WOW! Your video editing skills are incredible and loved every second of this new vid! Keep up the amazing work and will be tuning in for the next one 🎉
A lot of Saints Row 2 players are unaware that if you get vehicle delivery and get the Bear APC in your garage, upgrade it in semi broken, it makes Snatch and the drug trafficking a breeze in the higher levels
Dude if you're playing the PC port you gotta get Idolninjas patch and you'll see a massive difference in performance. Plus you can keep the game as vanilla as you like and just use the patch to fix the bugs and glitches.
Doing the activities earlier is better. I left them as the last things to do and as I completed insurance fraud I got the award for 100% and I was like “that’s it?” Very anticlimactic
Saints row 2 is hands down 1 of the best games I've played, I got it as soon as it became backwards compatible on next gen aswell. I use to hate the septic activity cos I always found it hard until my next gen playthrough when I realised you can make the truck stop😂. Also the soundtrack was amazing in the franchise as a whole, not so much the reboot tho
the escort missions in saints row the third are less horny the girl doesn't moans while you're driving only when you reach an objectif they '' censored '' that :(
Saints row 3 is my favorite game and I have never played SR2 but I got to admit this part had a god damn enormous potential and big load of fun extra activity, even more then third part
@@squareeyes5907 Yeah, Gentlemen of the Row was a mod made by the legendary Mike Watson AKA IdolNinja. Dude was a SR2 superfan, in collaboration with other modders and assistants of the SR2 PC Community, created both a rough patcher and amazing mod that adds stuff like custom logos, weapons and vehicles. He even added a logo I wanted at some point into the game. There is a lot of stuff I can't quite fit on this comment but next time you play SR2 on PC, I recommend installing it, as there was meant to be a massive patch with discovery of the source code for the PC port, thanks to the efforts of Mike and a small skeleton crew of his choosing. AT this stage, we aren't getting any better
I relived some PTSD by watching some of these challenges, you really had to have a luck with RNG to set though some of those. Hod did I do it as a kid? I probably had too much free time lol. Anyway, great video, subbed as I see you play Zomboid too
@@squareeyes5907 just finished it like 10 minz ago was brutal. I left it for last an that wasn't a good move hahaha. Totally dope video bro i watched it like 3 times today
With snatch you can use personal vehicles as long as you don't leave your vehicle in the standard vehicle spawn location , the bear is easy mode and the voxel is fast mode
My Saints row 2 on Steam crashed one time too many and now the game crashes on Launch. Even when I Upgraded and got a new PC i downloaded it Again and it still crashes at the same spot on the loading screen
I guess the premise is to do them all before I start the main story, although I pretty sure you don't need to complete all activities to finish the game
Saints Row 2 had the best and funnest activities you get rewards for every 3rd and 6th level. In the first game they went on for too long. The 3rd game activities were boring and useless with useless rewards. The 4th game had you do multiple for side quest and the activities had better rewards than the 3rd game. The reboot has the same issue as the 3rd game. boring and useless activities.
*I feel like im the only one who disliked SR2. the graphics, the controls, the music, the cars, I hated it all. the story was cool but that's all. SR1 was better. SR3 is my favorite. Agents Of Mayhem I consider SR5* 🙌
I love the Saints Row games so much. Such a shame its kinda fallen off. Im impressed you made it through all the crashes haha
Thanks for watching! Yeah it's a shame it kinda peaked at SR2! I shoulda just played on console in hindsight, but haven't setup recording for that yet
And didn't help that steam is using the oldest exe of the game, unlike gog
Saints row 2 needs a remaster! My all time favorite game
Soo good!
Yep,because Steam version is trash
@@knightsolaire5393 So so trash
WOW! Your video editing skills are incredible and loved every second of this new vid!
Keep up the amazing work and will be tuning in for the next one 🎉
This means so much to me, thank you for the support!
A lot of Saints Row 2 players are unaware that if you get vehicle delivery and get the Bear APC in your garage, upgrade it in semi broken, it makes Snatch and the drug trafficking a breeze in the higher levels
The drug trafficking ain't even that hard but snatch is tho
Dude if you're playing the PC port you gotta get Idolninjas patch and you'll see a massive difference in performance. Plus you can keep the game as vanilla as you like and just use the patch to fix the bugs and glitches.
This challenged unpatched looked like a CBT run.
Gog makes itcrash way less
@@DrierLocket7477SR2 Juiced & Gentleman of the row mod make steam version work as well.
@@DrierLocket7477been playing gog version for 25 ish hours now with the juiced patch and haven’t crashed once. this is true
Doing the activities earlier is better. I left them as the last things to do and as I completed insurance fraud I got the award for 100% and I was like “that’s it?” Very anticlimactic
Riiight! Getting all the cool upgrades first just makes the game feel better then you get to do all the story missions
Let me know if you want me to make a cinematic experience of the story, thanks for watching!
The fact u played sr2 on steam without patches amazes me, I’m sorry you suffered the constant crashing & sh***y performance
Saints Row 2 is probably the best game of my childhood along with Fallout New Vegas.
Same. I can play those 2 games all the time and never get bored of them.
Same as well both games gave so much freedom that as a kid was everything 🥹going home to download both on xbox series x soon I get home
I Always do fight club after defeating the ronin because you get a better fight style
Saints row 2 is hands down 1 of the best games I've played, I got it as soon as it became backwards compatible on next gen aswell. I use to hate the septic activity cos I always found it hard until my next gen playthrough when I realised you can make the truck stop😂. Also the soundtrack was amazing in the franchise as a whole, not so much the reboot tho
@@LxstGalaxy2000 the sound track goes so crazy, wish there wasn’t copyright or I’d play it
Very cool
the escort missions in saints row the third are less horny
the girl doesn't moans while you're driving only when you reach an objectif
they '' censored '' that :(
Saints row 3 is my favorite game and I have never played SR2 but I got to admit this part had a god damn enormous potential and big load of fun extra activity, even more then third part
The bigger challenge is deffff playing Saints Row 2 on PC without “gentlemen of the row” modded in 😭😭😭😭
without? I didn't have this mod installed, only a shader
@@squareeyes5907 Yeah, Gentlemen of the Row was a mod made by the legendary Mike Watson AKA IdolNinja. Dude was a SR2 superfan, in collaboration with other modders and assistants of the SR2 PC Community, created both a rough patcher and amazing mod that adds stuff like custom logos, weapons and vehicles. He even added a logo I wanted at some point into the game.
There is a lot of stuff I can't quite fit on this comment but next time you play SR2 on PC, I recommend installing it, as there was meant to be a massive patch with discovery of the source code for the PC port, thanks to the efforts of Mike and a small skeleton crew of his choosing.
AT this stage, we aren't getting any better
@@HydeFK wasnt he a developer for the game?
It's criminal how this video only has 3k views, it's amazing
The 360 version may not look as nice as the PC version but at least it's stable 😂
I relived some PTSD by watching some of these challenges, you really had to have a luck with RNG to set though some of those. Hod did I do it as a kid? I probably had too much free time lol. Anyway, great video, subbed as I see you play Zomboid too
The D trafficking instance 2 segment really hit me, reminds me of sr1 levels 6/8, so much suffering.
Bro..... you totally lied when you said crowd control was probably the easiest... its the hardest by a long shot...
For me, it was no issue I only failed it once!
@@squareeyes5907 just finished it like 10 minz ago was brutal. I left it for last an that wasn't a good move hahaha. Totally dope video bro i watched it like 3 times today
@@BmxGuyFromNZ Really appreciate it, glad you got through it!
No it’s not lol
For real
With snatch you can use personal vehicles as long as you don't leave your vehicle in the standard vehicle spawn location , the bear is easy mode and the voxel is fast mode
I love the way you made your character.
Mullet + Horseshoe Mustache = Badass combo.
(At least in my eyes, anyway...)
Also what's the music at 4:51?
Demo Derby Is The Best Activity No Discussion
A shame you played this before the “remastering” video, the gog version, juiced and GOTR would’ve made this so much less buggy
When you said bro fk you, you sounded like a New Zealander 😂
Did you set it on compatibility mode ? 😅
what reshade are you using??
@@Mental_Clown I can’t remember now but I think this one
My Saints row 2 on Steam crashed one time too many and now the game crashes on Launch. Even when I Upgraded and got a new PC i downloaded it Again and it still crashes at the same spot on the loading screen
That's sad man, it's such a great game - the crashes made this run so hard!
turnt turnt turnt video but, all activities is required? how else would you play the game?
I guess the premise is to do them all before I start the main story, although I pretty sure you don't need to complete all activities to finish the game
You forgot one activity it's racing
Racing is technically a diversion even though it is marked on the map as an activity.
This ^
Now get all the diversions
Saints Row 2 had the best and funnest activities you get rewards for every 3rd and 6th level. In the first game they went on for too long. The 3rd game activities were boring and useless with useless rewards. The 4th game had you do multiple for side quest and the activities had better rewards than the 3rd game. The reboot has the same issue as the 3rd game. boring and useless activities.
*I feel like im the only one who disliked SR2. the graphics, the controls, the music, the cars, I hated it all. the story was cool but that's all. SR1 was better. SR3 is my favorite. Agents Of Mayhem I consider SR5* 🙌
SR3 is a blast too, hopefully you enjoyed the video!
Alguien q tenga ps3 tenga saints row 2 y hable español??