Scary Gut Feelings That Turned Out to Be True

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024

Комментарии • 62

  • @notimportant914
    @notimportant914 2 года назад +15

    As a child, I always knew when my family members were going to die. They'd visit me in my dreams and try to comfort me, saying they weren't in pain anymore. I prayed for those visions to be taken away, and eventually they were. But now, I smell them. Perfume, cologne, even cigarettes... when someone in my family is about to die, the scent of them overwhelms me. Then it disappears like it never happened. A day or two later, I always get the call that they passed. 😔

  • @cass4877
    @cass4877 2 года назад +52

    I was having a normal day at work when the most awful, gut-sinking feeling just kinda went through me. Called dad to get him to check on the family pets only to find out that one of them just had a heart attack.

  • @mysticfire5850
    @mysticfire5850 2 года назад +24

    My mom actually had a similar situation with the baby story
    When I was born she said I was a normal newborn nursing eagerly crying and wiggling
    The very next day it was like it took a tremendous effort to open my eyes I didn't cry and I barely nursed
    My mom knew something was wrong but almost everyone flapped their hands and told her she was just experiencing being a new mom (I'm her third btw)
    The only one who agreed with her was her MIL who said even when the exhaustion sets in hunger over takes everything else for babies and it wasn't for me
    Regardless they sent me home with her a couple hours later my mom went to the ER because I was refusing to nurse and wouldn't wake up
    They ran some tests and immediately rushed me to the pediatric ICU
    I forgot the name of it but basically my body wasn't cycling the waste out of my bloodstream
    This isn't super dangerous as long as it's caught but if it goes on to long it can kill you and if my mom had waited another day I would've been dead
    I got treatment and when they let her back there to try to nurse me again I latched on just as eagerly as I had the first day so she knew I was going to be okay
    To all the new moms listen to your gut doctors don't know everything

  • @cynthiasimpson931
    @cynthiasimpson931 2 года назад +19

    I was working in a medical records section in a military hospital, and most of our Red Cross volunteers were elderly retirees. One morning the gentleman who entered documents into our computer system didn't show up. My boss told me he'd always called whenever he wasn't coming in, since he came by every day for a few hours, so she was worried about him. She called a man who was also a Red Cross volunteer and who lived in the same apartment complex; this man had his wife go knock on the first man's door, and she heard him calling for help so she called the police. Turned out he had fallen and had spent all night and most of the following day on the floor with a fractured hip. Unfortunately, the first gentleman didn't live much longer, but after his death his daughter told my boss that her father had loved coming to our department and working with us, that it had given him a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

  • @TheRealBevHD
    @TheRealBevHD 2 года назад +36

    On September 11th, 2019, making it the 18 anniversary of 9/11, I was having a normal day, albeit solemn. Then around 9 to 10:00 am, I had a horrible feeling of dread, my gut dropped, anxiety went through the roof. When I get home from school, off the bus, I see my mom's car, and immediately knew that something was off, since she was never home that early, it was about 3:10 pm. I go in, she asks me to sit at the kitchen table, which I do, and she proceeds to tell me that her brother, my Uncle Mark, passed away that morning after calling 911 saying he had trouble breathing. Dead after a few minutes from when the call was placed. Autopsy revealed he had a large DVT (deep vein thrombosis) that had broken off and caused a massive pulmonary embolism. He was 59 years old. Rest in Peace Uncle Mark. We all love you and God bless.

    • @missfleming5465
      @missfleming5465 2 года назад +1

      I'm sorry for the loss of your Uncle Mark, my mum died of the same thing March 2011 at 57 I knew the DVT had come back & went to the A&E(accident & emergency/ER) to be told she had a pulse in said arm which was affected by DVT. My GP did an emergency appointment with the vascular specialist my mum had sadly she passed 2 days before the appointment, the specialist was fuming as he was on call that evening & would've done better tests on her(the doc at A&E knew her history with it) she would've been alive today.

    • @TheRealBevHD
      @TheRealBevHD 2 года назад

      @@missfleming5465 I'm so sorry for your loss, and I appreciate your kindness.

  • @lcoq19
    @lcoq19 2 года назад +21

    A little bit lighter-hearted one:
    my sister was planning to have her baby shower for her second baby one Saturday. My ex and I were wandering around a Walmart, doing our grocery shopping in the middle of the preceeding Friday night, after she'd worked later. I saw some baby themed decor on an end cap and said to my ex, "oh, yeah! My sister's baby shower is tomorrow!" She asked if I was going and I said "no" and that I wasn't even going to set an alarm because the baby shower was gonna be canceled because she was going to have the baby that day instead.
    Ex looked at me like I had 3 heads and I just shrugged. No one had mentioned any labor symptoms, as she hadn't had any, and she wasn't due for about 3 more weeks, on her first child's first birthday. The next day I got up to multiple texts starting with how the shower _may_ be canceled because she thought she was in labor. Then a "def canceled; headed to the hospital" message. She was told it was Braxton-Hicks and released. Went to another, better, hospital and she was definitely in labor. My nephew was delivered without incident that afternoon. Idk how I knew, but I just did.
    That nephew and I were really close when I still lived in that state and he basically lived with me (6 days and 6 nights per week) from about 4 months til he turned 2, when I had to relocate. He's still my special little dude, despite being almost 11, and has begged my sister to let him live with me now that he's old enough to know what all happened. I'd still take him in a heartbeat if I could! 💙

  • @lcoq19
    @lcoq19 2 года назад +10

    One of my best friends called, excitedly, to tell me she was pregnant a couple of months ago. I did the supportive best friend thing and said I was happy for her and her husband. They'd been married 5 years and actively trying for a baby for 2-3 years.
    When we got off the phone, my wife, who'd been nearby and heard everything, asked me what was wrong. I said that I couldn't tell my friend because I didn't want to worry/stress her, but something inside me felt like she was going to miscarry. Sure enough, she contacted me just before 9 weeks into pregnancy, 4 days before her scheduled genetic testing, to tell me she'd lost the baby. I hated being right about that and just hope she's eventually able to achieve her dream of a healthy pregnancy and child.

  • @Twiggyanajones
    @Twiggyanajones 2 года назад +10

    In college, I made my then fiancé return to the school because I had a nightmare that he was killed on the railroad tracks by a train. Fast forward a few years , we had parted (his choice), I had graduated and moved home. One day I get a call that he had committed walking in front of a train. I saw him online earlier that night, part of me wanted to reach out and see how his last year was going. I didn't. That shit has haunted me some 20 years since.

    • @NiennaFan1
      @NiennaFan1 2 года назад +2

      Its not your fault

  • @motheroftears25
    @motheroftears25 2 года назад +2

    A couple of years ago, my mom was in and out of the hospital due to diabetic issues and heart problems leading up to this. The day before my mom had been asleep all day and it was hell for me, my grandma and aunt to get a hold of her.
    I had a really bad gut feeling but was trying to dismiss it. We get to my mom's apartment and she is awake feeling confused and afraid. Her oxygen level was bad so we called a nurse. We got her food because her blood sugar was low. We seemed to get her to where she needed to be and the nurse stays with her for a bit .After going home my aunt called her at midnight to check on her. She was seemingly ok.
    However we got the call from my mom's provider that she was unresponsive and her oxygen hose was not on her face. I tried telling myself my mom was ok and she would just be going to the hospital again but still had an awful feeling. My aunt and husband were with me as they took me over to the apartment. Her provider came out confirming my mom died. She passed from heart failure.

  • @Jesi310
    @Jesi310 2 года назад +4

    I seem to have gut feelings when someone I know in my extended family is going to or may have already passed. My dad's mother passed last month and we had known it was coming, I had the feeling that she wouldn't make it to this year based on what I'd seen on her birthday. She stubbornly hung on until a month shy of her birthday and we were told she would probably pass within the next 2 days to 2 weeks. We knew it was within a week as my grandpa's birthday was coming up and I knew she was going to try her hardest to hang on until then. The day before my dad gets a call and we all knew she was gone before they said anything.

  • @CarolineOfSweden
    @CarolineOfSweden 2 года назад +8

    I got the news about my 89 years old aunt passing on Monday. I was at a friend's place wen I got the call from my mom. Then later that week, on Wednesday both of us woke up at 3 in the morning we look at each other and wonder why are we awake when my phone started to ringing in my handbag.
    I knew it was my brother that was calling me to tell me that our dad had also passed away. I was right.
    I went to my friends house that Monday when my aunt passed away to get away from home and the memory of my 15 years stepdaughter that passed away 1 years ago the following Monday..
    Do I have to say that I'm NOT a big fan of the second half of January..

  • @michaelburtley2458
    @michaelburtley2458 2 года назад +13

    I have had deja vu moments all my life. Everytime someone in my family was dying. About 2 or 3 hrs before it happened I just know they was in danger and I most likely won't see them again.
    My dad was the same way.
    When he was in hospital, I just know he wasn't getting out. This was at 6am. I called the room and he answered the phone. I sead "dad?" He just sead "yep I always know you felt it too son."
    Told him I loved him. He just sead "yep I know you was going to call. plus, told me to not be surprised if I see my own time coming too". Then sead "see you later son. Keep out of trouble."
    Three hrs later one of my sister's called from the hospital to tell me he just passed away.
    Had the same thing with both grandparents, My mom, one of my aunt, and four of my cousins I hardly know.
    Always thought it was something All family members just know about each other. Untel I asked a friend about it and found out this is not something everyone feels. Gess I'm a freak in more ways then I ever thought.

  • @TheAidanodian
    @TheAidanodian 2 года назад +17

    7:31 yeah the idiot creeper in this story is just asking to be legally shot dead

    • @qwop9992
      @qwop9992 2 года назад +2

      The term is "self defense"
      He's asking for you to "self defense" him.

    • @TheAidanodian
      @TheAidanodian 2 года назад +2

      @@qwop9992 yea I was gonna say he was “asking to be self defense’d” but I prefer my wording

  • @jenniferlonnes7420
    @jenniferlonnes7420 2 года назад +1

    At 12:41, "Your dog was like, Frick that guy!" Ha ha!

  • @antares8476
    @antares8476 Год назад

    It took me years before we realized I caught up nonverbal communication way better than verbal. All my gut feelings related to people, animals or sometimes weather came from me paying attention and silently observ behaviours and things.

  • @keiramac6335
    @keiramac6335 2 года назад +1

    I grew up going to my moms best friends house every week to go hiking with their dogs. Dogs name was Marcy and my moms friend bought her when I was 2. When I was 15 I went to my moms friends lake house for a weekend and as we were leaving I had a feeling it was the last time I’d see Marcy. I hugged her for a long time and she was so much more sweet and loving then usual. On the car ride home I cried and my mom said that she’s fine and we’d see her next week. She died 4 days later. I grew up with that dog and it absolutely broke my heart but I just had a gut feeling she was gonna die. Same thing happened with the other dog my moms friend had. She was only 8 or 9 and I just knew. Week later they said her cancer came back and she had to be put down

  • @jackcasey7037
    @jackcasey7037 11 месяцев назад

    Not me, but my grandparents. My Grandad came home from the office for lunch one day, like always, and he said he was tired and was going to lay down for a bit. This sent alarm bells ringing in my step-grandma’s head because he has boundless energy and has literally NEVER taken a lunchtime nap. She had the impulse to call an ambulance, fearing something was seriously wrong. She was correct. Turns out he was having a stroke. That feeling is the only reason he’s still alive.

  • @andrewjohns4515
    @andrewjohns4515 2 года назад +9

    Mum passed away in hospital. Everything sounded good and was looking at discharge. It started the week before I took her car home and the house felt weird. I actually thought mums not coming home. Ran into a friend of mums, a quick conversation mum will be out she'll be at drinks next weekend (I walked away same thought that she wasn't) Sunday mothers day, spent the morning with mum. As I left, Same thought again but this time in the back of my mind that's the last time I'll see her alive. Had work so planned to see her Thursday morning. She passed in the early hours Thursday, I knew before I picked up the phone.

    • @dicon912
      @dicon912 2 года назад

      I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you are okay now and that you are getting through it.

  • @dianecheney4141
    @dianecheney4141 2 года назад

    I used to deliver pizza, and one time I delivered a pizza to a weird apartment. Heard a noise from from inside the apartment. Guy open door and he’s holding a gun. Yep, I knew I heard that noise before

  • @fenrir6856
    @fenrir6856 2 года назад +1

    I have almost an identical story except I only visited my great grandmother every year or so since the majority of my family live in Missouri while my immediate family lives in Washington (State, not DC)

  • @TimBurtonPrincess
    @TimBurtonPrincess 2 года назад

    My parents, aunt and I were staying at the Stanley Hotel, one of the most haunted hotels in the US, and I woke up in the middle of the night because I got freaked out by....something. When my parents and aunt woke up, my mom had a bad scratch on her arm that wasn't there before

  • @Bluragard270
    @Bluragard270 2 года назад

    My grandfather was in the hospital that I worked at as a tech because he hadn’t been feeling well, he was tired all the time had a weird feeling in his chest, and he insisted on going to the hospital when all the doctors said he just needed to rest. On my grandfathers last days they had given him a medication for anxiety because of his nerves (Ativan), but it turned out to have the opposite effect on him. Maybe because of some allergy, idk. My family and I took turns staying with him while he was there. He was scheduled for a procedure in the morning on his heart to see what was wrong, a test that had been postponed because his kidneys weren’t in the best shape. I was the only one who stayed with him overnight because I originally work nights. The entire night he had been hallucinating, presumably because of the medicine. But something in me knew something was wrong. I was texting a coworker, also my friend, the entire night giving him a play by play and I told him that something feels very off and I don’t think he’s going to last much longer, despite the doctors saying otherwise. My friend did his best to keep me calm while I was watching him go crazy. I think my grandpa knew, even in his state he told me all night that he loved me. I wish I listened to my gut and said something that night. Come 7AM my mom came in to relieve me and he coded right there with both of us at his side. His last words was that he was going home. I still regret every part of that night not saying anything to the nurse. I blamed myself for working in a hospital and seeing signs but not understanding them or speaking out.

  • @askreddit3021
    @askreddit3021 2 года назад +3

    Shit! Did they find out who he was?

  • @SandraSine40
    @SandraSine40 2 года назад

    every time something happens out of routine I get that feeling, last week I noticed my coworker that would come at the same time as me to the parking lot didn't show up, odd I thought maybe she took some days off but it didn't feel like that was it since it was the middle of the week, this monday I got the news that coworkers husband died of cancer.

  • @Rebelartist83
    @Rebelartist83 Год назад

    In 2011 a really good friend of mine had cancer but he didn't tell me right away and we always talked and emailed he was an older guy like old enough to be my dad I loved him but wasn't in love but I just got this sinking feeling wow I have to go see him I was 75 miles from my home town and couldn't drive and this was before I got crippled up by spine disease but I just knew I had to see him my family chipped in a few bucks I found away to stay with friends in my home town and I caught the first county line bus I could which is a miracle in itself very hard to get same day or week service this was rural east Texas mind you going to DFW area..I made sure I made him a painting the night before I have Asperger's and been compared to temple grandin and my friend was a therapist but not mine just a friend but he was exactly like her teacher was I can't watch the movie cause it's like watching my friend anyway God certainly made a way for me to see my friend and I later found out it was lung cancer as well as a brain church sister helped me get to town to visit him..I go in our favorite hang out then a candy and coffee shop and the owners daughter whispered guess who's in the back I go really so I sneak up on him and he's yacking for a good ten seconds and nobody says who's behind him..but the owners got a crap eating grin and a poker face..I give him my best Hey Buster!! as loud as I could he goes who what it's Lola I'm like yeah he's like how did you get down here I go how you a grief counselor of all people not tell me how you think it make me feel knowing I found out you were lying in a pine box and you never told me he's like Lola what's there to say..I'm like well for starters you could've said Lola hon are you sitting down I got something to tell you friends don't let friends leave hanging especially when it's a good one and your one of my best friends out of many and we had a great long visit and I lost about 80/90 pounds he kept telling me how nice it was looking on me and he just never seen me dressed up blah blah and he knew I rarely left the house and how amazed he was I took a county line bus and got one so quick and all to visit him & I gave him his painting among other gifts and he noticed how his new painting looked like they belong with ones he got from me different years apart and of course I prayed with him and we had an amazing time together just talking catching up..and I forgot how tall he was and how short I am at least to him my friend from church came to get me cause it was a 2 hour visit..and he was giving me a really long hug at least ten minutes and she later told me it resembled a young child being held by a dad figure..the image later ended up in an inspirational painting with some scripture and Jesus holding both of us and ended up his Christmas gift that year..he really liked it my friend told me..he hung on another year I made sure to spend some of December with him but a few months later I'm fighting for my life and ability to walk ( severe spinal Mylopathy) and a few months later my friend had passed..I found out from my friends at the candy shop our friend was cremated but there was a fair well service for him in his office which was right by the candy shop..his friends had my paintings by his urn because they knew the love and special friendship we had and it was their way of me being there too since I was still recovering from that illness.. please excuse my lack of punctuation my eyesight isn't the best..
    But that was one time out a few gut feelings I knew I had to go and I really believe it was the good Lord saying sweetheart go visit your friend he could use it..I later found out from my friend after the visit and before he died he wasn't suicidal and kinda glum and actually was missing me before I moved ( in a platonic friend manor) and he was happy I surprised him..the meds were kicking his butt and making him sick and loosing his taste my meds for various med conditions kinda did that too at friend was a major chow hound loved his food but scrawny as a rail darn him and liked it when I'd share food with him haha..but when he lost his sense of taste from chemo meds he was griping to our friend at the candy shop about him ( note my friend with cancer called me that long before he got meds that did him that way too)feeling bad and calling me dramatic cause I can't enjoy food that much my friend told me that and I told the turkey you drama queen lol we could joke with each other like that RIP Mr perrett next month he'd have been 70 and probably would've loved Reddit..😊 btw he's the reason I'm pursuing my art dreams and helped me get my autism diagnosis at 25 I'm 40 now and not a day goes by I don't think of him and thank God for him..( he quit being my therapist after it was proven I wasn't insane but he definitely stayed my friend...😊

  • @jamiejusthappenedtobehere2434
    @jamiejusthappenedtobehere2434 2 года назад

    The man in the parking garage i would have never. I was so so scared that she was going to be rpd.

  • @emmanorman8172
    @emmanorman8172 2 года назад

    Happened last Friday, was asked by my stepdad to buy a birthday card for his favourite nun in his local church. I picked up the birthday card but something told me she wouldn't need that card we need a sympathy card. Late Thursday night/early Friday night the nun had passed away suddenly suspected on her birthday (friday). I had only ever spoken to this nun once and it was on the phone to get in touch with my stepdad.

  • @MrSarahlovsu
    @MrSarahlovsu 2 года назад

    I was in a maths lecture at university and i heard a random bang and i immediately had a really gross gut feeling that i couldn't shake but everyone else in the class seemed fine so i tried to ignore the feeling i found out 2 hours later at the exact moment i had the bad gut feeling New Zealand's first terrorist attack that ended the lives of 51 Muslims was happening right then I was in a state of complete shock for a month straight.

  • @billydevries1344
    @billydevries1344 2 года назад

    The guy who had cancer in his arm reminded me a little bit too much of technoblade o7

  • @boogiebear3095
    @boogiebear3095 2 года назад

    18:00 A modot worker passed away when he was doing road work. There are now hefty fines, jail time if you break speeding rules. I am even more careful after that.

  • @kingofcalories
    @kingofcalories 2 года назад

    Man that woman birthed the thing it's her burden.

  • @bigdawg2004
    @bigdawg2004 Год назад

    i always got a bad feelings around this one old guy who was a friend of my mom. i never would let myself be alone with him. he starts slapping my butt everytime
    i walk by (i was 9!!!!) i tell my mom, and turns out he was a creep who would catcall his neighbor. pretty sure hes a pedo too. he wanted me to be alone with him at his house all the time, but i always regected.

  • @billdean96
    @billdean96 2 года назад

    A friend of mine‘s ex girlfriend was being extra affectionate one day so after snooping for nearly 2 weeks he found evidence she had cheated with an ex, kicked to curb after finding out

  • @RedfernInkanina
    @RedfernInkanina 2 года назад +6

    Repost of an old video

    • @evelyn38927
      @evelyn38927 2 года назад +1

      yeah, it’s so annoying. I want new stuff like-

  • @gavingleemonex3898
    @gavingleemonex3898 2 года назад

    I thought a co-worker was cheating on her husband. I kept my theory to myself. And then she invited me to have sex. I played dumb. I already had kept it a secret from her that I was seeing someone.

  • @alexander8502
    @alexander8502 2 года назад

    Please read my problem someone. If anyone has any idea what's going on with me then please help me I really don't know what to do. So here's the thing.. I am a 21 year old girl and I have a good amount of friends from childhood and they are close and nice but I don't have any bestfriend, I have different kinds of friends group where I share my different life problems or secrets hope you get it (I don't feel lonely or I don't have any mental health issues). But recently (around 1/2 years) I always feel like I supposed to have 4/6 true closest friends (same age males & females, I don't know anything besides this) like I should have 4/6 friends around me whom are not here anymore like I always feel like I lost a big chunk of memory with these guys who are supposed to be here but they are not here like I supposed to have a group of 4/6 bestest buddies but somehow I lost them or I lost memory and I'm no longer with them. It's like I lost them but I forgot what it is or who are they (if anyone watched the anime Charlotte where MC's big brother took his(MC) and his(MC) sister's memory of him(bigbrother) and they (MC and his sister) discussed how they should have 1 big brother but they don't in reality. That's what exactly I'm feeling. I don't know how to describe this situation but please help me someone.

  • @aryanblitzkrieg9771
    @aryanblitzkrieg9771 2 года назад

    Unknown causes?! Hmmm, no.

  • @jamescharlesl7662
    @jamescharlesl7662 2 года назад +16

    I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn't mean security rather having different investments is the real deal..

    • @dalidenton4651
      @dalidenton4651 2 года назад


    • @cloaker7237
      @cloaker7237 2 года назад +1

      Oddly positive review of a specific broker, on a relatively new comment, all with super generic names and oddly formal writing styles? I’d bet my left kidney that this thread is all bots
      Edit: and every single one of these comments (save for the last one, I think that one’s real) happened within an hour. Don’t call that number, and don’t seek this guys financial advice. This is SUPER sketchy

    • @dr._breens_beard
      @dr._breens_beard 2 года назад

      @@cloaker7237 i think op had sex with his own mother, then sodomized a cow. Its the only thing that would make sense.

  • @BenoitRAG3
    @BenoitRAG3 2 года назад +3

    another re upload

  • @Solomonwo
    @Solomonwo 2 года назад +1


  • @Zynet_Eseled
    @Zynet_Eseled 2 года назад


  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 2 года назад

    Good afternoon. Thanks for the stories. Have a great day. Sorry @ commenter dude

  • @GhostJack76
    @GhostJack76 2 года назад
