If you want to see pictures and hear experiences that people who use these wagons have had and also see wagon painters work the please join our group on face book Gypsy Caravan / Living Wagons & Drays 2. The friendliest and the most popular group on facebook that not only Entertains but informs and we have memebrs that will advice on all aspects of Wagons, drays, living wagons and horses
Wonderful! Absolutely beautiful wagon.
beautiful. It would be amazing just to go for a weekend in one of these caravans in a serene and densly wooded area with a stream or a lake.
I have family members who still build these, An uncle of mine has just finished an open front barrel top.
If you want to see pictures and hear experiences that people who use these wagons have had and also see wagon painters work the please join our group on face book Gypsy Caravan / Living Wagons & Drays 2. The friendliest and the most popular group on facebook that not only Entertains but informs and we have memebrs that will advice on all aspects of Wagons, drays, living wagons and horses
where do i get someone to build a dray
Look for cart or coach builders. A dying trade now but you never know your luck.
Really enjoy it. Let's check woodprix plans also.