Nicely done! I'd be interested to see how it turns out when you build a box around it and get more insulation. I'm curious to see how that might affect the temperature you are able to achieve. Also the sauna looks great! Thank you for sharing this and I hope you keep up the good work ..
Thanks. Yeah at some point. Maybee for next summer. Was getting mid 40s in the summer with about 8-10 hours cooler running at night. Now in the fall mid 30s with about 7 hrs at night.
1/3 is working great for me. It’s about 80gal of water. Chills it to low/mid 40s in summer. And now in fall to about 35 degrees . Have it running about 8 hours at night.
Nicely done! I'd be interested to see how it turns out when you build a box around it and get more insulation. I'm curious to see how that might affect the temperature you are able to achieve. Also the sauna looks great! Thank you for sharing this and I hope you keep up the good work ..
Thanks. Yeah at some point. Maybee for next summer. Was getting mid 40s in the summer with about 8-10 hours cooler running at night. Now in the fall mid 30s with about 7 hrs at night.
Insulation 4 tub with lid will help
Grat video thank u
i had a pump that size and felt it took forever for the wat er to get cold, i ended up getting a bigger pump and 1/2 hp water chiller
1/3 is working great for me. It’s about 80gal of water. Chills it to low/mid 40s in summer. And now in fall to about 35 degrees . Have it running about 8 hours at night.
Is this not the exact same chiller as the Nuvio chiller thwy sell for $700-1400???