The Horde Cometh! - 7 Days to Die 1.0 Release on INSANE Difficulty - Day 14

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @tman1up354
    @tman1up354 Месяц назад +5

    There is a loot respawn setting, but it has nothing to do with zombie respawns. If you are going to use a POI for base, then you will want to put down a land claim block to prevent zombie respawns. A bed roll does the same thing, but for a much smaller area. You can have 3 active land claim blocks in the game.

    • @tman1up354
      @tman1up354 Месяц назад +1

      One of the other benefits of having a land claim block down, is that you can pick up your workstations like the workbench, forge, and dew collectors to move them to a new base.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      @@tman1up354 Interesting. I knew it let you pick up workstations but i didn't know i could then move them to a completely different base! I know what i'm doing in the next episode now! 😁

  • @caphalor08
    @caphalor08 Месяц назад +1

    Vultures mobbing you is due to your health. When your healthbar is depleted even a little you attract the vultures.
    Harvesting vultures nets you feathers, rotten meat and bones. Feathers are useful for arrow, rotten meat for farm plots and bones for glue. When you get a bit more proficient you will start considering vultures a free delivery service. Same with dogs.
    Zombies respawn if you don't place a land claim block.
    Zombie respawn =/= loot respawn.
    Keep in mind that you need to redeem your challenges if you want the rewards.
    Having a bit of coffee on horde night might be a good idea, with you going a mostly melee 'build'. The stamina regen boost might come in handy.
    At the trader, I usually focus on buying mods and things that I cannot get myself. The mods are there to boost the equipment and infrastructure that I already have, meaning an increase in effciency for minimal effort and going up exponentially in the longer term. Food used to be cheaper from the vending machines than from the traders but I think that is no longer the case.
    The 'unrated' PoI are a mixed bag. Got a cop in one on day one before I even made it to the trader. Was in a junkyard. Scar(r)ed me for life.
    I do kind of like your panicked (lack of) horde night preparation, makes me feel a lot more confident in myself ;)
    The night magazines are sneakily overpowered. They do not remove the danger from nighttime but they increase the incentive to go out at night and reap the rewards. The one you got comes in handy when hunting: animals spawn at night and the increased sneak damage stacks on top of the other modifiers for sneaking.
    I have noticed that if you bypass the 'entry point' of a PoI, the zombie triggers don't function as intended and then they sneak up on you after you get a little bit too sure of yourself.
    Do the moving episode, it will be a prime example of how *not* to condense inventory, prepping supplies and sorting out a storage system /before/ packing everything up. And probably thoroughly entertaining as a result :D
    Vultures are part of the waves on horde night. That is the reason people put spikes above their standing position for the horde night. In a way this is a continued evolution from the wasps and spider zombies back in the day.
    That hatch might work if you put a set of bars one space above the hatches? They can climb up, hit the hatches but not jump on them if any of this makes sense?
    Your horde base design needs some rethinking but for a mcgyver solution this did better than expected.
    Technically dog hordes spawn at night ;)

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Lots of useful information here! Some i'm aware of, and others i wasn't, so thankyou!
      If you've watched most of my videos, you'll have come to understand that i'm by no means a min/maxer and my approach can be chaotic, which is why i am also pleased we made (barely) through the Day 14 horde! 🤣 However, i like to think that my videos show that, if i can do it, anyone can! 😉
      That being said, we do need to start getting organised and prioritising our xp/skills, so trader quests will be the next thing we take on, as well as looting the rated POIs properly! 😁

  • @GeorgeMcGavin.
    @GeorgeMcGavin. Месяц назад +2

    If you ride a bicycle, motorcycle, car or any form of transport on horde nights vultures will automatically spawn in. Will be even more chaos next time 😊

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      Yes, another sub broke this terrible news to me also... There goes my back up plan! 🤣

  • @vixyluv9076
    @vixyluv9076 Месяц назад

    The fire station just down from the hospital can make a good base. A lot of the building is made of concrete, takes the zombies longer to break through. Build home/ base on the second floor. Dig out the bottom floor to make it lower, which will get that 11 block or more distance. Create stairs outside with a pole leading through or up to the East facing windows. Make a barrier, placing a door on the floor on the side of the zombies to drop them when it gets overwhelming. This is where the three windows help as you can have up to those three stations to fight zombies at. Just alternating as one location becomes damaged.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      I'll be honest, i wasn't 100% on the current base we have, so this is rather tempting. I don't recall seeing the fire station but i really like the sound of it, so i think we'll drop by there on the next episode and take a look. With your suggestions for reinforcing it and preparing it for the next horde, we might just have a chance... 💪

  • @WitBlaed
    @WitBlaed 26 дней назад

    Great show I really enjoyed.
    vultures swarm vehicles during horde. Dont be out in the open when horde night begins but if you are, at 21:59 exit any vehicle go on foot or the winged piranhas will eat you.
    You can just kind of hide from the first few hordes on top of buildings like you did this time until they get strong enough to take the building down. If they don't have a path to get to you they destroy the area around them trying to basically destroy the whole building.
    If you make a small roof over your head and throw spike traps on top, the birds will kill themselves on the spikes trying to get to you. No more bird concerns.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  25 дней назад

      Hey, glad you enjoyed it!
      Yeah I learned a few new things in this episode, including the vulture horde night mechanic 🤣
      I'll definitely be looking at building a bird proof box in our base. Bit nervous about the destructo Zs though! 😅

  • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
    @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад +2

    I've made some really effective hoard bases, my go-to design is a tall tower, at least 15 blocks high with a small climbing tower approximately 13 blocks away and connected at the top with a narrow horizontal pole. It would be fun to bring you into one of my worlds and let you see it first hand.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      Drop me a friend invite on Steam! ID is Shojiki - got the same profile pic as on here 😁

    • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
      @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад

      @@ShojikiGaming Invite sent. my ID is gibletsavc I'm fairly certain that is what you'll see.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      @@t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Accepted! 😁

  • @Bozdog.
    @Bozdog. Месяц назад +1

    I would focus on doing quests next to progress to the desert trader Bob asap. No need to worry too much about your base for now other than collecting stones and clay in order to make cobblestones to upgrade.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      That seems to be the general consensus, so it will be trader quests from here on out once we've moved everything to the new base (and tidied up the crates)! 😄

  • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
    @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад +1

    Putting points into Master Chef perk will help you find more food items in loot.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Good to know. May have to invest some points in that once i've put a few more in Pummel Pete! 😊

  • @tman1up354
    @tman1up354 Месяц назад +1

    I would be focusing on trader quests, and fully looting all of the houses in Diersville to start with. Each POI will have end loot like a loot chest, unless it's a remnant POI. If you go into a POI and it doesn't have at least 1 red skull, then it's a remnant POI. In your position I would also be buying any firearm upgrade available from the trader like that AK-47 you passed on. You're progressing at a snail's pace, which for playing on insane level is not ideal. They also added a mechanic for hoard nights if you get on a vehicle then vulture hoards will spawn and gave them super speed so you can't outrun them. I've seen them take down a player in a gyrocopter. For the hoard nights I would also be using all available firearms and ammo. You left a pipe pistol and like 220 9mm ammo in your old base, and you have like 30 some 9mm ammo in a chest at your new base. Anything thing would have helped even the pipe shotgun which you eventually noticed after the hoard. You need to be leveling up anyone you can and get better weapons and make or buy or loot whatever ammo you can for the next hoard night.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Some good tips here. Yes, i plan to get organized on the next video so that we have everything in one place and know where it all is!
      Good to know about the vulture mechanic. Wasn't aware of this, so puts the kibosh on any plans to do a runner on the bike if things get hairy! 😅
      I wasn't sure if the increase in damage from the AK-47 was worth the cost but, i'll see if the trader still has it when we return for more trader quests! 😁

    • @tman1up354
      @tman1up354 Месяц назад

      @@ShojikiGaming Standard mag capacity on the AK is 30 rounds, but if you have there are 2 mods that can expand the capacity. One is the magazine extender mod, which adds 15 more round capacity to the AK, and the other is the drum magazine mod which doubles the capacity on the AK to 60 rounds. The additional round capacity of the AK can be the difference between life and death if you get yourself in a pickle. 🙂

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      @@tman1up354 Ah well that changes things then as we already have a magazine extender, so that makes the total bullet capacity of the AK much more appealing! 😳

  • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
    @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад

    When you unlock the Hobo Stew recipe it uses rotten flesh saving you from having to hunt animals as much. If you do want to hunt animals the snow biome is loaded with them.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Hobo Stew sounds so tasty! 🤣 I'll bear the snow biome in mind though, as i'd like to pop up there at some point!

  • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
    @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад +1

    It's a good idea to keep your hoard base and home base separate. They can be same building but for someone of limited skill level I don't recommend it. 😊

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      What do you mean limited skill level?? Haha just kidding, i know i'm rubbish! 🤣 Yes, i'd like to keep them separate but close to each other. Wondering the 2 POIs we're on currently are separate "enough" though...

    • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
      @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад

      @ShojikiGaming as long as the buildings aren't joined by blocks. the Zombies shouldn't target structures that aren't physically connected to the blocks you're standing on, they will path around. So the two buildings you're using might be too much work to separate. Perhaps the building across the street?

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      @@t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 I've actually had another subscriber suggest we check out the fire station near the hospital i keep fawning over, so i think we'll pay that a quick visit on the next episode! 😁

  • @teppic47
    @teppic47 Месяц назад

    Haha that was chaos, I thought you were a gone-er a few times! Well done for surviving despite the lack of preparation ^_^
    Definitely recommend doing some trader quests, working through Tier1 and 2, get some rewards and lots of loot / skill books.
    Happy to watch an Organisational episode setting your base up / relocating - but you can always edit it down, have a shorter one, or stick 2 days together and go slightly longer.. whatever works
    Could not hear your A/C at all so no worries there.
    Keep it coming!

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Thankyou sir! Yep i think organizing and trader quests are high on the agenda. Need to get my mindset into looting all of the POIs properly too for that sweet loot! 😁

  • @TigerJim63
    @TigerJim63 Месяц назад +4

    Do you have a land claim block placed at your base? It should prevent respawns if so.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      Actually no i don't. The Crack-A-Book was meant to be temporary. However, you've reminded me i need to pop one down in the new base!

  • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
    @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад

    I can relate to that dog situation,I was cleaning up the loot bags after hoard night and got the same bunch of fricken dogs.

  • @ivankarajov6222
    @ivankarajov6222 Месяц назад

    You can loot "The trader area" , pls loot around when you travel whit the bicycle - cars , bags , trash and all you can ...

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      I keep telling myself i need to loot the traders as i was told a while back this was a thing. Let's see if i remember on the next visit!
      I would also normally loot on my travels, but time was of the essence in this particular video, so getting to where i needed to get took priority 😊

  • @Gamingwithdistractions
    @Gamingwithdistractions Месяц назад

    Fun episode! Alt title could've been animal chaos lol
    I also find that this episode validates my decision for my first playthrough to be on easy difficulty! Lol

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      There were a number of titles that crossed my mind including "bloody vultures!", "bloody dogs!" and "Oh s**t, oh god etc", but i figured i'd go for one that leaves something to the imagination... 😂

    • @Gamingwithdistractions
      @Gamingwithdistractions Месяц назад

      Good point! Imagination is becoming a lost art! Lol

  • @ivankarajov6222
    @ivankarajov6222 Месяц назад

    Every building have a " main loot place " the bigger the treated sone is the better is the loot... Take a look some time , you need a lock picks , but if you don't have you will need a ⛏️ to break it....

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Aye a few people have mentioned i should be looting the rated POIs properly so we'll make sure to include some of that in the next videos! 😁

  • @mcrispywerewolf
    @mcrispywerewolf Месяц назад

    ey @Shojiki , i only have 1 suggestion at this point since the progress is stagnant. focus on 1 skill group (like strenght,fortitude etc.) and level those up as well as the books as fast as possible. to do this you will need to level up your trader quests to T4 (basically do as many Tier1-Tier3 quests as possible in the next 4 in-game days) the loot you would get would be worth it and should bring you back up to speed for day 21

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      Yeah i think this is solid advice. I'm going to funnel all my points into Pummel Pete so i can get some more of the bonuses that come with the higher levels. Trader Quests are on the agenda! 🤩

  • @Kaedevirus
    @Kaedevirus Месяц назад

    I was thinking about getting proper AC, since it's really damn hot each year during summer, but I'm renting, so putting an AC in an apartment which I don't own would be quite silly. I still have my fan, at the very least. I definitely wasn't made for a weather like that. Also, even if I could hear your AC in the background, I wouldn't mind, it's definitely better than having you cook yourself in your room.
    About the rage mode (personally I don't know how it works, as I never bothered checking), if you were to build a platform, let's say, around 10 blocks above the ground with few columns as the foundation, on which you'd have your main base and then additional, smaller platform on top of that platform, also around 10 blocks above that other platform, specifically as a horde base, would that trigger the rage mode, whenever they'd fall down to the main base platform, I wonder. Or would they climb the main base and then try getting to the horde base, where you'd attack and possibly knock them down to the lower level each time until they died... I'm quite curious... I bet someone did make something like that in the past already. But yeah, just a small something I was wondering about.
    Goddamm zombler squatters taking over your base while you're away... What has the world come to...
    All the things that you think aren't worth a proper episode you can either upload unedited or maybe even stream, if you feel like it. You can just mention in the title that it's a "filler" episode or something. I'd still watch those, personally.
    Watching you recklessly loot the houses as the time passes, while you're still nearly 2km away from the horde base got me all nervous... And then you decided to go back to your actual base to leave some stuff... You mad man, can't say you didn't deserve getting attacked by vultures like that. Definitely got the adrenaline pumping.
    Also, every time I hear you say "bloody bones/meat/zombies/vultures/all the other things that can be literally bloody" makes me chuckle a bit.
    In the upcoming episodes you could go check the desert, since it has higher lootstage. Could find more useful and higher level stuff.
    Damn, that ladder scaffolding was actually 300IQ move. I wouldn't have thought about doing something like that.
    Also, if you're planning to use the same base for next horde, you should probably put another hatch above the other ones that you put around the ladder. This way they won't be able to jump out so easily (they still can move through one block spaces, but it's much rarer) and you'll still be able to hit their upper body. Will probably have to upgrade them a little bit, just in case.
    My goodness, I always end up writing walls of text...

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Haha i appreciate your concern for my well being! Things have cooled down a bit now so hoping to get a few more videos out to you guys before i head off on holiday!
      I could pretend that the ladder scaffolding was totally planned, but in reality, it was pure luck. It did serve as a good little hidey hole whilst we dealt with the vultures though! I am tempted to check out the fire station that another sub mentioned, so may see how suitable that is before we invest any more time into the current base. Always indecisive me! 😅
      It was a tense episode for sure, and it stems from me being overly confident when i probably shouldn't be. Definitely deserved the vulture punishment, but at least it taught me about a mechanic i wasn't aware of! No more doing a runner on the bike during horde night! 😭
      I will most likely do some filler episodes. I've been trying to make sure every episode had at least something interesting happening, but this is why i am now so disorganised with my storage! Might be time to acknowledge that the future horde nights won't be so forgiving, so need to get serious about being prepared! 😳

    • @Kaedevirus
      @Kaedevirus Месяц назад

      @@ShojikiGaming Yeah, the fire station seems like a nice POI to check... Though it may be a bit dangerous from my past experience. Still, it is definitely a good idea to check places with higher lootstages since the hordes definitely won't get any easier. I bet someone mentioned it already, but lootstages go Forest->Desert->Snow->Wasteland, so, while better POI in the forest may end up with better loot, it will still be a good idea to explore the other biomes as well, maybe once you get a minibike? (also, you can mine a lot of oil shale in the desert to turn into gasoline for the vehicles, then again, you also can get a fair amount from using the wrench on vehicles)

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  29 дней назад

      Yep, my plan is to explore the wider world once we have a minibike so that we can get there quicker! I'd like to set up forward bases in all biomes eventually so we have the pick of the bunch! 😁

  • @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907
    @t.c.sbunch-o-stuff5907 Месяц назад

    Your accuracy with any weapons depends on your perks

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      That explains my poor bow skills then! 😅

  • @chrischuter1530
    @chrischuter1530 Месяц назад

    Have you placed a Land Claim block in your base? Should stop spawning?

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      No i hadn't since it wasn't meant to be a permanent base. Plus we want the books to respawn. I will however, be placing one on our new base! 😊

  • @jamieneave5030
    @jamieneave5030 Месяц назад +2

    Do you have a land claim block at base ?

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад +1

      I don't, which explains the zombie respawn, i just didn't realise they respawn separately from the loot respawn! 🙄

  • @ivankarajov6222
    @ivankarajov6222 Месяц назад

    Pls use you aiming ability.

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      I usually do, but tend to forget in the heat of the moment! 😂

  • @tommynelson8674
    @tommynelson8674 Месяц назад

    Lost your notifications for a couple weeks but u finally popped back up!

    • @ShojikiGaming
      @ShojikiGaming  Месяц назад

      Yay! I have been a bit sporadic with uploads due to the hot weather over here, but now i have an air con, things will be much more consistent (except when i go on holiday...) 😊