Hi Jacob, thank you so much for this video. It’s really helped my work and I appreciate your time in sharing! I have a couple of questions if you could answer them please I’d appreciate it 1. What is the vector to oligo ratio that you use for annealing and 2. how much ATP do you use?
For the resuspension buffer, can we use the duplex buffer (some salt included, it advertises its efficacy of formation of duplex) instead of ultrapure water?
Hi Jacob, thank you so much for this video. It’s really helped my work and I appreciate your time in sharing!
I have a couple of questions if you could answer them please I’d appreciate it 1. What is the vector to oligo ratio that you use for annealing and 2. how much ATP do you use?
For the resuspension buffer, can we use the duplex buffer (some salt included, it advertises its efficacy of formation of duplex) instead of ultrapure water?
It's not Ooooligo lol
Its oligo