I love how weegee clutched out the 16 star record before he could upload the video so the whole script he had for the 16 star record was almost obsolete
16 star has had an insane race to 14:4x so far with suigi getting 2 world records in the span of 2 weeks, weegee returning to 16 star and claiming the record back, and the others in the background have been playing insane
I love how passionate you are about speedrunning. Love channels like yours that aren't afraid of creating videos just about one topic. It makes me feel a way that I can't describe.
Such a great video. Really shows the beauty of speedrunning and how a little momentum in the community can break barriers thought to be impossible to reach. Thanks for the vid.
4:02 Something similar happened recently. On July 30th 2023, toobou reclaimed the Mario Sunshine Any% Record for the first time in 7 years with a 1:13:17(also if you're asking Guy2308 used a modded Wii for faster load times which is banned)
It's weird to me that the current world records are all, like, these messy runs with missed Bowser throws and stuff. I thought the game was at a point where you have to play perfect by default, and BETTER than perfect to even have a chance at WR? Where are they saving time? I mean respect to the runners, they're all mad skilled. Maybe it just shows how low the record can still go.
To jest najdziwniejszy kult, jaki widzę w odniesieniu do Mario 64. Masz tysiące dzieci Gen-Z w zaprzeczeniu myśląc, że są one rzeczywiście grając legitnie speedrun. To nie jest legitny playthrough jeśli oszukujesz i przechodzisz przez ściany. Ci ludzie są tak dziwni, myśląc, że osiągnęli tę wielką rzecz, gdy wszystko, co robią, to używanie zmodyfikowanego kartridża/romu do manipulowania fizyką gry. Walcie we mnie ile chcecie testosteronu i emocjonalnych tyrad, to nie zmieni faktu, że nie jesteście prawdziwymi graczami.
C'est le culte le plus étrange que je vois concernant Mario 64. Vous avez des milliers d'enfants de la Z-Gen dans le déni pensant qu'ils regardent un speedrun supposé légitime. Ce n'est pas un jeu légitime si vous trichez et vous déplacez à travers les murs. Ces gens sont tellement bizarres en pensant qu'ils ont accompli cette grande chose alors qu'ils ne font qu'utiliser une cartouche/rom modifiée pour manipuler la physique du jeu. Venez à moi avec autant de testostérone déchaînée et de délires émotionnels que vous voulez, cela ne changera pas le fait que vous n'êtes pas de vrais joueurs.
You always tell us to shoot for the moon at the end, but why can't we just shoot the moon? It's looking at me funny... Totally unrelated but will you ever cover Majora's Mask speedruns? I don't see those get talked about at all.
Yooo only just realised that you aren't just the formal name of lunarjump, like his full name is lunatic jump, but you are actually a different person!
Don't suppose anyone knows what the song playing in the background at 1 minute 30 seconds in is? As soon as the string instruments kicked in nostalgia hit me in waves but I can't find the song/ cover 😅
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you chest and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
@@LunaticJ i am tempted to go to that person's channel and call him out lol He apparently is not very knowledgeable and knows nothing about the world of speedrunning
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they’re actually playing a legit speedrun. It’s not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move though walls. These people are so weird thinking that they’ve accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
I love how weegee clutched out the 16 star record before he could upload the video so the whole script he had for the 16 star record was almost obsolete
16 star has had an insane race to 14:4x so far with suigi getting 2 world records in the span of 2 weeks, weegee returning to 16 star and claiming the record back, and the others in the background have been playing insane
and now kanno got a 7:07 in 1 star
I love Lunatic J so much! Just wish he could post more :(
Keep your eyes peeled. Im gonna actually try my best now
@@LunaticJ Amazing! Keep up the great work man✌️
Who is Lunatic?
I love how passionate you are about speedrunning. Love channels like yours that aren't afraid of creating videos just about one topic. It makes me feel a way that I can't describe.
Such a great video. Really shows the beauty of speedrunning and how a little momentum in the community can break barriers thought to be impossible to reach. Thanks for the vid.
just did a speedrun of finding this video, only took me 8 minutes after upload.
Great video as always man. Can't wait to see this channel grow even more!
I was about to say 64 is the gift that keeps on giving then he said it as I was typing 😅
Great minds think alike :)
What a week that was. Quality content, J!
Great Video man. Just wanted to mention (at 11:10 ) that Suigi did not improve his own record but beat the former World Record by Finnii.
Bro, your channel is about to blow tf up. Just waiting for it.
No bomb threats please.
Mario; got to catch them all!
And now the 1 star world record has been beaten too!
4:02 Something similar happened recently. On July 30th 2023, toobou reclaimed the Mario Sunshine Any% Record for the first time in 7 years with a 1:13:17(also if you're asking Guy2308 used a modded Wii for faster load times which is banned)
Nice video. I appreciate the Melee music
I remember I said I would watch your career with great interest ever since your second video, good thing I remembered you exist
It's weird to me that the current world records are all, like, these messy runs with missed Bowser throws and stuff. I thought the game was at a point where you have to play perfect by default, and BETTER than perfect to even have a chance at WR? Where are they saving time?
I mean respect to the runners, they're all mad skilled. Maybe it just shows how low the record can still go.
Great to see you back! Loved your content as always!
To jest najdziwniejszy kult, jaki widzę w odniesieniu do Mario 64. Masz tysiące dzieci Gen-Z w zaprzeczeniu myśląc, że są one rzeczywiście grając legitnie speedrun. To nie jest legitny playthrough jeśli oszukujesz i przechodzisz przez ściany. Ci ludzie są tak dziwni, myśląc, że osiągnęli tę wielką rzecz, gdy wszystko, co robią, to używanie zmodyfikowanego kartridża/romu do manipulowania fizyką gry. Walcie we mnie ile chcecie testosteronu i emocjonalnych tyrad, to nie zmieni faktu, że nie jesteście prawdziwymi graczami.
壁を通り抜けます。 これらの人々
物理学を操作するためのカートリッジ/ ROM
ゲームの。 たくさん持って来てください
Great video man! On a note, the 1:38:13 was held by Liam IIRC, not batora.
really enjoying your videos man, looking forward to more
C'est le culte le plus étrange que je vois concernant Mario 64. Vous avez des milliers d'enfants de la Z-Gen dans le déni pensant qu'ils regardent un speedrun supposé légitime. Ce n'est pas un jeu légitime si vous trichez et vous déplacez à travers les murs. Ces gens sont tellement bizarres en pensant qu'ils ont accompli cette grande chose alors qu'ils ne font qu'utiliser une cartouche/rom modifiée pour manipuler la physique du jeu. Venez à moi avec autant de testostérone déchaînée et de délires émotionnels que vous voulez, cela ne changera pas le fait que vous n'êtes pas de vrais joueurs.
Fantastic video as always.
Love ur videos mate, Great job!
Sm64 will always be the greatest speed game.
weegee’s comeup since his 2017 record has been crazy
Actually I watched the current WR, 14:53. (Also congrats for 43,000 subs!)
Thanks :)
"thanks for 40k subs" wtf you deserve more
cool sm64 SR stuff!! I enjoyed!
You always tell us to shoot for the moon at the end, but why can't we just shoot the moon? It's looking at me funny...
Totally unrelated but will you ever cover Majora's Mask speedruns? I don't see those get talked about at all.
It’s funny you mention that because I’m making a Majora’s Mask. It’ll be out before the end of the year
@@LunaticJ MASSIVE hype for that video bc imo Majora's Mask I'd the second best LoZ game, right behind WW.
SM64 is popping off, and I'm loving every second of it.
you're welcome :)
When are you getting 16 wr it’s only a matter of time man
@@LunaticJ hmm im not sure about that anymore lol. maybe some day.
7:56 wait that's a music from Kirby Right back at ya / hoshi no kaabii
I agree with that choise of music it is clearly great
It’s Checker Knights from Kirby Air Ride, but it’s possible it was used in Kirby Right back at ya!
The real greatest mario64 day ever when someone get all categories world records
Someone say Matias?
@@ravenshade266 weegee ftw
1 star record broken today!
You deserve wayyyy more views that you get my man
He. Is. Back.
Madman J coming with that super Mario 64 content YES!!
cheese got the 120 star record a few days ago, beat Liam by 3 seconds
A video explaining NSMB DS Any% TAS by Hartman
Yooo only just realised that you aren't just the formal name of lunarjump, like his full name is lunatic jump, but you are actually a different person!
Bro Lunarjump is the best SM64 streamer I'm so happy he came back!
Every world record broken you forgot 0/1 stars
Great video, I think you should make a video about a party game
I've been here since 10k subs!
Now Kanno has broke 1 star as well
here after seeing Liam fuck up his run this evening :(
Infamous mean ‘a famous evil act.’ It is not synonymous with famous.
good video. as always :)
Don't suppose anyone knows what the song playing in the background at 1 minute 30 seconds in is?
As soon as the string instruments kicked in nostalgia hit me in waves but I can't find the song/ cover 😅
noooo the best comment is gone :(
Spread the copypasta. Don't let the meme die
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you chest and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
@@LunaticJ i am tempted to go to that person's channel and call him out lol He apparently is not very knowledgeable and knows nothing about the world of speedrunning
Curious, anybody knows what song is used starting at 3:02? I seen it played a couple of times, but can't just point to that song.
Well guess after searching it's Battlerock Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy - ruclips.net/video/KYhmHovdBxY/видео.html
Been loving it
Someone forgot 1 Star lol
Can’t wait for 120 in 1:20:00
0:27 why infamous?
idk the word just sounds cool i guess
@@LunaticJ "well known for some bad quality or deed"
les go he uploaded
I'm not especially interested in speed runs, but some how this channel manages to make it really interesting.
Gotta Go Fast.
I'm desperate to find out what song is at 1:50
Mario galaxy 2, it is the saw related galaxy
Puzzle plank galaxy
it's a good song.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
(To anyone about to reply, this is a copypasta, lol.)
@@glaciere-sama3529 ok I was about to go off
Thy just got a 0(or 1, I forgot) star record too
You're certainly no summoning salt, but you're pretty good :)
3:08 might want to look up what infamous means homie
I'll do it if you subscribe and tell a friend to watch this
Mario is real
@@shhh_shhh I'm in your house
do you got a song list? nice music
I need to make one! Thinking about compiling it in a google doc
Instead of playing super Mario Odyssey your playing Mario 64 that completely makes no sense Nintendo games don’t give achievements
Is it a rule that the last star has to be the last bowser?
i was here
I wouldn't be surprised if it takes over 2 years to knock liam of his throne
Any% erasure in the thumbnail :(
New upload?!?!
GreenSuigi reminds me of a Geometry Dash player called SpaceUK. If anyone here plays GD, you'll probably know what I mean.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
heh real gamers
love this copypasta
Does anyone know why 70 star is in english?
We need more 0 star runs. Anybody wanna try it out?
You should try!
love your uploads. keep it up
what about 0 star
No walls shall remain standing.
gud vid :-)
Why was Simply's record "infamous"?
Poor choice of words on my end. I should have said “iconic”
Comment Top 100 group
NNN ftw
Months. Not Mumphs.
November tempth
Speedrunning is a waste of time.
Being the best at something barely no one does.
Go do a real sport.
Seriously. They be should be playing Starcraft like real athletes.
everything is a waste of time
Real sport? Ok, I’ll become the best real tennis player in the world then
Nice bait, mate. Get a real hobby besides trying to troll RUclips comments. 😋
Ikr. They should speedrun a real game like *Madden 08*
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
what not hitting bljs does to a mfer
Just in case, this comment is a copy of another comment someone posted here. It may have been deleted idk
@@lucio-ohs8828 the original commenter deleted his comment.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
Not a single player in this video is using a modded cartridge or rom
@@maxenglish5106 its a copy pasta
@@nylnera welp
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see
regarding Mario 64. You have thousands
of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that
they're actually playing a legit speedrun.
It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat
and move through walls. These people
are so weird thinking that they've
accomplished this great thing when all
they're doing is using a modified
cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics
of the game. Come at me with as much
raging testosterone and emotional ranting
all you want, it won't change the fact that
you're not real gamers.
Dayum I didn’t know this would hit someone hard
its a copypasta lol
This is the strangest cult that I see
regarding Mario 64. You have thousands
of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that
they're actually playing a legit speedrun.
It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat
and move through walls. These people
are so weird thinking that they've
accomplished this great thing when all
they're doing is using a modified
cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics
of the game. Come at me with as much
raging testosterone and emotional ranting
all you want, it won't change the fact that
you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they’re actually playing a legit speedrun. It’s not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move though walls. These people are so weird thinking that they’ve accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers
Totally not copied comment
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking that they've accomplished this great thing when all they’re doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate the physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting all you want, it won’t change the fact that you’re not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.
This is the strangest cult that I see regarding Mario 64. You have thousands of Z-Gen kids in denial thinking that they're actually playing a legit speedrun. It's not a legit playthrough if you cheat and move through walls. These people are so weird thinking they've accomplished this great thing when all they're doing is using a modified cartridge/rom to manipulate physics of the game. Come at me with as much raging testosterone and emotional ranting you want, it won't change the fact that you're not real gamers.