяца назад

      An oxymoron. You cannot be a libertarian and a Christian, they're opposite things.
      See Luke 19:27 and tell me how that's a libertarian priniciple as opposed to one a totalitarian regime would use.

    • @Defiantly_Joyful
      @Defiantly_Joyful 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelsbeverly , this parable is not describing what a Christian does, so I can be libertarian (“Liberty means being free to make your own choices about your own life, that what you do with your body and your property ought to be up to you. Other people must not forcibly interfere with your liberty, and you must not forcibly interfere with theirs.”) as well as Christian. Peace to you, fellow human. 🌸

    • @michaelsbeverly
      @michaelsbeverly 3 месяца назад

      @@Defiantly_Joyful The parable is about the King, and it's about Jesus, so it is what the ultimate Christian does.
      The ultimate Christian slaughters his enemies, those that will not bow down.
      You could be a libertarian in human politics, sure, if you're not anti-gay marriage, your not for laws on sex, drugs, and such....sure, but you cannot be a libertarian in the big sense of life itself and be a Christian, as Christianity demands you bow down.
      You must bend the knee, something that is antithetical to an ethical libertarian.
      btw, I know what libertarian means, as well as voluntarist and ancap.
      You just can't hold these positions and Christianity.

  • @tonydarcy1606
    @tonydarcy1606 2 года назад +49

    Funny how Yahweh could talk to Moses through a bush, but is unable to communicate with us these days ? Almost as if the Moses stories are fictional, eh ?

    • @winniepuuh7895
      @winniepuuh7895 2 года назад +2

      Many people shave off their bushes these days. Maybe that's why god fell silent? 🤷🏼‍♀️

    • @trillionbones89
      @trillionbones89 2 года назад +6

      Burning bush... I too can speak to God when high

    • @cedriceric9730
      @cedriceric9730 2 года назад +2

      What do you prefer ? The written word or audible voice?
      If you can't believe the written will you believe the voice ?

    • @tonydarcy1606
      @tonydarcy1606 2 года назад +3

      @@cedriceric9730 African drums maybe ?

    • @cedriceric9730
      @cedriceric9730 2 года назад

      @@tonydarcy1606 he can do that , will you believe then?

  • @grapeshot
    @grapeshot 2 года назад +77

    To that pastor. I'm like make me move. But he better pack his lunch cuz it's going to be an all day affair.

    • @DigitalHayds
      @DigitalHayds 2 года назад +12

      Yeah that guy sexually assaulted a 14 year old and preaches antisemitism and hitler-apologetics, then makes that claim. That people are “offended” at his mere belief in god, and not the eugenics and kid-touching

    • @inefffable
      @inefffable 2 года назад +22

      "If you don't like it, leave!"'re the one who doesn't like atheists...shouldn't you leave?

    • @multi-milliondollarmike5127
      @multi-milliondollarmike5127 2 года назад +2

      @@inefffable I'd rather stand up to the dude making baseless assertions than run away like a coward.

    • @multi-milliondollarmike5127
      @multi-milliondollarmike5127 2 года назад +1

      @@DigitalHayds He did? What's his name? I want to look into this.

    • @DigitalHayds
      @DigitalHayds 2 года назад +5

      @@multi-milliondollarmike5127 Jack Hagee. He’s the worst! Hahaha

  • @johnlile7562
    @johnlile7562 2 года назад +46

    This might be your best argument against Christianity to date. You really knocked this out of the park. I’ve been using similar lines, just never called it the argument of instruction, you just put this together so well, and yes, I think it’s even more convincing than the problem of evil if there really is an Omni-benevolent God. It’s a huge problem, and many a person has given up their faith because of that and the apologetical arguments used so weak to defend it. I would also add Sentient, besides the four Big Omni’s you describe to the Christian God at the :55 mark, since many believers think they have a personal god that acts and intervenes on their behalf. Many religions use these attributes in describing their God.

    • @jboydayz
      @jboydayz Год назад +3

      God is real, cope

    • @religionisalie
      @religionisalie Год назад

      ​@@jboydayzOh you are such a foolish child....
      Do claims about this God pass the tests of not contradicting each other and not contradicting external evidence?
      Is the Bible’s God the best and most likely explanation for the design and function of nature?
      Is the Bible’s God the best and most likely explanation for the biblical record and Christian history?
      Is the Bible’s God the best and most likely explanation for humanity’s long and enduring quest for God or our profound experience of His presence in our lives?
      I think that the answer to all four of these questions is no:
      No because many of the claims made about God in the Bible contradict either each other or external evidence.
      No because we have better explanations for natural phenomena.
      No because we can explain the biblical record without recourse to God.
      And no because we can do the same for our own experience of God.
      All of these “no” answers make the existence of the Christian God highly unlikely.
      These four questions distill down the essence of how to judge the likelihood of the existence of a god. In this test, the Christian god fails to satisfy any of the questions is an uncontroversial fashion, leaving a level of ambiguity well beyond what would be expected of an actual supernatural deity.

    • @get2it7
      @get2it7 11 месяцев назад

      It’s ironic how in the Bible it says that the love of many will grow cold because of the lawlessness in this world …in other words people will not believe because of the evil in the world .

  • @algerian_ex_christian
    @algerian_ex_christian 11 дней назад +5

    proud ex christian from algeria

    • @aar0n709
      @aar0n709 6 дней назад

      Your aloud to be Christian in Algeria?? Pretty sure everyone there is a muzzie

  • @hughb5092
    @hughb5092 2 года назад +311

    This video is the PRIMARY reason I deconverted after 25 years in Fundamentalist Christianity 16 years ago. I just couldn't reconcile "god" sending the vast majority of humanity into ETERNAL punishment for FINITE sins with such an egregiously imperfect and highly flawed message. The Bible's god is pure, wicked evil. Well done Thomas!

    • @DanDan-eh7ul
      @DanDan-eh7ul 2 года назад +24

      I remember in bible college, I made some paper about the logical contradiction between freewill and predestination. If not PD, then bible is wrong. If not FW, then God is not just, and the Bible is wrong. Freewill and predestination are mutually exclusive, but both are required to be true. So my Christian conclusion to that paper was, "Both must somehow be true despite the contradiction" and something something divine mystery.
      This is what indoctrination did to me. I could repeatedly slam my head face first into direct logical contradictions in the bible, but still not see it as a problem. Just a "divine mystery".
      I actually found my paper from college. Pasted below for those who want to read.
      Rather than leaving it at the bottom of the chain though, where only the people in the flames of comment wars will see it, I think I'll just edit my original comment. Basically, from a fundamentalist point of view (meaning assume the Bible is always true), I "prove" that predestination and freewill must both exist, despite the inherent contradiction with them.
      The Paper:
      First, we need to prove the idea of predestination. Predestination (Prove P).
      --To prove Predestination, we don’t have to look any further than verses like Ephesians 1:4-6, Ephesians 1:11-12, or Romans 8:28-30, which explicitly state that God does choose those he wants beforehand or that he does Predestine us. (P)
      --Therefore, we have Predestination as true. (P)
      Now, we need to prove that we have Free Will
      --Suppose that free will didn’t exist. (~F)
      --God has his will over his creation He is king over it, as is shown in Psalm 47:2, Deuteronomy 4:39, Deuteronomy 10:14, Ephesians 1:11, and more. (G)
      --We know that all have Sinned (S) (except Jesus) as we see in Romans 3:23.
      --If everyone has sinned and it was God’s direct will that caused us to sin, because we don’t have our own free will to sin, this would imply that God is Evil. (S ^ G ^ ~F -> E)
      --This contradicts what we firmly know about God, that he is a Just God. We know this from verses like Deuteronomy 32:4, Isaiah 61:8, Psalm 9:7-8, 2 Chronicles 19:7 and more. (J)
      --God Cannot be both Evil and Just. (E ^ J -> c)
      --Therefore, we have Freewill. (F)
      Therefore, since we have both Free Will and Predestination, both major principles of Calvinism and Arminianism, are true. (F ^ P)
      It is impossible to say that everything we do is not of our will but of God’s predetermined will, but it is also impossible to say that God doesn’t have a predetermined will for us. We must therefore conclude that we have both Free Will and God’s Predestination. I don’t know how this works, and it is likely that no one will ever know how this fully works. God might tell us when we get to heaven, but for now, remember that even though God does choose us, we still need to choose him.
      The conclusion about really makes me cringe now. God need to be sovereign and predestine our lives and have his own will always carried out in the universe without fail, which includes some people definitively being chosen beforehand for Christendom. However, we also need to have freewill to reject him. A contradiction so obvious in the Bible that I ram my face into it, but still dismiss it.
      I know that many apologists will come up with responses like, "You can reject destiny with free will though", or some other variant of "God's will is for you to accept him, but God's will is also for you to have the will to reject God's will." This is just restating the problem though, because now you have "God's will" being for you to follow at the threat of hell, but also "God's will" for you to not follow and be sent to hell anyway as he has predestined you to.
      This is why pointing out basic contradictions is not always going to change the most hardcore believer's mind. Many have been inoculated against _any_ criticism of their holy text to the point where they can just dismiss it outright despite repeatedly slamming their face into the many problems.

    • @andrewc1205
      @andrewc1205 2 года назад +29


    • @Alltime2050
      @Alltime2050 2 года назад +14

      A god like that would be pure evil if superstition was truth.

    • @Alltime2050
      @Alltime2050 2 года назад +16

      @@jjphank People who believe good and evil come from superstition have the most difficult time telling which is which. They’re as mentally primitive as people were thousands of years ago.

    • @HoneyTone-TheSearchContinues
      @HoneyTone-TheSearchContinues 2 года назад +23

      @@jjphank Hey: Isaiah 45:7. The biblical god-thingy says he “create(s) evil.” Even emphasizes it in the next sentence. And states it in the present tense both times. “I the Lord do all these things.” Evil is his doing. Now, go ahead and explain to us how it doesn’t mean what it says, and how your god-thingy is a perfect communicator.

  • @jonasfermefors
    @jonasfermefors 2 года назад +133

    I do agree and as an atheist this is completely intuitive but my theist friends don't get this at all. They will agree that Christianity is splintered and that there are many versions but somehow they find things like "he wanted us to have free will" or "God works in mysterious ways" are enough of an explanation for them. I have a friend who is on the verge of atheism and with him I notice that these arguments suddenly start making sense to him as he gradually distances himself from the indoctrination that has blinded him all his life.

    • @jonasfermefors
      @jonasfermefors 2 года назад +40

      @@jjphank When you get the vast majority of Christians to agree with your interpretation you can get back to me and I'll take you seriously. I won't be holding my breath.

    • @verenaeissinger2013
      @verenaeissinger2013 2 года назад +28

      I call those types of phrases, "Get out of jail Free" cards. When something doesn't happen as predicted, prayers aren't answered, or things are inconsistent Christians ALWAYS fall back on the "God Works In Mysterious Ways" excuse or "I didn't get what I want so it just means God has another plan for me".

    • @elegantoddity8609
      @elegantoddity8609 2 года назад +8

      @@jjphank Really? Give me an example? And no cross contamination either.

    • @sigmaoctantis1892
      @sigmaoctantis1892 2 года назад +12

      @@jjphank Genesis Ch. 1 is not consistent with Genesis Ch. 2. The inconsistencies get worse after that!

    • @verenaeissinger2013
      @verenaeissinger2013 2 года назад +19

      @@jjphank the bible is a book full of contradictions and inconsistencies and scientifically impossible stories. For example, I highly doubt the authors of the flood story knew anything about the geography of the entire planet. Where's your proof that sea levels were raised 6 miles so that the entire earth was covered in water up to the tip of Mount Everest in a mere 40 days? Everything (plants/aquatic life)would be dead from crushing ocean pressure and no sunlight. Where's your proof that a shepherd and his family lived hundreds of years and all of a sudden at the age of 600 were suddenly master ship builders who could build a boat and somehow manage to get every animal to save from around the world like kangaroos and wallabies in Australia or penguins in Antarctica or bison in North America? Where's your proof that all 7 billion people on this planet of all races and ethnicities are descendants of 8 middle eastern people over the span of only a few thousand years without dealing with 9 month pregnancies, infant mortality, and massive in-breeding to name a few? Did they lay eggs?
      Where's your proof that the exodus happened? The Egyptians were prolific writers and would've written about a war in which the army was defeated by the parting and closing of the Red Sea. Oh, and which part of the Red Sea did they cross? What type of bottom is the Red Sea floor? If it's mud or sand then Moses and the Isrealites would've sunk probably to their knees or more trying to cross it or gotten possibly caught up on sea grass or shells and rocks. I'm quite sure the authors didn't know anything about that either.
      Christians can't even agree on what books should be in the bible and with multiple versions and translations with editing happening all the time how can you prove what you have today is what was actually in the original Hebrew and Greek? Even the oldest copies were based on oral traditions and we know how things change from one person to the next. And in the New testament none of the gospels were actually written by their namesake nor were they written at the time the supposed events of Jesus's life took place. There's zero proof that he was born on Dec 25 and all Christians did was hijack Saturnalia and other winter festivals from pagans. And he couldn't have been that great since the Romans didn't think enough of him to write about his supposed miracles.

  • @drm629
    @drm629 2 года назад +142

    The first time I remember having a question concerning the Bible's accuracy was before I was a teenager when my Sunday school class was learning about Noah's flood. I asked about something (I don't even remember what specifically I asked), and was told that I was not to question what the Bible said or what I was being taught. I eventually got around to reading the whole thing, which confirmed what I had already started to think back in that Sunday school class.

    • @martynodonnell8467
      @martynodonnell8467 2 года назад +19

      Why shouldn’t you be questioning it though. Surely, from their point of view questioning things will only led to clarification. As they are so sure of their beliefs and the Bible being true.
      I’ve had similar experiences in my life too. Being told not to ask too many questions, while questioning Noah’s flood.

    • @cindychristman8708
      @cindychristman8708 2 года назад +21

      @@martynodonnell8467 Right, if something is true it should be able to stand up to scrutiny.

    • @martynodonnell8467
      @martynodonnell8467 2 года назад +16

      @@cindychristman8708 or at least not contradict established science and known history.

    • @emptyhand777
      @emptyhand777 2 года назад +14

      I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.
      But I've yet had a Bible literalist explain how the sloths of Central and South America swam across the Atlantic, crawled across Africa, got on the Ark, and the made the return trip.

    • @kellydalstok8900
      @kellydalstok8900 2 года назад +1

      @@emptyhand777 But if scientists try to explain how lizards or mammals ended up on islands by accidentally rafting there, they dismiss that possibility out of hand with a smug expression on their ignorant faces.

  • @ablanuza76
    @ablanuza76 9 месяцев назад +103

    All religions have 3 universal truths.
    1. We are right
    2. You are wrong
    3. We are better than the rest of you

    • @CloverAnimations
      @CloverAnimations 2 месяца назад +11

      It’s impossible to argue with religious people because they claim that their religion is the truth and there’s no need to prove it, just because it’s the truth or it’s beyond our imagination and we can’t prove it but simply have faith, etc
      I’m sorry but really?

    • @1must.Imagine.Sisyphus
      @1must.Imagine.Sisyphus 2 месяца назад +5

      Yes religions, but not native ways of life developed over millennia like dharma, Confucianism, daoism shinto etc...

    • @okiybjjkk
      @okiybjjkk 2 месяца назад +4

      @@1must.Imagine.Sisyphus those native ways of life are more useful than religions, religions should be made to help people and guide them, because they are clearly not true

    • @vietcongat5884
      @vietcongat5884 2 месяца назад +3

      God created the world
      Source: i made that shit up

    • @harrynac6017
      @harrynac6017 2 месяца назад

      Lots of Hindus consider Jesus to be a great Guru and applaud following him, though they not follow him themselves.

  • @ilovethe80sNW
    @ilovethe80sNW 2 года назад +47

    One glaring inconsistency that no "ChristIan" I've consulted has ever resolved is the "God gave us free will" vs. "God has a plan for you; it's God's will." It's can't be both.
    Great presentation!

    • @epigone1796
      @epigone1796 2 года назад +5

      It's almost like they see life as a visual novel...

    • @gdaymates431
      @gdaymates431 2 года назад

      @Pastor Craig It's a no from me.

    • @gdaymates431
      @gdaymates431 2 года назад

      @Pastor Craig No such thing as luck mate. Just like there's zero evidence that god exists. Bye Felicia.

    • @lancequeen3527
      @lancequeen3527 Год назад +12

      God has a plan for you but gives you the option to choose if you want to follow it

    • @razorbeard6970
      @razorbeard6970 Год назад +1

      @@lancequeen3527 Not really. In the system it doesn't allow you to deny it independantly. If you accept it it's due to God's taking over your decisions and how is you deciding NOT to do anything other than God's decision as well?

  • @lawfulremedies1838
    @lawfulremedies1838 2 года назад +61

    Just found this guy and can relate. Here he almost hits on something that I discovered by accident. I picked up this gigantic dictionary that was published by Random House and weighed 30 lbs. On the cover it said that it had over 2 million English words. Inside it said that there were around a quarter million in common usage. I thought then about how many words might have been in a dictionary of ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek. I looked it up and a generous estimate for the first two is about 20,000. Greek is a bit more. This creates more problems for literal translation than anyone can describe in many lifetimes, let alone work through and specify. There are plenty of documented cases of scholars and even scientists who disregarded even their own uncertainty, filled in the gaps that nobody would notice in their lifetime, and collected their paycheck. Oddly enough this validates the Bible's statement that the love of money is the root of all evil, and the snake eating itself attempts to swallow its own head.

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless :)

    • @edwardpaulsen1074
      @edwardpaulsen1074 2 года назад +1

      @@eliwalker6245 that is literally the best you can do? Regurgitate the very book being called into question as if quoting it in ever more shrill fashion will magically make it stick? Thou art but a fool, laughingly blinded by the charlatan into believing those sleight of hand and fanciful stories are truth. Beware the DHMO that is the devil's work and seeks to poison you.

    • @thelord3561
      @thelord3561 2 года назад

      1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Is The Ressurrection Creed That Paul Had Received Only 3-5 Years After Jesus Crucifiction And Had It Written 20 Years Later In A.D 54-55 And Jesus Went On The Cross At A.D 30 Also The Tel Dan Inscription States The House Of David On It And The Moabite Stone Records Mesha Just Like The Bible Worshipping Yahweh The Pool Of Siloam When Jesus Heals The Guy Is Also A Real Place And The Book Of Acts Gets The Environment Of The First Century Correct Which Myths Do Not Do It States Drusilla And Felix Got Married While Josephus The Jewish Historian Records The Same Thing And Believing In The Jesus Of The Bible And Christianity We Are Saved By Grace Not Of Ourselves It Is The Free Gift Of God By Repenting And Putting On The Lord Jesus Christ While Jehovah Witness And Mormonism Do Not Think They Are Saved And Are Earning Salvation To Get It However The Biblical Jesus Is The Only Way And Its Not About Achieving It Rather It Is More Like Receiving Christ To Be Saved In Him And Your Works Are The Fruit Of Your Salvation Amen And 2 Timothy 4:11 States Bring The Cloak I Left At Carpus Indicating It Was Authentic And Jesus Is More Worth It For Everlasting Life And Gary Habermas Has The Greatest Case For The Ressurection And Dr. James Tour On RUclips Also Shows The Reasons It Wasnt An Accident God Bless Jesus Is Lord
      Five Scientific Reasons To Believe In Godвидео.html
      The Case For Designвидео.html
      Jesus And His Ressurection Videoвидео.html
      Gary Habermas On Jesusвидео.html
      The Reliability Of The New Testamentt

    • @thelord3561
      @thelord3561 2 года назад

      #JESUS FIRST For By Jesus All Things Are Created I'm Here For The News Of The Kingdom Of God And While Religion Has You Doing Good Deeds To Earn Salvation The Biblical Jesus Died And Rose Again For The Forgiveness Of Sin And By Grace You Are Saved So You Walk In Him For He Loved Us So We Love The Lord

    • @thelord3561
      @thelord3561 2 года назад

      #JESUS FIRST These Resources Are To Be Viewed Through A Gentle Context Amen Jesus Is Love And The Only Way To Be Saved Is Through The Jesus Of The Bible The Creator And It's The Forgiveness Of Sin And Free Gift Of God But May We Honor The Lord Jesus And No Longer Live For Ourselves But To The Lord

  • @EricBohm
    @EricBohm 2 года назад +161

    The bible is so clear that it spawned a whole industry of apologetics to explain how it isn't as completely crap as it appears to any reasonable analysis.

    • @ryancox5097
      @ryancox5097 2 года назад +10

      This ^^^

    • @jorgeflores9421
      @jorgeflores9421 2 года назад +4

      Bruh, tell this to good news mission church....theyre gonna be like, we are not perfect, but god is.....or a debate point to that extent or similar

    • @markomib
      @markomib 2 года назад +3

      I find myself often doing this eyeroll with believers - "godz jus bad at the englush, but thank him - he done gots me to tell ya what he REALLY meant" Ya, that seems totally legit. I also enjoy having grown up in the fundy church from birth, watching others I've known my whole life who were brainwashed with the same koolade by the same teachers - debate to the death what god's view on (abortion, homosexuality, divorce, you name it) both declaring the other is deceived and they need to humble themselves to the holy spirit.

    • @eugeneoisten9409
      @eugeneoisten9409 2 года назад +13

      @@jjphank .....ahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa........oh wait you're serious 😳

    • @verenaeissinger2013
      @verenaeissinger2013 2 года назад +15

      @@jjphank Tell that to all the Jews, Pagans, Muslims, atheists, Native Americans, people accused of witchcraft in the Salem Trials, et cetera who disagreed with Christianity and were tortured and killed for it. Where were their freedoms?

  • @titusandrew946
    @titusandrew946 6 месяцев назад +7

    I grew up Christian, and I choose to continue to choose to believe in God.
    With an understanding that I have no provable evidence. And that the Bible has clear errors.

    • @DGS_1992
      @DGS_1992 5 месяцев назад +2

      The Bible does not have errors.

    • @miyagi420
      @miyagi420 Месяц назад +5

      ​@@DGS_1992It has minor contradictions, including those between gospels, but none of them compromise the messages of the bible. Most of them are negligible errors.

    • @Amy_537
      @Amy_537 Месяц назад

      @@miyagi420 Basically, everybody's finding an excuse to commit sin. Or justifying sin.

    • @miyagi420
      @miyagi420 11 дней назад

      @@Amy_537 Lots of people do. But those who righteously follow Jesus' commands acknowledge their sinful nature and know that only he can free them from their sin.

    • @miyagi420
      @miyagi420 11 дней назад

      @@Amy_537 Also why are you commenting the same thing on multiple videos? Are you a bot?

  • @loveandjoy810
    @loveandjoy810 2 года назад +9

    I was a Jehovahs Witness for a long time. When my son got older he said, mom I'm an atheist. I think he thought that I would be mad, I wasn't I started reading the books he was reading to better understand where he was coming from because I love my son NO MATTER WHAT. Now I'm an atheist. The bible didn't hold up to even the most basic scrutiny and I was told "that was a different time" when I objected to the thumbs up from God on slavery. Peace out JW's. I wrote my letter of disassociation and never looked back.

  • @mel3256
    @mel3256 2 года назад +119

    So glad to see this video I asked this question and posed this issue to my Christian friends and family many times to get ridiculous answers. You should make a series of those. Without going into it my falling away occurred because of the suffering issue. I could rationalize pre-destiny and other answers to the issue of instruction/ issue, but the question of suffering from a god of pure love is the biggest failure.

    • @gregorywullaert8618
      @gregorywullaert8618 2 года назад +5

      The answer to suffering is the Crucifixion. If Jesus is God then whatever reason He has for suffering, He did not excuse Himself from it. Rather, He stepped fully into it and gains deeper emotional intimacy with us through it. Yes, there are philosophical, logical reasons to allow a little suffering for a larger good but the key message of Christianity is that when we face evil, we are not alone. He has walked that path.

    • @texvelvet8247
      @texvelvet8247 2 года назад +4

      “God of pure love.” That’s your problem, Mel. You’ve made an idol of God in your mind. You have taken one attribute of God, love, and formed an entire life view based on a flawed understanding of God’s true nature. A thorough reading of the Bible, especially the Book of Revelation, should dispel that notion. God is love. But, He is also holy, just, and righteous and he must punish sin. The Bible says his wrath is being stored up against us for judgment day. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The Bible actually speaks much more about God’s holiness and his wrath than it does his love. Once you understand how serious your sins are against God and how they have stored up His wrath against you, you can then understand His love. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. We tend to make idols because we can’t reconcile suffering with God’s nature of love. But, when we understand God’s whole nature, we see that it is man’s sin that causes suffering…all the way back to Adam. The Bible says that all creation is cursed because of sin. We will all one day stand before a holy, righteous and just God to answer for our sins. Repentance and faith in Christ is the only way God has provided so that we can escape the penalty for our sins, which is death and the lake of fire. In this life, we must repent, throw ourselves at God’s mercy and transfer our faith to Jesus who died and rose again to give us eternal life. When are you going to do that? 54 million people die every year, 150,000 per day. Do you know when you are going to die? You could die of an aneurysm in your sleep tonight. The Bible says it is appointed a man once to die, and after this, the judgment. Today is the day of salvation. Don’t delay!

    • @thesoundsmith
      @thesoundsmith 2 года назад +1

      Aw, c'mon, that's an easy one. "We are put here to be tested, to see if we are deserving of the Big Payoff..."
      But - Is it Cake? or just a 👻...

    • @gregorywullaert8618
      @gregorywullaert8618 2 года назад

      @@thesoundsmith That is a strange misconception that I don't understand how well meaning Christians can seriously put forth. How on Earth could you be worthy of an infinite good? No amount of that type of "testing" would give a single passing grade (unless you are in a denomination that views Mary as sinless).
      The "testing" that "suffering for heaven" references is like testing by fire: something done to rid a person of their impurities while maintaining their free will. And that's something that we often see in real life: people overcoming a terrible tragedy and being wiser and stronger for it.

    • @texvelvet8247
      @texvelvet8247 2 года назад

      @@thesoundsmith The big payoff is eternal life. Aren’t you afraid of death? Don’t you want to live? God said that every man is held in bondage all his life by the fear of death. We all die. It is appointed a man once to die, and then the judgment. God said all liars, thieves, fornicators, adulterers, blasphemers, sodomites, covetous and idolaters will have their place in the lake of fire. God will judge you right down to your thoughts and intentions and his standard is moral perfection. God says every man intuitively knows these things because he put a conscience in all of us. You know there is a God. You know you are guilty of sin against him and will end up in hell. But God became a man 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ. He lived a perfectly moral life and died voluntarily for our sins. Jesus died for your sins and all you have to do is repent and trust in him and he will erase your sin and grant you eternal life. Do you know when you are going to die? After that, it’ll be too late. So, you have a choice to make. Die in your sins and suffer eternal torment in the lake of fire or repent and trust in Jesus and live forever in heaven. When are you going to repent and trust in Jesus?

  • @epascal340
    @epascal340 2 года назад +61

    This reminds me of the Nietzsche quote: “It is a curious thing that God learned Greek when he wished to turn author--and that he did not learn it better.”

    • @wilsontexas
      @wilsontexas Год назад +1

      God inspired people who wrote the bible but it wasnt channeled or automatic writing. That is a fallacy.

    • @Kcitarp
      @Kcitarp Год назад +8

      ⁠​⁠@@wilsontexasGod’s words vs People’s inspired words of God hits different. Am I following God or the people who follow God.. God is perfect I can follow him, but people??? They’re prone to imperfections and error, so how can I even be sure they got his message correctly. A million different things could’ve gone wrong.

    • @wilsontexas
      @wilsontexas Год назад

      @@Kcitarp yes, and translations might not convey the information precisely. Christians do actually use the word faith more than the word fact. However. Logic and evidence dont always get you to truth. Sometimes there is a less palpable intuition or Holy Spirit that helps guide you. Many christians "knew" that the shots were better left unused despite the "expert scientists" and studies presented to us. I believe in the God of the bible(note the words i use) but i would never say it is a fact that i can prove with evidence. But my scientific standards are high, so I also do not believe that the big bang and evolution are fact. That is why I say atheists think likevreligious people. They really believe thing fervently that cannot be scientifically proven. So logic and evidence leads me to believe there was an intelligent designer but trying to use logic and evidence and scientific method to arrive at christianity is a bit much to expect in my opinion. So i try and separate science(what we know) from what i believe(faith). Much of my argumentation deals with trying to make people see that their scientific facts are really beliefs. We may know that stars have a red shift all around us but its a leap of faith to believe a dot of nothing exploded and created the universe.

    • @mattmorehouse9685
      @mattmorehouse9685 Год назад +7

      @@wilsontexas How convenient that the perfect creator of the universe couldn't make a perfect moral guidebook. Oh no, he had to work via fallible human beings so there are a ton of errors and false parts in his big book of morals. Otherwise how would the apologists and preachers make their money, selling the real way to interpret the Bible? He's all powerful, all knowing, but he just can't keep his writing clear and unambiguous, on even the most important stuff.

    • @wilsontexas
      @wilsontexas Год назад

      @@mattmorehouse9685 It was inspired but not channeled. So I guess you have read the bible? It's one thing to read it and reject it and another thing to take other people's word about whether or not you find it worthy of believing.

  • @howertervideography
    @howertervideography Месяц назад +9

    As a Christian washing this, how do non-christians explain the highly detailed and ornate world? How do you argue the need to worship that's inherent to each individual? Not looking to argue, just wanting to better understand agnostics :)

    • @hayax
      @hayax Месяц назад +1

      The world being highly detailed and ornate is a human psychological phenomenon. There is no such thing as “highly detailed”, that is a human experience. We evolved to find patterns in our environment.

    • @vorpalbunny4091
      @vorpalbunny4091 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@hayaxI don't think that's how they meant it.

    • @warriorlord9407
      @warriorlord9407 Месяц назад +3

      My answer to your 2nd question is that people feel the need to worship and pray to something to give meaning and purpose to the pain they go through in life.

    • @joemama3055
      @joemama3055 10 дней назад

      I think religion was created to give people hope and to make people obey rules because theyd be less likely to do something bad if they knew theres an eternal punishment after. I admit that it was created probably with good intentions cause it has set some order in humanity but i think that now its somewhat useless and i dont believe in it fully. Im agnostic btw

    • @lestercarvin4422
      @lestercarvin4422 5 дней назад

      They still believe in the Theory of Evolution.
      That says it all

  • @roccaflocca4312
    @roccaflocca4312 Год назад +286

    I've been an Atheist for over 30 years, and I'm finally reading the Bible cover to cover, and every passage and every book just makes me that much more Atheist. Word for word, it only makes ANY sense if you already believe in it.

    • @questor5189
      @questor5189 Год назад +5

      May I suggest reading Hebrews 11:6 ?

    • @roccaflocca4312
      @roccaflocca4312 Год назад +48

      @@questor5189 read. It's circular logic.

    • @Degenerationnn
      @Degenerationnn Год назад +23

      You have to ask for the Holy Spirit to understand scriptures anyone can read it from their own understanding and get any interpretation

    • @brandonr8269
      @brandonr8269 Год назад +1

      @@Degenerationnn Is that what they told you? I don' need an interpreter, thanks. It's the English language, written by men. It's not difficult reading at all.
      Imagine a message so crucial to eternal salvation that your god asks that fallible men write it in a way that's apparently difficult reading for a large number of people. Gee, thanks god. And I need an invisible interpreter, too? If that's the case, what do we have priests and pastors for? Why isn't the first line in the bible something like: "Hi, I'm God. What follows is the book you shall use to live as humas on earth in the way I expect you to or I'll burn you forever. It's a dense read and you're only human. I intentionally didn't build in a high enough reading comprehension into your minds that I designed after myself. Don't worry, you are really special I swear, but you're going to have to ask "ghost god" - yep the same one that told Joseph that Mary would never fuck one of her much older step brothers in that lonely house while Joseph is away at his carpentry contract job, nope it was "ghost me" who only one person has ever seen and a couple others dreamt about but it's totally real, trust me, so yeah. Ask ghost me who is really just me to interpret the book about me and my son who is also me, because if you get the message wrong, like I said, you're going to have to burn forever. Yeah I know, I know, but there's nothing I can do about it, there is no concept of the punishment fitting the crime.
      One last thing: you can do whatever you want -- the ONLY commandment that matters is that you bow to me, worship me and believe I'm the only true, one god. Then it's all good, you can come to magical invisible place that's perfect beyond your wildest dreams, forever."
      Where was that disclaimer? I am continually amazed by people who buy into the most obvious BS of all time.
      Gee, god is light, jesus is light and has the light of the path that is the way and all that light. Ok so here's the thing: light is pretty impressive, it certainly amazed the ancients who didn't really understand it. But today, we totally understand it as a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. We can see, measure and have tools to work in "light" conditions at all wavelengths. We have looked and looked to the lowest frequency radio waves to the highest frequency ionizing gamma rays and beyond.
      So, where's your god? Where's heaven? Where are the angels? They don't exist. None of it is real. Sorry to break it to you, the church lies about everything, all the time.

    • @HarrysIrishPrincess
      @HarrysIrishPrincess Год назад +31

      I just recently started to lean towards atheism, and to me, none of the stuff that happens in those stories makes any logical/scientific sense, which is why I'm now atheist

  • @amplelola23
    @amplelola23 2 года назад +25

    My mum brought the Rev father from our church home today to tell on me that I’m atheist, although my dad derailed that discourse with politics talk, I still managed to discuss my POV to the priest and I can’t wait for the next time we discuss and I’ll definitely bring up this video. Thanks a lot for ur insights.

    • @johnramirez3247
      @johnramirez3247 2 года назад +4

      Oh my ghad I can't handle that myself if my family does that to me. I'd probably escape away 🤣

    • @amplelola23
      @amplelola23 2 года назад +4

      @@johnramirez3247 I used to be scared too but I’ve been an atheist for over 7yrs now so I’m much better with my arguments.
      Sadly enough, our church got attacked and over 40pple were gunned down on a Sunday 2 months ago, my parents nd brother survived but are still somehow believers.

    • @johnramirez3247
      @johnramirez3247 2 года назад +1

      @@amplelola23 That's just sad! Keep safe always you and your family.

    • @Andres.Duran.J
      @Andres.Duran.J 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@ampleoloruntogbe1434 what do you mean by "somehow are still believers"

  • @MidnightSonnet
    @MidnightSonnet 2 года назад +52

    I love how eloquently you put forth these ideas. It never comes off as defensive or bitter. It simply sounds like you're bringing up a legitimate concern that you'd like clarification on. It's quite refreshing.
    I'm an atheist, so I love your content, but this one stands out. In such a short time, you put together such a great argument against one of the bible's greatest hypocrisies.
    One of the most common responses I hear from religious people to any critique on their deity is "we can't possibly comprehend god's amazing plan". In my head, I always think, 'Well... isn't that what the bible is for...?' It's kinda like reading an employee handbook. It's supposed to lay out your duties, rights, expectations, salary/wage, advancement opportunities, causes of possible termination, etc. If these things aren't clear, issues arise, like feeling the need to fill in the gaps because your boss refuses to clarify. And if your gap filling doesn't align with unclarified company policies, you get in trouble, even though you tried to get clarification.
    If any deity wants every single one of its creations to know its finite laws and expectations, you'd think it'd be way more specific and precise when communicating them, leaving no room for interpretation.

    • @mattmorehouse9685
      @mattmorehouse9685 Год назад +3

      Indeed. Christians talk about how Yahweh is perfect, yet the Bible is riddled with contradictions and errors. From scientifically bogus creation stories, to leaving the question of how you are saved up in the air, to Yahweh's supposedly murderous actions, like the flood. We're just supposed to take the Bible as the word of a perfect being, and cherry pick the hell out of the book, ignoring all the stuff we don't like and saying the stuff we do like is from Yahweh.

    • @Andres.Duran.J
      @Andres.Duran.J 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@mattmorehouse9685Can you say some contradictions in the Bible?

    • @mattmorehouse9685
      @mattmorehouse9685 9 месяцев назад

      @@Andres.Duran.J In genesis the first part says Yahweh created animals before humanity, and then one man and woman were created together. But then it forgets the woman and animals and has the man placed in Eden where he asks for a companion Yahweh creates the animals again and parades them in front of the man. Then he causes the man, Adam, to fall asleep, takes one of his ribs and uses it to create a second first woman. Where is the 1st first woman? The Bible doesn't say. Not to mention, when Cain kills Abel he says that there will be people who might harm him, despite the only three people being his mother father and the 1st first woman lilith, but cain doesn't know about her. Unless Adam and Eve have suddenly taken a 180 in personality they aren't going to kill their own son, especially if Yahweh tells them not to. The only reason I know the first 1st women's name is lilith is outside sources, which for some reason, in the ~1900 year history of the Bible are never included. If an all knowing all powerful all good being wants to communicate then he can create a book that explains where the characters go and doesn't have these people who show up and then are forgotten about. Just because the Bible was inspired doesn't mean Yahweh can't make it perfect, otherwise his power or knowledge is limited. Yahweh isn't merely described as very powerful or very knowledgeable, but all powerful and all knowledgeable. That means he can (at the least) do anything a human can do and much much more. Yet plenty of mere human writers and editors have made works that don't trip up their continuity in the first page. Plenty of human writers and editors have been able to keep track of five people (Adam, Eve, lilith, Cain and Abel) Yet god, who claims to be all powerful all knowing can't inspire one writer or editor in the ~1900 year history of the Bible to just pick a creation story and stick with it? Or have some monk reword Cain's story so he isn't terrified his parents will kill him? Yahweh can't do basic editing, but this is supposed to be the guy that made the universe and can resurrect people in 1st century Judea? Or is it that flawed fallible humans made the bible, and, due to indoctrination and beliving the Bible is holy have never gotten around to editing the weird disconnects that come from a game of telephone over several thousand years? Which is more likely?

  • @williammerriman4138
    @williammerriman4138 10 месяцев назад +48

    What a wonderful and unique challenge to the faith. I love the images, imaginative examples, and thoughtfulness. Philosophy is such a joy.
    As a Christian, this is my best, far too hasty, and hopefully charitable response.
    God did send us His perfect Word in Jesus who spoke in fairy tales and parables to confound the “elites” but reveal God’s kingdom to children, outsiders, and the oppressed (read Tom Holland’s book Dominion to see how the Christian message radically transformed the moral landscape of the world), and what did we do with this perfect revelation of God in Jesus, we rejected him, shamed him, and killed him. But in God’s perfect plan, Jesus’ death undoes the curse of sin and death and re-connects us with God.
    There was a time when God did communicate perfectly and directly to His creatures, but we chose to rebel. We chose to go against the bill board and do things our way (one can imagine a sci-fi novels with those bill boards from God and the promothean “Winston” protagonist choosing to rebel). That’s why there is brokenness and death and severed communication. And if you don’t believe that, look at your life. None of us have ever been totally honest. We’ve all gone against our consciences and paid for it with our health or mental health. All of us are hurting (and to those who are hurting because of the church, I am sorry. My heart breaks for you). But as I said, God’s Word came in the best possible form, that could be seen and touched and grasped so that we could grasp the ineffable, ungraspable God. And Jesus was grasped, beaten, and crucified by RELIGIOUS people and the state. Jesus suffered as an offering of love to redeem you. God became man, as the church fathers said, so that man could become God (not so that we can be gods but so that we can have perfect union and fellowship with God and participation in His divine life)
    And He came in the “fulness of time” when there was the Pax Romana (Roman peace) throughout the known world, a common language (Greek), and a new international Roman road system so that Jesus’ perfect Word and presence embodied in His people as His body could carry that proclamation to the ends of the earth. And that message did change the world and is still changing it. Despite the obvious examples of the crusades or corrupt priests, the evidence of positive moral and ethical change because of the Christian faith is astounding (it was Christians who ended slavery btw). See Michael Jones’ page Inspiring Philosohy for historical and more recent examples.
    What is amazing about all the different world religions and world philosophies and world moralities isn’t how different they are, but actually how similar they are! See CS Lewis’ abolition of man for evidence, specially his appendices. Not every religion is true, but most religions contains hints and glimmers of the truth that is perfectly embodied in Jesus, the Logos, the crucified savior, the son of God.
    Lastly, textual criticism is the discipline of studying the manuscripts for the biblical text. Christians need to know this stuff. I think you straw-manned the development of the cannon of scripture. That would be my strongest critique. The case for Jesus by Brant Pitre would be a good opposing voice, but his book deals specifically with the New Testament manuscripts.

    • @whitemountainapache3297
      @whitemountainapache3297 9 месяцев назад

      Pure nonsense. If you believe scripture, people didn't really torture Jesus to death, his daddy did. The people were just puppets. Equally, look at the natural world, or the animal kingdom. It is as cruel, and as pitilessly barbaric as anything could ever be ... and yet God created that system. We humans, we are the aberation, as we have completely knocked the natural world/eco system off its stand. This is why there are 8.1 billion of us, polluting and destroying everything. We're either an unsanctioned experiment, or God is like Doctor Moreau, and we're his mutants.

    • @nicholasjohnson1075
      @nicholasjohnson1075 9 месяцев назад +4

      Very well-articulated response. Thank you for the references!

    • @IconicSwaggingDino
      @IconicSwaggingDino 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @taiwannia8341
      @taiwannia8341 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @dukebothers
      @dukebothers 9 месяцев назад +1

      Fantastic response

  • @gamervet4760
    @gamervet4760 Год назад +102

    As a kid I just knew there was never anything right with any church I went to. I found them to be the most judgemental and egotistical people I've ever met in my life. I decided a long time ago to just live and see before I make any assumptions without any knowledge. I'm still learning. 😊

    • @amosgodwin3921
      @amosgodwin3921 Год назад +5

      Sounds like the wrong church if the only thing you learn is that they're judgmental in less you did Lear other stuff

    • @gamervet4760
      @gamervet4760 Год назад +1

      @amosgodwin3921 I examine people. I also don't pretend to like people either. They didn't take too kindly to that and decided to belittle me. So, what I've learned is that people go to church to feel better about their terrible life decisions. Also, they don't take the word of God nor the grace of God very seriously. That's what I've learned.

    • @Practicalinvestments
      @Practicalinvestments Год назад +2

      Try a reform synagogue, real Jews are very accepting of everyone, it’s part of the religion that not everyone has to be jewish, as long as they are a good person jews believe God will bless them all the same

    • @get2it7
      @get2it7 11 месяцев назад +1

      The Bible tells you about these people though …it says there will be fake Christians and false prophets.

    • @garybaltiejus7248
      @garybaltiejus7248 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@amosgodwin3921get out now, my mum forced religion on me until I broke free at 15 it was the best decision I EVER made 30 years later I'm still glad I had the nerve to defy my mum, so that's the best advice I can offer you, if it doesn't seem right just walk away there's NOTHING WRONG with individual thinking

  • @mytwocents848
    @mytwocents848 Год назад +90

    My grandmother used to make me go to church with her at least once a month. I remember being horrified when the congregation sang, "Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war" and it seemed so very wrong, even as a child. She always tried to get me to read her bible and I did try, but to me it was a bunch of incoherent word salad. I never believed any of this christian stuff even from a very young age. It just felt "wrong" to me.

    • @spider-man9118
      @spider-man9118 Год назад +9

      hell was never meant for us, my fellow youtube user. it was for the devil and his squad, and God gave us the Way out of there since we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
      God knew we were wack, but He decided He was still come down and help us, despite our unfaithfulness. most relationships (like friendships, romantic relationships) aren't like this. Very few, but not a whole lot.
      also, we have various types of evidence that backs up the Bible.
      Here's one example: Scientists have discovered that the earth "skipped" a day.
      The Bible explains how that happened. In the book of Joshua, Joshua asked the sun to stop so he and the Israelites could defeat their enemies. Then in 2 Kings, King Hezekiah learned he was dying, and pleaded to God to not let him die. God sent a prophet to king hezekiah who said hezekiah would live. Hezekiah wanted a sign, and that would be for the sun to defy the law of inertia and go back 10 degrees.
      hit me up to learn more about how science proves the Bible. thanks for reading

    • @conspiracypanda1200
      @conspiracypanda1200 Год назад +4

      My exposure to Christianity came in 2 forms:
      I was forced to go to church once with my Grandma, then she tried to secretly baptise me in the bathtub while my Mum wasn't looking, almost drowning me. She'd also use her faith as a way to try and terrify and guilt me into doing things she wanted, such as never playing video games because they're "full of demons that are trying to befriend you and steal your soul for Satan". This is the weaponised form of Religion, which is dangerous and scary and used for social and cultural manipulation.
      I also had a religious friend who I gifted a tiny, wearable bible (which I actually read with a microscope because I thought it would help me be a better friend to him). He gifted me very sweet things in turn and we remained friends until we separated to go to high school. I met him again after college and he was still the kind, generous person I knew who used his faith as a motivator for himself and never forced it on others. This is the form of Religion that I like, though I don't feel the need to subscribe to it myself. It's a neat tool that tells the person they have meaning, that even if no one out there cares for them nor acnowledges their struggles and accomplishments, God will. And that's pretty neat.
      If only Religion itself wasn't an easily abused belief structure prone to change via interpretation, providing too many opportunities for control and abuse by egotistical people who like to wave around little books that "prove" they're better and more "moral" than everyone else.

    • @daydays12
      @daydays12 Год назад +8

      @@spider-man9118 oh dear oh dear wouldn't it have been better if 'God' had explained germ theory to humanity a few thousand years ago ? Why didn't s/he?

    • @KMMKda
      @KMMKda Год назад +1

      @@conspiracypanda1200it seems that the demons of the videogame managed to take your soul.

    • @benedictdonald4338
      @benedictdonald4338 Год назад

      Well, Christianity is a death cult, after all. So their desire for war and bloodlust should be expected. No one hates life and loves death more than a Christian. Well, except for perhaps a Muslim. Or a Jew. Oh, Heck, all Abrahamic religion is a form of poisonous death.

  • @heiyuall
    @heiyuall 2 года назад +41

    Thank you for making this. The “All Deism is My Theism” idiocy is one the most annoying apologetics.

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless :)

    • @TechySeven
      @TechySeven 2 года назад +5

      @@eliwalker6245 //"your own good works will not get you into heaven"//
      Congratulations on Admitting that your "God" is, in fact, *An Immoral Character* ...
      As, according to you & your "God", *No Good-Deed Goes Unpunished* .
      Regardless though, even aside from Your "God"s immoral Extortion (like some Mob Boss)...
      I for one wouldn't even WANT to "get into Heaven", even as a Matter of Principle...
      I would have to be *INSANE* to want to Literally Live Forever (Especially considering how we're All Finite Things with Finite Minds)

    • @thealmightyjesus7018
      @thealmightyjesus7018 2 года назад

      1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Is The Ressurrection Creed That Paul Had Received Only 3-5 Years After Jesus Crucifiction And Had It Written 20 Years Later In A.D 54-55 And Jesus Went On The Cross At A.D 30 Also The Tel Dan Inscription States The House Of David On It And The Moabite Stone Records Mesha Just Like The Bible Worshipping Yahweh The Pool Of Siloam When Jesus Heals The Guy Is Also A Real Place And The Book Of Acts Gets The Environment Of The First Century Correct Which Myths Do Not Do It States Drusilla And Felix Got Married While Josephus The Jewish Historian Records The Same Thing And Believing In The Jesus Of The Bible And Christianity We Are Saved By Grace Not Of Ourselves It Is The Free Gift Of God By Repenting And Putting On The Lord Jesus Christ While Jehovah Witness And Mormonism Do Not Think They Are Saved And Are Earning Salvation To Get It However The Biblical Jesus Is The Only Way And Its Not About Achieving It Rather It Is More Like Receiving Christ To Be Saved In Him And Your Works Are The Fruit Of Your Salvation Amen And 2 Timothy 4:11 States Bring The Cloak I Left At Carpus Indicating It Was Authentic And Jesus Is More Worth It For Everlasting Life And Gary Habermas Has The Greatest Case For The Ressurection And Dr. James Tour On RUclips Also Shows The Reasons It Wasnt An Accident God Bless Jesus Is Lord
      Five Scientific Reasons To Believe In Godвидео.html
      The Case For Designвидео.html
      Jesus And His Ressurection Videoвидео.html
      Gary Habermas On Jesusвидео.html
      The Reliability Of The New Testamentt

    • @thealmightyjesus7018
      @thealmightyjesus7018 2 года назад

      #JESUS FIRST For By Jesus All Things Are Created I'm Here For The News Of The Kingdom Of God And While Religion Has You Doing Good Deeds To Earn Salvation The Biblical Jesus Died And Rose Again For The Forgiveness Of Sin And By Grace You Are Saved So You Walk In Him For He Loved Us So We Love The Lord

    • @thealmightyjesus7018
      @thealmightyjesus7018 2 года назад

      #JESUS FIRST These Resources Are To Be Viewed Through A Gentle Context Amen Jesus Is Love And The Only Way To Be Saved Is Through The Jesus Of The Bible The Creator And It's The Forgiveness Of Sin And Free Gift Of God But May We Honor The Lord Jesus And No Longer Live For Ourselves But To The Lord

  • @Shyguy71588
    @Shyguy71588 9 месяцев назад +6

    The more you question him the further he is. The more humble you are and loving towards him, the closer he is. His ways are different to ours. It's like a peasant demanding a king to oblige to his will. You control your own heart. Even if you were locked in a cage completely blind, you still choose where your heart goes. A relationship with God is sacred and beyond anything we value on this planet.

    • @randallreed9048
      @randallreed9048 9 месяцев назад +1

      Love is love. Are you saying that an "all-loving" god's idea of love is so far removed from us as to include all of the pain and suffering that exists in this world, even though we are supposedly create "in God's image?"

  • @Naija_Ninja
    @Naija_Ninja 2 года назад +20

    Without even throwing Omni benevolence into the mix, it's kinda paradoxical to have Omnipotence and omniscience in the same universe not to talk of the same being

    • @gm2407
      @gm2407 Год назад +3

      Omni benevolence doesn't sound like the OT god who is constantly raging about how everyone is so aweful and going to be punished, then stating about how he will never punish his people again. So yeah, not a good idea to have that in the mix.

    • @coffeebean_tamer
      @coffeebean_tamer Год назад +1

      I like Graham Hancocks theory that there was pre flood advanced race who probably intermixed with modern human which pre modern human worshipped as deities.

  • @McCoymiked
    @McCoymiked 2 года назад +49

    I’ve been trying to put this ‘problem’ into words for a while. Thanks for putting my vague notion into a coherent package.

    • @mrtmrf5007
      @mrtmrf5007 2 года назад

      his words are very vague and not in context so , I would not rely on this can do those arguments with anything and not believe anything too

    • @blondboozebaron
      @blondboozebaron 2 года назад

      Let's put this problem to a literal word then.
      Sacrifice the argued definition to measure together.
      Do we see the Word GOD has a Whole middle way to measure together?

  • @frankhooper7871
    @frankhooper7871 2 года назад +8

    I've always felt that if any one religion were "true" then no other religion would exist. "God" would have revealed themself equally and unequivalently to all.

  • @Anna-_-3032
    @Anna-_-3032 Месяц назад +3

    1. Divine communication may be complex and tailored to different contexts and understandings, not necessarily failing because of perceived flaws. Variations and interpretations are human issues, not necessarily failures of divine intent.
    2. Despite "errors", the Bible’s textual tradition is strong compared to other ancient texts, with rigorous scholarly methods used to preserve its core messages. Biblical scholarship helps address manuscript issues and maintains the integrity of the core teachings.
    3. Old Testament laws reflect their time and are reinterpreted through the New Testament’s evolving ethical framework. Christianity’s moral teachings have developed over time, reflecting a progressive understanding of ethics.
    4. Christianity spread through a mix of voluntary adoption and social influence, including positive intellectual and spiritual appeal. The religion's spread also involved significant cultural and philosophical contributions.
    5. Denominations reflect the richness of Christian thought rather than failure, allowing diverse interpretations of a deep text. Multiple interpretations can enrich understanding rather than indicate a flaw.

  • @57Strudel
    @57Strudel 2 года назад +36

    I really appreciated the "game of telephone" analogy. That's the one I've always used as my go-to; and I was completely delighted to hear it here.

    • @ninjason57
      @ninjason57 Год назад +1

      except when the dead sea scrolls were discovered it was proof that the manuscripts were found to be faithful throughout the centuries

    • @makefor3048
      @makefor3048 Год назад +2

      @@ninjason57 no it stated otherwise there is literally a very long comment on one of his videos about the dead sea scrolls and how they didn't make much sense and contradicted themselves go find the comment i promise its not that hard

    • @Glory_be_to_Christ
      @Glory_be_to_Christ Год назад

      For anyone wondering what version of the Bible I read it’s the KING James Version!

    • @Mavuika_Gyaru
      @Mavuika_Gyaru Год назад

      ​@@ninjason57NOPE. The dead sea scrolls don't mention Jesus nor any gospels. You're full of crap

    • @DGS_1992
      @DGS_1992 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@makefor3048wrong, the dead sea scrolls are consistent.. where is your proof they weren't?

  • @pwhit685
    @pwhit685 2 года назад +37

    Just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much you’re needed and appreciated. Thank you for what you do!

  • @neuronstellingstories5694
    @neuronstellingstories5694 2 года назад +59

    Finally! These has been my thoughts exactly. After watching so many videos of people employing PhDs and other expertise in the languages and customs of the writers of the bible in order to get the right message, I wondered how, as you also say, this is the way god would convey his message. I’d find it unfair that god would neglect to match his revelations to my ability/inclination to hear him.

    • @get2it7
      @get2it7 11 месяцев назад

      Ask God to draw you closer to Him and be patient about it.

  • @VioletWonders
    @VioletWonders 10 месяцев назад +21

    Just found your channel and really appreciating your content as I binge watch! I was also raised by parents in full time ministry and was wondering if you have a video anywhere talking about how you handle family interactions after your deconversion? (Thanks so much for your work. Much needed.)

  • @rustyhowe3907
    @rustyhowe3907 2 года назад +9

    I started reading the Bible and went "THAT JUST AIN'T RIGHT!!!" when it came to the deeds of the 'Good Lord'.

  • @diamondwhite5208
    @diamondwhite5208 Год назад +43

    I'm glad I stumbled upon this about the bible relatively early while still being in a christian environment as a teen. Its reassuring to hear someone else fully flesh out this line of reasoning.

    • @spider-man9118
      @spider-man9118 Год назад +10

      hell was never meant for us, my fellow youtube user. it was for the devil and his squad, and God gave us the Way out of there since we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
      God knew we were wack, but He decided He was still come down and help us, despite our unfaithfulness. most relationships (like friendships, romantic relationships) aren't like this. Very few, but not a whole lot.
      also, we have various types of evidence that backs up the Bible.
      Here's one example: Scientists have discovered that the earth "skipped" a day.
      The Bible explains how that happened. In the book of Joshua, Joshua asked the sun to stop so he and the Israelites could defeat their enemies. Then in 2 Kings, King Hezekiah learned he was dying, and pleaded to God to not let him die. God sent a prophet to king hezekiah who said hezekiah would live. Hezekiah wanted a sign, and that would be for the sun to defy the law of inertia and go back 10 degrees.
      hit me up to learn more about how science proves the Bible. thanks for reading

    • @samb2166
      @samb2166 9 месяцев назад

      there is a difference between Essential Jesus's teaching vs. the heavily church-edited Bible - which serves the church. if you truly seek Jesus, you gotta do fasting, meditation, self-manifestation, etc. check out the Lost Gospel of Thomas.

    • @DASAPPAN123
      @DASAPPAN123 8 месяцев назад

      """"Prophet Jesus has sent Prophet Muhammad in Allaah's command - (Quraan chapter 33 verses 45 to 46 indirectly and Gospel of John chapter 16 verses 7, 12, 13, 14)."""" YOU LIED IN THIS PART IN JOHN CHAPTER 16 VERSES 7-14 DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT IT SAYS ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT SENDING JESUS

  • @garryferrington811
    @garryferrington811 Год назад +9

    "My brother Esau is a hairy man, but I am a smooth man."
    Now, can you really beat that wisdom?

  • @Jo-hl8dg
    @Jo-hl8dg 18 дней назад +2

    Honestly, people dont really realize how difficult it can be as an athiest in a christian society. Im the only athiest in my family, and i get mocked, and cry myself to sleep most nights because of the awful things my dad and rest of my family have said. On top of that i go to a christian school, which is quite literally hell on earth, and very much cult like. I find it incredinally difficult to have an honest debate or conversation with a hard core christian because often times (my dad) will just say things along the lines of, "It doesnt need to make sense to you. God is all powerful, and our minds are only human," or show me some stupid video of someone on tiktok trying to scare people into their beleif system. Im only 15, but im bewelidered by how much people are willing to give up to a god that theyve only heard stories about. Sometimes these people are so delusional they truly belive that god is speaking to them or showing them signs through things like butterflies.

  • @andreamarie4023
    @andreamarie4023 2 года назад +171

    I’ve been struggling with my own crisis of faith for years. Trying to define why I no longer believe… this video… perfect. 😊

    • @andreamarie4023
      @andreamarie4023 Год назад +17

      @Thomas B Bless your heart…. Sad it is not. It is a well examined seekers journey, one filled with tremendous thought and contemplation. I was Brought up in a faith I was told from birth was true, absolute, The inerrant word of God.
      Much to my surprise as a grown adult I discovered that a virgin birth story was not unique to Christianity. That as I continued my seekers journey I found more and more inconsistencies in this faith, I found less and less faith in it. I could enumerate all of the reasons here as to why I no longer have faith, but I digress, I don’t need to. I found my people, my tribe, the fellow seekers here on RUclips. It is heart warming and comforting to know that I am not alone on the journey.
      So to wrap this up…I will quote myself here from my public journal.
      The beautiful thing here is that this journey never ends for me, I continue approaching the ideas of faith and belief with an open and skeptical mind. The seeking for answers continues. It is a journey I believe I do not take alone.
      I believe in the Christian Values Paul described in Galatians. The nine attributes of a person living by the Spirit and with the spirt (My interpretations at least). To live by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I find peace with that. I find comfort in living a life according to that sprit.
      I don’t need to know there is a god, my belief that there is one is enough for me. I don’t need to defend, define it or explain it. It is unexplainable, unknowable, and unprovable. And for the first time, I feel peace and again I find my comfort. I am at peace with leaving it to the universe.
      So @Thomas B (though I highly doubt you read this far) maybe instead of trolling comments posted almost two months ago, on a page with content you clearly don’t agree with maybe you should consider your own unexamined faith and contemplate your own seekers journey, search the depths of your own mind and soul. Find the people in this world that share those same ideas as you. Find your own peace
      Better yet, maybe try living the Christian Values Paul described in Galatians. That’s an excellent place to start.

    • @izzyaisa3179
      @izzyaisa3179 Год назад +2

      Here are some facts and may God Almighty guide our hearts to the truth and keep us steadfast always. Ameen.
      Muslims believe Jesus pbuh was a mighty messenger of God who submitted his will to Allah (God) and was only sent to the lost tribe of Israel not to the whole of humanity as even stated in parts of the bible.
      Jesus pbuh never once claimed to be God and say "worship me and 2 other deities im part of a trion God" anywhere in the bible (if that was the case wouldn't that be of utmost importance for him to make that openly clear and upfront from the start for people to know?!!). The trinity's something that was added in the 4th century by church fathers who couldn't agree to add it in till then.
      Jesus pbuh was born of a miraculous birth (without a biological father) by the will of Allah (God) and was able to perform miracles by the permission of the Almighty as proof to the lost tribe of Israel that he is indeed a prophet of God sent to them to warn them to give up idolatry and mischief as did other prophets before him such as Moses pbuh who also performed miracles by the will and permission of the Almighty (He split the sea) and to worship One God alone without any partners.
      We Muslims believe that Adam pbuh is humanity's father and the first Muslim and prophet of God on earth, he was born of a more miraculous birth than Jesus pbuh (no father or mother).
      Islam means submission (also means peace) is not a new religion, its the religion of all previous messengers who all submitted and preached the same message which is to worship One God alone with no partners as Jesus pbuh said he did not come to abolish the law.
      Jesus pbuh worshipped God alone, did he not say "the father is greater than i" did he also not say "hear o Israel the lord OUR God is one"?!!.
      Jesus pbuh did not want to be killed or sacrificed for anyone's sins as it is Almighty God alone who can forgive any sin by accepting one's true repentance if he wishes as his mercy incompasses everything. Proof of that in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus pbuh fell to his face in prayer to Almighty Allah and asked: "please take this cup of suffering away from me". We Muslims believe Allah answered Jesus's prayer and saved him from his to be murderers by elevating him back up to heaven and what was on the cross was only made to appear to the criminals as such by the will of God. We also await his second coming where he will come to kill the anti christ, destroy the cross and affirm Islam and the Qur'an as the final revelation/legislation. He will marry and live a normal life till he dies.
      Proof of the coming of the prophet Mohamed pbuh in the bible in John 16:12 "i have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
      [13] Howbeit when HE, the Spirit of truth (thats the prophet Mohamed pbuh who was unlearned and illiterate, if you read his biography he was always known as the truthful one) is come, HE will guide you into all truth: for HE shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever HE shall hear, that shall HE speak: and HE will shew you things to come". That's exactly how our beloved prophet pbuh who was illiterate and unlearned was throughout the 23 year revelation of the Qur'an to him by Almighty Allah through the Angel Gabriel (the holy spirit).
      He is also prophesied in Isaiah 29:12
      "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and He saith, I AM NOT LEARNED. 12-And when they give the book to one who cannot read, saying, "Read this," he says, "I cannot read."
      In the Qur'an sura 96 (Al-Alaq) it says: "
      In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
      Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of your Lord and Cherisher, Who created―
      Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
      Proclaim! And your Lord is Most Bountiful
      He Who taught (the use of) the Pen―
      Taught man that which he knew not.
      The Qur'an contains absolutely no contradictions. The bible has a multitude of contradictions and many versions in which youll find some ommited texts and books that the church fathers couldnt agree on as the original message of Jesus pbuh and language (Aramaic) was lost in translation centuries later in hebrew and greek and was heavily influenced by the pagan traditions of that time where some human and animal sacrifices often took place. The Jews reject Jesus pbuh completely and consider him an imposter hence why Juda betrayed him etc.. whether you believe it or not Islam and the Qur'an and the prophet Mohamed pbuh is true.
      Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth and insha'Allah (God willing) will be in the very near future as God's truth always prevails over falsehood no matter how hard people try to cover it.
      Christianity today is dieing because it is falsehood and the true message has been so diluted to fit people's worldly and life desires that no one cares to follow it, Christians don't follow the true teachings of Jesus pbuh, Muslims do. An example or two of that: Jesus pbuh used to fast 40 days of the year, He also never ate porc, drank alcohol or gambled yet a lot of Christians today do it openly, they follow Paul's message who abolished the law, not Jesus pbuh.
      Jesus pbuh never taught or ordained Christmas celebrations or having a lit up Christmas tree (it is considered paganism, even some famous u.s televangelists such as Pat Robertson who admit it but wont condemn it as they fear that might drive more christians away from Christianity, so hey who cares what God actually ordains right?! why not, its after all only just another innovation!!) Jesus pbuh was not born on the 25th of December its all pagan traditions introduced and innovated later on.
      Believing that Almighty God who created all things with his infinite knowledge and wisdom came down or had a son whom he sent to be killed by his own creation is in itself utter blasphemy and the most irrational disrespectful thing one can believe in, claim or imagine of an all powerful all wise all merciful Lord, it is the ultimate sign of weakness and injustice to Almighty God who's never weak, he also never ceases to exist and is not touched by death which only creation experiences, He is the ever living, self-sufficient, omnipotent and the reason why hell was created for the disbelievers, may Allah protect us from it. Ameen.
      Indeed such beliefs are from satan the accursed who rebelled against his Lord and is to the son of Adam a clear enemy till the end of times.
      Compare that to what Islam (which is pure monotheism) represents and how much Almighty God is revearead and that argument falls apart.
      Jesus pbuh cant save anyone, he isn't God and never claimed to be, Jesus pbuh was a messenger of the Almighty, Christians should be worried about their salvation because on that tremendous day of judgement Jesus pbuh will refute whoever calls on him and falsely attributed divinity to him, He will say something along the lines of: "I never knew you, away from me you evil doers!" Mathew 7:23
      I Invite everyone to read the noble Qur'an with an open mind. Peace

    • @Jesuslovesus599
      @Jesuslovesus599 Год назад

      God wants you to feel him near, to love him and to accept him. if you want heaven, accept him into your heart. if you are full of hate, if you reject God, you will not be accepted into heaven and will suffer FOR EVER as a result

    • @andreamarie4023
      @andreamarie4023 Год назад +21

      @@Jesuslovesus599 “if I want heaven”Already a fatal flaw in your argument.

    • @arielthemermaid3576
      @arielthemermaid3576 Год назад +26

      @@Jesuslovesus599 “you will suffer FOR EVER! But also Jesus loves you!” Those seem like two conflicting ideas. Maybe you should think a little harder before you speak next time?

  • @jamesbarnhart4395
    @jamesbarnhart4395 2 года назад +24

    I had a grandfather who was raised in a “Good” Lutheran home. He went to Sunday school and his mother also taught him the Bible at home. Time line is later 1800’s and early 1900’s. As a young man, he went to work in the coal mines of Pennsylvania. As they dug the coal with picks and shovels, he noticed things in the coal. He saw the fossils and tried to reason how the earth could have been made such a short time ago and in 7 days. He could do neither and spent his life as an atheist. Some humor, my father who related the story to me, was a Protestant pastor. His father’s atheism did not bother him at all.

    • @prvtcaboose
      @prvtcaboose 2 года назад +1

      While the Bible claims a seven day creation, it does not claim a 6000 year old history. Believe it or not, there are many old earth Christians like myself. Believing the earth is millions or billions of years old does not necessarily discount Christianity or the Bible. Also, we do not know what the seven days were. The word used for "day" could also mean event in time, rather than a 24 hr period.

    • @navilluscire2567
      @navilluscire2567 2 года назад +2

      Doesn't that speak to God failing to make things clear beyond a shadow of a doubt? Why hasn't he corrected us on what exactly he meant?

    • @prvtcaboose
      @prvtcaboose 2 года назад

      @@navilluscire2567 why is it important to ones salvation to know the exact age of the earth. Also the fact that we have brains that can devise ways to use the scientific process to determine age and other things. I don't know why God not revealing all the secrets of the universe is the same as not telling us what is needed to save us. When I need a manual to understand how a car works I don't need to know the name of the man who created one of the pistons or the exact way in which everything was assembled. I just need a manual to tell me how it works.
      In the same way, I think of the Bible as a collection of books that both tells the story of how we got so screwed up and how it can be fixed. It doesn't need to reveal things irrelevant to our salvation.

    • @navilluscire2567
      @navilluscire2567 2 года назад +1

      That's just it though, how do know the manual your reading is the right one? Why hasn't God created a single OBJECTIVE manual, why allow so many versions with so many additions or omissions over thousands of years?

    • @prvtcaboose
      @prvtcaboose 2 года назад

      @@navilluscire2567 there is a single objective manual with different translations. Many have the same basic ideas conveyed, but there are some that are downright false and changed from the original wording. Again, when someone takes what has been written and changes it for their own purposes, that is not the fault of the original author. Also, we may not have the original originals but we do have many copies (like thousands) that all say the same thing, or very close to the same. Scholars read these and cross-reference them and they find the versions that are the most similar. They may include other verses, but those are often stated as "in some early/later manuscripts...". The fact is, we have more copies of consistent biblical manuscripts than we have copies or originals of any other works from the same time periods.
      People don't question the epics of Homer, or the teachings of Plato and Socrates, but we have few corroborated copies of those works than we do if the Bible.
      The game of telephone theory doesn't hold water either. If you study nations that originally had oral traditions, many, including ones like Israel, take it VERY SERIOUSLY. One may be killed if they change anything or teach the wrong thing. These oral traditions were taught verbatim from generation to generation until they finally wrote it down in scrolls. And those scrolls were more important than anything else in their nation. The likelihood of someone changing what was written and no one noticing is very unlikely. If you read up on the priests and Levites and others who worked in the temple, you will see how hard it would be for someone to change any scripture. But that is really the Old Testament, mainly.

    @XDRONIN 2 года назад +21

    Personally, for me, the main problem with the Abrahamic God is, how does this so-called "Perfect" God manage to make so many mistakes? How does "Perfection" creates Imperfection, exactly? I maintain that if God is perfect then, he is inherently incapable of causing, and otherwise, creating something with the capacity to make mistakes or that it's inherently flawed.

    • @friedrichrubinstein
      @friedrichrubinstein 2 года назад +2

      How so? If an all powerful, perfect God wants to create something imperfect then he can perfectly do so.

    • @XDRONIN
      @XDRONIN 2 года назад +6

      Then you just establish a contradiction, and by definition, contradictions can not exist because it's like saying, this God can create a square circle, or a rock so heavy God does Not have the power to lift, get it?

    • @friedrichrubinstein
      @friedrichrubinstein 2 года назад

      @@XDRONIN No, you just don't understand what it means that God is perfect. It doesn't mean that God cannot give his creations the freedom to decide whether they want to obey or disobey.

    • @XDRONIN
      @XDRONIN 2 года назад +3

      Is it a mistake to disobey God? Does God have freedom? Can God make mistakes? And so you know what I mean by the word mistake, from the online dictionary,...
      *Mistake: an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.*

    • @friedrichrubinstein
      @friedrichrubinstein 2 года назад

      @@XDRONIN Is it a mistake to break the law? Well, depends on what your intention is. If you don't care about the law then don't be surprised you get punished for breaking it.

  • @kaljr347
    @kaljr347 9 месяцев назад +8

    As a Christian, I would say us imperfect, sinful people, cannot comprehend a "perfect" form of communication, and if we did see one, we would say it is not correct, or it is oppressing it's message on us, and it is flawed.

    • @florianopolis6299
      @florianopolis6299 5 месяцев назад +1

      So that god s incapable of making humans that can comprehend what he wants to communicate and incapable of communicating the very essential things.
      Or is it that he just doesn't care? Or doesn't exist?
      Which is it?
      Cause if you believe your can't comprehend what that god wants as it is completely unclear that you can do whatever you want as you will always be wrong and the whole thing makes no sense.

    • @Unknown-Indo
      @Unknown-Indo 25 дней назад +1

      Indeed! No human is perfect (except Jesus), and anyways, the Bible is inspired from the word of God. Replying to the original comment.

  • @dansimmons5382
    @dansimmons5382 Год назад +119

    It still blows my mind that someone can study the bible and try and tell you it is the perfect word of God. I did it for a long time till i finally freed myself from trying to explain away the contradictions and just straight up nonsense.

    • @Hansly_rz
      @Hansly_rz Год назад

      everyone knows about "god" from the bible to begin with. If the bible is wrong and full of contradictions... then maybe there isn't even one at all, that the books are all made up stories like the roman gods and the odyssey

    • @Tom-hm3en
      @Tom-hm3en Год назад +16

      You don’t have understanding or know absolutely everything there’s to know about the bible to understand the Gospel of Christ Jesus. I really suggest you read the book of John or Romans

    • @dansimmons5382
      @dansimmons5382 Год назад +15

      @@Tom-hm3en I studied all the books for several years and was a teacher for Teen Challenge. The more I studied the less I believed

    • @Tacos18
      @Tacos18 Год назад +7

      ​@@dansimmons5382Well nonetheless I do hope you're happy and eventually find your faith again

    • @noracola5285
      @noracola5285 Год назад +25

      @@Tacos18 That's like hoping someone's brain cancer will come back. Stop it, or keep it to yourself.

  • @autodidacticartisan
    @autodidacticartisan Год назад +113

    My mom is a "chill " Christian and she believes that people of any religion are all praying to God and as long as they do what they truly think is right they will please God and go to heaven. This includes Muslims, hindus.and even atheists. She believes that he acts through all religions. In fact when I told her I was atheist she wasn't worried. Because she knows I'm a good person she believes I will go to heaven. She's the coolest Christian I've ever known. I wish more Christians were open minded and wouldn't take the Bible soooo literally

    • @oranges557
      @oranges557 Год назад +31

      But its wrong

    • @autodidacticartisan
      @autodidacticartisan Год назад +22

      @adikryeziu7647 yeah, but at least it's less harmful

    • @popdogfool
      @popdogfool Год назад +19

      If only all religious people were like that.
      But that's not what's written in the bible and etc.

    • @noahcutshaw9856
      @noahcutshaw9856 Год назад +24

      *News flash* your mom isn’t a Christian. If you disagree with the foundational beliefs of a religion, then you are not actually a part of that religion.
      What standard are you using to say you are a “good person”?

    • @autodidacticartisan
      @autodidacticartisan Год назад +17

      @noahcutshaw9856 seems like a no true Scotsman fallacy to me. What would you call someone who goes to church, accepts Jesus Christian as her lord and savior, prays to the Christian God and takes lessons and wisdom from the Bible, if not a christian?

  • @iliketurtles6777
    @iliketurtles6777 2 года назад +21

    Even if we found more “scrolls” I still
    Think we could never have a complete Bible. Imagine how much of the Bible isn’t in there since so much of it rests on found manuscripts which are incomplete.

    • @AzureRoxe
      @AzureRoxe 2 года назад +4

      Not just that, but it's pretty widely known that the Bible's books were cherrypicked.

    • @thehomiedan6378
      @thehomiedan6378 2 года назад +3

      Imagine what the original straight from the authors hands version of the bible was like...

    • @multi-milliondollarmike5127
      @multi-milliondollarmike5127 2 года назад +1

      Then many of those manuscripts were written by anonymous authors, but chosen anyway. My favorite book in the Bible, Job, was written by an anonymous author.

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless :)

    • @thehomiedan6378
      @thehomiedan6378 2 года назад +2

      @@eliwalker6245 Dude if you really want to convince people to turn people to your side u first have to deal with the reasons we won’t turn to your side first. Not just throw out a bunch verses.

  • @featkaden
    @featkaden 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hello brother, I realize this video being three years out, so I’m not sure if you would even hear this comment, let alone see it. I enjoyed this video very much, and I would love your honest take on some concerns I have regarding perhaps revelations coming outside of scriptures from the Bible. I would say at this present moment, I do consider myself Christian, in that I genuinely feel a deep abiding love for Christ and the central theme of his message. I don’t go one day here on earth without contemplating on Christ, and I do feel like I’m empowered by something more visceral that I can’t explain intellectually. That being said, I’m a very intellectual person and deeply admirable of philosophy, and I examine and consider everything before I come to accept all that I hear. For years before I would say I came to want to know Christ more, I was in a deep spiritual yearn, and would consider myself as having a- I guess what you would now consider “new age”, but honestly more of a general pantheistic or even agnostic view of the world. I feel there is something deeply moving and there is meaning ingrained in this life. This is very romantic language, but I just felt that. I think growing up in a Baptist church that I distanced myself from as a teen, I slowly started coming back to search when this spiritual yearning began to take place. I would say in the past 3 years, I have connected that spiritual yearning to the monotheistic-Christian God of the Bible, and have been defending that ever since. Yet…there is many unresolved questions that I have about scripture, and concerns for some of the events that took place. I also think I haven’t really been reading the Bible as textual critic, but more as a obedient follower, trying to overlook some of my troubling concerns to defend what God is saying. I kinda abounded my philosophical and intellectual critique only when it came to the Bible. I felt there was no place for that here, and I shouldn’t question anything. Recently I have been reading books published by biblical authors and historians to try to grasp a original Hebraic understaffing of the root origin of the text, as I’m sure many do. I have been told my multiple people not to get so caught up theologically and critical on exegetical texts and honestly just basic contradictions. Anyways, I really enjoy reading from these authors and they are not shy to point out that their are many contradictions and unavoidable questions that you have after you really read from cover to cover. I never did this before, again to mention what I said earlier, I feel as if I came to God through mere honest genuine engagement never having picked up the text before. I feel I’m in a very odd place, because I’m trying to examine my intentions wondering if they are strictly out of love or fear of what happens when I start to become very critical. I also think if your prepared to come to a text with a notion of trying to validate everything that is written in the text, I believe you may find a way to, without asking yourself honestly if you are already in a state of defense for the Bible. I guess I truly want your thoughts if you’d be willing and hav time, to give your feedback on the question of outside revelation and keep gaps miracles of healing experienced by people who claim that to be their testimony. I wonder what these supernatural claims are if they are real, because I don’t want to be a close-minded, close-hearted skeptic of everything miraculous claim. I’ve heard plenty of these stories and I just wonder your take on those ?

  • @aidanhuxford6537
    @aidanhuxford6537 Год назад +33

    After thirty-plus year of being an evangelical, the cursing of the fig tree (compare Luke with Matthew) was what removed the first brick from my Christian wall. It wasn't long before other bricks followed and then the whole structure collapsed. What a relief!

    • @NityaJeevaMargamu
      @NityaJeevaMargamu 8 месяцев назад +1

      That is two witnesses reporting in their way.

    • @mrsatire9475
      @mrsatire9475 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@JPO1184 But you don't have any issues with Deuteronomy 13:12-17 ?

    • @mrsatire9475
      @mrsatire9475 8 месяцев назад

      @@JPO1184 you

    • @JPO1184
      @JPO1184 8 месяцев назад

      @@mrsatire9475 I'm not sure why my response keeps being deleted.

    • @mrsatire9475
      @mrsatire9475 8 месяцев назад

      @@JPO1184 Are you subconsciously afraid to post an answer to that question?

  • @Q_360
    @Q_360 Год назад +72

    The problem of instruction is answered by the concept of choice/ free will. If a perfect message was, as the video described, pre-programmed into the hearts and minds of all humans, aka firmware, it also included a code for choice. We have the answer for everything discussed in the video. Humans have been given a choice, love one another and work for the collective good of humanity and create a veritable utopian world, or work for the selfish gains of the individual and have a chaotic and cruel society. We choose the world we create. Poverty homelessness, and hunger could be virtually eliminated if we wanted it to be, murder would be nonexistent, technological advances would be so far beyond where we are now it would seem like magic. But, as a species, we choose to live differently. Christianity didn’t create the philosophy for way we should live, it fulfills and confirms what we already know to be true. Even if you don’t believe in God, the “instructions” have already been revealed to you, it’s up to you to follow through with them. Peace is the way forward, love is the answer, and it’s up to each of us to to work toward that end. That is the message of Christianity.
    It’s not a problem of “instruction” it’s a problem of “completion”.

    • @lucaamenta791
      @lucaamenta791 Год назад +20

      Thanks so much, the way atheists seem to manipulate or ignore some teachings in order to prove their point only makes my faith stronger. God bless.

    • @justarandomgirlvx3578
      @justarandomgirlvx3578 Год назад +9

      The concept of choice and free will then is debunked by God knowing how humans will treat the message. Considering he is all-knowing and perfect he knows where those he creates would finally end up. So he creates people, who he knows will "choose" (as you call it) hell. Basically he creates someone just for them to suffer eternally. Why would he create them in the first place? If God knows the ultimate future, doesn't that mean that humans are already predetermined and that he created their environment and brains in such a way for them to make these exact predetermined choices? If humans have a completely free will beyond God's influence then this would mean God doesn't know how they will ultimately act and then he isn't all knowing and why should you trust someone infinitely who isn't omnipotent?

    • @gerzent3102
      @gerzent3102 Год назад +5

      @@justarandomgirlvx3578Hell is a place without God ,so people who don't want God in their lives, get what they want after death and hell is not a burning wasteland with external tortures. God created us with free will because he wants to offer us true love which by definition is not imposed. The reason why God creates people who will not believe in Him is unknown to us but I think that the world we see is the best outcome with the highest number of saved people that there can be while maintaining free will.

    • @justarandomgirlvx3578
      @justarandomgirlvx3578 Год назад +6

      @@gerzent3102 If he was all powerful the option of everyone ending up in heaven while still having free will would exist. If he can't make that happen, he is not all powerful.

    • @gerzent3102
      @gerzent3102 Год назад +3

      @@justarandomgirlvx3578 this option exists ,everyone would have to choose God so it’s kinda in our hands. I don't know why God created a universe where he knew some would not be saved. I don't know if that's even the case (I don't know if anybody is in hell) .Human can not understand God but I trust that He knows what He's doing because He died on cross for everyone.

  • @niekesselbrugge1132
    @niekesselbrugge1132 Год назад +113

    isnt it funny how this channel has taught me more about the bible than i ever learned in my 10 wasted years of being a christian?

    • @geochonker9052
      @geochonker9052 Год назад +19

      Jesus is calling you back.

    • @niekesselbrugge1132
      @niekesselbrugge1132 Год назад +29

      @@geochonker9052 i believe phones didnt exist when jezus was born.
      Either way, i will never convert back to theism. You are wasting your energy here

    • @personman2346
      @personman2346 Год назад


    • @maximiliano_sv
      @maximiliano_sv 11 месяцев назад +8

      @@geochonker9052 Did you just say that an atheist channel is Jesus calling someone back? XD

    • @bencebodi6887
      @bencebodi6887 10 месяцев назад

      I'm very sad to see you go. I hope you find God again. Don't let the devil tempt you.@@niekesselbrugge1132

  • @caoimheelise2182
    @caoimheelise2182 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is an amazing video!!! As someone who grew up extremely atheist with a father hurt and traumatised by the Catholic Church of 70’s Ireland, it makes me really happy to see people like you and all the amazing people in the comments who have taken that scary and sometimes dangerous step out of the fog that is Christianity. It pains me to see so many people raised indoctrinated who grow up hearing all these things and have to bear the burdens of them, even after IF they leave the religion, for the rest of their lives. I have found myself deep in a rabbit hole of learning about Christianity and the more I learn, the more I realise Christians are sitting back arguing over whether or not the Catholic Church is the true church or if Baptists are this and are protestants the true Christians and oh, is this Bible version the best? While simultaneously all agreeing on hateful, guilt-creating and fear-mongering ideas about NORMAL and natural human instincts and behaviours, letting this cycle of guilt continue for generations and generations. It makes me so sad because in following God you are promised what every human being wants to find in someone they love and know in real life; forgiveness, unconditional love, a shoulder to cry on and a “safe place” replacing the scary and unknown idea of death, one of the biggest things that every single human being cannot be prepared for but are guaranteed. I really wish that everybody was guaranteed these values in their everyday lives and didn’t need to seek and submit to limited and hateful rules to find them. as a kid I oftener wished that I had a dad who was able to show emotion and shower me with love and comfort me when I cried; and I see how people see that in Jesus and find that comfort and love there instead, :(

    • @ramenbandito2936
      @ramenbandito2936 9 месяцев назад

      Hey I just want to let you know I’m sorry if others may have misrepresented Jesus to you. , “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew 7:13 there will be many lukewarm/fake Christian’s that walk in the broad path. Jesus went through so much pain that he made it so easy to enter heaven. All we have to do is trust in him, seek him, love him, and then we are 100% assured heaven. If you have questions let God know please!!! Call out his name. Hell is too long to be wrong. The devil is crazy smart and knows exactly what to do to trick us into hell, I mean he’s been here for so long, don’t give up, I believe in you!!!!!!!!

  • @benjamenchiids7418
    @benjamenchiids7418 2 года назад +52

    I don't need a god, I got a dog 🐕

  • @matthewgordon3281
    @matthewgordon3281 Год назад +116

    I was discussing with my mother about some of the hot garbage in the bible, and she admitted that she had never really read any of it because it was "too hard". And yet she fully believes in the mythical parts of it as reality. Because someone told her so when she was a kid. She has never learned to think for herself.

    • @daodejing81
      @daodejing81 Год назад +3

      That's awesome that you read it through multiple times. So have I.
      I see a lot of depth and wisdom. The essential message of all Scripture is:
      Be transformed within yourself.
      It has nothing to do with the Savior story Christan theology puts out. Christians miss the message entirely! 14:47

    • @LukeSports
      @LukeSports 10 месяцев назад +4

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@daodejing81This is not the message. The message is that people are all sinful and do, in fact, need a savior. Only through Him (Jesus) and by the Holy Spirit can one be truly transformed. Everything in the Bible points to this and serving God. The Savior is talked about all throughout the Bible through prophets, his own words and actions, and by His disciples/apostles. He was spoken of thousands of years before His birth, and He continues to be spoken of thousands of years after His death and resurrection. It’s actually made clear on multiple occasions that people can’t be reborn within themselves. Human ways will always lead to sin, but God’s ways will always lead out of it.

    • @LukeSports
      @LukeSports 10 месяцев назад

      @matthewgordon3281 What parts do you consider mythical, the miracles and displays of God’s power? If God crafted the Earth within a matter of days, why should any awe-inspiring thing He does within it be so unbelievable?

    • @daodejing81
      @daodejing81 10 месяцев назад +5

      Luke, what you're recounting is theology, not Scripture.
      You are born upright, and you need no Savior. In fact, the only way to salvation is through YOU.

    • @matthewgordon3281
      @matthewgordon3281 10 месяцев назад

      @@LukeSports first you have to prove any of the magic stuff happened. No one has ever been able to prove the existence of any god, nor shown that one did anything. We have science to explain many things, and it can be tested for accuracy. The rest we are investigating. At no point has their been the barest hint that something divine or supernatural is needed to explain anything. The alleged miracles written about in the bible are "evidence" in the same way that a comic book page showing Iron Man fighting Ultron is proof that the Avengers are real.

  • @GuitarDog_atx
    @GuitarDog_atx 2 года назад +65

    Don't forget "Discriminating against the disabled" on your list of god's "morality"

    • @GuitarDog_atx
      @GuitarDog_atx 2 года назад +11

      @@jjphank Your comment makes zero sense and has nothing to do with my comment. What I wrote is accurate.

    • @GuitarDog_atx
      @GuitarDog_atx 2 года назад +18

      @@jjphank Speaking of getting served:
      ""And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 'Speak to Aaron, saying, None of your offspring throughout their generations who has a blemish may approach to offer the bread of his God. For *no one who has a blemish shall draw near, a man blind or lame, or one who has a mutilated face or a limb too long, or a man who has an injured foot or an injured hand, or a hunchback or a dwarf or a man with a defect in his sight or an itching disease or scabs or crushed testicles* No man of the offspring of Aaron the priest who has a blemish shall come near to offer the Lord's food offerings; *since he has a blemish, he shall not come near to offer the bread of his God* He … shall not go through the veil or approach the altar, because he has a blemish, that he may not profane my sanctuaries, for I am the Lord who sanctifies them.'"" Lev 21:16

    • @trillionbones89
      @trillionbones89 2 года назад +2

      Morality is obeying God not being a decent member of society

    • @GuitarDog_atx
      @GuitarDog_atx 2 года назад +7

      ​@@trillionbones89 Not my morality. I find the xtian morality to be repulsive and fails my standards.
      That's why prisons are filled with xtians.
      This theology lets Hilter and Stalin go to heaven.

    • @markjackson3459
      @markjackson3459 2 года назад +4

      @@jjphank - Wrong answer. Think with your brain and not your bias.

  • @nickaguilar4007
    @nickaguilar4007 9 месяцев назад +8

    Some of the atheists responsible for originally arriving at these points eventually changed their minds after further study. I’ve also found that the top scientists tend to eventually believe in God. Some of the “founding fathers” of scientific disciplines originally engaged in scientific inquiry because they expected to find laws and order in the universe, which was based on their belief in a creator. I read some of the most famous atheist books years ago, and over time was convinced the Bible couldn’t be true. They made a lot of convincing arguments, and honestly, I wanted to be free from belief. There are many factors that brought me back to belief, but one of the most recent ones was watching some of Oxford mathematician John Lennox’s debates.

    • @ramenbandito2936
      @ramenbandito2936 9 месяцев назад +3

      Yes bro you got this! Keep seeking and trusting in God for he loves you beyond you can imagine! The devil has been here tricking Humanity since the beginning of time. He is an expert in tricking us, of course he would utilize this through atheism which believes all perfect creation came from literally nothing, I mean wow how could humans get tricked so easily. Hell is too wrong to be wrong, please don’t give up. Love you!!!!!

    • @DGS_1992
      @DGS_1992 5 месяцев назад

      John Lennox is amazing, so is William lane Craig and Frank Turek!

    • @johnnyxmusic
      @johnnyxmusic 2 месяца назад

      Okay, so a God. I just asked myself this question today… Let’s say Israel was the original monotheistic religion. Probably not, but let’s just say that… One god. What if they chose the wrong God? YHWH has a past.

  • @okamegaobii2954
    @okamegaobii2954 2 года назад +37

    Thank you for your content. I've only just stumbled across your channel, but it's helped me alot with my "deconstruction phase" where I've been in a loop for the past 4/5 years. Your channel has helped me break out of this loop.

    • @crendler9912
      @crendler9912 2 года назад +4

      I was in a similar loop for 7 years, almost half of my life so far.
      I read the Bible and did everything I could to be a Christian. This was drove me over the edge to atheism.
      I may have reached this conclusion myself, but watching videos like these, and interacting with this community has helped more than I can put into words. I am glad to see I am not alone and these people make me feel valued for my beliefs.

    • @DarthIggy69
      @DarthIggy69 2 года назад

      Genuine question. Just out of curiosity what does 'did all I could to be a Christian' mean?
      How does a person be or become a Christian, or what's your definition of Christian.
      Much appreciated

    • @Wertbag99
      @Wertbag99 Год назад

      @DarthIggy69 Many ex-Christians follow a similar pattern. They are all in for years, investing their life in the church, baptised, born again, claiming a personal relationship with God and being absolutely convinced they are on the right path. Then something happens to crack that shell and some doubt creeps in. Perhaps its biblical problems, the problem of evil, divine hiddenness or the lack of unity in Christianity. This usually sends them looking to reinforce their beliefs, so they begin studying the bible, praying for guidance, researching apologetics and of course the counter arguments. For whatever reason they find the answers from the apologists unconvincing and they lose their belief. This process can take years and its a different journey for each.

    • @ramenbandito2936
      @ramenbandito2936 9 месяцев назад

      @@crendler9912 The devil has been here tricking Humanity since the beginning of time. He is an expert in tricking us, of course he would utilize this through atheism which believes all perfect creation came from literally nothing, I mean wow how could humans get tricked so easily. You don’t just read the Bible, you pray and slowly read the Bible, you have to chew on it and write down key points you learn. Jesus is coming back. Hell is too wrong to be wrong, please don’t give up. I believe you will conquer the devil’s snare in Jesus name! Amen!!!!

  • @euthyphro8064
    @euthyphro8064 Год назад +12

    I respect this man's right to share his views and to continue to spark intellectual discussions. Knowing the current state of religious discussions, I encourage people to keep anger and hatred out of their remarks. Anger and hatred diminish our judgment and putting labels on groups of people prevents us from fully understanding them. Hopefully, everyone here can have a healthy debate.

  • @natemcconnell7893
    @natemcconnell7893 2 года назад +45

    I seriously can’t thank you enough Mr. Koolaid! Please don’t stop, never stop, the world needs you!

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад +1

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless :)

    • @nathanaelnorthstar1077
      @nathanaelnorthstar1077 2 года назад

      I was once just like you, so I don’t judge you at all. Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

    • @mpleandre
      @mpleandre 2 года назад +1

      Really? Man, I've seen better defenders of atheism. GrahamOppy is one of them.

    • @jackmyers2359
      @jackmyers2359 2 года назад +3

      @@eliwalker6245 It's hard to believe that humans still talk like this in the year 2022. It doesn't say much about our progress or our collective intelligence as a species.

    • @WizardOfWor
      @WizardOfWor 2 года назад

      @@mpleandre What are some others?

  • @joshkincaidT
    @joshkincaidT Месяц назад +3

    Ah yes. Why won’t God perfectly communicate himself to us?
    *Sends his Son*

  • @guthrie_the_wizard
    @guthrie_the_wizard 2 года назад +24

    I dated an indoctrinated Christian. Reading the Bible and seeing the negative impacts of religion was eye opening. I’m now fundamentally opposed to magical and dogmatic thinking.

    • @1970Phoenix
      @1970Phoenix 2 года назад +3

      I'm always intrigued when I hear this, as the bible is pretty clear that Christians should not date non-Christians. (Although I realise I'm making assumptions about your religious identity at that time).

    • @Mcfreddo
      @Mcfreddo 2 года назад

      You dodged a big bullet if you had thought they could do it for you? Your children would get so screwed up with religious nutter as your significant other- even if the person was kind.
      As Christopher Hitchens said, "Religion poisons everything!"

    • @multi-milliondollarmike5127
      @multi-milliondollarmike5127 2 года назад +3

      I was raised by indoctrinated Christians and it was a terrible experience. My dad even believes that people who have never heard the gospel will still burn in hell, but at least 'the fire won't burn as hot for them'. I'm so glad I can see that dogmatic religion for what it really is. Just a form of population control.

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless :)

    • @cedriceric9730
      @cedriceric9730 2 года назад

      Dating is infact forbidden in the bible

  • @wardified8566
    @wardified8566 2 года назад +41

    I submit, this channel is maximally great

    • @doozer2726
      @doozer2726 2 года назад +3


    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless

    • @Forest_Fifer
      @Forest_Fifer 2 года назад +1

      @@eliwalker6245 quoting Bible verses to atheists? Well that's gonna work....

    • @thelordjesus1136
      @thelordjesus1136 2 года назад

      1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Is The Ressurrection Creed That Paul Had Received Only 3-5 Years After Jesus Crucifiction And Had It Written 20 Years Later In A.D 54-55 And Jesus Went On The Cross At A.D 30 Also The Tel Dan Inscription States The House Of David On It And The Moabite Stone Records Mesha Just Like The Bible Worshipping Yahweh The Pool Of Siloam When Jesus Heals The Guy Is Also A Real Place And The Book Of Acts Gets The Environment Of The First Century Correct Which Myths Do Not Do It States Drusilla And Felix Got Married While Josephus The Jewish Historian Records The Same Thing And Believing In The Jesus Of The Bible And Christianity We Are Saved By Grace Not Of Ourselves It Is The Free Gift Of God By Repenting And Putting On The Lord Jesus Christ While Jehovah Witness And Mormonism Do Not Think They Are Saved And Are Earning Salvation To Get It However The Biblical Jesus Is The Only Way And Its Not About Achieving It Rather It Is More Like Receiving Christ To Be Saved In Him And Your Works Are The Fruit Of Your Salvation Amen And 2 Timothy 4:11 States Bring The Cloak I Left At Carpus Indicating It Was Authentic And Jesus Is More Worth It For Everlasting Life And Gary Habermas Has The Greatest Case For The Ressurection And Dr. James Tour On RUclips Also Shows The Reasons It Wasnt An Accident God Bless Jesus Is Lord
      Five Scientific Reasons To Believe In Godвидео.html
      The Case For Designвидео.html
      Jesus And His Ressurection Videoвидео.html
      Gary Habermas On Jesusвидео.html
      The Reliability Of The New Testamentt

    • @thelordjesus1136
      @thelordjesus1136 2 года назад

      #JESUS FIRST For By Jesus All Things Are Created I'm Here For The News Of The Kingdom Of God And While Religion Has You Doing Good Deeds To Earn Salvation The Biblical Jesus Died And Rose Again For The Forgiveness Of Sin And By Grace You Are Saved So You Walk In Him For He Loved Us So We Love The Lord

  • @skepticalCoder
    @skepticalCoder 2 года назад +20

    Fantastic argument here. The bit of “what if it weren’t an omnigod” bit is amazingly powerful. And it comes at a perfect time, as I’m countering a religious buddy who is on the verge of deconstructing. Trying to help get him to leave his current brainwashed state. Thanks for this one!!

    • @onedaya_martian1238
      @onedaya_martian1238 2 года назад +4

      The kindest way to help someone while they deconstruct, is to demonstrate that one can be a kind, thoughtful person, without the need to fear "hell".
      Also, that to live this one chance at life we have, should prompt a person to do all the good one can, so that the world is better than hopefully we found it. It is evil to take, take, take, like a lot of folks do, which is another (bad) reason to hope there is a "hell".
      Is that enough for a Hey-men - good point ?

    • @lauterunvollkommenheit4344
      @lauterunvollkommenheit4344 2 года назад +3

      Just make him read the Bible.
      For example, the sickeningly sadistic Deutoronomy 28 (especially verses 52-57).
      Or Ezekiel 20:25-26, explaining why Yahweh commanded child sacrifice.
      Or Psalm 137 about the joy of murdering innocent babies.
      And so on - the list is just about endless.

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад +1

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless :)

    • @lauterunvollkommenheit4344
      @lauterunvollkommenheit4344 2 года назад +1

      @@eliwalker6245 At least you should use an English translation that's based on much older manuscripts than the KJV.

    • @thelord3561
      @thelord3561 2 года назад

      1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Is The Ressurrection Creed That Paul Had Received Only 3-5 Years After Jesus Crucifiction And Had It Written 20 Years Later In A.D 54-55 And Jesus Went On The Cross At A.D 30 Also The Tel Dan Inscription States The House Of David On It And The Moabite Stone Records Mesha Just Like The Bible Worshipping Yahweh The Pool Of Siloam When Jesus Heals The Guy Is Also A Real Place And The Book Of Acts Gets The Environment Of The First Century Correct Which Myths Do Not Do It States Drusilla And Felix Got Married While Josephus The Jewish Historian Records The Same Thing And Believing In The Jesus Of The Bible And Christianity We Are Saved By Grace Not Of Ourselves It Is The Free Gift Of God By Repenting And Putting On The Lord Jesus Christ While Jehovah Witness And Mormonism Do Not Think They Are Saved And Are Earning Salvation To Get It However The Biblical Jesus Is The Only Way And Its Not About Achieving It Rather It Is More Like Receiving Christ To Be Saved In Him And Your Works Are The Fruit Of Your Salvation Amen And 2 Timothy 4:11 States Bring The Cloak I Left At Carpus Indicating It Was Authentic And Jesus Is More Worth It For Everlasting Life And Gary Habermas Has The Greatest Case For The Ressurection And Dr. James Tour On RUclips Also Shows The Reasons It Wasnt An Accident God Bless Jesus Is Lord
      Five Scientific Reasons To Believe In Godвидео.html
      The Case For Designвидео.html
      Jesus And His Ressurection Videoвидео.html
      Gary Habermas On Jesusвидео.html
      The Reliability Of The New Testamentt

  • @aaronlong6000
    @aaronlong6000 10 месяцев назад +3

    A problem with his premise about instruction being a problem is that he completely ignores the fact that anyone with free will can choose to reject the message.

    • @drdoobie8445
      @drdoobie8445 10 месяцев назад +1

      If the instruction was clear we would be able to make an informed decision about the message. You can't reject something that doesn't make sense to begin with.

    • @alexspencer4818
      @alexspencer4818 9 месяцев назад

      Okay first God didn't write the Bible. So it's not going to be perfect because it was wrote by man based on the experiences between God and man. Secondly, in the book of Isaiah and Jeremiah and Jesus all said those who want to hear and understand will and those who reject will and not make sense of it. God wants people who will follow him faithfully and love him. So he gives you an opportunity to do that through Jesus and its your choice. But if you choose to reject God how can you be mad at the consequences of your own choice.

    • @drdoobie8445
      @drdoobie8445 9 месяцев назад

      @alexspencer4818 maybe he should have written it then. I'm not going to believe a book written by men 2000 years ago who claimed they talked to God. Full stop. Unless they have good evidence. I don't reject a message because I don't think a message was given to us by some divine entity.

    • @alexspencer4818
      @alexspencer4818 9 месяцев назад

      @@drdoobie8445 okay what would God write? Because if everything planned out exactly how God wants it what would he change about the bible? If written by God the Bible would be perfect with no mistakes but then doesn't that make you doubt because it would be too perfect. I think the effect of the Bible appears to the human nature of it even tho it's written about God. God used man to write up the historical record because God knows man are relational creatures. Man related to man very well. That's why Jesus was a man on earth because it's far easier to grasp the idea of a man doing everything Jesus did versus God because God been doing it up to that point.

    • @aaronlong6000
      @aaronlong6000 9 месяцев назад

      ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3:14‭-‬17‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      [14] But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; [15] and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. [16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] that the man of God may be perfect (mature), throughly furnished unto all good works.
      Men wrote through the inspiration of God Himself. It's written by multiple human authors, inspired by one divine author. Furthermore, if God doesn't exist then ultimately all we are talking about is our own personal opinions. Without God there's no standard to judge Nazi Germany for example and say they were wrong.

  • @cylonred8902
    @cylonred8902 2 года назад +7

    I have always remembered 1 of the "7 reasons for Gods existence" at a private Catholic high school...... And I QUOTE "Because He does". Suffice to say the lay teacher spent the rest of the class to try and explain why it was valid to teens who liked science and knew what arguments were BS. One of of friends just said "Wait - you can just say that, it's not a REASON"

  • @brycetorno
    @brycetorno 2 года назад +29

    Thank you for bringing up this point! The issue of ignorance of revelation is rarely brought up like this, but this is one of the major things that really got me questioning my faith, and is now the primary reason I don’t believe.
    If accepting Jesus as lord and saviour was SO important, so much so that one’s eternal life depended on it, God would make sure that every human being had an equal and fair opportunity to be saved, and avoid eternal torture in hell (a punishment he lovingly created).
    Yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. Billions of people, particularly in Asia and the Middle East have no clue what Christianity even is, let alone be convinced it is true. An all knowing god would understand they are heavily biased towards the religions they were indoctrinated in from birth.
    If salvation by Jesus is THE most important thing any human must achieve in their life, God has done a real shit job of saving his “beloved” children.

    • @gregorywullaert8618
      @gregorywullaert8618 2 года назад +2

      I mean, the idea that people who've never heard of Jesus can still be saved by good faith literally appears in the bible when Paul talks about pagans following the law on their heart (Romans 2).
      It's just that following your conscience on your own power is very hard and following Jesus's teachings and humbly trusting Him is comparatively a lot more straightforward (to say nothing of the added grace He gives you when you sincerely ask).

    • @Non-religiou
      @Non-religiou Год назад


    • @spider-man9118
      @spider-man9118 Год назад +1

      God is just, friends. If they hadn't heard of Jesus, God the Father might be lenient.
      Also, we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested

    • @Non-religiou
      @Non-religiou Год назад

      @@spider-man9118 Christianity is a lie, also the bible has been altered and rewritten so many times

    • @danielpintard7382
      @danielpintard7382 Год назад

      @@spider-man9118 the “might” isn’t very comforting to hear but whatever. But I would like to hear about the evidence you have for biblical events however

  • @frankjspencejr
    @frankjspencejr Год назад +11

    Believers typically don’t dare to open their minds to the possibility that they are wrong. As a former believer, I know that I was taught that such consideration was blasphemy, heresy, endangering your soul, and those of everyone you know and love. As you point out, once you open your mind to examine religion, and Christianity specifically, in an honest manner, there are countless red flags pointing to the logical fallacies. My open mind came as a result of education in high school. Since then I’ve never been quite accepted or welcome in my extended family.

    • @29memyselfandi
      @29memyselfandi Год назад +1

      What would you say are the most obvious red flags regarding Christianity ?

    • @get2it7
      @get2it7 11 месяцев назад

      But then where did all of creation come from???

    • @get2it7
      @get2it7 11 месяцев назад

      Good and evil exists …wouldn’t this be a sign of God and Satan?

    • @ramenbandito2936
      @ramenbandito2936 10 месяцев назад +4

      Jesus is coming back! He loves you so much! Seek him and you will find him!

    • @majoryibi8496
      @majoryibi8496 8 месяцев назад

      proverbs 24:16

  • @arsonistictarantula3036
    @arsonistictarantula3036 2 месяца назад +3

    Christianity only started making sense to me, in regard to the old Testament, whenever I started reading gnostic scripts. Then, the hateful vengeful God that we were taught all started to make sense.

  • @williamkz
    @williamkz 2 года назад +62

    Having read through the entire Bible 26 times, making notes and studying commentaries, in my desperation to make some sense of it, I was forced to conclude that it is a deeply flawed document, filled with inconsistencies, contradictions and inaccuracies. I eventually turned my back on the whole message. The relief was enormous. I suspect the most devout Christians are those who have never read the Bible.

    • @bowold3976
      @bowold3976 Год назад +4

      Interesting. Have you looked into the numerology that exists within the different books of the old and new testament? I personally had a hard time understanding or believing that they were designed by a God until I found the impossible mathematical occurrences within it.

    • @williamkz
      @williamkz Год назад +4

      @@bowold3976 I have. Thank you. I’m afraid the numerology makes no sense to me at all.

    • @7071.5cents
      @7071.5cents Год назад +1

      26 times and come away still in the dark perhaps stop trying to teach yourself the BIBLE
      the teacher of GODS word is his HOLY SPIRIT i do hope you think again of the wedding

    • @williamkz
      @williamkz Год назад +10

      @@7071.5cents Thank you for your concern. I wish you joy at the feast. But I won’t be there. Incidentally, if the Bible is so unclear that I need to told what to believe by other people, it indicates a lack of communication skills by the multiple authors.

    • @7071.5cents
      @7071.5cents Год назад

      @@williamkz wow a connection off the satellites.. here in the peg(that would be winnipeg ) i find myself with a bit of a drug hangover after a twenty-five year self- medicated drug coma well the word we are talking about what GOD has revealed of himself of who he is .... this, these words CAN---NOT be understood by a natural mind these words are SPIRIT & LIFE so at the end of the road with no map you hit a deadend
      it was said by a puritan i am sure if salvation depended on the preacher none would be saved... another way if you got a couple seconds.The BELOVED of GOD those as the gospel declares are being changed by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT through the word this is the word we have into the image of CHRIST, now no man can do this work, the only acceptable work in the heart before GOD in the end it is about HOLINESS it had dawn on me the other night i cannot say i have read this book cover to cover, no afraid to say not one time a crying SHAME for the record we man do nothing for salvation it a gift of GOD

  • @Justifi3r09
    @Justifi3r09 2 года назад +21

    I have literally just been thinking the last week that this would be the one for me. It was my first doubt when I was 10-11 years old and it's stuck with me over 20 years

    • @chamicels
      @chamicels 2 года назад +1

      @@jjphank why is Hagee so fat?

    • @finestPlugins
      @finestPlugins 2 года назад +2

      @@jjphank Here's one. Assuming you believe in the devil, what evidence do you have for anything in the bible being true given that the great deceiver could have just created or altered it to corrupt humans? Because then you will just have to assume that anything in the bible is false.

    • @chamicels
      @chamicels 2 года назад +4

      @@finestPlugins Or the bible could have been planted in the woods written on golden plates only...wait that one has been taken already.

    • @markjackson3459
      @markjackson3459 2 года назад

      @@jjphank - Serious question, have you actually read the bible without your bias in the way?

    • @finestPlugins
      @finestPlugins 2 года назад +1

      @@jjphank I'm afraid that's not an answer to my question. And if you can't answer that, nothing else you're writing makes any sense. You could even be a Satanist and wouldn't even know it.

  • @AndroidMinutes
    @AndroidMinutes 2 года назад +11

    these old comic books caused so much suffering, but no one cares 😪

  • @RaphiSpoerri-cq4rm
    @RaphiSpoerri-cq4rm 2 месяца назад +2

    So you’re saying “God can’t be all-powerful, because if he was, his message would be crystal clear”. Do you see the logical fallacy there?

    • @ThyBountyHunter
      @ThyBountyHunter 2 месяца назад

      No logical fallacy at all given "All Powerful" he can ensure the message was crystal clear where it doesn't screw with free will at all.
      If god were all Powerful then nothing that happened would have happened because he could ensure it never did while we retained free will.
      Note to anyone, someone (not the person I am responding to here) may respond calling me a bot, talking about community tab, hurting kids, whining, they may even PARROT something I said, might even say some random asinine BS that has nothing to do with what was said at all and seems to come out of left field. Yet doesn't address what I said, scroll down to see examples of that.
      This person is stalking me, he will reply and claim I just stalked him (I have no clue how that works that way), so given that you can see what their mental state is. Also he might seem to ramble on incoherently, want to know who, the one who responds to this point.
      Fact is he might also acknowledge this is about him, and the only way he can know that is knowing what I said is true, as I never named him it will be telling.
      If they do say something about community tab do listen to them but also check theirs.
      Lastly the sad thing is, I won't respond to it yet it will have a one sided conversation with me, talk about desperate.

  • @Wrkumlin
    @Wrkumlin 2 года назад +43

    I have wondered for a long time why a smart god would use the written word in an era when less than 5% of the population could read. Some say 2-3%. Even the leaders had to dictate their fallacies to the scribes as they were often illiterate, too. When asked, no fundamentalist has ever been able to answer this question.

    • @sidwhiting665
      @sidwhiting665 2 года назад +9

      You neglect to mention the Bible was written as an historical record of what the Early church fathers taught orally. This was an oral culture mostly, as you noted, and people would typically gather in synagogues or temples to hear the word (i.e. often the Old Testament) read aloud from scrolls. This was common practice at the time and was much more commonly used than today.
      The New Testament's Gospels were complied out of the oral tradition starting about 15-20 years after the resurrection of Jesus. By that time, Christianity has spread over much of the Roman Empire as evidenced by churches in Ephesus, Galatia, Thessalonica, and as far away as Spain. We know this as Paul wrote letters to churches already established in these locations.
      So....while I do not consider myself a "fundamentalist" I believe I have answered your statement with something that makes perfect sense.

    • @a.i.l1074
      @a.i.l1074 2 года назад

      Well those documents, in that medium, are now the basis of more than half the world's faith. If literacy really was that low among the israelites, it shows remarkable foresight that they took the effort to write and preserve these words

    • @havable
      @havable 2 года назад

      The goal was to convert the people who could read because those who could not read trusted their judgement.

    • @zanemeek9042
      @zanemeek9042 2 года назад +5

      @@sidwhiting665 That still doesn’t explain why God wouldn’t just deliver the message directly and unequivocally to every person. What we ended up with is exactly what we would expect if a religion was made up from cultural traditions in order to codify their practices into law backed by God.

    • @Preria80
      @Preria80 2 года назад

      @@zanemeek9042 have you thought that people would think there was something wrong with them if we started to hear voices from thin air? That explains the communication problem.

  • @atlasmore3635
    @atlasmore3635 2 года назад +13

    I always give the same answer when asked why or how I can be an atheist. I say I read the Bible completely and after, I could no longer believe.

    • @gregorywullaert8618
      @gregorywullaert8618 2 года назад

      What about it did you not like?

    • @alexanderofrhodes9622
      @alexanderofrhodes9622 2 года назад +2

      The Bible is full of contradictions, inaccuracies, and bad advice. It doesn't hold any value for me other than as an interesting piece of mythology

    • @gregorywullaert8618
      @gregorywullaert8618 2 года назад

      @@alexanderofrhodes9622 Technically, I was asking Atlas but since I'm assuming you have the same opinion, what are some examples of contradictions, inaccuracies and bad advice?

    • @DGS_1992
      @DGS_1992 5 месяцев назад

      You are full of crap. You haven't read the whole Bible 😂😂
      And please, give us specifics of what you disagree with. If not, you are just making a broad claim with no weight to it

  • @Pyrotechn1cs
    @Pyrotechn1cs Год назад +28

    First observation: while some Christians believe he is omnibenevolent sometimes they mean "all good" which is true he is all good. He is perfect. And most of the time people mean all loving. He loves everyone this is true but he hates sin but benevolence is kindness and if he is omnibenevolent (all kindness) then he would except everyone into heaven and there would be no point in hell.
    Second observation: He did preload his moral standard in us sort of. It's called a conscience.
    Third observation: you gave examples of bible inconsistencies. You did not actually compare them to the old new testament so I will go digging myself to see if this is true or not. Also do the paper versions have these skipped verses and stuff?
    Different thing: historically inconsistencies? I will definitely be sure to check your channel out after this! You are brilliant :]
    Fourth observation: yes you are absolutely correct. People will debate the intended meaning of passages. Some people disagree and this is why there are different denominations in the church. And if you are unsure of the meaning, I recommend going back to the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic languages.
    Fifth observation: at the time, slavery was the norm in the culture because if you conquered land you could usually also take its people. Sadly 'Christians' back in the... 1800s?pointed to the verses and used it to justify tormenting other people. I believe that (unless someone brings my attention to another verse that contradicts this statement) all of the verses referring to slavery are saying basically, do what you master wants (unless what he wants is sinful) and masters be chill to your slaves.
    Sixth (very petty) observation (sorry): examples of figures of speech we dont know because we lost what they ment?
    Seventh observation: not tens of thousands of denominations, there are six and arguably a seventh.
    Eighth observation: I would hope the wouldn't have copies of copies of copies. I assume they get it from the Greek and hebrew and Aramaic transcripts you were talking about earlier... Also that was the early church and some denominations believed the authorities had more power than the bible and therefore voted on what the translation was supposed to mean. But right now, most of the denominations believe the bible has more power than the authorities (with some exceptions unfortunately like guys if you're unsure, go to the old languages) but they all believe the core message of the bible. That it all points to Jesus Christ who died on a cross so that if we believe in him, God will look at the perfect life he lived instead of the sorry sin-riddled state we live in so that we can live with him in eternity praising him.
    Ninth observation: yes the forcing people to convert to a Christian at sword point was bad and yes we are all inherently evil due to the fall. If the person doesn't know they are evil and think they are good people won't believe they even are sinful. You saying this unfortunately just is telling me you would rather be a slave to sin. This saddens me.
    Different thing: help me understand and please correct me if I'm wrong, are you saying faith is not good therefore no one should have it? I don't know but you framed it like it's bad and I might be reading it wrong.
    Tenth observation: yes. If you believe in a God there is a good chance you believe in an afterlife. And usually it would include a good place and a bad place. In Christianity, we got heaven and hell. And if you believe in them, you would be crazy not to fear hell unless you are saved.
    Eleventh observation: this video at the end turns into a wake up call to us Christians. yes persecution of nonbelievers is wrong. We should not be telling atheists to get up on outa there. I would like to apologize for them. We need to be collectively listening to each other so we as Christians can answer your hard question and problems with God, and you as atheists giving us reasons not to believe in a deity.
    Conclusions: very cool video 15/10 or however math works. To the weird person that read all that... Why? Sorry I wasted all your time. Uh that was delusional responses to a perfectly reasonable video by a highschool student sorry that's one big block of text.

    • @strangelaw6384
      @strangelaw6384 8 месяцев назад

      commemorable, is all I've got to say

    • @sparkstudies1675
      @sparkstudies1675 7 месяцев назад +1

      Everything else was good but first argument fails. If a sinner does not meet the criteria for being allowed into heaven, it is unkind to the other people there because it disrupts their peace. God has to have a standard, otherwise all kinds of sin could be permitted. If He has a standard He cannot force everyone to choose to follow it and remain benevolent. Sin also cannot exist in His presence. Therefore there has to remain a possibility where people choose not to adhere to the standard and willfully exclude themselves from God's presence. Everyone will have a chance to know and decide.

    • @Pyrotechn1cs
      @Pyrotechn1cs 7 месяцев назад

      @@sparkstudies1675 Oh boy! nerdy theology is nerdy. Looking back, yeah i don't really understand the concept of God's benevolence. anyway, what do you mean by standard? I believe the only standard God has for the sinner is to repent from his sins and believe that Jesus died for them. this would change the sinner to want to do what God says. Even Jesus saved the worst of people. I mean, look at the apostle Paul. i guess this response boils down to "i don't understand the concept of God's omnibenevolence please help." yeah I'm not really qualified to make statements about that seeing as i don't know much about it but it makes sense for God not to be omnibenevolent... at least for now.

    • @TobiasKarlssonlarjunge
      @TobiasKarlssonlarjunge 4 месяца назад +2

      @@Pyrotechn1cs Hello! Do excuse my english, since it is not my first language. So the thing about God's benevolence is the balance between him being all rightious and juste. Say that I would do something horrible against you, if God just forgave me for that action, it would simontaniously mean that he dose not care about you. Otherwise he would punish me for treating you badly. Which is why God in his all goodness and juste needs to punish everyone for their evil towards each other otherwise he would not care about the evil done towards us. Which leads us to the importance of the cross. Because God still loves us so much that he is willing to take that punishment for us on the cross so that we may recieve forgiveness by his Grace given to us despite our evil. Now we can still chose to remain in our sin and deny the Grace of God, but that means that we also take the full punishment which is eternal separation from God.

    • @unoriginalmoniker2625
      @unoriginalmoniker2625 4 месяца назад +2

      God offers heaven to those who want it, but not everyone wants to be with him. He loves people enough to give them the choice to not be with him and use their own free will to determine how they live their lives.

  • @nexus_keeper
    @nexus_keeper 10 месяцев назад +2

    The whole “issue” of communication stems from the fact that the Bible is about faith, over proof. We have disconnected ourselves from the lord, and we must seek him to find him.

    • @Non-religiou
      @Non-religiou 2 месяца назад

      Screw that

    • @WetbackNoSetback
      @WetbackNoSetback 2 месяца назад

      I searched high & low & never even felt a tingle of faith, i read that book multiple times i asked preachers, priest & reverends, & i never felt anything or saw anything, you are just one of Skinner’s pigeons my friend

  • @KristoferOlafsson
    @KristoferOlafsson 2 года назад +8

    “God can’t speak directly to people because it would overwhelm them” … so your saying god guy is not all powerful and can’t do something…

    • @nandinibandhini
      @nandinibandhini 2 года назад +1

      Apparently he spoke to 3 million people at Mt Sinai so? (insert sarcasm)

    • @cedriceric9730
      @cedriceric9730 2 года назад


  • @utubepunk
    @utubepunk 2 года назад +53

    If god existed, you'd think we'd hear from it instead of his fanclub.

    • @gleanerman2195
      @gleanerman2195 2 года назад +4

      But the fan club is all he's got.

    • @eliwalker6245
      @eliwalker6245 2 года назад +3

      John 7:7
      King James Version
      7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
      Hebrews 11:6
      King James Version
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      John 1
      King James Version
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins.
      If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity.
      God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross.
      your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you.
      Ephesians 1:13
      King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.
      Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready.
      I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
      God bless :)

    • @zacharygilmore1075
      @zacharygilmore1075 2 года назад +11

      @@eliwalker6245 Sure buddy, God loves us so much that he won’t even take the time to talk to any of us. Guess he’s still out at the grocery store buying that milk.

    • @heartofeden67
      @heartofeden67 2 года назад +2

      Literally puts Himself in Human Form (Jesus) to show His existence. Where's the proof of God? He literally walked with us on Earth, and Man heard it from Jesus' own mouth, not his fanclub. The Bible is God's Word, yet you somehow think you only hear from his fanclub? You clearly lack understanding of what's been provided to us.

    • @zacharygilmore1075
      @zacharygilmore1075 2 года назад +4

      @@heartofeden67 Except Jesus never wrote down anything. He left that to non-eyewitnesses to write things down decades after they allegedly happened. There’s more proof that Mohammed existed, yet I doubt that either of us believe in Islam.

  • @judethree4405
    @judethree4405 Год назад +14

    “Don’t be a dick” on the moon, would be dope!