This is indeed very heartwarming and very wonderful and very beautiful and very helpful and this brings back great memories of when I use to be a 90s kid and an early 2000s kid and I am a new subscriber as well:).
Hi! I started taking it about a month and a half ago and I’ve noticed that I feel more powerful when lifting and I can do sprints without the fatigue hitting me as quickly!
The consistency!! 2 weeks in a row keep it up Lean!
Crazy!! Hahah thank you:)
This is indeed very heartwarming and very wonderful and very beautiful and very helpful and this brings back great memories of when I use to be a 90s kid and an early 2000s kid and I am a new subscriber as well:).
Thank you so much!
When did you start taking creatine? Did you notice any changes?
Hi! I started taking it about a month and a half ago and I’ve noticed that I feel more powerful when lifting and I can do sprints without the fatigue hitting me as quickly!