btw If he would not want to kill him, because Severus was the most loyal....he would have teach him how to do it.....but to reveal your achilles heel to anyone is a bad choice....
Voldemort once said to Snape in Deathly Hollows...”Only I can live forever”, which means he never intended to share immortality with anyone and was fine being alone. Movieflame in Why was Harry The Chosen One says “when ‘one’ has too much power causing an imbalance, the universe will provide a counter to correct that.” I posted there that if Voldemort shared everything instead of keeping it ALL for himself, then Harry wouldn’t be the savior as there isn’t an imbalance in nature.
Cos she didn't know that they exist? If even Dumbledore needed information from Slughorn, that says the Horcruxes are incredibly rare pieces of magic, perhaps lost to the ages until Riddle found the knowledge of them again. If they were so common, or at least accessible to most Wizards, that all the chief Death Eaters had them, it would diminish their importance in the story greatly.
@@fishingwbirdie8545 If all he needed was confirmation, then surely he would have just told Slughorn he knew about the Horcruxes, that he understood why he did it but needed information. His whole plan of using Harry as bait in HBP only works if he genuinely had no idea what they were. Perhaps he had suspicions that they were part of his soul, but his reaction indicates he never truly understood the depth of Voldemort's depravity.
@@Longshanks1690 remember I said I believe Dumbledore needed proof of this, and if he just went to slughorn and was like I know it was horcruxes it would've shut him out...Just look on how hard it was for him just to use Harry. So I'm not saying he exactly knew...But the great Albus Dumbledore would've had a good guess.
King Edward "Longshanks" I, Hammer of the Scots, Lord of Wales and King of England Dumbledore needed the memory to confirm that Voldemort was trying to create seven Horcruxes. He knew there was more than one, from the diary and the ring. But he didn’t know how many. He needed to know that before he could kill him or before Harry could kill him.
In my opinion, Carter is like the female version of Johnny Depp, in the fact that she can morph herself into different appearances depending on her characters, and you’d barely be able to recognize her as the actor.
Yea this was my thought. He was really big an trying to be more god like. So if he shared his secret I think it would have hurt that perspective. Which is also why I wish they left his book death in.
That may be true. However, nobody wants to serve forever, everyone wants to be on top (excluding house elves). So I think the reason she didn't create a Horcrux was because Voldemort never told her how. He couldn't trust anyone out of fear of being put under the Imperius curse or being slipped veriteserum. In summary, Voldemort never told her about them out of fear of being exposed.
That's a great theory. My 3 cents is that none of the death eaters desired immortality nor were any of them as thirsty for knowledge like Voldemort. However many were intelligent, cunning and power-hungry like the Dark Lord.
To me, that never made sense because if they idolized him as much as Bellatrix then they would’ve definitely made one because they would want to serve and be with him forever.
Another thought is that no matter how much and to what level he trusted Bellatrix, he never fully and completely trusted anyone. If someone turned on him and he had to kill them, would he really want them to be immortal?
But what if he just kept the horcrux with him? He can destroy it (He can cast fiend fire and basilisks are easy to breed) if they turned on him and kill them
Bellatrix: Aye, how long am I able to serve you? Voldemort: **~Shrugs~** Voldemort: If you wanna do it forever how ‘bout you make a horcrux? Bellatrix: Horcrux, aye?
She didn't know his secret. No one did. He was using very old dark magic. Almost forgotten being he found in the restricted section, only ever speaking of it to slughorn. His reference to only I can live forever was a reference to the hollows and having all of them ,not the horcruxes.( From his stand point , snape could have been plotting to collect all the hollows and live forever, where as he only wanted the wand for now, the potential for betrayal was still there)We can assume only slughorn, nigini, qurierl, wormtail, and crouch jr knew his secret. Out of them only slughorn knew it was at least seven.. regulus and Dumbledore figured it out and the headmaster told snape and Harry, and Harry told Hermione and Ron. I'm sure his followers were only aware of his intense interest in several artifacts he owned. But they never know it was a horcrux. . So.. She never made one because there is a good chance she didn't know about it, are what it was, are how to make one. . In the movie only about 11 people knew his secret to immortality was a horcrux, and no one outside these 11 ever heard the word horcrux. I think it was away to keep it hidden from any copycat. For instance,, Harry told everyone about the crown ,but not that it was a horcrux, only that he had to find and destroy it. The world of magic seems to be faith in people and following to a fault out of loyalty..
Plus he would not tell anyone due him only being immortal but more than that, loyalty can change when priority change. Malfoy would have killed him if he knew, and if HE had one he would have all the time he needs to become as great as Voldemort and maybe get the elder wand first, are a wand stronger that Voldemorts wand. And all because Voldemort changed the way he saw him, as a failure. . Kind of like Megatron and starscreen.. Megatron never trusted starscreen after he failed him but continued to use his want to please him, and Starscreen hated Megatron but always obeyed out of fear while looking for an opportunity to take over and do away with Megatron. . So, yeah. If you think about it, it is smart. If we battle and I can never beat you, then at least I know you will die due to time and old age, whereas I will celebrate on your grave( are in Voldemorts case, desecrate it and then pry your wand from your cold dead hands and then celebrate). All because I have a horcrux and you don't..
I always thought it was due to the death eaters feeling as though if they also created horcruxes, they feel as though it would be as though they were mocking and/or challenging him.
because she didnt know they existed... and even if she knew Voldy might have not shared his knowledge with her in the first place no matter how much she begged... cause he's Voldy but now he's going moldy
Great video as always! ;) I think there is one more reason. As long as he was the only one who knew his secret of immortality, no one could betray him and try to kill him, destroying horcruxes as Harry did. I'm sure Bella would never go against him, but the more people would knew, the risk would grow. And let's be honest - he was the one who was supposed to live forever, it was never worth the risk, sharing the secret.
This was such a great vid! Your points are so powerfully backed up, which is why I side with your reasoning every time and have nothing to say against it. Love you and your amazing vids sooooooo much!
well she's looking at Voldemort all the time, so she's probably thinking I dont want to look like this....not sure if she did enough research about it, and Voldemort wont definitely divulge to her how he did it..
Actually, she met Voldemort before his transformation, he still looked like Tom Riddle but his features were a bit drained. Knowing Bellatrix this obviously wouldn't bother her.
Yeah, I believe he may have extended the lives of some of his most faithful followers for a while with some rare magic (to show off his power & encourage followers to try harder for his favor). Voldemort was too scared of dying though (& maybe too egotistic to admit he didn't create the process but instead just perfected what someone else discovered in the past) to share his immortality secret with anyone. He didn't understand real love & so I don't think he would've had any motivation to keep anyone at his side forever. He wanted to be a god-like ruler worshipped as the most powerful, & anyone else knowing the secret made him vulnerable to being overthrown, however slim the chance. He probably also intended (once he won & took over the world) to make sure all dark arts texts that had any clues to what horcruxes are & how they work would secretly be destroyed by him under the guise of "personally approving which textbooks to keep so that we don't have any that reference powerful mudbloods of the past" or such. He would want to make sure no one else could possibly figure out his secret in the future.
Bellatrix never made a horcrux for herself because she didn't know that such a ritual existed. Voldemort would *NEVER* have shared the secret of immortality with anyone, not even with his most trusted allies.
Wait... so u haven’t read the books? The books are way better than the movies!!! No offence but it’s my opinion u can think urs pls don’t be angry it’s ur opinion, on mine
Natalie • 5 months ago I have no doubt that the books are probably better but again I just don’t want to read them, and videos like these help me fill in some of the gaps. No offense taken, btw.
It seems like the information on their existence let alone how to make them is nigh impossible to find. Hermione, who basically lives for research, barely found any information herself in probably the most extensive library in the wizarding world outside of the information held in the ministry.
i always thought that a horcrux requires more than just murder to be created, i requires both an incredibly complicated incantation and a very rare potion to be drunk prior to the event, in order to break the soul into pieces as required.
I know very little about this, but if that were the case, harry would never have been a horcrux. Voldy never intended on it, so there would be no incantation or potion before hand. Ill need to look into this lol.
Belatrix is so badass it would completely destroy imo the content of her character to split her soul. She lived fearlessly, a bomb imploding, she could never shatter her spirit into some inanimate object. A true villan.
I completely agree with every point that you made. This was a really interesting video. It’s something that I’ve never given any thought to. It’s why I Love your channel so much, you make me think about and consider things I wouldn’t otherwise. Giving our house a great name again 😀❤️💚
One thing ive been wondering is how voldemort didnt realize that Snape was on Dumbledores side after book/movie 1. Snape stopped Quirrel from getting the stone and from killing Harry on the broom and surely Voldemort would see this as he was apart of Quirrel right?
I think it's interesting to note how Bellatrix acted after Voldemort died/vanished. She and a few others were convinced he was still out there so I believe he made hints that he learned to defeat death/make it not-permanent but she didn't know how. Keeping those details to himself also ensured nobody would know how to reverse it because once found out, it'd only be a matter of time (and it eventually was)
You know I think you really are the perfect person to make the Riddle animated story, because you just understand Voldemort and the death eaters better than anyone. I truly cant wait for it.
What is the wizard afterlife like? We know some become ghosts, but what about the rest? We have seen hints of the dead being there in some way with the resurrection stone and when Harry was fighting Voldemort in the graveyard.
Probably, she had knew or heard but she feared because it is very terrible. Even very bad dark witches or wizards fear something. And she feared from this. She didn't want to risk her afterlife like someone said below the comments. And there is one more possibility that she didn't care live or die. I think for her , death is a reality of nature. Her ancestors had lived and died and she knew she will die in the future like them . It is a line. I think she had no fears about the things like that. Death is natural. She had accepted it like any other normal witches and wizards . Bellatrix doesn't care about this. She can die for her master and it is a pleasure for her.
First of all- every time you post a video, and especially a video on Bellatrix, I literally squeal! Also, this is such a clever question to ask oneself, especially for someone like Bellatrix. Sure, Voldemort was obsessed with immortality and was quite jealous of it, but what are the actual chances of finding someone so devoted? He could have "bred" some of the most competent Hogwarts students, training them himself and making them into the perfect weapons time and time again (if anything, he would have had nothing but that). It's my personal headcanon that Bellatrix knew about the Horcruxes (and I have book quotes to support that). Maybe he thought that actually giving her one would have made her his equivalent and that's why he refused. MAYBE THAT'S WHY HE WANTED TO MAKE DELPHI: a witch just as talented as her mother, there to serve him! Oh, you've opened a whole world of fanfiction possibilities right there! Keep up the amazing work!
1) the cursed child is not canon to the hp story, and I refuse to believe that. Only the 7 harry potter books and films are canon to the hp story. 2) The fact is, Voldemort doesn't feel love, affection or any sexual/romantic desires so Delphini to me doesn't exist and would 0 reason to exist because of the fact that Voldemort can't feel love. 3) Bellatrix in the HP story never has any children, not with her husband, Voldemort or anyone. I feel like even if Bellatrix wanted to continue her pureblood line since she has very strong pureblood values, she would have zero desire to be a mother, she knows she's a psychopath and because her main focus is being 100% devoted to Voldemort and the tasks, he gives her and nothing else.
Let's not forget the last words the Dark Lord exchanged with Snape, when he assumed he had been master of the Elder-Wand. "Only I can live forever". He would not have tolerated anyone being level with him in immortality. He wanted to make sure he'll forever be superior over anyone else - even his most trusted followers. For this reason, I doubt that he would have disclosed that the secret to his immortality were Horcruxes. Had he mentioned, his followers could have researched how it's done. Voldemort was always careful: to disclose his secret meant a key to a skill that he was not about to share. Because: even if they'd not master it, with enough research they could have found the weakness (how they are destroyed). Let's not forget the Death Eaters' loyalty was based on fear. Knowing how to destroy the Horcruxes, his followers could have plotted against him and bring about his downfall. The Dark Lord is dead, long live the Dark Lord...
i think she cared more about her family than she realized, she cared so much for draco that she suggested to visit snape as a backup plan, so that he wouldn't be killed
Did she suggest that in the movie? She definitely was not the one that suggested it in the books. She went along with Narcissa but she kept telling her they shouldn't have even been talking to Snape about Draco's assignment.
To feel like his most loyal follower was superior to anyone else, but still much inferior to him and easy for him to kill in case he needed to, wich in fact happened.
If any deatheater would create horrocrux, Voldemort would stop (kill) them. If wizard is powerfull enough to create one, he/she is powerfull enough to become competition in the future. Even someone as loayal as Belatrix has a potential to overthrow Voldemort in the future. So that's why no one tried. Also, video idea. What if someone called CPS on Dursleys when Harry wasn't yet in Hogwarts? Or, better question, Why did no one caled CPS on Dursleys?
You bring up a lot of interesting points in this. She may have had no interest in eternal life, but she was interested in eternal service. Yeah I agree with you, she definitely would have made one to be with Voldy forever.
video idea: Was Nagini a basilisk? it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean we aren't sure what all basilisk look like so it could be completely possible that they could look like royal pythons. And since Nagini was a Horcrux then it would be fitting if she would be able to destroy them as well, the only reason I think Nagini isn't a basilisk is that the basilisk is portrayed as a legless lizard in the chamber of secrets, not a snake. thanks for reading
That depends on what happened to the horcrux he made. If it is still out there intact, then Herpo is probably in the wraith-like form that Voldy was after attacking baby Harry, but probably without the knowledge of how to create a body so he exists as the meanest of ghosts. But if the horcrux was destroyed before or even after his body died, then Herpo would have been sent to purgatory. Maybe not King's Cross, but similar in the sense that he cannot exist in the mortal world (cos the soul is dead) nor could he move on to the land of the dead (cos the soul is mutilated, an act against nature).
I was just wondering, why he uploaded a video at nearly 23 o'clock - but I think, he is in another time zone than me xD But it is interesting to watch a video just a couple of minutes after the upload ^^ Good night to everyone, who will go to bed now - like me
I'd actually say neither. I'd say it's just her obsession with Voldemort and the dark arts. She was already crazy before Azkaban and her 2 sister's turned out alright (Narcissa did in the end) and Tonks' mom was against her family's views cause she married a muggle-born
I think her obsession for Voldemort, dark arts and that pureblood thing. Before Azkaban she was already cruel and crazy, perhaps she became worst after Azkaban...
Bellatrix reminds me of Darth Talon from Star Wars Legacy. Both women were the most trusted, loyal and dangerous lieutenants of their respective masters; Darth Krayt in Talon’s case and Voldemort in Bella’s. The difference is that Bella is reckless and bloodthirsty whereas Talon is more tactical
"Only I can live forever." Was that in the books? Or just the movie? There's a Dumbledore line that gets quoted all the time about turning on lights, but he never actually said it in the books.
He would never tell anyone his secret because once one person knows that he is stored in items those items become known and vulnerable so his secret would be out!!! He even tells Snape he is the only one that can live forever
Instead of the cursed child, I think a better Harry Potter sequel would be something like Bellatrix actually having made a horcrux and coming back to life (because in the movies at least) her body sorta just exploded, and in the book she would have tried to bring voldemort back to life somehow. Thoughts?
I dunno, the movies seem to suggest Voldemort and Bellatrix both had something _about_ them to die so unnaturally, unlike in the books, so by the films only they could have both had a Horcrux (or yet another spare for Voldemort) that nobody knew of. I had that idea before for Voldemort, but forgot Bellatrix’s film-death, which matches, almost. Fanfiction on that idea would be pretty cool.
its obvious he wanted them to believe he was such a skilled magician he lived because of that , not telling them the only reason he did not die was because he had made it so , its obvius to me
I think Bellatrix knew that he was immortal and here is the reason why. During the trial scene in GoF, Bellatrix looked absolutely confident when she spoke up to Crouch Sr: "The Dark Lord will rise again, Crouch! Throw us into Azkaban; we will wait! He will rise again and will come for us, he will reward us beyond any of his other supporters! We alone were faithful!" During that time, she wasn't that impulsive and "crazy" as she became after Azkaban and we can see it from her behavior on the trial. She was the only one who stayed calm and confident. But how could she be SO convinced that someone can rise from the dead even theoretically? How did she know that they have to wait for their master to free them? You can say that she was simply obsessed with Voldemort and believed in everything she wanted to. However, from this trial scene and Bellatrix's behavior in it, I would say she knew something about his secret. Maybe not about Horcruxes but she definitely was aware of a possibility of rising from the dead. That it is possible. If she didn't, she wouldn't have even suggested this scenario. Also, it is important to mention the reason why she and other DE were convicted - because of their attack on the Longbottoms. Has anyone ever wondered why they attacked no one else but Alice and Frank? As you remember, the prophecy could have been made about one of two families: Potters and Longbottoms. So, Bellatrix definitely knew about such an important thing as the prophecy and Voldemort plans, otherwise, she wouldn't reach for Alice and Frank with her fellows. It is not related to the Horcruxes issue but it shows that Voldemort trusted Bellatrix more than others. He gave her a Hufflepuff's cup, he saved her from the Ministry (only her), he was upset when she died. So, there is a high chance that Bellatrix knew about Voldemort's immortality because a) she was 100% sure he will be back, b) she knew more than anyone else because she probably meant to him more than anyone else. P.S. Sorry for my English :D
She might be his best follower, but she is not exactly ideal either... she's 100% devoted but also very unstable. My bet is that Voldy took great pleasure in moulding his followers and would have gladly replaced all of them over time... creating others would also open the door to being defied overtime. BUT if Bellatrix had her devotion and snape's composure (without being too smart) maybe he would have been a little bit more torn
How did Regulus Black find out about the horrocruxes? I believe he was the only deatheater that discover Voldemort's secret. The Dark Lord wouldn't tell anyone because for me inmortality was only his, for him. Please make a video about Regulus and horrocruxes next 🙏
Oh I've got quite an interesting question, can a horceux live forever as in the fact most of Voldemort's horceux's were inanimate objects but Nagini was a snake and snakes therefore are not immortal. Horcruxes can only be destroyed by a horceux destroyer so does that render nagini essentially immortal or is she a semi-unless horcrux who will die and become useless? Thank you! Sorry for the poor spelling
one thing you left out was the fact that the book that held the information about horcrux's was removed from the library right after tom riddle found it.
7:39 There's another reason why Voldemort didn't want his disciples to create Horcruxes: having even his most trusted ones do so would mean *acknowledging depenendence* on others.
Great video! I always wonder creating horcruxes, though tethers one to the living world, does not slow down the process of ageing. Wizards have a longer life than muggles but wouldn't splitting his soul so many times actually accelerate his ageing which means he will be more delicate even compared to nicolas flamel at an earlier age than others. This would keep him alive but in a very weak state. Also, what if eventually the body of voldemort fades away as he splits his soul multiple times and has to remain in a spirit form forever not even able to wield a wand? (If he had won the war)
Another reason Valdemort would be unlikely to reveal the horcrux to others is the vulnerability it would present to him if others knew that he had employed it.
video idea: did Dumbledore know Voldemort would (eventually) kill Snape in order to become Master of the Elder Wand? if so, what if Snape used Dumbledore's death to create a Horcrux?
Voldemort said it to Snape himself, after calling him a faithful servant that "Only I can live forever". He didn't intend on sharing immortality with anyone else and didn't care about being alone forever even when all of his faithful servants are gone. He didn't care about outliving them all. He only cared about himself and wanted immortality all to himself. Bellatrix was his most loyal and dedicated Death eater. She was one of the few death eaters he trusted besides Severus and Lucius (before he failed at retrieving the prophecy). Voldemort even trusted her in keeping one of his horcruxes in the Lestrange family vault, even though he never told her it was a horcrux. But even though he trusted her that much, he still didn't share his secret of his own cruxes and how to create one, with her even though she said herself to Snape that "He shares everything with me! he says I'm his most loyal, his most faithful!". That was one of the things Voldemort didn't share with her because as I said, he didn't want to share immortality with anyone, this including Bellatrix herself. So even if Bellatrix in a hypothetical scenario were to have found out about horcruxes, she most likely would've assumed Voldemort knew about them and probably made one or so for himself, she wasn't stupid and probably could've figured that out. However, her knowing what Voldemort is like/who he is, probably wouldn't have made a horcrux out of respect for him. Plus, she would've done anything for him, including dying, so if he wanted her to die for him, she would've without hesitation.
"You are a faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever."
btw If he would not want to kill him, because Severus was the most loyal....he would have teach him how to do it.....but to reveal your achilles heel to anyone is a bad choice....
Scarecrooo Achilles heel lol
Voldemort didn't live forever, he only lived until 71, Dumbledore pretty much lived forever because he was like 150
@@DJPurpleOne17 lol he didn't even live as long as the average muggle
@@monkeygoesbananas LOL 😆 yeah Voldemort your a LOser lol🤣
She did not create one because she enjoyed picking her nose from time to time. A pleasure Voldemort lost a long time ago
Best comment
Wouldn't want to remind her lord.
Creating 1 horcrux doesn't change much of Ur appearance though.
Though your comment was hilarious 😂
Lmfao! 😂😂😂
If bellatrix was in charge there wouldn’t be a story she would have gone and chucked baby Harry out of the window
😂😂😂so true!!
Story would be about Neville instead
She would have
@@xotic__1333 Same treatment probably the same evening
Yeah why didn't he just bash baby Harry over the head or something
Voldemort once said to Snape in Deathly Hollows...”Only I can live forever”, which means he never intended to share immortality with anyone and was fine being alone. Movieflame in Why was Harry The Chosen One says “when ‘one’ has too much power causing an imbalance, the universe will provide a counter to correct that.” I posted there that if Voldemort shared everything instead of keeping it ALL for himself, then Harry wouldn’t be the savior as there isn’t an imbalance in nature.
Rule 3 for dictators: minimize key supporters.
More key supporters = greater chance of a coup d'etat = shorter reign
@@DrewCFuhr It's called homeostasis and negative feedback loop...
My brain while reading this: 👁️👄👁️
Explain more. 😭
So, the "universe" created Voldemort to oppose Dumbledore?
Cos she didn't know that they exist?
If even Dumbledore needed information from Slughorn, that says the Horcruxes are incredibly rare pieces of magic, perhaps lost to the ages until Riddle found the knowledge of them again.
If they were so common, or at least accessible to most Wizards, that all the chief Death Eaters had them, it would diminish their importance in the story greatly.
I believe Dumbledore knew, but needed the solid proof, especially when the diary was in his presence.
@@fishingwbirdie8545 If all he needed was confirmation, then surely he would have just told Slughorn he knew about the Horcruxes, that he understood why he did it but needed information.
His whole plan of using Harry as bait in HBP only works if he genuinely had no idea what they were.
Perhaps he had suspicions that they were part of his soul, but his reaction indicates he never truly understood the depth of Voldemort's depravity.
@@Longshanks1690 remember I said I believe Dumbledore needed proof of this, and if he just went to slughorn and was like I know it was horcruxes it would've shut him out...Just look on how hard it was for him just to use Harry. So I'm not saying he exactly knew...But the great Albus Dumbledore would've had a good guess.
King Edward "Longshanks" I, Hammer of the Scots, Lord of Wales and King of England
Dumbledore needed the memory to confirm that Voldemort was trying to create seven Horcruxes. He knew there was more than one, from the diary and the ring. But he didn’t know how many. He needed to know that before he could kill him or before Harry could kill him.
If Regulus know about it, how come she don't?
I always think the actress who played Bellatrix is beautiful
what feels weird is that in the movies she looks more affected by azkaban than in the books
Helena Bonham Carter. That's the actress by the way.
In my opinion, Carter is like the female version of Johnny Depp, in the fact that she can morph herself into different appearances depending on her characters, and you’d barely be able to recognize her as the actor.
helena bonham carter
@@kristinbagani2811 SHE'S A METAMORPHMAGUS, I KNEW IT 😂😂😂
They might not have created them because they wanted to idolise Voldemort and make him a god like figure
Yea this was my thought. He was really big an trying to be more god like. So if he shared his secret I think it would have hurt that perspective. Which is also why I wish they left his book death in.
That may be true. However, nobody wants to serve forever, everyone wants to be on top (excluding house elves). So I think the reason she didn't create a Horcrux was because Voldemort never told her how. He couldn't trust anyone out of fear of being put under the Imperius curse or being slipped veriteserum. In summary, Voldemort never told her about them out of fear of being exposed.
That's a great theory. My 3 cents is that none of the death eaters desired immortality nor were any of them as thirsty for knowledge like Voldemort. However many were intelligent, cunning and power-hungry like the Dark Lord.
To me, that never made sense because if they idolized him as much as Bellatrix then they would’ve definitely made one because they would want to serve and be with him forever.
I'm surprised Dumbledore or Grindelwald didn't make a horcrux when they were going to "change" the world decades before
Another thought is that no matter how much and to what level he trusted Bellatrix, he never fully and completely trusted anyone. If someone turned on him and he had to kill them, would he really want them to be immortal?
does that apply to his most fanatically loyal followers? I'm pretty sure Bellatrix, at the very least, wouldn't turn on him.
But what if he just kept the horcrux with him? He can destroy it (He can cast fiend fire and basilisks are easy to breed) if they turned on him and kill them
yes good thought
Earl Lee yes but she’s bellatrix she dedicated her life to Voldemort she would never betray him!
Except he trusted Nagini.
I actually thought about this a couple times but never really went into it. So thank you for answering this question! 😊
yes same, thank you!
Bellatrix: Aye, how long am I able to serve you?
Voldemort: **~Shrugs~**
Voldemort: If you wanna do it forever how ‘bout you make a horcrux?
Bellatrix: Horcrux, aye?
"Her only sense of purpose was to please her Master.."
Voldemort: I need to have a child of my own.
Bellatrix: Yess!! My Time has Come!!
🤣 so accurate
Delphi: uhm... I’m still here...
Jk Rowling: good idea for a new book Tom: and MONEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY
Tom is voldermort btw
PiperP ahahahahaha
Sure puts a chasm between Bellatrix and Voldy. Thus makes The Cursed Child even more unlikely a story.
the cursed child is not canon to the hp story at all in my eyes. Only the 7 hp books and films are canon to the hp story in my personal opinion.
i haven't watched this channel since 2017... i'm going to start watching again... used to ve my favorite.
Plus, Voldemort never liked to be like everyone else. If there were other immortals around, it would probably make him feel less extraordinary.
She would make one. Voldemort had seven
I feel like she’s the most likely to make one
or lucius
Lucius is too much of a coward
Lucius isn't
@@monroe3391 I was thinking that.
@@monroe3391 To quote Lestat true immortality takes stamina
Ooh, this is going to be interesting! I’ve never thought about this
She didn't know his secret. No one did. He was using very old dark magic. Almost forgotten being he found in the restricted section, only ever speaking of it to slughorn. His reference to only I can live forever was a reference to the hollows and having all of them ,not the horcruxes.( From his stand point , snape could have been plotting to collect all the hollows and live forever, where as he only wanted the wand for now, the potential for betrayal was still there)We can assume only slughorn, nigini, qurierl, wormtail, and crouch jr knew his secret. Out of them only slughorn knew it was at least seven.. regulus and Dumbledore figured it out and the headmaster told snape and Harry, and Harry told Hermione and Ron. I'm sure his followers were only aware of his intense interest in several artifacts he owned. But they never know it was a horcrux. .
She never made one because there is a good chance she didn't know about it, are what it was, are how to make one. .
In the movie only about 11 people knew his secret to immortality was a horcrux, and no one outside these 11 ever heard the word horcrux. I think it was away to keep it hidden from any copycat.
For instance,, Harry told everyone about the crown ,but not that it was a horcrux, only that he had to find and destroy it. The world of magic seems to be faith in people and following to a fault out of loyalty..
Plus he would not tell anyone due him only being immortal but more than that, loyalty can change when priority change. Malfoy would have killed him if he knew, and if HE had one he would have all the time he needs to become as great as Voldemort and maybe get the elder wand first, are a wand stronger that Voldemorts wand. And all because Voldemort changed the way he saw him, as a failure.
Kind of like Megatron and starscreen.. Megatron never trusted starscreen after he failed him but continued to use his want to please him, and Starscreen hated Megatron but always obeyed out of fear while looking for an opportunity to take over and do away with Megatron. .
So, yeah.
If you think about it, it is smart. If we battle and I can never beat you, then at least I know you will die due to time and old age, whereas I will celebrate on your grave( are in Voldemorts case, desecrate it and then pry your wand from your cold dead hands and then celebrate). All because I have a horcrux and you don't..
Totally agree, except for Voldemort probably didn't know about deathly hallows, or at least wasn't interested in having them all.
I always thought it was due to the death eaters feeling as though if they also created horcruxes, they feel as though it would be as though they were mocking and/or challenging him.
How do you not know she did not have one? She could have one and like Voldemort her body would have just been destroyed
because she didnt know they existed... and even if she knew Voldy might have not shared his knowledge with her in the first place no matter how much she begged... cause he's Voldy but now he's going moldy
Great video as always! ;)
I think there is one more reason. As long as he was the only one who knew his secret of immortality, no one could betray him and try to kill him, destroying horcruxes as Harry did. I'm sure Bella would never go against him, but the more people would knew, the risk would grow. And let's be honest - he was the one who was supposed to live forever, it was never worth the risk, sharing the secret.
This was such a great vid! Your points are so powerfully backed up, which is why I side with your reasoning every time and have nothing to say against it.
Love you and your amazing vids sooooooo much!
I clicked as soon as I saw it XD I love this
well she's looking at Voldemort all the time, so she's probably thinking I dont want to look like this....not sure if she did enough research about it, and Voldemort wont definitely divulge to her how he did it..
Actually, she met Voldemort before his transformation, he still looked like Tom Riddle but his features were a bit drained. Knowing Bellatrix this obviously wouldn't bother her.
Yeah, I believe he may have extended the lives of some of his most faithful followers for a while with some rare magic (to show off his power & encourage followers to try harder for his favor). Voldemort was too scared of dying though (& maybe too egotistic to admit he didn't create the process but instead just perfected what someone else discovered in the past) to share his immortality secret with anyone. He didn't understand real love & so I don't think he would've had any motivation to keep anyone at his side forever. He wanted to be a god-like ruler worshipped as the most powerful, & anyone else knowing the secret made him vulnerable to being overthrown, however slim the chance. He probably also intended (once he won & took over the world) to make sure all dark arts texts that had any clues to what horcruxes are & how they work would secretly be destroyed by him under the guise of "personally approving which textbooks to keep so that we don't have any that reference powerful mudbloods of the past" or such. He would want to make sure no one else could possibly figure out his secret in the future.
I totally agree
"Only I can live forever" from this it is clear he would have killed anyone from his servants who would create a horcrux.
Bellatrix never made a horcrux for herself because she didn't know that such a ritual existed.
Voldemort would *NEVER* have shared the secret of immortality with anyone, not even with his most trusted allies.
No offense but I feel as though all of this is very apparent especially if you read the books.
I really enjoy the movies but have no interest in reading the books, so maybe these videos are intended for those who haven’t read the books?
Wait... so u haven’t read the books? The books are way better than the movies!!! No offence but it’s my opinion u can think urs pls don’t be angry it’s ur opinion, on mine
Natalie • 5 months ago I have no doubt that the books are probably better but again I just don’t want to read them, and videos like these help me fill in some of the gaps. No offense taken, btw.
Get them on audibles through Amazon. Jim Dale does an amazing job narrating, there is SO much the movies leave out
@@oak758 I liked Stephen version, but I'll give it a go with Dale
It seems like the information on their existence let alone how to make them is nigh impossible to find. Hermione, who basically lives for research, barely found any information herself in probably the most extensive library in the wizarding world outside of the information held in the ministry.
i always thought that a horcrux requires more than just murder to be created, i requires both an incredibly complicated incantation and a very rare potion to be drunk prior to the event, in order to break the soul into pieces as required.
I know very little about this, but if that were the case, harry would never have been a horcrux. Voldy never intended on it, so there would be no incantation or potion before hand. Ill need to look into this lol.
Belatrix is so badass it would completely destroy imo the content of her character to split her soul. She lived fearlessly, a bomb imploding, she could never shatter her spirit into some inanimate object. A true villan.
One of my favourite youtubers
I totally agree that he didn't want to share his knowledge to set himself above his followers. Also, it kind of sounds like she was imperio'd.
An immortal Bellatrix is a truly scary rgought. An eternity to continual insanity
I look forward to all your videos and they never disappoint me
Every time he says unicorn blood ,I'm keep on hearing unicron blood. Which raises the corpses of transformers, turning them into zombies.
I hear Unicron too.
Dark energon from transformers prime,
Well, in the movie he did also say “Only I can live forever” so it would make sense he’d keep the secret for himself
Very well explained bro!
I liked the old intro better Dean. It was more MAGICAL !
I completely agree with every point that you made.
This was a really interesting video. It’s something that I’ve never given any thought to.
It’s why I Love your channel so much, you make me think about and consider things I wouldn’t otherwise.
Giving our house a great name again 😀❤️💚
One thing ive been wondering is how voldemort didnt realize that Snape was on Dumbledores side after book/movie 1. Snape stopped Quirrel from getting the stone and from killing Harry on the broom and surely Voldemort would see this as he was apart of Quirrel right?
Woah!!! I never thought it
Could u do a “what if aunt pertuna was accepted into hogwarts with lily
I think it's interesting to note how Bellatrix acted after Voldemort died/vanished. She and a few others were convinced he was still out there so I believe he made hints that he learned to defeat death/make it not-permanent but she didn't know how. Keeping those details to himself also ensured nobody would know how to reverse it because once found out, it'd only be a matter of time (and it eventually was)
You know I think you really are the perfect person to make the Riddle animated story, because you just understand Voldemort and the death eaters better than anyone. I truly cant wait for it.
What is the wizard afterlife like? We know some become ghosts, but what about the rest? We have seen hints of the dead being there in some way with the resurrection stone and when Harry was fighting Voldemort in the graveyard.
I'm pretty sure she went to the wizarding hell.
Probably, she had knew or heard but she feared because it is very terrible. Even very bad dark witches or wizards fear something. And she feared from this. She didn't want to risk her afterlife like someone said below the comments. And there is one more possibility that she didn't care live or die. I think for her , death is a reality of nature. Her ancestors had lived and died and she knew she will die in the future like them . It is a line. I think she had no fears about the things like that. Death is natural. She had accepted it like any other normal witches and wizards . Bellatrix doesn't care about this. She can die for her master and it is a pleasure for her.
First of all- every time you post a video, and especially a video on Bellatrix, I literally squeal!
Also, this is such a clever question to ask oneself, especially for someone like Bellatrix. Sure, Voldemort was obsessed with immortality and was quite jealous of it, but what are the actual chances of finding someone so devoted? He could have "bred" some of the most competent Hogwarts students, training them himself and making them into the perfect weapons time and time again (if anything, he would have had nothing but that).
It's my personal headcanon that Bellatrix knew about the Horcruxes (and I have book quotes to support that). Maybe he thought that actually giving her one would have made her his equivalent and that's why he refused. MAYBE THAT'S WHY HE WANTED TO MAKE DELPHI: a witch just as talented as her mother, there to serve him!
Oh, you've opened a whole world of fanfiction possibilities right there!
Keep up the amazing work!
1) the cursed child is not canon to the hp story, and I refuse to believe that. Only the 7 harry potter books and films are canon to the hp story. 2) The fact is, Voldemort doesn't feel love, affection or any sexual/romantic desires so Delphini to me doesn't exist and would 0 reason to exist because of the fact that Voldemort can't feel love. 3) Bellatrix in the HP story never has any children, not with her husband, Voldemort or anyone. I feel like even if Bellatrix wanted to continue her pureblood line since she has very strong pureblood values, she would have zero desire to be a mother, she knows she's a psychopath and because her main focus is being 100% devoted to Voldemort and the tasks, he gives her and nothing else.
Been like a month since I've seen a video, and that new intro animation is epic!
I don’t think he wanted anyone else to live forever, he wanted to be the only one. Also can imagine him sharing the secrets of his power to anyone.
Let's not forget the last words the Dark Lord exchanged with Snape, when he assumed he had been master of the Elder-Wand. "Only I can live forever". He would not have tolerated anyone being level with him in immortality. He wanted to make sure he'll forever be superior over anyone else - even his most trusted followers. For this reason, I doubt that he would have disclosed that the secret to his immortality were Horcruxes. Had he mentioned, his followers could have researched how it's done. Voldemort was always careful: to disclose his secret meant a key to a skill that he was not about to share. Because: even if they'd not master it, with enough research they could have found the weakness (how they are destroyed). Let's not forget the Death Eaters' loyalty was based on fear. Knowing how to destroy the Horcruxes, his followers could have plotted against him and bring about his downfall. The Dark Lord is dead, long live the Dark Lord...
2:48 from which movie it is
i think she cared more about her family than she realized, she cared so much for draco that she suggested to visit snape as a backup plan, so that he wouldn't be killed
Did she suggest that in the movie? She definitely was not the one that suggested it in the books. She went along with Narcissa but she kept telling her they shouldn't have even been talking to Snape about Draco's assignment.
But if he kept knowledge to himself. Why did he learn snape to fly without a broom?
dr103 alright makes sense.
To feel like his most loyal follower was superior to anyone else, but still much inferior to him and easy for him to kill in case he needed to, wich in fact happened.
Luv your new intro
If any deatheater would create horrocrux, Voldemort would stop (kill) them. If wizard is powerfull enough to create one, he/she is powerfull enough to become competition in the future. Even someone as loayal as Belatrix has a potential to overthrow Voldemort in the future. So that's why no one tried.
Also, video idea. What if someone called CPS on Dursleys when Harry wasn't yet in Hogwarts? Or, better question, Why did no one caled CPS on Dursleys?
You bring up a lot of interesting points in this. She may have had no interest in eternal life, but she was interested in eternal service. Yeah I agree with you, she definitely would have made one to be with Voldy forever.
Another great video!!!
video idea: Was Nagini a basilisk?
it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean we aren't sure what all basilisk look like so it could be completely possible that they could look like royal pythons. And since Nagini was a Horcrux then it would be fitting if she would be able to destroy them as well, the only reason I think Nagini isn't a basilisk is that the basilisk is portrayed as a legless lizard in the chamber of secrets, not a snake.
thanks for reading
this kinda makes me wonder was herpo the fowl killed like voldemort? or did he just lose his body and is still out there somewhere like voldemort?
That depends on what happened to the horcrux he made. If it is still out there intact, then Herpo is probably in the wraith-like form that Voldy was after attacking baby Harry, but probably without the knowledge of how to create a body so he exists as the meanest of ghosts. But if the horcrux was destroyed before or even after his body died, then Herpo would have been sent to purgatory. Maybe not King's Cross, but similar in the sense that he cannot exist in the mortal world (cos the soul is dead) nor could he move on to the land of the dead (cos the soul is mutilated, an act against nature).
Can you do a video on how Voldemort was able to live in squirrels turban for a whole year at Hogwarts without anyone being any the wiser thank you
I was just wondering, why he uploaded a video at nearly 23 o'clock - but I think, he is in another time zone than me xD
But it is interesting to watch a video just a couple of minutes after the upload ^^
Good night to everyone, who will go to bed now - like me
Are you from Germany or a country like that? Judging that you're 1 hr ahead of GMT(Greenwich Mean Time).
@@zuzannaklimczak5567 Yes probably Schnee sonne are 2 german words. Snow and sun.
23 o’clock?
ffion military time
What made Bellatrix so insane, the incest or Azkaban?
I'd actually say neither. I'd say it's just her obsession with Voldemort and the dark arts. She was already crazy before Azkaban and her 2 sister's turned out alright (Narcissa did in the end) and Tonks' mom was against her family's views cause she married a muggle-born
I think her obsession for Voldemort, dark arts and that pureblood thing. Before Azkaban she was already cruel and crazy, perhaps she became worst after Azkaban...
Because Belatrix Lestrange always ised crucio on neville longbottom's parents
Bellatrix isn’t inbred her parents are from two different wizarding families
Bellatrix reminds me of Darth Talon from Star Wars Legacy. Both women were the most trusted, loyal and dangerous lieutenants of their respective masters; Darth Krayt in Talon’s case and Voldemort in Bella’s. The difference is that Bella is reckless and bloodthirsty whereas Talon is more tactical
You haven't done a "life of the weasley twins"
They had an interesting life and everyone would love to see them again!
Bellatrix : Kills people randomly
Also Bellatrix : _cheers cutely at the burning house_
i dont get it
Loved this one. Great job.
"Only I can live forever." Was that in the books? Or just the movie? There's a Dumbledore line that gets quoted all the time about turning on lights, but he never actually said it in the books.
He would never tell anyone his secret because once one person knows that he is stored in items those items become known and vulnerable so his secret would be out!!! He even tells Snape he is the only one that can live forever
Instead of the cursed child, I think a better Harry Potter sequel would be something like Bellatrix actually having made a horcrux and coming back to life (because in the movies at least) her body sorta just exploded, and in the book she would have tried to bring voldemort back to life somehow. Thoughts?
I dunno, the movies seem to suggest Voldemort and Bellatrix both had something _about_ them to die so unnaturally, unlike in the books, so by the films only they could have both had a Horcrux (or yet another spare for Voldemort) that nobody knew of.
I had that idea before for Voldemort, but forgot Bellatrix’s film-death, which matches, almost.
Fanfiction on that idea would be pretty cool.
"only i can live forever"
its obvious he wanted them to believe he was such a skilled magician he lived because of that , not telling them the only reason he did not die was because he had made it so , its obvius to me
Nice almost 500k!
I think Bellatrix knew that he was immortal and here is the reason why.
During the trial scene in GoF, Bellatrix looked absolutely confident when she spoke up to Crouch Sr: "The Dark Lord will rise again, Crouch! Throw us into Azkaban; we will wait! He will rise again and will come for us, he will reward us beyond any of his other supporters! We alone were faithful!" During that time, she wasn't that impulsive and "crazy" as she became after Azkaban and we can see it from her behavior on the trial. She was the only one who stayed calm and confident. But how could she be SO convinced that someone can rise from the dead even theoretically? How did she know that they have to wait for their master to free them?
You can say that she was simply obsessed with Voldemort and believed in everything she wanted to. However, from this trial scene and Bellatrix's behavior in it, I would say she knew something about his secret. Maybe not about Horcruxes but she definitely was aware of a possibility of rising from the dead. That it is possible. If she didn't, she wouldn't have even suggested this scenario.
Also, it is important to mention the reason why she and other DE were convicted - because of their attack on the Longbottoms. Has anyone ever wondered why they attacked no one else but Alice and Frank? As you remember, the prophecy could have been made about one of two families: Potters and Longbottoms. So, Bellatrix definitely knew about such an important thing as the prophecy and Voldemort plans, otherwise, she wouldn't reach for Alice and Frank with her fellows. It is not related to the Horcruxes issue but it shows that Voldemort trusted Bellatrix more than others. He gave her a Hufflepuff's cup, he saved her from the Ministry (only her), he was upset when she died.
So, there is a high chance that Bellatrix knew about Voldemort's immortality because a) she was 100% sure he will be back, b) she knew more than anyone else because she probably meant to him more than anyone else.
P.S. Sorry for my English :D
Amazing video. I love your channel! Can you do a video on how rich dumbledore was please?
Hi can you make a video about Aberforth Dumbledore
She might be his best follower, but she is not exactly ideal either... she's 100% devoted but also very unstable. My bet is that Voldy took great pleasure in moulding his followers and would have gladly replaced all of them over time... creating others would also open the door to being defied overtime. BUT if Bellatrix had her devotion and snape's composure (without being too smart) maybe he would have been a little bit more torn
What movie is the scene that starts in 2:26?
love the new animation at the start
Cannot wait for the movie, wish I could patron. Love from Mexico
I've always figured very few people knew about horcruxes, even dark wizards, and that Bellatrix wouldn't have the mastery to do it anyway.
Maybe she did but it got destroyed in the Room
of requirement fire. Just a theory.
He also said when he killed snape” only i can live forever “
How did Regulus Black find out about the horrocruxes? I believe he was the only deatheater that discover Voldemort's secret. The Dark Lord wouldn't tell anyone because for me inmortality was only his, for him.
Please make a video about Regulus and horrocruxes next 🙏
The say how in the chapter "Kreachers Tale" in the last book. MovieFlame has made a video about it.
@@dylanrich69 I think in that chapter they say how he destroyed it not how he found out. Anyhow I'm gonna watch MovieFlame's video
@@carito24h28 No they say how he found it he never got the chance to destroy it
Oh I've got quite an interesting question, can a horceux live forever as in the fact most of Voldemort's horceux's were inanimate objects but Nagini was a snake and snakes therefore are not immortal. Horcruxes can only be destroyed by a horceux destroyer so does that render nagini essentially immortal or is she a semi-unless horcrux who will die and become useless? Thank you!
Sorry for the poor spelling
When nagini was made a horcrux, it made her prone to most spells and I think it made her immortal
one thing you left out was the fact that the book that held the information about horcrux's was removed from the library right after tom riddle found it.
7:39 There's another reason why Voldemort didn't want his disciples to create Horcruxes: having even his most trusted ones do so would mean *acknowledging depenendence* on others.
I wanted to know this for so long. Thanks you xD
What happens if you kill someone who has been killing does it lift your violation to nature?
This video is great!
Great video!
I always wonder creating horcruxes, though tethers one to the living world, does not slow down the process of ageing. Wizards have a longer life than muggles but wouldn't splitting his soul so many times actually accelerate his ageing which means he will be more delicate even compared to nicolas flamel at an earlier age than others. This would keep him alive but in a very weak state.
Also, what if eventually the body of voldemort fades away as he splits his soul multiple times and has to remain in a spirit form forever not even able to wield a wand? (If he had won the war)
Releasing the trailer on Harry Potters birthday? Definitely appropriate 🥳 thanks Dean!
Another reason Valdemort would be unlikely to reveal the horcrux to others is the vulnerability it would present to him if others knew that he had employed it.
The old intro needs to be back
video idea: did Dumbledore know Voldemort would (eventually) kill Snape in order to become Master of the Elder Wand? if so, what if Snape used Dumbledore's death to create a Horcrux?
Voldemort said it to Snape himself, after calling him a faithful servant that "Only I can live forever". He didn't intend on sharing immortality with anyone else and didn't care about being alone forever even when all of his faithful servants are gone. He didn't care about outliving them all. He only cared about himself and wanted immortality all to himself.
Bellatrix was his most loyal and dedicated Death eater. She was one of the few death eaters he trusted besides Severus and Lucius (before he failed at retrieving the prophecy). Voldemort even trusted her in keeping one of his horcruxes in the Lestrange family vault, even though he never told her it was a horcrux. But even though he trusted her that much, he still didn't share his secret of his own cruxes and how to create one, with her even though she said herself to Snape that "He shares everything with me! he says I'm his most loyal, his most faithful!". That was one of the things Voldemort didn't share with her because as I said, he didn't want to share immortality with anyone, this including Bellatrix herself.
So even if Bellatrix in a hypothetical scenario were to have found out about horcruxes, she most likely would've assumed Voldemort knew about them and probably made one or so for himself, she wasn't stupid and probably could've figured that out. However, her knowing what Voldemort is like/who he is, probably wouldn't have made a horcrux out of respect for him. Plus, she would've done anything for him, including dying, so if he wanted her to die for him, she would've without hesitation.
Where are the clips with young tom riddle and the book from
plzzz make a video on what if dumbledore lost the duel against grindelwald !!! plzzzz.....
"Only i can live forever" this sums up everything he doesn't care
I would like to know about the screaming lady harry hears in the third movie. & Thanks for the great content! :)
Also before killing snape, voldy said,"Only I can live forever" He would never allow anyone to create a horcrux