What is the most BS reason a teacher had for giving you a bad grade?

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 320

  • @Pseudoslotter
    @Pseudoslotter 7 месяцев назад +325

    My brother got a score of 49/50, but he wasn’t sure if that was correct, so he looked the incorrect one up and it turned out that the teacher was wrong lol

    • @user-hs6wf4br9r
      @user-hs6wf4br9r 7 месяцев назад +3

      Didn't happen

      @SHARKYSTUDIO653 7 месяцев назад

      dam what you mad about dude@@user-hs6wf4br9r

    • @Ravenishish
      @Ravenishish 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@user-hs6wf4br9rit happens. I've corrected a math teacher before and ive been in exams where they had to write corrections on the board.

    • @svdzcbshf6912
      @svdzcbshf6912 7 месяцев назад

      @@user-hs6wf4br9rmore believable then some stories. I’ve had teachers be wrong before too, and I bet you have as well.

    • @Siramong
      @Siramong 7 месяцев назад

      @@user-hs6wf4br9r ?

  • @unaagabii6584
    @unaagabii6584 7 месяцев назад +124

    A teacher marked my correct answer as wrong cause "well, if you got it right, then all your classmates would have that answer wrong and that's not fair". I'm pretty sure he didn't know the answer and expected us not to know, he was the lockhart of our school.

    • @_Laki0
      @_Laki0 3 месяца назад +5

      thats the most accurate harry potter reference irl i've ever seen. i literally had a principal like that

  • @mhawkins829
    @mhawkins829 7 месяцев назад +60

    I had a teacher that was very biased and mean to anyone who wasn’t jock. He was a the football coach and kind of a bully to kids deemed unpopular. One time I missed a week of school and when I came back he asked me why I wasn’t there. I told him I was in the hospital because I had a severe kidney infection. He told me that wasn’t a good enough of an excuse. Also he tried to accuse me of plagiarizing a paper and told me he looked it up on the internet. I told him to show me because I did no such thing. He of course couldn’t prove any of it but still failed me. I wasn’t the only one he did this too. I’m still bitter about it. F**k you Mr. Burns!

    • @VMM34
      @VMM34 7 месяцев назад +9

      I despise Mr Burns on your behalf 😡

    • @karenbailey-pb3ly
      @karenbailey-pb3ly 7 месяцев назад +5

      Bros enemy is from the Simpsons 💀

    • @alloftherun1174
      @alloftherun1174 7 месяцев назад +5

      What a fitting name

    • @catscratchqueen
      @catscratchqueen 4 дня назад

      omg why do jock teachers refuse to take injury and illness as an excuse??? (unless it's someone they coach)

  • @baileyfrerker2581
    @baileyfrerker2581 7 месяцев назад +35

    5th grade. Struggling with history tests. I literally studied for weeks. I took my notes to a restaurant and had my dad quiz me while eating our food a Chili’s! Got my text back with a 96%. I asked the teacher what I had done wrong and why she deducted points from a question I knew I answered right and her response was ‘oh, um, I don’t know. Too much information?’ And my 12 year old self was LIVID! I’m now 24 and that STILL makes me mad! She was a very grumpy and mean teacher too and always gave me a hard time about not studying or doing well on tests so that made me very upset.

  • @ccdut2553
    @ccdut2553 7 месяцев назад +28

    I was spelling my name as was given to me by my parents as written on my birth certificate. My teacher in 3rd grade kept correcting the spelling of my name on my papers and marking a lower grade than I actually got. I wasn’t spelling my name the way she wanted me to spell it. Finally my parents pulled me from the class because she was constantly using me as an example of how to “be a failure” because I didn’t know how to spell my name according to her. She did it right in front of my father who was chaperoning a field trip. My grade was changed by the principal of the school.

    • @rewto5131
      @rewto5131 Месяц назад +1

      That is a level of heavy-duty arrogance

  • @karma1507
    @karma1507 7 месяцев назад +39

    When I was 10, my english techer didn't let anyone get a perfect score on her tests. So if anyone got all the answers right, she would take 10% off their score just because she felt like it. This happened to me once and I still remember it more than a decade later.

    • @LuffyWantsMeat01
      @LuffyWantsMeat01 3 месяца назад

      Make sure she gets caught in a thing serious enough to get her fired.

    • @thechuckinator
      @thechuckinator 2 месяца назад +1

      Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen

  • @the_diminished_sixth
    @the_diminished_sixth 7 месяцев назад +13

    I had this really unreasonably strict and ancient-minded teacher in 8th grade for English. I managed to stay on her good side for a while, until we had to write an imitation poem about halfway through the year. We were going to be graded on it and also have a competition where we'd read ours in front of the class and vote on whose was the best. I put a lot of thought into writing my poem and handed it in. I read mine in front of the whole class, and won the competition for best poem by an overwhelming majority. I even got to read it over the loudspeaker during announcements one morning and everyone complimented it. I thought that would be enough to convince my teacher to give me a good grade... but no. I got a C on it. According to the rubric, I'd copied TWO WORDS slightly wrong from the original poem we were imitating. And it said you lose an entire letter grade for every mistake you make. I really hated that teacher after that but had no choice but to kiss up to her for the rest of the year. For some reason, she seemed to really hate my poetry.
    So that's my story.

  • @Buldogg345
    @Buldogg345 7 месяцев назад +16

    OMG, this was infuriating. I'll share a couple of mine.
    1- My topography teacher failed me on a test. We had to present our calculations on a separate sheet and he didn't like it that I wrote with a pen and not a pencil. I would've gotten a full mark. I had to retake the test and got my full mark, but, come on...
    2- A physics teacher failed me because, and get this, I'M A MAN. The guy was a creep. Hell, I even tutored my classmates. Nobody liked him. Had to retake the course with another teacher.

    • @PokeMageTech
      @PokeMageTech 5 месяцев назад

      1. That’s mathematics. Use a pencil. Still BS to deduct points, though.
      2. That’s disgusting.

  • @PublicHealthGeek
    @PublicHealthGeek 7 месяцев назад +24

    Not me, but the guy next to me in marketing was 15 seconds late to the final and the teacher kicked him out of class, meaning he got a zero on the final that you had to get a C on to pass the class. The bell hadn't even stopped ringing.

  • @Hwakna
    @Hwakna 7 месяцев назад +11

    when im on 4th grade, i got a bad grade at math beacause “you didnt use the teacher’s way so you dont deserve a good grade” EVEN IF THE ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

  • @pepperxs
    @pepperxs 7 месяцев назад +39

    heres a story!
    im 16 and a junior in highschool taking honors pre-calculus. last semester back in november, i handed in 3 projects that would be a very large part of my grade. the projects were technically 3 graded separately, but they all worked off of eachother in one unit. for the most part, i got A's and B's in the class for most of the units. anyway, i waited months for my teacher to grade that project. the end of the semester rolls around, and its still not graded. she didnt grade it until JANUARY. two months after i turned it in, and well after it was too late for it to be handed back for revisions which it otherwise wouldve been.
    my grade dropped from an A straight down to a C. i still need to email her about it to hold her accountable, it wont get resolved because semester grades are already in and cant be edited but boy was i pissed.

    • @Watterso
      @Watterso 7 месяцев назад

      Dude i'm 13 and still learning pre-calculus can you teach me like actual calculus cuz i'm confused w differientating intergals

    • @armstrongtixid6873
      @armstrongtixid6873 7 месяцев назад

      @@WattersoKhan Academy and The Organic Chemistry Tutor are the top resources. If you want to really learn Calc very well (not just to pass), find MIT’s lectures on Single Variable Calculus, also known as 18.01. It goes above a regular course level if you are interested.

    • @armstrongtixid6873
      @armstrongtixid6873 7 месяцев назад

      @@WattersoDifferentiating an integral means that you just get back the integrand (the function inside the integral). This is why integrals are also known as antiderivatives.

    • @sandybruce9092
      @sandybruce9092 7 месяцев назад

      So, you are still in high school and can’t write a decent grammatical sentence?

    • @Watterso
      @Watterso 7 месяцев назад

      @@armstrongtixid6873 Thank you

  • @geminidcollective9221
    @geminidcollective9221 7 месяцев назад +8

    In grade 3, way back before I got diagnosed with ADHD and dyscalculia (math-based learning disability; I say “it’s like dyslexia but with math”- I basically do not have the functional ability to do mental math.), I had a math test I had studied really hard for. I was doing fine but I eventually got stuck in a question asking about different kinds of change; quarters and dimes and nickels, stuff that a lot of people think is “basic knowledge”.
    Unfortunately, my poor little dyscalculic kid self didn’t know that a nickel was 5 cents or a quarter was 25 cents, because dyscalculia messes with the ability to comprehend money and how it works. (Also I did have to Google how much a nickel was just now)
    Anyways, I leaned to the kid next to me during the test (bad idea why did I do that??) and asked one innocent question; “How much is a nickel, dime, and quarter again?”. And suddenly my third grade teacher was at my desk, taking my test paper away and automatically failing me because I was “cheating”. I was so embarrassed. I knew I shouldn’t have been talking with my desk neighbours but i thought a simple harmless question about how much certain coins were was fine. It wasn’t. I think about that day constantly and I’ve graduated high school, it just haunts me for some reason.

  • @AprilDawnb
    @AprilDawnb 7 месяцев назад +6

    I had a teacher take points off if I spelled Mum instead of Mom. Her husband later corrected her telling her that was the British English way. She never took points off after that and apologized

  • @genevievemeuniere4047
    @genevievemeuniere4047 7 месяцев назад +9

    I remember me in 3nd grade.
    We got the task to draw an owl. Only an own on a branch. I was always the artist and drew and owl, with angle down to the ground so more of the tree to see and on the ground below the owl a deer looking up.
    I only got a B+ because I drew more as I needed.
    I always think rating a grade worse than necessary in ART CLASS is the way of a teacher to show they hate their student. Creativity should always be a thing to encourage.
    I also remember a teacher in middle school who never gave an A in art class. Never. Just to show how "reality works" to the sutdents.

  • @Ingrid30_
    @Ingrid30_ 7 месяцев назад +9

    In 8th grade my math teacher took 5 points off of my math homework because she overheard me saying to another student that I hated country music. She loved country music, and I apparently wasn't allowed to have a differing taste in music.

  • @HawkerMatt
    @HawkerMatt 7 месяцев назад +9

    Here's my one. Our high school Legal Studies teacher was in hospital for the later end of the year (not life threatening, just required surgery) and we had this one sub to take our class while he was away. We were given our final assignment to do by our teacher before he left, it was a presentation and we were told to record it and email it to our teacher. So most of us send it to our teacher as he asked us without issues (and we know he got it because he responded to another email someone in our class sent). We then get into our exam period and not 15 minutes before the Legal Exam is due to start this sub comes up to me and tells me I have failed the subject because I did not send him the presentation. I tried explaining to him that I sent it to our actual teacher as per our original instructions (otherwise we could have just presented in class to the sub if our teacher didn't want to grade it himself). This sub says "well teacher isn't here anymore blah blah" I didn't bother to try reasoning with him because he had been a pain in the ass the entire time he was here. I then go into my Legal exam having a panic attack because I've already been told that I have failed the class despite consistently getting 1st or 2nd best the entire year. Still managed to get high 80s on the exam though, but god that sub was painful.

  • @Tzomthekliafafanboy
    @Tzomthekliafafanboy 7 месяцев назад +11

    „It takes you a long time to get to the point and you stutter“
    Also I’m a foreigner and speak a different language at home

    • @rewto5131
      @rewto5131 Месяц назад

      So racist teacher

    • @Tzomthekliafafanboy
      @Tzomthekliafafanboy Месяц назад

      @rewto5131 Not really, i didn’t have an accent or anything, but sometimes i had to think because i couldn’t find the right word. She just hated random students, i wasn’t the only one who got bad grades for no good reason

  • @djplonghead5403
    @djplonghead5403 7 месяцев назад +4

    My friend told the teacher that they had to go the bathroom and it was an emergency and the teacher did not believe it. After arguing about how she had to go the bathroom she was allowed. Our doors at our school are heavy and close quickly. When she left the room the door closed loudly and when she got back she was given a detention for being "disrespectful" (which is what the teacher was) and for slamming the door (which was an accident). Our class started a document that had everything she had done and was against the teacher's code. We essentially used the doc as blackmail. We were going to turn it in but before we did she found out about it and started being nicer. She has recently become more mean and giving random grades that don't actually relate to the class so I might have to pull the doc back up... LOL

  • @rebeccacrow9427
    @rebeccacrow9427 7 месяцев назад +9

    In my last semester of my mathematics master's program, one of my professors mentioned conversationally that his girlfriend - who was a mathematics professor from a different country than the US - was helping him grade his homework for the first month of class, because she wouldn't have to return to teach until then and they taught the same graduate course. I was bombing the homework. She would leave such nice and encouraging notes about how well I was doing with good feedback, but then give me a D at highest. I was panicking because I was killing myself to solve all of these proofs for homework and it didn't matter, I would just do horribly. Then, he mentioned he was back to grading and she went home, and all of a sudden my homework grades shot up to a B average for the rest of the semester. There was no change in the quality of my homework, as I still struggled a ton. I am almost positive that her college, being in a different country, operated on a different grading scale, and he just was seeing the number out of 100 and not rescaling it to our grading system. I don't blame her, I blame him for letting his girlfriend grade our homework and not even checking to see if he agreed with what she was assigning us. By that point, though, he'd made it clear he was not someone you could talk to, and my abysmal mental health at the time convinced me he would retaliate if I brought it up, so I just kept my mouth shut until I got the end of the semester and knew I would have a passing grade and could graduate. I left him the mother of all scathing reviews and left with my degree.

  • @oldschoolhangout
    @oldschoolhangout 7 месяцев назад +7

    In college I handed in my final and the teacher said she wasn't going to accept it, I asked why and she said I turned it in too late. I was the second person to turn it in and as the third person handed their's in she accepted it. I asked why she accepted the third student's final if they were even later than me and I pointed out there was still an hour left to finish the test and she grabbed my test and put it in the trash.

    • @rewto5131
      @rewto5131 Месяц назад

      THAT is MESSED the f**k up

  • @rennoc6478
    @rennoc6478 7 месяцев назад +3

    These stories make me furious at the teachers in these scenarios

    • @rewto5131
      @rewto5131 Месяц назад

      It's worse when you know they are real

  • @namikkou
    @namikkou 7 месяцев назад +13

    I have one of these stories! I believe it was a spelling test of sorts. I've always been awful at spelling and was trying my best, but got a C+
    People were showing their scores and another classmate got a point less than me, but somehow had a B-
    I asked my teacher about this, and she said my score was lower because she "knew I could do better."
    I love that teacher, she was practically a second mother for me all of elementary and middle school, but that is the one thing I remember being geninuely frustrated at her for

  • @josi4251
    @josi4251 7 месяцев назад +4

    I'm a longtime teacher, currently high school but formerly college. This video is causing me some anxiety, because most of us have had teachers who graded us unfairly. It has made me a much more fair teacher, and I will listen to any student who privately challenges a grade I've given. Not that I put up with cheating or people trying to copy the work of others, but I don't do humiliation in front of their peers.

  • @Tainted_Delusion
    @Tainted_Delusion 7 месяцев назад +56

    1 Thing that has always pissed me off a little is that for me my english grade was 50% for technical skills like spelling, grammer and punctuation while the other 50% was creative writing
    Having HALF your grade be decided by something that is almost entirely subjective and up to the reader is so fucking stupid as it could be a great story for 1 person and a terrible one for another

    • @red_herrington8988
      @red_herrington8988 7 месяцев назад +8

      That's why I hate English as a subject, all of the other core curriculum classes have answers that are set in stone and are based on fact alone, whereas English is the only class that is based on bias

    • @Steamedmeeps
      @Steamedmeeps 7 месяцев назад +7

      Once got an F for “misspelling” something that I had made up for a creative writing assignment. It was a character’s NAME

    • @ndawn90
      @ndawn90 7 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@SteamedmeepsI once got dinged for not citing a business I made up for a PowerPoint assignment where we were supposed to create a fake pitch for EHR software.
      I named my fake company "FartyDog Inc."
      This was in college.
      True story.
      (The extra dumb part is that we were literally told to make up a fake business in the rubric... Oh, and the "CEO" and other company heads were named things like "Wendy Writer" and were super obviously stock photos...)

    • @PilotTurtle
      @PilotTurtle 7 месяцев назад +1

      Idk about where you're from, but for us the creative writing is based of quality of writing and not whether or not the story is actually good. Also you misspelled grammar.

    • @Tainted_Delusion
      @Tainted_Delusion 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@PilotTurtle im from the uk and here grammer only makes up a slight part of the creative writing segment
      Everything else is about how the teacher thinks of the story hence why i think its bullshit
      Also i never said i did well on the grammar part XD

  • @syrathdouglas1244
    @syrathdouglas1244 7 месяцев назад +6

    Was failed on a paper where we were supposed to talk about something we did that we’re proud of. I drew some of an alien world, making my own ecosystems and creatures, complete with evolutionary offshoots. I prefaced it with some explanation on what various terminology meant then lore dumped heavily, gushing over it because it is my first speculative evolution project!
    I was told I didn’t do what the prompt said. No further explanation. This happened a few times and I failed the class. I retook it under a different teacher who gave far more detailed instructions and some of the exact same prompts, including the one in the example, which I wrote almost the exact same paper for, and I passed!

  • @Lauria2875
    @Lauria2875 7 месяцев назад +3

    Most of my fifth grade history class were failing. And this was the top class with all the gifted students in it. I was making straight As without turning in a single paper. I was depressed and suicidal at the time and didn't really question it. I didn't want to be there, she didn't want to be there. Whatever.
    It wasn't till my mid fourties it dawned on me. That teacher was on probation after completing AA and other disciplinary action as a result of whisky being found in her desk. A lot of the students in the class that found the whisky had siblings in my class. Including my sister. So the whole class was being punished for what their older siblings did. Except me. Because my mom was the head fifth grade teacher and the one overseeing the probation.
    Unfortunately for me I got switched to my moms class after the first quarter. She made me do the work, which made fifth grade me highly annoyed! The probation did not work out.

  • @Suspressable
    @Suspressable 7 месяцев назад +5

    2027: “You must show your workings when writing your name on the test!”

    • @memezboi489
      @memezboi489 3 месяца назад +3

      I know this comment is a joke but the world where you have to bring your birth certificate to show your work on a test sounds a like a horrible dystopia and I'm glad it's probably never gonna happen

    • @rewto5131
      @rewto5131 Месяц назад

      *explains how genitals function, followed by explanation of fertilization with demonstration. Then, explains the stages of pregnancy and fetus development*

  • @TheCrabLord_
    @TheCrabLord_ 7 месяцев назад +16

    I had one teacher that almost made me quit writing because of his BS reason. We were in College and we were supposed to write a short story with family being the main theme. I wrote about two orphaned brothers stuck in the middle of an active warzone who return to the remains of their family home as the younger brother has been severely injured and it is the last place the older brother could ever remember being happy and safe which is why he chose to go back as he wasn't sure his brother had much time left. So they stay within the ruins of the home while the older brother does his best to comfort his brother and tend to his wounds as best as he can. As the hours go on he realises his brother is fading so looks for anything he can within the remains of the home to help and stumbled upon a family photo in a broken frame, still relatively intact. He returns to his brother with the photo and realises there really isn't anything he can do to save him. His little brother is understandably terrified of dying so the older brother sits with him and comforts him as best he can by using the photo and reminisces with him about happy memories with family. I'm only giving a brief synopsis but the brother eventually passes, comforted in his final moments. My whole idea was that in the darkest and most terrifying times family can bring back a little light in an otherwise grim reality/ family sticking together in some of the hardest and unimaginable circumstances.
    Anyway the only criteria was that the theme had to be around family, that was it. There was nothing about whether it had to be a happy story, the criteria stated we were free to interpret it however we felt best. My teacher literally graded me down because he personally didn't like sad/dark stories. They apparently make him uncomfortable. How do I know? I asked him why I had been given such a bad grade as I was actually really proud of it. I asked if it was the writing, I asked if it was my story structure, if they were poorly written characters, if I didn't stick to the theme correctly or just a poorly executed story. I wanted actual constructive criticism so I could do better next time. He said it was none of those things and that it was all very well written but he had assumed everyone would write happy stories as it was about family and that by assigning the theme of family that he would be able to avoid sad or dark stories. Apparently everyone else wrote happy stories. Thing is, that was not apart of any of the criteria at all. It was his own dislike of sad stories that resulted in my bad grade. It was worth 30% of our grade too. It disheartened me to the point that I thought I would never be good enough and I convinced myself that it must be that I was a bad writer and that it couldn't just be because he didn't like sad stories. I was 18 at the time and I have always had pretty bad self esteem. I actually had my first ever story published when I was 14 and have managed to make previous teachers cry with stories I had written (received good grades for those). Writing stories was really the only thing I felt good about in regards to myself. For some reason this teacher and the way he spoke down to me just made all of my previous accomplishments and good grades just feel so insignificant.
    It wasn't until a year later when discussing teachers we didn't like with my older sister that I realised how BS my bad grade was. I showed my sister the story and the grading rubric/criteria. Her reaction was actual outrage. She told me he wasn't allowed to down grade me because of his own personal bias. We went through the grading and found that I had high marks for everything but the Ahole had added his own thing at the bottom where he removed grading points and wrote beside it that he didn't like dark/sad stories and he was removing points for that reason, even though it wasn't outlined in the proper criteria. She said he wasn't allowed to just change the grading criteria after the assignment was given and handed in just because of his personal preferences and that I should have gone to the board and requested to have it assessed by someone else and have investigated for the teacher's personal bias affecting my grade. Unfortunately it was too late by that point and I honestly didn't know that was a thing you could do. As I previously stated, I have poor self esteem and self worth and didn't think to look into it further even though what he had done was incredibly unfair and actually not allowed. I also didn't question him being able to just alter grades to his liking, I was pretty quiet and just assumed he could so didn't question it. In hindsight I really don't know why I thought what he did was allowed, I really should have stood up for myself. I am 28 now and if I had the same attitude I have now when I was 18 I definitely wouldn't have let that slide. I am sad at how this one bad teacher made me think I would never be good despite previous accomplishments and grades. Fortunately the year after this had happened he left teaching so he at least can't do that to other students.
    Sorry for the essay, I just wish I didn't let this "teacher" and his BS almost make me quit writing. Also, please don't take this comment as my actual writing abilities, I am actually much better when I sit down to actually write properly than with this long-winded comment that I wrote while half distracted wrangling my one and a half year old daughter XD

  • @wabash9000
    @wabash9000 7 месяцев назад +36

    I failed a class in college because the TA didn't get any of my homework. Apparently all of my emails had gone to their spam folder. When I showed them the emails I had sent in my outbox they accused me of hacking the school email system and putting the emails in my outbox to make it look like I had sent the assignments. I did not. They threatened to go to the college board and have me kicked out of the school if I fought it. Stopped going to class for the rest of the semester, took the F, and retook the class with a different TA. Pretty stupid way to waste $1000.

    • @hugomallory875
      @hugomallory875 7 месяцев назад +1


    • @Kitani115
      @Kitani115 7 месяцев назад +3

      The frick is wrong with that TA?

    • @NiaJustNia
      @NiaJustNia 7 месяцев назад +7

      You should've taken it further. Accept you're going to get the F and have already lost the money, so you might as well get your money's worth and fuck up that TA's whole year. Go to admin, go to IT, shout and scream, demand an explanation as to why none of your homework was marked all year. You should've made her regret her stupidity 😂

    • @horseluver4ever623
      @horseluver4ever623 7 месяцев назад +1

      You should have gone to the school board so that the TA could humiliate themselves

    • @raymondmccartney1976
      @raymondmccartney1976 7 месяцев назад

      I would’ve reported that jack***!

  • @hephsmith3738
    @hephsmith3738 7 месяцев назад +2

    Good God, most of these teachers teach like they're in a lawsuit, with their students as opposing counsel. A teacher is a *guide* , not an *opponent* .

    @PYROWORKSTV 7 месяцев назад +6

    My math teacher gave me an especially bad grade to motivate me. Welp, it broke my back and I dropped out of school.

    • @azDanqs
      @azDanqs 4 месяца назад

      our german (foreign language) teacher gave everyone 1 grade lower than they should have gotten to "motivate them"
      obviously didnt work btw nobody likes her

  • @teacup7044
    @teacup7044 7 месяцев назад +3

    I was given an d- because my teacher said that the build a castle project didn't look like something I could build. I did it all by hand gluing every stone to the cartons and the walls making the chapel and grave yard, the stone walls following the rules for a medieval castle. He said no someone made it for you because your not good enough or smart enough for this, but since I was so upset he will give me a D. Then someone who bought the kit came in and got an A, he broke my work after someone who did art design for Disney said they loved it and wanted to take pictures of it to take back with them for an idea, he slammed a history book into it and pushed it off the table. This was in the 90's so oh well not that big a deal but at the time I wanted to die.

  • @Skibiditoiletboi420
    @Skibiditoiletboi420 7 месяцев назад +4

    Been here since the start of the channel and I’m still not tired of yalls videos 😊

  • @VMM34
    @VMM34 7 месяцев назад +3

    I started a casual college course, held to eventually guide adults into university. The work had no relevance except for experience and practice. I then took the real lead-into university course and as it had the same tutor she wouldn't let me do a certain assignment again as I'd "already done it" in the casual class. Then she marked my original work down because it had a coffee cup stain on it. I gave in and left

  • @games_bond7221
    @games_bond7221 6 месяцев назад +3

    My maths teacher in middle school used to always grade my tests differently because I was the only gifted student in the class (school didn't even officially recognise me as gifted, the teacher just wanted to find a way to not give me full marks). So if anyone else had 95 points on the test, they'd get a 10/10. If I had 95 points on the same test (same questions), I had a 9.5/10 or even a 9/10. When I asked her, she said "You could actually get a perfect score, the other kids can't"
    This basically ended up with me half @ssing tests because I wasn't getting a perfect score anyway.
    Also that teacher was also prohibiting me from having access to *medically required* things. I had a doctor's certificate saying I had to be allowed to use the bathroom whenever I asked, regardless of the circumstances. I ended up having to beg multiple times, even resorting to running out of the classroom with her running after me in the bathrooms. No one ever did anything because "She was just trying to help"
    I am in therapy because of how much she, among other things but her mostly, messed me up.

  • @Justlibing010
    @Justlibing010 7 месяцев назад +2

    I had a high B once in 7th grade. I missed one day. ONE DAY. And the teacher brought my grade down to a 19. Yes, u read that right, A 19!

  • @itsalaynnaguys
    @itsalaynnaguys 7 месяцев назад +3

    In kindergarten they told us to color in these circles, and I used black instead of red

  • @CoolCademMAnimates-fz1ui
    @CoolCademMAnimates-fz1ui 7 месяцев назад +2

    English Teacher had us all make a podcast and I know a lot about that stuff, so I put my soul into it. Get my grade back, she reduced points because she says my voice sounds weird. More points reduced for adding music even though it says to add music in the rubric. Never liked that teacher. I also HATE my digital tech teacher because she wouldn’t take responsibility for any mistakes, punish the whole class for one kid doing something and she wouldn’t leave the code on the screen long enough for anyone to write it down in their program. I’m pretty sure she would actually grade me harsher because she knew I didn’t like her and she just wanted to get rid of me.

  • @Scorea823
    @Scorea823 6 месяцев назад +1

    I have 2 for my pre-calculus class that had a very strict teacher.
    1. I got a point taken off on a math worksheet once because my work was under the problem and slightly to the left. Apparently, the work had to be directly under the problem. The problem was on the edge of the paper and there wasn’t any other problem to the left of the problem so it was clear that my work was for that problem, yet I still got a point taken off.
    2. I got a point taken off a test because I wrote my answer as x= 1, 3, and 8 rather than x=1 x=3 x=8. The teacher never clarified that we had to write our answers separately rather than in a list and I would have gotten a perfect score if not for that.

  • @breeinatree4811
    @breeinatree4811 7 месяцев назад +6

    I had a 4th grade teacher who would pick one kid to torment. I was the kid she picked. I'm dyslexic and numbers are hard for me. One day I asked my mother to help me. I knew I had all the answers correct. I was so excited to hand my paper in and surprise the teacher. I put it on her desk with everyone else's. She went through the pages and pulled mine out. She got a big magic marker and wrote F - on it. She showed the rest of the class my paper, and said, this is what I got so she was giving everyone else an A. She never even looked at my paper. I hated school after that. I never handed a another paper in for the rest of the year. I didn't care what grade I got.

    • @devincetee5335
      @devincetee5335 7 месяцев назад +2

      You could have sued

    • @breeinatree4811
      @breeinatree4811 7 месяцев назад

      @@devincetee5335 oh, it was years later but I got her fired. I was picking my niece from school and saw her grab a 6 year old child and jerk the kid up in the air with his feet dangling she started yelling at the poor kid. When the mother came to pick him up, I told her what the teacher did. We went to the principal and I told him what I saw. There was a mark on the kids arm which proved I was telling the truth. The principal says he'll have a talk with her. I said I will do anything to get her fired. I told him of how she treated me, and I know three other parents will back me up, because their kids were abused too. One week later the witch was gone. I guess the school district didn't want to go to court against myself and four other parents. Mrs. Ryan, I still hate you.

    • @sfsin3380
      @sfsin3380 5 месяцев назад

      Also dyslexic. Had a teacher docking pionts for no clear reason. Then I noticed that this put me just behind the teachers daughter. She apparently could stand the learning disability kid was doing better than her own kid. Unfortunately couldn't prove it.
      Didn't matter really as the final grade was a state test that she wouldn't touch. No support I got a high B and teachers daughter got a low C.
      And this B**** decides to take her frustration about this out on my younger sister who was still taking her class.

  • @Seabeastie20000
    @Seabeastie20000 7 месяцев назад +4

    ! Finally a question I have a story for.
    My highschool AP history teacher gave me a 0 on my entire pre-test because "the judges wont try to read your handwriting like I do"... I ended up being one of 3/9 that passed.

    • @Mark73
      @Mark73 7 месяцев назад

      If you hand something into a judge, isn't it going to be typed?

    • @Seabeastie20000
      @Seabeastie20000 7 месяцев назад

      @@Mark73 nyope. This was like 2014ish. Pencil essays.

  • @Maverick_0701
    @Maverick_0701 7 месяцев назад +6

    Just today my teacher threw out 4-5 days worth of everyone’s schoolwork because my class hasn’t done well enough. Why must I bear so much pain for others faults?

  • @Winged_Spider
    @Winged_Spider 7 месяцев назад +1

    My brother got points taken off during a math test. The class was learning multiplication at the time. He put in 3x5 for an answer on a quiz, which was marked as wrong because the correct answer was 5x3. The reasoning for this was that he wasn't supposed to know about the commutative property (order doesn't matter in multiplication). He got punished for being ahead in the class. Needless to say, he got swapped to a different teacher not long after.

  • @y.y.y..y.y.y
    @y.y.y..y.y.y 7 месяцев назад +1

    In college, I took a physics course that was notoriously difficult. Utterly failed the first test, so I started going to the after class study session. The professor typically gave 4 questions before the test with the guarantee 1 would be on your test. So many failed the first test that he gave 8 questions promising 2 would be on the test. Tests were 4 questions total. Well, I got the 2nd test expecting to recognize half of it, but I come to find out I had seen all the questions ahead of time thanks to the study session. The time comes to hand the graded tests back and he's going on and on about how people still did poorly but that someone got a 99%. He added that he didn't give out the 100% because he had never given one, said that the student could come to his office hours to discuss the grade. I was expecting a good grade, but I ended up getting the 99% test back. I never went in to his office hours and he probably has yet to give out a 100%

  • @minecraftplayer1295
    @minecraftplayer1295 7 месяцев назад

    5 years ago I had an online history class that had an Online Writing Response portion, and we had to write about Our Opinion on how we felt about woman being put on money. I was against it as at the time women were more aggressive towards men in my area, so I gave my opinion and reasoning, being I didnt want to get harassed by a woman if they really cared about who was on the bill, and decided to attack me for using a dollar bill that didnt have a woman at the time. Everyone else used cookie-cutter “I approve of it” responses. I was the only one that was against it, and as a result got a 0 on the assignment, and called sexist by the teacher. I stood my ground with my decision and left it at that. Still annoying that I got graded based on my own opinion.

  • @TcgamingbrosYT
    @TcgamingbrosYT 7 месяцев назад +3

    The teacher ripped my test up because I had my phone out, had to retake for a 50. I had already turned in the test...

  • @anwynb03o3o5
    @anwynb03o3o5 7 месяцев назад +1

    I triple-checked with her “hey, since this is an opinion piece I don’t have to use an academic voice, right?”, and she said yes.
    I got 10/20 because I didn’t use an academic voice when I said all the deaths in Romeo and Juliet were Romeo’s fault.
    Either she was bullshitting me or she didn’t like my conclusion, with that teacher it’s hard to tell

  • @GuesTera_Z
    @GuesTera_Z 7 месяцев назад +2

    I literally wasn't in classes all of October November AND December this school year and I still somehow passed all 4 of the classes I was failing, I think I got lucky with how reasonable my teachers were in letting me hand in all those tests I missed, even if I had to do them all within a week (it was like 20 tests overall between the 4 classes)

  • @urgon6321
    @urgon6321 8 дней назад

    My language/literature teacher in the middle school hated me. Due to dysgraphia I did all my homework on the computer and printed it, because my handwriting is so bad, even I can't read it. She graded my every essay as 1 or 1+, we use here 1-6 scale, where 6 is for work way beyond what is required. After months of this I refused to do any homework for her class. This made my crappy teacher call my parents and the principal. I explained that I refuse to do any homework, because I'll get the same grade no matter what, so why should I waste my time. Then my mother asked if she should call the office of Superintendent of Education for our region, and maybe the local media. After that I averaged 3/3+. The teacher still hated me.

  • @jubilanttitan4999
    @jubilanttitan4999 7 месяцев назад +1

    I actually have a story similar to one of the ones in the video
    For context, We were tasked with writing our own essays off of something I don’t remember at this point, so I decided to use some random idea I had for a story I was working on with a friend. To put simply, it was a huge war that spanned across the entire universe. I got a B. Some of the reasons I understand, such as me not doing the best on world building (My main job when helping with my friends story was to draw things and give them lore). But something I noticed when going over her comments was that it was too “dark.” When I asked her about that comment, she said that she put it there because I had killed off a few minor characters throughout the story. When I told her that people actually die in war, she said that those deaths were too painful. Both of the more major deaths I can think of didn’t seem that painful to me (one was caught in the heart of an explosion, and the other was killed instantly to a shot to the head). Lets just say I’m still ticked off about it today.
    Edit: Also working on making the idea a trilogy

  • @danihelledraklyn8602
    @danihelledraklyn8602 3 месяца назад

    Senior English teacher put all our homework assignments online (this was back before everyone had computers/cells). I begged her to write them on the board. She refused. I didn't have computer access and worked a job from 1pm to 1am while still in school. Turns out that teacher had a 90% fail rate and was proud of it! She prevented me from graduating also

  • @ladydais
    @ladydais 7 месяцев назад +1

    That one with the spelling test and getting a zero even though it was a 100 just for talking in a free period which I don’t think was against the rule, my parents would have demanded a conference with the teacher and principal for that.

  • @GothicPhantomZero
    @GothicPhantomZero 7 месяцев назад +1

    It's funny, I too wanted to be a teacher...mainly an art teacher. But one teacher soured that. It was just before a spelling test. The girl in front of me asked me if I could teach her to draw. I was excited about it and so I said yes. Well, during the test she kept showing me these drawings she did on the back of her paper. I thought nothing of it when she told me to look and so I did. After the test, the teacher called me up to her desk and flat out accused me of cheating off of her paper. She did this in-front of the whole class, with a bit of a loud voice for her, and I felt so embarrassed. I told her she was showing me drawing on the back of her paper, that I never cheated. She showed me the girl's paper...there...was...no...drawings. The girl had used a separate piece of paper! I was so angry that the teacher never believed me. She kept me in from recess as punishment. I ended up telling my mom about this and the teacher said she never did it that way and flat out said I lied. I never lied when I was younger. I never saw the point. I was always honest with what I said and honestly I never had a buffer so my words were sometimes rather mean because it was after all the truth. I was always a shy and kind kid. Never swore, never did anything bad, never really was outgoing, and I never would do such a thing as cheat. Because of what she did, started the course for bullying and teaches not believing me when I was trying to tell them what was happening. Including the time I was threatened to be beaten within an inch of my life because I wouldn't give another kid my school food. They said I was lying... After that final grade I left school, I became homeschooled, and I'm so thankful for my mom because of that. Because there was an older girl who use to bully me too said she was looking forward for me to go to school with her. She kept trying to trip me in the halls. Told the teacher and was told I shouldn't make things up and I should watch where I walk because it was probably my fault. All...because...of...one...teacher....

  • @blackqweenmars
    @blackqweenmars 7 месяцев назад

    Teachers might say they don’t play favorites, but they do and how much they like you really does influence what they give you. I’ve had teachers who have given me grades I didn’t deserve to save me from failing. I’ve had teachers that went above and beyond coming to my events, visiting me at the hospital, etc. I was a straight a student for years, but I had one bad semester and they saved me. Students, butter your teachers up. Be the first to listen to the directions as long as they’re reasonable, greet them, and show genuine caring and respect for them because they’re people too. It’s best for it to be genuine because teachers can tell when somebody is trying to kiss up to them. When I say brownie points are real they are. The better you treat others the better you’ll be treated. But people can tell when you do stuff for selfish reasons as well so make sure that it’s genuine and make yourself actually care. Don’t only be nice for favors. Be nice to be nice and you will get a good karma for it. Trust me, everybody plays favorites, and everybody’s allows their personal bias to influence their judgment. Make sure that you’re on everybody’s good side. I always say good morning and good afternoon for my teachers and show genuinely care for them even one other students walk past him and act like they don’t exist. You’re just hurting yourself when you’re mean to your teacher.

  • @justsomerandomdudeontheint9859
    @justsomerandomdudeontheint9859 7 месяцев назад +1

    Story I have:
    I was in the 7th grade when I was given a pretty long ELA assignment by a particularity grumpy teacher, on top of work with other classes. A had youth group, a religious meeting at my church, after school. This made it so I was unable to finish the assignment. The teacher wouldn’t give me an extra day to get full credit, though as “work is more important and comes before everything.” Excuse me? My RELIGION? That’s some bull crap. Passed the class with and A anyway, and was glad that I would be seeing her anymore.

  • @jazz107601
    @jazz107601 7 месяцев назад +1

    In university in one of my English classes on the final you had to write about something based off a true experience. I based it on the time I had a seizure in high school and was mercilessly bullied due to that and ended up switching schools. I got a C+ purely because “you clearly made this story up and that would never happen in real life.” Thankfully at the university I went to if you disagree with the mark you can have another professor who teaches the same course grade it and if there’s a huge discrepancy you get the higher grade. The other professor gave me A-.

  • @MeemahSN
    @MeemahSN 4 месяца назад

    I am so glad I have never had to deal with teachers like this

  • @firetiger582
    @firetiger582 4 месяца назад

    I was doing clinicals for CNA certification and at the very end I was placed on a patient with mersa (a very very contagious infection that is resistant to antibiotics.) The person was very combative and it was the last day. The teacher/trained nurse had me on this person alone. Was taking my time when the teacher came in. Took charge and started yanking the poor patient. I heard popping and was overwhelmed but helped as softly as I could. The teacher wanted to finish training in half the normal time to spend the rest having a small pizza party. I refused to go to the party after and when I went for the final exam the next week was told I wasn't allowed in and I failed the class.

  • @Thatfunnyguyonyoutube
    @Thatfunnyguyonyoutube 7 месяцев назад +2

    4th grade my parents methods left me in bruises but no one at school knew. Teacher took our tests, mine was blank. She asked if I'm r3tarded, so I replied with hitting her with the foldable chair & walked home. I got suspended & moved to a 5th grade class. She got fired.

    • @jamiethal1319
      @jamiethal1319 7 месяцев назад +1

      What happened with your parents? Why weren’t you expelled?

    • @Thatfunnyguyonyoutube
      @Thatfunnyguyonyoutube 7 месяцев назад

      @@jamiethal1319 They liked drinking and beating us a lot. The teacher was getting complaints from everyone for years at that point, and up until that moment, everyone knew me to be the nice, quiet, helpful kid. I never got in trouble once, and the school kinda knew about me home life, and saw me eating 2 slices of bread sandwiches for lunch most of the time. This also took place in alaska in 1991.

  • @imaginosdesdinova1130
    @imaginosdesdinova1130 7 месяцев назад +2

    My RL name is not spelled in the usual way so as a grade school student I got points off for spelling it "wrong" and the teacher would cross it out and put the regular spelling

  • @noamlovett3339
    @noamlovett3339 7 месяцев назад

    One time I had an assignment that was you had to write about how amazing a thing was. Because of me and my family’s views, I did not agree that it was good and instead wrote a perfect essay on what they could do better. I asked my teacher if this was ok and she said yes. Mind you she only asked for a paragraph. I got my grade back and it was a zero. I went up to her and asked what was wrong because it certainly was not because of the actual thing it was based on. She said it was that I said what they could do better. So it turns out she didn’t hear me and just said yes. She even broke me down to tears by saying my family’s views were wrong

  • @shiny_sylveon11
    @shiny_sylveon11 7 месяцев назад +1

    ohh this one is RECENT
    i’m 10th grade and ofc have history
    i don’t mind it but oh my god this teacher
    i could not focus in her class and she was annoying.
    I have autism and Adhd and have a headphone to help with my SPD, i do not have a 504 plan
    the teach has a no headphones rule.
    she would get at me for having it in when i’m in her class so i’ve just started to hide it from her, so yk
    she’s annoying already and not willing for negotiations
    few weeks ago she gave us an assignment about Child Labour and how it’s bad, and how we would need to make a powerpoint.
    I figured that because i can’t focus in her class, i’d do it at home the next day.
    Next day comes bumpy and now all of a sudden i’m failing her fucking class. Turns out the assignment was due that same day (we had to answer 6 questions with several responses, 6 slides, citations in a specific format, photos, etc) when she took up 1 of the 2 hours we had in her class, and not only that
    but it was worth *HALF OF OHR FUCKING GRADE.*
    So now i was failing, and if i didn’t get it done in a week, i’d be failing the rest of the year. And i’m a busy person with clubs and band as a percussionist.
    I did eventually get it fixed but she never made it clear it was worth half our grade and i think that it was stupid
    like that headphone rule of hers

  • @Red_Oak.
    @Red_Oak. 7 месяцев назад +1

    This wasn't really a bad grade, but a stupid reason that my answer to a question was wrong. In 9th grade Geometry (which is normally taught to Sophomores; I had been in a class with accelerated students since sixth grade) I had butted heads with the teacher a few times because she wasn't a very good teacher (bad at connecting with students) and not very good at math (more than once I found significantly easier ways to do the work but I had to fight to allow her to let me use them. This particular quiz was about translations which I was very familiar with as we covered them pretty extensively in eighth grade. When I got my quiz back the last problem (the second of two extra credit, which who cares, but I just wanted to points even though I didn't actually need it)was marked as incorrect. I triple check my answer (that the point P could in fact be reflected over the line y=x and arrive at the given point, and then decided to ask her about it. She said that you instead had to translate the point up four units and to the left four units. I said that gives the exact same answer. She stays silent for a few seconds and then says "but the problem asks for what SERIES of transformations ..." And at that point I gave up and just let it be.
    TL;DR: Bad math teacher took points off because my faster answer faster than what the question was asking.

  • @k.chriscaldwell4141
    @k.chriscaldwell4141 7 месяцев назад +1

    A “C” on a Marketing 101 project despite my 3 partner students doing nothing. And a scolding that I should have done better. i.e. he knew I did it alone.
    I was only working full-time, while maintaining a full course load. _Well! Excuse me!_

  • @KingDededeeznuts
    @KingDededeeznuts 7 месяцев назад +1

    I play football, I hurt my leg but felt I could suck it up, I then hurt my elbow the next week and asked if I could sit out of PE. My teacher said it’s ok but he would have to take points off for not participating. Bro I can barely move my arm, what do you want me to do?

  • @shelaghsalisbury1325
    @shelaghsalisbury1325 6 месяцев назад

    My home economics teacher took marks of my food journal when we were learning about food groups because “you left the dairy portion blank so it was incomplete” and “you were supposed to eat a balanced diet, you can’t have a balanced diet without all the food groups.” I explained multiple times that I was allergic to milk and milk products so I never ate them, but that I had written down my calcium pill every day in an effort to show I was trying to be balanced and healthy. She refused to give me my marks back. So yeah, I got a bad grade because I had an allergy.

  • @issy4897uwu
    @issy4897uwu 7 месяцев назад +1

    I still remembering handing something for a teacher in middle school. I don't remember the class.
    But it was a group work. I handed it in then after a while the teacher was giving it back and we didn't recieve ours. We got told we didn't hand in the work and we got a 0.
    I was (still am) too shy so I just shut up and accepted it. I passed the year anyway.

  • @Aaxolotl.
    @Aaxolotl. 7 месяцев назад

    One of my teachers in middle school kept giving us work, never picked it up from anyone in the class and gave EVERYONE a zero on multiple assignments for their own mistakes. Also another teacher (this one in high school) gave me marks off for getting the correct answer on the math test by using a different method. I explained how my way of doing it was easier to teach, learn, and do, and they agreed, but they still marked off and sent me to the office to have my parents pick me up.

  • @RohitKulan
    @RohitKulan 7 месяцев назад +1

    Got a 75/100 on an essay because i turned it in late. Didn't do any work on the essay after the due date, because i thought I turned it in already. I tried explaining the situation to no avail. I even named the paper "oh shoot i forgot to turn it in but i didn't do anything past the due date" or something like that. What's worse, apparently some girl also turned it in late and got no penalty for it???

  • @anniethefallen2326
    @anniethefallen2326 5 месяцев назад

    A similar situation as story 4 happened to me. I was meant to have extra time on my exams and sit in a different room to my other peers due to my step-mum, great aunt and an online friend of mine unfortunately passing away in the span of three months. My depression sky rocketed as did my social anxiety. As you can probably tell, I'm not very fond of my exam results. The only class that I did well on was my catering and I was told that I could have gotten an A if I had organised and better sorted out my timing. I had gotten two Cs and the rest of my results were Ds. My tutor (the British version of a homeroom teacher I guess) and family were all pissed

  • @pot-wielders
    @pot-wielders 7 месяцев назад

    I had this teacher once in like 2nd or 3rd grade and she sent me to the office for the most BS reasons. Eventually it was just like calling my parents and saying that I’m okay and down at the office and I didn’t do anything wrong. I hope she left that school so other kids wouldn’t have to suffer.

  • @arrowtyrant.1726
    @arrowtyrant.1726 2 месяца назад

    My high school English teacher graded my multiple choice quiz incorrect because I didn’t write the letters “correctly”.
    I specifically remember them telling me I should’ve made the letter J curvier.
    It still irritates me to this day because I would’ve had full points on that quiz if the teacher wasn’t stubborn.
    Unsurprisingly I recently had a similar experience with my job and the assistant manager trying to get me fired for “not cleaning” an item I deep cleaned.

  • @lizgreer6888
    @lizgreer6888 2 месяца назад

    My Dad was a radio operator in the Navy during the Korean War. He had a pretty high security clearance so he knew a lot of what was going on. Fast forward many years later, at 54 he had me in the 80s.
    As a junior in high school im learning about the War. Dad helps me study and a lot of what was in the old text books was heavily out of date info. So he told me what really happened as a lot of info was recently declassified.
    Well I took the test thinking I did awesome. Nope I got a C-
    Took it home to my Dad who said I answered everything correctly. He came to speak in person with my teacher who said "according to the textbook her answers were wrong. So It's not fair that I raise her grade." Dad asked if he could go through the questions and explain what really happened. The teacher said no. My Dad was livid. Not because of the grade, but the complete disregard of the living history right in front of him. It remains to this day the angriest I ever saw my Dad.

  • @Renfeng4
    @Renfeng4 6 месяцев назад +1

    Had a project in second grade where we were learning about other cultures. We had to present about said culture and the rubric said that dressing up and bringing in food was optional. Optional. The teacher only gave me half points for not bringing food even though I did the presentation. The freaking rubric said it was optional.

  • @ExSharkV
    @ExSharkV 5 месяцев назад

    I live in the US but I'm a native Canadian French speaker. I nearly failed high school French, despite being fluent in French because the teacher (who wasn't a native French speaker it was a second language for her) refused to understand my Canadian French accent. She also did something similar to a girl in my class who spoke Haitian French. The teacher had no trouble understanding the kids who spoke French with a North East/New England/Boston accent.

  • @dolphinlover25
    @dolphinlover25 7 месяцев назад +3

    You study for a spelling test by memorizing how the word is spelled.

  • @Snakelover131
    @Snakelover131 2 месяца назад

    I had a teacher call my parents to tell them I was failing her class and hadn’t done any work for the past month. But the month before this I went to her class and she told me I wasn’t allowed in her class. I have panic attacks sometimes and it was after a pretty bad one that she wouldn’t let me in the room. The office never switched me to a different teacher so I spent a hour and a half every other day sitting in various study halls in the school. I feel like I should say that we had online assignments but she usually did paper. I never got any of the paper assignments but I did her few online assignments.

  • @Ssjvaca
    @Ssjvaca 7 месяцев назад +1

    I got a recent one, my English teacher kept all of my grades down, for the whole year without anyone noticing until I checked, it's immediatelly off to me since I have the highest grades in my class in English, turns out she did that because of 2, very stupid reasons.
    1 - I don't talk to other people very much.
    (I'm autistic and shy af so like what the fuck)
    2 - I think "I'm better than her".
    (I never once said that, and I very much don't talk to her at all)

  • @prototype1_3ch0
    @prototype1_3ch0 10 дней назад

    I'm currently in college, and since Chat GPT is now a thing, there have been at least 3 times this last semester where professors have accused me of using AI to do assignments. At one point, I turned in a four page paper two weeks early (because that's just how I roll and every professor who knows me is aware of my severe insomnia), and I got a zero. Emailed the professor with a well-written wtf?! and she spewed the "I've reported you to the ethics committee for violating the student code of conduct". When I asked why, she explained that I had used Chat GPT to write my paper. In response (and I highly recommend this for people who might deal with the same issue), I sent her three documents. One, a "research" document with a gigantic list of all the information I had used to write the paper. Two, my extensive list of cited sources. And three, a screenshot of the edit history for my paper in Google Docs. I don't know whether to be insulted or impressed that I write like an AI engine enough for this issue to keep popping up, but alas, I am graduating in December so I'm not giving it much thought.

  • @SpookiCooki
    @SpookiCooki 4 месяца назад

    I had a friend who had done the work to deserve highest grade in English class. But the teacher gave her a grade lower and her motivation was "because I want to motivate you to keep it up. I don't want you to start slacking and go down a grade".
    So her solution is to jump over that stupid "what if" and downgrade her anyway. The teacher did say she deserved the highest grade.

  • @nbnjojo
    @nbnjojo 7 месяцев назад +1

    We had a teacher that was a Apple fanboy and a Android hater. That means if you for example had a Samsung phone, you'd automatically get a bad grade. It's not only this, he genuinely disliked you for not having Apple devices. I think that's one hell of a BS reason tbh... i mean we all had that discussion at least once in our lives but as a grown ass teacher you should really be better than that imo

  • @Kataclysm113
    @Kataclysm113 4 месяца назад

    dude that teacher in story 20 sounds like they don't even know how programming works. they definitely shouldn't be teaching it.

  • @xxwarmouthxx
    @xxwarmouthxx 7 месяцев назад

    I had a pretty bad teacher in grade 3? 1? im not fully sure as its been a long time but i basically i would cry often due to bullying or in general just stress and such. ( many years later i was diagnosed with aspergers). my english teacher HATED it so much that she bought a stopwatch, and every time she would completely stop any teaching she would do, get really mad at me (dont remember why she would) and id start to cry, i would be sent to the principals office or put into detention for after school if i wouldnt stop crying for over 30 seconds. i dont remember exactly what happened after this (keep in mind, im 26 now so this stuff happened a LONG time ago) but i know she eventually retired after i changed schools.

  • @tanyagarcia3721
    @tanyagarcia3721 7 месяцев назад +1

    I know the kid failing grade six was right in what he did because I almost failed second because of a rough childhood at the time and couldn't do homework and all that because I didn't have room at the table to do it and my parents couldn't get along for nothing and it made us kids, me and my two sisters, suffer due to that

  • @hearts4.billyloomis
    @hearts4.billyloomis 7 месяцев назад

    I remember in 6th grade my english teacher made us make note cards to help us study for quizzes and tests. We would make them bring them to school before the *Deadline* she would grade them when we handed them in and after she would hand them back to us if we got some of the words wrong and tell us to fix it… well after a while I got tired of making them just for us to turn them in, wait like a week or so to get them back, just to use them for studying. I stopped handing them in and she started complaining about me not handing in my "homework" (the note cards) after the complaining started my grade in english dropped JUST BECAUSE I DIDNT TURN IN THE STUPID NOTE CARDS… I will forever be mad about it

  • @stanwolenski9541
    @stanwolenski9541 7 месяцев назад +1

    I was typically a C student in Spanish class, one semester things clicked and all tests were graded A. Semester report card comes out and I have a C I asked the teacher why I received a C he said, “I didn’t your attitude”. Next several semesters I didn’t do anything other than C work in his class. Pendejo.

  • @dinoblacklane1640
    @dinoblacklane1640 4 месяца назад

    When I was 10 or so
    We had a science test were we had to list the states of matter. So me being a child that loved science listed the FOUR states of matter, soild, liquid, gas, and plasma.
    The teacher marked me wrong. I complained about it and got a detention for backtalking.
    I complained to my parents and they didn't give a shit.
    Definitely the moment when I released that not all teachers or adults were actually smart.

  • @unwoundsteak17
    @unwoundsteak17 2 месяца назад

    I had a teacher give me a 0/50 on a planning assignment for an essay
    I got the 0 because I had finished most of the assignment, but since I was absent and behind, my teacher moved all of my work to my draft (which was the assignment this one was leading to), which then left the assignment blank. basically she stole my work from 1 assignment, put it into another, and gave me a zero for the first one.
    the most annoying part is that I got an a+ on the draft, and the points on the first assignment could have saved me from failing the class, and now I have to go to summer school

  • @nexumie
    @nexumie 4 месяца назад

    A teacher once failed me on a final because I refused to give a positive interpretation of The Fountainhead. She literally had it as an unspoken requirement that you had to enjoy the book (Ayn Rand was her favorite author) and she factored that into what was supposed to be an analysis of the book, followed by the last paragraph being what you personally thought of it. She listed that I "did not understand the material" because I didn't like it.

  • @ntfoperative9432
    @ntfoperative9432 7 месяцев назад

    I can already tell you most of these are teachers power tripping, letting the power they have over these kids go to their heads

  • @lijuanzhou6971
    @lijuanzhou6971 Месяц назад

    In 10th grade I answer every single question my social studies teacher asked. She repeated the exact opposite of what I said and corrected it to what I said. When we got our grades towards the middle of the year the whole class said, that I would get an A. She gave me a D, because “I’ve almost always answered incorrectly”. I refused to answer a single question the rest of the year and got a B.

  • @ngarcia103
    @ngarcia103 3 месяца назад

    Not a teacher, rather a TA, but after I noticed I got a 39 on a math assignment after my TA had docked marks for things as petty as writing my letter "T"s in a different way, writing my name in the top left corner, and stapling diagonally instead of horizontally, I reported this TA to my professor, who marked it herself and declared that I should have gotten a 75 on that assignment. That TA was never allowed to mark my stuff again.
    (I later found out that this TA happened to be the guy who, two years earlier, berated me and told me I should drop the program because I wasn't going to make it all the way)

  • @rewto5131
    @rewto5131 Месяц назад

    There were times throughout my academics physical tests where we had to try and touch our toes... I was always failing.. I physically CANNOT touch my toes without bending my knees. So because of genetics and horrible flexibility, I was always getting terrible grades. SUPER DUMB.

  • @reverendkaz1731
    @reverendkaz1731 7 месяцев назад

    Didn't give me a "bad grade" but she didn't give me my correct grade. My AP english teacher for my senior year was caught purposely lowering the grades of ALL male students in her class. She made it impossible for any guy to get anything higher than an 80% in her class. When that came to light she was quickly fired.

    • @dinoblacklane1640
      @dinoblacklane1640 4 месяца назад

      Lucky for you she was fired
      I had a teacher like that in 3rd grade, low grades for males, group punishments for males if any of us did anything wrong.
      Nothing like that for females though
      She was still working there 11 years later

  • @OanaTheMeerkat
    @OanaTheMeerkat 7 месяцев назад

    That's why, from an early age, I just knew I had to be liked by my teachers. I didn't care about their lessons, I just knew my marks will be good if the teachers liked me. Which, by the way, I did. Yes, I know it's bad. This mentality is wring, but helped me in the workforce. It's easier to get promotions and increases in salary if the manager, ok, maybe not like you, but at least doesn't hate you.

  • @stopmotionmayzie
    @stopmotionmayzie 7 месяцев назад +4

    In elementary PE class I got accused of saying the f word. My teacher yelled at me and told me to watch my language and I got defensive because I didn’t. (I wasn’t even allowed to) After or minute of me saying that I didn’t and it was one of my class mates he looked at me got mad and said “don’t BS me🙄” And I walked away mocking him infront of him. I was kind of a savage in elementary school.😂

  • @bostonrailfan2427
    @bostonrailfan2427 Месяц назад

    always amazes me how many people outright lie in these…

  • @RealItsUlisses
    @RealItsUlisses 7 месяцев назад

    I remember getting points off my grade because I was *too smart.* The teacher said it was correct but she had to use a calculator because she didn’t know it, that question was 9 + 21 and it happened in preschool, after that, she got fired for being *STUPID.* Ever since then, she never got another job. :)

  • @Boba_Fett_Bounty_Hunter
    @Boba_Fett_Bounty_Hunter 7 месяцев назад +1

    For a reading comprehension question, I wrote down "he finished in third place" but it was wrong. The answer was "he ended 3rd" (I know that "he ended third" doesn't grammatically make sense, but it's in another language. Point is that they are both the same answer)

  • @PinkNinjanerd
    @PinkNinjanerd 7 месяцев назад

    My Dad was a lot like me. He loved to draw and do art in his free time when he was younger, but he got a-hole art teachers who would consistently fail him and ridicule his artwork. Because of that, he stopped drawing so much, which is upsetting since I love art and his was very good. He now only draws plans and schematics for his other projects. I draw whatever fancies me because he encouraged me, probably hoping to not repeat what happened to him.