For the people who wonders why JD smiles while recounting all these bad memories, it is because he is anxious and nervous. Many people smile or laugh when they tell their bad stories because that’s a coping mechanism to prevent themselves from crying. That’s my way too when I get anxious, scared and nervous. It is obvious that amber heard is an abuser (she abused him emotionally, mentally, physically, financially , etc)
I do the same thing and always have, especially due to childhood and adult trauma. It's just a part of coping with bad things. That's also what first responders often do, when recounting something traumatic.
My psychotherapist (who was a consultant with 40 years of experience) genuinely believed that smiling meant you found it funny rather than it being a coping mechanism. People are insane lol.
Yes, she's the abuser and enjoyed it. Poor Johnny Depp, pity he didn't kick her to the corner long before the abuse went to extremes. He'd been abused by his mother, so in real life it's easy for women like her to control and abuse a vitctim again, she saw his weak points and went for the kill!
Exactly.being threw it a few times it's the worst thing I ever been threw and I been threw alot but the fact he was going threw intense withdrawal and this woman making it all about her tells me she only cares about her own feelings.there is no doubt she is a monster and she scares me.
@@chuckweber4005 💯 agree with you. Its heartbreaking to hear Johnny was at her 🥺 mercy @ his lowest point as a human being "as he said" begging her for the meds to support his body! What a thing. No heart
Jesus Christ almighty! Methadone , Suboxone, and other monitored medications are a blessing. You must be under a physicians close care/watch. Weening off is tough/tricky but it really helps a lot.
You have NO IDEA!!! I was prescribed 80mg/day of oxycontin/oxycodone, my husband was taking ever more. 3 years after this 'treatment' began, he attempted suicide (almost succeeded). We were seeing the same Pain Management Doctor, who decided he didn't want to see either of us again... no step-down, no rehab, no help getting off these horrible meds. It took me 3 weeks of throwing up, diarrhea, skin crawling, and just feeling like crap all over. _This was the 1st time I had felt any of my nerves for 3 years - imagine ALL of your nerves firing at the same time - and everyone of them were just SCREAMING!!_ Both inside and outside your body, and there was nothing you could do!! [I like how Depp described it as 'electricity,' I never thought of that, but I know EXACTLY what he's referring to]. Good job at getting off that poison Johnny!! I would not wish this on my worst enemy!! NEVER, NEVER start these drugs - if you must (for a surgery etc) use the lowest amount you can, and ween down as quickly as possible. Trust me, you'll thank me later!!
Also opiates dont make you violent. Maybe it differs for each person and what exactly the opiate IS. But I can say from experience that opiate pills never made me angry. They made me feel elated and happy and more social... unfortunately. That's the devil in them. I wish they wouldve made me angry. I wouldnt have taken them..
As a nurse for over 35 years I’ve pretty much seen everything and I too have dealt with patients withdrawing from heroin and opioids and alcohol addiction, especially alcohol withdrawals which can be fatal if not done properly, it is one horrible heart wrenching experience and as a nurse or even a person with a loving kind human nature you would naturally want to do everything to reach out and help that person. It is appalling to me that this woman would stand there chopping vegetables telling her husband who is suffering and pleading in front of her that it’s not time yet? If what Mr. Depp says is true, and I assume he is telling the truth, then there is something very wrong with this woman far beyond just being mean and uncaring, there’s something wrong with any individual who would not be moved in such a situation just from sheer panic and helplessness, it’s just human nature to want to ease the suffering of another human being, especially your loved one. If she was confused about the time being too early to give the medication she should have contacted immediately the nurse or the doctor and asked “what should I do, he’s suffering,” but it doesn’t seem that she did that according to what was described in the court proceedings at least. When Mr. Depp described the shower scene he was spot on. When the human body is going through withdrawals the nervous system kicks in and the immense pain emotionally, mentally, but especially physically, is overwhelming, so when he described the shower scene I believed him right away because what he was doing was redirecting the pain to a different part of the body. Mr. Depp was correct when explaining how the brain considers the dependency on the drugs as “normal” after awhile and when it’s deprived of that substance the brain will send out warning signals to the rest of the body to “feed” that addiction to re-program the brain and reset it back to its “fake normal” state just to function again, there is no euphoria from the drugs anymore, that disappears after a certain amount of time if the person stays on the same dose, the drug is needed just to bring the brain and bodily functions back to what the brain considers normal. It’s a horrible cycle and a horrible trap that drugs can enclose you in. Those warning signs present themselves in the unbearable withdrawal symptoms Mr Depp was explaining. When you’re going through chemical withdrawal and you cannot get anything to release that physical pain you do what you have to do to get the brain and central nervous system to redirect the agony to a different part of your body, it’s only temporary but the sympathetic nervous system, the flight or fight mechanism of the human body, will kick in to do anything to get away from that withdrawal. And if this woman really just stood there and let him go through that she needs psychiatric help. That tells me a lot. None of us were there so I don’t think any of us will ever really know the truth I just hope that at the end of all of this these two people can go about their lives and find some peace and normalcy and not destroy each other anymore than they already have.
That is gut wrenching. I was imagining people detoxing in prison when he was talking about that, idk why. I know people are not taken care of in jail and i can’t imagine the pain. So sad
That she didn't give meds before schedule (especially if they were controlled) actually strikes me as one of the least abusive things she's done. Even if it's just Ibuprofen, there's still a risk of toxicity... But good point that she could have at least tried to call the medical team.
It‘s a horrible task monitoring a loved ones detox. If anything we should have respect for her. You‘re told to keep strong in those situations. And she did for him.
She has a personality disorder. There's a video with the psychologists testimony where she was diagnosed with borderline and histrionic personality disorders. She has the worst symptoms of both. Unfortunately, unlike mental illness, there is no treatment or cure for a personality disorder. It's just who she is.
I feel for newborns with NAS. I feel like it should be illegal for Drs to get pregnant women onto methadone (when there are safer options that are unfortunately not mainstream) due to the horrific withdrawal symptoms that these innocent children suffer.
If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
@@b00_2 I'd call the doctor and describe current condition. As a nurse with decades of acute care experience that included care of opiate dependant patients, when I saw visible signs of severe withdrawl; one of my concerns would be possible seizures- which could cause changes in the brain leading to change of function including the memory loss they mentioned.
@@dianaarnold7019 you did not answer my question. Drug usage does alone ruins your brain btw. Also, correct me if I wrong but junkies are very convincing when they beg.
There are so many incidents that he could have divorced her for even this. His life was literally in her hands he could die from that. I've gone through it myself there's been times when I've run out of my medication and it is total hell. You can't sleep muscle spasms nausea vomiting you can't eat you become dehydrated there's it's just awful
This is one of the sickest things I've ever heard. How could someone be so wicked and cruel and do that to the man they're supposed to support and love? Just disgusting.
The thought that Johnny felt so low that he had to send Amber to a hotel with her friends so she wouldn't have to deal with him as "Mr. Shaky" truly breaks my heart. He was going through withdrawals and she was so cruel to him. If she loved him, she would have stayed with him and cared for him during this horrible time.
This poor man, my heart bleeds for what he has gone through at her hands. He is an incredible person, humble and honest. I hope he genuinely realises how many people in the world are behind him.
This time he knows for certain,the fact that he's talking about this painful process in front of a world shows how much he's a humble down to earth person, I've been in this situation & clean for 11years I'm feeling him with my whole existence,not a easy matter to come over or talk about it outside of NA/AA,btw I can't understand how am i missed this part,i hope this demon woman out of johnny's life,my God I've remember that suffering,
@@Andrew_6R Way to go, man. That's awesome. Friend of Bill W myself, struggled with opioid addiction for years. Clean since: 28 August 2009 by the Grace of God and very supportive peers. That withdrawal is living hell. I remember it as well.
To everyone here struggling with addiction, I hope one day you can be free. To everyone who had overcome it, I'm so proud of you and I hope you continue to be free.
I am myself. It's really scary and sad and so much remorse, pain, fear. It lasts a long time and no one or no meds make you 'normal' again. It's a lifelong problem.
As a professional nurse, I can only say that this is a crime to refuse to treat someone under such a condition. Again it only shows how sick AH is. Justice for Johnny.💔
It's not a crime. There is not a doctor or ER or anywhere around where I live who would help. They call you a med seeker. The local prison Dr actually laughs at the inmates going through severe withdrawals. So trust me it is not an actual crime, there are just some extremely cruel people in this World. Sad but true.
@@Giamarisa For the fact that he already had a prescription and she was holding back but giving it to him. That's what I mean, she was responsible to give him his medication when was needed to. But you're right there are evil people in the this world.
It's horrifically cruel. If she was so unsure about the medication, why didn't she contact the Dr., who was available and at their beck and call for Johnny, IMMEDIATELY. That's what any normal, loving person would do! (and she was his wife?? Omg...😢 😡) Heartless is not the only word but the first word that pops up in my mind. Sick Pathetic. Sadistic.... A few more descriptive words. She could hear and see him but chose to make him suffer. That says alot about her right there. His sister Christy would have helped him immediately and as a result, Amber messed up this perfect opportunity for JD to get off these nasty drugs. Sick, savage woman she was.
I know every single pain, cramp, he went through, as I was also addicted to opiates. The skim crawling, electricity, thousand hot showers, since I didn't have any medication to alleviate this. It was enough for me to go through that I swore I would never ever take another pill, in 3 days, May. 5th, it will be 5 years!!! I actually was able to feel my brain think right again...I'll never put opiates in my body again, I don't care, not ever
I have a friend who went through withdrawals. She did it on her own and it was absolutely horrendous. I was there with her. For Amber to refuse Johnny his medication was evil. That was not love.
@BumbleBee Agreed. But she also would not want him to get clean. In my view, with him addicted, she had power...he was defenseless when he was high/drunk. With him sober, her abuse would be all the more obvious. She had to get him to fail.
@BumbleBee she probably wanted him to relapse to keep him medicated. That way it'd be easier for her to manipulate and control him. That's gotta be part of the reason she didn't give him the medicine. She wanted his withdrawals to be so terrible that he wouldn't try to quit ever again. She's pure evil and wicked individual. I wouldn't be shocked if she ended up killing JD. People better stay clear of this psycho from now on. She ruined her own life and tried to ruin a man just because he didn't want to be with her anymore. She disgusts me
Ambuser deliberately twisted that recorded call to make it appear he was drunk and stoned all the time. He was in detox and she was refusing to give him the prescribed meds to help with the pain, evil nasty witch.
@@2legit2Kwit I feel sick when I look at her now. She had it all but it was never enough for her, she always wanted more and used her body and fists to get it. I hope she goes to jail. I fear for that child living under the same roof as her.
This in my opinion is the most heartbreaking story of the entire trial - a wife's total lack of compassion for her husband when he's at the lowest point of his life. What Amber did was not only heartless, but proves that she's an emotional abuser as well as a physical one. Johnny had to beg her to be allowed to finish the detox program on his own. Let that sink in. When Johnny tried to communicate what he needed in order to succeed in the detox, she made it about HER. I can't wrap my head around how she classified denying him medication and perpetuating his suffering to feed her desire for control and self-aggrandizement as "you don't appreciate all I've done for you." I wish Johnny's sister had been there instead. Christi at least had his best interests at heart, which is obvious by her trying to get him life-saving treatment in the first place, unlike Amber, interestingly enough. All Amber cares about is herself and her image, even when her husband was in desperate need of help. If that's not the textbook definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, then I don't know what is. She wasn't there to support him. She had an agenda from day one and when she didn't get her way, out came the histrionics. She only has two settings: psycho and manipulator. Rotten to the core.
1000%!!! Finally someone said it for what it truly is! It is when you need them that narcisissists show who they really are: zero care for others, but worse Amber clearly enjoyed harming him!! That's sociopathic narcissism. Her abuse is calculated, trying to destroy him. Her motive is control and to dominate: Sociopathy. She's 100% a malignant narcissist. And this case is an insult to anyone with pure BPD, because BPD have remorse and empathy, she has zero!
Yep. I was married to a narcissist. I quickly learned what each evening would be when he got home. I was living in hell until one day I went home from work & he'd took all his things & part of mine,including my dogs, along with his adult son & abandoned our leased home. He'd stopped paying the else & utilities a few months prior so without my knowledge. I was evicted a few days later. Had to find out from the owner of the home what he was doing. He was abusive to me & our dogs. I never found out what he did to/with my dogs. He's harassed me for months after he left, coming by my work, calling my phone, emails.
Can we talk about how humble he is? Out of everything going on in this case, he still finds it in him to be embarrassed about owning an island 😭😂 like Johnny we all know you’re rich! You’re one of the best actors of all time! I’ve had to deal with someone like amber and God knows I’d buy an island in a heartbeat if it would get me away from them, if only for a little while 😂
I’ve had to deal with someone like Amber too. If you know one, you just know what it’s like. 💁🏼♀️ Had I not known this person, I would never have fully understood what was happening here.
@@dancingfirefly7761 I am! Thank you for asking! In short: I’m still healing, but I’m safe and I’m happy! *Background info for anyone curious* Oh boy I only intended to give you a short summary but I got carried away 😭 I have a tendency to ramble and I’m sure none of this makes sense. Sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes! ** I use they/them pronouns for amber #2 cause they literally trained me to lie about their gender as “a joke” and I didn’t notice till I read everything back. His pronouns are actually he/him!!! I’ve actually had two unfortunately. I was very young the first time and suffered because of amber #1 for a long time in silence until amber #2 came along and I realized for the first time that I could have freedom outside of that first relationship. The thing is, I knew I was just going down the same path of trusting someone who didn’t have my best interests at heart (amber #1 and #2 were actually “best friends” for a while and left me in the dust until things turned sour for them and #2 came to me and hyped me up all while saying #1 never actually liked me and they were using me. I thought I was being careful with #2 and I kept most of my secrets and true feelings to myself because I noticed they talked about their other friends horribly. But I really thought they just had “some anger issues” and I was their safe person to vent and they weren’t actually “like that” I also felt like I’d be a hypocrite for judging them since I talked about amber #1 horribly with them. The first thing that made me realize they didn’t like me that much was when they used to “play fight” with me and would choke me and try to pin me down. At this point we were in our late teens early twenties 😭 we had no reason to play like that 😂 but I honestly never felt afraid until they full strength like kneed me in the stomach and I got the wind knocked out of me. And they weren’t sorry at all and they just mocked me saying “I can tell you didn’t grow up with brothers blah blah” and they started to be more aggressive when we “played” like that. But I started to get more aggressive with them after that and they realized that because In my head we were “playing” I was always holding back but if I didn’t… I was actually quite a bit stronger than they thought and all of a sudden they never wanted to “play” like that again. I ignored all the red flags waving in my face because I missed them terribly after leaving for college for two years and I really just thought they had some issues, but they were going to therapy and everything would work out, so I suggested that they could come live with me. Then we moved in together and I thought it would be so fun. We had made all these plans and I pulled all these strings so they could live with me (my college apartment was supposed to be single gender but I convinced res life to let them live with me since I had like 4 empty bedrooms 😭 Literally everything went downhill. They just… changed. They just started being so cruel to me. They made fun of my weight and appearance. They took videos of me and showed me to their “friends” without my permission. They tried to convince my friends to exclude me from things and it all built up until I made an angry post on my social media 😩 it was a screenshot of something they sent to me that hurt my feelings. They literally went to my friend to see it cause I blocked them since they told me “You just post depressing stuff and nobody wants to see it” They then broke down my bedroom door after I told them I was upset and needed some time to think before I talked to them. My other roommate managed to pull them away and after that for 2 months they ignored me and blocked me on everything… while trying to poison me. They tampered with my food and stole and destroyed my property. And I watch enough true crime to know that no matter what I needed to tell somebody what was going on. For weeks I insisted I didn’t need any sort of “emergency” help (I was so dumb) cause I was convinced they were just having an rough time and things would go back to “normal”. Then things just got worse and worse and I was getting sick and losing weight and got diagnosed with adhd and started meds on top of all that and I couldn’t take it anymore and I finally allowed a chaperoned meeting. At that meeting he berated me and cursed at me while I just sat there. Right at the end I finally yelled back at him and he left and I felt so awful I just broke down but the counselors were so sweet and helped me. The harassment continued until I tried to file a report for theft on the heavy insistence of a family member to do so. The officer told me that amber #2 actually didn’t have a right to remain in my apartment after he contacted the resident director of my building and got a team and literally moved amber #2 out that day. Amber #2 broke in one time 🙃 but after that I didn’t hear from him again. There’s no way to really explain how much I cared about them and loved them before they changed. They were my best friend in the whole world, I invited them to my house for Christmas and thanksgiving. In my culture that’s huge!!! My mom adored them. And they just… hated me. The whole time. Everything was a lie. My heart goes out to Johnny, nobody ever deserves to go though that.
@@dancingfirefly7761 I have 2 answers, this person will always be a certain aspect of my life because it’s family (through marriage), but I also do not have them in my inner circle. I do not interact with them anymore. The biggest concern is protecting my kids from them. She has borderline, just like Amber. I actually heard the tapes and immediately said I think she’s borderline! And then we discovered she was. With the one I know, she will go after kids sadly. Most people won’t stoop that low. They understand kids are kids and should be off limits. But it’s like opposite thinking with this person. She sees them as easier to target because they won’t pick up on things an adult would. I could write so much on this, but just know that not all people are wired the same, and some genuinely don’t care if they hurt people. So it’s so important to protect yourself. One thing she does is tries to get really close with people quickly and gets them to divulge secrets, then gets paranoid (it’s part of the disorder) and tries to ruin that person before they think they’ll leave them. They’re always trying to stay one step ahead, but when they hurt they don’t operate normally. They try to literally destroy you and try to hurt you in whatever way they think would hurt you most. They are ruthless even moreover, wreckless. They never think about the consequences of their actions. Like accuse someone of molesting because they got mad about something and then be confused why the person freaks out. It’s so much more complicated than that, but you get the idea. Boundaries and don’t let people in who don’t deserve it.
All I can say is this woman is absolutely not fit to have a child. The mere fact that she will be responsible for someone else’s life, is terrifying!!!!
She will abuse her daughter when she grows up and talk back at her! Amber will take her daughter to court for elder abuse when her daughter hit her 20s.
I have the thought the same many times. That poor child. I also believe she decided to have a baby through surrogacy as a way to promote herself in a positive light before this trial. Everything about her is cruel and calculating.
The whole opening statement was incredulous.... to the point Elaine got held up by the Judge, argued with the judge and was severely rattled that her fantasmagorical story was interrupted in full flow...... Johnny,s face said it all... like wow, who are you talking about, cos thats some horrific storytelling.. about some poor sod!
Love and respect to him for being so open and honest. Cannot believe she let him scold himself in the shower. What human being can do that to another? She so wanted him to suffer on all levels.
Agree 100% she took pleasure seeing him suffer. If it had been me, I'd have given him the meds and with tender care and love hold him and feel his pain. SHE'S WICKED! Hope she never sets foot on any movie set ever!!!
@@anaalfarra3138 the only movie set she might end up on again is probably going to be in the porno industry. Then again she might try out the fetish categories of the industry so she can utilize the Amber Turd moniker.
Someone who suffered from addiction . He is spot on when it comes to saying it can't judge it by clocks . People are different weights and sizes and used diff amounts .
If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
@@b00_2 that still doesn't help explain the fact that Amber did not contact his nurse or any medical professionals out of concern and simply let him be and suffer. On top of that she wasn't even supposed to be there.
@@b00_2 I agree that if the meds were to be given at certain times that's what you follow. But, if you see someone you love going thru so much pain, wouldn't you call the doctor to see what you could do???? I was married to an alcoholic who tried "cold turkey " the FIRST time at home. It was so emotionally painful for me to witness what he was going thru that I called 911. He was administered drugs and was taken to a rehab clinic. They told me if I hadn't called he might have died! Sorry about my lengthy personal reply but I wanted to explain my criticism of Heards lack of compassion.
This isn't the only time he's talked about the simple science behind these things, and I can tell he actually enjoys explaining that part and how he dealt with it (he even smiles for a second). It seems to me that he would actually make a really really good addiction counselor, he has the experience, the curiosity, and the kind and humble demeanor.
He really has a lot to offer to so many people. His story is really heart breaking, no question this man is being honest. He deserves peace, love and happiness. He’s inspiring.
He should be the spokesman for it. He knows the devil this is to thousands. Since the current administration is hell bent on destroying Americans but not truly helping.
He really would- especially with how gentle and quiet he seems to be in real life. In my experience, most people trying to detox are introverts who get really bad headaches from the withdrawals, so his quiet demeanor would help a lot
I don't think I agree. To me the smile looked more like a mask that people usually wear when discussing their traumas. I do that too when I'm in therapy for example or when I have to talk about stuff that are emotionally very difficult to me. I don't think Johnny enjoys talking about it because why would he. The fact that he almost mumbled the word "addicted" and went through that word faster than through other statements at the beginning of the video seems to me like he's still having a very hard time talking about it and admitting to the addiction. The smile or even laugh doesn't always show joy or happiness. It can also be a sign of stress and fear and this is how I see those smiles Johnny puts on his face from time to time.
I have had detox before and it's horrible. You would literally be addicted again just to get rid of this feeling of immense depression and pain and sickness. When Johnny said he sagged on the floor with tears rolling down his face, I felt that so much. It's like having anxiety, but you don't display any symptoms of anxiety at all; you just know something is not right, you don't feel right. You get to the point where you cry and you don't know why you're crying or why you're feeling like you're in this deep pit of darkness. Someone could ask you, 'what do you need' and it makes you cry more, not knowing what you need or what's wrong with you in that moment.
I got sober off heroin 12 years ago. I always described the withdraw feeling as a gnawing. It's like a gnawing on your spine, stomach, bowels, but the most gnawing happened in the inner most part of your chest & NOTHING but "getting well" will take it away. I couldn't handle that feeling & is why I had to get sober with the help of methadone.
accepting Jesus Christ as lord and saviour helps it works thats the answer every human needs but cant place finger on it but thats the answer believe it or not
@@Iraakerlund7 lol please … what about the millions murdered in the name of Jesus ? There’s been other gods before Jesus older Religions before Christianity… and yet Christians murdered the most People in the entire world in the name of Jesus
@@Iraakerlund7 no, it absolutely does not. I didn't get sober until I was an atheist. Also, the only thing that got me sober was the help of meditation. No god helped at all.
The fact that she can look directly at JD while he’s getting a chance to speak is just evil. She isn’t afraid of him she’s trying to figure out how to spin it. If she even can cause this is just evil
We all know she only went there with him so he could take pictures of him in his most vulnerable state and use it against him later ,what an awful human being.
I’m in shock, I almost cried. This woman is a sadist, I would help a stranger, and there was her husband going through this agony and she just let him suffer…it’s sick. I hope she gets to experience the same pain one day.
She has a 1yr old baby she testified. I don't know with whom but , nor I care heart already breaks for that child . I grew up with mental illness, its not the easiest life . My heart bleeds for this man. I pray she gets her Karma served on a silver platter .
@@jannetjejo-7855 JD isn’t a girl, he tried to avoid conflicts, tried to please a sick monster, tried to end it and go away without telling the world who she really is, but AH wanted to destroy him on every level she could. Just sick
@@seattlevixen "stop picking a fight over literally nothing that affects you." Do you realize that you just picked a fight over something that doesn't affect you?
He was reversing the pain receptors. This is absolutely disgusting. This would also lower his blood pressure fast! She could of killed him. He was tortured by this sadist
Amber was after his money. She know what she did, when she insisted to go with him to Bahamas. She abused him weekly, (daily ?? ) She wanted to brake him.
Are you a doctor ? If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
Seeing these comments gives me hope for humanity. Despite everyone being so divided, people were able to come together, support Johnny and call out amber. It’s honestly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen on the internet.
People should stop mixing politics with their identity. Trivial things like skin color, gender, sexuality etc shouldnt dictate anything political nor other peoples lives, especially. Unfortunately there are people that have created an ideology out of it and look to government over reach to pander to them.
@@christiangwenner6384 since when is telling the truth and calling out evil a medieval witch hunt. Witch hunt only applies when the everyone is wrong but in this case, they’re right. Amber quite clearly abused Johnny, tried to destroy is reputation and is now paying the price.
@@crunchycarrotz6234 That‘s for the court to find out. Ignoring the very principles of the judicial system is a medieval understanding of the law in a nutshell. And even if she eventually turns out to be guilty, she still deserves being treated as a human being. Seeing her weak and degrating her for it, might be as evil as you attribute it to her.
This is why we believe Johnny! He tells the truth even when it's hard to talk about it. No BS here! He's a hero to people getting off chemical dependency. Drugs are known to be prevalent in the music & movie profession. Praise Johnny for this success. I imagine this was a terribly excruciating process to get clean. The world needs more Heroes like Johnny Depp
I keep imaging what Robert Downey Jr. endured to get clean. How his friends HELPED him along his journey. Where this person, who purportedly loves him, does nothing but cause him more pain.
Fortunately, you won't die from withdrawals off of heroin, oxy, and other opioids. You can however die from withdrawals of xanax, klonopin, and other benzodiazepines, as well as alcohol.
Opioid withdrawal is not life threatening whatsoever. The risks pale in comparison to benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal. The only possible way to die from opioid withdrawal is if you keep vomiting or having diarrhea to the point where you become dehydrated. That’s obviously not a concern with Depp because he had a nurse right there and honestly, it’s incredibly rare for anybody to get to that point. Opioid withdrawal is just uncomfortable, but benzo/barbiturate/alcohol withdrawal is what can kill you.
I can't imagine treating a total stranger, much less the man I claim to love, that way. A few times during this trial I've come close to tears, but hearing this did it for me. I hope that after all this mess is over, that Mr. Depp can move forward and finally start to truly heal. He seems like a strong man, so I'm betting that he does!
She ENJOYED watching him suffer, and in pain. Tha t was one of the CRUELEST things I've ever heard! This is LOVE? My God! She nearly destroyed him! I'm SO VERY SORRY he endured so much pain. This is how many of us that would have GLADLY helped Johnny with his detox AND would have given him the medication WHEN HE ASKED FOR IT, so his suffering was minimal. ⬇️
@@kickassandchewbubblegum639 You'd HAVE to be, one of THE CRUELEST, most callous people on Earth, to watch the person you love, endure detoxing from opiates!! My hubby saw me go through it. He almost cried, seeing me in such MISERY. I wouldn't wish that on my WORST ENEMY!!
@@BrooklynBaby100 VERY, TRUE! I'm sorry you must endure that! I, as well, had a relative that enjoyed watching me in pain and struggle. People who are miserable, enjoy seing others in misery. Not all, but many. It is a very sick way of behaving and thinking. BE PROUD of all you accomplish! Work on not needing these toxic person's approval. Guaranteed, you'll be MUCH HAPPIER!!
@@breshannondevereaux5712 Thank you so much for your kind words! You’re a beautiful stranger. I do my best everyday and it’s definitely a struggle at times. Wish we could connect… please send me note and I’ll send you my email real quick and then delete it.
You can't die from opiate detox. Only alcohol or benzo detox. It's still ungodly difficult, though. Many addicts firmly believe in cold turkey for opiates, though, I'm one such recovered addict. However that should always ultimately bbe the choice of the person who has to get through it. Way messed up
Did you see the text about him with animals and hookers? How he defends pedophiles? How he hangs out with satanist and caught making out with Marilyn Manson? Yuck
As much as his testimony about her throwing the bottle and severing his finger upset me, I found this so much worse. Hearing about all the pain he was in from opiate withdrawals while that evil monster allowed him to keep suffering, made my heart ache. He didn't deserve all the hell she put him through and I hope he either finds a good woman who treats him with love and kindness, or if he chooses to remain single from now on(and who could blame him), that his finds happiness with his family, friends, hobbies and his career, which hopefully will be revived now that people see the truth and know he was not an abuser.
This is actually the first of his testimony where I spotted him lying. He’s an amazing actor and he has shown it all the way through this trial. But don’t forget that they’re both actors.
@BumbleBee I didn’t say she was telling the truth. I said that this is the first time I could detect that he was lying. It’s obvious that she was lying about nearly everything she said.
@BumbleBee I explained in a previous comment above yours which you can see by tapping my username. But basically nobody forgets the date that they got sober. I base this statement on my own experience as an addict, addict in recovery, and sponsor. NOBODY forgets the year that they went through detox.
This is actually worse than most think. As a medical professional, I've helped through alot of similar situations. But what he describes in his withdrawals are spot on but on the Medical side, your heart rate spikes, your blood pressure is pretty much flips...he could have very well went into shock and stroked out. She very well attempted to kill him in my opinion.
Right! And the fact that originally his sister was going with him and then amber insisted on taking her place to go with him. She literally went out of her way to make sure he suffered more
@@bluesakura2092 I totally agree! 100% how could she not b kind caring supportive and loving towards him! ??????? Cold heart!tHeard! She wanted to watch him squirm in pain! Now she's squirming!
She was so cruel and insensitive. He suffered a lot and that breaks my heart as a human. Btw, She was looking at him while he was testifying, the one who supposedly abused and traumatized her. If she has PTSD, she won't be able to do that.
Not saying I disagree on the first part but everyone reacts to trauma differently so saying that a PTSD victim would not be able to look at an abuser at all is a pretty big simplification of the disorder that I dont think is all that fair to claim
And the way she looks right at the jury while reliving and disclosing her alleged most traumatic, sensitive, embarrassing moments in her life - get real! She’s ACTING and MANIPULATING as many as possible.
I believe this to be true. I can’t even watch movies like the karate kid, because he resembles the person who attached me. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it. Johnny is showing his strength just by being able to be in the same room as her. I pray he finds peace and happiness going forward.
I appreciate his candid honesty about his opiate withdrawals. As someone who has detoxed numerous times off opiates its unthinkable that someone who is suppose to care about you would make such a horrific situation worse. Wicked thing to do to someone, anyone, but someone your suppose to love. He's much better off with her outta his life. Hopefully smooth sailing is ahead for Mr Depp.
Me, too. The anxiety, knowing what's coming, is one of the worst feelings. I've detoxed from heroin in the county jail, with NOTHING, not even an aspirin. I had to go into a courtroom while in full withdrawals. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. When JD talked about being denied his meds, begging for relief, I could fully understand.
As someone who went through detox from opioids in jail, it was a horrible experience. Johnny hit the nail on the head with his explanation of how it felt. I’m just past 5 years sober now, and I hope you have also managed to stay on the right path.
How is this not abuse? This is even worse than the hitting. And the fact that she just sits there listening to this with that haughty stone faced look tells you everything.
much much worse. emotional abuse is worse because it doesn't leave visible signs on the body that evrrybody can see. when you're emotionally abused and gaslighted, you are completely alone.
@@elenashsh8866 did you not listen to the testimony at all? It was medication prescribed by his doctor to help with the detox, and when she didn’t give it to him, he had to take a scalding shower to get relief
The simple fact that she let him suffer without his meds is beyond cruel. She is one sick hateful pos. The fact he had to scold himself to get his mind off going threw withdrawal is incredibly sad. JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY
She didnt let his suffer. that his just his testimony. remember he is begging for drugs after a life of having drugs whenever he wanted. A low point.. but the worse thing you can do... is give a drug addict more drugs...
@@subservient8 She absolutely let him suffer. She had the means to help him through a terrible detox and chose not to provide any medications. The idea is to use meds to help with the pain so the body doesn't give up entirely. People are more likely to start using again because of the crap that is detox
Watching her face as he is testifying. She enjoys knowing she inflicted suffering and pain on him. Sickening. Why couldn't she have called the Dr. and the nurse? How can you not want to help the person you claim to love? She seems only to care about herself.
Well she is a narcissist so of course she gets a kick out of it. The doctor that testified as a witness for Johnny Depp did an exam on Amber Heard and the results that she got were that Amber probably has a personality disorder which would be why she acts the way that she does. The thing is she’ll never end up getting help if she really does have that disorder because she seems to think that everyone else is in the wrong but her.
Can we please talk about the fact that he did it at all! Going through detox, being willing to change his life, probably not only for himself, like he said : at the request of his sister shows what his intentions are. It becomes quite clear I think, that he aimed to be a ‘better person’ in many aspects not only for his own well-being but also for his loved ones.
when he said that after detox the "electricity" and that "I was actually feeling" and then smiled like he felt what a triumph that was... Man... I got goosebumps for him. Good luck to him an i pray for his continuing on that path no matter where this ends up.
Mr Depp needed support not an abusive wife whose only goal was to further her own career and give free apartments to her so called friends. She used and abused Mr Depp for all she could, I hope she gets everything that is coming to her and even more!
Agree💯 I would love to say what that evil monster deserves but I have to be respectful in the comments bc of youtubes policy🙄I would love just 5 minutes with that B!
She already has. Her career is over, I don't think it's even a question. But let's hope she continues to get served s*** for the rest of her life. I agree
If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
He's already won. Even if that 'shell of a human' gets her way in this court case, he's won in life. He's made such a monumental impact in this world, on the scenes and now behind the scenes, on such a personal level with millions, that he will never be forgotten. His life story and the way he has been thrown, literally, on trial for the world to see it all laid bare...... And still humble and truly kind. F‽CKING CHAMP!
Well said. He’s the only one who could save Disney from going down the toilet. They should beg him to do another Pirates movie and pay him double plus Disney stock
I know JD will never see my comment, but, going thru detox/withdrawal from opiate abuse in my past and becoming clean was one of if not the MOST difficult and painful thing I have yet experienced in my life. I am so proud of him and everyone else who has been able to recover. Wishing love and peace to those who have yet to do so.
I'm extremely proud of you as well, it is no ordinary feat and I can't begin to imagine how excruciating it was. That takes determination and strength that not many of us have. And, even if he never sees it, please know that his heart IS with you just as much as yours is with him
I love sharing music, believe me I do, but there is a time and a place, and THIS comment is not it. And neither is during this case. I'll check them out eventually, but dude come ON. you can't seriously be that tone deaf..
The cruelty Johnny suffered during his detox is the most inhuman act a person endure. Amber, only wanted to see the pain inflicted upon Johnny. She is one demented heartless soul. I pray Johnny recovers emotionally and physically and his livelihood is restored.
Yes watching the withdrawals are brutal. Seen my x go thru them, when he tried to do it at home. Called his bro and he brought help. Naw heartless is kind word for this monster.
@@susanroberts2978 Ugh, I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but I heard that same thing at my first detox, the one I ended up walking out of, and it's really really dumb. The idea that you've got to go through being sick so that you "don't want to get addicted again" is so illogical. We already know what being dope sick feels like, TRUST me. That's WHY people continue to use, because they have very clear understanding of regularly feeling it and do whatever they can to take it away. There's no opiate user around who had never felt withdrawals before, until the day they decided to quit using. People act like addicts have never felt what it's like to be excruciatingly dope sick, or that for some reason they "have" to go through that agony one last time. It's nonsense. Edit; if I misunderstood and this wasn't your point, please kindly disregard my directing this at you.
Thank God Johnny got rid of that horrific woman. My husband went through opiod withdrawal and I did EVERYTGING in my power to make it as painless as possible. Amber has no soul if she let him deal with that by himself. She's a horrible human being.
I’ve worked as a PA in addiction medicine. Opioid withdrawal is truly horrendous. Nothing quite compares to the mental and physical turmoil my patients went through.
ever heard of Lyme disease, and all the things it can do? other bugs and parasites that eat their victims alive? but I guess you never saw a person with a life-threatening illness because you were too busy helping those junkies.
@@Amphitera Until you’ve been through the experience of a junkie & withdrawal you’ll never know Just like we will never know about Lyme disease. Rather than berate folk, get us to understand & teach us. A disease creates victims not biased unapologetic comments. Addiction makes us the victims immaturity makes you the victimised Huge difference
@@Amphitera A number of people acquire opiate dependence during the course of treatment for other illnesses. I also would suggest that many 'junkies' have accomplished much more than you in life. Do you own an island in the Caribbean? You should also focus on improving your writing skills and grammar. G'day😄
I really feel sorry he went through so much hell with Amber. This just proves domestic violence affects both men and women. Amber's team of attorneys should have looked at everything and advise her there is nothing that plays in her favor. I've worked years ago on the set with Mr. Depp. He is one of the kindest and most respectful men I've known.
@@jb-nn8sk no. I was in transportation. While waiting for my truck to be loaded, I had a chance to eat. He just so happened to sit with me cause I was off to the side.
this is more than disgusting. People who have never experienced this kind of pain can't even imagine how horrible it is. like he said, it's nothing i've ever felt before.. you feel like a prisoner in your own body and you can't leave, the only way out are those meds or heroine or whatever you're on and it's the worst feeling in the world. it's more than disgusting, it's pure cruelty to do that to someone else knowing they need it. nothing else can help you in that moment. that amber did that shows how cruel she really is and how she liked it being in control and having him suffer, she probably loved it when he had to beg for his meds, she enjoyed it. if you love someone really, you couldn't see them in such pain and you would give them their meds. this is nothing someone who loves someone else would do.
I don’t know how I missed this part of his testimony: I can’t begin to explain how it feels to go through such pain, not only emotionally but physically as well. And, in order to get through those terrible times, those horrible experiences: the sickness, the anxiety- you need peace, comfort, support, love and kindness. I myself have had to go through detox; my story is a bit different; I became dependent due to having cancer. Chemotherapy treatments are absolutely terrible: so of course my Doctors wanted to keep me comfortable, well when one pill would stop working, they’d try another, stronger; and your body becomes used to those pills; and without even knowing, or even abusing- you become dependent; never on purpose, but you need those medications to help get you through the pain of cancer and all the side effects of the chemo. Nobody wakes up on morning and decides to become addicted to prescription medications, it doesn’t work that way- So, to not only suffer from whatever reason you’re placed on them, but to then suffer to get off of them; while being abused… It is so heartbreaking, it’s dehumanizing, it’s disgusting and it’s mean! To watch someone you love go through something so horrific- knowing you can help, and don’t; there isn’t a word in the O.E.D that can describe Amber Heard. And that alone, that’s abuse what she did to him.
Your story sounds a lot like my moms, she had lung cancer that after awhile spread to her brain and her final months she was taking so many pain meds she was just so out of it. It’s so sad how easily a person can fall into dependency when they are just trying to get rid of the pain. I’m glad to hear you’re still here with us and have gotten better!
his explanation of WD's as like ''the very core of you trying to escape from your own body'' was an amazing way of describing it. I will be using that one.
I'm so glad you made it through chemo and I'm so proud of you for overcoming not only that, but addiction too. I hope the rest of your life is peaceful and healthy and full of joyful experiences.
I became addicted in much the same way you did. In hospital on a pump for pain management due to kidney issues. When you’re in that type of pain they rotate the opioids so they work better. Then you’re sent home after months of having it streamlined into your veins. Sent home very much addicted. I never thought I’d be an opioid addict. I’ve never touched any other drugs, only ones I’m prescribed. This likely happens often. The pain of withdrawal is indescribable. Hearing him recall that time brought up some horrible memories for me. I can’t imagine another human being seeing that and refusing to help. Absolutely inhumane!
If she wanted money she could've just divorced him without being abusive. She was going to get at least 5 million anyway, why did she had to be so cruel? That is just pure evil.
Obviously, money wasn't enough. She needed to make Depp's life a hell during and after their relationship while also gaining clout posing as an abuse victim.
I don’t get it either. I have been with an addict for 4 years before so I understand Amber was unhappy being around that behavior 24/7. In that case she should have just divorced him. I don’t know why she had to take it to the next level, I can’t put my finger on it but I’m trying to figure it out. What do you guys think?
@@bluesakura2092 She is an addict too. She is worse. She is drinking 2 bottles of wine every day. She is taking amphetamine, mushrooms, ecstasy, hallucinogens, wine, on top her medication, on top she has mental health problems. Her choice of drugs can lead to psychosis, paranoia, delusion and schizophrenia. JD took only drugs to calm himself down and they are more relaxing, but if you use amphetamine they make a person really really aggressive and cruel.
As a person that deals with addiction…what a horrible person she is!! How could she even do that to someone you so called love and is trying to get better! She seemed to enjoy it! I admire him so much! Hardest thing to ever do is to reach out for help and get clean. I pray he does get sober and live with someone who loves him and appreciates him.
True story. I was in a bad accident, I had to have surgery on my abdomen because of all the damage. My now ex-wife was the happiest I ever seen her. She LOVED the fact that I was in so much pain and helpless in bed, could not move etc. She would hurl insults at me calling me a worthless animal, etc. Never in my wildest nightmares would I ever think she would behave that way. It seems there are women that love it when men are vulnerable and hurting. its so sick
I feel such empathy for him. How could she not? This woman who was at the time his wife and supposed to love and care for him? I have 2 ex loves, and I could not watch either of them hurt this way even with all the bad times that led to our breakups. This woman only cares about herself. She's got major psychological problems.
Having experienced what Mr.Depp is describing. I can only recoil in horror at his description of Ms.Heards sadisim toward his suffering. The last thing a person going through this hell needs is someone who enjoys watching them suffer around. Why he continued to tolerate her is beyond me.
well I don't know how it feels, since I don't do any drugs. But all empathy aside, it's incongruous seeing all the support and help junkies get, while people going through life-threatening, unimaginable pain and suffering (a lot of illnesses that they didn't inflict on themselves) are left to rot. illness ain't sexy but drugs are, apparently.
Was it really necessary for you guys to be rude and disrespectful to a stranger sharing his own experience. Do you embody anything resembling empathy? You sound just like Amber.
One of Amber’s biggest defences is that she started doing what she did because Johnny’s alcoholism was extremely mentally taxing, yet now we hear she was stopping him from working against it.
Wow. For me, 11 years later in my journey, this man’s testimony just brought me back to laying in a fetal position in my shower while hot water was beating down on my back and legs, but it was never hot enough. That was the only time I could take a breath during the hell that is opiate withdrawal. Glad Johnny made it through that. 😞
Doing drugs usually means some sort of trauma. He’s faced those demons head on and Won …. For all of us.. We are right there with you Johnny..Your a real Star, not just Hollywood, but in life.😘👍🙏
sorry you had to endure that. at least you aren't blaming it on your husband/boyfriend/mother/father/brother/ sister/uncle .. it goes with the territory. nobody helps us use. only we can control whether we use or not. we can't hold others responsible for our suffering or our recovery. it's awful I know. but how do you stop people from even starting. maybe this case will show some people what a rabbit hole it is
@OUIJA Q&A Current Affairs no, of course not. although it's part of the repertoire of the addict & alcoholic. it's everyone else's fault. it's everyone else's responsibility. it's not. anyone who does heroin is suicide. death comes with the territory. a "bag of heroin" on the counter? some friend
Imagine withholding insulin from a diabetic at a time when they need it most! Detox and withdrawal from a substance can be just as serious and fatal. Withdrawal is painful enough without having to beg your "partner" to help. That fact that she refused to give him the help she knew he needed is disgraceful.
I don't believe *anyone* would 'choose' to be sick. I agree with you, though many are sick as a result of a culmination of factors, including diabetics.
I'm right there with you. I've been clean for six and a half years now and still certain smells bring flashbacks of being dope sick. I'm proud of you! Stay strong ❤️
This is sick, it's no less than criminal. She should be charged with something for doing this to him. People have committed suicide in order to escape the torture of withdrawals. They wrack your body with so much pain, pain that you've never imagined your body ever experiencing, until you go through it yourself and it's you, who's the one begging for relief. This alone, what she did by denying him his medication to avoid withdrawal symptoms is enough for him to win the case in my book. That sums up physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, plus there's more I'm probably missing.
Physical, emotional and mental abuse is all over the place with Amber if you really listen to all the videos. She is truly a despicable human being who dont care about the people surrounding her . And whats even more sad is that a huge amount of women act just like her. Even if men talks about it everyone lives in denial and reject male reality. Thanks to all the reality show and movie who keep this kind of treatment like its a trend everyone should follow .
@@lovemusic1963ify yeah... because some men become dumb when they fall in love . The phrase "Love make people blind" is mostly used physically but sometimes it can take a psychological turn . I think most human lived it ounce. It's Only when you have a step back that you see the whole picture and realize How you were treated .
thanks for the candid and accurate description of opiate w/d. too many people sugar-coat the process, and sometimes even from people who went through it. unreal. Based solely on so many responses in this video alone has me thinking about making a support group type thing on twitter. let me know if you'd be interested. i'll try to find reponses, i get so many alerts that stuff sneaks by unseen.
I have such compassion for what he has just shared about his life with the worth regarding detox and addiction. I bet he is influencing many addicted to seek help.
Wow! He went through so much and he as I tears begging for her help and she denied him. I would have done anything I could to make him comfortable and not hurt. God bless you Johnny, you’re an inspiration to all who are going through this and have gone through this… so proud of you! We love you!!!
Or at least call the doctor if you're not sure if it is OK to give the meds. Don't be so arrogant that you think you know more than the doctor, the nurse AND the patient.
Not giving prescription medication from a so called loved one is just another layer of abuse on that onion. Perhaps she was also enjoying this type of control and subsequent pain infliction on Johnny. Are we even surprised?
She was helping him they way she was told. Addicts hate the people that are helping them. And she was there for him anyway. How can he be so ungrateful.
True story. I was in a bad accident, I had to have surgery on my abdomen because of all the damage. My now ex-wife was the happiest I ever seen her. She LOVED the fact that I was in so much pain and helpless in bed, could not move etc. She would hurl insults at me calling me a worthless animal, etc. Never in my wildest nightmares would I ever think she would behave that way. It seems there are women that love it when men are vulnerable and hurting. its so sick
God that had to be horrible to admit.. it literally had me crying listening to him recount it and the horrendous woman, who was supposed to love him, just stood there completely unmoved. It makes me sick.
This moved you to tears? Were you also moved to tears listening to Amber describe bring held on the counter top and penetrated with a bottle? And the bloody finger painting?
@@elizabethmiranda7867 well, psychopathy wasn't one of her diagnosis after thorough psychological testing by a very well qualified individual. But whatever you want to tell yourself, its cool.
I’ve broken 16 bones, been stabbed, dealt with the pain of having my appendix burst, and broke my back in an accident, but none of those come close to the pain of fentanyl withdrawals. Johnny Depp gave an accurate description of opiate withdrawals, and that’s with him being a millionaire with a personal medical staff. There’s nothing worse than going through withdrawals and not having anyone around to help, or any meds to contain the withdrawals. I begged my girlfriend to just kill me because the withdrawals were so bad… and those were just from stopping the fentanyl patches. I ended up doing a 3 month course of methadone, and now I’ve been clean for 3 years. I know a lot of people don’t like methadone because it’s still a narcotic, but it saved my life and could do the same for anyone else. Even if you’re a hardcore addict and have to stay on methadone long-term, it’s still better than street drugs and being addicted to prescription opiates. You drink your dose once a day and live your life.
I was given methadone as a chronic pain reliever after many unsuccessful hip replacements and revisions. Unfortunately, the methadone caused a change in my mental state. It had been doing that for the eight years I was on it. But I didn't know. My family knew though. The angry outbursts and manipulative behavior I displayed caused a deep rift between family and myself. I was denied access to my grandchildren for obvious reasons and had little contact with my children. Still I didn't realize the change and could not understand why they were so hard on me. One day after a particularly unpleasant altercation with my son and the usual weeks of silence in between, my son came to me and explained how they were affected by my behavior. They had noticed me changing from not long after I began taking methadone. He also told me that they couldn't take it anymore. I had to get help. Brought me to tears when I realized how right he was. Anyways, I decided to stop taking the methadone. I knew it wouldn't be easy so I devised a plan of slow withdrawal over 16 weeks lowering my dose every 2 weeks by half. I didn't tell my doctor or my family. Just shut up my house, curtains closed and got on with it. It wasn't fun but the motivation of getting back to family was strong and I dealt with the withdrawals by praying, reading my Bible and watching TV. I ached, I vomited, I cried, I slept waking up drenched in sweat and so very cold, even though it was summer. But I did it and now I am free from opiates too. I went to my doctor and she changed me to a non opiate pain reliever which helps. I will never allow another opiate in my body again. It just isn't worth it. Some say I shouldn't have had a reaction like I had to methadone but we are all different. I know it was that affecting me and it has been confirmed by my actions now. I have my family back. But mostly I have me back. Johnny Depp lives his life in public and I can only imagine how hard it is to bare his soul like he has. He is brave, courageous, and so deeply honest about what he went through. We can see how affected he has been by the drugs. But to go through withdrawals and be denied what has been specifically prescribed to get him through, is the highest form of degradation. She took what position she had and used it for enjoyment and power. There is a special place in hell for people like her.
I have been suffering (not living) with back pain all my life and was on Vicodin, methadone, fentanyl and methadone withdrawal for me personally was the WORST! I’m sorry you broke your back I hope you feel better! I’m on Suboxone now and I have been on the same dosage for years and years and years and have been off and on it… the withdrawal symptoms have been nowhere near as bad but I still get insomnia and a little bit of sweating and diarrhea but it is just longer… I’m back on the meds but that’s because I’m going into surgery in a month and I am petrified about it! :( my doctors want me to stop taking Suboxone 3 days before surgery but I really don’t want to go back on fentanyl…. Because I too want out of this hell ! Poor Johnny she is evil!
It truly is evil that he's had to share all this. Addiction comes with a lot of shame and I hurt for him that he's had to share all his darkest hurt because of her
I’m a nurse…this makes me sad. Addiction is a terrible disease and withdrawal/detox can be extremely dangerous. For her to brush him off like this is so cruel AND putting his life in danger. People do die during detox. She should’ve contacted the nurse or doctor if he said he felt that horribly. Thank god she isn’t a nurse….
It takes alot of courage to sit there and tell the World what you did and how you are overcoming it JD.. Much respect just for you sharing your detox story! I'm sorry you had to go thru that and proud of you for doing it. You got this!
I am appalled with Amber Heard. She lacks all the characteristics that makes one a human being. I have always admired Johnny Depp and his honesty, integrety and kindness shall be remembered. She will loose her pretty mask and all that is left is nothing.
JD is doing an amazing humanitarian act with this trial. Appart from exposing the devil AH he is educating us about the difficulties a drog addict goes through to get cleaned. Personally as someone that has near zero knowledge on this matter, someone that runs away when doubt someone is drug user I find this testimony very touching, very real. His difficulties to go through detox could habe been lessened if he had more support.
This is going to draw attention to the men who are abused and lied about. Horrible evil thing she did for true victims who fight so hard to be believed.
It seriously breaks my heart that even at that time she didn’t love him enough to properly care for him. His sister should have been there. I’m not a crazy Johnny depp fan and I am blown away by the mental gymnastics he’s been put through. No one deserves that.
I’ve been through heroin withdrawal many times. More than I care to admit. Those were the darkest, most awful, lonely, hellish times of my life. The only time I’ve ever contemplated death by my own hand was during withdrawal. People always talk about the physical pain, but the psychological torture, the depression and anxiety, the irrational, intrusive thoughts that this feeling is never going to go away, and the worst part is that you did this to yourself, and it’s all your own fault. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, and definitely not someone as kind and sweet as JD is. He did not deserve this. I guarantee this experience was like psychological torture for him. She is evil.
I've never been through what you had to go through with opiate withdrawal, but I've been through alcohol withdrawal- more times than I'd like to admit, and it was so horrible that I can't imagine what you had to deal with. Love and prayers...♡
It’s so sad for me to hear Johnny talk about the detox,, I’ve been through the same as the last thing you need is someone you love tormenting you when your going through detox trying to improve yourself!!! I can not believe she denied him his medication when he needed it most. It just proves to me how vile she actually is !!!!
As someone in recovery, this is all so hard to listen to. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that on top of detoxing. I’m so glad he’s doing better now, but damn. that’s gotta be traumatizing. And how can you you watch someone go through HERION withdrawals, which is one of the worst things to come off of btw, and you just do nothing to help them? When you CAN HELP THEM. AND ITS YOUR OWN HUSBAND? She’s a monster. Period.
@@raysquiggz "You poor child. I feel sorry for you that you live in fantasy land" You don't get it--I don't like her at all. I dislike her more than Depp. Why are you people saying such extraordinarily untrue things???? This is so bizarre.
I recall a friend of mine refusing to fill her daughter's Rx when she had 4 wisdom teeth pulled. Her daughter was screaming in agony and begging her Mom to get the pain medication. I had to step in and scold my own friend to do this very simple thing for her daughter. It was heart-wrenching. I have no sympathy at all for those who willfully keep others in a state of pain. Miss Heard might be thought of as Nurse Amber Heard Ratched.
I’ve had all 4 of my wisdom teeth surgically removed at once as well and I got to say the pain is like you’re chewing on razor blades it’s a pretty sharp intense pain. Not having pain medication would be terrible.
Just listening to him recall his withdrawal experience made my legs twitch & my stomach turn. I used the same exact nerve trickery at the rehab I went to where I was lucky enough to have my own bathtub. I'd run the hot water without ever touching the cold water tap and, whenever the water temperature would get too low, I'd let some of it out & run the hot water again full blast to heat it back up. I'd do this until either the hot water ran out or my attendant would have to force me to me to get out so I wouldn't boil myself alive. The reason I even had to have an attendant with me was because the first time I'd used this method to deal with my withdrawal I fell asleep in the water and woke up with a 103.2 degree fever. Absolute worst, most horrendous excruciatingly painful physical & mental nightmare I've ever experienced. There are no words in any language on earth that can be put together to make someone who's never felt it themselves truly understand what it was really like. It literally changes your soul.
As a former addict, I can guarantee that there isn't anything as painful as going through withdrawals from opioids! It's not only painful physically but excruciating mentally and seriously dangerous to a point of being potentially deadly! Her actions are not actions of a caring person, but actions of a psychopath, using her power to deny help for her own power trip sadistic satisfaction!
I had an opiate addiction and got on suboxone to ease withdrawals. Now I’m 10 years on it and it’s starting to effect my health. I tried getting off it and it’s even worse than the pills. I’m in a terrible rut now and feel their is absolutely no way out.
@@barefootdgypsy3233 so sorry hun feeling your pain ,when are our goverment going to deal with people like you and me suffering like we do ,god bless i wish you so much love and stay positive im still on the pills im 54 in bad helath i doubt ill ever get off them i bought onling for 30 years now problebly die oon them, i wish you so much luck ,ur strong ask for any help out there lots of love anf goodluck barefoot
@Barefoot Gypsy YES you CAN quit subuxone. First try to change to subutex. Then taper with it, give it even a YEAR to quit. I PROMISE you can do it! My husband did it by slowly slowly decreasing the amount. If you can, ge zopiclone sleeping pills, they will give your body at least a chance to rest at night. InshAllah you CAN make it!
For the people who wonders why JD smiles while recounting all these bad memories, it is because he is anxious and nervous. Many people smile or laugh when they tell their bad stories because that’s a coping mechanism to prevent themselves from crying. That’s my way too when I get anxious, scared and nervous.
It is obvious that amber heard is an abuser (she abused him emotionally, mentally, physically, financially , etc)
It's called Duper's Delight.
I do the same thing and always have, especially due to childhood and adult trauma.
It's just a part of coping with bad things.
That's also what first responders often do, when recounting something traumatic.
Absolutely agree
My psychotherapist (who was a consultant with 40 years of experience) genuinely believed that smiling meant you found it funny rather than it being a coping mechanism. People are insane lol.
Yes, she's the abuser and enjoyed it. Poor Johnny Depp, pity he didn't kick her to the corner long before the abuse went to extremes.
He'd been abused by his mother, so in real life it's easy for women like her to control and abuse a vitctim again, she saw his weak points and went for the kill!
This breaks my heart. Opiate withdrawal is the worst pain, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. She is a monster!
Exactly.being threw it a few times it's the worst thing I ever been threw and I been threw alot but the fact he was going threw intense withdrawal and this woman making it all about her tells me she only cares about her own feelings.there is no doubt she is a monster and she scares me.
@@chuckweber4005 💯 agree with you. Its heartbreaking to hear Johnny was at her 🥺 mercy @ his lowest point as a human being
"as he said" begging her for the meds to support his body! What a thing. No heart
Jesus Christ almighty! Methadone , Suboxone, and other monitored medications are a blessing. You must be under a physicians close care/watch. Weening off is tough/tricky but it really helps a lot.
You have NO IDEA!!! I was prescribed 80mg/day of oxycontin/oxycodone, my husband was taking ever more. 3 years after this 'treatment' began, he attempted suicide (almost succeeded). We were seeing the same Pain Management Doctor, who decided he didn't want to see either of us again... no step-down, no rehab, no help getting off these horrible meds. It took me 3 weeks of throwing up, diarrhea, skin crawling, and just feeling like crap all over. _This was the 1st time I had felt any of my nerves for 3 years - imagine ALL of your nerves firing at the same time - and everyone of them were just SCREAMING!!_ Both inside and outside your body, and there was nothing you could do!! [I like how Depp described it as 'electricity,' I never thought of that, but I know EXACTLY what he's referring to]. Good job at getting off that poison Johnny!!
I would not wish this on my worst enemy!! NEVER, NEVER start these drugs - if you must (for a surgery etc) use the lowest amount you can, and ween down as quickly as possible. Trust me, you'll thank me later!!
Also opiates dont make you violent. Maybe it differs for each person and what exactly the opiate IS. But I can say from experience that opiate pills never made me angry. They made me feel elated and happy and more social... unfortunately. That's the devil in them. I wish they wouldve made me angry. I wouldnt have taken them..
As a nurse for over 35 years I’ve pretty much seen everything and I too have dealt with patients withdrawing from heroin and opioids and alcohol addiction, especially alcohol withdrawals which can be fatal if not done properly, it is one horrible heart wrenching experience and as a nurse or even a person with a loving kind human nature you would naturally want to do everything to reach out and help that person. It is appalling to me that this woman would stand there chopping vegetables telling her husband who is suffering and pleading in front of her that it’s not time yet? If what Mr. Depp says is true, and I assume he is telling the truth, then there is something very wrong with this woman far beyond just being mean and uncaring, there’s something wrong with any individual who would not be moved in such a situation just from sheer panic and helplessness, it’s just human nature to want to ease the suffering of another human being, especially your loved one. If she was confused about the time being too early to give the medication she should have contacted immediately the nurse or the doctor and asked “what should I do, he’s suffering,” but it doesn’t seem that she did that according to what was described in the court proceedings at least.
When Mr. Depp described the shower scene he was spot on. When the human body is going through withdrawals the nervous system kicks in and the immense pain emotionally, mentally, but especially physically, is overwhelming, so when he described the shower scene I believed him right away because what he was doing was redirecting the pain to a different part of the body. Mr. Depp was correct when explaining how the brain considers the dependency on the drugs as “normal” after awhile and when it’s deprived of that substance the brain will send out warning signals to the rest of the body to “feed” that addiction to re-program the brain and reset it back to its “fake normal” state just to function again, there is no euphoria from the drugs anymore, that disappears after a certain amount of time if the person stays on the same dose, the drug is needed just to bring the brain and bodily functions back to what the brain considers normal. It’s a horrible cycle and a horrible trap that drugs can enclose you in. Those warning signs present themselves in the unbearable withdrawal symptoms Mr Depp was explaining. When you’re going through chemical withdrawal and you cannot get anything to release that physical pain you do what you have to do to get the brain and central nervous system to redirect the agony to a different part of your body, it’s only temporary but the sympathetic nervous system, the flight or fight mechanism of the human body, will kick in to do anything to get away from that withdrawal. And if this woman really just stood there and let him go through that she needs psychiatric help. That tells me a lot. None of us were there so I don’t think any of us will ever really know the truth I just hope that at the end of all of this these two people can go about their lives and find some peace and normalcy and not destroy each other anymore than they already have.
That is gut wrenching. I was imagining people detoxing in prison when he was talking about that, idk why. I know people are not taken care of in jail and i can’t imagine the pain. So sad
That she didn't give meds before schedule (especially if they were controlled) actually strikes me as one of the least abusive things she's done. Even if it's just Ibuprofen, there's still a risk of toxicity... But good point that she could have at least tried to call the medical team.
It‘s a horrible task monitoring a loved ones detox. If anything we should have respect for her. You‘re told to keep strong in those situations. And she did for him.
She has a personality disorder. There's a video with the psychologists testimony where she was diagnosed with borderline and histrionic personality disorders. She has the worst symptoms of both. Unfortunately, unlike mental illness, there is no treatment or cure for a personality disorder. It's just who she is.
@@christiangwenner6384 Yeah, whether she was being strong, or just her typical gorgon self, we shall never know.
As a nurse It is a crime to withhold medication from a patient during this absolutely horrendous painful process. She is wicked evil
I feel for newborns with NAS. I feel like it should be illegal for Drs to get pregnant women onto methadone (when there are safer options that are unfortunately not mainstream) due to the horrific withdrawal symptoms that these innocent children suffer.
If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
@@b00_2 I'd call the doctor and describe current condition. As a nurse with decades of acute care experience that included care of opiate dependant patients, when I saw visible signs of severe withdrawl; one of my concerns would be possible seizures- which could cause changes in the brain leading to change of function including the memory loss they mentioned.
@@dianaarnold7019 you did not answer my question. Drug usage does alone ruins your brain btw. Also, correct me if I wrong but junkies are very convincing when they beg.
There are so many incidents that he could have divorced her for even this. His life was literally in her hands he could die from that. I've gone through it myself there's been times when I've run out of my medication and it is total hell. You can't sleep muscle spasms nausea vomiting you can't eat you become dehydrated there's it's just awful
This is one of the sickest things I've ever heard. How could someone be so wicked and cruel and do that to the man they're supposed to support and love? Just disgusting.
That my friend is a narcissistic personality. Watch and learn to run away.
And she was demanding he be free and clear of drugs and alcohol. He probably was doing it for her as much as for himself.
I had nightmares about this testimony! 👎🏻😮💨
Because she is sadistic- she gave him a knife…
I mean it's a little hard to believe, because if one needs that, that badly they would be grabbing her around the neck
The thought that Johnny felt so low that he had to send Amber to a hotel with her friends so she wouldn't have to deal with him as "Mr. Shaky" truly breaks my heart. He was going through withdrawals and she was so cruel to him. If she loved him, she would have stayed with him and cared for him during this horrible time.
She is not a human being as we know it!!
I wonder if Johnny was taking precaution against tabloid photos and his personal suffering sold to the highest bidder?
He shouldn’t have her there the way she was “caring” for him….NO!
What a nightmare that would have been for Johnny. Im sure screaming at or beating the patient might work but if i am honest it wouldn't...
This poor man, my heart bleeds for what he has gone through at her hands. He is an incredible person, humble and honest. I hope he genuinely realises how many people in the world are behind him.
This time he knows for certain,the fact that he's talking about this painful process in front of a world shows how much he's a humble down to earth person, I've been in this situation & clean for 11years I'm feeling him with my whole existence,not a easy matter to come over or talk about it outside of NA/AA,btw I can't understand how am i missed this part,i hope this demon woman out of johnny's life,my God I've remember that suffering,
@@Andrew_6R Way to go, man. That's awesome. Friend of Bill W myself, struggled with opioid addiction for years.
Clean since: 28 August 2009 by the Grace of God and very supportive peers. That withdrawal is living hell. I remember it as well.
She treated as a joke. She wanted to substitute the trained rehab nurse thanking that anyone could do the nurse’s job. Says everything doesn’t it.
To everyone here struggling with addiction, I hope one day you can be free. To everyone who had overcome it, I'm so proud of you and I hope you continue to be free.
Lovely kind words, I say thankyou on behalf of a darling loved one of mine bless your heart 💕
Beautiful 💯👆🏽
I am myself. It's really scary and sad and so much remorse, pain, fear. It lasts a long time and no one or no meds make you 'normal' again. It's a lifelong problem.
To everyone who had not touch any drugs, don’t do it as you are on a road to destruction, only Jesus can heal & deliver you out of it !
Everyday. It never goes away, you just learn the mechanisms to cope with the emotions.
As a professional nurse, I can only say that this is a crime to refuse to treat someone under such a condition. Again it only shows how sick AH is. Justice for Johnny.💔
It's not a crime. There is not a doctor or ER or anywhere around where I live who would help. They call you a med seeker. The local prison Dr actually laughs at the inmates going through severe withdrawals. So trust me it is not an actual crime, there are just some extremely cruel people in this World. Sad but true.
@@Giamarisa For the fact that he already had a prescription and she was holding back but giving it to him.
That's what I mean, she was responsible to give him his medication when was needed to.
But you're right there are evil people in the this world.
She was spiteful & vindictive, how can you refuse someone their medication when they're in pain .
It's horrifically cruel. If she was so unsure about the medication, why didn't she contact the Dr., who was available and at their beck and call for Johnny, IMMEDIATELY. That's what any normal, loving person would do! (and she was his wife?? Omg...😢 😡) Heartless is not the only word but the first word that pops up in my mind. Sick
Pathetic. Sadistic.... A few more descriptive words. She could hear and see him but chose to make him suffer. That says alot about her right there. His sister Christy would have helped him immediately and as a result, Amber messed up this perfect opportunity for JD to get off these nasty drugs. Sick, savage woman she was.
It should be classed as a crime because of the abuse she caused him.
I know every single pain, cramp, he went through, as I was also addicted to opiates. The skim crawling, electricity, thousand hot showers, since I didn't have any medication to alleviate this. It was enough for me to go through that I swore I would never ever take another pill, in 3 days, May. 5th, it will be 5 years!!! I actually was able to feel my brain think right again...I'll never put opiates in my body again, I don't care, not ever
I love that you learned to love yourself, and learned to live free. Long may you live, in freedom and happiness and contentment.
Congratulations on your recovery!
Congratulations! Cheers to more yrs of being clean
Congratulations on your recovery!!
You are such a strong woman. You achieved it. You should be so so proud. We are all so proud of you.
Refusing to give medication to your partner who is suffering is about the lowest, most savage and disgusting thing I can imagine in a relationship.
Mr Depp you deserve the best 100 percent
Jesus loves you my dear and that is true and so do I
I have a friend who went through withdrawals. She did it on her own and it was absolutely horrendous. I was there with her. For Amber to refuse Johnny his medication was evil. That was not love.
@BumbleBee Agreed. But she also would not want him to get clean. In my view, with him addicted, she had power...he was defenseless when he was high/drunk. With him sober, her abuse would be all the more obvious. She had to get him to fail.
@BumbleBee she probably wanted him to relapse to keep him medicated. That way it'd be easier for her to manipulate and control him. That's gotta be part of the reason she didn't give him the medicine. She wanted his withdrawals to be so terrible that he wouldn't try to quit ever again. She's pure evil and wicked individual. I wouldn't be shocked if she ended up killing JD. People better stay clear of this psycho from now on. She ruined her own life and tried to ruin a man just because he didn't want to be with her anymore. She disgusts me
Ambuser deliberately twisted that recorded call to make it appear he was drunk and stoned all the time. He was in detox and she was refusing to give him the prescribed meds to help with the pain, evil nasty witch.
@@MotherOfVincentLePew lol Right
Ambuser turd
Ambuser…. Very fitting
@@2legit2Kwit I feel sick when I look at her now. She had it all but it was never enough for her, she always wanted more and used her body and fists to get it. I hope she goes to jail. I fear for that child living under the same roof as her.
This in my opinion is the most heartbreaking story of the entire trial - a wife's total lack of compassion for her husband when he's at the lowest point of his life. What Amber did was not only heartless, but proves that she's an emotional abuser as well as a physical one. Johnny had to beg her to be allowed to finish the detox program on his own. Let that sink in. When Johnny tried to communicate what he needed in order to succeed in the detox, she made it about HER. I can't wrap my head around how she classified denying him medication and perpetuating his suffering to feed her desire for control and self-aggrandizement as "you don't appreciate all I've done for you." I wish Johnny's sister had been there instead. Christi at least had his best interests at heart, which is obvious by her trying to get him life-saving treatment in the first place, unlike Amber, interestingly enough. All Amber cares about is herself and her image, even when her husband was in desperate need of help. If that's not the textbook definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, then I don't know what is. She wasn't there to support him. She had an agenda from day one and when she didn't get her way, out came the histrionics. She only has two settings: psycho and manipulator. Rotten to the core.
Sounds like Gone Girl
1000%!!! Finally someone said it for what it truly is! It is when you need them that narcisissists show who they really are: zero care for others, but worse Amber clearly enjoyed harming him!! That's sociopathic narcissism. Her abuse is calculated, trying to destroy him. Her motive is control and to dominate: Sociopathy. She's 100% a malignant narcissist. And this case is an insult to anyone with pure BPD, because BPD have remorse and empathy, she has zero!
Agreed. Some sociopathic tendencies there
The "you don't appreciate all I've done for you" reminded me of Annie Wilkes (Cathy Bates character) in Misery.
Absolutely spot on
Imagine going through this horrific experience and your partner is only thinking about how it makes her feel.
that’s exactly was a narcissist is
Classical Narcissism
@@dennylater9316 EXACTLY. I have a mother just like that.
...and your partner is only thinking about how they can maintain control* FTFY
Yep. I was married to a narcissist. I quickly learned what each evening would be when he got home. I was living in hell until one day I went home from work & he'd took all his things & part of mine,including my dogs, along with his adult son & abandoned our leased home. He'd stopped paying the else & utilities a few months prior so without my knowledge. I was evicted a few days later. Had to find out from the owner of the home what he was doing. He was abusive to me & our dogs. I never found out what he did to/with my dogs. He's harassed me for months after he left, coming by my work, calling my phone, emails.
Can we talk about how humble he is? Out of everything going on in this case, he still finds it in him to be embarrassed about owning an island 😭😂 like Johnny we all know you’re rich! You’re one of the best actors of all time! I’ve had to deal with someone like amber and God knows I’d buy an island in a heartbeat if it would get me away from them, if only for a little while 😂
He was a great actor untill Disney got him. His older stuff is golden. After Fear and loathing he took a turn to the crowd
I’ve had to deal with someone like Amber too. If you know one, you just know what it’s like. 💁🏼♀️ Had I not known this person, I would never have fully understood what was happening here.
Debonay and Brooks, are you now free of the "Amber" in your lives now? Have you found safety and healing?
@@dancingfirefly7761 I am! Thank you for asking!
In short: I’m still healing, but I’m safe and I’m happy!
*Background info for anyone curious*
Oh boy I only intended to give you a short summary but I got carried away 😭 I have a tendency to ramble and I’m sure none of this makes sense. Sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes!
** I use they/them pronouns for amber #2 cause they literally trained me to lie about their gender as “a joke” and I didn’t notice till I read everything back. His pronouns are actually he/him!!!
I’ve actually had two unfortunately. I was very young the first time and suffered because of amber #1 for a long time in silence until amber #2 came along and I realized for the first time that I could have freedom outside of that first relationship. The thing is, I knew I was just going down the same path of trusting someone who didn’t have my best interests at heart (amber #1 and #2 were actually “best friends” for a while and left me in the dust until things turned sour for them and #2 came to me and hyped me up all while saying #1 never actually liked me and they were using me.
I thought I was being careful with #2 and I kept most of my secrets and true feelings to myself because I noticed they talked about their other friends horribly. But I really thought they just had “some anger issues” and I was their safe person to vent and they weren’t actually “like that” I also felt like I’d be a hypocrite for judging them since I talked about amber #1 horribly with them.
The first thing that made me realize they didn’t like me that much was when they used to “play fight” with me and would choke me and try to pin me down. At this point we were in our late teens early twenties 😭 we had no reason to play like that 😂 but I honestly never felt afraid until they full strength like kneed me in the stomach and I got the wind knocked out of me. And they weren’t sorry at all and they just mocked me saying “I can tell you didn’t grow up with brothers blah blah” and they started to be more aggressive when we “played” like that. But I started to get more aggressive with them after that and they realized that because In my head we were “playing” I was always holding back but if I didn’t… I was actually quite a bit stronger than they thought and all of a sudden they never wanted to “play” like that again.
I ignored all the red flags waving in my face because I missed them terribly after leaving for college for two years and I really just thought they had some issues, but they were going to therapy and everything would work out, so I suggested that they could come live with me.
Then we moved in together and I thought it would be so fun. We had made all these plans and I pulled all these strings so they could live with me (my college apartment was supposed to be single gender but I convinced res life to let them live with me since I had like 4 empty bedrooms 😭
Literally everything went downhill. They just… changed. They just started being so cruel to me. They made fun of my weight and appearance. They took videos of me and showed me to their “friends” without my permission. They tried to convince my friends to exclude me from things and it all built up until I made an angry post on my social media 😩 it was a screenshot of something they sent to me that hurt my feelings.
They literally went to my friend to see it cause I blocked them since they told me “You just post depressing stuff and nobody wants to see it”
They then broke down my bedroom door after I told them I was upset and needed some time to think before I talked to them.
My other roommate managed to pull them away and after that for 2 months they ignored me and blocked me on everything… while trying to poison me. They tampered with my food and stole and destroyed my property. And I watch enough true crime to know that no matter what I needed to tell somebody what was going on. For weeks I insisted I didn’t need any sort of “emergency” help (I was so dumb) cause I was convinced they were just having an rough time and things would go back to “normal”. Then things just got worse and worse and I was getting sick and losing weight and got diagnosed with adhd and started meds on top of all that and I couldn’t take it anymore and I finally allowed a chaperoned meeting.
At that meeting he berated me and cursed at me while I just sat there. Right at the end I finally yelled back at him and he left and I felt so awful I just broke down but the counselors were so sweet and helped me.
The harassment continued until I tried to file a report for theft on the heavy insistence of a family member to do so. The officer told me that amber #2 actually didn’t have a right to remain in my apartment after he contacted the resident director of my building and got a team and literally moved amber #2 out that day.
Amber #2 broke in one time 🙃 but after that I didn’t hear from him again.
There’s no way to really explain how much I cared about them and loved them before they changed. They were my best friend in the whole world, I invited them to my house for Christmas and thanksgiving. In my culture that’s huge!!! My mom adored them. And they just… hated me. The whole time. Everything was a lie.
My heart goes out to Johnny, nobody ever deserves to go though that.
@@dancingfirefly7761 I have 2 answers, this person will always be a certain aspect of my life because it’s family (through marriage), but I also do not have them in my inner circle. I do not interact with them anymore. The biggest concern is protecting my kids from them. She has borderline, just like Amber. I actually heard the tapes and immediately said I think she’s borderline! And then we discovered she was. With the one I know, she will go after kids sadly. Most people won’t stoop that low. They understand kids are kids and should be off limits. But it’s like opposite thinking with this person. She sees them as easier to target because they won’t pick up on things an adult would. I could write so much on this, but just know that not all people are wired the same, and some genuinely don’t care if they hurt people. So it’s so important to protect yourself. One thing she does is tries to get really close with people quickly and gets them to divulge secrets, then gets paranoid (it’s part of the disorder) and tries to ruin that person before they think they’ll leave them. They’re always trying to stay one step ahead, but when they hurt they don’t operate normally. They try to literally destroy you and try to hurt you in whatever way they think would hurt you most. They are ruthless even moreover, wreckless. They never think about the consequences of their actions. Like accuse someone of molesting because they got mad about something and then be confused why the person freaks out. It’s so much more complicated than that, but you get the idea. Boundaries and don’t let people in who don’t deserve it.
All I can say is this woman is absolutely not fit to have a child. The mere fact that she will be responsible for someone else’s life, is terrifying!!!!
CPS should be worried about her child at this point.
She has the emotional capacity of a child. God help the child under care.
May God have mercy on anyone who depends
On such a monster !🙏
She will abuse her daughter when she grows up and talk back at her! Amber will take her daughter to court for elder abuse when her daughter hit her 20s.
I have the thought the same many times. That poor child. I also believe she decided to have a baby through surrogacy as a way to promote herself in a positive light before this trial. Everything about her is cruel and calculating.
And in AH's opening statement, she claimed Johnny NEVER went through rehab or detox. He was trying and she wouldn't help.
Ofcouse, if he sobers up its less control for her.
The whole opening statement was incredulous....
to the point Elaine got held up by the Judge, argued with the judge and was severely rattled that her fantasmagorical story was interrupted in full flow......
Johnny,s face said it all...
like wow, who are you talking about, cos thats some horrific storytelling.. about some poor sod!
Her opening was a rambling incoherent mess filled with outright lies.
@@commodoresixfour7478 EXACTLY!!!!
Was the trial that JD lost televised? When can you find the UK trial? Thx
Love and respect to him for being so open and honest. Cannot believe she let him scold himself in the shower. What human being can do that to another? She so wanted him to suffer on all levels.
Agree 100% she took pleasure seeing him suffer. If it had been me, I'd have given him the meds and with tender care and love hold him and feel his pain. SHE'S WICKED! Hope she never sets foot on any movie set ever!!!
A psychopath would do that. She lacks any kind of empathy.
She should be put in jail
And why he was so good to her,she is a monster
@@anaalfarra3138 the only movie set she might end up on again is probably going to be in the porno industry. Then again she might try out the fetish categories of the industry so she can utilize the Amber Turd moniker.
Someone who suffered from addiction . He is spot on when it comes to saying it can't judge it by clocks . People are different weights and sizes and used diff amounts .
If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
@@b00_2 that still doesn't help explain the fact that Amber did not contact his nurse or any medical professionals out of concern and simply let him be and suffer. On top of that she wasn't even supposed to be there.
That is true,
@@b00_2 I agree that if the meds were to be given at certain times that's what you follow. But, if you see someone you love going thru so much pain, wouldn't you call the doctor to see what you could do???? I was married to an alcoholic who tried "cold turkey " the FIRST time at home. It was so emotionally painful for me to witness what he was going thru that I called 911. He was administered drugs and was taken to a rehab clinic. They told me if I hadn't called he might have died! Sorry about my lengthy personal reply but I wanted to explain my criticism of Heards lack of compassion.
This isn't the only time he's talked about the simple science behind these things, and I can tell he actually enjoys explaining that part and how he dealt with it (he even smiles for a second). It seems to me that he would actually make a really really good addiction counselor, he has the experience, the curiosity, and the kind and humble demeanor.
He really has a lot to offer to so many people. His story is really heart breaking, no question this man is being honest. He deserves peace, love and happiness. He’s inspiring.
He should be the spokesman for it. He knows the devil this is to thousands. Since the current administration is hell bent on destroying Americans but not truly helping.
He really would- especially with how gentle and quiet he seems to be in real life. In my experience, most people trying to detox are introverts who get really bad headaches from the withdrawals, so his quiet demeanor would help a lot
@@amychristopher2604 ok
I don't think I agree. To me the smile looked more like a mask that people usually wear when discussing their traumas. I do that too when I'm in therapy for example or when I have to talk about stuff that are emotionally very difficult to me. I don't think Johnny enjoys talking about it because why would he. The fact that he almost mumbled the word "addicted" and went through that word faster than through other statements at the beginning of the video seems to me like he's still having a very hard time talking about it and admitting to the addiction. The smile or even laugh doesn't always show joy or happiness. It can also be a sign of stress and fear and this is how I see those smiles Johnny puts on his face from time to time.
I have had detox before and it's horrible. You would literally be addicted again just to get rid of this feeling of immense depression and pain and sickness. When Johnny said he sagged on the floor with tears rolling down his face, I felt that so much. It's like having anxiety, but you don't display any symptoms of anxiety at all; you just know something is not right, you don't feel right.
You get to the point where you cry and you don't know why you're crying or why you're feeling like you're in this deep pit of darkness. Someone could ask you, 'what do you need' and it makes you cry more, not knowing what you need or what's wrong with you in that moment.
I got sober off heroin 12 years ago. I always described the withdraw feeling as a gnawing. It's like a gnawing on your spine, stomach, bowels, but the most gnawing happened in the inner most part of your chest & NOTHING but "getting well" will take it away. I couldn't handle that feeling & is why I had to get sober with the help of methadone.
accepting Jesus Christ as lord and saviour helps it works thats the answer every human needs but cant place finger on it but thats the answer believe it or not
@@Iraakerlund7 lol please … what about the millions murdered in the name of Jesus ? There’s been other gods before Jesus older
Religions before Christianity… and yet Christians murdered the most
People in the entire world in the name of Jesus
@@Iraakerlund7 no, it absolutely does not. I didn't get sober until I was an atheist. Also, the only thing that got me sober was the help of meditation. No god helped at all.
@@Iraakerlund7 Who is that dude?
The fact that she can look directly at JD while he’s getting a chance to speak is just evil. She isn’t afraid of him she’s trying to figure out how to spin it. If she even can cause this is just evil
@@-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.. I saw her first!
@@-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.. You are in luck she sleeps with any man or woman with a bit of fame and money. So do have fame and money?
@@gard7662 Whoa, we can all have a turn. She's single even if She's with somebody so lets not fight, let's just help each other.
@@gard7662 Even in marriage she slept around
She is obsessed with herself and looking at Johnny as he speaks about her
We all know she only went there with him so he could take pictures of him in his most vulnerable state and use it against him later ,what an awful human being.
And to spend his money
People like AH think it's all about themself.
I’m in shock, I almost cried. This woman is a sadist, I would help a stranger, and there was her husband going through this agony and she just let him suffer…it’s sick. I hope she gets to experience the same pain one day.
She has a 1yr old baby she testified. I don't know with whom but , nor I care heart already breaks for that child . I grew up with mental illness, its not the easiest life . My heart bleeds for this man. I pray she gets her Karma served on a silver platter .
@nki from opiates
She’s so cruel how could she do that to someone she’s supposed to love !!! She’s horrid 😡
Sadist but no woman like most celebs are inverted. Johnny is the girl. Just like Cosby's victims weren inverted men.
@@jannetjejo-7855 JD isn’t a girl, he tried to avoid conflicts, tried to please a sick monster, tried to end it and go away without telling the world who she really is, but AH wanted to destroy him on every level she could. Just sick
I have never had as much respect for a person as I do now for Johnny Depp. He’s a good man and you can tell his sister loves him very much.
You can do this Johnny. We're all behind you either way. Stay strong.
"We're all behind you"
How did you reach this conclusion?
@@kensandale243 stop picking a fight over literally nothing that affects you.
@@seattlevixen "stop picking a fight over literally nothing that affects you."
Do you realize that you just picked a fight over something that doesn't affect you?
@@kensandale243 you seem like a part of amber heard academy of psychopaths.. please see a doctor
He was reversing the pain receptors. This is absolutely disgusting. This would also lower his blood pressure fast! She could of killed him. He was tortured by this sadist
It's really scary when you think about it , anything could have happened to him . It's a good thing he's recovered .
Amber was after his money. She know what she did, when she insisted to go with him to Bahamas. She abused him weekly, (daily ?? ) She wanted to brake him.
Are you a doctor ? If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
@@b00_2 lol are you a doctor, counselor, social worker etc.? if you have never dealt with or witnessed this stuff, please stay in your lane.
Seeing these comments gives me hope for humanity. Despite everyone being so divided, people were able to come together, support Johnny and call out amber. It’s honestly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen on the internet.
People should stop mixing politics with their identity. Trivial things like skin color, gender, sexuality etc shouldnt dictate anything political nor other peoples lives, especially. Unfortunately there are people that have created an ideology out of it and look to government over reach to pander to them.
It‘s a medieval witch hunt. People enjoy seeing her suffer and are calling justice what in fact is much closer to a collective abuse itself.
@@christiangwenner6384 since when is telling the truth and calling out evil a medieval witch hunt. Witch hunt only applies when the everyone is wrong but in this case, they’re right. Amber quite clearly abused Johnny, tried to destroy is reputation and is now paying the price.
@@crunchycarrotz6234 That‘s for the court to find out. Ignoring the very principles of the judicial system is a medieval understanding of the law in a nutshell.
And even if she eventually turns out to be guilty, she still deserves being treated as a human being. Seeing her weak and degrating her for it, might be as evil as you attribute it to her.
@@86BarbOmega class based politics for the win. Unite the working class vs dividing them with identity politics
This is why we believe Johnny! He tells the truth even when it's hard to talk about it. No BS here! He's a hero to people getting off chemical dependency. Drugs are known to be prevalent in the music & movie profession. Praise Johnny for this success. I imagine this was a terribly excruciating process to get clean. The world needs more Heroes like Johnny Depp
I keep imaging what Robert Downey Jr. endured to get clean. How his friends HELPED him along his journey. Where this person, who purportedly loves him, does nothing but cause him more pain.
His description of detox is spot on.
Hero ? JD ?
He is not a hero! He's a man who recovered. Praise God! Not Johnny.
Opiate withdrawal can be deadly and should never be overseen by a psychopath
Fortunately, you won't die from withdrawals off of heroin, oxy, and other opioids. You can however die from withdrawals of xanax, klonopin, and other benzodiazepines, as well as alcohol.
Opioid withdrawal is not life threatening whatsoever. The risks pale in comparison to benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal. The only possible way to die from opioid withdrawal is if you keep vomiting or having diarrhea to the point where you become dehydrated. That’s obviously not a concern with Depp because he had a nurse right there and honestly, it’s incredibly rare for anybody to get to that point. Opioid withdrawal is just uncomfortable, but benzo/barbiturate/alcohol withdrawal is what can kill you.
Well said 😅
Lol 'by a psychopath' thats funny
Opiate withdrawal is not deadly. Benzo/ETOH withdrawal can be.
I can't imagine treating a total stranger, much less the man I claim to love, that way. A few times during this trial I've come close to tears, but hearing this did it for me. I hope that after all this mess is over, that Mr. Depp can move forward and finally start to truly heal. He seems like a strong man, so I'm betting that he does!
She ENJOYED watching him suffer, and in pain. Tha
t was one of the CRUELEST things I've ever heard! This is LOVE? My God! She nearly destroyed him! I'm SO VERY SORRY he endured so much pain.
This is how many of us that would have GLADLY helped Johnny with his detox AND would have given him the medication WHEN HE ASKED FOR IT, so his suffering was minimal.
im detoxing right now...its hell on earth even with meds...without them he was being tortured...that is torture what she did
@@kickassandchewbubblegum639 You'd HAVE to be, one of THE CRUELEST, most callous people on Earth, to watch the person you love, endure detoxing from opiates!! My hubby saw me go through it. He almost cried, seeing me in such MISERY. I wouldn't wish that on my WORST ENEMY!!
Some people are like that. My family enjoys seeing me suffer through life’s challenges… some people are sick and evil.
@@BrooklynBaby100 VERY, TRUE! I'm sorry you must endure that! I, as well, had a relative that enjoyed watching me in pain and struggle. People who are miserable, enjoy seing others in misery. Not all, but many. It is a very sick way of behaving and thinking. BE PROUD of all you accomplish! Work on not needing these toxic person's approval. Guaranteed, you'll be MUCH HAPPIER!!
@@breshannondevereaux5712 Thank you so much for your kind words! You’re a beautiful stranger. I do my best everyday and it’s definitely a struggle at times. Wish we could connect… please send me note and I’ll send you my email real quick and then delete it.
Why did she NOT end up in jail for this abuse?
He could have died during detox because of her! 🤬
You can't die from opiate detox. Only alcohol or benzo detox. It's still ungodly difficult, though. Many addicts firmly believe in cold turkey for opiates, though, I'm one such recovered addict. However that should always ultimately bbe the choice of the person who has to get through it. Way messed up
That's what gets me so angry with people like her.
It's like the rules don't apply to them. 😡
She is female
@@JoeyisDREADful People can, and do, die from opiate withdrawal - and all such deaths are preventable, given appropriate medical management.
Anyone who truly listening to this man will know how truly sincere and honest he is. God Bless him.
What? Test the spirit. Wow. But yes, God bless him.
Did you see the text about him with animals and hookers? How he defends pedophiles? How he hangs out with satanist and caught making out with Marilyn Manson? Yuck
As much as his testimony about her throwing the bottle and severing his finger upset me, I found this so much worse. Hearing about all the pain he was in from opiate withdrawals while that evil monster allowed him to keep suffering, made my heart ache. He didn't deserve all the hell she put him through and I hope he either finds a good woman who treats him with love and kindness, or if he chooses to remain single from now on(and who could blame him), that his finds happiness with his family, friends, hobbies and his career, which hopefully will be revived now that people see the truth and know he was not an abuser.
This is actually the first of his testimony where I spotted him lying. He’s an amazing actor and he has shown it all the way through this trial. But don’t forget that they’re both actors.
@BumbleBee I didn’t say she was telling the truth. I said that this is the first time I could detect that he was lying. It’s obvious that she was lying about nearly everything she said.
@BumbleBee I explained in a previous comment above yours which you can see by tapping my username. But basically nobody forgets the date that they got sober. I base this statement on my own experience as an addict, addict in recovery, and sponsor. NOBODY forgets the year that they went through detox.
@BumbleBee well, again, I’m speaking from experience. And you, clearly, aren’t. Good day.
This is actually worse than most think. As a medical professional, I've helped through alot of similar situations. But what he describes in his withdrawals are spot on but on the Medical side, your heart rate spikes, your blood pressure is pretty much flips...he could have very well went into shock and stroked out. She very well attempted to kill him in my opinion.
Yes, sounds like it.
Mine too.
Pretty sure that was a hope on her part.
Right! And the fact that originally his sister was going with him and then amber insisted on taking her place to go with him. She literally went out of her way to make sure he suffered more
100% agree
The fact he is embarrassed of his island is testimony of how humble of a person he is
I noticed that too.
Imagine a grateful woman at Johnny's side? He spoils his lady, takes CARE of her. She's out there somewhere, I hope he eventually finds her.💜
I wish I had a bf like Johnny Depp. I would recognize how lucky I am and stay forever.
@@bluesakura2092 I totally agree! 100% how could she not b kind caring supportive and loving towards him! ??????? Cold heart!tHeard! She wanted to watch him squirm in pain! Now she's squirming!
He had Vanessa for 14 years and left her for Heard though.
@@virgola2126 this might be his karma for choosing this young, immature, sadistic POS over his longtime mate.... he should have never left Vanessa!
@@virgola2126 Thank you
She was so cruel and insensitive. He suffered a lot and that breaks my heart as a human.
Btw, She was looking at him while he was testifying, the one who supposedly abused and traumatized her. If she has PTSD, she won't be able to do that.
Not saying I disagree on the first part but everyone reacts to trauma differently so saying that a PTSD victim would not be able to look at an abuser at all is a pretty big simplification of the disorder that I dont think is all that fair to claim
And the way she looks right at the jury while reliving and disclosing her alleged most traumatic, sensitive, embarrassing moments in her life - get real! She’s ACTING and MANIPULATING as many as possible.
I believe this to be true. I can’t even watch movies like the karate kid, because he resembles the person who attached me. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it. Johnny is showing his strength just by being able to be in the same room as her. I pray he finds peace and happiness going forward.
She does that a lot for an abuse victim. Always looking at him. And then there's her talking to the jury like they are her audience ffs.
I appreciate his candid honesty about his opiate withdrawals. As someone who has detoxed numerous times off opiates its unthinkable that someone who is suppose to care about you would make such a horrific situation worse. Wicked thing to do to someone, anyone, but someone your suppose to love. He's much better off with her outta his life. Hopefully smooth sailing is ahead for Mr Depp.
Smooth sailing for Captain Jack Sparrow ^__^
Me, too. The anxiety, knowing what's coming, is one of the worst feelings. I've detoxed from heroin in the county jail, with NOTHING, not even an aspirin. I had to go into a courtroom while in full withdrawals. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. When JD talked about being denied his meds, begging for relief, I could fully understand.
And way more compassion
@@KatherineUribe-1 I can’t imagine that. You are right. That is cruel and unusual punishment.
Did you stay clean?
As someone who went through detox from opioids in jail, it was a horrible experience. Johnny hit the nail on the head with his explanation of how it felt.
I’m just past 5 years sober now, and I hope you have also managed to stay on the right path.
How is this not abuse? This is even worse than the hitting. And the fact that she just sits there listening to this with that haughty stone faced look tells you everything.
much much worse. emotional abuse is worse because it doesn't leave visible signs on the body that evrrybody can see. when you're emotionally abused and gaslighted, you are completely alone.
@@KitchenWitchery zero. It's chilling.
How is refusing to give a drug to a man with addiction during his detox is abuse?
@@elenashsh8866 I think, it was medication, not a drug.
@@elenashsh8866 did you not listen to the testimony at all? It was medication prescribed by his doctor to help with the detox, and when she didn’t give it to him, he had to take a scalding shower to get relief
The simple fact that she let him suffer without his meds is beyond cruel. She is one sick hateful pos. The fact he had to scold himself to get his mind off going threw withdrawal is incredibly sad. JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY
At least give him kratom. Extreme withdrawal can injure body
@@sadhu7191 it can also kill you I think that was her goal for him to die
She didnt let his suffer. that his just his testimony. remember he is begging for drugs after a life of having drugs whenever he wanted. A low point.. but the worse thing you can do... is give a drug addict more drugs...
@@subservient8 She absolutely let him suffer. She had the means to help him through a terrible detox and chose not to provide any medications. The idea is to use meds to help with the pain so the body doesn't give up entirely. People are more likely to start using again because of the crap that is detox
Watching her face as he is testifying. She enjoys knowing she inflicted suffering and pain on him. Sickening. Why couldn't she have called the Dr. and the nurse? How can you not want to help the person you claim to love? She seems only to care about herself.
She's an actor it's difficult to know whether she seems to be about to laugh or cry
Well she is a narcissist so of course she gets a kick out of it. The doctor that testified as a witness for Johnny Depp did an exam on Amber Heard and the results that she got were that Amber probably has a personality disorder which would be why she acts the way that she does. The thing is she’ll never end up getting help if she really does have that disorder because she seems to think that everyone else is in the wrong but her.
This woman is a true evil!
That dead face she had is unbelievable
Can we please talk about the fact that he did it at all! Going through detox, being willing to change his life, probably not only for himself, like he said : at the request of his sister shows what his intentions are. It becomes quite clear I think, that he aimed to be a ‘better person’ in many aspects not only for his own well-being but also for his loved ones.
when he said that after detox the "electricity" and that "I was actually feeling" and then smiled like he felt what a triumph that was... Man... I got goosebumps for him. Good luck to him an i pray for his continuing on that path no matter where this ends up.
Mr Depp needed support not an abusive wife whose only goal was to further her own career and give free apartments to her so called friends. She used and abused Mr Depp for all she could, I hope she gets everything that is coming to her and even more!
Agree💯 I would love to say what that evil monster deserves but I have to be respectful in the comments bc of youtubes policy🙄I would love just 5 minutes with that B!
She already has. Her career is over, I don't think it's even a question. But let's hope she continues to get served s*** for the rest of her life. I agree
M C W gum.... with the exception of financial gain.
Her karma will get her
@Hunter Vonnegut no
This woman is an absolute and total narcissist and monster, I literally feel like crying for this man.
If they tell me to give the medication at 4 oclock I will stick to that. Im not sure why its cruel. Maybe the instruction should have been: give the medicine when the drug rehab patient asks for it
He's already won.
Even if that 'shell of a human' gets her way in this court case, he's won in life. He's made such a monumental impact in this world, on the scenes and now behind the scenes, on such a personal level with millions, that he will never be forgotten. His life story and the way he has been thrown, literally, on trial for the world to see it all laid bare...... And still humble and truly kind. F‽CKING CHAMP!
Well said. He’s the only one who could save Disney from going down the toilet. They should beg him to do another Pirates movie and pay him double plus Disney stock
Right on, Knocked up!
Couldn't agree more!
wrong. he lost before it even began
@@lindagrasse815 I said what I said!
I know JD will never see my comment, but, going thru detox/withdrawal from opiate abuse in my past and becoming clean was one of if not the MOST difficult and painful thing I have yet experienced in my life. I am so proud of him and everyone else who has been able to recover. Wishing love and peace to those who have yet to do so.
I'm extremely proud of you as well, it is no ordinary feat and I can't begin to imagine how excruciating it was. That takes determination and strength that not many of us have. And, even if he never sees it, please know that his heart IS with you just as much as yours is with him
I love sharing music, believe me I do, but there is a time and a place, and THIS comment is not it. And neither is during this case. I'll check them out eventually, but dude come ON. you can't seriously be that tone deaf..
Yes, he and you did well. Admiration. Never go back to hell. You are too worthful.
It truly is.
He’s so humble he didn’t even want to mention that he has an island
The cruelty Johnny suffered during his detox is the most inhuman act a person endure.
Amber, only wanted to see the pain inflicted upon Johnny. She is one demented heartless soul.
I pray Johnny recovers emotionally and physically and his livelihood is restored.
Yes watching the withdrawals are brutal. Seen my x go thru them, when he tried to do it at home. Called his bro and he brought help. Naw heartless is kind word for this monster.
Yes for sure 🙏🙏🙏🙏
He unfortunately has to go though some discomfort while withdrawing
Ugh, I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but I heard that same thing at my first detox, the one I ended up walking out of, and it's really really dumb.
The idea that you've got to go through being sick so that you "don't want to get addicted again" is so illogical. We already know what being dope sick feels like, TRUST me. That's WHY people continue to use, because they have very clear understanding of regularly feeling it and do whatever they can to take it away. There's no opiate user around who had never felt withdrawals before, until the day they decided to quit using.
People act like addicts have never felt what it's like to be excruciatingly dope sick, or that for some reason they "have" to go through that agony one last time. It's nonsense.
Edit; if I misunderstood and this wasn't your point, please kindly disregard my directing this at you.
I think she liked having the control over him.
And liked that he was relying on her, begging her.
Thank God Johnny got rid of that horrific woman. My husband went through opiod withdrawal and I did EVERYTGING in my power to make it as painless as possible. Amber has no soul if she let him deal with that by himself. She's a horrible human being.
not yet, she needs to go to jail
I’ve worked as a PA in addiction medicine. Opioid withdrawal is truly horrendous. Nothing quite compares to the mental and physical turmoil my patients went through.
ever heard of Lyme disease, and all the things it can do?
other bugs and parasites that eat their victims alive?
but I guess you never saw a person with a life-threatening illness because you were too busy helping those junkies.
Been clean and sober from opiates for 6 years! Thank you, Jesus!
@@Amphitera you win the title of "Edgelord", congratulations.
Until you’ve been through the experience of a junkie & withdrawal you’ll never know
Just like we will never know about Lyme disease.
Rather than berate folk, get us to understand & teach us. A disease creates victims not biased unapologetic comments. Addiction makes us the victims immaturity makes you the victimised
Huge difference
@@Amphitera A number of people acquire opiate dependence during the course of treatment for other illnesses. I also would suggest that many 'junkies' have accomplished much more than you in life. Do you own an island in the Caribbean? You should also focus on improving your writing skills and grammar. G'day😄
I really feel sorry he went through so much hell with Amber. This just proves domestic violence affects both men and women. Amber's team of attorneys should have looked at everything and advise her there is nothing that plays in her favor. I've worked years ago on the set with Mr. Depp. He is one of the kindest and most respectful men I've known.
Thank you for sharing this 💚
@@jb-nn8sk no. I was in transportation. While waiting for my truck to be loaded, I had a chance to eat. He just so happened to sit with me cause I was off to the side.
this is more than disgusting. People who have never experienced this kind of pain can't even imagine how horrible it is. like he said, it's nothing i've ever felt before.. you feel like a prisoner in your own body and you can't leave, the only way out are those meds or heroine or whatever you're on and it's the worst feeling in the world. it's more than disgusting, it's pure cruelty to do that to someone else knowing they need it. nothing else can help you in that moment. that amber did that shows how cruel she really is and how she liked it being in control and having him suffer, she probably loved it when he had to beg for his meds, she enjoyed it. if you love someone really, you couldn't see them in such pain and you would give them their meds. this is nothing someone who loves someone else would do.
I don’t know how I missed this part of his testimony:
I can’t begin to explain how it feels to go through such pain, not only emotionally but physically as well. And, in order to get through those terrible times, those horrible experiences: the sickness, the anxiety- you need peace, comfort, support, love and kindness.
I myself have had to go through detox; my story is a bit different; I became dependent due to having cancer. Chemotherapy treatments are absolutely terrible: so of course my Doctors wanted to keep me comfortable, well when one pill would stop working, they’d try another, stronger; and your body becomes used to those pills; and without even knowing, or even abusing- you become dependent; never on purpose, but you need those medications to help get you through the pain of cancer and all the side effects of the chemo.
Nobody wakes up on morning and decides to become addicted to prescription medications, it doesn’t work that way- So, to not only suffer from whatever reason you’re placed on them, but to then suffer to get off of them; while being abused… It is so heartbreaking, it’s dehumanizing, it’s disgusting and it’s mean!
To watch someone you love go through something so horrific- knowing you can help, and don’t; there isn’t a word in the O.E.D that can describe Amber Heard.
And that alone, that’s abuse what she did to him.
Debbie totally agree. I also believe she's sadistic- she enjoys the pain she inflicts on others & the suffering they experience.
Your story sounds a lot like my moms, she had lung cancer that after awhile spread to her brain and her final months she was taking so many pain meds she was just so out of it. It’s so sad how easily a person can fall into dependency when they are just trying to get rid of the pain. I’m glad to hear you’re still here with us and have gotten better!
his explanation of WD's as like ''the very core of you trying to escape from your own body'' was an amazing way of describing it. I will be using that one.
I'm so glad you made it through chemo and I'm so proud of you for overcoming not only that, but addiction too. I hope the rest of your life is peaceful and healthy and full of joyful experiences.
I became addicted in much the same way you did. In hospital on a pump for pain management due to kidney issues. When you’re in that type of pain they rotate the opioids so they work better. Then you’re sent home after months of having it streamlined into your veins. Sent home very much addicted. I never thought I’d be an opioid addict. I’ve never touched any other drugs, only ones I’m prescribed. This likely happens often. The pain of withdrawal is indescribable. Hearing him recall that time brought up some horrible memories for me. I can’t imagine another human being seeing that and refusing to help. Absolutely inhumane!
As someone who’s been in withdrawals and had meds denied to me like she did him. It made me bawl. Love you Johnny. ♥️
If she wanted money she could've just divorced him without being abusive. She was going to get at least 5 million anyway, why did she had to be so cruel? That is just pure evil.
Obviously, money wasn't enough. She needed to make Depp's life a hell during and after their relationship while also gaining clout posing as an abuse victim.
She wanted to destroy him because he dared to leave her. She is a psycopathic narcissist.
I don’t get it either. I have been with an addict for 4 years before so I understand Amber was unhappy being around that behavior 24/7. In that case she should have just divorced him. I don’t know why she had to take it to the next level, I can’t put my finger on it but I’m trying to figure it out. What do you guys think?
@@bluesakura2092 She is an addict too. She is worse. She is drinking 2 bottles of wine every day. She is taking amphetamine, mushrooms, ecstasy, hallucinogens, wine, on top her medication, on top she has mental health problems. Her choice of drugs can lead to psychosis, paranoia, delusion and schizophrenia. JD took only drugs to calm himself down and they are more relaxing, but if you use amphetamine they make a person really really aggressive and cruel.
As a person that deals with addiction…what a horrible person she is!! How could she even do that to someone you so called love and is trying to get better! She seemed to enjoy it! I admire him so much! Hardest thing to ever do is to reach out for help and get clean. I pray he does get sober and live with someone who loves him and appreciates him.
This beautiful man didn't deserve to be treated so bad. My heart is with you Johnny !
AH makes it hard 4 good women
He is so brave to endeavor to tell his terribly difficult story. He has been through so much.
Plain evil!! Any person that find joy on see other person suffering . She is not just a bad person she is a evil person . She should be in jail
True story. I was in a bad accident, I had to have surgery on my abdomen because of all the damage. My now ex-wife was the happiest I ever seen her. She LOVED the fact that I was in so much pain and helpless in bed, could not move etc. She would hurl insults at me calling me a worthless animal, etc. Never in my wildest nightmares would I ever think she would behave that way. It seems there are women that love it when men are vulnerable and hurting. its so sick
She will get her Reckoning one day.....
She is truly a self-centered evil narcissist. Oh and gold digger.
The words nazi torturer come to mind. The heck?
I feel such empathy for him. How could she not? This woman who was at the time his wife and supposed to love and care for him? I have 2 ex loves, and I could not watch either of them hurt this way even with all the bad times that led to our breakups. This woman only cares about herself. She's got major psychological problems.
Having experienced what Mr.Depp is describing. I can only recoil in horror at his description of Ms.Heards sadisim toward his suffering. The last thing a person going through this hell needs is someone who enjoys watching them suffer around. Why he continued to tolerate her is beyond me.
well I don't know how it feels, since I don't do any drugs. But all empathy aside, it's incongruous seeing all the support and help junkies get, while people going through life-threatening, unimaginable pain and suffering (a lot of illnesses that they didn't inflict on themselves) are left to rot.
illness ain't sexy but drugs are, apparently.
Was it really necessary for you guys to be rude and disrespectful to a stranger sharing his own experience. Do you embody anything resembling empathy? You sound just like Amber.
@Danni A you seem like an evil human being
One of Amber’s biggest defences is that she started doing what she did because Johnny’s alcoholism was extremely mentally taxing, yet now we hear she was stopping him from working against it.
Too many us feel his words deep in our core, painfully remembering. Every single word hits home.
Yes. It is absolutely traumatizing. I’m convinced Amber is a complete psychopath.
Wow. For me, 11 years later in my journey, this man’s testimony just brought me back to laying in a fetal position in my shower while hot water was beating down on my back and legs, but it was never hot enough. That was the only time I could take a breath during the hell that is opiate withdrawal. Glad Johnny made it through that. 😞
Glad you came through it
Congrats on getting though it may doors I open up for you everyone one closes you got this for the rest of your life! You are a hero to many
Doing drugs usually means some sort of trauma. He’s faced those demons head on and Won …. For all of us..
We are right there with you Johnny..Your a real Star, not just Hollywood, but in life.😘👍🙏
sorry you had to endure that. at least you aren't blaming it on your husband/boyfriend/mother/father/brother/
sister/uncle .. it goes with the territory. nobody helps us use. only we can control whether we use or not. we can't hold others responsible for our suffering or our recovery. it's awful I know. but how do you stop people from even starting. maybe this case will show some people what a rabbit hole it is
@OUIJA Q&A Current Affairs no, of course not. although it's part of the repertoire of the addict & alcoholic. it's everyone else's fault. it's everyone else's responsibility. it's not. anyone who does heroin is suicide. death comes with the territory. a "bag of heroin" on the counter? some friend
Imagine withholding insulin from a diabetic at a time when they need it most! Detox and withdrawal from a substance can be just as serious and fatal. Withdrawal is painful enough without having to beg your "partner" to help. That fact that she refused to give him the help she knew he needed is disgraceful.
If she were a nurse, she would probably be torturing all her patients.
A diabetic didn't choose to be sick.
@@emmachairs4501 loud and wrong
I don't believe *anyone* would 'choose' to be sick. I agree with you, though many are sick as a result of a culmination of factors, including diabetics.
@@emmachairs4501 I'm sorry, who is a diabetic?
As a recovering opiate addict…I’m absolutely heartbroken for him. I wouldn’t wish dope sickness on my worst enemy.
I'm right there with you. I've been clean for six and a half years now and still certain smells bring flashbacks of being dope sick.
I'm proud of you! Stay strong ❤️
Same here ladies. Congratulations to both of you! I'm so glad to be free of opioid addiction 🙌
Glad you’re recovering
This is sick, it's no less than criminal. She should be charged with something for doing this to him. People have committed suicide in order to escape the torture of withdrawals. They wrack your body with so much pain, pain that you've never imagined your body ever experiencing, until you go through it yourself and it's you, who's the one begging for relief. This alone, what she did by denying him his medication to avoid withdrawal symptoms is enough for him to win the case in my book. That sums up physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, plus there's more I'm probably missing.
Physical, emotional and mental abuse is all over the place with Amber if you really listen to all the videos. She is truly a despicable human being who dont care about the people surrounding her . And whats even more sad is that a huge amount of women act just like her. Even if men talks about it everyone lives in denial and reject male reality. Thanks to all the reality show and movie who keep this kind of treatment like its a trend everyone should follow .
And he still married her. Unbelievable.
@@lovemusic1963ify yeah... because some men become dumb when they fall in love . The phrase "Love make people blind" is mostly used physically but sometimes it can take a psychological turn . I think most human lived it ounce. It's Only when you have a step back that you see the whole picture and realize How you were treated .
thanks for the candid and accurate description of opiate w/d. too many people sugar-coat the process, and sometimes even from people who went through it. unreal.
Based solely on so many responses in this video alone has me thinking about making a support group type thing on twitter. let me know if you'd be interested. i'll try to find reponses, i get so many alerts that stuff sneaks by unseen.
I have such compassion for what he has just shared about his life with the worth regarding detox and addiction. I bet he is influencing many addicted to seek help.
Wow! He went through so much and he as I tears begging for her help and she denied him. I would have done anything I could to make him comfortable and not hurt. God bless you Johnny, you’re an inspiration to all who are going through this and have gone through this… so proud of you! We love you!!!
Or at least call the doctor if you're not sure if it is OK to give the meds. Don't be so arrogant that you think you know more than the doctor, the nurse AND the patient.
Not giving prescription medication from a so called loved one is just another layer of abuse on that onion. Perhaps she was also enjoying this type of control and subsequent pain infliction on Johnny. Are we even surprised?
She was helping him they way she was told. Addicts hate the people that are helping them. And she was there for him anyway. How can he be so ungrateful.
True story. I was in a bad accident, I had to have surgery on my abdomen because of all the damage. My now ex-wife was the happiest I ever seen her. She LOVED the fact that I was in so much pain and helpless in bed, could not move etc. She would hurl insults at me calling me a worthless animal, etc. Never in my wildest nightmares would I ever think she would behave that way. It seems there are women that love it when men are vulnerable and hurting. its so sick
@@christiangwenner6384 There are indeed certain types of people who side with psychopaths.
@@thrillerstax And certain people that will call a stranger a psychopath, just for having a different opinion.
@@christiangwenner6384 I never called you a psychopath. You need to hone your powers of discernment.
God that had to be horrible to admit.. it literally had me crying listening to him recount it and the horrendous woman, who was supposed to love him, just stood there completely unmoved. It makes me sick.
This moved you to tears?
Were you also moved to tears listening to Amber describe bring held on the counter top and penetrated with a bottle? And the bloody finger painting?
@@KitchenWitchery I don't believe it either.
@@KitchenWitchery fair enough.
@@nataliesuper5836 I don't believe that story one bit. Did she go to a hospital did she get proof doubt it. Psychopath is what that woman is
@@elizabethmiranda7867 well, psychopathy wasn't one of her diagnosis after thorough psychological testing by a very well qualified individual. But whatever you want to tell yourself, its cool.
I’ve broken 16 bones, been stabbed, dealt with the pain of having my appendix burst, and broke my back in an accident, but none of those come close to the pain of fentanyl withdrawals. Johnny Depp gave an accurate description of opiate withdrawals, and that’s with him being a millionaire with a personal medical staff. There’s nothing worse than going through withdrawals and not having anyone around to help, or any meds to contain the withdrawals. I begged my girlfriend to just kill me because the withdrawals were so bad… and those were just from stopping the fentanyl patches. I ended up doing a 3 month course of methadone, and now I’ve been clean for 3 years. I know a lot of people don’t like methadone because it’s still a narcotic, but it saved my life and could do the same for anyone else. Even if you’re a hardcore addict and have to stay on methadone long-term, it’s still better than street drugs and being addicted to prescription opiates. You drink your dose once a day and live your life.
I was given methadone as a chronic pain reliever after many unsuccessful hip replacements and revisions. Unfortunately, the methadone caused a change in my mental state. It had been doing that for the eight years I was on it. But I didn't know. My family knew though. The angry outbursts and manipulative behavior I displayed caused a deep rift between family and myself. I was denied access to my grandchildren for obvious reasons and had little contact with my children. Still I didn't realize the change and could not understand why they were so hard on me.
One day after a particularly unpleasant altercation with my son and the usual weeks of silence in between, my son came to me and explained how they were affected by my behavior. They had noticed me changing from not long after I began taking methadone. He also told me that they couldn't take it anymore. I had to get help. Brought me to tears when I realized how right he was.
Anyways, I decided to stop taking the methadone. I knew it wouldn't be easy so I devised a plan of slow withdrawal over 16 weeks lowering my dose every 2 weeks by half. I didn't tell my doctor or my family. Just shut up my house, curtains closed and got on with it. It wasn't fun but the motivation of getting back to family was strong and I dealt with the withdrawals by praying, reading my Bible and watching TV. I ached, I vomited, I cried, I slept waking up drenched in sweat and so very cold, even though it was summer. But I did it and now I am free from opiates too. I went to my doctor and she changed me to a non opiate pain reliever which helps.
I will never allow another opiate in my body again. It just isn't worth it. Some say I shouldn't have had a reaction like I had to methadone but we are all different. I know it was that affecting me and it has been confirmed by my actions now. I have my family back. But mostly I have me back.
Johnny Depp lives his life in public and I can only imagine how hard it is to bare his soul like he has. He is brave, courageous, and so deeply honest about what he went through. We can see how affected he has been by the drugs. But to go through withdrawals and be denied what has been specifically prescribed to get him through, is the highest form of degradation. She took what position she had and used it for enjoyment and power. There is a special place in hell for people like her.
I have been suffering (not living) with back pain all my life and was on Vicodin, methadone, fentanyl and methadone withdrawal for me personally was the WORST! I’m sorry you broke your back I hope you feel better! I’m on Suboxone now and I have been on the same dosage for years and years and years and have been off and on it… the withdrawal symptoms have been nowhere near as bad but I still get insomnia and a little bit of sweating and diarrhea but it is just longer… I’m back on the meds but that’s because I’m going into surgery in a month and I am petrified about it! :( my doctors want me to stop taking Suboxone 3 days before surgery but I really don’t want to go back on fentanyl…. Because I too want out of this hell ! Poor Johnny she is evil!
Agree,i'm on buprenorfin and i hate it
So brave of him to bring this to the public. I feel bad 😞 for him. She is truly evil for all she’s done!!!!😡
It truly is evil that he's had to share all this. Addiction comes with a lot of shame and I hurt for him that he's had to share all his darkest hurt because of her
She is, indeed, truly evil. Tbh, I am with tears in my eyes. How can one be ao cruel!
I’m a nurse…this makes me sad. Addiction is a terrible disease and withdrawal/detox can be extremely dangerous. For her to brush him off like this is so cruel AND putting his life in danger. People do die during detox. She should’ve contacted the nurse or doctor if he said he felt that horribly. Thank god she isn’t a nurse….
It was premeditated, she wanted his fame and money to begin with. Extortion and blackmail.
It takes alot of courage to sit there and tell the World what you did and how you are overcoming it JD.. Much respect just for you sharing your detox story!
I'm sorry you had to go thru that and proud of you for doing it. You got this!
There is something so special about this man. He seems like such a loving and tender person. Sending love and light to your heart and soul Johnny. 💕
He explained having withdrawals and the shower trick so perfectly and on point
I can’t believe how cruel she was to him! She still sits there looking so cruel. I pray he heals from her abuse!
I’m horrified by what Johnny is going through. God please help him have a better life soon.
I am appalled with Amber Heard. She lacks all the characteristics that makes one a human being. I have always admired Johnny Depp and his honesty, integrety and kindness shall be remembered. She will loose her pretty mask and all that is left is nothing.
Yep, you’re absolutely right.
JD is doing an amazing humanitarian act with this trial. Appart from exposing the devil AH he is educating us about the difficulties a drog addict goes through to get cleaned. Personally as someone that has near zero knowledge on this matter, someone that runs away when doubt someone is drug user I find this testimony very touching, very real. His difficulties to go through detox could habe been lessened if he had more support.
He is so sweet, and yeah, informing us of his detox was nice.
This is going to draw attention to the men who are abused and lied about. Horrible evil thing she did for true victims who fight so hard to be believed.
I Was A Victim, And you Are Exactly Right ✅️
Oh that's a given. Will Smith is another one of such victim
It seriously breaks my heart that even at that time she didn’t love him enough to properly care for him. His sister should have been there. I’m not a crazy Johnny depp fan and I am blown away by the mental gymnastics he’s been put through. No one deserves that.
Withholding JD's meds is cruel. AH is a sick person. Hope Johnny recovers from this marriage from hell.
He’s just one of tens of thousands of men, that we never hear about.
Feminism has a lot to answer for, and Not Only to men either.
I’ve been through heroin withdrawal many times. More than I care to admit. Those were the darkest, most awful, lonely, hellish times of my life. The only time I’ve ever contemplated death by my own hand was during withdrawal. People always talk about the physical pain, but the psychological torture, the depression and anxiety, the irrational, intrusive thoughts that this feeling is never going to go away, and the worst part is that you did this to yourself, and it’s all your own fault. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, and definitely not someone as kind and sweet as JD is. He did not deserve this. I guarantee this experience was like psychological torture for him. She is evil.
I've never been through what you had to go through with opiate withdrawal, but I've been through alcohol withdrawal- more times than I'd like to admit, and it was so horrible that I can't imagine what you had to deal with. Love and prayers...♡
It’s so sad for me to hear Johnny talk about the detox,, I’ve been through the same as the last thing you need is someone you love tormenting you when your going through detox trying to improve yourself!!! I can not believe she denied him his medication when he needed it most. It just proves to me how vile she actually is !!!!
This made my heart cry 😢
She couldn't have loved him. How can you let someone you love be in that kind of pain
As someone in recovery, this is all so hard to listen to. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that on top of detoxing. I’m so glad he’s doing better now, but damn. that’s gotta be traumatizing. And how can you you watch someone go through HERION withdrawals, which is one of the worst things to come off of btw, and you just do nothing to help them? When you CAN HELP THEM. AND ITS YOUR OWN HUSBAND? She’s a monster. Period.
Good luck on your journey to recovery.
@@KingOfAllOfYou thank you so much. I have been clean from opiates for a little over 3 years now :)
@@faith8090 Congrats! Proud of you
@@lluej thank you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️
SO Many people in the hospital see you detoxing, not just the Dr's and nurses.. And we all love you and hope you recover💞
That is the most cruel thing I can think of, to deny someone medication during a detox. That is abuse.
This testimony makes me love him even more. So truthful and painful to go thru.
"So truthful and painful to go thru."
How do you know it was truthful?
@@kensandale243 We get it, you like Amber
@@raysquiggz "You poor child. I feel sorry for you that you live in fantasy land"
You don't get it--I don't like her at all. I dislike her more than Depp.
Why are you people saying such extraordinarily untrue things????
This is so bizarre.
Don't forget, he's an actor.
Bless him, it's hard for him to admit his wealth. This is because he is humble about it and has worked hard for it most of his life.
I recall a friend of mine refusing to fill her daughter's Rx when she had 4 wisdom teeth pulled. Her daughter was screaming in agony and begging her Mom to get the pain medication. I had to step in and scold my own friend to do this very simple thing for her daughter. It was heart-wrenching. I have no sympathy at all for those who willfully keep others in a state of pain. Miss Heard might be thought of as Nurse Amber Heard Ratched.
What! That's insane and abusive and evil! Good for u for stepping up
She's worked hard at living up to her name Ambuser tHeard!
I’ve had all 4 of my wisdom teeth surgically removed at once as well and I got to say the pain is like you’re chewing on razor blades it’s a pretty sharp intense pain. Not having pain medication would be terrible.
Sounds like a horrible mother with little understanding of what it means to be a Mother.
To be fair Im sure she just didnt want her daughter getting addicted to painkillers
Can we all respect him for his determination to do this to trying his best to get himself back to normal, to heal
This is terrifying what he had to endure. Amber exerted power over him while he was at his lowest point in his life. She is cruel.
"This is terrifying what he had to endure. "
How do you know his story is true? Can you think of a reason he might want to lie?
@@kensandale243You obviously aren’t intuitive.
@@LaPlaztique "You obviously aren’t intuitive"
Your problem is that you are *too* "intuitive"
"This is terrifying what he had to endure."
How do you know his pathetic tale is true?
Just listening to him recall his withdrawal experience made my legs twitch & my stomach turn. I used the same exact nerve trickery at the rehab I went to where I was lucky enough to have my own bathtub. I'd run the hot water without ever touching the cold water tap and, whenever the water temperature would get too low, I'd let some of it out & run the hot water again full blast to heat it back up. I'd do this until either the hot water ran out or my attendant would have to force me to me to get out so I wouldn't boil myself alive. The reason I even had to have an attendant with me was because the first time I'd used this method to deal with my withdrawal I fell asleep in the water and woke up with a 103.2 degree fever. Absolute worst, most horrendous excruciatingly painful physical & mental nightmare I've ever experienced. There are no words in any language on earth that can be put together to make someone who's never felt it themselves truly understand what it was really like. It literally changes your soul.
Great description. I did the same thing at home while I was holding out for a bed in treatment.
As a former addict, I can guarantee that there isn't anything as painful as going through withdrawals from opioids! It's not only painful physically but excruciating mentally and seriously dangerous to a point of being potentially deadly! Her actions are not actions of a caring person, but actions of a psychopath, using her power to deny help for her own power trip sadistic satisfaction!
i agree
Yep I don’t wish it on my worse enemy!
I had an opiate addiction and got on suboxone to ease withdrawals. Now I’m 10 years on it and it’s starting to effect my health. I tried getting off it and it’s even worse than the pills. I’m in a terrible rut now and feel their is absolutely no way out.
@@barefootdgypsy3233 so sorry hun feeling your pain ,when are our goverment going to deal with people like you and me suffering like we do ,god bless i wish you so much love and stay positive im still on the pills im 54 in bad helath i doubt ill ever get off them i bought onling for 30 years now problebly die oon them, i wish you so much luck ,ur strong ask for any help out there lots of love anf goodluck barefoot
@Barefoot Gypsy
YES you CAN quit subuxone. First try to change to subutex. Then taper with it, give it even a YEAR to quit. I PROMISE you can do it!
My husband did it by slowly slowly decreasing the amount.
If you can, ge zopiclone sleeping pills, they will give your body at least a chance to rest at night.
InshAllah you CAN make it!