@@katbailot5831 actually, the Makahs in Washington State Neah Bay have it in their treaty with the US to guarantee their heritage of whale hunting. I do agree that unnecessary mistreatment of all animals should be stop, including the eating of all animals.
Saw this with a humpback whale in Cabo 10y ago. Absolutely life changing. ❤ After about an hour the baby popped up and peeked into the boat. One of them sang for about 10 seconds which is not supposed to happen and my daughter who is severely hearing impaired heard it. It was amazing.
That the Mom wanted to share her calf, her intimate moment is beyond words. Beautiful. " We" don't deserve this moment as humans continue to destroy, steal food and pollute habitat.
Actually, that's not the reason. Newborn whales are pushed to the surface by their mothers and other whales in the pod so that they can get their first breaths of air, otherwise, they would actually drown. Their little lungs need to expand. I just finished watching a documentary on this.
Yes, newborn cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are helped to the surface for air. This female also does something that's more commonly done by gray whale mothers in the Baja lagoons: she brings her calf over to the boats for attention.
@@debt4717 caption Dave is correct. I've been to scammons lagoon and a small motor boat and they come to you, the babies come to the boat. Like I said, it's a beautiful moment we don't deserve.
@@captdaveswhalewatching 🙏🏽 Does anyone from the trip have actual footage of the birth? Someone’s cell phone video or something? I’d love to see this 😊
For those of you complaining about how close the boats are...... It's ENTIRELY possible the boats stopped WELL AWAY from the whale(s), but that the whales THEN swam closer. And of course, when the whales swim closer, the boats can't start their engines to move away for fear of the propellers causing injury. So the boats just have to sit there while the whales swim around them. I'm just saying....... don't be so quick to assign blame to the boat operators.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for mother gray whales to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
The rules say to stay 100 yards away no matter what. They had plenty of room to engage the propeller and reverse away. Having worked on a whale watching boat in California, I know this. Which means these captains should know this. Weak excuses blaming the whale are just sad and completely incorrect.
@@TheMookieStudiosOMG for the final time. ( please don’t propose to be an expert when you know ONLY enough to be dangerous) the boats would have stopped well “upstream” of the whales, the whales then swam towards them. STATIONARY BOATS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO MOVE IF THE WHALE COMES TO THEM. 🙄 So sick of WOKE do-gooders thinking they need to police the f’ing world. The whale likely decided there would be less predators around the boats/humans GAL
Even in these precious first few moments of life , Cow and calf are coordinating with each other and practicing their moves for life. In an attack from a predator like the Orca , the mother and baby can sometimes escape if they coordinate. Calf gets up on Cow's back and floats with her to head for shallower water . If it's really bad the calf just puts his head on the cow and literally rolls over and over to keep his head out of the water as they swim to the shallows . The Mama in an attack uses her fins to keep baby close to her but importantly near or at the surface. This is easily seen in the video . . .they have begun as a winning team.🐳🐬😍
How amazing for you all to witness this spectacular event. You all might be some of the first people ever to see such an event. Thank you for sharing with us.
another clickbait title to get people to come and see his video!!!!!! It's a good video but not what I was looking for so I gave it a thumbs down for the clickbaiting.
I love this and this is on my bucket list! I'm so jealous that they got to experience this. The mom and calf look comfortable and are enjoying the human interaction.❤️
Whale: "hello guys.. it's a very special day....gave birth to a baby" *approaches to the boat* whale: guyzzz see i gave birth to a very byuuuuteeefuuullll baby....just seeeeee.........OK BYE🐳
Having toured with Captain Daves Whale Watching one year ago, I can verify their standards of passenger and marine life safety are exemplary! A wonderful day of relaxation and education was had by my daughter and myself. One critical thing that I learned, was the fact that President Nixon actually STOPPED THE WHALING along this coastal migration route! He and his wife resided at San Clemente and watched in horror from their clifftop mansion, the disgusting slaughter of the cows as the whalers harpooned their calves. Seeing something like that would have been gut wrenching and full credit to him for stopping it. When something serious DIRECTLY affects powerful people, there seems to be a stronger willingness to correct the issue! Now we get to see such beautiful sights ..... thanks Dicky!🥰😍🥰🙏🍀
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
@Aimee Lynn Unfortunately people like you only opine one narrative ..... with complete myopia to open discussion. What is it about THE WHALES ARE FREE TO MOVE ABOUT AT THEIR OWN DISCRESSION - that you do not comprehend? I too have a deep and respectful appreciation of these noble animals, but you need to "chill" and look at the bigger picture!🙏
It's awesome any whale would show such complete gentle trust with humans after their history with humans. One very real benefit of petroleum was it eventually replaced mass slaughter of whales as the main source of oils. People need to leave them alone to be what they are- especially this world's navies with long range sonar.
Yes, young lady on video - oh my God indeed. God is great and glorious. Lord Father God, we thank you for the birth of this calf and that all these people were able to see this. May they continue to treat Your creations with love and respect. Thank you to Capt Dave for this video. Wish we were back home there to see this. Made our day. GOD BLESS ALL - from US CG mom
The whales have changed migrating from Japan, where they are hunted still. They Now migrate more in Hawaii and Alaska and CA for a safer living space. Same as humans. The whale boats normally contribute to saving them. they are not hunting them, but helping make a safe place to live and as you can see, they are comfortable enough in these waters to birth, breed as they are not hunted. Mahalo to the boats that are responsible and contribute back for saving these creatures of god.
These whales are gray whales. They migrate along the U.S. west coast, swimming 10,000 to 12,000 miles round-trip. The whales travel from their feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas near Alaska to the mating and birthing lagoons of Baja California, Mexico, and back again.
These are responsible whale guides for tourists, that provide funding for our whales, so please respect their funds and donations for the cause and join the Sierra Club, for the whale sanctuaries ,they are providing for them. Stop complaining and contribute your self, do a good thing, donate today!!! , donate, Maui Doug
To all the people being like "you're too close": The engines are clearly off on that boat. The whale came to the boat and wanted to check it out. Whales aren't stupid, they have seen whale watchers before and are probably curious about them. If it was pissed it would have left.
The calf can barely swim. That isn’t true. I get what you’re saying about the engines, but the whale definitely can’t just leave. And if it tried I think we both know they’d follow. I agree with you, that the whale doesn’t seem stressed. But it definitely can’t just leave.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
@@captdaveswhalewatching Right, but the whale can't just swim away. As you know the calf's fluke is not yet stiffened until 24-48 hours after birth. So that isn't a normal situation. As many of you said that is a once in a lifetime. Usually the calf's can swim in the situations you mentioned. The engine is definitely on neutral, just idling. I can't imagine anyone ever having a prop on in that scenario. It would make no sense and the people who do those whale watching voyages are very experienced. I trust them out there, with those whales more than 99.999999% of people.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
Thanks for watching. Although we can't possibly know what the whales were thinking, it's common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction. If you'd like to experience this in Baja yourself we recommend The Whaleman Foundation's tours: whaleman.org/experience-friendly-gray-whales/
Sorry captain Dave, first, thanks for sharing this to us, but I come here l, because I expect the whale give birth of her calf scene, the process of birth, and this out of our expectation... Hmmm
I think it's completely irresponsible for a vessel to approach a cetecean as videographed. The article I read that had the link attached to this video : states that the skipper's intention was to move closer to the animal. The most common fatality for any cetecean is a head on vessel strike. Here in Canada - the minimum distance that must be respected from a Grey Whales is 100 meters. It's one thing if the animal has approached the vessel. And it does happen. If it does, it's common practice to turn off the engines (when it's safe to do so) give the animal the right of way and back away to re-establish that distance. Considering that it's a newborn calf, more vigilance should have been taken. Not impressed.
You are absolutely correct. The drones are also problematic as they can be seen and heard by whales. Usually they will sound when they dete t a drone, UT a new orn, as can be seen in these videos, must be supported at the surface for some time. Sha.e on these skippers-they should at the very least be fined and their licenses suspended.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
@@captdaveswhalewatching The whale COULD NOT choose. It was giving birth and had to stay to protect the calf. The video shows it's not the whale moving to you, the boats drift to her. Why violate NOAA's guidelines like this?
@@TheMookieStudios "Drifting," is caused by currents. The boat did not cause the currents which moved the boat. They didn't get a memo that a cow was giving birth and go to her location. This happened naturally. The boat was there and the cow was there. The cow stayed because she had to for her calf and the boat stayed because they had to keep their engine off. It would've taken two seconds to overturn the boat and a few seconds more to pull it further away. Even though the calf couldn't be left alone it did move on its own away from the cow for a very short amount of time. Enough that the cow could've manipulated the boat very easily if she really wanted to. You saw her purposely go right under the boat. She could've done anything she wanted with it. She was in control and they were at her mercy.
@@k.d.5603 BOTH boats captains should know the law is 100 yards AT ALL TIMES. There is no provision to "drift" into any whale or calf. NONE. If there were, the Captain would have quoted it to all of us pointing out his repeated violations instead of repeatedly BLAMING THE WHALE. The rule is clear: "Observe whales from a safe distance of at least 100 yards-the length of a football field-unless other species-specific rules apply. For example, federal law requires vessels to remain 100 yards away from humpback whales in Hawaii and Alaska waters, 200 yards from killer whales in Washington State inland waters, and 500 yards away from North Atlantic right whales anywhere in the U.S."
سبحان الله الخالق العظيم الواحد القهار ، سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله أكبر وتبارك الله رب العالمين وتعالي الله علوا كبيرا ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم وسبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته والحمد لله رب العالمين عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته واستغفر الله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم واتوب إليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد اللهم صل وسلم وبارك علي سيدنا محمد وعلي آله وصحبه أجمعين عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام ، اللهم لك الحمد علي نعمة الإيمان بك وشرف الاسلام لك يا الله، تبارك الله رب العالمين وتعالي الله عما يشركون وعما يصفون علوا كبيرا
Gray whales prefer to give birth in the lagoons of Baja California, Mexico. The lagoons offer safety from predators such as orcas, as well as warm water for calves who have not yet built up a thick layer of blubber. Although some gray whales do give birth in Baja, there are times when calves just won't wait and are born during the migration.
Do you want pregnant whales (cows) to be put in cages or hospital rooms or what? The boats were there. The whale was there. It was just how life happened. The boats didn't get word a whale (cow) was in labor and race out to its location. If anything the whale swam towards the boat and it was her decision to stay there while she taught her calf how to breathe. They were idling, that's why it was safe for her to travel under the boat and whales do it often. Whales love scratching their bodies by using boats. Sometimes they take a boat for a little ride. It can be frightening but they're usually just scratching or playing. These animals are extremely intelligent. The boat cannot leave because they must keep their engines off. The Mom could've lifted the boat out of the water and swam with it if she wanted to. It would only take seconds.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and engines in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common behavior in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
When you get within a certain distance of a whale, all boat motors are shut off and the boat is left to drift. Sometimes the boat drift towards the whale or the whale swims up to the boat. Look at the video, the whale clearly swims towards them and gave birth next to the boat. Yes, there are fines and penalties for breaking these laws. We should be able to go and view these spectacular creatures that we share a planet with.
what bothers me more is the fact, that whale watcher captains let the engines run all the time.... // Of course I know why.... = business is calling.... :-(....but all that noise will certainly be annoying to the whales
This is inhumane. The whale watchers are REQUIRED by law to stay 100yards away from the whales. They shoulud be retreating!!! It is incredibly stressful for the whale.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction. If you'd like to experience Baja yourself we recommend The Whaleman Foundation's tours: whaleman.org/experience-friendly-gray-whales/
@@captdaveswhalewatching There is NO clause in NOAA's guidelines which says "It's okay to break the 100 yard rule if the whale drifts to you while giving birth. You should know this, your excuses are terrible.
We were robbed! When we went out with you this fall, We only saw 6 or 7 humpbacks as well as hundreds of dolphins. When we come back we want to see a newborn calf.
I thought there was a law about how close you could get to the whales! How dare you get that close! Awful! :'( No respect. BTW I get any footage you have from hovering cameras. Cool. And, obviously, you're WAY TOO CLOSE with your boats as well. Despicable!
It could be they had their motor off observing and the whale moved to them. In this case, it would have endangered the whale to start the engines and maneuver away. Best to wait till they are a safe distance away.
Triggered, are you? Go on a whale watch and see the whales come right up to the boats and show off. It's amazing. (I just got 3 "Karen" replies meant for Madeline Morgan in my mailbox.)
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
I don't understand how come some countries are still hunting those beautiful animals. we raise our children, they do too.
Greed and total lack of compassion.
Some tribal members break the laws because they refuse to overcome their culture, like in AK and WA. They need to be stopped.
I don't understand why anyone hunts or slaughters (and eats) any animal, knowing what we know now.
@@chrispya1 Right?
People are sickened by certain animals being killed and eaten, but eat slaughtered cows and chicken every day. Gross
@@katbailot5831 actually, the Makahs in Washington State Neah Bay have it in their treaty with the US to guarantee their heritage of whale hunting. I do agree that unnecessary mistreatment of all animals should be stop, including the eating of all animals.
Saw this with a humpback whale in Cabo 10y ago. Absolutely life changing. ❤ After about an hour the baby popped up and peeked into the boat. One of them sang for about 10 seconds which is not supposed to happen and my daughter who is severely hearing impaired heard it. It was amazing.
Wow, what a remarkable experience you had!
That the Mom wanted to share her calf, her intimate moment is beyond words. Beautiful. " We" don't deserve this moment as humans continue to destroy, steal food and pollute habitat.
Actually, that's not the reason. Newborn whales are pushed to the surface by their mothers and other whales in the pod so that they can get their first breaths of air, otherwise, they would actually drown. Their little lungs need to expand. I just finished watching a documentary on this.
Yes, newborn cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are helped to the surface for air. This female also does something that's more commonly done by gray whale mothers in the Baja lagoons: she brings her calf over to the boats for attention.
@@debt4717 caption Dave is correct. I've been to scammons lagoon and a small motor boat and they come to you, the babies come to the boat. Like I said, it's a beautiful moment we don't deserve.
A big thanks to whoever had the drone and put this footage together!
Capt. Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari -
Our pleasure!
And our pleasure.
@@captdaveswhalewatching 🙏🏽
Does anyone from the trip have actual footage of the birth? Someone’s cell phone video or something? I’d love to see this 😊
What an honour to have the trust of this beautiful creature. Well done Mamma Whale ❤
For those of you complaining about how close the boats are......
It's ENTIRELY possible the boats stopped WELL AWAY from the whale(s), but that the whales THEN swam closer.
And of course, when the whales swim closer, the boats can't start their engines to move away for fear of the propellers causing injury. So the boats just have to sit there while the whales swim around them.
I'm just saying....... don't be so quick to assign blame to the boat operators.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for mother gray whales to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
0:26. You can see the props still idling. 👏
@@jeanyvesdaniel9158 calme-toé joe-connaissant c’est le système d’échappement qui brasse l’eau.🙄
The rules say to stay 100 yards away no matter what. They had plenty of room to engage the propeller and reverse away. Having worked on a whale watching boat in California, I know this. Which means these captains should know this. Weak excuses blaming the whale are just sad and completely incorrect.
@@TheMookieStudiosOMG for the final time. ( please don’t propose to be an expert when you know ONLY enough to be dangerous) the boats would have stopped well “upstream” of the whales, the whales then swam towards them. STATIONARY BOATS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO MOVE IF THE WHALE COMES TO THEM. 🙄
So sick of WOKE do-gooders thinking they need to police the f’ing world.
The whale likely decided there would be less predators around the boats/humans
Even in these precious first few moments of life , Cow and calf are coordinating with each other
and practicing their moves for life. In an attack from a predator like the Orca , the mother and baby can
sometimes escape if they coordinate. Calf gets up on Cow's back and floats with her
to head for shallower water . If it's really bad the calf just puts his head on the cow and literally rolls
over and over to keep his head out of the water as they swim to the shallows . The Mama in an attack
uses her fins to keep baby close to her but importantly near or at the surface.
This is easily seen in the video . . .they have begun as a winning team.🐳🐬😍
How amazing for you all to witness this spectacular event. You all might be some of the first people ever to see such an event. Thank you for sharing with us.
Congratulations to the new mama, another miracle from god, the gray whales are multiplying
Becky Griggs 🙏🏽
God is not active in the works of physical birth and physical death; that is the activities of the evil one
That must have been amazing to see in person! Wow!
Those people are so lucky.
Absolutely breathtaking!
I think I will call the baby Dana in my heart❤
Aww wish it had been me that had witnessed that wonderful and had a tear god bless all whales love them all
I do agree with others tho they were far too close respect the marine life pls😟
Hey Jeannette how are you?
Where is the part where it gives birth?
another clickbait title to get people to come and see his video!!!!!! It's a good video but not what I was looking for so I gave it a thumbs down for the clickbaiting.
I love this and this is on my bucket list! I'm so jealous that they got to experience this. The mom and calf look comfortable and are enjoying the human interaction.❤️
Whale: "hello guys.. it's a very special day....gave birth to a baby"
*approaches to the boat*
whale: guyzzz see i gave birth to a very byuuuuteeefuuullll baby....just seeeeee.........OK BYE🐳
Sorry sad Indian not so funny
Simply beautiful!
What a beautiful thing to witness, truly once in a lifetime!!
How are you friend?
Absolutely amazing! Incredible to see!
Glad you enjoyed it!
The Beauty of seeing this brings tears to our eye's. How can anyone seeing this destroy the life of these magnificent animals.
Having toured with Captain Daves Whale Watching one year ago, I can verify their standards of passenger and marine life safety are exemplary! A wonderful day of relaxation and education was had by my daughter and myself. One critical thing that I learned, was the fact that President Nixon actually STOPPED THE WHALING along this coastal migration route! He and his wife resided at San Clemente and watched in horror from their clifftop mansion, the disgusting slaughter of the cows as the whalers harpooned their calves. Seeing something like that would have been gut wrenching and full credit to him for stopping it. When something serious DIRECTLY affects powerful people, there seems to be a stronger willingness to correct the issue! Now we get to see such beautiful sights ..... thanks Dicky!🥰😍🥰🙏🍀
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
@Aimee Lynn Unfortunately people like you only opine one narrative ..... with complete myopia to open discussion. What is it about THE WHALES ARE FREE TO MOVE ABOUT AT THEIR OWN DISCRESSION - that you do not comprehend? I too have a deep and respectful appreciation of these noble animals, but you need to "chill" and look at the bigger picture!🙏
So, she already gave birth and shows her calf. The title of this video is totally misleading you should have changed it.
I've been on some amazing whale watches, with Capt. Dave’s and on Maui, but this would have topped them all! Happy mama, happy calf.
Gracias por compartir, saludos desde Ensenada, Mexico.
Absolutely magnificent
Hope the calf survives and becomes an adult 🙏
So do we!
It's awesome any whale would show such complete gentle trust with humans after their history with humans. One very real benefit of petroleum was it eventually replaced mass slaughter of whales as the main source of oils. People need to leave them alone to be what they are- especially this world's navies with long range sonar.
Yes, young lady on video - oh my God indeed. God is great and glorious. Lord Father God, we thank you for the birth of this calf and that all these people were able to see this. May they continue to treat Your creations with love and respect. Thank you to Capt Dave for this video. Wish we were back home there to see this. Made our day. GOD BLESS ALL - from US CG mom
If you weren't there, your imaginary friend wasn't either.
That is really amazing. Proud Mom showing off her baby. 👏
The whales have changed migrating from Japan, where they are hunted still. They Now migrate more in Hawaii and Alaska and CA for a safer living space. Same as humans. The whale boats normally contribute to saving them. they are not hunting them, but helping make a safe place to live and as you can see, they are comfortable enough in these waters to birth, breed as they are not hunted. Mahalo to the boats that are responsible and contribute back for saving these creatures of god.
These whales are gray whales. They migrate along the U.S. west coast, swimming 10,000 to 12,000 miles round-trip. The whales travel from their feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas near Alaska to the mating and birthing lagoons of Baja California, Mexico, and back again.
These are responsible whale guides for tourists, that provide funding for our whales, so please respect their funds and donations for the cause and join the Sierra Club, for the whale sanctuaries ,they are providing for them. Stop complaining and contribute your self, do a good thing, donate today!!! , donate, Maui Doug
Look up the NOAA regulation then tell us more excuses, dave.
There is still whale hunting for fun in Faroe islands Denmark by the people from happiest country. They call themselves highly developed and educated.
To all the people being like "you're too close": The engines are clearly off on that boat. The whale came to the boat and wanted to check it out. Whales aren't stupid, they have seen whale watchers before and are probably curious about them. If it was pissed it would have left.
The calf can barely swim. That isn’t true. I get what you’re saying about the engines, but the whale definitely can’t just leave. And if it tried I think we both know they’d follow. I agree with you, that the whale doesn’t seem stressed. But it definitely can’t just leave.
Also, the engine isn’t off, it’s idling. You can see the exhaust coming out of the back of the boat.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
That engines are not off, however they are in neutral, which is standard practice. It allows the animals to hear the boat and know where it is.
@@captdaveswhalewatching Right, but the whale can't just swim away. As you know the calf's fluke is not yet stiffened until 24-48 hours after birth. So that isn't a normal situation. As many of you said that is a once in a lifetime. Usually the calf's can swim in the situations you mentioned. The engine is definitely on neutral, just idling. I can't imagine anyone ever having a prop on in that scenario. It would make no sense and the people who do those whale watching voyages are very experienced. I trust them out there, with those whales more than 99.999999% of people.
Мирный кит, туристов не трогает, и они боятся Кита, здорово рождение детеныща,супер👍👍👍🧿🧿🧿🇰🇿🇰🇿🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️Надо же сразу плават пошел, интересно где папа☺️💋
Coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you. But why are the boats so close?
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
Just amazing!!!
How precious!
Did they actually see the birth? Or just the calf swimming next to the momma?
Hello Friend
How wonderful to have the experience. Thanks so much for posting; very special. Stay safe out on the water.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the video
Nice video anyway, so how are you Virginia?
Beautiful baby!!❤
It was so incredibly special to see a brand new whale come into the world!
Happy birthday list cutie.welcome to this wonderful world
The post implies that the video shows the birth. Video starts AFTER the birth. Was there actually video of the birth itself?
Hello Friend
That’s beautiful, but I would have had a heart attack seeing something sooooo big right under my boat!! 😲😮
God is great
Was she showing it off or trying to keep or warn them away? 🤔
Thanks for watching. Although we can't possibly know what the whales were thinking, it's common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction. If you'd like to experience this in Baja yourself we recommend The Whaleman Foundation's tours: whaleman.org/experience-friendly-gray-whales/
I wonder if the mother thought that her newborn would be safer with humans around?
I didn’t see any birth! Did Y👁U? 🤷♂️
Yes .... just not in this video🐳🐋
Beautiful . . .
Omg! Just bought my tickets!
Man today happy birthday to you qt
You're a very lucky bunch!
Where was this?
Glad you think so!
Very nice
So beautiful ♥️
Super cool
2:06 That's what SHE said.
You should see a doctor. There's a pill for that.
Roflmao 🤣
You guys lucky. Wonderful sight.
Pretty Dang *COOL* 😊
❤ soooo cute
She thought about flipping y’all over.
Very cool. Hope there are no orcas in the vicinity.
Beautiful 🙏❤️
Thank you 🙌
Very cool ❤
I don't like people's screams. respect please !
A Gray Whale Calf
Sorry captain Dave, first, thanks for sharing this to us, but I come here l, because I expect the whale give birth of her calf scene, the process of birth, and this out of our expectation... Hmmm
Captain Dave I believe you know my dad Rob Dunham
I think it's completely irresponsible for a vessel to approach a cetecean as videographed.
The article I read that had the link attached to this video : states that the skipper's intention was to move closer to the animal. The most common fatality for any cetecean is a head on vessel strike. Here in Canada - the minimum distance that must be respected from a Grey Whales is 100 meters.
It's one thing if the animal has approached the vessel. And it does happen. If it does, it's common practice to turn off the engines (when it's safe to do so) give the animal the right of way and back away to re-establish that distance.
Considering that it's a newborn calf, more vigilance should have been taken.
Not impressed.
You are absolutely correct. The drones are also problematic as they can be seen and heard by whales. Usually they will sound when they dete t a drone, UT a new orn, as can be seen in these videos, must be supported at the surface for some time. Sha.e on these skippers-they should at the very least be fined and their licenses suspended.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
@@captdaveswhalewatching The whale COULD NOT choose. It was giving birth and had to stay to protect the calf. The video shows it's not the whale moving to you, the boats drift to her. Why violate NOAA's guidelines like this?
@@TheMookieStudios "Drifting," is caused by currents. The boat did not cause the currents which moved the boat. They didn't get a memo that a cow was giving birth and go to her location. This happened naturally. The boat was there and the cow was there. The cow stayed because she had to for her calf and the boat stayed because they had to keep their engine off. It would've taken two seconds to overturn the boat and a few seconds more to pull it further away. Even though the calf couldn't be left alone it did move on its own away from the cow for a very short amount of time. Enough that the cow could've manipulated the boat very easily if she really wanted to. You saw her purposely go right under the boat. She could've done anything she wanted with it. She was in control and they were at her mercy.
@@k.d.5603 BOTH boats captains should know the law is 100 yards AT ALL TIMES. There is no provision to "drift" into any whale or calf. NONE.
If there were, the Captain would have quoted it to all of us pointing out his repeated violations instead of repeatedly BLAMING THE WHALE.
The rule is clear:
"Observe whales from a safe distance of at least 100 yards-the length of a football field-unless other species-specific rules apply. For example, federal law requires vessels to remain 100 yards away from humpback whales in Hawaii and Alaska waters, 200 yards from killer whales in Washington State inland waters, and 500 yards away from North Atlantic right whales anywhere in the U.S."
Didn't see the birth part----clickbait much????
Here's the video complete with pictures of the birth. Hope you enjoy! ruclips.net/video/_XOImkhewRA/видео.html
*Increadible visuals. 🐋🐳*
Our God is amazing!
Your god exists only in your imagination. Nature is amazing. It even made you, a person who can imagine a god!
سبحان الله الخالق العظيم الواحد القهار ، سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله أكبر وتبارك الله رب العالمين وتعالي الله علوا كبيرا ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم وسبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته والحمد لله رب العالمين عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته واستغفر الله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم واتوب إليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد اللهم صل وسلم وبارك علي سيدنا محمد وعلي آله وصحبه أجمعين عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام ، اللهم لك الحمد علي نعمة الإيمان بك وشرف الاسلام لك يا الله، تبارك الله رب العالمين وتعالي الله عما يشركون وعما يصفون علوا كبيرا
I thought all of the calves were born near Mexico. We are on our way to Puerto Vallarta Saturday to enjoy the whales
Gray whales prefer to give birth in the lagoons of Baja California, Mexico. The lagoons offer safety from predators such as orcas, as well as warm water for calves who have not yet built up a thick layer of blubber.
Although some gray whales do give birth in Baja, there are times when calves just won't wait and are born during the migration.
lol the white woman freaking out
It's not every day you get to see a whale give birth right in front of you! We think the excitement is warranted.
It's seems she's excited, not freaked out...
Why the heck is that boat that close? So much for letting mom give birth in secure area away from stupid humans!!!!
No one it was going to happen.
Do you want pregnant whales (cows) to be put in cages or hospital rooms or what? The boats were there. The whale was there. It was just how life happened. The boats didn't get word a whale (cow) was in labor and race out to its location. If anything the whale swam towards the boat and it was her decision to stay there while she taught her calf how to breathe. They were idling, that's why it was safe for her to travel under the boat and whales do it often. Whales love scratching their bodies by using boats. Sometimes they take a boat for a little ride. It can be frightening but they're usually just scratching or playing. These animals are extremely intelligent. The boat cannot leave because they must keep their engines off. The Mom could've lifted the boat out of the water and swam with it if she wanted to. It would only take seconds.
@@k.d.5603 Also I would imagine the whale is aware that around humans the chance of predators would be less
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and engines in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common behavior in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.
These boaters shouldn't be so close to the whales. Now the baby will think boats are a normal thing in their lives. Big fines should be issued.
When you get within a certain distance of a whale, all boat motors are shut off and the boat is left to drift. Sometimes the boat drift towards the whale or the whale swims up to the boat. Look at the video, the whale clearly swims towards them and gave birth next to the boat. Yes, there are fines and penalties for breaking these laws. We should be able to go and view these spectacular creatures that we share a planet with.
what bothers me more is the fact, that whale watcher captains let the engines run all the time.... // Of course I know why.... = business is calling.... :-(....but all that noise will certainly be annoying to the whales
Correct protocol is to leave the engines on and in neutral so the whales can hear the boat and know its location.
Huug sent me.
Totally unnecessary use of a super loud loud haler at an obviously inappropriate time though eh..... 😡
Did you consider the possibility that it wasn't super loud at all, just super close to the recording device?
@@bennettlewis5495 Yup. Twasnt.
@@bubblezovlove7213 Twas.
would of been cooler if the whale flipped their boat and they had to call for rescue
This is inhumane. The whale watchers are REQUIRED by law to stay 100yards away from the whales. They shoulud be retreating!!! It is incredibly stressful for the whale.
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction. If you'd like to experience Baja yourself we recommend The Whaleman Foundation's tours: whaleman.org/experience-friendly-gray-whales/
Lighten up Francis
@@captdaveswhalewatching There is NO clause in NOAA's guidelines which says "It's okay to break the 100 yard rule if the whale drifts to you while giving birth. You should know this, your excuses are terrible.
We were robbed! When we went out with you this fall, We only saw 6 or 7 humpbacks as well as hundreds of dolphins. When we come back we want to see a newborn calf.
Get real. Please. v
I hope we can show you a calf during your next visit!
Virginia, sarcasm alert.
is there video editing software to edit out the annoying girl commentating? if so use it
grrr me hate when people have human reactions to things! me manly no emotions man! grrrr
So I just got clickbaited huh🙄☹️😒
I thought there was a law about how close you could get to the whales! How dare you get that close! Awful! :'( No respect. BTW I get any footage you have from hovering cameras. Cool. And, obviously, you're WAY TOO CLOSE with your boats as well. Despicable!
It could be they had their motor off observing and the whale moved to them. In this case, it would have endangered the whale to start the engines and maneuver away. Best to wait till they are a safe distance away.
You don’t know anything about traversing a boat so maybe you should
Be quiet
Triggered, are you? Go on a whale watch and see the whales come right up to the boats and show off. It's amazing. (I just got 3 "Karen" replies meant for Madeline Morgan in my mailbox.)
Okay, Karen. 🤦
Close encounters like this are on the whale's terms, not ours. Our boats were stopped and in neutral. It was 100% up to the whales if they chose to approach or not. It is common in the Baja lagoons for gray whale mothers to bring their calves over to small boats for human interaction.