  • Опубликовано: 27 фев 2022
  • (22 Nov 1997) English/Nat
    A devastated Paula Yates is being comforted by her lawyer after hearing that her lover rock star Michael Hutchence had been found dead in an hotel room in Sydney, Australia.
    Anthony Burton said Yates heard the news through a friend in the early hours of this morning at the home the couple shared in Chelsea, south west London.
    Burton said he was not expecting Yates to issue any further statement.
    This is the London street where rock star Michael Hutchence lived with his girlfriend Paula Yates.
    Hutchence, the lead singer of the Australian band INXS, was found dead on Saturday in a Sydney hotel, according to media reports.
    He was in Australia preparing for the band's 20th anniversary tour.
    Police confirmed the body of an Australian citizen who, like Hutchence had been a resident of England, was found on the fifth floor of the plush Ritz Carlton Hotel by a staff member shortly before midday (0100 GMT).
    They refused to identify the body.
    Yates' lawyer, Anthony Burton, said she was devastated by the news.
    SOUNDBITE: (English)
    "Paula received this terrible news in the early hours of this morning. She's naturally devastated by what's happened. I only ask that the media leave her to absorb what has happened... it's going to take some time... and leave her, and particularly the children, in peace today Thank you very much for your sympathetic response so far. (Q Mr Burton, can I ask you, it must be very difficult to understand why this has actually happened. Is there any indication at all as to why Mr Hutchence... ?) I'm in no position at the moment to give or venture any explanation for what has happened. She's devastated. If there is anything further to say, we learn more, then it'll be said, but not at this stage. (Q How are you coping? You knew him very well yourself, didn't you?) Yes, I'm coping fine. My concern is for Paula and for her children. (Q Any suggestion that she might be going to Australia today?) She will not be going to Australia today. Whether she will go to Australia or not is a matter that will have to be looked into. (Q What about the children?) The children are with her. I've no comment about their reaction. (Q All four children?) Three children, including Tiger. Not the eldest. (Q Has Paula any idea...?) I've got nothing further to say. Thank you very much, and if we could just sort of be left for the moment to deal with what has happened. Thank you."
    SUPER CAPTION: Anthony Burton, Lawyer for Paula Yates
    Police in Sydney said they would not identify the body until relatives had been informed.
    A news conference was planned for later on Saturday.
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Комментарии • 8

  • @elizabethmcleod246
    @elizabethmcleod246 2 года назад +7

    So sad for Paula, the band and Micheal’s family.

  • @Boris82much
    @Boris82much Год назад +5

    Michael and Paula loved each other.

  • @sheilaferreira8384
    @sheilaferreira8384 Год назад +2


  • @ClaraJones-wq8du
    @ClaraJones-wq8du 8 месяцев назад +1

    I recall all the drama and the article leading up to this.
    Paula told the press that she blamed bob for causing Michael's stress (before she changed her story so Bob wouldn't put a slander suit on her)
    The full story is complicated -Bob actually DID ORIGINALLY give them permission to take the kids to Australia in exchange for 35,000 dollars, to take a lean off of a house so Paula could sell it. Then changed his mind the next day - but no one knows why. Paula and Belinda accused Bob of constantly changing his mind to interfere in Paula's life. "police statement of Belinda Brewin Police Statement" says. (can be found online)

    Michael was dragged into the whole custody and spousal support case by way of his 2 London Properties and helping Paula so that she wouldn't go broke.
    Paula owned the 18 Redburn house she & Bob had lived in, and gave it to bob for a speedy divorce in '95. She then borrowed money from a friend of Michael's to put a down payment on a home on Clapham street. When she received very little money from Bob other than expenses for the children, and was fired from her TV show (that Bob produced) when her popularity tanked, she asked the court to get Bob to give her the 18 Redburn house back. She had defaulted on her Clapham home and needed money.
    The court agreed with Paula, but Bob's legal team counter that he had no where to go, despite his wealth and a 2 mil$ home in Kent. SOOOOO Michael offered him his Smith Street property as a temporary arrangement - rent free, so that Bob would give Paula the Redburn house.
    Shortly after Tiger was born and some renovations were completed, Paula was ready to sell Redburn, and planned to stay at Michael's multi-room Smith Street home. Bob again claimed he couldn't afford a new place so Michael GAVE him his Cheyne property - a one bedroom apartment in a very exclusive neighborhood. Press noted that Bob was getting the best deals, as the Cheyne street property was worth over 1.2 million. Michael was now stuck in the case and losing money.
    When Paula went to sell the 18 Redburn property, she discovered she needed 35k to sell the house due to fact "a bankrutcy had been registered on the title by one of his (Bob's) creditors." (Police Statement of Paula Yates and Belinda Brewin).

    • @ClaraJones-wq8du
      @ClaraJones-wq8du 8 месяцев назад +5

      When Michael and Paula asked Bob on November 4th, if the 2 youngest girls (Fifi was in boarding school) could go to Australia for a 6 week trial, returning to the UK for Christmas. They discussed tutoring and the length of time they'd stay and Paula said that she and Michael were "Ecstatic" that Bob AGREED. Michaels financial advisor, Colin Diamond would later reveal in an interview in 1998, that the agreement included to loan Bob the 35k to remove the bankruptcy caution in exchange for allowing the girls to go. Paula also explains the financial deal in section 6 of her police statement.

      Bob couldn't go back on the deal or else he'd lose the money, however, he knew that the court child therapist could cancel it, and the money promise wouldn't be impacted. Bob made the request for the court therapist to retract the offer just one day later on Nov 5th, BUT according to Paula, she didn't receive this notice until Nov 12th and for some reason Bob didn't bother telling her he was changing his mind, all the while the kids, she and Michael were getting ready for the trip.
      Paula got a court appointment for November 21st, but at the meeting they said it was adjourned until December 17th. Although, she could leave to be with Michael she decided to stay in London. The fact Paula choose to stay in London, when she could have visited Michael without Pixie and Peaches, would be questioned in articles and biographies after his suicide.
      Later journalist's claimed that the court cancellation of the trial trip to Australia was a done deal where it was ordered by the court child therapist, and the court appointment was just a discussion. So Paula was accused of lying to Michael about what could be accomplished in the court that fateful day.
      Paula told Michael it was Bob's fault (no idea if it was or not) and they had an argument. Belinda would later confirm this saying Paula was hysterical and Michael asked Belinda to take care of Paula and he called Bob, thinking it was in his power to let the kids go. The coroner said the couple who heard yelling from Michael's room at 5 am probably heard him talking to Bob - however, the phone records show that at that time he was actually talking to Paula - not Bob. Michael's family later speculated that it was another threat from Paula to kill herself and Tiger if he didn't marry her. She was free to visit Australia with just Tiger Lily. You have to wonder, where Paula had a suicide attempt only a few months before in August, maybe Michael, who didn't want to ever go back to England, felt death was the only way to save Tiger Lily.
      Note - the 18 Redburn property (Look up Rightmove Price History Redburn, Chelsea address) sold on November 27, 1997 - on the day of Michael's funeral when Colin Diamond couldn't make it to the funeral. So the deal went through.

    • @danadragozet3830
      @danadragozet3830 5 месяцев назад +2

      So sad 😭,Rip Michael ❤

    • @johnnaylor823
      @johnnaylor823 2 месяца назад

      It was 29 return street not 18

    • @ClaraJones-wq8du
      @ClaraJones-wq8du 2 месяца назад +1

      @@johnnaylor823 Nope- you can look it up on Wikimaps and old articles.
      18 Redburn was in Paula's name. She gave it to bob, then tried to sell it. Bob got it back after Michael died and did an interview when he moved back in, saying that he didn't care for the more open, exposed pipe look, that Paula and Michael had renovated it to before putting it up for sale.