Remember to be respectful in the comments. And refrain from offering legal advice, it's not the place. Do your visa research, folks :) Any antagonistic or rude comments will be removed without warning.
Love this chat! My husband and I did not have children either. We had a wonderful life together. Sadly, he passed away 3 years ago and now I have left the equestrian world for the art world. Big adjustments to make but I just noticed the freedom I have to experience anything that piques my curiosity. I have always been an introvert so living alone is not a big deal. The big deal was the loss of the only needed relationship in my life. As you said everyone is different. Vive la differance.
I’m 50, been married for 19 years… and I’ve never wanted kids either. It’s not selfish at all. I am an animal lover and I’m a very dedicated pet parent. My kitties and dog are my world. I’m envious of your journey over in Scotland, and being a full time artist. Thanks for sharing it all with us. I just recently found you on RUclips and love your art and love your channel. ❤
I loved this Q&A. That visa process seems insanely intrusive. I love your note about your art being your baby. That is legit and it's refreshing to hear talented people putting it out there. Not all women want or care to fit into stereotypes. If you are happy, that's all it maters.
Yep...and I'm sorry for the people who don't get accepted for silly reasons. It's sad reality in the modern world that many can't live in the places that make us feel whole just because of bureaucracy.
Fun video! Knowing your own mind about having or not having children is definitetly not selfish. Wanting to "have it all" simultaneously is an unrealistic expectation for living a balanced life. I'm a mom; and I love my life, my kids and my spouse. It's just good to know that there are other walks of life and different seasons in each of our lives. Thank you for having a very kind response to what could be a very unkind personal question.
Sarah, I totally understand and really really respect your view re children. I cannot say I regret having children, I love them more than I can express, but I also have to say the baby and toddler years were the most stressful in my life and I got a deep depression that was so severe it has almost driven away the good memories from when the kids were small. I was also a rather "old" mum 38 and 41, so that might have made the enormous change in life harder as the older you are the more you are set in your ways- and to be frank- you have less stamina to deal w sleepless nights and toddler tantrums... I really enjoy my kids more now when they are on the brink of becoming young adults, although the worry for their future is larger than when they were small ;-). It gets so much easier when the kids grow up and become teenagers and growl at YOU when THEY are disturbed ;-)). I sometimes think artists are not the best parent " material" ,as being an artist sometimes demands a level of selfishness that is not always comparable w being on hand 100% for your kid. I know there are admirable , well planned, artists who can set a time schedule and stick to that or just work for an hour as the baby sleeps or similar and it does not affect their art if they have to break because they have to tend to the need of their child. But that is not something for me- if I get "inspiration" - or whatever you want to call it- perhaps flow is a better description, it is very hard to just leave your art because you have to attend family matter. I am sorry if I cannot express myself in a clear way ( English is not my first language). My father was an artist and even if he came from a generation when fathers were not very involved w childcare I think he did more than his contemporaries w looking after us, but even so, when he was in his studio he was not to be disturbed and when we were ill and allowed to stay there during daytime when our mum was at work we knew he didn´t like to be disturbed and we learnt to be quiet and go on w our thing like reading and so. Off course if we were very ill he took care of us, gave us food etc, but when he was engrossed in his art he was on another planet. Once when I was a toddler he didn´t notice I had somehow crawled out of my crib and got hold of his ashtray and happily eaten all of his large heap of accumulated Galuois cigarette stubs, not until it was almost too late and I was rushed to A&E in the nick of time... He knew about this " lack" in his character- as he called it, I am much more forgiving being of the same mindset as he was. He was a very humble and kind man and a great artist. I also get very annoyed at being disturbed by my family when I paint or do something creative that takes up " all me". I know it is very selfish, your family ought to come first, and that is why I say artists sometimes does not make good parents, although as I said, i have never felt any anger at my dad as we are so like and he , and my brilliant mum, gave me a fantastic, fun and educating childhood, especially when I compared to what my friends did who had parents in more " normal" occupations. Going to an art museum, visiting a cathedral or walking outside was an adventure as my father could talk so well about art, art history and how to percieve things, to see colour and shape. I am deeply grateful to have had a dad who was an artist. We are several in the family who do art, either as occupation or as a hobby and I think in a way that comes from having grown up in a creative environment, being an artist is not an odd thing, or pretentious, it is just natural to us. On the other hand it can be daunting too as you somewhat unconsciously compare yourself to the artists in a previous generation. Despite having done an art education and exhibitions I still am not really ready to call myself an artist in my language ( much easier to do it in English somehow..there the phrase artist covers more than it does in Swedish.) so there I have to work on imposter syndrome. It would be interesting to hear if others who have had artists as parents feel the same? Oh another thing I found annoying as i got into my late thirties was other peoples constant " are you not going to have kids?" That is no ones business, not even close family! So live and love the life you want- no one can do it better!
It is so great to hear your experience, I've visited Scotland twice and I just love everything about it. I really appreciate you mentioned how people should be respectful to the communities when moving to a certain place/country, and also when visiting. I really found people in general in Scotland to be really friendly and I loved it as I think you can really experience the place in a much more deep way by talking to locals and understand their culture.
Lovely to catch up with you Sarah. I'm so glad you're feeling better. And I'm so happy you're in a place you love with someone you love doing what you love! 😀💕
Hello Sarah. Re children - I have heard the comment ‘it’s selfish to not want children’. I have never understood that. Surely it would be selfish to HAVE kids that you didn’t really want and resent them and worst case scenario they end up being neglected and damaged. The world doesn’t need more people so it’s great that some people don’t want kids. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. Happy new year!
Oh goodness the visa process sounds challenging to say the least. 😳 This is such a huge amount of information on the process of possibly living/moving to Scotland 🏴. Definitely an interesting & wonderful video! I am so glad to hear that you’re enjoying your life there & that you’ve got lots of options & ideas for sharing things on this channel for the year. Your videos on both channels are always a joy to watch! Thanks for sharing this your beautiful journey of art, nature, & life with us! 💕💖
It’s such a relief to hear you say that you never wanted kids! I’ve never wanted them either (I’m now in my 40s, so I’m a bit older than you) and I know that several people thought I’d change my mind. I never have. The decision obviously comes with pros and cons, but I always feel relieved for some reason when I find that other people feel the same as I do and have chosen that path too. It’s lovely to find out more about you, I love this style of video!
It's nice to get to know you too! Definitely not alone! I wish we didn't have to defend our choices like we do just because it's not the norm. I guess times are changing though, at least women aren't pressured *as much* (still are).
Lovely video. I live in Edinburgh and my favourite activity is climbing and snow camping in the winter. For anyone who enjoys that, Scotland is great. It's expensive, but once you have the gear, the pleasure of being camped on a mountain in a toasty warm tent is hard to beat.
@@sarahinscotlandA Winter mountain tent. Mine is rated for Mount Everest, a really good (and expensive) sleeping bag, and down bed booties. It's easy to keep warm if you have the right equipment, but it's quite expensive.
Sarah, you are a girl after my own heart! My husband and I are packing up and moving to the highlands in a couple of months after 11 years in England (originally from South Africa) I love your passion for trees, the environment and landscape! Your channel will be invaluable to us as we make our new life there! Thank you. BTW…We’re also child free, just have our pets.
You are so kind and generous to answer so many personal questions. And it's funny that you mention Mexican food. My BFF is leaving tomorrow for a month in Thailand and what was his last meal? Mexican food and margaritas! Also, years ago I had a friend living in Germany who I planned to visit. She asked if I could bring her packets of taco seasoning, and popcorn!
the visa application process must have changed in recent years. When I did it in the 2000s. After doing the 6mths visit, I got a work visa for 2 years which got me back into the country, then while still in the UK i was able to apply for a partners visa which was 4 years and after the 4 years I was able to apply for ILR. I was lucky that I was able to do all of it while I was still in the UK. It was an expensive and stressful process. The partner visa was rather invasive. Very personal questions, photos, letters, proof of residence. Test questions to both of us about each other. But I've been here for 20 years now and It's my home and I love Scotland. It's hard having my Mum on the other side of the world in her aging years though. We also didn't want children, we just turned 50 and it's never been a decision that we've regretted. I wanted my tubes tied as I have issues with birth control, but drs refused to do it because of the whole, you will regret it yada yada yada thing. There is so much prejudice against people who don't want children. It's 2023 and I think this mind set really should have moved on by now.
Yes the visa process has definitely changed, even since I first started it! Most of it is uploaded online now! When I first started we had to mail all the physical documents (certified), it was so stressful! Hopefully it means the process will get more streamlined. Ugh..I hate thinking about it. So glad I'm nearing the end. And yea I agree about the prejudice - I find it baffling that the world is overpopulated and yet doctors refuse to allow people to get their tubes tied because they *think* they can't make an informed decision about their own reproduction... Ok I'll stop now before I get into a rant 😂
Fascinating to hear your background stories! I'm 57, also a full time artist and also very happily barren :) More than content with my husband, my two cats and my portly labrador
Great video! My wife and I are currently in the process of moving from the USA to Scotland ourselves. I attended school there from 2019 to 2020 and we are trying to make our way back. Always interesting to hear others journey in the process. Cheers!
This was an excellent, informative video. I so very much admire what you and Shaun are doing. I do not normally give advice to anyone, however I am going to do so now. Now that Shaun works for/ with you keep you, be careful and not let the business interfere with your relationship. Give your relationship priority, it can be difficult to work with someone close to you. I was so excited to hear you support Trees For Life. I volunteered there last summer and it is a wonderful organization doing great work. Perhaps you could go there and show us the new education center. I wish you and Shuan all the best and hope you are able to fulfill all your dreams.
Love it! I'm a dual British-American citizen and I've been planning on moving to Scotland for quite some time! Glasgow, specifically. I'm from New Mexico, but the weather would be such a nice change for me (I have pretty bad photosensitivity and don't get along with the sun). Scotland seems like a beautiful country with such a vibrant history and culture, and I'm looking forward to being apart of it! I'm visiting the UK in a few months to spend time with my English family and I'm looking to spend a few days up in Scotland if possible!
For a long time I didn't want children myself and that's why I think I understand completely if someone else doesn't want them. I now do have a little boy whom I wanted very much and whom I love very very very much. But that would never make me assume everyone else should or will feel like that eventually. Children are, especially when they are young, high maintenance. You really need to want them or else it would be sh**. I use every spare minute to work on my art and it's just good that I know myself to be mainly this focused because free time for making art is so precious.
This channel is incredible. The videography is amazing and the geography is gorgeous. I don't blame you for being in love with it. Recently I watched something on RUclips about the legality of using drones to record videos, as well as recording any content, on USA public land, including national parks, and I don't think there was a definitive conclusion. I thought of your drone footage and I am so glad you're recording it. And of course your paintings are soooooo inspiring. Thank you for sharing Scotland and your adventures with us.
Thank you :) In the UK you have to register your drone and get a flyer's license, and renew it every year (which I do). And there are restricted areas you can't fly, especially near military and airports.
In Alaska we called the midges "no see em’s" because they are so tiny, ya don’t see ‘em. Same little biting guys. Thanks for your wonderful art, and wishing you the best.✨
Having children is such a personal decision. I’m a lactation consultant and see babies every day and let me tell you, they are a lot of work. Not every parent is really prepared for that. And there is nothing wrong with deciding that it isn’t for you- for whatever the reason. Do what makes you happy and brings you joy. My son studied abroad in Edinburgh and loved it. He says the pubic transportation system is fantastic! I hope that one day I can attend an art retreat somewhere. Scotland would be lovely!
Yea, in retrospect I am annoyed at myself for trying to explain my side/making excuses. Not everyone should be nor wants to be parents. It is what it is! Who cares :) But I guess the pressures of society weigh on me even when I feel completely fine with my choice.
Hi Sarah.. Love your videos. I was born in Scotland and I live in Central scotland. The west coast. Near Ayr.. Scottish people are so friendly and hope I am too lol... I once went into a pub and a customer gave me money for my grandkids to get them drinks.. I never knew him but was thankful.. Sending love and hugs. And glad you love it here... I'm like you scenery is so pretty.. .. I love the Cotswolds too in England.. If you ever manage to visit there please enjoy. Have a wonderful day. Sean too 💖
Sarah you do not need to explain why you don’t want children. Many of us cannot understand because we had the urge for children, but if it isn’t a natural instinct for you, you will be a good mom to lots of kitties!❤ People can be invasive on social media!😊
one of my best friends would 100% agree with you on the Mexican food front. He's Mexican and when he moved to Indiana for his partner's schooling, his mom and grandparents would regularly mail him the spices that he couldn't get in Indiana so he could make Mexican food
Really interesting to learn about the complicated visa process! I've lived in Connecticut all of my life, but I love the gorgeous American West so much. I would love to see you someday traveling around the West in a van, hiking and painting in the National Parks. If you've never been to Bryce Canyon, you have to go! It's mind-blowingly beautiful to hike among the crazy views of hoodoos around every corner. (Thank you for answering my question 😃! I know I'll visit Scotland someday!)
Envious greetings from Colorful Colorado that currently has ten inches of snow on the ground lol. I can absolutely see why you loved the landscape of both places. Scotland is absolutely someplace that I would love to visit at some point. Thanks for all of the lovely video that you take it makes those of us that have never been there really apply what you love!!!
Hey Sarah! Thank you so much for answering my question about kids. In no way was my question meant to be unkind but more curious after having gotten to know you through your videos. I have a daughter who is now 7 and I love her to pieces, but sometimes it feels like I look wistfully at my collection of art supplies wondering if I really just made an investment for my retirement. I don’t get to paint nearly as much as I wish I could with my family and my career in IT, but your videos inspire me so much to want to paint.. I can’t remember the last time I could have the time or feel like I’m in the right mindset to sit down and complete one of your tutorials. I know it will get easier as my daughter gets older, but sometimes it’s hard not to compare yourself to the people you admire and wonder why you don’t have more time like they do to dedicate to something you love. Your answer definitely helps me to see that in some ways I’m not being fair to myself by doing that. Thank you so much for being so open and willing to answer such a personal question. It really did help me manage my perspective on my own life ❤ as always you are awesome!! 🤘🤘🤘
Seriously, I don't know how people have kids and work and manage to do anything else at all. I'm a veterinarian and I work in a locum capacity maybe 3 or 4 months a year. When I am working I do not have the brain space to create art at all, and I don't have any children to look after.
I know you'll research the heck out of it, but when you start seriously considering van-lifing, check out The Adventure Closet. They live (mostly) out of a modified mini-van and travel frugally (lots of free camping, free places to visit, etc) while visiting lots of cool locations.
Great Video Sarah, glad you're enjoying! Lots of helpful tips for us too. Laszlo and I are excited for our move to Scotland soon 🤗🚙🏴 - Jacqueline aka JDan 🤣 (I don't know why I used my personal account to ask the question lol)
Hi Sarah, new subscriber here. I am the reverse of you. Born and brought up in Scotland. My husband is from Inverness so know your area very well (relatives in Muir of Ord), both children born in Scotland. We have lived in 4 different countries and the past 29 years have been in Northern California. I had no idea it was so hard to become a UK permanent resident, even after marrying a Scot. We arrived in California on my husbands work visa and it took us 3 years ($$$$$) to get our green card which gave us permanent resident status. You have to have held a green card for 5 years before you can apply to become a US citizen which we all are now. I am so enjoying your videos of Scotland. I have an interest in trying watercolor so will check in on your other channel. Thank you
Thank you for your statement about don't treat Scotland like a place to romp around in, etc. It's a country, and people live here, and this is their home ...and has been for aeons. It's more than just scenery. I'd also say leave ALL your preconceptions behind. All of them. Get to know people as they actually are, try doing the things THEY do. Attend local events, help out with community projects (without trying to take over and do it 'better' like you used to do at home) Show willing, but respect 'the done thing,' and feel your way along, and you'll be fine. Get used to the fact (if you're from the USA) that nobody here will understand what your school days were like! (And you won't understand theirs either.) Like yourself, I also moved to get married to my Scottish husband from the USA, back in 1986 ...and even though the process was a bit easier then, it was still fraught with all sorts of roadblocks. I was lucky enough to get my indefinite leave to remain certificate as soon as we got married, so that was helpful. I am now a UK citizen, which is also nice. (Still happily married!) I have no intention of ever returning to the USA, either to live, or even for a visit now, so this is a bit different from yourself. Yeah, Mexican food ...I miss that as well. But I've experienced a good tradeoff ...such as access to fabulous Indian/Pakistani curry dishes, etc. Scottish dairy products and seafood are also fantastic. One thing I really missed when I first moved here was good coffee ...everybody was serving Nescafe instant coffee, even in nice restaurants! A horrible shock, when you are expecting know, COFFEE ...and you get that stuff with a skin on top. BUT I'm happy to say those days are long past, and coffee here is varied, superb, and served everywhere now.
I have watched a few of your videos and I really enjoy your content! I’m turning 40 this summer and will be in Scotland for my birthday! I’m a native Coloradan and born and raised in the Denver metro area. My husband and I dream of moving out of the country someday, but honestly don’t even know where to start. We’re both artists, but only make art on the side, and work full time jobs. I work remote in construction, and my husband works on-site construction. I have an almost 12 year old from a prior marriage, and co parent with my ex husband. I only have one kiddo and never had a child with my current husband because I just simply didn’t want to have any more children. Being a parent is hard, and VERY expensive. I’m happy that you’ve chosen to be “selfish!” I love my son and being a mom is great, but also my greatest challenge. This trip to Europe will be an adult only trip as the kiddo will be vacationing with his dad this year (we take him vacationing every other year). Can’t wait to enjoy every minute! I just logged into the hiking website you recommended and will add a few hikes into the Scotland itinerary! Thank you for the suggestion! Also, I should probably pick up some of those nets and bug spray! Good to know! ❤
Also being a past CO resident (likely our retirement location) and currently living in Vermont, I can't agree more about missing authentic Mexican and New Mexican food! My sister sends us roasted green chiles annually, it's amazing. :D This was also a great video for my wife and me, as we've long considered moving to Scotland. However, our experience would be a bit different since neither of us are Scottish citizens. I can also completely relate to your experience with midges. When we lived in Alaska, they were called No-See-Ums and they made life absolutely miserable if you wanted to get out near the water, which was everywhere since we lived in Juneau.
@@sarahinscotland 😄 Your experience sounds like ours living in Juneau. Chipotle/Qdoba was my first stop any time we flew down to the "lower 48"! Unrelated to food, but if you haven't yet, get out to Staffa. BEAUTIFUL!
I love my BenQ lamp that I purchased on your recommendation. Mine is also blue, because that was the colour in stock. It actually works with my decor. I live in the Fraser valley B. C. and we have many darkish days so the lamp makes all the difference for me even during daytimes. Thank you for telling us about it.
I also immigrated to another country because of marriage, from California to Canada. The weather, and food were the big changes for me. I’ve lived here longer now than in the U.S. I’m 73 and love watercolour, I also paint with other mediums but not as often anymore. I can’t hike so my painting is all done at a art table.
@@sarahinscotland Banff and Lake Louise are stunningly beautiful. Tofino on BC island is very nice too. I live in rhe Frazer valley between two lakes with mountains all around. It’s hard to imagine living anywhere else. The prairies go on for miles with nothing to see but farmland and animal herds. Even the skies are spacious and often have interesting clouds. Hardly a tree in sight. Ontario is full of trees. And Niagara Falls is enormous but very touristy. I’ve not been further east yet. It’s a big country.
Hi Sarah I just found your channel and i love it! I was living in America for 4 years in Richmond VA and then i moved to England and I’ve been living here now for 13 years. I really want to move to Scotland I think it’s amazing especially when you love nature it has so much to offer. All The Best In 2023 🙂
It is very maternal and parental to look at your situation and use your mind attending to decisions about bringing people into the world. Many women just let life happen before they develop their mind and are instantly welcome to the tribe. As long as you have a man to depend on and family support, you never have to aspire for anything else even your own identity. I know older women who all they are interested in is your private life so they can tell, not offer, tell you their group opinions, and vent to you about their own situation.
Hi from a near neighbour. We get plenty of snow in the Cairngorms, not as much as CO, of course, but we can expect to see some snow from November until, well, last weekend, in fact (April). That said, it is notable how we can have several inches of snow here, but by the time you get to Moray, it is just wet. I know several Americans living here, some for over 20 years and they all talk in despair about the visa system and the fact they are still expected to pay US taxes. The one thing they all have in common is how much they love it here.
Interesting perspective since I am, in many respects, the opposite; I was born in Scotland, left for the US as a young child, returned to the UK as a teen & spent many extended holidays in Scotland before returning to the US for much of my adult life. Where exactly do you live ? One of the most remarkable things to me was the huge differences in vibe/culture/climate in such a small country. Much more than midges, for eg, separate Argyll where my family was from and, say, central Glasgow where several friends attended Uni, & Alloa where my godparents lived, never mind north coastal Caithness or The Cairngorms where we often took camping/fishing trips. PS OK, got the bit about Moray on the second run through. So , asked & answered on location. Interesting that you feel the winters are mild that far north.Wasn't my experience in the 70s, visiting places like Banff & Inverness. Global warming or your East Coast experiences ? Gotta love those long summer days, though. Btw, my Argyll-based Gran hated upstate NY because she got eaten alive by bugs in the Adirondacks. Irony....
A lot of the locals who have lived here for decades have commented on how mild it is nowadays. Global warming is definitely causing a lot of changes. It’s also bringing bigger storms every year which is a little scary. Having experienced bugs in both countries now, I’d take the midges over mosquitos and horseflies.
You’ve mentioned before teaching watercolour workshops, but why not just rent a space to teach out of? Or you could start with a company that hosts artists to teach plein air workshops in different countries and they do all the leg work with registration, accomodations, transportation, etc. There would likely be a lot of interest in gouache as well, as not that many artists yet doing that.
I’m 63, I didn’t want children. It’s not a selfish mindset anymore than to have kids. I don’t regret it and have lots of nieces and nephews to spoil. I also live away from my country CANADA and do animal rescue in Panama. I do lots of volunteer and I live with 20 rescued cats. I host paint parties in my home to support the rescues. Not selfish, no regrets and living a blessed life,I’ve.
love this and your other art youtube too. I totally get the Mexican food craving. We had no kids and after 30 excellent years, we have no regrets. It's not selfish. Childfree is a big help to saving the environment which is crucial to us.
The process for getting a visa to move to Scotland may change a lot after independence, since Scotland actually needs people to go and live there, whereas English politicians have to pander to a xenophobic electorate which prefers to keep what Theresa May called a "hostile environment" around immigration.
My wife and I are 35, live in TX. We decided not to have kids, I've never wanted them. Found your channel because in the back of my head I'd love to live with my wife in a smaller, simpler place. Of course people here say, "there's nowhere else to go outside of the US!" But I see people live just fine other places.
I'm learning that you can make anywhere a home. But some places allow you to connect with nature more deeply. And that is extremely important to me. There are lots of places in the US I would love to explore too but for now my path is here and I love it. Maybe someday we will spend more time in my homeland.
Another great video ❤ ... You are a natural. Love the comments too, everyone seems on the same wavelength (hello everyone) and a great community is building like those I have seen for Jonna Jinton etc. Look forward to seeing more of Scotland in your other videos. Oh and ps... your attitude to children and caring for your parents is wonderful, if only the world was filled with more of you. Take care today....
I grew up near sequoia national park. Its wonderful. If you're going to do van life stay away from LA and SF with everything you have. As far as kids its fine, I have 4 kids its a blessing but I have a brother who doesnt want any of it and he is still great brother and uncle. Lastly, don't let friends with kids mistake you for a conventional baby sitter...keep boundaries.
I decided when I was 5 years old that I was never going to have children. I met my husband at 19 yo and told him that I never wanted children. We married a year later and now after 37 years, neither of us regrets not having children. It is so patronising when people say "oh, you'll change your mind" or "you're young now but wait until your mid-30s, you'll be wanting kids then" etc blah, blah, blah. I had my fair share of hearing about how selfish I am, etc, but really, the reason why people with kids say this is because they are jealous that people without kids can sleep in whenever we want and have sex in any room any time of the day.
Thank you for sharing your experiences! I am really enjoying your content. In today's world, not having children is absolutely acceptable, it's such an individual topic and from what I see happening to my married friends without kids (yet) is that everyone and their brother thinks it's OK to ask about it. Kind of intrusive. Also, as a long-time single lady, does Shawn/Wolfy have any bachelor brothers or (handsome) friends looking for a match? 😄
Hello Sarah! I just found your channel. My husband and I are both Canadian and we are looking in moving to Scotland. He is a UK citizen and I am under 35 so I think I could get a working holiday visa. We have a child who is 2 years old. So you think it’s easier to immigrate as a family meaning getting a spousal visa or should I get the mobility visa instead. My baby does not have uk citizenship at the moment.
I am self-employed and want a lot of cats and move to Schottland aswell :D But since I won't get a Visa as a self-employed person, I now need to find myself a schottish fiancé xD
For my first one it was an online service but they were based out of UK (wouldn’t recommend them). The second one was a Scotland based lawyer which was fine but expensive. The third one was a renewal so I did it myself. The last one was a local lawyer who was amazing and very expensive 😂 but got the job done without issues
What if your partner is on a student visa from another country as well? We both want to settle in Scotland and he is going to be studying in Scotland for his masters.
Are there places where there i s a lake and then very close to it the coast? (like 20 minutes to walk or something? To me it sounds unrealistic, but I have had a vision of this place ^^
There's only one lake in Scotland, the Lake of Menteith in Stirlingshire, which is not within walking distance of the coast. There are, however, many lochs.
yeah visa are so much money. i have my ILR and would love to apply for citizenship, but its so much more money we dont have, so im fine with my ILR since it means i can stay here for however long i want (and hubby has his permanent residence card for Canada, its just expired but we can get it renewed if we ever went back to canada [prob never happen]) lol yeah the accent is an icebreaker in a lot of situations lol
You will love it! You will need to plan at least a week and possibly an entire summer! Seriously make it a priority. It’s absolutely beautiful along with being so amazing!
So if you do it legally it costs thousands, but if you 'dingy it' from the french coast you get free accommodation and social security payments. If anyone suggests you should leave, you can complain and get them arrested. Apologies for your inconvenience, our UK system is broken! I agree about the midgies, I left Scotland (Fraserburgh) at 6!
😂 still blows my mind how much people go on about midges. It’s not that bad, not all of the time, not in all places and weather. It’s just really not that big of a deal
Haha oh you must be one of the lucky ones they don't bother much. I've had horrific experiences, not being able to breathe without inhaling them, and fiery itchy reactions. To some, it is pure torture. Count your blessings!
Having kids does make a relationship really challenging especially if your from different countries. I'm feeling that deeply. Feel like I haven't really seen my husband in 4 years and we live in the same house 😅 funny not funny
Where from ? What passport do you have. This is normally vital. As she has a Scottish husband that can be a route to living in the UK. England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all part of the UK so she can live in, say, Wales if she wishes.
You are not selfish not wanting children! I've never wanted children either and I know it's much better for any imaginary children to not have me as a parent lol oh I would miss Mexican food too!
Hello Sarah.....just found your lovely U-tube. Wow...I never knew how difficult it is to become a citizen in Scotland. Too bad coming to the U.S. is a breeze and we have millions coming illegally over our borders and taking advantage of our generosity and all the benefits of living here while tax paying citizens pay the bill! The U.S. must tighten their immigration rules. Choosing not to have children is a personal choice and no need to defend this choice. Having children does not define who you are. Be all that you love and express in your art.
@CharlotteUnser Scotland is broadly a social democracy, with many aspects of socialism. I like to think it emerged from the collective clan system. Tertiary education is free. Health care is free. Prescription meds are free. We even have freedom to roam on land owned by other people (the majority of the land is privately held). We also have a famously open welcome for refugees. Do you think you'd like all those things?
Remember to be respectful in the comments. And refrain from offering legal advice, it's not the place. Do your visa research, folks :) Any antagonistic or rude comments will be removed without warning.
Love this chat! My husband and I did not have children either. We had a wonderful life together. Sadly, he passed away 3 years ago and now I have left the equestrian world for the art world. Big adjustments to make but I just noticed the freedom I have to experience anything that piques my curiosity. I have always been an introvert so living alone is not a big deal. The big deal was the loss of the only needed relationship in my life. As you said everyone is different. Vive la differance.
My condolences 💜 I'm glad you have your other outlets, especially a creative one. I think it's very healing, freeing, and important!
I’m 50, been married for 19 years… and I’ve never wanted kids either. It’s not selfish at all. I am an animal lover and I’m a very dedicated pet parent. My kitties and dog are my world. I’m envious of your journey over in Scotland, and being a full time artist. Thanks for sharing it all with us. I just recently found you on RUclips and love your art and love your channel. ❤
Thank you! I too am a loving and devoted cat mom :)
I loved this Q&A. That visa process seems insanely intrusive. I love your note about your art being your baby. That is legit and it's refreshing to hear talented people putting it out there. Not all women want or care to fit into stereotypes. If you are happy, that's all it maters.
Yep...and I'm sorry for the people who don't get accepted for silly reasons. It's sad reality in the modern world that many can't live in the places that make us feel whole just because of bureaucracy.
Fun video! Knowing your own mind about having or not having children is definitetly not selfish. Wanting to "have it all" simultaneously is an unrealistic expectation for living a balanced life. I'm a mom; and I love my life, my kids and my spouse. It's just good to know that there are other walks of life and different seasons in each of our lives. Thank you for having a very kind response to what could be a very unkind personal question.
Sarah, I totally understand and really really respect your view re children. I cannot say I regret having children, I love them more than I can express, but I also have to say the baby and toddler years were the most stressful in my life and I got a deep depression that was so severe it has almost driven away the good memories from when the kids were small. I was also a rather "old" mum 38 and 41, so that might have made the enormous change in life harder as the older you are the more you are set in your ways- and to be frank- you have less stamina to deal w sleepless nights and toddler tantrums... I really enjoy my kids more now when they are on the brink of becoming young adults, although the worry for their future is larger than when they were small ;-). It gets so much easier when the kids grow up and become teenagers and growl at YOU when THEY are disturbed ;-)).
I sometimes think artists are not the best parent " material" ,as being an artist sometimes demands a level of selfishness that is not always comparable w being on hand 100% for your kid. I know there are admirable , well planned, artists who can set a time schedule and stick to that or just work for an hour as the baby sleeps or similar and it does not affect their art if they have to break because they have to tend to the need of their child. But that is not something for me- if I get "inspiration" - or whatever you want to call it- perhaps flow is a better description, it is very hard to just leave your art because you have to attend family matter. I am sorry if I cannot express myself in a clear way ( English is not my first language). My father was an artist and even if he came from a generation when fathers were not very involved w childcare I think he did more than his contemporaries w looking after us, but even so, when he was in his studio he was not to be disturbed and when we were ill and allowed to stay there during daytime when our mum was at work we knew he didn´t like to be disturbed and we learnt to be quiet and go on w our thing like reading and so. Off course if we were very ill he took care of us, gave us food etc, but when he was engrossed in his art he was on another planet. Once when I was a toddler he didn´t notice I had somehow crawled out of my crib and got hold of his ashtray and happily eaten all of his large heap of accumulated Galuois cigarette stubs, not until it was almost too late and I was rushed to A&E in the nick of time... He knew about this " lack" in his character- as he called it, I am much more forgiving being of the same mindset as he was. He was a very humble and kind man and a great artist.
I also get very annoyed at being disturbed by my family when I paint or do something creative that takes up " all me". I know it is very selfish, your family ought to come first, and that is why I say artists sometimes does not make good parents, although as I said, i have never felt any anger at my dad as we are so like and he , and my brilliant mum, gave me a fantastic, fun and educating childhood, especially when I compared to what my friends did who had parents in more " normal" occupations. Going to an art museum, visiting a cathedral or walking outside was an adventure as my father could talk so well about art, art history and how to percieve things, to see colour and shape. I am deeply grateful to have had a dad who was an artist. We are several in the family who do art, either as occupation or as a hobby and I think in a way that comes from having grown up in a creative environment, being an artist is not an odd thing, or pretentious, it is just natural to us. On the other hand it can be daunting too as you somewhat unconsciously compare yourself to the artists in a previous generation. Despite having done an art education and exhibitions I still am not really ready to call myself an artist in my language ( much easier to do it in English somehow..there the phrase artist covers more than it does in Swedish.) so there I have to work on imposter syndrome. It would be interesting to hear if others who have had artists as parents feel the same?
Oh another thing I found annoying as i got into my late thirties was other peoples constant " are you not going to have kids?" That is no ones business, not even close family! So live and love the life you want- no one can do it better!
@@SUSSDUE beautiful comment. Very candid.
@@chantelmcskimming6633 Thank you! :-)
It is so great to hear your experience, I've visited Scotland twice and I just love everything about it. I really appreciate you mentioned how people should be respectful to the communities when moving to a certain place/country, and also when visiting. I really found people in general in Scotland to be really friendly and I loved it as I think you can really experience the place in a much more deep way by talking to locals and understand their culture.
Totally agree
As always, you're one of my long time artists that I follow. Thank you for all your videos, I appreciate your art and sharing your life.
We are moving to scotland in April. Despite being very terrified we are so excited and looking forward to an adventure.
Lovely to catch up with you Sarah. I'm so glad you're feeling better. And I'm so happy you're in a place you love with someone you love doing what you love! 😀💕
Thank you so much!
Hello Sarah. Re children - I have heard the comment ‘it’s selfish to not want children’. I have never understood that. Surely it would be selfish to HAVE kids that you didn’t really want and resent them and worst case scenario they end up being neglected and damaged. The world doesn’t need more people so it’s great that some people don’t want kids. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. Happy new year!
Oh goodness the visa process sounds challenging to say the least. 😳 This is such a huge amount of information on the process of possibly living/moving to Scotland 🏴. Definitely an interesting & wonderful video! I am so glad to hear that you’re enjoying your life there & that you’ve got lots of options & ideas for sharing things on this channel for the year. Your videos on both channels are always a joy to watch! Thanks for sharing this your beautiful journey of art, nature, & life with us! 💕💖
Yea the visa process is not for the faint of heart 🤣
It’s such a relief to hear you say that you never wanted kids! I’ve never wanted them either (I’m now in my 40s, so I’m a bit older than you) and I know that several people thought I’d change my mind. I never have. The decision obviously comes with pros and cons, but I always feel relieved for some reason when I find that other people feel the same as I do and have chosen that path too. It’s lovely to find out more about you, I love this style of video!
It's nice to get to know you too! Definitely not alone! I wish we didn't have to defend our choices like we do just because it's not the norm. I guess times are changing though, at least women aren't pressured *as much* (still are).
@@sarahinscotland I agree totally!
Ancestor cry.
Dreaming of coming over and joining a watercolour painting experience with you Sarah! Holding thumbs for that cabin studio to manifest!🌠
We WILL make it happen 💕
Lovely video. I live in Edinburgh and my favourite activity is climbing and snow camping in the winter. For anyone who enjoys that, Scotland is great. It's expensive, but once you have the gear, the pleasure of being camped on a mountain in a toasty warm tent is hard to beat.
How do you stay warm? I’m a cold sleeper.
@@sarahinscotlandA Winter mountain tent. Mine is rated for Mount Everest, a really good (and expensive) sleeping bag, and down bed booties. It's easy to keep warm if you have the right equipment, but it's quite expensive.
@@albin2232ahh makes sense
Sarah, you are a girl after my own heart! My husband and I are packing up and moving to the highlands in a couple of months after 11 years in England (originally from South Africa)
I love your passion for trees, the environment and landscape!
Your channel will be invaluable to us as we make our new life there!
Thank you.
BTW…We’re also child free, just have our pets.
I hope you have an amazing time! Which area are you moving too? There's so much beauty and variety here.
@@sarahinscotland either Inverness or Moray Firth 😁
Great video Sarah! Thank you so much.
You are so kind and generous to answer so many personal questions. And it's funny that you mention Mexican food. My BFF is leaving tomorrow for a month in Thailand and what was his last meal? Mexican food and margaritas! Also, years ago I had a friend living in Germany who I planned to visit. She asked if I could bring her packets of taco seasoning, and popcorn!
Haha! Yea it's great. We do burrito nights very often! But it's just not the same
the visa application process must have changed in recent years. When I did it in the 2000s. After doing the 6mths visit, I got a work visa for 2 years which got me back into the country, then while still in the UK i was able to apply for a partners visa which was 4 years and after the 4 years I was able to apply for ILR. I was lucky that I was able to do all of it while I was still in the UK. It was an expensive and stressful process. The partner visa was rather invasive. Very personal questions, photos, letters, proof of residence. Test questions to both of us about each other. But I've been here for 20 years now and It's my home and I love Scotland. It's hard having my Mum on the other side of the world in her aging years though.
We also didn't want children, we just turned 50 and it's never been a decision that we've regretted. I wanted my tubes tied as I have issues with birth control, but drs refused to do it because of the whole, you will regret it yada yada yada thing. There is so much prejudice against people who don't want children. It's 2023 and I think this mind set really should have moved on by now.
Yes the visa process has definitely changed, even since I first started it! Most of it is uploaded online now! When I first started we had to mail all the physical documents (certified), it was so stressful! Hopefully it means the process will get more streamlined. Ugh..I hate thinking about it. So glad I'm nearing the end.
And yea I agree about the prejudice - I find it baffling that the world is overpopulated and yet doctors refuse to allow people to get their tubes tied because they *think* they can't make an informed decision about their own reproduction... Ok I'll stop now before I get into a rant 😂
One of my sisters never had children so I guess I just don’t question it. Glad you are doing what is best for you and Shawn.
Fascinating to hear your background stories! I'm 57, also a full time artist and also very happily barren :) More than content with my husband, my two cats and my portly labrador
Great video! My wife and I are currently in the process of moving from the USA to Scotland ourselves. I attended school there from 2019 to 2020 and we are trying to make our way back. Always interesting to hear others journey in the process. Cheers!
This was an excellent, informative video. I so very much admire what you and Shaun are doing. I do not normally give advice to anyone, however I am going to do so now. Now that Shaun works for/ with you keep you, be careful and not let the business interfere with your relationship. Give your relationship priority, it can be difficult to work with someone close to you. I was so excited to hear you support Trees For Life. I volunteered there last summer and it is a wonderful organization doing great work. Perhaps you could go there and show us the new education center. I wish you and Shuan all the best and hope you are able to fulfill all your dreams.
Thank you 😊 yes we do plan on visiting their newly built Center. It looks amazing!
Love it! I'm a dual British-American citizen and I've been planning on moving to Scotland for quite some time! Glasgow, specifically. I'm from New Mexico, but the weather would be such a nice change for me (I have pretty bad photosensitivity and don't get along with the sun). Scotland seems like a beautiful country with such a vibrant history and culture, and I'm looking forward to being apart of it! I'm visiting the UK in a few months to spend time with my English family and I'm looking to spend a few days up in Scotland if possible!
It’s great that you will be able to “test” the waters ☺️ if I didn’t have cats I would definitely travel to the states way more and explore
For a long time I didn't want children myself and that's why I think I understand completely if someone else doesn't want them. I now do have a little boy whom I wanted very much and whom I love very very very much. But that would never make me assume everyone else should or will feel like that eventually. Children are, especially when they are young, high maintenance. You really need to want them or else it would be sh**. I use every spare minute to work on my art and it's just good that I know myself to be mainly this focused because free time for making art is so precious.
Thank you for this video! Enjoyed learning about the process to immigrate.
YAY!! A childfree couple in Scotland! Love it 😍! (I'm childfree by choice as well which is why I'm excited for you guys).
This channel is incredible. The videography is amazing and the geography is gorgeous. I don't blame you for being in love with it. Recently I watched something on RUclips about the legality of using drones to record videos, as well as recording any content, on USA public land, including national parks, and I don't think there was a definitive conclusion. I thought of your drone footage and I am so glad you're recording it. And of course your paintings are soooooo inspiring. Thank you for sharing Scotland and your adventures with us.
Thank you :) In the UK you have to register your drone and get a flyer's license, and renew it every year (which I do). And there are restricted areas you can't fly, especially near military and airports.
In Alaska we called the midges "no see em’s" because they are so tiny, ya don’t see ‘em. Same little biting guys. Thanks for your wonderful art, and wishing you the best.✨
The midges are only an issue when there is no wind, which is not that often.
Hi, i found this video very interesting. It’s nice to get to know you a bit better! I hope you have a great year in 2023,
Thank you, Happy new year!
Having children is such a personal decision. I’m a lactation consultant and see babies every day and let me tell you, they are a lot of work. Not every parent is really prepared for that. And there is nothing wrong with deciding that it isn’t for you- for whatever the reason. Do what makes you happy and brings you joy. My son studied abroad in Edinburgh and loved it. He says the pubic transportation system is fantastic! I hope that one day I can attend an art retreat somewhere. Scotland would be lovely!
Yea, in retrospect I am annoyed at myself for trying to explain my side/making excuses. Not everyone should be nor wants to be parents. It is what it is! Who cares :) But I guess the pressures of society weigh on me even when I feel completely fine with my choice.
Hi Sarah.. Love your videos. I was born in Scotland and I live in Central scotland. The west coast. Near Ayr.. Scottish people are so friendly and hope I am too lol... I once went into a pub and a customer gave me money for my grandkids to get them drinks.. I never knew him but was thankful.. Sending love and hugs. And glad you love it here... I'm like you scenery is so pretty.. .. I love the Cotswolds too in England.. If you ever manage to visit there please enjoy. Have a wonderful day. Sean too 💖
Hello! Eventually I will make it to Ayr. Yes I completely agree, most Scots are so friendly and helpful, especially in the smaller towns.
Sarah you do not need to explain why you don’t want children. Many of us cannot understand because we had the urge for children, but if it isn’t a natural instinct for you, you will be a good mom to lots of kitties!❤ People can be invasive on social media!😊
one of my best friends would 100% agree with you on the Mexican food front. He's Mexican and when he moved to Indiana for his partner's schooling, his mom and grandparents would regularly mail him the spices that he couldn't get in Indiana so he could make Mexican food
As a Scot I certainly hope my fellow Scots are being nice.
Hello :) aye, very friendly. Funny thing most people think I'm from Canada
Really interesting to learn about the complicated visa process! I've lived in Connecticut all of my life, but I love the gorgeous American West so much. I would love to see you someday traveling around the West in a van, hiking and painting in the National Parks. If you've never been to Bryce Canyon, you have to go! It's mind-blowingly beautiful to hike among the crazy views of hoodoos around every corner. (Thank you for answering my question 😃! I know I'll visit Scotland someday!)
That sounds great! I just thought of this…I didn’t check when I was there but is there a website for the USA like the one I shared (walkhighlands)?
Envious greetings from Colorful Colorado that currently has ten inches of snow on the ground lol. I can absolutely see why you loved the landscape of both places. Scotland is absolutely someplace that I would love to visit at some point. Thanks for all of the lovely video that you take it makes those of us that have never been there really apply what you love!!!
Ahh I miss the snow! We currently have 3 inches but it will probably melt by tomorrow
Your dream sounds wonderful! I hope it comes true soon!
Thank you so much!
Hey Sarah! Thank you so much for answering my question about kids. In no way was my question meant to be unkind but more curious after having gotten to know you through your videos. I have a daughter who is now 7 and I love her to pieces, but sometimes it feels like I look wistfully at my collection of art supplies wondering if I really just made an investment for my retirement. I don’t get to paint nearly as much as I wish I could with my family and my career in IT, but your videos inspire me so much to want to paint.. I can’t remember the last time I could have the time or feel like I’m in the right mindset to sit down and complete one of your tutorials. I know it will get easier as my daughter gets older, but sometimes it’s hard not to compare yourself to the people you admire and wonder why you don’t have more time like they do to dedicate to something you love. Your answer definitely helps me to see that in some ways I’m not being fair to myself by doing that. Thank you so much for being so open and willing to answer such a personal question. It really did help me manage my perspective on my own life ❤ as always you are awesome!! 🤘🤘🤘
A wise man once said “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” (- Gandalf)
(- J.R.R. Tolkien)
@@sarahinscotland LOVE the Gandalf quote 💜
Seriously, I don't know how people have kids and work and manage to do anything else at all. I'm a veterinarian and I work in a locum capacity maybe 3 or 4 months a year. When I am working I do not have the brain space to create art at all, and I don't have any children to look after.
I know you'll research the heck out of it, but when you start seriously considering van-lifing, check out The Adventure Closet. They live (mostly) out of a modified mini-van and travel frugally (lots of free camping, free places to visit, etc) while visiting lots of cool locations.
Will do!
Great Video Sarah, glad you're enjoying! Lots of helpful tips for us too. Laszlo and I are excited for our move to Scotland soon 🤗🚙🏴
- Jacqueline aka JDan 🤣 (I don't know why I used my personal account to ask the question lol)
That’s so exciting!
Thanks for this video!!!
Hi Sarah, new subscriber here. I am the reverse of you. Born and brought up in Scotland. My husband is from Inverness so know your area very well (relatives in Muir of Ord), both children born in Scotland. We have lived in 4 different countries and the past 29 years have been in Northern California. I had no idea it was so hard to become a UK permanent resident, even after marrying a Scot. We arrived in California on my husbands work visa and it took us 3 years ($$$$$) to get our green card which gave us permanent resident status. You have to have held a green card for 5 years before you can apply to become a US citizen which we all are now. I am so enjoying your videos of Scotland. I have an interest in trying watercolor so will check in on your other channel. Thank you
How about a video blog of walking up Ben Lomond?
Thank you for your statement about don't treat Scotland like a place to romp around in, etc. It's a country, and people live here, and this is their home ...and has been for aeons. It's more than just scenery. I'd also say leave ALL your preconceptions behind. All of them. Get to know people as they actually are, try doing the things THEY do. Attend local events, help out with community projects (without trying to take over and do it 'better' like you used to do at home) Show willing, but respect 'the done thing,' and feel your way along, and you'll be fine.
Get used to the fact (if you're from the USA) that nobody here will understand what your school days were like! (And you won't understand theirs either.)
Like yourself, I also moved to get married to my Scottish husband from the USA, back in 1986 ...and even though the process was a bit easier then, it was still fraught with all sorts of roadblocks. I was lucky enough to get my indefinite leave to remain certificate as soon as we got married, so that was helpful. I am now a UK citizen, which is also nice. (Still happily married!) I have no intention of ever returning to the USA, either to live, or even for a visit now, so this is a bit different from yourself.
Yeah, Mexican food ...I miss that as well. But I've experienced a good tradeoff ...such as access to fabulous Indian/Pakistani curry dishes, etc. Scottish dairy products and seafood are also fantastic. One thing I really missed when I first moved here was good coffee ...everybody was serving Nescafe instant coffee, even in nice restaurants! A horrible shock, when you are expecting know, COFFEE ...and you get that stuff with a skin on top. BUT I'm happy to say those days are long past, and coffee here is varied, superb, and served everywhere now.
I have watched a few of your videos and I really enjoy your content! I’m turning 40 this summer and will be in Scotland for my birthday! I’m a native Coloradan and born and raised in the Denver metro area. My husband and I dream of moving out of the country someday, but honestly don’t even know where to start. We’re both artists, but only make art on the side, and work full time jobs. I work remote in construction, and my husband works on-site construction. I have an almost 12 year old from a prior marriage, and co parent with my ex husband. I only have one kiddo and never had a child with my current husband because I just simply didn’t want to have any more children. Being a parent is hard, and VERY expensive. I’m happy that you’ve chosen to be “selfish!” I love my son and being a mom is great, but also my greatest challenge. This trip to Europe will be an adult only trip as the kiddo will be vacationing with his dad this year (we take him vacationing every other year). Can’t wait to enjoy every minute! I just logged into the hiking website you recommended and will add a few hikes into the Scotland itinerary! Thank you for the suggestion! Also, I should probably pick up some of those nets and bug spray! Good to know! ❤
That’s great I hope you get good weather, and your trip is fun!
Also being a past CO resident (likely our retirement location) and currently living in Vermont, I can't agree more about missing authentic Mexican and New Mexican food! My sister sends us roasted green chiles annually, it's amazing. :D This was also a great video for my wife and me, as we've long considered moving to Scotland. However, our experience would be a bit different since neither of us are Scottish citizens.
I can also completely relate to your experience with midges. When we lived in Alaska, they were called No-See-Ums and they made life absolutely miserable if you wanted to get out near the water, which was everywhere since we lived in Juneau.
Omg even just chipotle would be heavenly at this point! 😆 I think their food would do really well in Scotland..someone please open some here 😂
@@sarahinscotland 😄 Your experience sounds like ours living in Juneau. Chipotle/Qdoba was my first stop any time we flew down to the "lower 48"! Unrelated to food, but if you haven't yet, get out to Staffa. BEAUTIFUL!
I love my BenQ lamp that I purchased on your recommendation. Mine is also blue, because that was the colour in stock. It actually works with my decor. I live in the Fraser valley B. C. and we have many darkish days so the lamp makes all the difference for me even during daytimes. Thank you for telling us about it.
I also immigrated to another country because of marriage, from California to Canada. The weather, and food were the big changes for me. I’ve lived here longer now than in the U.S. I’m 73 and love watercolour, I also paint with other mediums but not as often anymore. I can’t hike so my painting is all done at a art table.
I almost mentioned that we really want to explore Canada too. Many people recommend it to me
@@sarahinscotland Banff and Lake Louise are stunningly beautiful. Tofino on BC island is very nice too. I live in rhe Frazer valley between two lakes with mountains all around. It’s hard to imagine living anywhere else. The prairies go on for miles with nothing to see but farmland and animal herds. Even the skies are spacious and often have interesting clouds. Hardly a tree in sight. Ontario is full of trees. And Niagara Falls is enormous but very touristy. I’ve not been further east yet. It’s a big country.
Hi Sarah I just found your channel and i love it! I was living in America for 4 years in Richmond VA and then i moved to England and I’ve been living here now for 13 years. I really want to move to Scotland I think it’s amazing especially when you love nature it has so much to offer. All The Best In 2023 🙂
Welcome! 😄
It is very maternal and parental to look at your situation and use your mind attending to decisions about bringing people into the world. Many women just let life happen before they develop their mind and are instantly welcome to the tribe. As long as you have a man to depend on and family support, you never have to aspire for anything else even your own identity. I know older women who all they are interested in is your private life so they can tell, not offer, tell you their group opinions, and vent to you about their own situation.
Great video, ❤
Hi from a near neighbour. We get plenty of snow in the Cairngorms, not as much as CO, of course, but we can expect to see some snow from November until, well, last weekend, in fact (April). That said, it is notable how we can have several inches of snow here, but by the time you get to Moray, it is just wet. I know several Americans living here, some for over 20 years and they all talk in despair about the visa system and the fact they are still expected to pay US taxes. The one thing they all have in common is how much they love it here.
I was surprised to see a very cool documentary about skiing in Scotlandвидео.html
Cool insights
Please don’t feel selfish about not wanting children. You will have so much more freedom throughout your life to enjoy :)
I guess that was a weird way of phrasing it, I meant it's just a very personal decision 😄
Interesting perspective since I am, in many respects, the opposite; I was born in Scotland, left for the US as a young child, returned to the UK as a teen & spent many extended holidays in Scotland before returning to the US for much of my adult life. Where exactly do you live ? One of the most remarkable things to me was the huge differences in vibe/culture/climate in such a small country. Much more than midges, for eg, separate Argyll where my family was from and, say, central Glasgow where several friends attended Uni, & Alloa where my godparents lived, never mind north coastal Caithness or The Cairngorms where we often took camping/fishing trips.
PS OK, got the bit about Moray on the second run through. So , asked & answered on location. Interesting that you feel the winters are mild that far north.Wasn't my experience in the 70s, visiting places like Banff & Inverness. Global warming or your East Coast experiences ? Gotta love those long summer days, though. Btw, my Argyll-based Gran hated upstate NY because she got eaten alive by bugs in the Adirondacks. Irony....
A lot of the locals who have lived here for decades have commented on how mild it is nowadays. Global warming is definitely causing a lot of changes. It’s also bringing bigger storms every year which is a little scary. Having experienced bugs in both countries now, I’d take the midges over mosquitos and horseflies.
Summer is light for about 22 hours. But winter is light for about 7 hours.
You’ve mentioned before teaching watercolour workshops, but why not just rent a space to teach out of? Or you could start with a company that hosts artists to teach plein air workshops in different countries and they do all the leg work with registration, accomodations, transportation, etc. There would likely be a lot of interest in gouache as well, as not that many artists yet doing that.
Definitely an option.
I’m 63, I didn’t want children. It’s not a selfish mindset anymore than to have kids. I don’t regret it and have lots of nieces and nephews to spoil. I also live away from my country CANADA and do animal rescue in Panama. I do lots of volunteer and I live with 20 rescued cats. I host paint parties in my home to support the rescues. Not selfish, no regrets and living a blessed life,I’ve.
Great audio!!!!!
love this and your other art youtube too. I totally get the Mexican food craving. We had no kids and after 30 excellent years, we have no regrets. It's not selfish. Childfree is a big help to saving the environment which is crucial to us.
The process for getting a visa to move to Scotland may change a lot after independence, since Scotland actually needs people to go and live there, whereas English politicians have to pander to a xenophobic electorate which prefers to keep what Theresa May called a "hostile environment" around immigration.
My wife and I are 35, live in TX. We decided not to have kids, I've never wanted them. Found your channel because in the back of my head I'd love to live with my wife in a smaller, simpler place. Of course people here say, "there's nowhere else to go outside of the US!" But I see people live just fine other places.
I'm learning that you can make anywhere a home. But some places allow you to connect with nature more deeply. And that is extremely important to me. There are lots of places in the US I would love to explore too but for now my path is here and I love it. Maybe someday we will spend more time in my homeland.
@@sarahinscotland Thanks for your reply. I definitely want to come visit Scotland, who knows what the future holds as far as living abroad.
Another great video ❤ ... You are a natural. Love the comments too, everyone seems on the same wavelength (hello everyone) and a great community is building like those I have seen for Jonna Jinton etc. Look forward to seeing more of Scotland in your other videos. Oh and ps... your attitude to children and caring for your parents is wonderful, if only the world was filled with more of you. Take care today....
Thank you so much! Jonna's channel and community are amazing
I grew up near sequoia national park. Its wonderful. If you're going to do van life stay away from LA and SF with everything you have. As far as kids its fine, I have 4 kids its a blessing but I have a brother who doesnt want any of it and he is still great brother and uncle. Lastly, don't let friends with kids mistake you for a conventional baby sitter...keep boundaries.
I decided when I was 5 years old that I was never going to have children. I met my husband at 19 yo and told him that I never wanted children. We married a year later and now after 37 years, neither of us regrets not having children. It is so patronising when people say "oh, you'll change your mind" or "you're young now but wait until your mid-30s, you'll be wanting kids then" etc blah, blah, blah. I had my fair share of hearing about how selfish I am, etc, but really, the reason why people with kids say this is because they are jealous that people without kids can sleep in whenever we want and have sex in any room any time of the day.
Thank you for sharing your experiences! I am really enjoying your content. In today's world, not having children is absolutely acceptable, it's such an individual topic and from what I see happening to my married friends without kids (yet) is that everyone and their brother thinks it's OK to ask about it. Kind of intrusive. Also, as a long-time single lady, does Shawn/Wolfy have any bachelor brothers or (handsome) friends looking for a match? 😄
Just hop on a train! 😄
Hello Sarah! I just found your channel. My husband and I are both Canadian and we are looking in moving to Scotland. He is a UK citizen and I am under 35 so I think I could get a working holiday visa. We have a child who is 2 years old. So you think it’s easier to immigrate as a family meaning getting a spousal visa or should I get the mobility visa instead. My baby does not have uk citizenship at the moment.
I'm sorry I don't know any of the rules regarding children. But Spouse visa makes sense, since you are a family. Definitely check the rules though!
I am self-employed and want a lot of cats and move to Schottland aswell :D But since I won't get a Visa as a self-employed person, I now need to find myself a schottish fiancé xD
What type of lawyer did you get for your visa and were they based in Scotland or the US?
For my first one it was an online service but they were based out of UK (wouldn’t recommend them). The second one was a Scotland based lawyer which was fine but expensive. The third one was a renewal so I did it myself. The last one was a local lawyer who was amazing and very expensive 😂 but got the job done without issues
What if your partner is on a student visa from another country as well? We both want to settle in Scotland and he is going to be studying in Scotland for his masters.
Not sure how student visas work
You can check all the rules on the .gov website
some people are made for parenting some are not but having a cat we have one to
There is giant redwoods in Scotland. 🙂
Are there places where there i s a lake and then very close to it the coast? (like 20 minutes to walk or something? To me it sounds unrealistic, but I have had a vision of this place ^^
There are lots of sea lochs!
There's only one lake in Scotland, the Lake of Menteith in Stirlingshire, which is not within walking distance of the coast. There are, however, many lochs.
@@faithlesshound5621 wow thank you so much! I would have never guessed as I was never in Scotland but had this vision!!
yeah visa are so much money. i have my ILR and would love to apply for citizenship, but its so much more money we dont have, so im fine with my ILR since it means i can stay here for however long i want (and hubby has his permanent residence card for Canada, its just expired but we can get it renewed if we ever went back to canada [prob never happen])
lol yeah the accent is an icebreaker in a lot of situations lol
The cost is a deterrent. I’m waiting to see what the state of politics is like in either country before I fully decide 😅
same, things change so often and right now politics are all over the place when it comes to visas (and other things lol)
I just wonder if you’ve ever been to Yellowstone National Park?
Not yet, its on my list!
You will love it! You will need to plan at least a week and possibly an entire summer! Seriously make it a priority. It’s absolutely beautiful along with being so amazing!
So if you do it legally it costs thousands, but if you 'dingy it' from the french coast you get free accommodation and social security payments. If anyone suggests you should leave, you can complain and get them arrested. Apologies for your inconvenience, our UK system is broken! I agree about the midgies, I left Scotland (Fraserburgh) at 6!
Pretty sure in Australia it takes 2-3yrs to become a citizen, what a headache wow
😂 still blows my mind how much people go on about midges. It’s not that bad, not all of the time, not in all places and weather. It’s just really not that big of a deal
Haha oh you must be one of the lucky ones they don't bother much. I've had horrific experiences, not being able to breathe without inhaling them, and fiery itchy reactions. To some, it is pure torture. Count your blessings!
Having kids does make a relationship really challenging especially if your from different countries. I'm feeling that deeply. Feel like I haven't really seen my husband in 4 years and we live in the same house 😅 funny not funny
Where from ? What passport do you have. This is normally vital.
As she has a Scottish husband that can be a route to living in the UK.
England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all part of the UK so she can live in, say, Wales if she wishes.
I feel I need to stand up in defense of our beloved midges 🤣 They don't attack everyone.
Its not selfish at all , many couples dont want kids .
I have a question. Who is your favourite father in law.. 🤣🤣🤣
oh hi there! 🙃
@@sarahinscotland hope you are both well👍
You are not selfish not wanting children! I've never wanted children either and I know it's much better for any imaginary children to not have me as a parent lol oh I would miss Mexican food too!
How to move to Scotland? Step 1: Marry a Scottish guy.
It’s your choice for kids,if not no big deal. At least you will have money😂
Hello Sarah.....just found your lovely U-tube. Wow...I never knew how difficult it is to become a citizen in Scotland. Too bad coming to the U.S. is a breeze and we have millions coming illegally over our borders and taking advantage of our generosity and all the benefits of living here while tax paying citizens pay the bill! The U.S. must tighten their immigration rules. Choosing not to have children is a personal choice and no need to defend this choice. Having children does not define who you are. Be all that you love and express in your art.
Scotland is broadly a social democracy, with many aspects of socialism. I like to think it emerged from the collective clan system. Tertiary education is free. Health care is free. Prescription meds are free. We even have freedom to roam on land owned by other people (the majority of the land is privately held).
We also have a famously open welcome for refugees. Do you think you'd like all those things?