LEXUS RX200t RX300 更換變速箱油 --- LEXUS RX200t RX300 transmission fluid change
- Опубликовано: 20 янв 2025
- LEXUS RX200t RX300 更換變速箱油,維護里程42038km
調整流體溫度(不使用 Techstream)
(a) 在引擎關閉的情況下,使用 SST 連接 DLC3 的端子 13 (TC) 和 4 (CG)。
(b) 踩下並按住煞車踏板。
(c) 啟動引擎。
(d) 將排檔桿緩慢地從 P 移至 D,然後再移回 P。
(e) 在觀察組合儀表上的 D 換檔指示器的同時,以小於 1.5 秒的間隔在 N 和 D 之間來回移動變速桿 6 秒或更長時間。
(f) 檢查 D 檔指示燈是否亮起 2 秒。
(g) 將排檔桿從 N 移至 P。
(h) 鬆開煞車踏板。
(i) 從端子 13 (TC) 和 4 (CG) 拆下 SST。
(j) 讓引擎怠速運轉,直到 D 檔指示燈再次亮起。
D 檔位指示器
低於液位調整 液位調整 高於液位調整
溫度 溫度 溫度
(40℃以下) (40~45℃) (45℃以上)
(104°F 或更低) (104 至 113°F) (113°F 或更高)
關閉 開 閃爍
(1) 使用 6 毫米內六角扳手,從自動變速驅動橋油底殼組件上拆下溢流塞和墊圈。
(3) 若從溢流塞孔流出的液體量較多,請等到液體流速減慢,隻流出滴水。
(4) 檢查流體流動是否已減慢且僅流出滴水。
(5) 使用 6 毫米內六角扳手,將新墊圈和溢流塞安裝到自動變速驅動橋油底殼分總成上。
扭力:40 N·m {408 kgf·cm,30 ft·lbf}
(6) 將新的墊圈和加註塞安裝到自動變速驅動橋總成上。
扭力:49 N·m {500 kgf·cm,36 ft·lbf}
(7) 關閉引擎開關。
ADJUST FLUID TEMPERATURE (for not Using the Techstream)
(a) Using SST, connect terminals 13 (TC) and 4 (CG) of the DLC3 with the engine switch off.
(b) Depress and hold the brake pedal.
(c) Start the engine.
(d) Slowly move the shift lever from P to D, and then back to P.
(e) While observing the D shift indicator on the combination meter, move the shift lever back and forth between N and D at an interval of less than 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds or more.
(f) Check that the D shift indicator comes on for 2 seconds.
(g) Move the shift lever from N to P.
(h) Release the brake pedal.
(i) Remove SST from terminals 13 (TC) and 4 (CG).
(j) Allow the engine to idle until the D shift indicator comes on again.
D Shift Indicator
Below Fluid Level Adjustment Fluid Level Adjustment Above Fluid Level Adjustment
Temperature Temperature Temperature
(40°C or less) (40 to 45°C) (45°C or more)
(104°F or less) (104 to 113°F) (113°F or more)
OFF N Blinks
(1) Using a 6 mm hexagon socket wrench, remove the overflow plug and gasket from the automatic transaxle oil pan sub-assembly.
(2) Check the amount of fluid that comes out of the overflow plug hole.
(3) If the amount of fluid that comes out of the overflow plug hole is large, wait until the fluid flow slows and only drips come out.
(4) Check that the fluid flow has slowed and only drips come out.
(5) Using a 6 mm hexagon socket wrench, install a new gasket and the overflow plug to the automatic transaxle oil pan sub-assembly.
Torque:40 N·m {408 kgf·cm, 30 ft·lbf}
(6) Install a new gasket and the refill plug to the automatic transaxle assembly.
Torque:49 N·m {500 kgf·cm, 36 ft·lbf}
(7) Turn the engine switch off.