Having followed your channel for a couple of weeks now I have decided to also try and live on my state pension only. Wish me luck. I have never costed my meals out but I am going to have a go at doing that by writing the price on things before I put them in the freezer or pantry.
Hi Tania, I just had to google the conversion of your currency to my US currency so I can follow along 😂... Very informative video, thank you for sharing! 😊
Absolutely love your videos, i hate cooking so need to figure out better food spending, but im 67 and a widow so i feel cheered up when i sit and watch how you cleverly budget your pension, as of course i have to as well ❤
I think it is good to get yourself little treat things now and again that are useful like the jumper and the odd sale xmas decoration. Just because we are being frugal doesnt mean that we shouldnt be looking after ourselves in thd long run too. Great price on the jumper btw 😮
Most people where toiletries are concerned will be surprised about what is in their home forgotten about Dressing table draws, bathroom cabinets and bedroom dressers, take a look and you probably find old Christmas presents and stuff bought for holidays never used. I have not bought any personal stuff for two years. I am still using up forgotten stuff. Rebecca
I don't adjust my food budget when I'm having one of those emptying the pantry and freezer months. What I do is with any funds left over in the food budget, I transfer it into a savings account I call Bulk Buying. Two or three times a year I use that account to stock up on most of the staples add meat, etc. If I do see something that is an incredible deal, I will use that account for it. For example, I just saw toothpaste super reduced and I picked up a year's worth for $4.95.
I do a similar thing by having a second pantry purse which I started with £50 and add any savings on shopping and also anything left at the end of the month.
I do love seeing what other people eat in a week. Living out of the freezer and storecupboard is totally doable when you keep it stocked up with YS and basics. Well done on the growth of your channel! 🙂
I too, do this kind of intense recording but each category has a colour - so planned expenses are in purple ( my favourite colour!); food in blue; petrol in green etc. 7 categories in all. This means that I can add up what I have spent in each category and plan the next month where I might have to cut back. But you are doing so well!
Excellent. Nice to meet some one as frugal as myself. I live in France and things are slightly cheaper . I live on just my state pension and I can manage to save a little each month for emergency
Yes, it's an advantage. But I've always put Yellow sticker bargains in the freezer. But I'm a low user electric wise and always been careful with how I use appliances. It's the 8p Christmas veg I put away that's really helping too. .I'll be back to my normal spend soon. X
I’m loving these films Tania I retire next year and although I do seem to manage on little money, it’s all a bit luck and chaos and I often buy nutritionally poor food, i.e. ready meals or whatever. I’m learning so much from you about better planning, thanks 🤗
Hello and welcome. We have to look after ourselves as we get older, so keeping active and nutrition is all part of that. Obviously you'll have additional time, once retired to be able to batch cook and prepare healthier food. It doesn't have to be difficult, just a little planning and a pinch of imagination! x
You've got some real bargains there Tania. I have a budget book and record everything I spend but I'm looking forward to see how you do yours - I know I'm going to learn a lot.
Hi Tania, thank you, as ever, for the tips. Lots to absorb and I'll watch the video again, I'm especially interested in finding out about the keep fit lady Roxanne. It is so impressive that you are enjoying your life too. Going out for coffee's, keeping fit etc. Good for you. I'm really keen to watch the freezer and Boots updates, really useful subjects and time watching you is not time wasted in my opinion. Finally, I was mesmerised by how much that green jumper suits you! It really brings out your lovely hair colour/skin tone.
Good move on keeping a record of everything thing you spend 😊 The jumper is lovely, nice treat for yourself. Keep on going you are doing fine and hopefully the credit card will soon be a memory. Nice video ✔️🇦🇺👍
I enjoy your videos. 74 yr old, married HOUSEHOLD from the USA. I’m the money manager of the 2 of us. 🤗 the prices of EVERYTHING here are insane. Eggs this week are up to 7-10 dollars a dozen at Walmart! You have to be very savvy in your finances.
78 here...and food prices are ridiculous here in Canada too. Yet I still see whole families eating regularly at McDonalds . They claim its cheaper than cooking, but I don't get it.
I found eggs at under $5 at Harris Teeter, but other brands were 7 and 8 dollars. I think it is mostly due to the bird flu. But I anticipate everything going up in price after Monday, January 20 in the USA. I think our economy will start to tank during 2025. Really enjoy your videos.
Hi Tania, recently found your channel and subscribed but I have learnt so much from you already. I am not sure if I was meant to find you because I too receive my next state pension on Monday 😊. I too have a good freezer and pantry and try to live frugally but will be very interested in your meals for a week videos as you seem to be able to make a meal out of next to nothing.
@@yvonnelast2550 Yes! We are in the midst of a 3 day Arctic Vortex with - 30's temps. Can't complain though, we have had relatively good weather this winter:)
Yes I have central heating. I currently pay £40 a month. I'm still n credit although going down as its used more in the winter. I have it on timer for an hour in the morning and evening. The rest of the time I use the boost facility. I try not to let myself get cold in the first place , its always harder to warm up. I have a fleece cardigan that I put on when I'm cold and add hot water bottle / blanket for comfort. I hate being cold too. Check your tariff from time to time to see that you're not on a ridiculously high tariff.
It's very low at the moment because I have a freezer full of yellow sticker meat and 8p Christmas veg that needs using up. Whenever I see YS meat know I will use I buy it and freeze.x
Rewatching. I get sidetracked before. 4 weeks does not work for me. I do each month as all our income is deposited monthly. Thanks for your detailed accounting.❤
Hi Tania do you mind asking you these things you bought you have a special budget or taken from the grocery budget because that's the problem I have I can't figure it out. I'm a pensioner the same age as you living on my own. Thanks and well done dear ❤
@@janeaquilina6745it sounds as though you haven’t quite mastered your own budget - have you ever watched Frugal Queen in France, I wonder? She does a zero budget every month, where all of their money is allocated to different areas. It’s very enlightening, since I’m sure most of us have never thought of zero budgeting (it just means that you allocate all of your income, not that you don’t have any!) - could be useful for you, if you’re struggling to get a handle on your own budget.
Hi Tania, do you buy just for you some fashion jewellery or a new lipstick. I like that sometimes but I try to avoid buying them. Bye from France , take care.🌸
That's why I build in spending money. We all need a treat to keep us on track. I look online for offers, especially makeup, and buy them then. As for jewelry I buy from thrift/charity stores. They often do brand new in there. I have bought second hand from a jewellers before now and used my 0% purchases credit card. I've then paid that off monthly. X
@LivingonaUKStatePension, That is true about the credit card I only put on there the amount that I can pay when the bill comes so that amounts to 15 or 20 dollars every 3 or 4 months to keep that charge card open
Hi There I’ve just started following you and was thinking that surely any spare money you have should go to your credit card I know you are going to pay off a £100 on Monday , but why not pay the other spare bit you have as well instead of saving it for food or xmas because you must be paying interest on your credit card .
Hi I’m 64 years old male living on his own. I have a substantial amount of debt that I’m struggling to clear so I’m trying to reduce my spending allowing me to put more towards paying debts. Do you feel £25 is a realistic food budget for a single person. Is using cash to pay for food the best way to stick to a budget? I have tried putting the money on a Revolut card but always end up overspending Thanks for any advice Paddy
Hello and welcome. Firstly £25, works for me. I can regularly pick up yellow sticker meat, which obviously helps. Batch cooking means you dont get bored and have standby food in the freezer. Stretching meat dishes using extra vegetables, lentils or beans also brings down the price per meal. Having simple dishes, ulike pasta jn a cheese sauce also brings down the overall cost. Write a shopping list and stick to it. I may make exceptions when there is a YS bargain too good to leave on the shelf, but I'll adjust my budget the following week. . I will be doing a vlog just on food shortly. Look at what you spend now, if it's £40 can you drop it by 10%(£36) initially. Once you've got used to that, can you drop it by another 10% (£32.40) and so on. You’ll get into a patternby doing it slowly. Using cash is one of the most important things too, it focuses your mind 100%. If you haven't got it in your wallet you can't spend it. Only go shopping when you absolutely need something. Take care. X
Hi i will be getting my state pension in June At 66 , iv always been good at budgeting like you yellow stickers etc but iv gone off track the last year with spending And have accumulated more than i need so i need to reevaluate things . So january is trying to eat whats in freezer and cupboards first on the whole im not doing to bad and only bought yellow stickers and milk. I hope to continue in feb. I need to look at what i want and what i actually need and not impulse buy . I do a lot of upcycled clothing etc but this month with the sales i felt the best time to buy at good prices but feb i will be more strict with my self . Love your blog 👍
Hello Tania. Thanks for your video today. Please could I ask you, your electric bill of £34? Is that your actual usage please? I live alone too, I’m 61 and live on a very small income. Like you, I budget and keep a spend book. I shop monthly and batch cook but this month, as my freezer and cupboards are now really low, I’m expecting I will end up spending about £130. I top up with milk and bread in between. I’d love my electric usage to be £34 pound and I’m very careful about electric and heating ( gas ), but my latest electric for the month was £50.18. I have just one lamp when it gets dark, I don’t use a tumble dryer or anything like that. I use my microwave and slow cooker and I have an old Remoska that I was gifted some years ago so my cooking bills should be as low as possible. I’ve not used my over for 3 years now and rarely use the hog which is gas anyway. My luxury is my electric blanket to warm the bed of a night. I’d love to know how you keep your electric bill low. Thanks ever so.
My average use is £35, this goes down to about £30 in the summer. I was paying £40 which meant I've built up credit so they've just put it down to use up some of the credit. My hob is gas the cheapest way to cook. I recently went over to using a kettle on my hob instead of the electric kettle. I have a tumble drier that I use very, very sparingly. My tv goes on late afternoon. My phantom electric is the fridge and freezer. You don't sound like you waste anything to me, and can electric blanket is very, so is it the tariff you're on. Mine is 50.84p standing charge per day (rip off), 25.27p per kwh. See if you can get a better tariff. Am I right in thinking a Ramoska is electric. It may be worth you using your gas hob for a month and doing a comparison. £130 on groceries is good too. I hope this helps. X
Hallo and thank you for this blog. Could you explain why you don't just pay off the credit card when you say you have spare £45 and holiday money? Martin Lewis always advises that credit cards are paid off as soon as possible. 2. Could you show how you budget for house repairs and car repairs. These are my greatest fear - needing a new boiler, new roof, damage from leaks. 3. Would you like to correct the spelling of one of your previous videos that I notice says 'dome' rather than 'some'? Thank you again and deep going!
Great advice from Martin. But i have a 0% on purchases cc. So, no charges kick in for another 10 months . It was my car repairs last year that got me thinking I was handling my pension badly and relying on my savings. Because I switched to the 4 week cycle of the state pension, I have 1 whole payment unallocated at the end of the year £874. Plus 2 council tax payments of £150 because i allow 12 payments, not 10. I always have a 0% card in case anything big happens and use the 'term' to pay it off. Sorry about the spelling mistake but I'd have to take the video down to correct it. It's not worth doing it as it as it could end up being corrupted. X
Greetings from North Bay. I had an unexpected bill this weekk..$2,600 for car repair. Ouch! But I talked to the garage manager, explaining that I am on a pension and he gave me a good will discount on the parts! But now I have to replace that money in my savings. So todays video is a great encouragement. I used to always manage finances like you are showing, unfortunately I sort of got out of it. .but thanks to you I am back and enthused!! Without going back through the videos, would you find a minute and tell me how many books you have please? I have started my grocery book and I have a monthly expenses fixed and variable book since I am paid monthly. I am really looking forward to the next few episodes. I feel like you are my friend next door:):) Many thanks Tanya. Christine.
Hello and welcome. We all have unexpected bills that throw us off track unfortunately. We'll done on getting the discount, always worth asking. I have 2 books, 1 for my budget figures and the small one for my food (front of book) spending money (back of book). Getting used to writing everything down certainly helps. On the 27th I'll be putting up a. Blog about my main budget. I Hope this helps. X
Having followed your channel for a couple of weeks now I have decided to also try and live on my state pension only. Wish me luck. I have never costed my meals out but I am going to have a go at doing that by writing the price on things before I put them in the freezer or pantry.
Good luck, you can do this. x
Really really chuffed….That is a saying my parent used. My family are from Yorkshire/ Lincolnshire. I now live in Australia. Just loving your video.
@barbarahague6843 Thank you. I'm originally from 'up north' so I sometimes come out with the old sayings. X
Hi Tania, I just had to google the conversion of your currency to my US currency so I can follow along 😂... Very informative video, thank you for sharing! 😊
Great, thanks for watching. X
Absolutely love your videos, i hate cooking so need to figure out better food spending, but im 67 and a widow so i feel cheered up when i sit and watch how you cleverly budget your pension, as of course i have to as well ❤
Thank you so much for your comment. X
I think it is good to get yourself little treat things now and again that are useful like the jumper and the odd sale xmas decoration. Just because we are being frugal doesnt mean that we shouldnt be looking after ourselves in thd long run too. Great price on the jumper btw 😮
Exactly. We all need the occasional boost to keep us on track. X
Most people where toiletries are concerned will be surprised about what is in their home forgotten about
Dressing table draws, bathroom cabinets and bedroom dressers, take a look and you probably find old Christmas presents and stuff bought for holidays never used. I have not bought any personal stuff for two years. I am still using up forgotten stuff. Rebecca
Oh yes, all those Christmas and birthday presents in the backs of cupboards. I'm using everything up now. x
I don't adjust my food budget when I'm having one of those emptying the pantry and freezer months. What I do is with any funds left over in the food budget, I transfer it into a savings account I call Bulk Buying. Two or three times a year I use that account to stock up on most of the staples add meat, etc. If I do see something that is an incredible deal, I will use that account for it. For example, I just saw toothpaste super reduced and I picked up a year's worth for $4.95.
Great idea. I have put some of the unspent money this month in a food account. Bargain toothpaste! X
I do a similar thing by having a second pantry purse which I started with £50 and add any savings on shopping and also anything left at the end of the month.
I do love seeing what other people eat in a week. Living out of the freezer and storecupboard is totally doable when you keep it stocked up with YS and basics. Well done on the growth of your channel! 🙂
Absolutely and thank you, Ali. It just takes that bit of planning to turn this bargains into good food. X
I too, do this kind of intense recording but each category has a colour - so planned expenses are in purple ( my favourite colour!); food in blue; petrol in green etc. 7 categories in all. This means that I can add up what I have spent in each category and plan the next month where I might have to cut back. But you are doing so well!
You sound super organised, well done. Thank you. x
Excellent. Nice to meet some one as frugal as myself. I live in France and things are slightly cheaper . I live on just my state pension and I can manage to save a little each month for emergency
Thank you. Yes, you have to have a safety net. Thanks for watching. X
Ages until I retire but love your videos. Thank you.
Bless you. Glad you like them. X
It’s good that you are starting this with a freezer full of food and your electric account in credit. Well done.
Yes, it's an advantage. But I've always put Yellow sticker bargains in the freezer. But I'm a low user electric wise and always been careful with how I use appliances. It's the 8p Christmas veg I put away that's really helping too. .I'll be back to my normal spend soon. X
I’m loving these films Tania I retire next year and although I do seem to manage on little money, it’s all a bit luck and chaos and I often buy nutritionally poor food, i.e. ready meals or whatever. I’m learning so much from you about better planning, thanks 🤗
Hello and welcome. We have to look after ourselves as we get older, so keeping active and nutrition is all part of that. Obviously you'll have additional time, once retired to be able to batch cook and prepare healthier food. It doesn't have to be difficult, just a little planning and a pinch of imagination! x
You've got some real bargains there Tania. I have a budget book and record everything I spend but I'm looking forward to see how you do yours - I know I'm going to learn a lot.
I think recording your spending certainly makes you realise where adjustments need to be made. X
Hi Tania, thank you, as ever, for the tips. Lots to absorb and I'll watch the video again, I'm especially interested in finding out about the keep fit lady Roxanne.
It is so impressive that you are enjoying your life too. Going out for coffee's, keeping fit etc. Good for you.
I'm really keen to watch the freezer and Boots updates, really useful subjects and time watching you is not time wasted in my opinion.
Finally, I was mesmerised by how much that green jumper suits you! It really brings out your lovely hair colour/skin tone.
Thank you. Boots one should be up this week!🤞
Good move on keeping a record of everything thing you spend 😊
The jumper is lovely, nice treat for yourself.
Keep on going you are doing fine and hopefully the credit card will soon be a memory.
Nice video ✔️🇦🇺👍
Thanks so much! 😊 For £1.50 I wasn't going to leave it in the shop. X
Interesting. Well done staying on track and good buys . Look forward to seeing how you do your budget book x
Thank you. I'll be going over the budget book again and changing to the 4 week State Pension cycle around the 27th. Thank you for your comment. X
Hi Tania, you’ve won me over. You are clearly the real deal! 🎉
Thank you. I only pass on what I've learnt over the years. X
I enjoy your videos. I’m from the USA.
Thank you for your lovely comment. X
Tania, brilliant as usual. Thank you and have a lovely Sunday.
Thank you! You too!x
I really love your videos learning a lot I shop in the charity shops too thank you x
You're welcome. X
Nice job of budgeting! I am interested to see how you do your budget book as well. I'm always looking for new ideas for living on less!!
I got a post coming up at the end of the month were I go over learning to budget again. X
I enjoy your videos. 74 yr old, married HOUSEHOLD from the USA. I’m the money manager of the 2 of us. 🤗 the prices of EVERYTHING here are insane. Eggs this week are up to 7-10 dollars a dozen at Walmart! You have to be very savvy in your finances.
78 here...and food prices are ridiculous here in Canada too. Yet I still see whole families eating regularly at McDonalds . They claim its cheaper than cooking, but I don't get it.
You certainly do. This financial crisis doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. X
@@christinebrush4399it’s much cheaper to batch cook and so much healthier. We know it but people are too lazy to put the effort in.
I found eggs at under $5 at Harris Teeter, but other brands were 7 and 8 dollars. I think it is mostly due to the bird flu. But I anticipate everything going up in price after Monday, January 20 in the USA. I think our economy will start to tank during 2025.
Really enjoy your videos.
If your in the US and have an Aldi their eggs are really good especially their free range eggs and they are under $6
❤ Im of the same mindset love to get one over on the man (supermarkets)
Absolutely. Seek out thise bargains, apply any discounts available. Win, win. X
Hi Tania, recently found your channel and subscribed but I have learnt so much from you already. I am not sure if I was meant to find you because I too receive my next state pension on Monday 😊. I too have a good freezer and pantry and try to live frugally but will be very interested in your meals for a week videos as you seem to be able to make a meal out of next to nothing.
Hello and welcome. It just takes a little thought, imagination and some spices etc to produce cheaper tasty meals.x
Thank you for this. I came across you yesterday and find this video. very interesting. I will implement some of your tips.
Glad it was helpful! X
Let me first tell you, sixty eight years old, you look great. I am English, but live in Canada. I do enjoy your videos.
North Bay Ontario here:)
@christinebrush4399 Hi Christine I am in Langley BC. I bet it's cold where you are and snowy.
@@yvonnelast2550 Yes! We are in the midst of a 3 day Arctic Vortex with - 30's temps. Can't complain though, we have had relatively good weather this winter:)
Thank you for the compliment. X
Hello tania great videos I was wondering if you have a gas bill I am trying to economise with the heat but I hate being cold. ❤
Yes I have central heating. I currently pay £40 a month. I'm still n credit although going down as its used more in the winter. I have it on timer for an hour in the morning and evening. The rest of the time I use the boost facility. I try not to let myself get cold in the first place , its always harder to warm up. I have a fleece cardigan that I put on when I'm cold and add hot water bottle / blanket for comfort. I hate being cold too. Check your tariff from time to time to see that you're not on a ridiculously high tariff.
@LivingonaUKStatePension Thankyou for you’re answer Yes I agree always check the tariff and we always wrap up warm ❤
Awesome, I marvel at people who have such a low food spend is it because you use previously bought freezer food ?
It's very low at the moment because I have a freezer full of yellow sticker meat and 8p Christmas veg that needs using up. Whenever I see YS meat know I will use I buy it and freeze.x
Brilliant ,thanks luv x
Thank you. X
Rewatching. I get sidetracked before. 4 weeks does not work for me. I do each month as all our income is deposited monthly. Thanks for your detailed accounting.❤
You must always do what works for you. Take care. X
I'm a yellow sticker hound too. Can I ask what you got done at the hairdresser?
I have a dry trim. Paula, my hairdresser prefers to cut my hair dry because its fine but I have a lot of it. X
I love the William morris items.xx🐝🐝
I love his prints. X
Hi Tania do you mind asking you these things you bought you have a special budget or taken from the grocery budget because that's the problem I have I can't figure it out. I'm a pensioner the same age as you living on my own. Thanks and well done dear ❤
I have a spending pot each month. Money that isn't allocated to anything else. Next month it's less as one of my bills has gone up. X
@LivingonaUKStatePension Tks dear good to know. I have to stretch my pension.
@@janeaquilina6745it sounds as though you haven’t quite mastered your own budget - have you ever watched Frugal Queen in France, I wonder? She does a zero budget every month, where all of their money is allocated to different areas. It’s very enlightening, since I’m sure most of us have never thought of zero budgeting (it just means that you allocate all of your income, not that you don’t have any!) - could be useful for you, if you’re struggling to get a handle on your own budget.
@frugalitystartsathome4889 yes I watch Frugal queen in France and I do budget but I need to be more careful. Tks
Hi Tania, do you buy just for you some fashion jewellery or a new lipstick. I like that sometimes but I try to avoid buying them. Bye from France , take care.🌸
That's why I build in spending money. We all need a treat to keep us on track. I look online for offers, especially makeup, and buy them then. As for jewelry I buy from thrift/charity stores. They often do brand new in there. I have bought second hand from a jewellers before now and used my 0% purchases credit card. I've then paid that off monthly. X
Love your Chanel. Use your credit card. As when you dont use it they can cancel it. And it’s not easy to get it back again. All the best. Maureen xx
Thanks for the tip! Appreciated x
I have one credit card I put a small amount on it every 2 to 3 months and pay off when the bill comes
@debbieframpton3857 they can be useful. But you have to be strict with spending. X
That is true about the credit card I only put on there the amount that I can pay when the bill comes so that amounts to 15 or 20 dollars every 3 or 4 months to keep that charge card open
Hi There I’ve just started following you and was thinking that surely any spare money you have should go to your credit card I know you are going to pay off a £100 on Monday , but why not pay the other spare bit you have as well instead of saving it for food or xmas because you must be paying interest on your credit card .
I dont pay interest on my credit card for another 10 months. So I cut my self some slack and have spending money., which I still don't waste. X
I’m 64 years old male living on his own. I have a substantial amount of debt that I’m struggling to clear so I’m trying to reduce my spending allowing me to put more towards paying debts.
Do you feel £25 is a realistic food budget for a single person. Is using cash to pay for food the best way to stick to a budget?
I have tried putting the money on a Revolut card but always end up overspending
Thanks for any advice
Hello and welcome. Firstly £25, works for me. I can regularly pick up yellow sticker meat, which obviously helps. Batch cooking means you dont get bored and have standby food in the freezer. Stretching meat dishes using extra vegetables, lentils or beans also brings down the price per meal. Having simple dishes, ulike pasta jn a cheese sauce also brings down the overall cost. Write a shopping list and stick to it. I may make exceptions when there is a YS bargain too good to leave on the shelf, but I'll adjust my budget the following week. . I will be doing a vlog just on food shortly. Look at what you spend now, if it's £40 can you drop it by 10%(£36) initially. Once you've got used to that, can you drop it by another 10% (£32.40) and so on. You’ll get into a patternby doing it slowly. Using cash is one of the most important things too, it focuses your mind 100%. If you haven't got it in your wallet you can't spend it. Only go shopping when you absolutely need something. Take care. X
Hi i will be getting my state pension in June At 66 , iv always been good at budgeting like you yellow stickers etc but iv gone off track the last year with spending And have accumulated more than i need so i need to reevaluate things . So january is trying to eat whats in freezer and cupboards first on the whole im not doing to bad and only bought yellow stickers and milk. I hope to continue in feb. I need to look at what i want and what i actually need and not impulse buy . I do a lot of upcycled clothing etc but this month with the sales i felt the best time to buy at good prices but feb i will be more strict with my self . Love your blog 👍
Lovely William Morris items and such a bargain.
Absolutely. X
Hello Tania. Thanks for your video today. Please could I ask you, your electric bill of £34? Is that your actual usage please? I live alone too, I’m 61 and live on a very small income. Like you, I budget and keep a spend book. I shop monthly and batch cook but this month, as my freezer and cupboards are now really low, I’m expecting I will end up spending about £130. I top up with milk and bread in between. I’d love my electric usage to be £34 pound and I’m very careful about electric and heating ( gas ), but my latest electric for the month was £50.18. I have just one lamp when it gets dark, I don’t use a tumble dryer or anything like that. I use my microwave and slow cooker and I have an old Remoska that I was gifted some years ago so my cooking bills should be as low as possible. I’ve not used my over for 3 years now and rarely use the hog which is gas anyway. My luxury is my electric blanket to warm the bed of a night. I’d love to know how you keep your electric bill low. Thanks ever so.
My average use is £35, this goes down to about £30 in the summer. I was paying £40 which meant I've built up credit so they've just put it down to use up some of the credit. My hob is gas the cheapest way to cook. I recently went over to using a kettle on my hob instead of the electric kettle. I have a tumble drier that I use very, very sparingly. My tv goes on late afternoon. My phantom electric is the fridge and freezer. You don't sound like you waste anything to me, and can electric blanket is very, so is it the tariff you're on. Mine is 50.84p standing charge per day (rip off), 25.27p per kwh. See if you can get a better tariff. Am I right in thinking a Ramoska is electric. It may be worth you using your gas hob for a month and doing a comparison. £130 on groceries is good too. I hope this helps. X
What's the pineapple on the plug socket?
It a wax burner. It lights up and the heat from the tiny bulb melts the wax. I use it when I've cooked curries etc. X
Hallo and thank you for this blog. Could you explain why you don't just pay off the credit card when you say you have spare £45 and holiday money? Martin Lewis always advises that credit cards are paid off as soon as possible. 2. Could you show how you budget for house repairs and car repairs. These are my greatest fear - needing a new boiler, new roof, damage from leaks. 3. Would you like to correct the spelling of one of your previous videos that I notice says 'dome' rather than 'some'? Thank you again and deep going!
Great advice from Martin. But i have a 0% on purchases cc. So, no charges kick in for another 10 months . It was my car repairs last year that got me thinking I was handling my pension badly and relying on my savings. Because I switched to the 4 week cycle of the state pension, I have 1 whole payment unallocated at the end of the year £874. Plus 2 council tax payments of £150 because i allow 12 payments, not 10. I always have a 0% card in case anything big happens and use the 'term' to pay it off. Sorry about the spelling mistake but I'd have to take the video down to correct it. It's not worth doing it as it as it could end up being corrupted. X
Greetings from North Bay. I had an unexpected bill this weekk..$2,600 for car repair. Ouch! But I talked to the garage manager, explaining that I am on a pension and he gave me a good will discount on the parts! But now I have to replace that money in my savings. So todays video is a great encouragement. I used to always manage finances like you are showing, unfortunately I sort of got out of it. .but thanks to you I am back and enthused!! Without going back through the videos, would you find a minute and tell me how many books you have please? I have started my grocery book and I have a monthly expenses fixed and variable book since I am paid monthly. I am really looking forward to the next few episodes. I feel like you are my friend next door:):) Many thanks Tanya. Christine.
apologies for spelling your name wrong:)
Hello and welcome. We all have unexpected bills that throw us off track unfortunately. We'll done on getting the discount, always worth asking. I have 2 books, 1 for my budget figures and the small one for my food (front of book) spending money (back of book). Getting used to writing everything down certainly helps. On the 27th I'll be putting up a. Blog about my main budget. I Hope this helps. X
@LivingonaUKStatePension Big help Thank you from a very cold North bay Ontario:)