hello there just wanted to say I followed your instructions and dramatically improved my net throwing capabilities. You explain it very well. I would like to point out to anyone who watches this video pay particular attention to how the weights swing before they're thrown out that's a very important movement. This should be one of the top videos on throwing a cast net on RUclips or the internet. I have tried the other triple load methods and this has worked the best by far. One other improvement would be to mark with a piece of tape each third of the net at the lead line so that you're not guessing what a third of the weights is each time. The manufacturer should also have that marked in my opinion. Thanks for posting the video again probably
This is great and helpful. thanks!
Very nice throw man 👍 I enjoy your video bro!
hello there just wanted to say I followed your instructions and dramatically improved my net throwing capabilities. You explain it very well. I would like to point out to anyone who watches this video pay particular attention to how the weights swing before they're thrown out that's a very important movement. This should be one of the top videos on throwing a cast net on RUclips or the internet. I have tried the other triple load methods and this has worked the best by far. One other improvement would be to mark with a piece of tape each third of the net at the lead line so that you're not guessing what a third of the weights is each time. The manufacturer should also have that marked in my opinion. Thanks for posting the video again probably
Well done!