When Your Ideal customers, clients or users have been Identified, You need to become the thing that attracts them, rather than go in search for them and this can be achieved when You disrupt in that industry.
Disruption doesn't just help carve out a niche, but is also the pivot of dominating your industry. Disruption can be achieved when you do things in either or all of 4 ways
1.Simpler: reduce the complication involved in your business and make it faster to get to the result you want to achieve for customers. if it takes 10 steps, do it in 3... except if the long process is part of the design in the customer experience.
2. Easier: Make it easy for people to find you and to pay you. Don't just put yourself on platforms, put yourself in processes that people enjoy and package to attract your customers...Package is the point where a product becomes a brand,...so it's not just about physical packaging.
3. Quicker: Resolve issues and problems that arise with your customers quicker. The more it takes to resolve a problem the more you look like everyone else.
4. Cheaper: cheaper doesn't mean lower price, it means more benefit(s). Two things can be worth the same price and one has more benefit than the other which makes it considerably cheaper. Benefits are what the product comes with that is not the product itself but is an advantage to the user...Benefits are not features, features are what the product has, benefits are what people get, so all benefits are features but not all features are beneficial an example of a benefit is a return back policy.
When Your Ideal customers, clients or users have been Identified, You need to become the thing that attracts them, rather than go in search for them and this can be achieved when You disrupt in that industry.
Disruption doesn't just help carve out a niche, but is also the pivot of dominating your industry.
Disruption can be achieved when you do things in either or all of 4 ways
1.Simpler: reduce the complication involved in your business and make it faster to get to the result you want to achieve for customers. if it takes 10 steps, do it in 3... except if the long process is part of the design in the customer experience.
2. Easier: Make it easy for people to find you and to pay you. Don't just put yourself on platforms, put yourself in processes that people enjoy and package to attract your customers...Package is the point where a product becomes a brand,...so it's not just about physical packaging.
3. Quicker: Resolve issues and problems that arise with your customers quicker. The more it takes to resolve a problem the more you look like everyone else.
4. Cheaper: cheaper doesn't mean lower price, it means more benefit(s). Two things can be worth the same price and one has more benefit than the other which makes it considerably cheaper. Benefits are what the product comes with that is not the product itself but is an advantage to the user...Benefits are not features, features are what the product has, benefits are what people get, so all benefits are features but not all features are beneficial an example of a benefit is a return back policy.