Just As I Am | Songs and Everlasting Joy

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Charlotte Elliot, born in 1789, suffered a serious illness at the age of 32. The illness left her a complete invalid for the rest of her life. The year after she became ill, a preacher from Geneva came to visit her father's home. In the course of the conversation, Charlotte told him that she did not know how to find Christ. He answered, "Come to Him just as you are." Charlotte's conversion began because of this statement and, although it was not the immediate cause of her writing this hymn, the words seem to have remained in her mind for many years. Over the next few years, Charlotte moved to be near one of her brothers, who was a clergyman. He was organising a school where daughters of poor clergymen could be educated for low cost. Charlotte was frustrated that she was unable to physically help with the set up of this school and to relief her own worries, she wrote the poem that has since become the hymn, "Just As I Am." It has been put to several melodies. The one we are singing here is the "Woodworth" tune.
    Just As I Am
    Verse 1
    Just as I am, without one plea,
    But that Thy blood was shed for me,
    And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee,
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
    Verse 2
    Just as I am, and waiting not
    To rid my soul of one dark blot,
    To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
    Verse 3
    Just as I am, though tossed about
    With many a conflict, many a doubt,
    “Fightings within, and fears without,”
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
    Verse 4
    Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
    Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
    Yes, all I need in Thee to find,
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
    Verse 5
    Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
    Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
    Because Thy promise I believe,
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
    Verse 6
    Just as I am, Thy love I own
    Has broken every barrier down;
    Now, to be Thine, and Thine alone,
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

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