Alice Sara Ott - Schumann Romance Op. 28 No. 2

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • March 12 , 2014 Tokyo

Комментарии • 21

  • @brooksiefan
    @brooksiefan 6 лет назад +16

    Everything here is clear, intimate, expressive, knit together and elegant.

    • @mariodisarli1022
      @mariodisarli1022 4 года назад +2

      The Telegraph 29 Mar. 2015
      By Anna van Praagh
      ..."Alice Sara Ott gets a lot of attention for her looks and her
      quirks - but it is her unique musical personality that will keep her at
      the top ...
      She looks like a supermodel, often takes the stage in a ball gown and
      bare feet and, she tells me, has a great fondness for neat scotch. ...
      “The world of classical music is a very hard world and the people who
      survive are just a few. One minute you are very popular, four years
      later no one has heard of you. It could all be over tomorrow. That’s
      what I want to avoid. I want to be around in 20 or 30 years, doing what I
      love, I don’t want to be a shooting star.” ...
      With her elfin features, porcelain skin and jet black hair, she is
      breathtakingly beautiful, and not averse to posing for photo-shoots
      highlighting that beauty. Does she feel under pressure as a female
      artist to exploit her sex appeal? ...
      “I know where my limits are,” she says crisply. “If I do a photo-shoot I
      must feel comfortable. I know what I will do and I know what I won’t
      do.” ...
      She believes that the classical music world is far more egalitarian than
      it once was. ...
      Are her love of whisky (she favours Talisker, Laphroaig and Lagavulin ),
      her habit of warming up her hands before a concert by solving the
      Rubik’s cube (she can complete it within a minute), and her trademark
      bare feet simply ways of making sure she stands out in a crowded market?
      No, nothing so calculated she says. ...
      “There’s no commercial reason for performing in bare feet. It makes me
      comfortable and it gets hot under the spotlight so it’s nice to feel the
      cold pedals on my feet.” ...
      The Rubik’s cube is practical and the whisky - well, she just happens to
      like single malts. ...
      However, such quirks do help make her more - dread word - “accessible”
      to audiences that might not normally be attracted to classical music and
      that is something about which she is passionate. ...
      “I want to remove the notion that classical music is just something for
      rich educated people,” she says. “It’s not. You don’t have to be
      educated to enjoy classical music, you get educated by listening to it.”
      “That’s why for me it is so important to be a really good musician
      rather than someone who just looks good on stage,” she muses, “Because
      then I am replaceable. If I have a unique musical personality, I hope
      that people will wait for me.” GIDON KREMER :
      ...die Tage der "verwegenen Burschen und wunderschönen Mädchen", die das
      Publikum verführen, sind gezählt. Sie werden schon bald abgelöst werden
      von ... ihresgleichen! Ein in der Öffentlichkeit zum "Superstar"
      promovierter Künstler verleiht der vorgetragenen Musik keine
      zusätzlichen Feinheiten.Sein Name, dekliniert, konjugiert, geschätzt,
      verkauft, gefeiert, zu Lebzeiten lautstark bejubelt, wird
      VERGESSENHEIT geraten.
      ...."In der heutigen Zeit der Massenaufläufe und Vergnügungen
      wird es als besonders "cool" betrachtet, sich nach dem populären
      Geschmack zu richten. ...Indessen verführt man uns dazu, die Treue zur
      Musik zu vergessen und uns im Namen des Erfolges (oder Umsatzes?)
      "hinzugeben" (das Wort entspricht sogar der Handlung!) - Hauptsache, der
      "Kunde" (der Hörer!) ist zufrieden. Erinnert so eine Haltung nicht an
      ein Bordell? ..."

  • @TheAstroStick
    @TheAstroStick 4 года назад +2

    To pre-iterate, everything here is clear, intimate, expressive, knit together and elegant.

  • @eytonshalom
    @eytonshalom 5 лет назад +4

    to quote another commentor: Everything here is clear, intimate, expressive, knit together and elegant.

  • @eduardomartinez5586
    @eduardomartinez5586 6 лет назад +6

    Excelente y exquisita pianista

  • @chloewang8264
    @chloewang8264 Год назад +1

    Amazing playing. Your dynamics are really good and your playing is very neat also when your playing you look very calm

  • @jimsanford9215
    @jimsanford9215 Год назад

    Gorgeous Alice!

  • @MaryDeliaLynch
    @MaryDeliaLynch Год назад +1

    Makes the heart sing!❤

  • @mariaceciliamaringonidecar904
    @mariaceciliamaringonidecar904 5 лет назад +4

    Einfach schoen!

  • @sanidadecontroledepragaslt4780
    @sanidadecontroledepragaslt4780 4 года назад +1

    Nossa! que bela mulher, que sensibilidade ao tocar o teclado, que bela música.

  • @EnnoMaffen
    @EnnoMaffen 4 года назад +1

    To quote another commentor: "To pre-iterate, everything here is clear, intimate, expressive, knit together and elegant."

  • @arriamirorei1925
    @arriamirorei1925 Год назад

    0:53 One repetition is missing here.

  • @chloewang8264
    @chloewang8264 Год назад +1


  • @roberthuber5589
    @roberthuber5589 5 лет назад +1


  • @alanlane3670
    @alanlane3670 2 года назад

    Fantastic...........but can she play "Crocodile Rock" ?????

  • @oooooBDooooo
    @oooooBDooooo 5 лет назад

    The uncertainty of waiting for Frigate in an empty port at the Captain's doubt is mixed with a slight breeze of the ocean breeze carrying the promise of adventure and Deeping self- doubt. Poetry Stories
    niepewność oczekiwania Fregaty w pustym porcie na Kapitana zwątpienie miesza się z lekkim powiewem bryzy znad oceanu niosącą obietnicę przygody i pogłębiające się zwątpienie

  • @WmozartAYT
    @WmozartAYT 7 лет назад +2


  • @chunlyn
    @chunlyn Год назад

    👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍

  • @半分上った黄色い太陽
    @半分上った黄色い太陽 5 лет назад
