This is a great video, I've only ever had goldfish. They're the only aquatic animal I have and will ever own. Mine are between the ages of 5-10 years now and they'll actually point their heads down, tails up and splash water out of the tank until i physically interact with them. Yes, my goldfish do legitimately love being touched by me personally, no joke. I have to add 2 gallons of water to my tank EVERYDAY because of this. That's a lot of water for them to send out the tank every single day. But it's really cute and heart melting when they do that and the water addition and clean up of the spill they created is way more than well worth it. I love goldfish, comets in particular and they're just fantastic. If you want to get your goldfish to act like this, try to NOT use a NET, they hate nets. Use your bare hands, you'll build up their trust, and eventually they will react like that or similar because they now know your hand isn't gonna harm them because you've "Literally handled them for their whole life". To do this, you just have to have patients, persistence and you've got to be really gentile with them and they'll come over to you.
What a great comment to read this morning. Just got my son a goldfish and haven't used a net on him yet. My goldfish either. So good to start that with our little comet 'blue'
@@gohanis Definitely a great idea, also here's a tip. It's really healthy for them if you vary their diet, it WILL make them much healthier and they will live much longer. Try occasionally from time to time going to the grocery store and buying unseasoned salmon, shrimp, trout, flounder anything really, slice it up and give it to him after you rinse it off and after you've had him for about 6 months. They love it, I've been giving them these types of foods for years. Good luck with Blue, he'll do just fine
Great tip. You should continue posting videos on your channel. I had a goldfish that would swim right into my hand. It took some time to get to that point but once you build that trust it's an amazing thing to see.
My goldfish was originally a feeder fish and saw all of his friends meet a gruesome end. Now every morning when I turn on the tank light, she swims back and forth smashing into substrate, glass, and, her tank mates as if she’s having a PTSD episode.
@@gerryxanthopoulou1279 my goldfish doe not do that when I shine bright light on them suddenly. They are chill. I'm guessing OP's fish really did have some sort of PTSD
gold fish can lure you by begging food on the surface as if grasping air and short of breath, if they can do that to me, they're intelligent enough to know you're a danger to them. Typical goldfish will rush on the aquarium glass right on your face when they see you.
my fish is acting like a dog tbh everytime when i come back it's following me around and watch me, and every time i wave to him, he's getting excited and wiggle around, also has the biggest attidue i seen in an animal, every time i take one of his plants or messing with his sand (he also digs holes in sand) he just wiggles around and when i look he just turns around that's the best choice i made to rescue that guy i love my fish
My goldfish like to follow me when I'm moving around in my room! My bed is at their right, so when I'm laying down they are all agrouped in the right wall of the tank, and when I walk to the door, they follow me and they all go to the left of the tank. Are they begging for food, or bored?
Aw for sure begging for food. Totally normal for them to come to the tank when you’re near. They think you are going to feed them. Resist their cuteness 🤣
@@nacho7614 Omg. I knew it. They're adorable tho, I really really want to give them a little snack when they follow me, gotta resist! Thank you so much! 💖
added a new goldie to my tank since the old one died, the "veteran" goldie swam up to them right away and now theyre following eachother around it doesnt appear to be mating behavior, and they arent nipping or being aggressive, just willingly following eachother around extremely close they even sat next to eachother for a solid 5 seconds looking at eachother and it almost seemed like a hug i know the vet's been lonely since their buddy passed away, and the newbie has been alone in a quarentine tank for the last 2 weeks, i think they enjoy being with another fish again, especially after staring at eachother thru the glass for the past two weeks (theres other fish in the tank but only two goldies)
My single male common goldfish swim back and forth in the tank in my 50 gallons tank. Thought he was bored. So I put a wave maker. But he still keep doing the same thing. This happened when I added 4 doctor fish in there. My male Goldy sometimes doesn't mind them in there but sometimes he would try to keep them away from his sight, not chase them. I started to think he likes being himself. Plus my doctor fish actually eats faster than he does even for a common. Perhaps they upsets him for invading his personal space? It sucks cuz I bought those doctor fish on my bday. They help me clean the tank in taking away the algae etc...
Our Goldfish is the only ledt of our Goldfishes now. He lost his best friend that was older then him. He is about 6 months old. Now he is stresses. Do not look sick. He is banging into the glass swimming side to side:(
My three guys (named Arlo, Tuna, and Koi) are the funniest fish ever in my tank lol. I can tell when they're playing around, chasing, racing, even playing Tag. Sometimes they do this Pisces thing where 2 of them swim in a circle chasing each other's tail. What's that?
My goldfish, swim to me & others often, even when I am not paying attention to them, they either sit still right next to where I am at, or eating on whatever or getting frightened by the plecos territorial acts.
Hi, I have a goldfish that constantly swims back and forth, from one side of the tank to the other. Literally back and forth hundreds of times. I am really wondering if he’s ok ☹️
Am a goldfish mom of 3, I have them for 5 years now Am so happy I came across your channel ( 9-23-23 ) Now my babies where smaller then,an live in a 2 gallon tank I change their water (bottle water) Every 2 weeks back then, Now it’s like every week. I finally purchased a ten gallon tank and have it ready for them Am alittle worried, because after 5 years am changing their inviorment,, from just plain tank, no filter, nothing no rocks no plants, An now this new tank I put in a filtration system rocks an plastic plants an 2 decoration,,, Please what are the chances of them getting stressed? I love my babies fish, An where can I buy a water tester, a thermometer? Please give me advice Thank you 🙏🏽
Hi sometimes my gold fish swim quick and crash and rub their sides on the gravel. I do 50% weekly water changes. It happens only occasionally and not all the time. What could this indicate?
Weekly 50% water change can be bad for a fish you should do 10/15% water change weekly and it is sufficient 50% of water change can kill good bacteria on the tank and it can strike ammonia in the water due to lack of good bacteria that cause itching,stress and many diseases to your fish
I rescued 2 feeder goldfish, i am having a 15 gallon tank and they are growing to 3 inches now. I feed them well and tested the water and passed the parameters with flying colour. but i notice that, after breakfast they will take "nap" (i assume) because they will just stay at the bottom and doesn't swim much, then around dinner time they will start swimming again. However, during the feeding time, one of them will keep chasing the other one. I am planning to change to a 40 gallon tank, maybe this will help. what do u think? thanks for the video !
We had recently lost a goldfish and our other older goldfish has been depressed.. He has been floating in the back of the tank and has been aggressive to the younger ones..
one of my red cap oranda in a 10 g tank is fairly in active..but eats and swims around normally..rests quite a time sitting at the bottom. wt is the problem here?
Thanks for your info miss, btw my goldfish weakened after being chased by my Goldfish also,so i did separate them,my goldfish that was chased was damaged on its tails and scales :(
My goldfish tank has a ph problem. So I noticed the fish were acting weird like swimming into the walls super fast, splashing the water, staying still and fins tucked in. I took them out and put them in a bucket for a few days to put crushed coral in the tank and it raised from 6.0 to 6.6 so I thought it would be fine to add them to the tank. Now they’re still swimming into walls, staying still, sit at the bottom of the tank sometimes, splashing water and just acting weird like starring at the walls. I clean the tank often but not too often, I check the ammonia levels and nitrate stuff but it’s all 0. My one goldfish also stay towards the top of the water. I’m not sure what to do.
@@galacloud6793 yes the tanks are much better. I was able to figure out how to raise it to the perfect amount. What I did was get some of crush coral substrate and I mixed it with my sand substrate in the tank. It can also be put into a filter bag and put into ur filter and it can help with the PH. It makes sure the PH is always at 7.0-7.5. My fish have been acting wayyyy normal now and in fact thrive. Those same goldfish are in the tank and now they’re super active and for some reason my big fat goldfish would just stare at me at night. At first it was concerning bc I thought it was a health problem but nope. He’s just weird 😂😂😂
I just got gold fish the other day and one is at the top of the tank 90% of the day he always dose it by the water heater in the corner and will just stay ther and go to different heights each time then swim arount than go back do you know why he could be doing this?
I have this shebunkin goldfish which is only small and is about 5 months old now. We had about 7 big goldfish including shebunkins but right as this little one was born the rest got eaten up by a heron because we keep them in a outdoor pond. We tried putting a net over and objects to scare the heron away once he got the first few but it didnt work. even though this little one made it we didnt know he survived until he grew big enough to see but after a while we lost sight of him and we thought we lost him too. We just emptied out the pond and found him at the bottom. Hes pretty lively and is moving around but hes stuck at the bottom and cant swim up. He just slowly swims around on the ground, which is probably how hes been feeding recently. Hes still able to move and turn okay but wont move from the floor even once weve put food in the pond for him. He doesnt look abnormal in any way and doesnt appear to be swollen. Any ideas on whats causing this and how to treat him? Hes kept in an outdoor pond usually gets cleaning out every few months but has recently not been because we thought he was gone too. Im wondering if that is the cause like said in the video? But he isnt in a tank so idk if it still applies
@@putriekawati1437 (if the scales are risen then it's dropsy) But, Luke Thomas, From what I can imagine, This seems to be a problem with the bladder (I am not diagnosing your fish since I haven't seen it, by reading this comment I'm just able to imagine the condition). Maybe go and discuss this issue with an exotic vetenarian who knows what they're doing.
Can I ask something? why my goldfish is active in the morning then when night comes, it just stay in the bottom of the tank? its very very very active when on morning.
So we changed the filter yesterday and then added extra water to it, my mom said the water from the sink was fine, so that's what we did. But today they are staying at the bottom next to each other and won't even eat!!! What should I do?
It is recommended to use a water treatment such as a tap water conditioner. Have you tested your water's quality? Tap water usually contains harsh chemicals that can cause fish stress.
I thought that I remembered reading that sometimes they float at the top when they have a issue with their swim bladder, an organ that is supposed to help them move up and down in the water, from a feeding issue that could be resolved by stopping feeding or feeding them cooked shelled peas. Is that also true? I didn't see it mentioned in the video.
Hey, could I ask a question over goldfish, my goldfish are scared at people, I came out my room then the one fish just went crazy by the scare and hide, by me, their like scared at people now, why is that?
How do you know much about fish? You are really good at fishHow do you know much about fish? You are really good at fish.See you of the love of love your video good❤😊❤
I have 3 goldfish and they always stick together when we're around the fish tank and they also hide behind the artificial plants in the tank...and they don't come running to surface when I put in their food...its been 3 weeks now that I got them...what does those behaviors mean...pliz somebody help me
My black Moore has stayed at the bottom of the tank all day, we moved into a new tank a few days ago. He was fine the past few days until now. The other ones are fine, anyone know what’s up?
@@nacho7614 he died a few days ago, we separated him from the other fish just in case he had an illness but there were no other signs other than fatigue. Tested the water and it’s all perfect. I don’t know what happened but my other ones are fine
Literally going through the exact same thing with the same goldfish. I got them a couple hours ago. When I moved them in they were perfect. Swimming for an hour. Then all three of them randomly floated to the bottom. Like wtf? And their water is perfect. I have a fourth fish I bought that all shared the same enclosure and it’s doing perfect
my goldfish is kind of bipolar. I mean sometimes she is extremely active then all of a sudden she sits on the bottom. She sits there for a few minutes, then starts to swim and vice versa. What do you think is going on? Is there a possibility of her having a digestive issue?
I have a 7-8 inch Comet (not including tail) that I picked up and brought home yesterday, I don’t have a quarantine tank so I acclimated him to my main tank and put him in there, I’m having a hard time getting him to eat, I have the same food that he’s been on for a year as that’s what I fed my existing two Goldies. They’re in a tank that measures 5 and a half feet long by 2 and a half feet tall by 2 feed front to back roughly 730 Litres, while the others are swimming the entirety of the tank he’s swimming back and forth along the back glass at a substantial speed. Any insight?
I’m no professional, but that sounds like glass surfing to me. Fish do that when they’re either stressed (such as when introduced to a new environment), or if they see their reflection. My Betta glass surfed a lot when he was first acclimated, as they’re naturally territorial and it was someplace new. It might help to get plants/decorations to distract them. Hope this is useful. :)
I always wanted to play with my goldfish or pet them but I worry my hands will make the water dirty (even after I wash them, what if my hands effect the water ph)
You can actually pet them and it’s really cute, BUT don’t touch them hard or trap them and don’t pet them repeatedly cause that will annoy them and stress them out.
My redcap goldfish is always near the right bottom side of the tank. It used to swim everywhere but it's always there now. It might be the flow of the water from the filter that she enjoys or it's just there of boredom. It's concerning :(
Have you done a water parameter check. It can be an infection. When I was younger I had a fish do this and the nitrite levels were through the roof. Disclaimer" I'm not a vet and am not giving medical advice.
@@snek_king1056 upgrade to any bigger tank or container whatsoever and put a filter on in, goldfish are very messy fish and poops a lot a small fish bowl without filter can't cope up with the ammonia/nitrites that easily accumulates for just a day.
@@snek_king1056 I'm sorry to hear this, Cyrus. :( Moving forward, try to get a rectangular, larger aquarium. Pretty much the same as what you see in fish stores. A bowl is never really a very good habitat for goldfish. Filter and Oxy is also very important. I use mineral water for a cleaner water, 1 filter system and 1 oxy. I have 3 different fish foods I use alternatively so they don't get bored with their food. I feed them 3 times a day in very small amounts. Lastly, don't overcrowd your aquarium with designs/ornaments. I hope you don't lose hope in taking care goldfishes. They're beautiful and quirky creatures.
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! i just got two new oranga fish from the pet store and at first they both were fine and now its the end of the day and now one of them aren’t swimming. hes just floating around. the other one is just fine and swimming perfectly. his mouth is moving just very slowly. please help?
The ammonia might be too high. Might want to get prime to detoxify the ammonia. Get stresszyme and stress coat too. You should be able to get all of these from the pet store.
My goldfish usually is at the top of the water.His mouth is half in half out , like he's eating invisible food. What's that mean? We added more water yesterday, now they're at the bottom and won't even come up to eat. Is that an oxygen problem?
Mine goldfish is breathing like your demo between 5.35-5.38 mins into your video and are hiding, not eating and laying on he bottom of the tank, is this normal breathing ??? Do fish rest? I’ve changed the water and tested it, all is fine... don’t know what I should do next.!!! Any suggestions,?
My all fishes gather in one corner of the tank facing other direction and then one fish swims across the aquarium and comes back and than other fish do the same , it's very weird behavior why r they doing this
My goldfish is weird and idk if he needs help but for like three or four years he has always floated to the top of the tank and swims. He tries to swim downwards but he floats all the way up again. Is this normal for him? I should also point out his fins are messed up like his back fin is all crinkled on the top. He’s a special fish 😊
We got new fish yesterday and our filter is on the side of the tank and they are often playing with that water a couple of times they have swam really fast in that water I filled up the tank a lot more but make the flow of water not as strong as I’m worried that they may hurt themselves is it normal for them to play with the filter water?
Hi thanks for this informative video. I've noticed my goldfish at times pecking at one another's side. They don't seems to be showing aggression and the receiving goldfish seems to stay quite still while the other is pecking. I presume they are pecking at each others slime coat. Is this a sign of something wrong with the fish or is it normal behavior. The receiving fish seems quite normal with no signs of any sickness.
i have two fish in a medium large for their size bowl like a big bowl for flowers. The original and first fish is fine and still healthy however the new guy from past 2 days dosnt move very often and all day is down in the tank. Sometimes when it moves goes little strange dosnt have balance i think. I dont want to die. I change the water. and every night i feed them. :(
I have 9 adopted ranchu gf's in a 15g plastic tub container I can't afford to buy a super large tank and have no big space to accomodate that to compensate I do water change frequently have 2 filters and 1 open airline tube to pump large amount of oxygen. They are originally 11 gladly someone took two and now I'm still keeping the 9 gf's among my pet fishes (I have multiple tank syndrome that houses different nano fishes) they are the ones that I'm keeping my attention to address any problem because they are over crowded.
@@AquariumFishKeepers Thanks! I hate to admit but they are rejected ones from a breeder friend of my uncle, I'm sad because usually they we're thrown out to the sewer or culled by feeding to other fish but my uncle step in and take them instead and gave it to me since he knew I was keeping some fish and I will take care of them even if they are supposed to be un wanted ones, now they are in their maturity but I wasn't planning to breed them since breeders are against it. I'm happy to see them healthy even if they are a poop machine. Hope to see more videos from you!
i got my goldfish yesterday and he's not moving (not eating his food) is that bad? He also is my first pet/fish pet I am really scared if anyone could help me that would be AWESOME
It's always the best to keep a goldfish with a goldfish. Snails as tank mates for goldfish aren't recommend, I've heard many people complain that their fish ate the snail that they added in its tank. This might take place after days, weeks, months EVEN YEARS. Keep appropriate tank mates ALWAYS to stay away from such problems.
My goldfish is in a 30 gallon tank with only 2 other fish.. he seems to have slowed down in the past two days.. like he's been sleeping majority of the time
Nitrate levels too high? Do lots of large water changes daily until you see improvement. Depending on the size of the other fish, your filtration system and what decorations you have, you should be doing roughly 20-30% water changes every 5-7 days. Goldfish eat a lot and poop just as much!
I have two black moor goldfish, black goldfish/silver and tigress (fun fact: tigress is a she and is very shiny) and they are very cute and funny, black goldfish is the youngest out of all and cutely follows and plays with tigress, and they are very healthy and sometimes race with each other. Also my pfp is my goldfish and that’s what they look like.
only thing I have to mention is a goldfish with angelfish and cichlids? I had to go back a bit to see if what I saw was really the case 😂 mygod, why would you put cold water fish with tropical fish 😂 I cant
I have one gold fish and I'm confuse about his feeding time like how many times and how much & also what is ? Can you please help me ...... It's so confusing for me 😟
I have a goldfish that swims kind of sideways and sporadically and lately he's been getting stuck between the back of the filter and the tank and he's been swimming actually into the sides of the tank
Agreed. Also be sure to check the water parameters as it will give you a lot of info and it will guide you as to what steps you need to take to have a great living environment for your fishy,
My koi and goldfish use to get along nicely just sat around. Then I got a 180 gallon tank instead of the 37 gallon they were in. Now like half of them turned into massive dicks. The one koi keeps trying to eat the head of my Sarassa comment thinking it's food. He also ate a small gold fish. It chases fish around, he is just terrorizing the whole tank. I'm close to taking him to the koi pond at church and releasing him. I've never seen a koi as mean as this one.
you can already do all that and talk to animals but it takes massive amount of patience to develop empathy for animal behavior not just humans behavior.
This is a great video, I've only ever had goldfish. They're the only aquatic animal I have and will ever own. Mine are between the ages of 5-10 years now and they'll actually point their heads down, tails up and splash water out of the tank until i physically interact with them. Yes, my goldfish do legitimately love being touched by me personally, no joke. I have to add 2 gallons of water to my tank EVERYDAY because of this. That's a lot of water for them to send out the tank every single day. But it's really cute and heart melting when they do that and the water addition and clean up of the spill they created is way more than well worth it. I love goldfish, comets in particular and they're just fantastic. If you want to get your goldfish to act like this, try to NOT use a NET, they hate nets. Use your bare hands, you'll build up their trust, and eventually they will react like that or similar because they now know your hand isn't gonna harm them because you've "Literally handled them for their whole life". To do this, you just have to have patients, persistence and you've got to be really gentile with them and they'll come over to you.
❤❤❤ goldfish are actually so smart
What a great comment to read this morning. Just got my son a goldfish and haven't used a net on him yet. My goldfish either. So good to start that with our little comet 'blue'
@@gohanis Definitely a great idea, also here's a tip. It's really healthy for them if you vary their diet, it WILL make them much healthier and they will live much longer. Try occasionally from time to time going to the grocery store and buying unseasoned salmon, shrimp, trout, flounder anything really, slice it up and give it to him after you rinse it off and after you've had him for about 6 months. They love it, I've been giving them these types of foods for years. Good luck with Blue, he'll do just fine
Great tip. You should continue posting videos on your channel.
I had a goldfish that would swim right into my hand. It took some time to get to that point but once you build that trust it's an amazing thing to see.
My goldfish was originally a feeder fish and saw all of his friends meet a gruesome end. Now every morning when I turn on the tank light, she swims back and forth smashing into substrate, glass, and, her tank mates as if she’s having a PTSD episode.
I heard in another video, that Goldfish learn what time you feed them and I’ll sort of do a dance to get you to feed them more
@@mysticalpineapple7263 mine certainly do this
Maybe it's the shock of sudden bright light from darkness,sorta like some one waking you up and shining a torch in your face.......
@@gerryxanthopoulou1279 my goldfish doe not do that when I shine bright light on them suddenly. They are chill. I'm guessing OP's fish really did have some sort of PTSD
gold fish can lure you by begging food on the surface as if grasping air and short of breath, if they can do that to me, they're intelligent enough to know you're a danger to them. Typical goldfish will rush on the aquarium glass right on your face when they see you.
My Goldfish, always come back when I whistle at them each day in the park.
that's a well trained goldfish ha ha ha
my fish is acting like a dog tbh everytime when i come back it's following me around and watch me, and every time i wave to him, he's getting excited and wiggle around, also has the biggest attidue i seen in an animal, every time i take one of his plants or messing with his sand (he also digs holes in sand) he just wiggles around and when i look he just turns around that's the best choice i made to rescue that guy i love my fish
Goldfish are great pets and very loving
mygoldfish gets very exited when im going to pet him
Is that normal to pet him/her?
And when i feed them
I don’t think you are able to pet a goldfish 🤔
Hes lieing idk if he is but you cant pet an fish
@@DevvEditz0_0 yes you can. you put your hand in the water and touch your goldfish, but it isn't very good for them I think
Excellent!! You answer so much!! Keep the info coming!!
Glad to help!
In my 43 years of living I’ve never seen a goldfish do a math problem
Thank you for this video. I just started a tank with goldfish!! This is great information! ❤️ ❤️
My goldfish like to follow me when I'm moving around in my room! My bed is at their right, so when I'm laying down they are all agrouped in the right wall of the tank, and when I walk to the door, they follow me and they all go to the left of the tank. Are they begging for food, or bored?
Edit: I feed them well! I doubt they are hungry
Aw for sure begging for food. Totally normal for them to come to the tank when you’re near. They think you are going to feed them. Resist their cuteness 🤣
@@nacho7614 Omg. I knew it. They're adorable tho, I really really want to give them a little snack when they follow me, gotta resist!
Thank you so much! 💖
Mine does the same. Definitely wants food.
My goldfish are timid,because I just bought them.but they are cute🥰
added a new goldie to my tank since the old one died, the "veteran" goldie swam up to them right away and now theyre following eachother around
it doesnt appear to be mating behavior, and they arent nipping or being aggressive, just willingly following eachother around extremely close
they even sat next to eachother for a solid 5 seconds looking at eachother and it almost seemed like a hug
i know the vet's been lonely since their buddy passed away, and the newbie has been alone in a quarentine tank for the last 2 weeks, i think they enjoy being with another fish again, especially after staring at eachother thru the glass for the past two weeks (theres other fish in the tank but only two goldies)
I always do 50% water changes
I perform 30-35% about every 7-10 days.
I do 110% changes ok
@@Nitroracer2332 hol up
@@kaltfrost4219 whoe
Taking your goldfish out if the sunlight is not that strong is also very good for goldfish
My single male common goldfish swim back and forth in the tank in my 50 gallons tank. Thought he was bored. So I put a wave maker. But he still keep doing the same thing. This happened when I added 4 doctor fish in there. My male Goldy sometimes doesn't mind them in there but sometimes he would try to keep them away from his sight, not chase them. I started to think he likes being himself. Plus my doctor fish actually eats faster than he does even for a common. Perhaps they upsets him for invading his personal space?
It sucks cuz I bought those doctor fish on my bday. They help me clean the tank in taking away the algae etc...
Our Goldfish is the only ledt of our Goldfishes now. He lost his best friend that was older then him. He is about 6 months old. Now he is stresses. Do not look sick. He is banging into the glass swimming side to side:(
My three guys (named Arlo, Tuna, and Koi) are the funniest fish ever in my tank lol. I can tell when they're playing around, chasing, racing, even playing Tag. Sometimes they do this Pisces thing where 2 of them swim in a circle chasing each other's tail. What's that?
It’s hard to tell without really knowing the fish but it can be anything from a mating dance to the fish showing dominance.
Whenever i clean my goldfish tank he spits water at me 🥲
I've never had that happen to me but I've heard other people say the same lol
Hes trying to help😂
My goldfish, swim to me & others often, even when I am not paying attention to them, they either sit still right next to where I am at, or eating on whatever or getting frightened by the plecos territorial acts.
My goldfish is 4 months old now and always stay at the bottom of the tank and has a hole on its gill plate. What would be the best treatment?
Oranda bite black goldfish tail ate it.she in her tank
Hi, I have a goldfish that constantly swims back and forth, from one side of the tank to the other. Literally back and forth hundreds of times. I am really wondering if he’s ok ☹️
Am a goldfish mom of 3, I have them for 5 years now
Am so happy I came across your channel ( 9-23-23 )
Now my babies where smaller then,an live in a 2 gallon tank I change their water (bottle water)
Every 2 weeks back then,
Now it’s like every week.
I finally purchased a ten gallon tank and have it ready for them
Am alittle worried, because after 5 years am changing their inviorment,, from just plain tank, no filter, nothing no rocks no plants,
An now this new tank I put in a filtration system rocks an plastic plants an 2 decoration,,,
Please what are the chances of them getting stressed?
I love my babies fish,
An where can I buy a water tester, a thermometer?
Please give me advice
Thank you 🙏🏽
Hi sometimes my gold fish swim quick and crash and rub their sides on the gravel. I do 50% weekly water changes. It happens only occasionally and not all the time. What could this indicate?
How big is your tank? fish rubbing against gravel or other against solid objects is usually a sign of ammonia poisoning.
They are,
Shy and
The scared one
might be ich, how are they doing now?
Weekly 50% water change can be bad for a fish you should do 10/15% water change weekly and it is sufficient
50% of water change can kill good bacteria on the tank and it can strike ammonia in the water due to lack of good bacteria that cause itching,stress and many diseases to your fish
@@suyogshrestha6533the bacteria is on the surfaces and in the filters, not in the water
I rescued 2 feeder goldfish, i am having a 15 gallon tank and they are growing to 3 inches now. I feed them well and tested the water and passed the parameters with flying colour. but i notice that, after breakfast they will take "nap" (i assume) because they will just stay at the bottom and doesn't swim much, then around dinner time they will start swimming again. However, during the feeding time, one of them will keep chasing the other one. I am planning to change to a 40 gallon tank, maybe this will help. what do u think? thanks for the video !
I am new for keeping fishes, my gold fish is staying surface of the water and she is not active as before, could you tell me what is the cause?
@@galaxyleonpk What tank size do you keep your goldfish in?
We had recently lost a goldfish and our other older goldfish has been depressed.. He has been floating in the back of the tank and has been aggressive to the younger ones..
I had 2 fish once and one died the other got depressed:(
one of my red cap oranda in a 10 g tank is fairly in active..but eats and swims around normally..rests quite a time sitting at the bottom. wt is the problem here?
My gold fish swims very fast and always wants to swim against the flow of water from the filter
Thanks for your info miss, btw my goldfish weakened after being chased by my Goldfish also,so i did separate them,my goldfish that was chased was damaged on its tails and scales :(
Sorry to hear that
i just got two gold fish and ive only ever seen them at the bottom of the tank close to a plant
My goldfish tank has a ph problem. So I noticed the fish were acting weird like swimming into the walls super fast, splashing the water, staying still and fins tucked in. I took them out and put them in a bucket for a few days to put crushed coral in the tank and it raised from 6.0 to 6.6 so I thought it would be fine to add them to the tank. Now they’re still swimming into walls, staying still, sit at the bottom of the tank sometimes, splashing water and just acting weird like starring at the walls. I clean the tank often but not too often, I check the ammonia levels and nitrate stuff but it’s all 0. My one goldfish also stay towards the top of the water. I’m not sure what to do.
pH 7.5+ for goldfish
Test your source water pH 1st before add into tank
To easy examine
@@ikan69123 its ok now. The PH now is at 7.5
Mine is the exact same way! :( Are they alright now? What did you do exactly to fox the problem you had with them?
@@galacloud6793 yes the tanks are much better. I was able to figure out how to raise it to the perfect amount. What I did was get some of crush coral substrate and I mixed it with my sand substrate in the tank. It can also be put into a filter bag and put into ur filter and it can help with the PH. It makes sure the PH is always at 7.0-7.5. My fish have been acting wayyyy normal now and in fact thrive. Those same goldfish are in the tank and now they’re super active and for some reason my big fat goldfish would just stare at me at night. At first it was concerning bc I thought it was a health problem but nope. He’s just weird 😂😂😂
feed them some boiled peas but first tear off the shell, give them the mushy middle. good luck 🫡
I just got gold fish the other day and one is at the top of the tank 90% of the day he always dose it by the water heater in the corner and will just stay ther and go to different heights each time then swim arount than go back do you know why he could be doing this?
I have this shebunkin goldfish which is only small and is about 5 months old now. We had about 7 big goldfish including shebunkins but right as this little one was born the rest got eaten up by a heron because we keep them in a outdoor pond. We tried putting a net over and objects to scare the heron away once he got the first few but it didnt work. even though this little one made it we didnt know he survived until he grew big enough to see but after a while we lost sight of him and we thought we lost him too.
We just emptied out the pond and found him at the bottom. Hes pretty lively and is moving around but hes stuck at the bottom and cant swim up. He just slowly swims around on the ground, which is probably how hes been feeding recently. Hes still able to move and turn okay but wont move from the floor even once weve put food in the pond for him. He doesnt look abnormal in any way and doesnt appear to be swollen. Any ideas on whats causing this and how to treat him? Hes kept in an outdoor pond usually gets cleaning out every few months but has recently not been because we thought he was gone too. Im wondering if that is the cause like said in the video? But he isnt in a tank so idk if it still applies
It could be dropsy
@@putriekawati1437 (if the scales are risen then it's dropsy) But, Luke Thomas, From what I can imagine, This seems to be a problem with the bladder (I am not diagnosing your fish since I haven't seen it, by reading this comment I'm just able to imagine the condition). Maybe go and discuss this issue with an exotic vetenarian who knows what they're doing.
Thank you so much
Can I ask something? why my goldfish is active in the morning then when night comes, it just stay in the bottom of the tank? its very very very active when on morning.
My gold fish all of a sudden started putting his top fin down. He looks kinda sick. What should I do?
Have you check the water parameters?
So we changed the filter yesterday and then added extra water to it, my mom said the water from the sink was fine, so that's what we did. But today they are staying at the bottom next to each other and won't even eat!!! What should I do?
It is recommended to use a water treatment such as a tap water conditioner. Have you tested your water's quality? Tap water usually contains harsh chemicals that can cause fish stress.
I just got some baby moors and the black one is going on the ground of the Fish tank I don’t know why
What's the title of the music that is playing at 3:30 ?
I thought that I remembered reading that sometimes they float at the top when they have a issue with their swim bladder, an organ that is supposed to help them move up and down in the water, from a feeding issue that could be resolved by stopping feeding or feeding them cooked shelled peas. Is that also true? I didn't see it mentioned in the video.
Hey, could I ask a question over goldfish, my goldfish are scared at people, I came out my room then the one fish just went crazy by the scare and hide, by me, their like scared at people now, why is that?
Does anyone know the name of this goldfish I have it but don’t know 0:11
@@riyanizalafsanzani2835 the black one?
Blackmoor if im not wrong
How do you know much about fish?
You are really good at fishHow do you know much about fish?
You are really good at fish.See you of the love of love your video good❤😊❤
What is happening when a goldfish makes sudden and fast movements hitting the bottom or the walls of the fish tank?
It doesnt like the tank, my fish did that and it died later
I have 3 goldfish and they always stick together when we're around the fish tank and they also hide behind the artificial plants in the tank...and they don't come running to surface when I put in their food...its been 3 weeks now that I got them...what does those behaviors mean...pliz somebody help me
I also got three goldfish 2 days ago any tips?!!
I think the goldfish are scared or afraid, idk?
My black Moore has stayed at the bottom of the tank all day, we moved into a new tank a few days ago. He was fine the past few days until now. The other ones are fine, anyone know what’s up?
How’s he doing now? Maybe he was just adjusting.
@@nacho7614 he died a few days ago, we separated him from the other fish just in case he had an illness but there were no other signs other than fatigue. Tested the water and it’s all perfect. I don’t know what happened but my other ones are fine
Literally going through the exact same thing with the same goldfish. I got them a couple hours ago. When I moved them in they were perfect. Swimming for an hour. Then all three of them randomly floated to the bottom. Like wtf? And their water is perfect. I have a fourth fish I bought that all shared the same enclosure and it’s doing perfect
my goldfish is kind of bipolar. I mean sometimes she is extremely active then all of a sudden she sits on the bottom. She sits there for a few minutes, then starts to swim and vice versa. What do you think is going on? Is there a possibility of her having a digestive issue?
I have a 7-8 inch Comet (not including tail) that I picked up and brought home yesterday, I don’t have a quarantine tank so I acclimated him to my main tank and put him in there, I’m having a hard time getting him to eat, I have the same food that he’s been on for a year as that’s what I fed my existing two Goldies.
They’re in a tank that measures 5 and a half feet long by 2 and a half feet tall by 2 feed front to back roughly 730 Litres, while the others are swimming the entirety of the tank he’s swimming back and forth along the back glass at a substantial speed.
Any insight?
I’m no professional, but that sounds like glass surfing to me. Fish do that when they’re either stressed (such as when introduced to a new environment), or if they see their reflection. My Betta glass surfed a lot when he was first acclimated, as they’re naturally territorial and it was someplace new. It might help to get plants/decorations to distract them. Hope this is useful. :)
I always wanted to play with my goldfish or pet them but I worry my hands will make the water dirty (even after I wash them, what if my hands effect the water ph)
You can actually pet them and it’s really cute, BUT don’t touch them hard or trap them and don’t pet them repeatedly cause that will annoy them and stress them out.
I have 3 gold fish and they crowd in 1 corner of my tank everyday
Omg same and idk why when they have a huge tank!
I think mine just want food tho lol
This is probably a cause of stress from the big area
Are they small?
@@isaacbrowne7924 not really anymore and now they don’t do that lol
Well if my goldfish see's me my goldfish automatically go to the top of the tank then they will bite my fingers sign of greetings
My redcap goldfish is always near the right bottom side of the tank. It used to swim everywhere but it's always there now. It might be the flow of the water from the filter that she enjoys or it's just there of boredom. It's concerning :(
I have two goldfishes chasing one another then the next day, one of them died. 😭
My goldfish keeps spinning for a while and falls to the ground upside down what does that mean?
Have you done a water parameter check. It can be an infection. When I was younger I had a fish do this and the nitrite levels were through the roof.
Disclaimer" I'm not a vet and am not giving medical advice.
@@AquariumFishKeepers no and i have a fish bowl
@@snek_king1056 upgrade to any bigger tank or container whatsoever and put a filter on in, goldfish are very messy fish and poops a lot a small fish bowl without filter can't cope up with the ammonia/nitrites that easily accumulates for just a day.
@@rhyanlumilay6317 its too late now cause the fish died :(
@@snek_king1056 I'm sorry to hear this, Cyrus. :( Moving forward, try to get a rectangular, larger aquarium. Pretty much the same as what you see in fish stores. A bowl is never really a very good habitat for goldfish. Filter and Oxy is also very important. I use mineral water for a cleaner water, 1 filter system and 1 oxy. I have 3 different fish foods I use alternatively so they don't get bored with their food. I feed them 3 times a day in very small amounts. Lastly, don't overcrowd your aquarium with designs/ornaments. I hope you don't lose hope in taking care goldfishes. They're beautiful and quirky creatures.
My brother and me have a goldfish we really need to take care of them thank you so much
Plz support me😊
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! i just got two new oranga fish from the pet store and at first they both were fine and now its the end of the day and now one of them aren’t swimming. hes just floating around. the other one is just fine and swimming perfectly. his mouth is moving just very slowly. please help?
The ammonia might be too high. Might want to get prime to detoxify the ammonia. Get stresszyme and stress coat too. You should be able to get all of these from the pet store.
My goldfish usually is at the top of the water.His mouth is half in half out , like he's eating invisible food. What's that mean? We added more water yesterday, now they're at the bottom and won't even come up to eat. Is that an oxygen problem?
Mine goldfish is breathing like your demo between 5.35-5.38 mins into your video and are hiding, not eating and laying on he bottom of the tank, is this normal breathing ???
Do fish rest?
I’ve changed the water and tested it, all is fine... don’t know what I should do next.!!!
Any suggestions,?
Are there other fish in the tank? How long have you had the fish and when did it start acting that way?
My all fishes gather in one corner of the tank facing other direction and then one fish swims across the aquarium and comes back and than other fish do the same , it's very weird behavior why r they doing this
Fish are hanging out at top of tank and then swimming sideways when starting to swim. Both doing the same
when my gold fish saw they go to the surface and keep calling feed us! feed us!
I have 2 goldfish in a bowl, is it fine for them?
Please confirm. Thanks
Is it temporary housing? How large is the bowl and ho large are the fish?
@@AquariumFishKeepers goldfish now small and I put them In a normal bowl and I feel like it's enough space for them to move around, please guide
20+ gallon tank is best
Hi my gold fish making bubble sound at the top what should I do
Lack of oxygen.. Some water surface agitation will solve the issue
I feed my goldfish 3 times a day and they seem to let me know when I am late and try to tell me 6am 12pm and 6pm respectively.
my goldfish darting towards the wall of the bowl continuously like he wants to swim out of the bowl, I don't know what is happening can you help me.
Get a bigger enclosure of around 20-30 gallons
U must talk to the fish .. wat else do they do 🤣😂🤣
They be knowing English doe sometimes
I have one fish when it comes up to eat dose flips then swims back ward then repeats a couple off times then swims normal
My goldfish dorsal fins always goes down is my fish sick ?
Clamped fins means there is something wrong with him I just experienced that
My goldfish is weird and idk if he needs help but for like three or four years he has always floated to the top of the tank and swims. He tries to swim downwards but he floats all the way up again. Is this normal for him? I should also point out his fins are messed up like his back fin is all crinkled on the top. He’s a special fish 😊
This might be his swim bladder a organ that helps them swim up and down
20 gallons per fish ?
We got new fish yesterday and our filter is on the side of the tank and they are often playing with that water a couple of times they have swam really fast in that water I filled up the tank a lot more but make the flow of water not as strong as I’m worried that they may hurt themselves is it normal for them to play with the filter water?
Why is my goldfish swimming fast and bumping into gravels...??
Hi thanks for this informative video. I've noticed my goldfish at times pecking at one another's side. They don't seems to be showing aggression and the receiving goldfish seems to stay quite still while the other is pecking. I presume they are pecking at each others slime coat. Is this a sign of something wrong with the fish or is it normal behavior. The receiving fish seems quite normal with no signs of any sickness.
i have two fish in a medium large for their size bowl like a big bowl for flowers. The original and first fish is fine and still healthy however the new guy from past 2 days dosnt move very often and all day is down in the tank. Sometimes when it moves goes little strange dosnt have balance i think. I dont want to die. I change the water. and every night i feed them. :(
The goldfish at 1:20 have white spot disease or ick
And the goldfish at 2:15 seem to have either ammonia burns on their gills or one in particular looks like severe gill flukes
@@KittyTustin no I think it’s just a genetic deformity I think that fish was just born with a upturned gills
My goldfish sit in corner of tank when light is on. And when i light off he swimes. Plz suggest me what can i do ?
They might need a dimmer light. It might be too bright for them causing them stress
I have a little frilly black moor who loves his food and looks healthy, but he spends a lot of time in his cave….is this ok?
I have 2 fish, Finny and Sushi
There swimming close to the surface...
That okay?
If they seem healthy and active and you have a good amount of surface agitation as well as a lid that isn't air tight, They're good.
I have 9 adopted ranchu gf's in a 15g plastic tub container I can't afford to buy a super large tank and have no big space to accomodate that to compensate I do water change frequently have 2 filters and 1 open airline tube to pump large amount of oxygen. They are originally 11 gladly someone took two and now I'm still keeping the 9 gf's among my pet fishes (I have multiple tank syndrome that houses different nano fishes) they are the ones that I'm keeping my attention to address any problem because they are over crowded.
Good for you on adopting. It sounds that they are in good hands.
@@AquariumFishKeepers Thanks! I hate to admit but they are rejected ones from a breeder friend of my uncle, I'm sad because usually they we're thrown out to the sewer or culled by feeding to other fish but my uncle step in and take them instead and gave it to me since he knew I was keeping some fish and I will take care of them even if they are supposed to be un wanted ones, now they are in their maturity but I wasn't planning to breed them since breeders are against it. I'm happy to see them healthy even if they are a poop machine. Hope to see more videos from you!
Love the video
i got my goldfish yesterday and he's not moving (not eating his food) is that bad? He also is my first pet/fish pet I am really scared if anyone could help me that would be AWESOME
same i'm trying to know why
My fish keeps spinning and iys tummy on top
It's Swim Bladder Disease ....
Mine won’t stop eating and also killed the snail I put in there
It's always the best to keep a goldfish with a goldfish. Snails as tank mates for goldfish aren't recommend, I've heard many people complain that their fish ate the snail that they added in its tank. This might take place after days, weeks, months EVEN YEARS. Keep appropriate tank mates ALWAYS to stay away from such problems.
My goldfish is in a 30 gallon tank with only 2 other fish.. he seems to have slowed down in the past two days.. like he's been sleeping majority of the time
Nitrate levels too high? Do lots of large water changes daily until you see improvement. Depending on the size of the other fish, your filtration system and what decorations you have, you should be doing roughly 20-30% water changes every 5-7 days. Goldfish eat a lot and poop just as much!
I have two black moor goldfish, black goldfish/silver and tigress (fun fact: tigress is a she and is very shiny) and they are very cute and funny, black goldfish is the youngest out of all and cutely follows and plays with tigress, and they are very healthy and sometimes race with each other. Also my pfp is my goldfish and that’s what they look like.
only thing I have to mention is a goldfish with angelfish and cichlids? I had to go back a bit to see if what I saw was really the case 😂 mygod, why would you put cold water fish with tropical fish 😂 I cant
Thank you I’m watch8ng this because my gold fish keeps looking at the wall i don’t know why?
Maybe the wall is like a mirror and it is thinking it met a new fish
@@mariaaldbs5243 thank you very much but it passed away
@@daisyroyal-ex8ir so sad to hear this! may it's soul rest in peace
I think mines going to die I didn’t know how complicated tanks are.
Just subbed.
Good video
Thank you
My goldfish are doing bubble nests like Bettas, what does it means? (Vid of nid bulle in my channel)
Not eating and move slowly like relaxing
I have one gold fish and I'm confuse about his feeding time like how many times and how much & also what is ? Can you please help me ...... It's so confusing for me 😟
I find my 6" and 4" once a day. I like the medium size pellets because all my other fish are too small to eat them.
I have a goldfish that swims kind of sideways and sporadically and lately he's been getting stuck between the back of the filter and the tank and he's been swimming actually into the sides of the tank
my Also why???
my goldfish just stay motionless in the middle of there tank?
You probably need to a water change! A water change should be done once a week😁
Agreed. Also be sure to check the water parameters as it will give you a lot of info and it will guide you as to what steps you need to take to have a great living environment for your fishy,
My goldfish likes to group up with each other
Hmmmmm....animals CAN AND DO tell you they are happy sad in pain etc...just watch look and listen.
I just got a gold fish and always hides in the corner
My koi and goldfish use to get along nicely just sat around. Then I got a 180 gallon tank instead of the 37 gallon they were in. Now like half of them turned into massive dicks. The one koi keeps trying to eat the head of my Sarassa comment thinking it's food. He also ate a small gold fish. It chases fish around, he is just terrorizing the whole tank. I'm close to taking him to the koi pond at church and releasing him. I've never seen a koi as mean as this one.
you can already do all that and talk to animals but it takes massive amount of patience to develop empathy for animal behavior not just humans behavior.
Yow my gold fish is like have been sleeping for like 3 days now
What about knowing if your fish is a girl or a boy