What's the stupidest reason you got in trouble in school?

  • Опубликовано: 8 мар 2024
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Комментарии • 415

  • @spiriteddefect5125
    @spiriteddefect5125 4 месяца назад +321

    Last day of high school, my economics teacher kicked me out of his class. The reason? I had never been kicked out of a class my entire life.

    • @Alvionalx
      @Alvionalx 3 месяца назад +10


    • @ExEvMusic
      @ExEvMusic 3 месяца назад +9

      Oh my god 😢

      @WORLDTOURGIRL 3 месяца назад +8

      NO WAY??

    • @KiiXii
      @KiiXii 3 месяца назад +29

      That seems kinda wholesome

    • @Dat1star
      @Dat1star 3 месяца назад +7

      Almost the perfect run…

  • @kittykitten6285
    @kittykitten6285 3 месяца назад +235

    Got in trouble for talking in class, I was asking for help on the assignment. Next day I got in trouble for not talking and isolating myself. Same teacher.

    • @RuleBean
      @RuleBean 3 месяца назад +22

      That’s WILD

    • @-arsonist-
      @-arsonist- 3 месяца назад +16

      That kind of reminds me of when in year six a friend and I asked the sport teacher to sit together saint we wouldn’t mess about, we were doing math. He yelled at us for talking /:

    • @idkcba
      @idkcba 3 месяца назад +8

      And that teacher need to re-evaluate _why_ they are teaching

    • @TheBeastDen365
      @TheBeastDen365 3 месяца назад +3

      In my English class in my one school I had a one-on-one which basically stuff to help individuals this is my worst subject I asked what is this word in silent study my teacher immediately yells at me shut up or get out your disrupting the class so I stand up to go walk out and he puts me in a bear hug I'm not the only one who noticed something hard poking them in the butt from that teacher though.

    • @Angst-traum
      @Angst-traum Месяц назад

      Years ago, when I was in middle school. I got kicked out of class and screamed at for talking during a test. Was given an automatic F. Nobody in the room the room or at my table, was talking.

  • @SecretSquirrelProduc
    @SecretSquirrelProduc 3 месяца назад +130

    I used to get detention for being bullied.
    Yes you read that right.

    • @rwbyab7423
      @rwbyab7423 3 месяца назад +20

      I get that, dood. I got cornered by a bully outside the locker room in niddle school. He started attacking me and when I tried to run a crowd of kids blocked my way and pushed me back at him. I had to take a few hits to get by him and into the locker room where I told the teacher. Teacher then yelled at me for fighting?? Told me I was gonna get expelled. I had a breakdown thinking this bully had ruined my academic future. Ended up getting suspended for a day even though the principal understood I didn't try to fight because of "zero tolerance". I also got no street cred for it and everyone said the other kid beat me so bad it made me cry. I mean... Kinda?

    • @LunaP1
      @LunaP1 3 месяца назад

      Jesus Christ! What is with these schools hiring psychopaths that let kids get bullied and add to the problem by never doing anything?! It's just like the public schools in my city back in the 90s. It was literally lawless and some of the teachers just let it happen.

    • @lpfan4491
      @lpfan4491 3 месяца назад +11

      @@rwbyab7423 I love the internet meme of how punching the principle of a Zero-tolerance school should auto-fire them because "they were involved in a fight"

    • @Amethyst904
      @Amethyst904 3 месяца назад +3

      Same they told me it was ok because she had told them it was a joke it wasnt to me she was the only one laughing she was "joking" about my insecurities my one on one teacher or what ever there called told me i was being silly

    • @chiblast100x
      @chiblast100x 2 месяца назад +2

      That was basically my entire time in primary education from '85 to '91. I was a quiet, bookish kid who got sick fairly frequently, so most of my grade cohort either treated me as a social pariah or engaged in quiet name calling (mostly about the frequent sicknesses). The kids prone to bullying behavior saw me as an easy mark because of that and would physically attack me leading to both myself and the people who'd attacked me getting punished for fighting (the school's theory on the topic was I'd instigated them to attack me somehow). I also kept getting punished for "not engaging with the other kids"... ya know, the ones who excluded me from basically everything and would go do something else if I were to try and do anything with them. Things got better during middle school and weren't a thing anymore by high school, but yeah...

  • @BeeWhistler
    @BeeWhistler 3 месяца назад +121

    I’ve got the perspective of both an undiagnosed ADHD/Autistic student and the parent of neurodivergent kids. And what I’ve learned is that teachers are the #1 cause of students losing their love of learning. So here’s my laundry list of stupid incidents among us:
    - Got in trouble in 1st grade for stealing my own crayons. We had a big box of crayons on every table at school, but I got a humble box of 8 crayons one day for my very own, and brought it to school because the desk box ones were never sharp. Kid told on me when I picked up my box and left with it and the teacher chased me down, grabbed my hand in a vice grip (in my experience, adults assume you know what you did and descend like harpies on you for it) and took them away. I was a quiet little kid and never stood a chance of explaining.
    - Had a teacher with a vendetta against me in 9th grade. That year she taught the AIM class which was the “smart kids” class at the time, such as it was. Being “smart” when you have an undiagnosed learning disability is a double-edged sword. You’re considered to have no excuse for not getting straight As and being a model student. I learned over the years that she was one of those people who fancied herself a cool teacher but who lacked the natural calm and understanding to actually be one. She had a self-image we were meant to help her project. I did not make her look good so the cow sent me to the office for any little thing she concluded was disrespectful. Not looking over my wrong answers on a test (I got a B… for me, that was danged good) or breaking dress code by having a hole in my jeans… that I got from tripping on the uneven school sidewalk. Shoulda sued them for the fall. Anyway, Sylvia Neil of Haughton High School in the late 80s can go fry in Hell.
    - My oldest daughter got in trouble for not remaining laser focused on her teacher’s every word. Seems to me that by the 2000s no public school has an excuse for not being aware of ADHD.
    - She also had a teacher get upset that she didn’t want to do an oral presentation in front of the kids at school who were always picking on her. He insisted that she couldn’t have stage fright because she wore gaudy and colorful clothes, proving she had no issues with people looking at her.
    - The school staff also said in a meeting that they thought her maturity was stunted because she wore animal beanies to school. In the 2000s-2010s. She actually was early to the trend. Idiots.
    - And finally, my youngest daughter. She has us all beat. This little tyke was SUSPENDED IN KINDERGARTEN for holding her little hand in the shape of a gun and saying it was a “food gun.” Now, as I see it, she was solving world hunger, but they apparently regarded it as her going full pumped-up kicks on the entire school and suspended her. Tell me how you explain that to a five-year-old.

    • @Skankuro
      @Skankuro 3 месяца назад +18

      I have an aunty Sylvia Neill and just had to double check she wasn’t a teacher at any point. We lucked out, my family got the good version, and never a teacher

    • @LadyLunarella
      @LadyLunarella 3 месяца назад +10

      im speechless...just WOW

    • @Manglethefox238
      @Manglethefox238 3 месяца назад +11

      I'm speechless, these whole schools are just Hellholes for disabled kids, yikes. I feel so bad.

    • @theorizzuti5845
      @theorizzuti5845 3 месяца назад +2

      I’m just… not reading that

    • @Crystolotl69
      @Crystolotl69 2 месяца назад +4

      @@theorizzuti5845 get some attention span

  • @tally_ish
    @tally_ish 3 месяца назад +103

    I got in trouble for licking my chapped lips. I WAS IN THIRD GRADE

    • @Cookie_productions4
      @Cookie_productions4 3 месяца назад +1

      I got Ltd for rolling up my tongue grade 2😂

    • @Amethyst904
      @Amethyst904 3 месяца назад +3

      In year 3 i got told of for crying we had sports day that day and the substitute teacher was to loud so i cried i went home early that day because it was sports day in a big grass feild in spring i have hayfever that was not a good day

  • @UrVileWedge
    @UrVileWedge 3 месяца назад +75

    One time when I was in middle school, the kid next to me was having an asthmatic attack during a quiz. I asked if he was all right. Teacher took both of our tests and gave us zeroes for 'cheating'

    • @Cookie_productions4
      @Cookie_productions4 3 месяца назад +15

      Ok what the flip

    • @rebekahsearcy8986
      @rebekahsearcy8986 3 месяца назад +5

      I agree. You were making sure the kid was okay during a test, but the teacher only wanted to hand out zeros for cheating. You did the right thing.

  • @rwbyab7423
    @rwbyab7423 3 месяца назад +39

    I have a TON of stories for this topic...
    Third grade, I threw a napkin at the trash and it drifted in the air and onto the ground. Got punished for "making a mess".
    Fourth grade, I was being a little asshole and bothering these girls hanging out by the jungle gym. Just kept poking them in the leg and laughing at how annoyed they got. They told a teacher I touched them in their "no-no" areas. I was forced to talk with a guidance counselor and she made me tell her exactly which parts of a girl I thought I shouldnt touch. It was very uncomfortable.
    Speaking of misinterpreted sexual related stuff, I was in a gifted program in the seventh grade. We did mock stock trading and got copies of the newspaper to track our earnings. My friend at lunch pulled out a section of the paper selling bras or something featuring somewhat scantily clad models. He was ogling the pictures and I didn't want to seem weird or gay or something--leave m alone it was middle school--so I played along with him, kinda uncomfortable about his behavior. The female security guard took offense to this display and forget me go the principals office to yell at me. I distinctly remember her grabbing her chest and shaking it saying "these are NATURAL, there's nothing wrong with it!" So...why are you the one making a scene then? I didn't think there was anything wrong with it til you did all this.
    Same security guard would constantly get me in trouble for "violent writing" in my notebooks. I was writing down ideas for different video games I wanted to make. One time she walked up to my table during lunch, flipped through the book until she found a drawing of a guy with a sword in his hand, and proceeded to have me suspended over it. She was seriously bullying me.
    I got bullied a lot in middle school, of course. And when I'd try to report them my home ec teacher woukd say "I didnt see anything. I didnt hear anything " One day at lunch I came up with the brilliant and controversial swear word "bunnyf*cker". In my child brain I just knew "motherf*cker" was a commonly used swear. What if I put something else at the front. I didn't even fully understand the meaning of the word f*CK at that point. Anyway I had a bit of an argument with my stuck up friend and I proceeded to go "oh yeah, well shut up you bunnyf*cker", dropped the metaphorical mic, and walked off feeling victorious. The home EC teacher, the same one who let my classmates shove me and smack me because she "didn't see anything", chased me down and confronted me about my stupid little invented swear word. Still makes my blood boil.
    My middle school was honestly a cesspool from the students to the staff and I hope they all get what they have coming to em in life.
    EDIT: Oh! Fifth grade! At one point there was an incident where a couple kids had made crude drawings depicting sexual acts. After that drawing IN GENERAL was banned in the school. It was sad for me because I loved making mock trading cards with my own illustrations. One day a kid in class found some of those cards I had made months ago and gave them back to me. Few minutes later I was yelled at by a teacher and given detention for drawing. I didn't realize there was a retroactive punishment for having drawn in the past wtf

  • @BleedingGrafitti
    @BleedingGrafitti 3 месяца назад +33

    Elementary. During a class hike, my teacher punished me and made me sit out because I tripped over this rock I didn't see when walking. She took it as "Acting wild and unsafe"

  • @StormTheSquid
    @StormTheSquid 3 месяца назад +28

    I have told this story before, but I got, and I'm not even joking, *over 300 years worth of after school detention, Saturday detention, and lunch detention.* What horrendous thing could I possibly have done to warrant that? Absolutely nothing. I was less than 5 minutes late every day because of traffic, since I get carsick extremely easily even now as an adult unless I'm in the front seat, and I could never sit in the front on the bus so my mom had to drive me every day. Being undiagnosed ADHD and autistic with severe insomnia from a very early age doesn't help either. None of this was my fault, and yet I had multiple teachers and other staff quite literally *scream at me* for it as though that would solve anything. I just stared blankly at them after a certain point and started responding with "Okay. Tell me how I can control the traffic to not be late." This usually made them scream at me more and give me more punishments. At one point I was threatened with suspension and I just said "So you're punishing me for supposedly missing school, despite almost always being in class before the class actually started, all through no fault of my own, by making me *miss more school?* How exactly is this supposed to be a punishment again?" They realized that was an incredibly stupid idea and didn't do it. I acquired all 300 years worth in a single school year. How, you may ask? Just being a little late doesn't seem to justify that. And you'd be right. What cemented it was that my mom and I both decided that, as literally none of what I was being punished for was actually my fault in any way, I wouldn't have to go to the Saturday detention ever and they couldn't force me to go either. Eventually I just stopped caring. I would nap in any detention I was forced to go to, or just do my homework so I'd have more free time at home. I wasn't otherwise a problem student, and had extremely good grades with zero effort until the depression from being different and getting bullied for it started to set in, when my grades slipped from A+ to Bs and Cs. I never got in any fights aside from when I was the victim (I also never lost a fight), and I always told the truth about what was going on around me, or what I thought was going on. Eventually I switched to another school, got called into the office day 1, the principal took one look at my permanent record which was, I'm not even joking, *five overflowing folders of nonsense,* said "You have over 300 years worth of detention? That doesn't make sense. It has to be a mistake." and completely wiped my permanent record of any disciplinary action.
    There are exactly two other times I got in trouble. Once in middle school, I got in trouble for a "fight," (if you can call it that considering all I did was turn around and start walking away, when my bully suddenly started sprinting after me in the hall and for the first time all I did was run away, but because I was falsely accused of instigating it, I got a verbal warning to "never hit another student" when I didn't even hit that one in the first place and they started chasing me for no reason. They were a bully who targeted me for seemingly no reason with emotional manipulation and name calling before, never resorting to violence or false accusations until then.
    And the second time was freshman year of high school, sent to the office for "sleeping in class." I was awake, had my head on my desk while the teacher was out before class even started because the lights were making me sick due to a migraine I'd had all day that day (I was sick, went to the restroom earlier that day and the school nurse was basically sent in after me thinking I was doing drugs with no evidence or reason to suspect that, when I was just trying not to vomit) and so I went to the office. The nurse/office lady asked "Why are you here?" I said "Apparently I was sleeping in class" in my usual monotone, and she *screams in my ear* not to bad-mouth my teacher to her. Not sure how that's bad mouthing, but I just covered my ears and hoped she'd stop. Eventually she did. Then I get sent in to see the principal. He mocks me, yells at me, *literally spits on me,* and asks me a question that could be more easily answered by using the laptop not two inches away from his hand to Google it. I'd had enough, and finally, I decided to yell back. I screamed at him about how utterly rude and disrespectful it was to *spit on others* and that I was taught not to do that *in kindergarten* while he, a man of at least 70 if not 80, clearly never learned that. I screamed at him about how I wasn't asleep in class, that class hadn't even freaking started yet and that I was wide awake and just closed my eyes because of my migraine. I screamed at him about how I was just assumed to be doing drugs in the restroom when I was trying not to vomit and how I was screamed at while I had a migraine and was sick. I screamed at him about how he and all the other school staff seemed to hate me for literally no reason, how I had never done a single thing wrong but was assumed to be a delinquent, and how this principal straight up threatened me outside of his role as the principal before because I was friends with his son and he thought I was a "bad influence" when I'd literally only ever talked to the kid like 5 times, always about topics that he brought up first like beyblade, and how I was one of the only kids that *didn't* seem to actively treat him poorly, as I was generally careful since the kid was physically weak and nearly blind. And finally I screamed at him for asking a student a complicated question that could be answered in two freaking seconds by using the magical screen box two inches from his hands. All that time I'd gotten up from my chair, moved around his desk, and loomed over him. He threatened to call my mom, I said she'd take side. He sent me into the hallway and I went out. My mom got there a few minutes later, saw me sitting in the hallway, and stormed into his office and screamed at him just like I had but much louder. My class heard and peeked out of the classroom to see what was going on, and I just went ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ and smirked a bit as I waited. I was called back in, he apologized, I just said "I don't want your apology. If you ever do anything like this again I'm suing you and the school for everything you own and every cent you're worth." I walked out of the school despite the fact the day wasn't over yet, got no punishment, and even got my mom to get me ice cream. Basically never went back to school again and got my GED instead.
    TL;DR had 3+ lifetimes worth of every detention for being slightly late, got yelled at for "hitting someone" the one time I chose to run instead of hit back, then got screamed at for being sick. 3 different stories from 3 different schools.
    If anyone doubts any of these, I know dozens of people who could corroborate if I needed to. Not for the second or third, but the first. The second is just my word but it's true. The 3rd is likely the least believable, but it's also true.

    • @omppu3487
      @omppu3487 3 месяца назад +7

      That's wild, and I totally believe you. Even told the story in such an engaging way I didn't even realize how long it was!

    • @Erynkah_Finn
      @Erynkah_Finn 3 месяца назад +4

      I would believe you in a heartbeat

    • @brianwest8119
      @brianwest8119 Месяц назад +2

      How can teachers be that LOW? It makes me sick. I would have believed you in a moment's notice.

    • @nicholasnguyen5181
      @nicholasnguyen5181 Месяц назад +1

      Wow what a b of a principal… . You should’ve sued anyways. That can’t go unpunished

  • @midnamagic2678
    @midnamagic2678 3 месяца назад +22

    In middle school I would doodle on my schoolwork, drawing cats, dragons, and little faces. I was a good student and got good grades on my assignments (that I turned in. Kept forgetting about homework because unmedicated adhd)
    One of my teachers announced to the class that if there was any doodles, like say cats, on our assignments she would dock points. This was clearly targeting me because I was the only openly artsy student.

    • @Avrysatos
      @Avrysatos 3 месяца назад +2

      I had a teacher that raised an eyebrow at my sketches instead of notes until I showed him the dates he'd been talking about in the corner of the page. He just shrugged it off then. After that I would draw out what we were learning and no one had issues with that somehow.

  • @dasani.like.the.water.
    @dasani.like.the.water. 3 месяца назад +35

    When I was in 5th grade my teacher absolutely HATED me, I honestly don’t know why. I think it’s because I had OCD (yes, diagnosed) and undiagnosed (at the time) autism. So maybe she thought my constant fidgeting and other behaviors was me not paying attention?
    Anyways, one day we were doing art and I love putting glue on my hands, letting it dry and peeling it off. I know lots of other kids do too. I wasn’t being disruptivs or anything, just waiting for it to dry. That really set her off for some reason. She screamed at me and then sent me to the principals office. I didn’t get in trouble with the principal, but her screaming at me really freaked me out.
    I once got in trouble for talking to my friends during gym class.
    My friend got her hair pulled by this teacher for saying she didn’t want to read the book we were reading.
    This is the same teacher that accidentally pocket-dialed my mom (probably had her number on speed-dial. She accidentally left a voicemail for my mom we’re she was just talking shit about my friend and me.
    One time my friend got in trouble for telling her dad that the teacher pulled her hair, which resulted in her dad going off on the teacher. She told my friend and myself to not “tattletale” on her to our parents. She literally said, “oh so when you get married are you going to go run to your mom if your husband is mean to you”.

    • @Edward-cb5fc
      @Edward-cb5fc 3 месяца назад +4

      No, I’ll get a divorce

    • @itsharperoffi
      @itsharperoffi 2 месяца назад +3

      Many teachers shouldn't be a teachers

    • @KingEhrys98
      @KingEhrys98 20 дней назад

      I'm glad i didn't get teachers like this, I'd be in jail.

  • @IamDootsdoot
    @IamDootsdoot 3 месяца назад +29

    In 4th grade, I was a diagnosed autistic kid with my own IEP sheets. I particularly don't like it when my head feels exposed, especially on cold or windy days. Lo and behold, our elementary school had a breezeway, and it was winter and windy. We were to have a gathering in the opposite of the breezeway, and while I'm definitely autistic, I can soldier on through some discomfort. We had the gathering, and I was a model student, didn't even speak or tap my pencil or whatever. Once it was over, I was predictably, a little over stimulated as this was an unplanned change in the schedule, and the easiest way to keep the stimulus down is to put on my jacket's hood, and I did just that in the breezeway. Half way down, my teacher gets red in the face and screams at me to "take off the hat"! I said so .. no. Obvioiusly, I was allowed to wear the hood. She sent me to the principal's office for it. My mother having to leave work early because I was so confused I was bawling like a baby in the hallway to the Principal's office for over an hour.

    • @rebekahsearcy8986
      @rebekahsearcy8986 3 месяца назад +2

      I agree that changes are very frustrating, and I understand overstimulatuon. I am also autistic, I was diagnosed at age 2.

  • @randomcommenter
    @randomcommenter 4 месяца назад +62

    i got so many lunch detentions from running in the halls in middle school i dont even know how many anymore

    • @GiordanDiodato
      @GiordanDiodato 4 месяца назад +1

      Why did you run in the first place?

    • @randomcommenter
      @randomcommenter 4 месяца назад +6

      @@GiordanDiodatomost of my classes were like a quarter of the school away plus getting things from the locker meant i had to go faster (i dont think its an unfair system because i wouldve ran anyway)

    • @GiordanDiodato
      @GiordanDiodato 3 месяца назад

      @@randomcommenter ah makes sense. big school?

    • @Micah_YT
      @Micah_YT 3 месяца назад

      ​@@randomcommenterseeing that point. yeah I think I am on your side

  • @wildwolf14
    @wildwolf14 4 месяца назад +47

    I got in trouble because I was working ahead of what the teacher had assigned to us, I knew the rest of what he didn’t assign to us would be homework. It was either I sit and wait until he reviewed the answers or do the homework. He didn’t like that I was doing homework in class, and I never understood him, so I had to figure it out, and once he realized I was doing the homework in class he yelled at me and I got in trouble.
    Side note I was diagnosed with ADHD like 4 years prior, everyone in class always looked at me kinda funny, they didn’t think I had it because I didn’t have crackhead energy.

    • @user-zn1fp5sn7p
      @user-zn1fp5sn7p 4 месяца назад +8

      WOW! Way to get in trouble. I used to go ahead all of the time, but I didn't know that you could get in trouble for it! 🤔🤨

    • @Badsha4laif
      @Badsha4laif 3 месяца назад +15

      I don't understand why teachers punish you for "working ahead" like isn't that a good thing?

    • @ElNeroDiablo
      @ElNeroDiablo 3 месяца назад +10

      @@Badsha4laif probably bruised egos as you know stuff before they get to drill it in to your skull like the wannabe drill sergeants they are.

    • @Badsha4laif
      @Badsha4laif 3 месяца назад +4

      @@ElNeroDiablo Prolly that.

    • @jswayne7546
      @jswayne7546 2 месяца назад +1

      That reminds me of when I had these group reading sessions where students took turns reading passages. The teacher was uncannily good at detecting when I started reading ahead and always told me to stop and wait. I was the fastest reader in class, and some of my classmates were so slow I decided getting yelled at repeatedly was better than being bored out of my mind, waiting for the slowest one to finish his paragraph at about 1 word per second. I knew he was dyslexic and couldn't help it, so I tried to negotiate with the teacher. I suggested that I could read it separately, on my own, and she refused. She said something like, "nobody invited you to be such a fast reader," which left me speechless.

  • @PikalaxALT
    @PikalaxALT 3 месяца назад +23

    Don't you DARE apologize for rambling. It's part of what sets you apart from the flood of AIs and robots in the reddit reading space. It's what makes you human, it's what makes you relatable, it's what makes your content worth subscribing to. Keep it strong. Cod bless.

  • @wolfskinchanger
    @wolfskinchanger 3 месяца назад +18

    For not accepting a fake apology.
    One of my classmates in seventh grade had made a habit of insulting me under his breath, and when the teacher finally heard it (or couldn't find an excuse to ignore it, reports varied), she made him write a letter of apology to me. He whispered another insult as he was handing it to me, and once again the teacher didn't hear it... but she did see me glare at him in response, and threatened me with lost privileges for doing so.
    To this day I wish I had done more than glare; having figured out he could still get away with it, he continued to be a jerk to me for months afterward.

  • @chris_the_goblin6996
    @chris_the_goblin6996 3 месяца назад +23

    When I was in my very Christian kindergarten class, our teacher was explaining an assignment to us. A girl behind me, who I was friends with, kept repeating my name over and over again. So, I eventually turned my head really quick, waved at her. Mind you I didn’t even say anything back to her; I just waved my hand. My kindergarten teacher starts to scream at us, saying I was the instigator and she said that I kept talking. She then proceeds to CALL MY PARENTS. They both came, and she makes them sit with me and the girl during recess to watch the other kids play, she didn’t call the other girl’s parent because she thought I was more at fault. I also tried to explain to my teacher that I didn’t talk but just waved because I wanted her (the girl) to stop repeating my name over and over, she called me a liar and said “I didn’t hear anything, only the sound of your own voice!”

    • @LunaP1
      @LunaP1 3 месяца назад

      That teacher sounds like a complete psycho.

    • @superduperangelgod
      @superduperangelgod 3 месяца назад +7

      Either she had it out for you since day one or she had trouble recognizing voices and didn't want to admit it.

    • @Edward-cb5fc
      @Edward-cb5fc 3 месяца назад +3

      Sometimes, you have to wonder how they got through teacher training

    • @superduperangelgod
      @superduperangelgod 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Edward-cb5fc Masking. Or the job made them more cynical over time.

  • @DrgnLdyLizzie2001
    @DrgnLdyLizzie2001 3 месяца назад +18

    I got in trouble for reading in class. The teacher told me I had silent lunch. I remember looking at her and saying, "I have no friends. Every lunch is silent lunch." I was unaware that silent lunch meant sitting with the teachers, but she didn't make me sit with them.

  • @LadyLunarella
    @LadyLunarella 4 месяца назад +32

    elemantary class....got in trouble for yawning! I was a small kid trying to push the yawn out and then I get sent to the chair in the hallway......

    • @StormTheSquid
      @StormTheSquid 3 месяца назад +11

      "Go sit in the hall for the involuntary physiological reaction to the absurdly early wakeup times we force on you during the years when you're supposed to be sleeping more!" School is pointless.

    • @LadyLunarella
      @LadyLunarella 3 месяца назад +4

      @@StormTheSquidPretty much! But oh no teacher thinks im being rude on purpose at such a small age.

  • @quantumslasher
    @quantumslasher 3 месяца назад +25

    Went out the "wrong door" in second grade to go home. The teacher went outside and walked around the building to "catch students who disobeyed her orders on which door to leave from." School was over and going out the door saved time and saved pushing through all the other kids going to get on the bus. Detention. That teacher was mesed up. Would give detention to kids who took too long going to the toilet, 1 minute for #1 and 2 for #2... in second grade. and the nearest bathroom was a 20 second walk away. Lady should not have been teaching and you could tell she was angry that corporal punishment was ended during her tenure.

    • @guard1an839
      @guard1an839 23 дня назад

      Only one minute to use the bathroom to piss and only two to shit? Jeez. I go to a military college and even our cadre at least gave us five minutes to use the restroom.

  • @NiaJustNia
    @NiaJustNia 3 месяца назад +11

    Lunch detentions for having socks that were "too colourful", like I was in control of buying my clothes. I just stopped attending the detentions and nothing happened because they knew escalating it further over the wrong colour socks would be ridiculous.

  • @n4b1k1
    @n4b1k1 4 месяца назад +17

    I got a detention because I didn't get my progress report signed by a parent or guardian. I had no parents and my guardian lived in another town and I only saw her a couple times a month. The teacher knew my situation and I was getting an A in the class.

  • @MsDesignDiva
    @MsDesignDiva 3 месяца назад +20

    So for me my main memory of getting in trouble was grade 9. I've got a disability and it'd been diagnosed as me having it since about 3rd grade, which is to say, I had an IEP already and it was no secret that I had this disability (IEP stands for Individual Education Plan). Well grade 9 comes around and that means a new school (where I am High School is from 9th - 12th grade, before that is middle school 6th - 8th and before that elementary) so being at a new school I guess not every teacher got the memo that I'm a disabled kid. The cool thing about my former High School is that it's located literally across a field (within walking distance) from the local AgRec Centre so the gym teachers liked taking us to have gym class there. This is where the trouble started for me. When we had swimming for gym class I was perfectly fine, the trouble comes when our teacher decided we were all going to go Ice Skating. Now I know I can't skate, I'd already tried roller skates at home and had crashed so badly my parents sold my skates, so I knew skating wasn't an option for me, so I told her flat out "I can't skate, I have no sense of balance and I will injure myself, please let me do something else" she was having none of it and insisted I try skating which to say it was embarrassing was an understatement. I grew up (and am still living in) a hockey town, many of my classmates were hockey players, meaning they can all skate really well, we also had a couple of girls who were figure skaters, meanwhile there's me holding onto the wall and trying my best to balance at all and failing miserably. My teacher being the butt she is was like "get away from the wall" and "use one of the walker balance aides" (the walker balance aides were designed for children and were far too short for me to use, they just made me even more likely to fall over). I struggled for a bit but eventually just accepted my fate and fell over and just sat there on the ice. She comes gliding by on her skates like "get up and keep trying" and I'm pretty sure I told her that I physically couldn't. Come to find out later, it was always in my IEP that I was exempt from skating or any activity that required lots of balance, she just chose to ignore that or somehow didn't realize that I'm the disabled kid. Though I don't know how she never clued in, I mean I was the kid who would trip over my own feet on normal ground. Plus the disability is called "Developmental Coordination Disorder" that too should have been a hint that balance was gonna be an issue for me.

  • @letos_legions
    @letos_legions 3 месяца назад +12

    In my senior year of high school the english teacher assigned us a book to read over the course of 2 weeks. It was less than 300 pages and I am an avid reader so I read it all the same night it was assigned. Due to this I had nothing to do in class since he was using class time for students to read. So I brought out my own book, one of the Eragon books which are like 1000 pages each, that I carried in my bag to read in my free time. I was in the back of the class reading it silently, no one else in class even cared. The teacher came up and got mad I wasn't reading the assigned book and when I explained I already did he thought I was lying and tried to quiz me. He got mad when I got all his impromptu questions correct and kicked me out of class to go sit in the hallway till class ended (we still had like 30 mins of class left). I just shrugged said ok and walked into the hallway where I just laid on the floor with my book and continued reading. The assistant principal happened to be walking the halls and when I explained why I was there he got mad and said I could go to the library for the rest of class and he would have a chat with my teacher about it. Needless to say the teacher never bothered me again after that day and I was allowed to read my own books anytime I wanted. Like why get mad at a student willing to carry around a freaking brick in their bag everyday just to read while in their ENGLISH/READING CLASS!!!
    (Btw the Eragon books were school appropriate books for us and we actually carried them in the school library so there wasn't even the excuse of an inappropriate book to use against me.)

    • @RandomSkile
      @RandomSkile 3 месяца назад +5

      Oh my god. An Eragon fan? Thought I would never find any out it the wild. Those books are so good!

  • @MercuryCat
    @MercuryCat 3 месяца назад +6

    I have a couple good ones!
    In middle school computing, I got in trouble for following instructions! I was late to class (excused, I had a hall pass) and I asked which typing lesson we were doing that day (we had to do whichever lesson the teacher said, even if we had mastered it. At her pace, we literally never finished touch typing, which is why I suck at it, but that’s another story altogether). The teacher told me to ask the person next to me once I sat down, so I sat down and whispered to him to ask which lesson we were doing. I sat in the front of the room, literally at the furthest point from the teacher (she sat at the back so she could see our screens). The people directly behind me and on the other side of the guy I asked didn’t hear me. The teacher somehow did and yelled at me for talking!! If you’re out there Mrs. Gomes, I hope you no longer interact with children.
    In high school (probably grade 10), I had a sub in my gym class who tried to get me and my classmate in trouble because I tripped and skinned my knees and he stopped playing basketball to help me off the floor. I was not allowed to go to the nurse or stop playing. Screw you, Mrs. Hayhurst.
    In high school (grade 10), I had a chemistry sub who threatened to send me and my whole class to the dean of students because of us all swearing profusely. The swear? Sucks. As in, “aww, that sucks, sorry man,” which is the exact sentence that I said that kicked off the whole Thing (us sprinkling “that sucks” into conversation more and more often, hoping beyond hope she’d sent us to the dean who literally would have laughed us out of her office. I don’t even remember which sub it was, which means she probably never came back, lol (someone _definitely_ told the dean after class got out)

  • @buzzsaw133
    @buzzsaw133 3 месяца назад +14

    I was in Intro to Engineering Design in high school and was working on an underwater drone idea as engineers are prone to do on occasion. Well, the school went through our Intro to Engineering Design books and pulled me into the office over it. First, they were talking about how the abbreviation for the class was IED, so the drone was suspicious.
    Then they turned it into giving me fashion advice and talking about my friend group. I had to explain to the dipstick of an assistant principle how drones work in front of a cop. Marietta Memorial High School is a joke.

  • @breannahaenisch5637
    @breannahaenisch5637 3 месяца назад +12

    In 2nd grade my teacher had it out for me. She had my brother when he was in 2nd grade and didn’t like him, as well as she had issues with my mom who was also a teacher there. It was a small school and we traveled in organized gendered lines around campus. After lunch we had a bathroom break and I was still a little hungry so I ate a Frito chip in line. Apparently she saw that and she said “HEY NO, GO TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE AND WRITE SPELLING LISTS, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID” another time, I had forgotten to do the spelling homework and tried to do it last second when I got to class. She caught me and scared me so much I started crying. She said “THATS RIGHT YOU BETTER BE CRYING” in front of the whole class. Screw you Mrs. Freeze

  • @lowbudgetloafers543
    @lowbudgetloafers543 3 месяца назад +11

    I got in trouble in 7th grade for stopping a fight. One day we were going to a computer class I had that was in a room where they also took special needs children so they could play on computers and did basic teaching. They sometimes would go over their time and have us sit in the hallway and would tell us to go to the bathroom or take care of things before class. This day was one of those days so I went to the bathroom and saw two boys arguing in the bathroom. I normally wouldn’t stop a fight because it wasn’t my business but one of the boys slammed the other one’s head into a urinal and his head starts bleeding so I got between them and ran to the classroom to get a teacher to get the bleeding kid help. This class was in the morning pretty early. during the school day all my teachers heard about the fight and I got a lot of praise saying I did the right thing . At nearly the end of the day my name was called over the intercom to come to the office and I was expecting to get my side of what had happened or tell me I did a good thing but instead the teacher asked why I was in the bathroom during class time I explained the situation and got written up for (being in unassigned area) turns out the kid who slammed the other kids head into the urinal was the principals nephew. he never got written up or suspended but for the rest of the year I was called a snitch in the hallways by the other boys. And the day I went home my dad spanked me as soon as he walked through the door.and after I explained the situation he called the school and cursed out the principal.

  • @GreenMeansGOF
    @GreenMeansGOF 3 месяца назад +4

    Sixth grade. We were at an assembly. The principal was talking and then stopped because she realized the mic was off. It didn’t really make a difference so I spoke up and said “we can still hear you.” I got my first detention for talking during assembly.😒 That same year, we went on like a weeklong field trip to a camp site. We came back and the teacher gave out many detentions for not doing our book reports. We tried to tell him that there was no free time at all to read during our field trip but he didn’t care. Elementary school teachers are so full of themselves. I bet you anything they get a high from being in control. Congratulations, you get to tell children what to do. Probably the only time in your life where you have some power.

  • @raes_in_a_tree
    @raes_in_a_tree 3 месяца назад +9

    So this isn't really about me getting in trouble for an unfair reason, but it is about an absolute idiot of a substitute. So I wasn't there that day, out with the flu. This was grade 5, so most of us were 10-11 years old. Our teacher was out so we had a sub. The sub passed out the papers, then went over to the teachers desk and called her friend. The sub and her friend were talking about murder, su!c!d3, how many kids she could fit into a b0dy b@g, ect. All of the kids were hiding under their desks, eventually one of the boys asked to go to the bathroom, she allowed, and he went across the hall and told our math/science teacher what was happening. The sub was, rightfully so, fired. My mom heard about this from my school the day of the incident. I had never been so happy to have the flu in my life. Mrs. G, if you read this, I hope you are never allowed to work with kids again. And to any other kids who this has happened to, I'm so sorry for you.

  • @Horystar
    @Horystar 3 месяца назад +7

    At the end you apologized for ranting a little more than usual but tbh I liked it, it really helps me realize that you're a human being. I really like your videos, you put so much personality into them. Keep the work dude, you're really good at it.

  • @Ethan__W889
    @Ethan__W889 3 месяца назад +3

    I blew a raspberry at a student and got sent to the principal's office...I was in second grade.

  • @Shadowchi16
    @Shadowchi16 3 месяца назад +5

    When I was in 2nd grade, my family planned a week long vacation. We went and had fun, but when I came back, my Teacher decided to berate and interogate my little 7 year old self, saying something along the lines of I should have stayed home, alone, and came to school rather than go on vacation with my family. Then she ended up dragging me to the Principals Office, and calling my Mom to the school so that they could both berate and interrogate us over it.
    7 years old, and in 2nd grade, and not only the teacher, but also the principal expected me to stay home and come to school rather than go with my family on vacation.

  • @SurfinBird313
    @SurfinBird313 4 месяца назад +4

    Student cheated off my test. I got brought down from a perfect A to a B on that test. Got a lecture in front of the whole class on why plagiarism was bad. Student who cheated also got a B, not an F like somebody who cheated should have.

  • @HydnHndko27
    @HydnHndko27 4 месяца назад +25

    I threw a wet paper towel at a kid. I got suspended for “harassment” and for “fighting” and stuff like that

    • @StormTheSquid
      @StormTheSquid 3 месяца назад +3

      I feel like there's more to this story. Even when I got threatened with suspension it was due to a continued and persistent pattern of "problem behavior" (that is to say, stuff outside of my control that for some reason was ascribed to my own decisions).

  • @Pink-Lemons
    @Pink-Lemons 3 месяца назад +4

    Once I got yelled at for turning a laptop with the button. This was in 4th grade, my first or second time using a laptop, my teacher yelled at me, saying i’ve used laptops and pc’s my entire life. i don’t remember but i bet i cried.

  • @illiardbilliard2355
    @illiardbilliard2355 3 месяца назад +2

    I don't think I ever got in serious trouble (detention, suspension, etc.) but I remember getting sent to the principal's office quite a few times because teachers weren't very fond of my autistic behaviors. Didn't get properly diagnosed until adulthood, and even then, autism in young girls gets overlooked because the symptoms present themselves differently. So when all throughout your childhood, teachers see you being autistic and interpret it as bad behavior, it kinda fucks you up forever.
    And a lot of those teachers were pretty great teachers, too, I just wish they could've understood.

  • @wrenkaneshiro5450
    @wrenkaneshiro5450 3 месяца назад +4

    i have a story this time!!
    tldr; got screamed at and isolated in class by my music teacher because the kids next to me were talking, even though i wasn’t talking and everyone vouched for me.
    in 5th grade i was in music class with this super old grouch who everyone hated. i was always a quiet introvert and never caused trouble, but i could still get along with anyone so i was pretty well liked. anyways, i was sitting next to some talkative kids that cause trouble fairly often. i wasn’t talking but i guess i must have smiled at something they said because out of no where the teacher started screaming at ME in particular, pointing at me and calling my name. it freaked me out and i tried defending myself but i was so startled i couldn’t coherently speak. the boys next to me started defending me to the teacher, saying “it wasn’t him, it was us! he never said anything we were the ones talking!” but the teacher either didn’t believe them or didn’t care. which is odd considering those boys had gotten in trouble by him before.
    anyways, i was sent to sit alone in the back of the classroom and was sobbing my eyes out but trying to do it quietly so i wouldn’t get yelled at again. i felt so embarrassed and anxious because i hadn’t done anything wrong. at some point another student asked if i was okay and if i wanted them to walk to the counselor’s office, but i said i was fine because i didn’t want to cause any more trouble. when it came time for the teacher to pick us up to take us back to our regular class, she noticed that i was hyperventilating and also asked if i was alright. when she realized i couldn’t speak, she took me to the counselor and i was able to take all the time i needed in order to calm down. i think i was in the counselor’s office for an hour and a half? anyway, she was extremely understanding and promised to get the music teacher in trouble for being so harsh on me. i never got an apology from him but he never did it again at least.
    found out years later i’m autistic and have anxiety, and that i struggle a lot with rejection sensitivity. this was just one of the many childhood incidents that helped confirm my diagnosis, though it was one of the few directly triggered by a teacher. i’m medicated now so i’ve gotten a lot better thankfully.

  • @Vercalos
    @Vercalos 3 месяца назад +3

    Kid got in my face after spending an entire mile run in PE throwing rocks at me. I shoved him, told him to leave me alone. He came back and punched me in the face, breaking my glasses.
    I got an on-campus suspension for fighting. He didn't get punished.

  • @el_pro_man
    @el_pro_man 3 месяца назад +4

    once my art teacher said "paint the music" (yeah, that was the full instruction), and since me and my best friend didn't understand the vague-ass instructions, she yelled at us for, what, 10 minutes, at least?
    we were in 2nd or 3rd grade in elementary school, I believe we were around 8 or 9, no one else in the class understood either, we were just, the only ones to actually try

  • @APerson-fj6yx
    @APerson-fj6yx 4 месяца назад +8

    Reminds me of the time when we had to sort some cards about what level of government some sort of thing is ( local, state, federal government) and due to the fact that they would be stacked, I wanted to know what was in one pile for when we check if they were in a correct pile. So, I made a bit of a chart on my computer (we had school provided computers). Then, my teacher comes over and says: WHAT ARE YOU DOING, I explained what I was doing and then she says: THAT WASN’T IN THE INSTRUCTIONS. That was the only punishment but still pissed me off.
    Also, same teacher accused me of plagiarism because of 1 list of accomplishments. IT WAS 1 SENTENCE. This 1 sentence was in 1 paragraph out of 6, and each paragraph was on a different person. Got a 1

  • @ProJanitor
    @ProJanitor 3 месяца назад +7

    These teachers sound like they’re all grown up.

  • @apixieswhisper
    @apixieswhisper 3 месяца назад +2

    I kept getting in trouble in fifth grade for “playing with my glasses” (I was literally just cleaning them) and also any time I cried. The teacher also had glasses, does she not ever have to clean a smudge💀

  • @darkglacier9786
    @darkglacier9786 3 месяца назад +3

    The first and pretty much only time i got lunch detention was because in 7th grade i lightly tossed a tinfoil ball at a guy who picked on me and my friends because i knew he wouldnt leave if we told him to, but the assistant principal saw me do it, screamed at me, and sent me to lunch detention. Because i had never been in real trouble before, i started panicking and crying at the desk by myself, and this girl who was kind of also a jerk to me came and started asking me why im crying and what i did to get detention, but because i was pretty much having a panic attack, i got overwhelmed and cried harder. On the bright side, some other faculty brought me in and asked what’s up and i got to tell them about the bullying. Dude pretty much just kind of got lectured and didnt fully stop messing with us, but at least now a few of the teachers payed more attention to his behavior

  • @Melapoo
    @Melapoo 3 месяца назад +2

    I got in trouble for having the hiccups and "disrupting class" but the teacher wouldn't let me go get a drink of water so I don't know what she wanted me to do about it.

  • @tessiepinkman
    @tessiepinkman 3 месяца назад +2

    You're more than welcome to "ramble" as you called it, that's the biggest reason I listen to these videos - to hear your commentary and thoughts on the different stories. So don't worry about that, it's only appreciated - at least in my book :)

  • @mindrolling24
    @mindrolling24 3 месяца назад +1

    Got an order mark for putting my hands in my blazer pocket at an excursion to the National Gallery. I was in a contemplative day dream.

  • @mariewraight4969
    @mariewraight4969 3 месяца назад +2

    I got into trouble for taking a drink during a lecture. It was a hot day and I’m diabetic.
    My friend’s daughter was given a detention for helping a student out and giving her a pencil when she had lost hers

  • @burndowntheworld
    @burndowntheworld 3 месяца назад +4

    For drop kicking a volleyball on break. I took it from someone else and drop kicked it as a joke (i was an asshole ik). Anyway. At the end of the break, someone started a fight with me about it (no one was really hurt). The principal didn't care about the fight or anything, but really cared that I drop kicked the volleyball because ”it could’ve hit someone”. I can gladly say I was happy to leave the school a year later.

  • @virusmom.
    @virusmom. 3 месяца назад +2

    1st grade, I was quiet and shy back then, minding my business, causing no trouble, I was a good kid.
    Teacher leaves for half an hour, assigns the 4th grade school bully to supervise - rules are that you are to be quiet and we were given something to work on.
    My colleague sitting next to me, asks me a question because he didn't understand something. I quietly try to show him what to do.
    The bully marks me down as being loud. The teacher returns and has me hold my fingers together (imagine the way Italians do their little gesture) and hits me over them as punishment.
    I got so upset and cried so hard, but not because of the pain but the injustice. She just punished me, no questions asked. It's been over 20 years and I never forgot.

  • @Avrysatos
    @Avrysatos 3 месяца назад +3

    They tried to give a friend with severe adhd and more mild autism detention for tapping his foot while concentrating. he didnt bother any of us, just the teacher. Pretty sure his parents raised all sorts of trouble over it because he never stopped and teacher never said a thing again.

  • @King_Randomgrandpa
    @King_Randomgrandpa 3 месяца назад +2

    I have a friend that, in either 6th or 7th grade, got in trouble for not having good enough grades. It wasn't like he was failing the class or anything, it was at most like an F on an assignment or something like that. They sent him to lunch detention and everything SEVERAL times. They would give you a paper to write why you got in trouble and write that you're not going to do it again. The thing is they never told him why he got in trouble, he had to ask and didn't have a reason to do so since they never said anything other than to do the paper they gave him and everyone else that went.

  • @SquidOfWisdom
    @SquidOfWisdom 3 месяца назад +2

    Not necessarily in trouble, but the principal kept giving me talks. When I was in first grade, another random kid who wasn't even in my class started bullying me. He would chase me around the playground every recess for months, my friends did nothing but just run with me. He would forcefully hug me a few times. I just kept running. One time he even got another kid’s help to try to suffocate me. Yet the school did nothing and kept talking to me about it. Eventually he moved away on his own.

  • @LuckyKitty25
    @LuckyKitty25 3 месяца назад +2

    Two stories come to mind.
    1. I closed my pencil case "too loudly". It was one of those hard plastic ones that makes that noise of the plastic hitting itself when it shuts. It wasn't like I slammed it, it wasn't like I was opening and shutting it multiple times to be a little shit; it just made a noise when it closed. She berated me for "disrupting the class".
    2. Teacher spontaneously decided to rearrange the desks before we came to class, and told us to "just sit close to where you normally sit". We were sixth graders, so it was chaotic. I was a really shy kid, so every time I chose a seat close to mine and another kid said it was actually closer to theirs, I relented. Ultimately ended up on the left side of the room instead of in the middle where my old seat had been. Teacher takes notice and legit SCREAMS at me in front of everyone, and when I try to stammer out an explanation she keeps cutting me off instead of letting me explain my side of the story. After being cut off four or five times, I finally snap and scream back at her, "maybe if you listened you would know why!" before walking myself down to the principal's office. Take a wild guess at which one of us got in trouble.

  • @Aikano9
    @Aikano9 3 месяца назад +1

    In high school me and a ton of friends in trouble for playing rock paper scissors with our lunch money at stake, I went on a 14x win streak, doing $30 each for the final match, I miraculously won. I secured a total of $73 in net profits that day, starting from just my $3 lunch money fund. That was the proudest moment of my life for the next few years. Upon hearing about it a teacher tried to confiscate my winnings, I violently refused this attempted robbery, which got me in even more trouble.
    We also did a huge rock paper scissors tournament a week later with a $2 buy in, I lost in the second round, but stayed to watch the tournament progress. The winner ended up getting about $200.
    The school banned rock paper scissors, cards, dice, etc the next day, and did a mandatory group assembly about the dangers of gambling.

  • @indigowulf
    @indigowulf 3 месяца назад +1

    I was born in '76 and I remember doing 5 paragraph structured essays at a very young age. Then again, I was home schooled pre-high school. But I think it was standard back then, and may have faded out of use with time as schools have been assuming kids are getting dumber instead of realizing their standardized teaching style doesn't work for everyone.

  • @Kazuma127
    @Kazuma127 3 месяца назад +2

    Got in trouble for talking... (UK) in RECEPTION. The YOUNGEST group of students in primary school. (4-5 year old)
    Never got in trouble pretty much ever again. Every teacher loved me after that year. She's the only teacher that hated me.

  • @SillyWolfGuy
    @SillyWolfGuy 3 месяца назад +1

    Got in trouble for being on my phone in class. Granted, we’re supposed to put them away, but I was literally texting my mom about an appointment- also wasn’t disrupting the class and I had been working. She said I was disrespectful for not putting away my phone which my autistic self could not understand for the life of me. This was a sub by the way. Another time, different year, I was on my computer to listen to an audio for the book we were reading and I told the teacher this. I went to another tab because the audio wasn’t loading and I wanted to finish my task from the other tab so I could close it. She figured out I wasn’t on the audio, I don’t remember how, and didn’t let me explain my reasoning . She said I lied, in front of the whole class. Fun times.

  • @TaraTheNeko
    @TaraTheNeko 2 месяца назад

    Last days of middle school one of my family cats passed away so naturally me being an emotional kid, I had a hair trigger on the sad emotion. A guy friend saw me fighting back tears during class so he tride to comfort me after class by giving me a hug. It helped but the teacher saw through the classroom window and came out and gave just me a weeks worth of detention. I was told it was due to inappropriate signs of public affection. Only time I ever had detention.

  • @vee9743
    @vee9743 3 месяца назад +1

    I got in trouble in primary 2 (about 6 years old so maybe equivalent to first grade) for "lying" to the teacher about not having homework after our maths teacher let us take a completed workbook home. For context I was a slow and careful writer when I was young, and frequently would be asked to finish tasks at home, which I did. Also in my school each year had 2 class groups, and we would mix up for some classes, so I went to the other classroom for maths along with a group of my classmates. The teacher in this was known to shout at students in front of the class, and accuse students of lying (often falsely cause she couldn't handle being wrong). On this day, my maths class had finished a workbook and our teacher let us keep them maybe to refer to in future. We went back into the classroom, and our regular teacher asked what homework we had. We answered that we had none, and she asked to see my workbook, which had one of these notes from a past lesson on the front page. Cue the teacher accusing me of lying and becoming irate when I corrected her, despite the fact that if you looked at the exercises you could see it was all filled in and answered. She wasn't a teacher at my school after that year. (Also she was on a jobshare, and the teacher she shared with was so lovely, they honestly were like sugar and shite)

  • @endersdragon34
    @endersdragon34 3 месяца назад +2

    I was undiagnosed autistic with a TBI (traumatic brain injury)... I had a lot of behaviors... but teachers would exacerbate the behaviors. Middle school, especially 7th and 8th grade were a nightmare because I would constantly be bullied and after about a week, I would have enough and punch the kid bullying me. I would get 3 days out of school because it was my 8th (or whatever) incident, the other kid would get 1 day in school because they would constantly switch up who was doing it so it would be like their first or second incident. Then I would get back and wash rinse repeat. Also important to note that despite qualifying for an IEP like at least 3 different ways (TBI, autism which was diagnosable just not diagnosed, and ED/BD (ODD and anxiety disorder)) I never had one or had a BIP. Because of that they could suspend me as much as they wanted to despite the fact that they are/were supposed to be required to hold a meeting to determine if it was my disability causing it when I missed more than 10 days, both of those years I probably missed around 25 days, in 6th grade probably around 10.
    Also before you ask, high school wasn't really better as far as bullying was concerned, I just learned to keep it all in as they would suspend me for 2 weeks if I got in trouble even once. Luckily, I was/am somewhat a genius so it never affected my grades at all. I was easily ahead in all my classes so I just would do the homework by myself and turn it in when I got back and mostly had free time. I generally wasn't allowed to play video games or watch TV when I was suspended (at least during school hours) but I would just read for several hours a day after getting my schoolwork done in like one hour. So other than the trauma of constantly being told what a bad kid I was by the school, it wasn't a bad time at home. I think the only reason I wasn't allowed to play video games was they didn't want to encourage me getting in trouble more, hence me not actually being grounded outside of school hours.

  • @yumerei_vt
    @yumerei_vt 3 месяца назад +1

    high school i got in trouble for skipping class. i was having an anxiety attack and teacher had sent me to the counselor's office but still claimed i skipped class. twice. teacher never believed i was diagnosed with social anxiety until my mom caused a scene to get me better treatment so i could actually function in classes

  • @DevasiaMentalityGaming
    @DevasiaMentalityGaming 2 месяца назад

    I don't have a lot of memories of my days in public school, probably because it was all awful for one reason or another. One story that has always stuck with me though came from my last year in elementary, I was just sitting in class doing the work I was given when several teachers from the 3rd grade class came in making gestures around the class until they singled me out and pulled me out. I had no idea at the time what I might have done or why they wanted me, but they very quietly escorted me down the long hall to the 3rd grade area and took me into the computer hall and sat me down in front of one of the new PCs. "Do you know how to fix the desktop background?" As it turned out I was not just the only student but the only person in the entire school at the time with more than entry level familiarity with the windows OS, FULL STOP, and I was friggin' 11 at the time. I showed them how to fix it and was sent back off to my class by myself. Ultimately yeah I wasn't in trouble for anything, but man... that's just something I cannot forget because it felt so dumb that a 5th grader was teaching the faculty how to use basic computer functions.

  • @Madam_Wingss
    @Madam_Wingss 3 месяца назад

    Got sent out of class with another student.. Reason: we were having a quiet clapping contest after seeing something we both really liked and wanted to support it more then the other, ah middle school days, the only time I was in "trouble".
    Love you Mr.Pack you were amazing!

  • @M_BRINE_85
    @M_BRINE_85 3 месяца назад +1

    I got in trouble because I looked around my friend. Not even in class, it was at the cafeteria. The teacher thought I was “mocking” that friend.

  • @jessh5310
    @jessh5310 3 месяца назад +1

    I was constantly in trouble in school. Dyslexia and adhd and very qiuck to learn so bored way too often.
    College was way better as our main lecturer was quick to notice my crap note system and I got a photocopy of the main notes to scribble on. Came 1st or 2nd every test and final exam of 97%. (Love you Pete)

  • @tbird2013
    @tbird2013 13 дней назад +1

    My index finger. Someone thought I flipped them off. I did not.

  • @moonstar_draws6283
    @moonstar_draws6283 3 месяца назад +1

    I finished my school work in class one day and so I went on an approved school website that allows you to talk to people in your class, so I talked to my friends. Then my teacher got mad so she put my screen on the board and showed everyone my conversations. It wasn’t anything bad, but we were doing a hunger games role play so it was embarrassing, especially since everyone laughed. I had already finished my work! Also, as someone with ADHD, I will confirm that teachers will hate you(not all, but definitely more than normal)

  • @sparrowflyaway
    @sparrowflyaway 3 месяца назад +1

    My first ever detention was because of a former friend in school. He and I were chilling in the art classroom during lunch, and together decided to move to the auditorium. He had a lot of lunch things, so me being the helpful person that I am, picked up about half his things and carried them to the auditorium walking right beside him, and promptly gave them all back once we got there. He didn't say a single word about any of this, not a peep to mention he was concerned with my carrying his things for him. Admittedly I probably should have asked first, but, like, he could clearly see he still had all his things once we got there. Lunchtime concluded and we all went back to class, and not 5 minutes later I get pulled out of class by another teacher and given detention for TRYING TO STEAL THIS KID'S LUNCH. He waited until after lunchtime was over to tell a teacher I tried to steal his lunch from him, despite the fact that I made zero effort to keep or eat any of it for myself and had just CARRIED it while WALKING BESIDE HIM. I stopped being friends with him after that.

  • @imthatjay
    @imthatjay Месяц назад +1

    Some teachers really go on the most ridiculous power trips. I still have a weird irrational hatred of elementary school teachers to this day because of it

    • @corvusdominus9835
      @corvusdominus9835 20 дней назад

      I Went to a catholic elementary school, got yelled and screamed at for my undiagnosed learning disabilities (often got kept inside during recess due to not being able to write fast enough or the teachers making me redo my work because my handwriting was illegible due to undiagnosed dysgraphia) I also had really bad memory problems to where if the white board I was copying from was erased I would end up completely forgetting everything that was on the board, I would get upset and cry in frustration and would get yelled even harder for crying.
      I had teachers say they were sick of my crap and that I should go back to kindergarten when I cried.
      Now I have exacerbated anxiety and self worth issues alongside depression.
      If god is real, I will never forgive him, he left me to fend for myself when his followers verbally abused and berated me over stupid shit.
      Screw religion, it never helped, just left me with feelings that I was unloved and unworthy.

  • @jswayne7546
    @jswayne7546 2 месяца назад

    Once, my class was watching a video (I think it was for history, but it was a long time ago so I'm not sure). Three troublemakers (who also bullied me sometimes) were having their own conversation and being distracting. The moment I said, "stop talking", The teacher stopped the video and said everyone had to write an essay. Even the ones who hadn't done anything. I just wrote a semi- coherent rant about the injustice of the teacher's actions, with some tangents about how horrible the bullies/troublemakers were. No regrets.

  • @96ethanh
    @96ethanh 3 месяца назад

    It's safe to say we've all encountered teachers who were on a power trip, had too high of expectations, or were simply obsessed with formality. It's almost like they forgot what it's like to be young, and that mistakes happen.

  • @iamdarky2360
    @iamdarky2360 3 месяца назад +1

    When I was in elementary school my kindergarten teacher absolutely hated me. One day at recess a kid fell off the slide and I went down there to help them back up. Teacher thought I was the one who pushed him and got me in trouble even after I explained myself

  • @96ethanh
    @96ethanh 3 месяца назад +1

    The high school I went to had open campus lunches for a while (where students were allowed to go to McD's or whatever across the street). But administration finally realized that people would go smoke weed when off campus.. so they ended the closed campus and locked each lunch rotation in the commons to eat as punishment.
    Now I was a TA for the computer support person during the first lunch rotation, and would frequently be tasked with going to classrooms around the school to do various tasks. One day first thing during the period, i was sent to a classroom and had to go through the commons to get there. While I was in the classroom the principal locked the commons gate, effectively blocking my path back to the computer office. When i got to the gate he looks at me shaking his head and says "sorry, gates are locked for lunch". Smartass me was like "oh, no worries, i have a key" and proceeded to unlock the gate and go thru.
    I didn't get directly in trouble, but after that I was never given the master keys again. I'm sure the person I was a TA for got chewed out lol

  • @Avrysatos
    @Avrysatos 3 месяца назад +1

    Got detention in high school for erasing the garbage someone wrote on a desk. Was accused of doing the writing even though my eraser wasn't connected to my pencil. Teacher wanted me to clean desks after class and then left to go deal with yearbook stuff. I sat and read just out of sight of the door with a washcloth at hand and left after the detention 30 min to do my usual after school library visit until my mother came at 4. Teacher never noticed cause the desks weren't dirty to begin with.

  • @DamiesEvilTwin
    @DamiesEvilTwin 2 месяца назад +2

    One time in fifth grade I got detention for "backtalking" because I tried to share a fun fact that cougars weren't part of the Big Cat family and my teacher got pissed off because cougars are big and therefore yes they are.
    And if anyone who doesn't know wants to argue: The Big Cat family is the Pantherinae family, which are lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, clouded leopards, and snow leopards. Cougars are not part of the family because it has nothing to do with size, and even if it did they aren't as big as most of that family anyway. Cougars are part of Felinae, the Little Cats, which includes pretty much all small cat species but also some larger cat species such as cheetahs, cougars, lynxes, and servals, but even then there are pretty notable and significant difference between these cats vs the others (with exception of clouded leopards, which are pretty interesting in that their traits are basically in between the two families).

  • @meegansandberg1308
    @meegansandberg1308 2 месяца назад

    When I was in middle school, my English teacher told us this horrific personal story. She was a very cold teacher and a strict disciplinarian. She started her class by telling us four boys had run over her senior siamese cat with their bikes just for the fun of it. The poor innocent cat was paralyzed. She had to put it down because she and her husband couldn't take care of it. She was very angry when she told us this story and she had an accusatory tone. Like we had done this terrible thing to her beloved cat. We were mortified to hear such a story

  • @krazgurl
    @krazgurl 3 месяца назад +1

    Being late for first period almost every day.
    Let me explain. The teacher knew I wasn't at fault. The principle knew I wasn't at fault. They understood it was because of my mother. They watched as my mother drop me late multiple times.
    I still had to attend in school suspension because "it wouldnt be fair to be lenient towards me". Strangely I didnt mind in school suspension because I was in a quite room where I could read or draw and was unpopular, but it was the principle of the matter.

  • @3_eyed_magician
    @3_eyed_magician 3 месяца назад +1

    (9th grade) Once i was going to a school where you had to ask to step out of the classroom to take a "fart break" & to make sure you didn't wander off, you had to keep your hand in the classroom.
    My stomach was really hurting & i definitely had to ask to step out & i let loose for a solid 2 minutes. It was definitely loud enough to hear & when i walked back in the classroom, a few of my classmates where giggling but the teacher was definitely not amused.
    In the end, my 2 minute fart got me a stern talking to & suspension for the rest of the day 😡😤

  • @mysticdragonwolf89
    @mysticdragonwolf89 3 месяца назад +1

    My 7th grade teacher threw my text book across the room and growled I should have my history book out as this is history class.
    I pointed out it was in fact my history book.
    He did a double take, saw I was right, picked up the book gently, and put it on my desk and patted it as if it was a cat while apologizing
    RIP Mr. Long, you were the best (I just found out he passed this last January 31 2024)

  • @HappyJacKitty
    @HappyJacKitty 3 месяца назад

    When I was in the first grade we had workbooks we would use that had our names on them. I don't know why but pages would disappear from my book often and the teacher always blamed me and yelled at me for it.
    The same teacher yelled at me for knowing how to count to ten in Spanish accusing me of looking at the covered board with the words on it. (I had learned in kindergarten because we had a kid in class who only spoke Spanish) She didn't believe me that I didn't look.
    I came home from school crying nearly ever day that year. Even now at 36 years old it still upsets me to think about it. It left a very negative feeling behind about school in general that I never really got past.

  • @derekm.toohey538
    @derekm.toohey538 3 месяца назад

    In middle school, every month the principal would hand out a sudoku puzzle to all the classes for their students to do. It was a fun little thing that my school did to encourage critical thinking and problem solving, but it was never mandatory. But I was in the "honors class" throughout middle school, so it was generally expected that everybody would do it because we were smart and all around good students. My 6th grade homeroom/social studies teacher, Ms. Schwartz, one day decided to collect all of the sudoku puzzles early and use them as attendance, so kids who handed it in were marked present and kids who didn't were marked absent. Me being me, I had forgotten to do it that month, or had too much homework the previous night and didn't have a chance to. Whatever the case, I didn't do the sudoku puzzle, and Ms. Schwartz both marked me absent and gave me lunch detention for it. I ended up doing the puzzle during my English class and later turned it into Ms Schwartz to get the lunch detention removed, but man is that a dumb reason to have detention hanging over you. This teacher would go on to accuse me of cheating on various tests without any concrete proof besides the fact that I had cheated on one test in her class before. I never got my grades back for the tests she accused me of cheating on.

  • @user-le4nf1lh2z
    @user-le4nf1lh2z 3 месяца назад +1

    in years 2-4 (therefore when I was 6-8), I excessively cried because autism (undiagnosed) = big emotion, i was constantly told off for my big emotions, and now here today I'm pretty sure I have a personality disorder.

  • @SaturnHalo333
    @SaturnHalo333 3 месяца назад +1

    I got in trouble for throwing glitter at someone who literally told me to put glitter in his hair. I got an hour of detention.

  • @ReyK_47
    @ReyK_47 Месяц назад +1

    I got in trouble with my english teacher in highschool for never having the laptop the school provided us with, even through I had permission from the school to opt out of the laptop and use the classroom computers instead.
    I have a spine deformity that keeps me from carrying anything heavy on my back, problem is that it's only visible via x-ray. If I have too much weight on my back or I bend too far, the mishapen vertabre pinch nerves and cause pain to radiate all the way down my leg. This witch told me that there were kids that obviously had disabilities and that I was disrespecting them for claiming I also had one. (I never said I had a disability, just that I was told by my doctor not to carry heavy things on my back.) Unfortunately that was a day where I wasn't wearing my back brace so I couldn't just show her that.
    This teacher ended up bullying me so badly I had a panic attack and fainted. I woke up with a concussion and a VERY pissed mom and nurse, and never had to see that teacher again after that. Finished the year in another english teacher's class who was absolutely lovely.

  • @WolfgDemon
    @WolfgDemon 3 месяца назад +2

    My vice principal once tried to break a bobble head toy one of my other teachers had gifted me that day bc it was "disruptive." We were in study hall.

  • @heyyitsjanea
    @heyyitsjanea 4 месяца назад

    1st grade
    i blew in my eraser and my teacher said i was talking
    even now, at 25, i am still mad that i was not believed by my teacher or my mom
    loved that teacher. hope you’re doing great ms. makey💗

  • @QuinnDrury
    @QuinnDrury 3 месяца назад +1

    At the beginning of year 6, I looked at my watch to see how long it was until break time. The teacher sent me out of the classroom and screamed at me.

  • @DeadlyChinchilla
    @DeadlyChinchilla 16 дней назад

    I once got in trouble for making a goal at a soccer game. It was my first goal EVER as I wasn't physically gifted, so I was happy! My coach pulled me aside and chastized me for it bc apparently there was an unspoken agreement we were supposed to go easy on this other team. I stopped trying to score entirely because I had no idea if I would get in trouble again for it. Quit the team like 4 games later, after my parents came to see me play and the same coach kept me on the bench the entire game.

  • @juliekline2871
    @juliekline2871 2 месяца назад +1

    For context i have a last name that can be spelled several diferent ways. I am an only child but I live in a town where there is another family with an alternate spelling had 8 kids two of which were immediately ahead of me in school.
    Fifth grade i had a teacher who kept correcting the spelling of my last name on everything i turned in. After several months she chewed me out for refusing to spell my name properly. I informed her that was the correct spelling which she argued with. I then asked how stupid she thought i was that i did not know how to spell my own name at 10 years old.
    As a result my mom was called in as my dad was away on a military assignment. She was told that i was rude to the teacher, was refusing to spell my name correctly and refused to acknowledge my siblings. My mom told her off and threatened to sick my dad on her.

  • @angelkato1401
    @angelkato1401 3 месяца назад

    I had this math teacher in high school that did not seem to like me. Maybe bc of my skin color (she was white, i am not and my high school was a primarily white private school), maybe bc of my adhd, but she once got upset with me for writing in a journal in class. She called me out in front of the class and when I told her it was notes, she straight up said, no you liar, give that to me. It was humiliating.
    She also had us write a poem about math, which I loved doing and it was a great poem. The only thing she said was wrong was the word "coup" stating "this is not a real word." I didnt want to cause a fuss since she already seemed to not like me and I didnt want to give her more reason to. But I am still a bit salty that my grade was affected by either her stupidity or her dislike of me

  • @firefly3003
    @firefly3003 3 месяца назад +1

    I yawned. The teacher went on a tirade about how I was extremely disrespectful, and she was going to call my mom. This was in kindergarten, and I was confused and scared because she was yelling at me, and my mom was a "I'm going to hit you with whatever I have in my hand until it breaks" parent. So when I asked why and tried to explain that I just yawned, she started screaming more. Every little thing I did that day I was pointed for and she added it to a list to tell my mom about at the end of the day. Sure enough, when I got home my mom cornered me in the yard beat me pretty bad and I couldn't walk straight the next day at school. The teacher had the audacity to say the next day that she hoped that I learned my lesson and when I told her my mom beat me in vivid detail (because she thought I was exaggerating) she looked horrified. I guess she was having a bad day or something and took it out on the nearest 6-year-old and I'm sure it would have been another kid if it wasn't for that yawn, but she didn't go after me again after that.

  • @jessicagomez7714
    @jessicagomez7714 3 месяца назад +2

    I had a diary and took it to school, it had nothing written I just liked it. The teacher took it and said my mom would have to come for me to get it. Next day my mom actually came and the teacher was like "it wasn't necessary, I just wanted to scare her, I didn't thing you would come so fast" my mom was angry hahaha making her go for so silly reason and then say it was just a joke

  • @violetlupus5676
    @violetlupus5676 3 месяца назад

    My mother got after my school district as a whole two different times. Once when I was in kindergarten because they called the cops on her for not sending me to school. (I was extremely sick- ive always had a bad immune system and the younger i was the worse i dealt with the symptoms. They KNEW i was ill and still got police involved.)
    She got involved with the superintendent and the principal of the local elementary was so intimadated by her he knows all of us kids by name and is friendly to us anytime he sees us - even years after we've left his school.
    Second time was for a similar reason within the last year or so. My youngest sister came home with a letter from the school warning Mom that she'll be filed with truancy next time my sister didnt show to school. Keep in mind my sister hadnt been out sick in a while, it felt out of the blue. Yes she got sick fairly often, as she also had a poor immune system (not quite as bad as mine but its not a competition)
    She freaked, and didnt even bither with a meeting. Just stormed into the principals office that very next day with no warning to berate their ass.

  • @tmntleo
    @tmntleo 2 месяца назад

    I got in trouble in primary school from literally doing nothing, I was about 8 or 9 at the time. Bit of context, I was considered a "weird kid" in school (turns out I'm autistic, found that out when I was 25) and got bullied a lot, so I essentially spent all my time in and out of class by myself because I had no friends.
    It was lunch time and I was sitting on a bench, alone, drawing in my doodle book like I did every day, completely zoned out from everything around me. Suddenly, a teacher storms over to me, grabs me by the arm and practically drags me to the principal telling me I was in a lot of trouble. Outside of the office there were about 4 or 5 kids sitting on the floor facing the wall, they all grin at one another when I'm brought in. I was completely confused and made to go into the office.
    The head teacher proceeded to originally tell me what I'd done was very serious and I was in deep trouble and then asked me if I had anything to say for myself. Still very confused, I asked him what I did and he said "You know what you did", so I replied with "Did I draw something bad?" because I had literally not done anything else that lunch time apart from when I went in to eat. He then told me to stop playing dumb and that my mother had been called and was on her way to "sort out punishments". I was then sent to sit outside by reception facing the wall.
    When she arrived we were brought back into the office and made to sit down. She originally asked me what was going on to which I replied that I didn't know, at this point I really stressed because my anxiety was through the roof, I had no idea what I'd done and why I was even there and it was very obviously scaring me. Then the principal started telling her that some kids had been playing a game and that I had tied one of them to a tree with a skipping rope, which had lead to him passing out because I'd apparently tied him up too tight and he hadn't been able to breathe, so an ambulance was called and he ended up going to the hospital. When the kids were asked who tied him to the tree, they all said I had done it.
    First thing my mum did was look at me, then look at the head teacher and say "So you're claiming that my child, who is bullied by pretty much every person here and spends every break and lunch time either nose deep in a book or drawing pictures in a sketch book, suddenly decided to play games with a big group of people who are their bullies and then tie a kid they don't even know to a tree"
    She then asked if there was CCTV footage of the "incident", which the head said there was and she immediately retorted with "and have you looked at it?" which he hadn't. She looked at me and asked me if I'd done this, but the look on my face clearly gave her the answer because I was dumbfounded by all of this.
    End of the story, I was let go, all the other kids were called in after they watched the recording and clearly saw that I was not only innocent, but not even in the footage because I was on the other side of the playground. The next day, our assembly was focused on not jumping to conclusions and not believing something without proof just because everyone tells you it's correct. My mother had been working on getting me into a different place for a little bit so I moved school a couple of weeks later.

  • @Tattooedgaymer
    @Tattooedgaymer 3 месяца назад +4

    I got in trouble for a fight I had no connection with. Fight broke out behind me, in the lunch line, and they accidentally hit me. Luckily, the girls explained that I wasn't involved and one apologized because she didn't realize what happened. Another one was because I didn't feel like playing during free time, so I just walked around and bounced a ball. Lastly, I got in trouble for missing a lot of my social studies class due to me developing asthma while I had gym. I was learning how to control it but ended up in the ER a lot. Teacher told me that I was going to fail because there was no way I learned the material. Loved the look on her face when I scored a 100% on my midterm 😂

  • @alexspillowfort888
    @alexspillowfort888 2 месяца назад

    I was/am terrible at math and I have been for as long as I can remember. When I was in 7th grade my math teacher would allow people to come in after school to retake tests for some points back but not 100%, but you had to come in and study to prove you were learning. Well i came in to retake pretty much every test, an even though I would tell the teacher the days I would come in and she would say it’s fine, she wouldn’t be there half the time. (And i couldn’t do anything with her gone, and I’d walk the entire school looking for her)During teacher conferences she lied to my mom and said I never came in (where else would I be? My mom would pick me up every day after school?) and didn’t try in class, she also sent me to the hall when I wouldn’t do things because I didn’t understand her and she wouldn’t help me. Im in college now and never ask for help with math anymore because she would never give it, and it gave me “math trauma” for lack of a better word

  • @RuleBean
    @RuleBean 3 месяца назад +1


  • @unwoundsteak17
    @unwoundsteak17 3 дня назад

    in 2nd grade I got in trouble for climbing on the walls and screaming in the bathroom. it was the other kid in the bathroom, who was known to have behavioral issues (not disabled, his parents just sucked at parenting). He initially got in trouble, but he also told the teacher that I was doing it as well, when I was just taking a piss and minding my own business.
    this same kid also threatened to throw a PBJ sandwich at me immediately after learning I was allergic to peanuts

  • @nicholasfarrell5981
    @nicholasfarrell5981 3 месяца назад +1

    Got kicked off the basketball team in 7th grade because of my dad. Specifically, because he showed up early to pick me up from practice, saw the coach (father of one of my bullies) calling me autistic (not a doctor) and encouraging the other kids to laugh at me, and then picked up his ass and slammed him into the wall before informing him that if he _ever_ caught wind of him running his mouth like that about another child he'd be digging his own grave in the parking lot, all in the calmest tone I'd ever heard. The school decided that letting a grown man get his rocks off bullying a 12-year-old was fine, but another parent putting him in his place was "too much".
    Blow me, St. Francis School.