Instead of cutting off the excess wire, I left it coming down out of the plywood alongside the other wire. Then I wrapped the wires together with copper wire, and soldered them together. Makes for a stronger landing gear. I'm enjoying the FT 3D XL build. Maiden flight this morn.
The landing gear seems like it's really heavy. I'm building this plane and I was thinking seriously about using an extra carbon fiber set I have. What do you think? I'm a 3D guy and that's all I'll fly with this plane. The gear and wheels are heavy too. It'll move the CG forward I suppose. Is there room to go forward?
Back when my FT scout had gear, I left them unglued so I could belly land on tall grass. It didn't take long for the gear to regularly fall out when I flew with it.
how about the ft p-47 landing gear i bought the kit and downloaded the plans the kit has these squares market out on the wing and the plans have 3/32 plywood squares that look like they fit the mark outs on the wings???? i looked everywhere i cant find any info on this please help
Instead of cutting off the excess wire, I left it coming down out of the plywood alongside the other wire. Then I wrapped the wires together with copper wire, and soldered them together. Makes for a stronger landing gear. I'm enjoying the FT 3D XL build. Maiden flight this morn.
The landing gear seems like it's really heavy. I'm building this plane and I was thinking seriously about using an extra carbon fiber set I have. What do you think? I'm a 3D guy and that's all I'll fly with this plane. The gear and wheels are heavy too. It'll move the CG forward I suppose. Is there room to go forward?
Cool, very helpful for my plane. Thank you so much
What is the reason for going with two landing gear wires for the XL models as opposed to just one thick wire? Thanks.
Back when my FT scout had gear, I left them unglued so I could belly land on tall grass. It didn't take long for the gear to regularly fall out when I flew with it.
The gear and wheels look really heavy for 3D. Did it fly better without the gear?
how about the ft p-47 landing gear i bought the kit and downloaded the plans the kit has these squares market out on the wing and the plans have 3/32 plywood squares that look like they fit the mark outs on the wings???? i looked everywhere i cant find any info on this please help