That PVC frame was a nice reminder, it can be shaped as well so if I can figure a trolley, I may have solved a moving light problem, thanks for putting these idea out. I may not be building s simulator, the build techniques have been very helpful.
i allways thought about something like this as a kind of "heat from the sun" simutalion , when drivin in vr. When i drive out of the shaddow and the sun shines from the left, i would switch a lightbulb on the left side on, just to give a light warm feeling like the sunrays would in real life. maybe with this app i can do it someday^^
wow, that could really be a thing and could even be simpler to build if there's enough interest in this. An arduino with a bridge that will drive 2 lamps can surely do that.
@@r-deltasims i thought of 3 lamps (left front right), driven by an arduino which dimms or switches the lights, so you would feel the sunray even if you drive/fly a long curve...something like that. The sun needs to be set as a source/point or so. Well im just updating my rig right now, maybe i find a solution for this over the time^^
That PVC frame was a nice reminder, it can be shaped as well so if I can figure a trolley, I may have solved a moving light problem, thanks for putting these idea out. I may not be building s simulator, the build techniques have been very helpful.
Thanks for sharing this system! Can't wait to try it when I get a sim
i allways thought about something like this as a kind of "heat from the sun" simutalion , when drivin in vr. When i drive out of the shaddow and the sun shines from the left, i would switch a lightbulb on the left side on, just to give a light warm feeling like the sunrays would in real life. maybe with this app i can do it someday^^
wow, that could really be a thing and could even be simpler to build if there's enough interest in this. An arduino with a bridge that will drive 2 lamps can surely do that.
@@r-deltasims i thought of 3 lamps (left front right), driven by an arduino which dimms or switches the lights, so you would feel the sunray even if you drive/fly a long curve...something like that. The sun needs to be set as a source/point or so. Well im just updating my rig right now, maybe i find a solution for this over the time^^
Interesting concept. I’ve never heard it mentioned before.