Easy Yet Beautiful Crochet Blanket Tutorial - The Dorothy Throw

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 279

  • @rosiosalas5792
    @rosiosalas5792 Год назад +82

    Beautiful blanket! I learned this pattern 20 something years ago when the wife of one of our church elders held a crochet class for us young mothers. This is the pattern she taught. Her mom who was 91 years old, later made me a blanket in this stitch. I’ve been making beautiful gifts using this stitch since then. I also use it for scarves and hot pads, but instead of the chain three, I chain two and double crochet twice instead of three. It gives a tighter effect and perfect for scarves and hot pads, but I love this original pattern for a blanket.

    • @Pakrs61
      @Pakrs61 Год назад +2

      @rosiosalas5792; Thanks for posting your tips, I was trying to figure out how to make a scarf and washcloths using this stitch without as much space. Perfect 😊

    • @Pakrs61
      @Pakrs61 Год назад +2

      .S. Did you use a smaller hook for the scarf & washclothes? Thx again

    • @Pakrs61
      @Pakrs61 Год назад +1

      Hot pads not washclothes! It wouldn't let me edit above comments

    • @rosiosalas5792
      @rosiosalas5792 Год назад +1

      @@Pakrs61 you’re very welcome! It’s a beautiful stitch. ♥️

    • @rosiosalas5792
      @rosiosalas5792 Год назад +2

      @@Pakrs61 I use a size 5 hook for scarves and hot pads.

  • @angelacreson2098
    @angelacreson2098 Год назад +14

    Ok, what the heck?! I just went to Joanne’s yesterday and bought this exact yarn. I told my daughter I’d have to go look through your blanket tutorials. And what do I find? This video!! What are the odds haha.

  • @beckysteinmiller338
    @beckysteinmiller338 Год назад +37

    Do you use a crochet hook or is that a magic wand?? You create such beautiful things! I hope you will keep and enjoy your blanket!!❤

  • @mistyblue5312
    @mistyblue5312 Год назад +8

    As winter slowly approaches this would be a nice gift for Christmas ! ❤❤❤

  • @tonid7490
    @tonid7490 Год назад +12

    I always love how you say "skip skip skip" Beautiful blanket! I have been wanting to use that ombre yarn as I think it is so pretty. This will be on my Must Make list.

  • @PeggyF
    @PeggyF Год назад +19

    This blanket is wonderful. I always enjoy a 1 row repeat and love the border.

  • @kathiemccune5436
    @kathiemccune5436 Год назад +2

    Beautiful, aww, the throw has my sweet aunt's name ( my she rest in peace )

  • @peggybrillant1432
    @peggybrillant1432 Год назад +18

    This looks very much like the C2C pattern, but without having to do the decrease. I love making C2C blankets, but doing the decrease is a drudgery for me. This is the perfect alternative!! Thank you, Crystal❤

    • @Emerald_Warlok
      @Emerald_Warlok 5 месяцев назад +2

      Girl I know you made the comment 9 months ago but it's not the decrease for me but the increase. I just never know how much to increase

  • @marthathatcher2216
    @marthathatcher2216 Год назад +2

    I love your patterns, they are so easy to understand. I am not aloud to watch anymore until I finish my blanket because I see another one of your patterns and change my mind and restart with the new pattern. I have no idea how many times I have done this. I NEED HELP. LOL😢

  • @Dawn6761
    @Dawn6761 Год назад +7

    Crystal I really enjoy your videos and it keeps me motivated for crocheting because I started crocheting back in 2016. Since my mom passed, she was my “cheerleader,” and I always looked forward to going and getting yarn, which I have endless amount of yarn in totes. With mom passing I couldn’t crochet for a long period of time. But you, Crystal, give me a reason to get back into crocheting again. Thanks for sharing and giving me a “purpose” again. Your an inspiration to us all 💕
    Keep up your amazing work

  • @DorothyMiddleton-y2h
    @DorothyMiddleton-y2h 7 месяцев назад +3

    My name is Dorothy. I made this blanket and it is one of my favorites. I so appreciate your tutorials and this one especially hit a home room for me. I made exactly according to your instructions including yarn and colors. Thanks so much!!

  • @kimhall9967
    @kimhall9967 Год назад +1

    Its very beautiful afghan Crystal

  • @memmie1104
    @memmie1104 Год назад +3

    Oh, wow! This is so much like the C2C stitch that I use but in a horizontal format instead of a C2C format. That means it's a quick and easy blanket to make. I LOVE IT! I always wished I knew of a way to make it horizontal and now I can. Thank you so much for sharing and teaching it to all of us. Blessings!

  • @brendabrown7864
    @brendabrown7864 Год назад +9

    It’s absolutely beautiful Crystal🤎

  • @lynnechapman6204
    @lynnechapman6204 Год назад

    I love this. As soon as I finish my 2 baby blankets, I'm making this one. Thanks, Crystal. And yes, keep that blanke!!!!😂😂😂😂

  • @Court-And-Crime-With-Tia
    @Court-And-Crime-With-Tia Год назад

    As a small crochet and crime channel myself. I absolutely just love your videos and this blanket looks gorgeous. Wow I love love love this

  • @MissJenaCrochets
    @MissJenaCrochets Год назад +2

    As soon as I saw this I picked up my hook and yarn! Just started the first of the repeat rows! I'll be using the colors of the rainbow and I think it will look perfect with this beautiful pattern! I spent hours last night, all the way to 3am, trying to find a the perfect pattern & couldn't find just the right one... then this showed up! It was meant to be 😁 Thank you Crystal! ❤

  • @crochetizlife
    @crochetizlife Год назад +1

    Its gorgeous ❤❤❤but that herringbone border is gorgeous stunning❤❤❤❤😊

  • @marion4351
    @marion4351 Год назад +3

    I have an idea keep this one commission someone to do one for the auction. Or maybe someone will do it as the one they donate. Likely in a different yarn. If I didn't use a walker and was able to easily get a package to the post office that person would be me.😊I always love this blanket stitch. For some reason herringbone and I though don't get along lol. I love these boarders your doing lately. Even the post stitch ones which I hate doing. If the look is right I'll do it.😊

  • @kimberlyrivard6945
    @kimberlyrivard6945 Месяц назад

    Stunning work. The herring none stitch I absolutely love. I’m just finishing my first blanket and might use this border. Thanks so much. God bless

  • @emma-woodhouse-721
    @emma-woodhouse-721 11 дней назад

    Love this. I think this is going to be my new go-to blanket pattern. Thank you.

  • @crochetcarri
    @crochetcarri Год назад

    I love the tulip stitch. It makes a very pretty blanket. I appreciate patterns that are the same on both sides for blankets.✌️❣️🧶

  • @lindapearson3340
    @lindapearson3340 Год назад +1

    This blanket is so beautiful. A friend of mine just moved into a new Condo and he asked me if I could make him a blanket for his couch so I am thinking of making this blanket but in Brown Colors. Thank you for showing us how to make this beautiful blanket. You are the best. Love your channel and your patterns. Your a wonderful teacher.

  • @dianarodriguez4581
    @dianarodriguez4581 Год назад

    Finally, I found the blanket for my son. I love it. You are a great teacher.

  • @patriciajohnson6272
    @patriciajohnson6272 Год назад +2

    Beautiful blanket and I love the border.

  • @amydavis4945
    @amydavis4945 Год назад

    I'd forgotten how much I love the herringbone stitch! I'm not ready to invest the time into a huge blanket, but you did get me cranking out a herringbone scarf, LOL!

  • @kathyhanley1292
    @kathyhanley1292 Год назад +1

    That is a beautiful blanket love the herringbone border xxxc

  • @bethtisdalestaton7250
    @bethtisdalestaton7250 Год назад

    Absolutely Gorgeous ❤❤❤❤❤🥰! I love the Design & Great Tutorial ❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗! Thank You Crystal ❤😊❤!

  • @Bunefoo401
    @Bunefoo401 Месяц назад

    This is lovely. Will definitely be trying this once I’m done with the Beehive blanket I’m 1/3 of the way through ❤❤

  • @kellybarteaux9151
    @kellybarteaux9151 8 месяцев назад +2

    I'm making this throw for my granddaughter right now and it works beautifully. She is very excited and loves it already. Thanks for another awesome tutorial, Crystal!!!

  • @DianneMc
    @DianneMc Год назад +6

    This is such a pretty blanket! The colors are perfect and the herringbone stitch makes a beautiful border.

  • @elizabethburnett2486
    @elizabethburnett2486 Год назад +1

    I made this Blanket about 50 years ago I was only about 10 and I got the yarn and crochet hook from my Aunt Fran and Uncle Don for Christmas and she showed me how to do the stitch and she called it the brick stitch and I still have this blanket to this day. The border I did was the same stitch . Love this stitch now I know what blanket I’m going to be doing next thank you for putting this

  • @sandratanner8138
    @sandratanner8138 Год назад +2

    It’s beautiful. I love working the herringbone stitch

  • @lindahamilton3520
    @lindahamilton3520 Год назад +3

    Oh crystal this is beautiful. I can't keep up. L o l. I'm working on one of your shawl patterns now and then I saw this and i'm looking at my yarn to see which would work for this one. You're awesome I could crochet twenty 47 and steal not keep up with you. Keep it up i'm doing my best❤❤❤❤❤

  • @TinaTina-lw7vm
    @TinaTina-lw7vm Год назад

    Crystal I like that stitch very much ,lovely blanket.Thanks my friend ! ❤️🌹👍

  • @brookerdoll
    @brookerdoll 2 месяца назад

    I love this pattern! It's basically a C2C stitch but virtual ❤

  • @lonestargal1
    @lonestargal1 Год назад

    Corner to Corner (C2C) done straight instead of on the diagonal, with a few easy tweaks. How awesome is that! LOVE THIS!

  • @debbiegsyarnylove8424
    @debbiegsyarnylove8424 Год назад

    On my must make when the weather gets cooler 🎉 which I can hardly wait for 😊

  • @brendascuccimarri8138
    @brendascuccimarri8138 Год назад +1

    Beautiful blanket,the border didn’t look as difficult as I thought. Thanks for the tutorial

  • @cindybraddock5319
    @cindybraddock5319 Год назад +1

    I love this stitch thank you for sharing

  • @GASophie
    @GASophie Год назад +1

    It is gorgeous! Easy?????????????? Maybe for you!!!!!!

      @BAGODAYCROCHET  Год назад +2

      Thank you... but it is easy. You haven't even tried yet... simple stitches you can do! 😊

  • @Marblea1
    @Marblea1 Год назад +1

    This too is amazingly beautiful blanket. ❤

  • @jessicarosseau4063
    @jessicarosseau4063 Год назад

    Crystal, Crystal, Crystal 😂 I have too many WIPs girl!! You're killing me 😅I love this one it's beautiful 😍

  • @l.a.w.79
    @l.a.w.79 Год назад +2

    Oh my gosh I did not know that this stitch had a name. I used this stitch to make my closest friend’s first born a baby blanket. I lost the pattern and couldn’t remember how to start it!! Gonna keep this video and make one for myself 🤩

  • @jackiebechler8823
    @jackiebechler8823 Год назад

    Beautiful Blanket!! Love the stitch and border!! Thank you for another great tutorial!!!

  • @rutheggbeer5723
    @rutheggbeer5723 Год назад

    Hello Crystal, I love this tutorial, the blanket is gorgeous I love the border just gorgeous Crystal thankyou, best wishes to

  • @NeedleNanny41
    @NeedleNanny41 3 месяца назад

    I love this stitch, thank you for this beautiful afghan pattern.

  • @karlagcastro3235
    @karlagcastro3235 Год назад

    What a beautiful blanket !!!☺️🧶

  • @valferguson8322
    @valferguson8322 Год назад

    Hey Crystal, love this blanket, with this border!!
    Don’t feel bad jerking it!! You already have sooooo much! YIU deserve to keep something once in a while!!

  • @debraallender7444
    @debraallender7444 Год назад +2

    Another beautiful blanket. I love both stitches! I wish I had the time to make everything you make tutorials for as you make them! Beautiful work Crystal. Thank you.

  • @sherryhenrichs1759
    @sherryhenrichs1759 Год назад +3

    Very beautiful Crystal. Love the stitch and the colors.

  • @Crochet-All-Day-123
    @Crochet-All-Day-123 2 месяца назад

    I hope you kept it! It was definitely a keeper. Wow.

  • @raziavalera2606
    @raziavalera2606 Год назад

    It's beautiful very nice pattern 👌 thanks for sharing tutorial ❤

  • @nancypelletier82
    @nancypelletier82 Год назад

    I love this blanket.. I also love a 1 row repeat.. It's getting that time of year again to get blankets done..

  • @dorothylavell3038
    @dorothylavell3038 Год назад

    Ok😊 I will have to make this now😊especially since her name is the same as mine 😁😂💖
    I hope that you had a wonderful birthday, Crystal 😊🎂🥳
    Thank you for taking the time to share your gift, skills, and knowledge on all things about crochet. This Dorothy really appreciates the help you give with all of your tutorials.
    You have a kind soul, Miss Crystal 😊
    Many thanks and many blessings to you and your family😊🙏🩷🙏

  • @missziggy8211
    @missziggy8211 Год назад

    Wow, that is a beautiful blanket. Gotta make this one. Thank you Crystal!!

  • @nopetfout5426
    @nopetfout5426 8 месяцев назад

    This was super easy to follow! Mines in cream color for me, and it looks amazing and elegant. Present for my husband ❤❤❤

  • @sandraparker3194
    @sandraparker3194 Год назад +1

    I just made a 12 point star blanket from this very same yarn and color. It turned out as beautiful as yours. You made my day in that we chose the same yarn. You have taught me well. Thank you so much❤❤

  • @traciperdue
    @traciperdue Год назад

    Beautiful blanket! Have a great morning!!!❤

  • @sandielovescrocheting8300
    @sandielovescrocheting8300 Год назад +1

    Hi Crystal. Another beautiful project that is going on my hook. Thank you.

  • @rochellewadsworth9261
    @rochellewadsworth9261 2 месяца назад

    I luv learning all the different stitches. Thx for teaching!!

  • @nancybailey1635
    @nancybailey1635 Год назад

    Love this pattern. Can’t wait to make this one.

  • @GASophie
    @GASophie Год назад +2

    The herringbone stitch is my favorite! I've made scarves, sweaters, and blankets with it! Thank you for making it look fabulous!! I LOVE your tutorials!!!! Thank you!!

  • @junehanson7865
    @junehanson7865 Год назад

    So beautiful Chrystal 😊

  • @MaurytheHedgehogDog
    @MaurytheHedgehogDog Год назад

    Keep it for your birthday ❤

  • @roserenik6375
    @roserenik6375 Год назад

    This is an easy to follow tutorial, was able to follow along with no difficulty. Will do border when I finish the blanket.

  • @margaretdombkoski4780
    @margaretdombkoski4780 Год назад

    Great pattern. Love the advice on the Herringbone stitch reversing direction each row. A big "thumbs up" for this one:)

  • @Alice-jl7ci
    @Alice-jl7ci Год назад +1

    I love this pattern...Great tutorial. Thank you Crystal

  • @cherylsmith5307
    @cherylsmith5307 Год назад

    Such a beauty! Love the texture and simplicity. The herringbone border makes a gorgeous frame. 💜🤗

  • @camillefoote5678
    @camillefoote5678 Год назад

    Very nice tutorial, as always. I'm so happy you are doing more blanket patterns now.

  • @pamelatheado6484
    @pamelatheado6484 Год назад

    Pretty blanket. I love the colors.

  • @darleneriley758
    @darleneriley758 Год назад

    Wow it has been a minute since I crocheted… but I really want to get crocheting again… beautiful blanket ♥️

  • @cathybiggerstaff5680
    @cathybiggerstaff5680 Год назад

    Love the colors and the stitches in this blanket. Great tutort!

  • @wendyschmidt4339
    @wendyschmidt4339 Год назад

    Thank you for all you do for us Crystal ❤🙏🏼🌷

  • @traciperdue
    @traciperdue Год назад

    Beautiful work!!! My friend uses and loves this stitch for all her baby blankets. Hope you’re having a good night.❤

  • @Raineyluwho
    @Raineyluwho Год назад +3

    Crystal, thats a keeper for sure! Its gorgeous! I love this one and its going in my crochet planner. XXX 💜

  • @sj01
    @sj01 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you Crystal, really *really* love this one. You always make it seem so simple! Herringbone stitch on the border is the chefs kiss 🎉

  • @terrynesterowich7108
    @terrynesterowich7108 Год назад

    Corner to corner have been around a long time. They come and go. Great for shawls and scarves too!

      @BAGODAYCROCHET  Год назад

      This isn't a C2C blanket... it's made with the tulip stitch and herringbone stitch

  • @sandrapalmer5642
    @sandrapalmer5642 Год назад

    I love the color you are using to show us how to do the blanket.

  • @melodymaben4207
    @melodymaben4207 Год назад

    Absolutely beautiful!!! Thank You for sharing

  • @paulafox30
    @paulafox30 Год назад

    Cool I wanted to do a granny stitch sampler blanket so I might have to include this stitch as it's 3dc shells like the granny. I'm doing a blanket with big squares as a fundraiser for my local golf course but I was going to do some baby blankets for donation too. This would make a nice addition to my mental list. Many thanks Crystal!! 😊❤

  • @chasecosmo4272
    @chasecosmo4272 Год назад

    Love!!! Im actually in process of making a king sized blanket in this stitch from your stitch series. I’d LOVE a blanket border series.

  • @zscreations5820
    @zscreations5820 Год назад

    Another beautiful creation by Crystal! The Herringbone border is the perfect compliment for your beautiful blanket. Take care 💜

  • @thararamesh1056
    @thararamesh1056 Год назад

    Very beautiful blanket

  • @gioiacasterline4835
    @gioiacasterline4835 Год назад

    Again, another work of art. Thank you, Crystal. Gorgeous

  • @pjmalick
    @pjmalick Год назад

    ❤😊 Another beautiful must make blanket! ❤😊

  • @jackieward6695
    @jackieward6695 Год назад

    Love this , border looks terrific, thanks Crystal.

  • @patking7853
    @patking7853 4 месяца назад

    Herringbone border is superb!

  • @kathrynconarroe2440
    @kathrynconarroe2440 8 месяцев назад

    Just finished this pattern. It became a queen size blanket.. Thanks for being such a great teacher ❤

  • @sharontalaga5924
    @sharontalaga5924 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you Crystal for getting me back into crocheting...Love your videos❤. So far I have made 5 so far. Your channel is an obsession now lol.

  • @rebeccamccauley7496
    @rebeccamccauley7496 Год назад

    Nice, really nice like a c2c with out having to do the decrease . Thanks for sharing I love it. 🧡🖤🧡🖤🎃🎃🎃🌻🌻🌻🌻

  • @rebeccafelker8851
    @rebeccafelker8851 Год назад

    Very pretty. Thank You for the tutorial.

  • @kismymailks
    @kismymailks Год назад

    Hi Crystal, Thank you for this tutorial. I love your tutorials because you are so clear on what to do. You are a great crochet teacher.

  • @LindaFraboulet
    @LindaFraboulet Год назад

    Really love this stitch combo. I can see why it's a keeper!

  • @Pammy_Yolo
    @Pammy_Yolo Год назад +2

    Wow that's a gorgeous blanket! Love the colorway too❤ I made a beautiful scarf for 1 of my sisters for Christmas in this pattern. Ty Crystal 💞💞💞

  • @dmtnw4480
    @dmtnw4480 Год назад

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful blanket pattern with us, I love this pattern and the border just finishes it perfectly.

  • @TCMedicare101
    @TCMedicare101 Год назад +1

    Gorgeous! I'll be starting my last of 9 blankets that will be Christmas gifts this year. I've been looking at a ton of designs for my brother and sister-in law's mom, who lives with them. This decided it! I've learned so much from you over the past 2 years, Crystal. I'm really excited to be making one of your blankets.

  • @sandrapalmer5642
    @sandrapalmer5642 Год назад

    That is so pretty. I love it.

  • @dianabutler9570
    @dianabutler9570 Год назад

    Crystal it looks so very pretty 😍 I’m in love with it the colors are amazing thank you 😊😊😊thank you for sharing your work with us your tutorials are the best I’m going to make one but not as Big as your maybe a throw blanket and a washcloth

  • @pamspurlsofwisdom2661
    @pamspurlsofwisdom2661 Год назад

    Lovely pattern!! Saved and will be next on my hook!!