Reconciled to Trash World

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 38

  • @longstreet2740
    @longstreet2740 Месяц назад +7

    10:00 I'm grieved by 'evangelicals' who profess to become 'more intellectual' which in reality, in most cases, reveal at state of their heart of 'Leaning to their own understanding' Proverbs 3:5, and thus they "sit in the seat of the scornful" Ps 1, and are spoiled by the philosophy of this world Col 2:8
    I follow those who are humble and bow to the words of GOD in spite of the scorn of this world.

  • @kurtboesch2592
    @kurtboesch2592 Месяц назад +8

    Good work, Jon. Prevail how, against the avalanche of satanic lies in the world especially now and continually getting worse? Discernment through the Word of God and His faithful teachers---like you

  • @conceptualclarity
    @conceptualclarity Месяц назад +6

    Mouw was the president at Fuller Theological Seminary for 20 long years. James White just did a podcast in which he lamented that a Fuller professor is coming out with a pro-exotic immorality theology book. I remember back in the late 1980s telling friends that Fuller was a cancer on American evangelicalism. Harold Lindsell had exposed the compromised status of Fuller in his 1976 classic The Battle for the Bible. But there was a great deal more upon which I based my assessment at that point in time.

    • @michaelmorrow7280
      @michaelmorrow7280 Месяц назад +2

      Excellent book, Fuller son replaced all conservative professors with liberal and it went down hill since.

  • @ianmichaelsmith
    @ianmichaelsmith Месяц назад +4

    If you would like to understand SDS better, I strongly recommend you check out the Martyr Made podcast's series on Jim Jones, 'God's Socialist.' Particularly, episode five where he goes into the evolution of SDS into the Weather Underground and their terrorist bombing campaign.

  • @samuelishikawa7707
    @samuelishikawa7707 Месяц назад +16

    Isn’t Mouw out of Fuller Seminary? You younguns may not know but whenever I see ANYONE connected to Fuller, (for about the past 20 years), I totally tune out. Fuller has not been remotely Biblical for decades.

    • @wenmoonson
      @wenmoonson Месяц назад +8

      30+ years is a safer bet. 😅

    • @conceptualclarity
      @conceptualclarity Месяц назад +1

      In the late 1980s I told my friends that Fuller Theological Seminary is a cancer on American evangelicalism. Harold Lindsell exposed it in the 1976 book The Battle for the Bible but there was a great deal more than that responsible for forming my view.

    • @michaelregan3914
      @michaelregan3914 Месяц назад +3

      ​@@wenmoonsonYes, at least 30+

    • @conceptualclarity
      @conceptualclarity Месяц назад

      I recall telling friends in the late 1980s that Fuller Theological Seminary was a cancer on evangelicalism in America.

    • @KarinAllison
      @KarinAllison Месяц назад

      Yes he was president of Fuller in the years we lived in Pasadena. My husband has an MDiv from there. When I saw Mouw was a co-founder of Pro-Life Evangelicals For Biden, I couldn't believe it. Insane. I noticed his liberal (at the time anti-Bush) bend in his SEMI articles (campus paper).

  • @conceptualclarity
    @conceptualclarity Месяц назад +5

    This call guy seems to be evangelical liberal guilt personified. He was the man who introduced Ravi Zacharias for the latter's Infamous 2004 address at the Mormon Tabernacle, and in that introduction Mouw took the opportunity to apologize to Mormons on behalf of evangelicals. It would also be interesting to hear what James White has to say about Mouw.

  • @JonJaeden
    @JonJaeden Месяц назад

    My wife and i were members of Tom Hayden's (SDS co-founder) and Jane Fonda's Campaign for Economic Denocracy. My disillusionment with my fundamentalist upbringing was rooted in the Vietnam War and Kent State, in particular. We kept our connection to Christianity through Sojourners. I became disillusioned with the Left following revelations of the Cambodian genocide and a providential discovery of Hayek's "Constitution of Liberty" in the university library. For my wife, it was working in organizations with self-described Marxists following her graduation in Marxist Sociology that turned her away. The "revolution" was corrupt and incompetent. I floundered in libertarian philosophy for years after that, trying to figure things out. Reconnection with an old friend (grandson of Derek Prince) pointed me to a book that influenced the rest of my life -- R.J. Rushdoony's "Institutes of Biblical Law." I didn't pick up the book for nearly five years after his recommendation, but once I read it I had to read it again and again. I see-sawed back and forth between libertarianism and theonomy. The latter, in the end, was the only position i found to be Biblically defensible.

  • @sierragrey7910
    @sierragrey7910 Месяц назад +11

    Reformed + social Marxism is not a good combination.

  • @sierragrey7910
    @sierragrey7910 Месяц назад +13

    Bad things happen when you want heaven on earth.

    • @DavS827
      @DavS827 Месяц назад +7

      Good things happen when everyone pursues righteousness

    • @tanks1945
      @tanks1945 Месяц назад +3

      Not everyone is pursuing righteousness. Only those who know and follow Christ can pursue righteousness.

    • @JRRodriguez-nu7po
      @JRRodriguez-nu7po Месяц назад

      Yes, bad things happen with a post millennial frame of mind. Here's the tension: we ARE to pursue righteousness both personally and nationally. We are ALSO to understand we will fail.
      Israel in Babylon was not asked to convert the city. It was asked to live by God's decrees to Israel which are not Christ's decree to the Church.
      Well meaning bad hermeneutics is the Reformed way. The Biblical based Reformed have the Gospel completely right. They don't understand which Law applies now.

    • @austinrothjr
      @austinrothjr Месяц назад

      Isn’t the end of Revelation exactly that?

    • @Faith4AllofLife
      @Faith4AllofLife Месяц назад +2

      Christ taught us to pray: May his will in Heaven be done on Earth.

  • @IamDoogy
    @IamDoogy Месяц назад +5

    Christians have an OBLIGATION to be involved in choosing who governs us. When given such a choice, we are now OBLIGATED.
    This is a choice based on VALUES and our faith is the SOURCE of our values.
    Mouw represents people who are SOCIALISTS FIRST and then hold their supposed “Christian” views as subordinate to that.
    This is their effort to talk Christian’s out of bringing their faith into ALL aspects of their lives.
    We should not carve out the choice of who governs us, from the influence of our faith.

  • @Truttle
    @Truttle Месяц назад +9

    God bless Stephen Wolfe for mainstreaming (relatively anyway) how much of a mess this kind of political theology is.

    • @Truttle
      @Truttle Месяц назад +1

      Not that no one else has, but CCN has really pushed things into high gear.

  • @th6252
    @th6252 Месяц назад +1

    When Jon was covering his credentials, he mentioned Mouw’s position of president emeritus at Fuller in the video.

  • @sevgibson
    @sevgibson Месяц назад

    Thank you for sharing truth.
    1) Believers should not seek to be judged or governed by the wisdom of the world, but by the wisdom of God.
    2) Eden was "heaven on earth", and the responsibility given to Adam was to bring Eden out to the rest of the world (which would have been possible prior to the fall).
    3) We will not succeed fully at bringing Eden to the world, but God will.

  • @calebgeary3890
    @calebgeary3890 Месяц назад

    What would you say is the crux between a culturally conservative Christian partnering with co-belligerents and a politically left Christian partnering with leftist activists? Both are relying on common grace partnerships to achieve a perceived, God-sought end. Would it be that the conservative Christian is partnering with co-belligerents who at least adhere to a biblical worldview (though they don't ascribe to it)?

  • @nancythornton8300
    @nancythornton8300 Месяц назад

    I think abraham kuiper would be considered a christian nationalist today.

  • @solideomusical
    @solideomusical Месяц назад

    If he hooked it on purpose then he is no hero for unhooking it ❌️