Yoshvim Perek 2: Part I of the Interview with Ariel Cohen Alloro

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2013
  • What an Orthodox Jew from the heart of Jerusalem has to do with Yeshua of Natzerth? Find out in this special episode of Yoshvim with Ariel Cohen. For more information go to www.kosherpig.ore or www.ahavatammi.org . If you have any specific questions write us at info@ahavatammi.org . To support our work go to www.fundly.com/ahavatammiministries

Комментарии • 70

  • @100Versityle
    @100Versityle 7 лет назад +3

    Ahhh this is Great. Just to witness so much dialogue that testifies to Messiah/Yeshua from so many angles. You can almost see/hear the prophetic plans working through the the generational difference of these two. The veil is being lifted, and the reconciliation of the extremes of both Judah in the camp and the unclean without, and the stranger all simultaneously being rectified into the Covenants. Absolutely amazing.

  • @dralgarza
    @dralgarza 10 лет назад +4

    Great interview. I do have one thought on this. First, the early followers for almost 15 to 20 years after the resurrection were all Jews from the nations. Only in Acts 10 and 11 do you have a God fearing Roman and the Greeks in Ch.11 coming into the faith. Shaul always went to the Jews first in every city and trained the first Greeks for a year. Shaul never went directly to the Greeks to share the gospel. He went directly to the synagogue first. He challenged the Greeks on their idols.

    • @suaptoest
      @suaptoest 4 года назад

      We Christians have not understood the Bible correctly.
      There has always been a message to Israel just for Israel. We Gentiles have mistakenly confused our position with things for the Jews. Jesus did not come to change this.
      Rom. 11:15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?
      Paul knew that the Jews would not be converted until the end of time, as the prophets had predicted.
      Even when the old covenant was made, there was a 40-year delay in its implementation in the promised country. Similarly, the delay is justifiable for the new covenant.

  • @ortho-g9826
    @ortho-g9826 3 года назад

    It's good to see a spirited discussion about deep issues but with respect and not hatred.

  • @littleswol1
    @littleswol1 10 лет назад +1

    That was great! I disagree with some stuff Ariel said but thats one smart guy! I cant wait for part two! B'H!

  • @remosbagongoremosbagongo937
    @remosbagongoremosbagongo937 3 года назад

    ברוח השם

  • @joorock63
    @joorock63 10 лет назад

    This is deep.Thank you both.

  • @nitts77
    @nitts77 10 лет назад +1

    wow..so much to learn

  • @safetyjose
    @safetyjose 9 лет назад +1

    Rabbi One Torah for Israel And the Gentil.

    @ALEXGIBSONCMG 4 года назад

    Riveting conversation! ^o^

  • @MrZekesyoutubechannel
    @MrZekesyoutubechannel 10 лет назад

    Mach Shma

  • @javierelbueno
    @javierelbueno 9 лет назад +2

    When Yeshua HaMashiach said: Go to all the nations.... (that of course include the Jews)

  • @whatsinaname7013
    @whatsinaname7013 6 лет назад +1

    All is happening as God foretold. Exciting times. I would say to that which comments to insist the old testament no longer matters, that they might consider the import of that statement. The ten Mitzvah, commandments, still apply. If not, I wouldn't want to be that persons neighbor. LOL

  • @eduardmelmann2653
    @eduardmelmann2653 5 лет назад

    can somebody explain me why he adds on 44:55 for servi and whats connection to jeseus? +ahavat ammi

  • @tallterrilaw8646
    @tallterrilaw8646 6 лет назад +1

    I agree it is a big problem Christians can't convert to Judaism without denying Jesus! which defeats the whole purpose of why we would want to convert in the first place!

  •  10 лет назад +5

    I also want to put here my experience with Rabbi Mosheh Ohana, a Cabalist Rabbi, which had the same and erroneous ideas of Ariel about the faith of Israel as viewed by Yehoshua’ and the apostles:
    The principal point of discussion was and is, the “faith of the sages”. He said he was a “deptor” to the sages, because they never made mistakes… so, in this case, Ariel states a Gentile need/must or have to convert to judaism, that is, Rabinic judaism, judaism that denies Yehoshua’ to be able of considering a real observant, and excuse me you all, this is not correct.
    The problem with Rabbis and traditional judaism , was and is judging or thinking in only a way/form/method to the fulfillment of commandments (the faith of the Sages), when even they (The Rabbis) can’t explain certain halachot, such as how the Biblical totaphot טוטפות became the tephilin תפילין, or why the Mezuzah has current form of a “box”.
    Thus, being correct that Yehoshúa’ is Qorban Pesach, (Passover sacrifice), is also certain the circumcision we need today, is not that on the flesh, but that on the heart, as was writen:
    Dt. 30:1-6
    Now, what is most important? circumcision on flesh or on heart? certainly on heart without refusing that on fleshed, but NOT by an ‘ot (signal) anyone can say: “you are a second class” or “this is not for you, you aren’t a jew”.
    Torah was given to all nations, because was writen:
    Dt 29:10-16. Then, must I be circumcised? No! Avraham was called without any circumcision and received promises… or… ¿Only when I get circumcised is the neshamah coming back to me? NO! is when your heart is cicumcised and you became a believer.
    So, commandments OF GOD, are free, not closed or reserved to the unique interpretation or view of the Rabis, pending indeed of receiving he Light of the World, our Master Yehoshúa’ hamashiach chay veqayam (living and true)

    •  10 лет назад

      The point here is clear: Yehoshua is Shi'ur Qomah, 'Atiq Yomin, 'or chozer gufó shel 'elohim...

    •  10 лет назад

      Shi'ur Qomah = the measure of the body of God, Metátron (his latin equivalent).
      'Atiq yomin = The elder of days = who in which are hiden all the threasures of the high wisdom and knowledge
      'Or Chozer = the refleted light = The light of the infinite, came minimized (nogah) to this world and came back to the Highs Places with more strenght and power.
      Gufó shel 'elohim = the Body/bodiness of God, as is writen: God was manifested in flesh... in him (Yehoshua) inhabit all the Godness.

  • @ortho-g9826
    @ortho-g9826 3 года назад

    Wow this video was 7 years ago? What's happening today with the Rabbi?

    • @desert_iron_123
      @desert_iron_123 2 года назад

      According to my research right now he turned to Yeshua :)

  • @janismoller1752
    @janismoller1752 5 лет назад

    Very interesting to listen to this conversation...

  • @Blake4Truth
    @Blake4Truth 10 лет назад

    Looked on your websites, but cannot find part 2. Does it exist?

  • @ketermalkut7653
    @ketermalkut7653 7 лет назад

    Basic issue - if you are as The LORD is when you are in Moshiach and you are as He is - 1John 4:17.
    To insist on Mitzvah after a person is Born again into the Spirit of HaShem (Ruach Kadosh) is like telling The LORD to do Mitzvah. In Romans 8:14 Rebbe Shaul (Paul) said that those who are the Sons of HaShem are led by the Spirit of HaShem. To do Mitzvah is religious practice which denies the indwelling of The LORD God, and The Word (Devar HaShem) that He will teach His Sons - Matthew 23:8-10.

  • @michielvdvlies3315
    @michielvdvlies3315 2 года назад

    Yeshua HaMoshiach the Aleph and the Tav, HaRishon (The First) and HaAcharon (The Last), HaReshit (The Beginning) and HaTachlit (The Ultimate).

  • @hrga82
    @hrga82 10 лет назад

    Yes, absolutely. In my first comment you will see that I wrote that the vast majority is still lost. Not all of them. From my reading of the Tanakh, I can clearly see that some of the 10 did assimilate into the Kingdom of Judah before it went into exile. And we all know of Benjamin and Levi. But what about the vast majority of them who are still most definitely lost? Prophecies speak about them coming back as a separate nation, not as a part of Judah. And when they come back the reunion happens.

    • @Stephen_HBTC
      @Stephen_HBTC 5 лет назад

      They were the northern kingdom but they will come back as one nation

  • @ppac300
    @ppac300 8 лет назад

    Does he also think that there is a great deal of rectification that needs to happen on the side of Judaism as well?

  • @8elionadvancing884
    @8elionadvancing884 10 лет назад +1

    I wish I would live to see Jesus gather all the Jewish the suspense is killing me lol its like watching a movie and you know it has a happy ending but all thru the movie the main character is looking for someone but every time he gets close to finding him something happens

  • @FranekLuc
    @FranekLuc 3 года назад

    Guys, exactly christians believe that Jesus Christ is truly sense of Tora! Check Isaiah 53 and psalm 22! Pray for you!

  • @SuperZenaida1
    @SuperZenaida1 4 года назад

    And again Messaiah
    Said my kingdom is not of this world.
    What is he talking about.
    He is talking about a heavenly Jerusalem.
    If Gods spirit does not reveal it to you
    You will never know.
    And God will not come back
    Before you reconize this.
    But Messaiah will not waith forever because of his people who acknowledge him.
    We are at a late our brothers
    Repent before it is too late.
    And belive God
    He will not be mocked forever
    And surtenly not as ,The serpent of old.

  • @keifferiksson8537
    @keifferiksson8537 Год назад

    Rather odd that Ariel says at 46:42 that Pesach is not for goyim when it state in ToRaH that Pesach is for “Israel and the sojourner among them”

  • @yirmeyahu2317
    @yirmeyahu2317 3 года назад

    Please talk to rav Alon Anava, he has near death experience and seems so close to the masiach

  • @okusa123
    @okusa123 2 месяца назад

    Jeshua did say go to the jews first and then the nations.

  • @pawel86able
    @pawel86able 10 лет назад +1

    47:09 - 47:25 - answers my questions.

    • @suaptoest
      @suaptoest 4 года назад

      That's what most Jews can't comprehend!
      It is not clear to most Christians either.

  • @Babelrecords
    @Babelrecords 10 лет назад

    He said we have Yom Kippur today but remember there was no Mercy Seat Ark Of Covenant to atone for sins since 586 BC!

  • @hrga82
    @hrga82 10 лет назад

    Yes, I also see most in Messianic Judaism treating modern day Jews as like they, and only they, are the whole of Israel.
    But you know how Yeshua's disciples and first believers were asking themselves what are they going to do with all those Gentiles coming to them and believing?
    I think that very soon it is going to be the same all over again.

  • @LouieG7777
    @LouieG7777 10 лет назад +1

    Messiah and snake = 358? If that's the case then Yeshu could be representative of the bronze serpent in Numbers 21:9 - not that I believe any of this, but it jives ha

    • @8elionadvancing884
      @8elionadvancing884 10 лет назад +1

      thats exactly what Yeshua said,,,"Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness the son of man must be lifted up" he was speaking of the context of the cross and if you think ab it what is a Tan Akh Tan =serpent Akh =cross lol,,,its funny how every Hebrew word has such depth,,,many concept from one word. Mostly we limit ourselves in English translation but when you really start to look at the Hebrew every letter, every meaning, every root word , every mathematical equation it gives more insight ,,,these constant arguments about does it say "Pierced" or like a lion are futile,,,they drive me crazy bc both are true and both give greater insight into the concept there,,,there are many plays on words like this. How lucky we are to have such a book

  • @chrisdinsdale9064
    @chrisdinsdale9064 10 лет назад

    you want to know why i said go to the nations to gather the lost sheep to gather them as yehovah said he would plus those so called holy jews who follow god do not look to bring them back for then they may have to share their blessing with brethren that are poor making them poor and they greedy and unwilly to do gods will fact they sell land to gentiles so they no have to obey and give land rest or follow torah and all the nations accept him before all of judaism they choose man laws to deny gods laws as writen in torah given by moses who they refuse plus i never knew or seen a jew before i went to christians i thought they were the jewish believers til ni nread bible and then realized there were jews but quickly learned they do not believe in me only in them selves took ten years to find any and they did as they did yoseph for themselves rather than for el

  • @TheCandel34
    @TheCandel34 Год назад

    the snake represents the shin the two teeth etc.
    Moses was told to take and make = Yod
    The snake = shin
    Attach it to a pole = vav
    When they look upon it = ayin
    Behold they were healed = hey
    Yod shin vav ayin hey

  • @MrRatonc2
    @MrRatonc2 10 лет назад +4

    The Torah was at Sinai was given to ALL 12 tribes of Israel AND the Strangers/Sojourners that were with Israel at Sinai. To say that the Torah was given "only to the Jews" is a lie and exclusivitism that G-D, in His Word, NEVER intended

  • @SuperZenaida1
    @SuperZenaida1 4 года назад

    Jesus never said
    That he said
    You are G-ds
    If you dont read wath he refffered too.
    Jesus said
    As manny that would belive in him
    He would give the power (again showin he is G-d)
    To be sons and daughters of G-d.

  • @Surfxeo
    @Surfxeo 10 лет назад +1

    The Old Covenant is over. We are not to add anything from the Old Covenant onto the New. We are under the Covenant of Grace. No more Sacrifice for sin (Matthew 9:15, Matthew 27:51, Galatians 5:4)
    Modern Judaism is an attack on the Torah (Deuteronomy 4:2, 4:40, 12:32; Proverbs 30:6)
    The Old Covenant is Mount Sinai - Hagar (Galatians 4:24)
    The New Covenant is Jerusalem - Sarah

  • @hrga82
    @hrga82 10 лет назад

    But God did not give the Torah only to the Jews. He gave it to all the 12 tribes. Everybody knows that the vast majority of the 10 lost tribes is still lost amongst the nations. Is it safe to assume that all those tens of thousands of Gentiles, who have in the last 20 years become Torah observant, who have just discovered the Jewishness of their Messiah, who are determined in learning Hebrew and in keeping the Laws that Yeshua never abolished, that they are the 10 lost tribes and are waking up?

  • @Malkhut
    @Malkhut 8 лет назад +1

    To translate what Ariel is saying about soul and body in relation to Yeshua being the soul of Mashiakh, as Ariel has said, he foresees a time, at the Pidyon HaBen that he is planning for Yeshua, when his rabbi, Ginsburgh, will receive the soul of the Messiah and become THE Messiah, body and soul. He does not believe in the return of Yeshua to Israel as declared by Yeshua's emissaries in their first century writings, being literally seen returning on the clouds of Heaven by everyone; he does not acknowledge the authority of the many such references in their writings. Then, after the Pidyon HaBen, Ariel's plan is for Ginsburgh to preside over the retrial of Yeshua, being "the Messiah" at that time though not yet revealed (according to Ariel), and after that, once the Temple is rebuilt, Ariel intends to see Ginsburgh crowned the Messiah, the King of Israel. In other words, the servants of R. Yeshua, the Son of David, should tread very carefully here.

    • @blw4967
      @blw4967 8 лет назад

      +Kingdom of Heaven Embassies
      Everything you have said is totally inaccurate, and nothing more than your own misconceptions.

    • @Malkhut
      @Malkhut 8 лет назад

      Untrue. Everything I have said here is what Ariel personally said to me when I came to him with the $2M he is seeking. His explanation, as paraphrased above, made it impossible to proceed. Trying to give him the words of R. Yeshua and his talmidim in response made it clear that he does not submit to their teaching, as recorded in their writings, which he specifically stated. As a servant of Messiah, I had no choice but to withdraw my support.

    • @blw4967
      @blw4967 8 лет назад

      +Kingdom of Heaven Embassies Prove to me what you are saying, please. Would you provide the date that you met Ariel as well as your name?

    • @Malkhut
      @Malkhut 8 лет назад

      My name is Charles. I met Ariel at his home in Jerusalem on three occasions. Once during Sukkot over a year ago, once shortly after, and once again shortly after this past Shavuot, at which point I agreed to help him raise the $2M he is seeking. Within a few weeks, I had found a single donor who was willing to give him the $2M, contingent on being able to confirm the details of his plan. When Ariel heard this, he and his assistant and I spoke via Skype in order to address the questions. It was in that conversation that Ariel made his true intentions clear; that Ginsburgh would receive the spirit of Yeshua at the Pidyon HaBen and would become "The Messiah", but this would remain unknown until after Ginsburgh presides over the retrial of Yeshua, which will not be at the Rabbanut, but done more privately by a panel of Chasidic rabbis. Then, after the Temple is rebuilt, Ginsburgh would be crowned King Messiah, according to Ariel. In the week or so that followed, I gave Ariel and his assistant many references from the writings of R' Yeshua's talmidim which declare the literal return of Yeshua in full view of the world, leaving no room to the contrary. His assistant received the words of R' Yeshua's talmidim and agreed, but Ariel rejected them. That was essentially the end of our conversation.

    • @blw4967
      @blw4967 8 лет назад

      +Kingdom of Heaven Embassies Ah, now I see. So, let me ask you this question: Was there ever a time in your life when you assumed that you had a firm grasp on and an understanding of the Messiah, but later found out that you were wrong about Him and what He taught? During that time, were you more than willing to assume that you understood the nature of Moshiach better than the Jew?
      This is a situation where you assume you understand the very nature of Moshiach better than a Messianic Jew (a Cohen no less). Does this strike you as a familiar situation? I know I have been there before....you?
      I noticed that from your original post you claimed that Ginsburgh will
      receive the the soul of the Messiah and become "THE" Messiah, while later you say that Ginsburg will be crowned "the Messiah". There is a big difference between these two understandings, and it is clear that you do not fully understand many things about the nature of Messiah, being that there is in every generation a "messiah".
      Furthermore, how is the receiving of Messiah by Ginsburgh any different than a believer in Yeshua receiving the spirit of Messiah? (rhetorical, please don't)
      Hypothetically speaking, if Ariel does in fact believe that Yeshua is not to return to physically reign on earth, is this really a hill to die on?
      This is nothing more than a doctrinal difference that does not in any way grant you leave to speak ill of a righteous man in such a public way.
      In essence, what you are saying is that unless Ariel conforms exactly to your Christian understanding of the nature of Moshiach, he is unworthy to be supported, and he is even worthy to be slandered here. This is a grave offense my friend, and I urge you to reconsider whether you will be held to account for it in the world to come.
      I reassert that everything you have said is nothing more than your own misconceptions.
      Recant, lest you find yourself on the wrong side of HaShem's plans for the final redemption.
      Lastly, I'm pretty sure you are confused about the definition of an
      embassy, and exactly how many of them you run.

  • @noitnettaattention
    @noitnettaattention 10 лет назад +1

    "" you christians are lost ""... NOP ! The CHRISTOS ie. MESSIAH or in Hebrew haMashiach Yeshua haNotzri will not let his ship to be lost !

  • @hrga82
    @hrga82 10 лет назад +1

    Dude, you are very soon going to have to either classify Ariel Cohen as a pagan gentile, or you are finally going to have to read the Bible by yourself, without the rabbis telling you what to read, how to read and when to read.
    This video is my point, type it in and enjoy:
    "The official return of Jesus to Israel", on Ariel Cohen's youtube page.
    He is just one in line who are now recognizing Yeshua as He is written in the Bible, not as He is interpreted in modern Christianity.

    • @Stephen_HBTC
      @Stephen_HBTC 5 лет назад

      Krešimir H. Modern Christianity is misguided

  • @Gideon-300
    @Gideon-300 8 месяцев назад

    This is funny because Ariel is exposing a naked truth (arum) =(yeshu) =316 that evangelists and missionaries don't like, namely that the gospel should not be given to Israel, only to non jews. The same way Jews don't like hearing about Jesus because it is arum (naked) truth. It needs to be covered with kosher garments by the jews, not Christians.

  • @josefwolff5431
    @josefwolff5431 4 года назад

    You all have his name wrong. It's Yahshua. he himself also said that this is his name and yet you guys still call him by a nickname. Yeshua is the wrong name to call him by. It's Yahshua.

    • @johnpratts2856
      @johnpratts2856 Год назад

      Leave the Sacred Name cult. It's poison.

  • @MrZekesyoutubechannel
    @MrZekesyoutubechannel 10 лет назад

    Lol... Terrible...

  • @tzaddiq5849
    @tzaddiq5849 10 лет назад

    ariel basically educated pastor shapira. shapira is trying to use ariel for his agenda but clearly cannot keep up with a true tzaddiq. you christians are lost.

    • @johnpratts2856
      @johnpratts2856 Год назад

      I think you're the one that's lost. Ariel believes in Yeshua. And Ariel plans to bring Him back in a Rabbinic way. Will it work? Maybe, maybe not. I'm open to it. Question is, are you?