So after some extra testing, it turns out I can get even more damage. Basically copy-pasting my Blender build from months ago (xD), kingo+tata gives more damage then the setup in the vid, because you not only get tata damage bonus, but you also activate the 30.1 hidden weight damage bonus. And, you keep the dual swords, if you want some blendy action. However, you do lose the iga recovery stuff. But, if you're high lvl like me and just wanted to kill bosses or reds quickly using bunny, then recovering doesn't matter. There's also shadowround talismans if you wanted. FYI, I never ran out of stuff going through lvls like Become Thy enemy or something, granted I was already at this peak dmg when trying though. I can make a quick vid if you guys want in a day or two, just let me know (by replying to this comment).
do it as I already have kingo+tata on me but for kurasigama build. I will craft other items if I know that you can perfect this build. In fact I'll start farming the beach for some gloves with "Throw weapon damage x2" till I get a few. Had no luck till now. And I must farm for that charm with the dmg buff on it. xD
Crash Gaming .. My Rev is there now...If you get it please equip the gloves and pass them on...Then I could farm them off of your rev...Hell we could stock pile them this way...
so the 3 piece tatenashi works on throwing weapons? intressting. btw do you know about a smthing text for the cleavers? tried farming it but it's hell.
PWARGaming Dude I must say I love your channel and content. Dont stop you're on a roll! 5.5K Subs Hype! I've been watching since your Beta of Nioh vids I clearly see the evolution and how better you've gotten with this RUclips thing Congrats my Man!
Good tips on that, the problem i see people running to is space. You'd have to get rid of something to have room to allocate it on your hjotbar. Though i suppose you can just not equip it and leave it in item menu if you need to use it.
I never use smoke bomb, was just fooling around :p The only time it came in handy was for maria, as using it as soon as you enter de-aggro's her, allowing for the bow shot in the head for final blows or whatever. You get "a" smoke bomb since you have to get it to get to quick change scroll i believe.
Cool video Project, Naruto is great :) I like running 4 red demon armor with Ii clan and heavy armor legs on my ninja. Onimida Muramasa or Onikiba and Ii's spear. you can get 200 toughness with A agility and you don't need any weight reduction affixes on your gear. You lose the 28% dmg from kingos and Kobayakawa clan but you make it back when you set them on fire (I really like the 60% ki recovery speed from Enko/demon armor, plus 200 toughness). I like using Daiba-washi and Enko for knock down/setting mobs on fire with guardian spirit talisman. I think I'll start using ground fire trap as well, that looked really fun. Keep doing your thing man, always gives me new ideas I haven't thought of, much appreciated.
Thanks! Glad I can open the minds a bit for some people, keeps the game interesting imo. And nice, so the "debuff" effect from those sets contributes towards thrown weapon damage? That's interesting to hear. See even I learn from you guys xD
I don't think it does actually, just close combat. I didn't really build just for kunai, I like to switch it up. If I ever need max kunai storm I'll definitely use your setup.
I tested it just to make sure and they actually take less dmg because they're not at full health. so fire's only a good idea if you're planning on melee instead.
Just want to say why I love your nioh buids: 1. Your builds are so beast, some of the best on youtube by far 2. I love how you name your builds and don't just throw it on youtube. (Susano is famous now XD) 3. Consistently great 4. You explain why you choose everything and the thought behind your gear and stuff Awesome stuff PWAR!!!! Hopefully that twitch impersonator got fucked somehow and is no longer streaming under your name.
For anyone wondering, this build makes Way of the Demon very practical for most any level of player. I used a very similar setup and beat WOTD rather quickly at level 220 (which most people will be at by that point in the game).
Since carnage doesn't stack with kunai dmg. I've replaced it with weakness talisman. I also recommend the shadowround talisman. Creates virtually unlimited supply of throwing weapons and omnyo projectiles.
dope vid as usual. i never thought that ninjutsu could output that kind of damage. i wanna give this a shot. out of curiosity, would you consider doing a God of War/Tatenashi tank build vid?
Well i have mastodon, but i might make some tweaks to make it better since the dlc. Funny enough it's what got this character through way of the demon to begin with, didn't die once nor upgraded my wpn and still tanked/melted stuff xD
Hi, I just started this not long ago, I can't find anywhere so far any transferables for the 2x throwing damage, I know this is 3 years old, you or anyone still play so I can find these?
the passive skill for the spear, where piercing attacks gain damage, ALSO affects kunai... also: i dont know if it is because of the latest patch, but agility damage bonus granting more damage for kunai than ninjutsu damage bonus is plain wrong. i just tested it. ninjutsu damage bonus is a lot better for kunai damage
I already mentioned the spear thing in the vid. And no, you can't toss around statements like "plain wrong", when considering that there's multiple things that could effect the outcome depending on your setup. *I* just tested it, and Agility A, FOR MY SETUP(same as vid), out-damaged ninjutsu by around 1000 damage. Tested both storm and normal kune. So just because you got different results doesn't mean "plain wrong". Also, if you're using bat as main, you'll want ninjutsu instead as having 2 agility A's is worse than Agility A+ninjutsu. Since i don't get agility A besides bow, i get the full benefit of that. Generally speaking, agility A offers more damage than ninjutsu, 1v1. Unless somehow your ninjutsu is 900 or something that would sway the outcome, or they may be other factors.
i am saying that NDB boosts kunai damage more than ADM, u stated the opposite in the video, and not for YOUR SETUP, but in general, so i tested it and it was wrong, if there is a difference in setup that makes this happen, i didnt know, but neither did u, or at least u didnt mention it, so i corrected u (even if i was wrong in the end), u get me? i even now do not see how u came to this conclusion... and who uses bat for kunai damage? u use the cat as main and the rabbit as second, best kunai dam setup. my ninjutsu is (with guardians) at 195, i deal 800 more damage with NDB than with ADB... how is it u see different results? (i have agility A btw) maybe if i knew what exactly boost either one of the bonuses... does dex affect how much bonus u get from NDB?
All of what your saying is ignoring what I mentioned, in the video I stated the bunny>neko gave more damage then the opposite for me. Some people use the bat, idk why, I got a guy claiming that's the best even though test show the contrary. I do not care for other setups to make claims, I'm looking for the best setup for my current setup, since that's the thing i tested myself, which is what I'm showing off in the vid. If you're going off some different setup, then perhaps you'll get different results (ex, 4 iga 5 kingo, since you get more ninja power), but that's out of my hands. And i've already explained that in my first reply to you :p You'll have to test ADB vs NBD, without any armor, and a agility. If you want to find out what's better in "general", but tomorrow I should have a vid up clearly showing adb out-damaging ndb even with b agility, *with my setup.* What's your ninja power in stat screen? I'm sure that has the most to do with it, compared to mine which is around 700ish. If 100 or more power can make a difference, then okay cool, but anything not using that setup, then agility should be stronger. Correcting me because it's better for one particular setup is not really correcting me, but I'll accept it. If with no armor, no boost, bunny/spirit (whatever spirit combo), just 99 skill/dex, just two ranged wpns, one with a agility, the other with ninjutsu A, and testing them, see what your results are and then say whether or not adb wins over ndb. I can't test every setup, so of course I'll make a blanket statement on what i see happening with my own eyes, assuming it works for majority of setups. ndb scales of ninjutsu power, which is effected by both skill and dex, and whatever other power+ you get on gear.
I love the build I'll probably tweak it because I like to be aggressive and get up in people faces if u have any tips on how to go about doing that I love to hear them.
Thanks for another great video. It seems really powerful. Where would you rank this amongst your builds so far in terms of power for WoTD? Higher than Amaterasu (still running and loving this though I wouldn't mind something new)? Keep up the good work.
I don't like ranking based on power, as everything can be powerful. I like ranking more on efficiency, and what's going to get you the most bang for your buck (which includes clearing fast for lots of gear quickly, and amrita farming for fast leveling). So saying that, i think amaterasu/raijin offers more. Anything with kingo slows down by a couple seconds, as opposed to something that can blitz things in half in 1-2 hits (like raijin/ama) no matter where. For bosses this might have the edge slightly (since you can hit from afar), but for running through lvls i feel lw still offers more. This build is also rather squishy, while my lw or tank builds give no fucks bout getting hit. And dying loses you time.
Sorry for going off topic here but is inheriting the "change to attack heart A+" to a spear viable in terms of dmg? going from a spear build set and applying the "change to attack heart A+" would it be benefitial since the scaling would be higher than the B+ from body? im thinking if the split stats would be more benefitial something like 40 body and 40 heart ( or whatever you can get as long as you still have everything else from magic spirit and ninjutsu one could want) you still keep considerable dmg from the body stat plus you're upgrading your heart scalling from a C to an A+ so in theory that should increase the dmg output by alot yes?
change to attack doesn't matter, it's equal on whatever stat you put it on. If you put it on heart at 40, it will be equal to dex at 40. You put it on stats you plan to bring to 99, to get the MOST benefit out of it, as the more lvls with it, the more attack you get. For spear, on body would be best since you'd bring that to 99 first before anything else.
no, it only appears on gloves, which you have to pass onto other armors like you do for attack. So TWD needs to have a []>[] symbol next to it, max the familiarity on the gloves, then pass it on another armor piece.
need your opinion. just bought the dlc, should i finish the dlc on WOTSTR or restart the whole game on WOTD, eventually getting to the dlc on WOTD too?
Hi PWARGaming, this is detailed information and testing thank you very much. this is more of general question about the build. how do i build this if im level 200 and around 5th and 6th region way of the strong? do i need "unlimited jutsu" on all armor including accesories? if yes.. is there a way to reroll "ANY STATS" of armor to unlimited jutsu? how do i get the unlmited jutsu on armor? Also theres a stat on Bow , Rifle and Canon "Long Range attack damage +9%" does that help with kunai etcc. it looks easy when just using Iga because its one set but is it possible to reroll all stats to ANY stats that can be use for this build? if yes how is it different crafting material? like atm i only have some bunos on shurkien and kunai and found out only chest and hands armor can have unlimited jutsu. and somehow u have weight reduction and the 2 x damage on all your armor.. what wizardry are you running? is this build only good on boss because the shadowround is 6 at max? i dont think you can be on shadowrun the whole map right? or the game play for this build is still clearing mobs with kusarigama and the sword from the Iga jonin set? is it much easier to go unlimited onyo compare to unlimited ninjutsu?
you can probably have weight reduction on all armor to cut out the need for as high stamina which would save you some pts, otherwise cutting back on dex can save you lvls, despite that lowering dmg, not that you need max right away. Get all other stats except stamina/dex, then figure out how much you can save on lvls. The 2.0 version of this build is better (watch that video if you haven't). i don't get unlimited jutsu. I only get it on stuff that would normally get it (only some armor pieces, whatever i have it on in the video is what can get it), I don't think you need it on all armor. dmg>unlimited. killing stuff fast saves you kunai/shurikens, and you should last till next shrine where you refresh. Otherwise do what I did and just skip past everything but red enemies and focus on bosses until you get late game where you can farm higher lvls faster. long range attack doesn't effect it I don't think. 2x dmg and kunai dmg is essential. I was luckily to get those inheritables when people rediscovered revenant farming was still possible (have a vid on that too). Now it would be harder since less people playing, but should kick back up when dlc comes out on the 25th this month. But yah i don't kill the whole map, only big groups, and only use kunai/shuriken, never the wpn. waste of time when its the same levels/grind over and over again if you already made it to wotd or late game ng+. getting to late game as fast as possible should be the priority.
you can probably have weight reduction on all armor to cut out the need for as high stamina which would save you some pts, otherwise cutting back on dex can save you lvls, despite that lowering dmg, not that you need max right away. Get all other stats except stamina/dex, then figure out how much you can save on lvls. The 2.0 version of this build is better (watch that video if you haven't). i don't get unlimited jutsu. I only get it on stuff that would normally get it (only some armor pieces, whatever i have it on in the video is what can get it), I don't think you need it on all armor. dmg>unlimited. killing stuff fast saves you kunai/shurikens, and you should last till next shrine where you refresh. Otherwise do what I did and just skip past everything but red enemies and focus on bosses until you get late game where you can farm higher lvls faster. long range attack doesn't effect it I don't think. 2x dmg and kunai dmg is essential. I was luckily to get those inheritables when people rediscovered revenant farming was still possible (have a vid on that too). Now it would be harder since less people playing, but should kick back up when dlc comes out on the 25th this month. But yah i don't kill the whole map, only big groups, and only use kunai/shuriken, never the wpn. waste of time when its the same levels/grind over and over again if you already made it to wotd or late game ng+. getting to late game as fast as possible should be the priority.
PWARGaming thanks alot of for the reply. i spent 6 hours building and reforging , maxing familiarity and soul matching last night im official broke. haha i managed to get "thrown weapon damage on all my armor just to realized theres thrown weapon damage "X2". much difference? is this stat only for higher level items maybe 160 above? for now the range of damage is quite big. from 2000 front facing not full health.. to 7k behind enemy full health. i guess im not used to not killing everything coming from basic spear build . the weapon i have from Iga option 1 have ninjutse damage C, option 2 change attack to dex which is 99( does this affect kunai shurkein damage) + bonus damage on weight of equip.. which one do you think??
how do you roll agility damage A+ or any other stat A+ really, the only A+ I've ever gotten are on loot drops from revenants, every time I try to reforge in the blacksmith i get a C
It works actually. I farm 3 revenants at the entrance. All of them are naked revenant with weapon equip. The purple katana has CTA skill A+. The green odachi has CTA Strength A+, the green dual sword has CTA Dex A+. Still waiting for someone drop their CTA Heart A+ or any other CTA A+ cuz that's the most important thing. I can stay with CCA 18% and barely lose any damage vs CCA 20%, but there's a huge different between CTA A+ and CTA B+ or A .
Dong Nguyen Im going to bed right now, but tomorrow ill leave my revenant naked with Atagi Sadamune with CTA Heart on Death to Bandits on Way of the Strong. My PSN name is I1ShotWonderI
I saw that you put some elements on the melee weapon like Consecutive or Attack from behind, but does it actually needs to switch to that weapon to get the effect when we throw, or all of the effect stay there in the weapon, no matter it is in the gun or the sword, but still can affect all of our throws?
this version is old, you should probably look at my hokage version, which is the updated version, which is tankier thanks to nullify damage dash attack making you immortal.
Try Nekomata+Tanuki combination plus 1 iga bonus (100% recovery of ninjutsu items after living weapon ends) . I also run the same setup but i have a warrior monk on for that 200 toughness
Can't seem to get good damage, i've got x2 thrown on 4 of my items and thrown weapon dmg on gloves and accessories, does a lot come from the weapon or what.
What spirits would you suggest for "Susanoo's" build to reach maximum damage? I'm at 389 using Kato and Hi-Nezumi -for critical damage-. 1 Kingos, 1 Fanatics, and the rest are Sanada.
weight reduction only effects the armor piece you have it on, yes. If it effected all then it'd be absurd having heavy armor sets have 70%~ weight reduction. So it on all pieces is like 14%~ total weight reduction in total, less useful for lighter pieces but pretty nice for heavier stuff. And like in the vid, does allow possibilities that weren't possible before.
Beat him in date mission in samurai difficulty. Same goes for Date skin as well, for some reason they don't unlock in way of strong, and maybe even in demon.
At 99 Dexterity, 99 Skill, and 102.7% Shurikan and Kunai x2 damage, along with 4 piece Kingo and the Bat spirit, I am still only dealing about 8000 damage from behind. Is there anything I can do to increase my damage output? My Ninjutsu power is just below 700
x2 is superior to thrown %. The best offense (I find), is 85-90% x2, the rest all into damage, which should be some 60%+ (thrown wpn dmg%+ 1 shuriken+kunai dmg% 15%). Then, literally, copy what I have, that's about as much as I can say. Bat is weaker like I've said (about 1-3k damage less than bunny+cat). Weakness talisman plays a big part in dmg.
So basically you have to have people drop this insanely rare thing and hope it works out because you can't reforge it on anything but gloves. Nioh gear system = shit.
So after some extra testing, it turns out I can get even more damage. Basically copy-pasting my Blender build from months ago (xD), kingo+tata gives more damage then the setup in the vid, because you not only get tata damage bonus, but you also activate the 30.1 hidden weight damage bonus. And, you keep the dual swords, if you want some blendy action. However, you do lose the iga recovery stuff. But, if you're high lvl like me and just wanted to kill bosses or reds quickly using bunny, then recovering doesn't matter. There's also shadowround talismans if you wanted. FYI, I never ran out of stuff going through lvls like Become Thy enemy or something, granted I was already at this peak dmg when trying though. I can make a quick vid if you guys want in a day or two, just let me know (by replying to this comment).
do it as I already have kingo+tata on me but for kurasigama build.
I will craft other items if I know that you can perfect this build.
In fact I'll start farming the beach for some gloves with "Throw weapon damage x2" till I get a few. Had no luck till now. And I must farm for that charm with the dmg buff on it. xD
Crash Gaming .. My Rev is there now...If you get it please equip the gloves and pass them on...Then I could farm them off of your rev...Hell we could stock pile them this way...
PWARGaming Yes pls i need a Video my english is too bad to understand your text sry 😅
ps: your builds are the bests!
PWARGaming yeah,can you show us please
so the 3 piece tatenashi works on throwing weapons? intressting.
btw do you know about a smthing text for the cleavers? tried farming it but it's hell.
Great video, been using a variation of this build for a week or so and it's super fun! Thanks for all the awesome content!
damn man you're the best I did this build to it basics and damn how I love the result you're the best
PWARGaming Dude I must say I love your channel and content. Dont stop you're on a roll! 5.5K Subs Hype! I've been watching since your Beta of Nioh vids I clearly see the evolution and how better you've gotten with this RUclips thing Congrats my Man!
wow that's awesome to hear! Thanks for sticking with me :) and glad I'm getting better, feels I'm getting cringier xD
PWARGaming keep the cringe and the fun! I feel it shows you really enjoy doing this and makes the content enjoyable 😀
This man literally parried a spirit, guess I'd better #Believeit
Shadowround Talisman from the Omnyo tree affects and grants Unlimited Ninjutsu procs even with 0% in your gear. It's a very nice addition to have.
Good tips on that, the problem i see people running to is space. You'd have to get rid of something to have room to allocate it on your hjotbar. Though i suppose you can just not equip it and leave it in item menu if you need to use it.
You could replace Smoke Bomb?
I never use smoke bomb, was just fooling around :p The only time it came in handy was for maria, as using it as soon as you enter de-aggro's her, allowing for the bow shot in the head for final blows or whatever. You get "a" smoke bomb since you have to get it to get to quick change scroll i believe.
Cool video Project, Naruto is great :)
I like running 4 red demon armor with Ii clan and heavy armor legs on my ninja. Onimida Muramasa or Onikiba and Ii's spear. you can get 200 toughness with A agility and you don't need any weight reduction affixes on your gear. You lose the 28% dmg from kingos and Kobayakawa clan but you make it back when you set them on fire (I really like the 60% ki recovery speed from Enko/demon armor, plus 200 toughness).
I like using Daiba-washi and Enko for knock down/setting mobs on fire with guardian spirit talisman.
I think I'll start using ground fire trap as well, that looked really fun.
Keep doing your thing man, always gives me new ideas I haven't thought of, much appreciated.
Thanks! Glad I can open the minds a bit for some people, keeps the game interesting imo. And nice, so the "debuff" effect from those sets contributes towards thrown weapon damage? That's interesting to hear. See even I learn from you guys xD
I don't think it does actually, just close combat. I didn't really build just for kunai, I like to switch it up. If I ever need max kunai storm I'll definitely use your setup.
I tested it just to make sure and they actually take less dmg because they're not at full health. so fire's only a good idea if you're planning on melee instead.
It looks like weakness talisman and saturated debuff do stack for thrown dmg though.
Fantastic video, dude. Great to see someone explaining this rather than just dumping stats on a kill montage. :p
Just want to say why I love your nioh buids:
1. Your builds are so beast, some of the best on youtube by far
2. I love how you name your builds and don't just throw it on youtube. (Susano is famous now XD)
3. Consistently great
4. You explain why you choose everything and the thought behind your gear and stuff
Awesome stuff PWAR!!!! Hopefully that twitch impersonator got fucked somehow and is no longer streaming under your name.
Thanks! I thought I was done with Nioh but am now having a lot of fun with this build :)
leveling up spirit helps too :)
For anyone wondering, this build makes Way of the Demon very practical for most any level of player. I used a very similar setup and beat WOTD rather quickly at level 220 (which most people will be at by that point in the game).
wow this may be the build to bring me back into this game. I haven't even played the new DLC yet...and i bought the season pass.....
Dammit, I just switched from a Ninjutsu build to an Odachi/Axe build. Now I want to switch back :3
Since carnage doesn't stack with kunai dmg. I've replaced it with weakness talisman. I also recommend the shadowround talisman. Creates virtually unlimited supply of throwing weapons and omnyo projectiles.
dope vid as usual. i never thought that ninjutsu could output that kind of damage. i wanna give this a shot. out of curiosity, would you consider doing a God of War/Tatenashi tank build vid?
Well i have mastodon, but i might make some tweaks to make it better since the dlc. Funny enough it's what got this character through way of the demon to begin with, didn't die once nor upgraded my wpn and still tanked/melted stuff xD
lord of the aged sharp cheddar #believeit
this is venturing into the blue cheese territory bruh
love teh anime naruto and you are a true ninja storm master
Hi, I just started this not long ago, I can't find anywhere so far any transferables for the 2x throwing damage, I know this is 3 years old, you or anyone still play so I can find these?
FIRST! Ive never been first to a youtube video before, ide like to thank the academy
the passive skill for the spear, where piercing attacks gain damage, ALSO affects kunai...
also: i dont know if it is because of the latest patch, but agility damage bonus granting more damage for kunai than ninjutsu damage bonus is plain wrong. i just tested it. ninjutsu damage bonus is a lot better for kunai damage
I already mentioned the spear thing in the vid. And no, you can't toss around statements like "plain wrong", when considering that there's multiple things that could effect the outcome depending on your setup. *I* just tested it, and Agility A, FOR MY SETUP(same as vid), out-damaged ninjutsu by around 1000 damage. Tested both storm and normal kune. So just because you got different results doesn't mean "plain wrong". Also, if you're using bat as main, you'll want ninjutsu instead as having 2 agility A's is worse than Agility A+ninjutsu. Since i don't get agility A besides bow, i get the full benefit of that. Generally speaking, agility A offers more damage than ninjutsu, 1v1. Unless somehow your ninjutsu is 900 or something that would sway the outcome, or they may be other factors.
i am saying that NDB boosts kunai damage more than ADM, u stated the opposite in the video, and not for YOUR SETUP, but in general, so i tested it and it was wrong, if there is a difference in setup that makes this happen, i didnt know, but neither did u, or at least u didnt mention it, so i corrected u (even if i was wrong in the end), u get me? i even now do not see how u came to this conclusion... and who uses bat for kunai damage? u use the cat as main and the rabbit as second, best kunai dam setup. my ninjutsu is (with guardians) at 195, i deal 800 more damage with NDB than with ADB... how is it u see different results? (i have agility A btw) maybe if i knew what exactly boost either one of the bonuses... does dex affect how much bonus u get from NDB?
All of what your saying is ignoring what I mentioned, in the video I stated the bunny>neko gave more damage then the opposite for me. Some people use the bat, idk why, I got a guy claiming that's the best even though test show the contrary. I do not care for other setups to make claims, I'm looking for the best setup for my current setup, since that's the thing i tested myself, which is what I'm showing off in the vid. If you're going off some different setup, then perhaps you'll get different results (ex, 4 iga 5 kingo, since you get more ninja power), but that's out of my hands. And i've already explained that in my first reply to you :p
You'll have to test ADB vs NBD, without any armor, and a agility. If you want to find out what's better in "general", but tomorrow I should have a vid up clearly showing adb out-damaging ndb even with b agility, *with my setup.* What's your ninja power in stat screen? I'm sure that has the most to do with it, compared to mine which is around 700ish. If 100 or more power can make a difference, then okay cool, but anything not using that setup, then agility should be stronger. Correcting me because it's better for one particular setup is not really correcting me, but I'll accept it. If with no armor, no boost, bunny/spirit (whatever spirit combo), just 99 skill/dex, just two ranged wpns, one with a agility, the other with ninjutsu A, and testing them, see what your results are and then say whether or not adb wins over ndb. I can't test every setup, so of course I'll make a blanket statement on what i see happening with my own eyes, assuming it works for majority of setups. ndb scales of ninjutsu power, which is effected by both skill and dex, and whatever other power+ you get on gear.
thx for taking the time to explain !
what is the name of the mission you're doing at 3:04?
nice vid. What is the best way to roll your inheritance spirit attribute on the build your trying to achieve? dexterity, or heart?
I love the build I'll probably tweak it because I like to be aggressive and get up in people faces if u have any tips on how to go about doing that I love to hear them.
@PWARGaming why i cant reroll damage from behind?like u
Sword build pls.
Insane dps. You're the man hahah
I can't get the Change to atack A+ on my weapons. I Spend almost 1000 of divine sharda trying to do that. For you, seems to be easy. Please help me
best bet is to just farm weapons and forge it over
Save scumming is your best friend. It's rng.
Better is if u find another weapon with a CTA A on revenants then u max its familiarity and soul match
Just keep farming revenants, you should see weapons with "Change Attack to A" perk within less then 30 minutes of farming.
ricecakejohnson do you know any place that is good to farm revenants?
Thanks for another great video.
It seems really powerful. Where would you rank this amongst your builds so far in terms of power for WoTD? Higher than Amaterasu (still running and loving this though I wouldn't mind something new)? Keep up the good work.
I don't like ranking based on power, as everything can be powerful. I like ranking more on efficiency, and what's going to get you the most bang for your buck (which includes clearing fast for lots of gear quickly, and amrita farming for fast leveling). So saying that, i think amaterasu/raijin offers more. Anything with kingo slows down by a couple seconds, as opposed to something that can blitz things in half in 1-2 hits (like raijin/ama) no matter where. For bosses this might have the edge slightly (since you can hit from afar), but for running through lvls i feel lw still offers more. This build is also rather squishy, while my lw or tank builds give no fucks bout getting hit. And dying loses you time.
Sorry for going off topic here but is inheriting the "change to attack heart A+" to a spear viable in terms of dmg? going from a spear build set and applying the "change to attack heart A+" would it be benefitial since the scaling would be higher than the B+ from body? im thinking if the split stats would be more benefitial something like 40 body and 40 heart ( or whatever you can get as long as you still have everything else from magic spirit and ninjutsu one could want) you still keep considerable dmg from the body stat plus you're upgrading your heart scalling from a C to an A+ so in theory that should increase the dmg output by alot yes?
change to attack doesn't matter, it's equal on whatever stat you put it on. If you put it on heart at 40, it will be equal to dex at 40. You put it on stats you plan to bring to 99, to get the MOST benefit out of it, as the more lvls with it, the more attack you get. For spear, on body would be best since you'd bring that to 99 first before anything else.
instead of pumping points into melee mastery, wouldn't it be better to do deadly eye? or does that not effect kunai. it says ranged weapon attack..
tested, doesn't work, which is dumb, but also probably a good thing, since the whole dmg output is silly already
Pwar, is there a specific piece armor for throw damage roll like attack found on the kote?
no, it only appears on gloves, which you have to pass onto other armors like you do for attack. So TWD needs to have a []>[] symbol next to it, max the familiarity on the gloves, then pass it on another armor piece.
need your opinion. just bought the dlc, should i finish the dlc on WOTSTR or restart the whole game on WOTD, eventually getting to the dlc on WOTD too?
Where you find that Fuku picture to your youtube profile banner? its so hawt
Hi PWARGaming, this is detailed information and testing thank you very much. this is more of general question about the build. how do i build this if im level 200 and around 5th and 6th region way of the strong?
do i need "unlimited jutsu" on all armor including accesories? if yes.. is there a way to reroll "ANY STATS" of armor to unlimited jutsu? how do i get the unlmited jutsu on armor? Also theres a stat on Bow , Rifle and Canon "Long Range attack damage +9%" does that help with kunai etcc.
it looks easy when just using Iga because its one set but is it possible to reroll all stats to ANY stats that can be use for this build? if yes how is it different crafting material? like atm i only have some bunos on shurkien and kunai and found out only chest and hands armor can have unlimited jutsu. and somehow u have weight reduction and the 2 x damage on all your armor.. what wizardry are you running?
is this build only good on boss because the shadowround is 6 at max? i dont think you can be on shadowrun the whole map right? or the game play for this build is still clearing mobs with kusarigama and the sword from the Iga jonin set?
is it much easier to go unlimited onyo compare to unlimited ninjutsu?
you can probably have weight reduction on all armor to cut out the need for as high stamina which would save you some pts, otherwise cutting back on dex can save you lvls, despite that lowering dmg, not that you need max right away. Get all other stats except stamina/dex, then figure out how much you can save on lvls.
The 2.0 version of this build is better (watch that video if you haven't). i don't get unlimited jutsu. I only get it on stuff that would normally get it (only some armor pieces, whatever i have it on in the video is what can get it), I don't think you need it on all armor. dmg>unlimited. killing stuff fast saves you kunai/shurikens, and you should last till next shrine where you refresh. Otherwise do what I did and just skip past everything but red enemies and focus on bosses until you get late game where you can farm higher lvls faster. long range attack doesn't effect it I don't think. 2x dmg and kunai dmg is essential. I was luckily to get those inheritables when people rediscovered revenant farming was still possible (have a vid on that too). Now it would be harder since less people playing, but should kick back up when dlc comes out on the 25th this month.
But yah i don't kill the whole map, only big groups, and only use kunai/shuriken, never the wpn. waste of time when its the same levels/grind over and over again if you already made it to wotd or late game ng+. getting to late game as fast as possible should be the priority.
you can probably have weight reduction on all armor to cut out the need for as high stamina which would save you some pts, otherwise cutting back on dex can save you lvls, despite that lowering dmg, not that you need max right away. Get all other stats except stamina/dex, then figure out how much you can save on lvls.
The 2.0 version of this build is better (watch that video if you haven't). i don't get unlimited jutsu. I only get it on stuff that would normally get it (only some armor pieces, whatever i have it on in the video is what can get it), I don't think you need it on all armor. dmg>unlimited. killing stuff fast saves you kunai/shurikens, and you should last till next shrine where you refresh. Otherwise do what I did and just skip past everything but red enemies and focus on bosses until you get late game where you can farm higher lvls faster. long range attack doesn't effect it I don't think. 2x dmg and kunai dmg is essential. I was luckily to get those inheritables when people rediscovered revenant farming was still possible (have a vid on that too). Now it would be harder since less people playing, but should kick back up when dlc comes out on the 25th this month.
But yah i don't kill the whole map, only big groups, and only use kunai/shuriken, never the wpn. waste of time when its the same levels/grind over and over again if you already made it to wotd or late game ng+. getting to late game as fast as possible should be the priority.
PWARGaming thanks alot of for the reply. i spent 6 hours building and reforging , maxing familiarity and soul matching last night im official broke. haha i managed to get "thrown weapon damage on all my armor just to realized theres thrown weapon damage "X2". much difference? is this stat only for higher level items maybe 160 above? for now the range of damage is quite big. from 2000 front facing not full health.. to 7k behind enemy full health.
i guess im not used to not killing everything coming from basic spear build . the weapon i have from Iga option 1 have ninjutse damage C, option 2 change attack to dex which is 99( does this affect kunai shurkein damage) + bonus damage on weight of equip.. which one do you think??
man those thrown damage inheritables are hard to farm man and roll as well
Is there now any "pure" onmyo build? Something like this but using magic instead of ninjutsu
how do you roll agility damage A+ or any other stat A+ really, the only A+ I've ever gotten are on loot drops from revenants, every time I try to reforge in the blacksmith i get a C
It's luck sadly. What you're looking for is A- to turn into a A. The + doesn't really add much more.
Is the revenant farming spot on dead to bandits on WotStr working now? (still work for 1.09 patch?)
Dong Nguyen Yes, it was the 1st thing I did after the update.
Sweet. I'm tired of back up and upload my save when I burn all fragments and 50 mils on reforging.
It doesn't work because revenants don't have anything good. The best they drop is attack inheritable which is super common anyway.
It works actually. I farm 3 revenants at the entrance. All of them are naked revenant with weapon equip. The purple katana has CTA skill A+. The green odachi has CTA Strength A+, the green dual sword has CTA Dex A+. Still waiting for someone drop their CTA Heart A+ or any other CTA A+ cuz that's the most important thing. I can stay with CCA 18% and barely lose any damage vs CCA 20%, but there's a huge different between CTA A+ and CTA B+ or A .
Dong Nguyen Im going to bed right now, but tomorrow ill leave my revenant naked with Atagi Sadamune with CTA Heart on Death to Bandits on Way of the Strong.
My PSN name is I1ShotWonderI
I saw that you put some elements on the melee weapon like Consecutive or Attack from behind, but does it actually needs to switch to that weapon to get the effect when we throw, or all of the effect stay there in the weapon, no matter it is in the gun or the sword, but still can affect all of our throws?
Isn't this more of a Tenten thing?
No. Tenten's thing is standing there and doing nothing while everone dose all the work. :)
CTA "A" Dual DEX Swords and Thrown Weapon x2 Rev. just dropped...
All I want to know is how to throw items faster
Thanks , have your exact stats - the double damage , have to respec, does not work with out high skill. Tried it, I've been getting mopped.
this version is old, you should probably look at my hokage version, which is the updated version, which is tankier thanks to nullify damage dash attack making you immortal.
Try Nekomata+Tanuki combination plus 1 iga bonus (100% recovery of ninjutsu items after living weapon ends) . I also run the same setup but i have a warrior monk on for that 200 toughness
GlacierRain There's a simpler way to preserve the ninjutsu without loosing damage by changing to Tanuki...use Shadowround
Can't seem to get good damage, i've got x2 thrown on 4 of my items and thrown weapon dmg on gloves and accessories, does a lot come from the weapon or what.
I’m sorry what did he just parry bisha centipede???
What spirits would you suggest for "Susanoo's" build to reach maximum damage?
I'm at 389 using Kato and Hi-Nezumi -for critical damage-. 1 Kingos, 1 Fanatics, and the rest are Sanada.
You have it right, that's what I would use. kato+mouse.
That Naruto theme song though lol brings back memories. But damn that's some OP kunai dmg. Edit: forgot the #BelieveIt
How to get the thrown weapon damage x2 on the other armors other than the arm
Were did u farm for the inherent ability
whats the best build for dual sword and kunai
That was nostalgic
so weight reduction on a helmet works for the helmet only, not your total weight?
weight reduction only effects the armor piece you have it on, yes. If it effected all then it'd be absurd having heavy armor sets have 70%~ weight reduction. So it on all pieces is like 14%~ total weight reduction in total, less useful for lighter pieces but pretty nice for heavier stuff. And like in the vid, does allow possibilities that weren't possible before.
Think the blender build is still viable?
Can someone pls drop dualswords with the stat "change to attack heart A" or a weapon with a inheritable stat "change to attack heart A" ?
4:14 so maria is afraid of smoke
Great build, but I looking forward to sword
Does anybody have thrown weapon damage x2 they could drop I have a lot I can drop too if anyone needs a certain stat
POLARIZED I might have one
What in the dattebayo fuck was that!? Hahaha PWAR with that godlike Ninjuitsu build.
Is it still powerful after patch 1.23?
Mr Project 😀 how The hell can you get so much dmgs from kunai??
wtf you can parry the centipede?
I see a lack of rasangans...
I'm season 1 naruto, in the future dlc I'll be going sage mode
If naruto did one thing right, it had epic music.
nice guide
How to unlock this skin?
Beat him in date mission in samurai difficulty. Same goes for Date skin as well, for some reason they don't unlock in way of strong, and maybe even in demon.
If anyone can help me get these Thrown weapon damage X2 off there revenant I'd greatly appreciate it.
Is this build still viable?
Do you know how fast I am
Im over here doing like 200 damage per shuriken. lol
It will take AGES to get Throw weapon damge x2 on items !!!
At 99 Dexterity, 99 Skill, and 102.7% Shurikan and Kunai x2 damage, along with 4 piece Kingo and the Bat spirit, I am still only dealing about 8000 damage from behind. Is there anything I can do to increase my damage output? My Ninjutsu power is just below 700
x2 is superior to thrown %. The best offense (I find), is 85-90% x2, the rest all into damage, which should be some 60%+ (thrown wpn dmg%+ 1 shuriken+kunai dmg% 15%). Then, literally, copy what I have, that's about as much as I can say. Bat is weaker like I've said (about 1-3k damage less than bunny+cat). Weakness talisman plays a big part in dmg.
your level is 200000000 in ng0 ?
How did he change his appearance he's Asian?
I think he bought skin from the tea tavern
ive been using ninjitsu on and off since 1.05 and the newer patches put all builds to shame in comparison to ninjitsu.
You should say Kakashi he was more ninja than others lol
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeses Nachos Christ XD
Wow naruto
fantastic intro
This looks as gross as the kusarigama spin to win build when it comes to damage lol
And it's even safer because it uses ranged projectiles.
English dub.. I thought you were cool...Top 10 anime betrayals.
So basically you have to have people drop this insanely rare thing and hope it works out because you can't reforge it on anything but gloves. Nioh gear system = shit.
the whole game's kind of silly, only thing you can do is embrace the madness xD (or complain to devs which...idk will work)
Essa build e forte pra cct
0_0 wow
Kunai builds are so fucking easy to use and build :/
DarkLatios100 Is that a bad thing?
RogueSeraph It's just repetitive because I see so many in-game and a bunch on YT
RogueSeraph It's stale af and boring
DarkLatios100 Not that much different compared to the Amaterasu build in which ppl just need to spam Blade Spin.
RogueSeraph Not saying I like those either XD
this should just be called the cancer build lol
So the naruto reference is fitting no?
they need to nerf this shit right the fuck now. PvP is unplayable with this garbage.
That was so cringe
I was cringing all through making the video
this is so stupid. hope they nerf this it takes no skill.
Go away! If you don't like this play style, chose a different one.
hope they nerf this real soon