Justified & Ancient (the KLF, 1991) ... played on accordion

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Of all my silly songs this month this is definitely the one I was the most excited about getting out there, even though its silliness is mostly contextual and not evidently present in the contents of the song itself. (Thus, it is of primarily personal significance that may mostly go over your head. Nonetheless, he continues qualifying it:) Its composers the KLF were pop provocateurs and pranksters of the highest order, gleefully sowing chaos and Discordianism, which is ... well, a kind of pointed nonsense. Sometimes they were a little too committed to the bit, such as when they took out the million pounds this song earned them (the largest withdrawal in British banking history!) and filmed themselves burning it all, for hours.
    I feel like I was just starting to be alive in the world when this song was on the charts, with a nascent appreciation of the wider culture and my place within it -- and to a certain extent, my sense of self and who I was. (Previously I studied sonatas, listened to operas, wrote sonnets and read tomes of mythology and looked forward to what the world offered once I left the 1860s.) I recall performing it at "air bands" during our school trip to camp, when Julia told me she like-liked me and I didn't know what to make of it.
    I do have a lot of fondness for the early years of the emergence of electronic music to the popular stage during my adolescence -- unlike metal or hip-hop, techno was something I felt spoke for me (perhaps because, as in this case, it was such a blank canvas of empty signifiers, though I'm as fond of debunked "lost continent" theories as the next guy), and I derive a great deal of satisfaction from adapting rave anthems to acoustic instrumentation. (Our arrangement of Underworld's "Born Slippy" may have been the Creaking Planks' crowning achievement!) One of the KLF's earlier improbable hits, "Doctorin' the Tardis", was the subject of one of my very first inquiries to my cyberspace colleagues in TABNet, and here 30 years later we're still in the group chat together. For me, it's a moment that never stopped resonating.

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