For those wondering, I ordered 2 eotech replicas back in Dec (around last week of Dec). I just received them. So I say, wait a good month if you ordered something. The tracking stopped when it arrived in the USA, but you'll probably receive the product within a week by then. I ordered the Holy Warrior EXPS3-0, and it's super nice. Also, came with a free wrap lol, which was nice too. For me, it was worth the wait and I'm grateful, I received them.
heads up holly warrior has an aliexpress site and a US warehouse. if you order off their store on there usually your shit shows up in a week or less. some options are better from these guys and worth the wait but if your nabbing holly warrior product i would use the alistore
For those wondering, I ordered 2 eotech replicas back in Dec (around last week of Dec). I just received them. So I say, wait a good month if you ordered something. The tracking stopped when it arrived in the USA, but you'll probably receive the product within a week by then. I ordered the Holy Warrior EXPS3-0, and it's super nice. Also, came with a free wrap lol, which was nice too. For me, it was worth the wait and I'm grateful, I received them.
heads up holly warrior has an aliexpress site and a US warehouse. if you order off their store on there usually your shit shows up in a week or less.
some options are better from these guys and worth the wait but if your nabbing holly warrior product i would use the alistore
Why don't you answer the informational questions and e-mails I sent from your site regarding my order?
Im also trying to Order and Nobody is answering my emails
Anyone heard from them
nope, not a word@@Working_Class_Warfighter
They barely respond but they do ship your order out and products are quality!
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