lol i think they just say more words, like 100x as many words as the average person and all of it is recorded to be spliced into brilliant pieces like this.
I am so enamored with the concept of a guardsman of the Imperium having an earnest conversation with all kinds of 40k types on the battlefield about Stuff That's Going On.
40k could make all sorts of fun interesting concepts like that if they wanted, but unfortunately the only genre they do is "LE EPIC BATTLE WITH 1 BILLION SOLDIERS FIGHTING ON DESOLATE DECAYED BATTLEFIELD"
@@DoctorDewgong you haven't read many of the books, have you? Gaunt's Ghosts doesn't actually have a whole lot of fighting compared to ultramarines books. Space Wolves actually has a lot of world and lore building. Not a whole lot of fighting. Most of it is training and espionage.
@@josephwilliams1915 I don't care how much a story does world building or contributes to lore. This video doesn't do either of those things, but the interaction is still more interesting and compelling than actual 40k content. Learning lore details is not a story
@@DoctorDewgong you do realize EVERY story is lore building, right? If things happen in sequence, its now lore to draw from. At this point, i don't think you actually know how to read. Not every story in wh40k happens in thr 41st millenia. There is an entire series on the horus heresy, which happened in the 31st millenia. Most of the eldaar books don't have direct conflict. Its about diplomacy and subterfuge. Like tom clancy with space elves.
I’m convinced Alex Jones wrote an autobiography that some person in the UK found and thinking it was fiction turned it into the universe of WarHammer 40K
@@Newl777 The Bible simply can't be fiction. Its a collection of many stories and books during and before the birth of Christ in 7 BC (Who's birth, existance and death were proven to be real a few decades ago). The fact that across thousands of years the depiction of God has stayed the same even though all of the people who documented the history of Moses or the birth of the nation of David or others didn't know each other or had the knowledge of thier achievings and connections with God already proves that Christian God must be real, and to deny that with a phrase like "All of it was faked in 1th-3rd century AD" or different explanation is ignorant and could be classified as a conspiracy theory.
Alex Jones is a interdimensional time traveller from the 40k universe that had his mind wiped, but it failed and some of his memories have seeped through.
@@AVhq11 Tell me you've never watched TAJS without telling me you've never watched TAJS. How about before you spew off some ignorant bullshit you actually watch a full broadcast instead of parroting the Mockingbird Media?
holy shit. you really just took the the whole podcast, edited it perfect and made the best WH40k fan film that is also lore accurate. that is insane. and Guardsman Joe needs a promotion.
'Every time... I think Alex is saying 40k lore'... oh boy, wait till you learn he's never even heard of warhammer, and if he hasn't and you haven't connected 2 and 2 together: we're fucked
From weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us, from the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us, from the rage of the Beast, iron protect us, from the temptations of the flesh, silica cleanse us, from the ravages of time, anima shield us, from this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine god, set us free.
Alex Jones was born in the wrong universe
No, he was born exactly where he was needed, to help guide us. He might be Malcador.
No, he was just born a few thousand years too early
He was sent here through the warp by Tzeentch as a troll he's from the 40k universe
@@TheHound402 that’s the Sigillite for ya
No. He just mistaken warhammer codex for encyclopedia.
"What are you, from Mars?"
It's actually *too* perfect
😂😂😂 Incredibly accurate!
He smiled knowingly at that part too.
You gotta stop saying actually.
thank god this was a top comment
i was like no way, joe just sets these up too well
It just keeps getting more 40k lore accurate
i think alex jones is playing 40k and narrating the results of his games sometimes in his talks
I'm waiting on Chris Chan to explode into the God Emp
@@NEEDbaconchrischan broke out of prison his rise will be soon
@@madhatten00fr 😂
Every single time a new video comes out I believe more and more that Alex Jones just steals 40k lore for his conspiracies.
Clearly the Black Library authors are just big fans of Alex Jones.
He's reading the wiki and confusing it with actual Wikipedia
other way around, but yeah.
Yes these videos make me even more certain that the Emperor created 40k to prepare us for the future. Haha
@@cfo138 Alex Jones is the egg, 40k is the chickin
Guardsman Joe has to be the most well informed imperial guard of all time.
Because he has a podcast and invites alot of interesring people there: techpriests, inquisitors, space marines, governors etc.
"it's entirely possible" - JR
the Empire getting to be much more liberal and open to the Chaos @@Michau940
i want to put a like but cant ruin 420 likes
nice profile pic babe
Never stop - Guardsman Joe is the best 40k content on the internet. He is the every-guardsman.
lol he's a 1/4 billionaire that has fooled you into thinking he's a normal guy
@@hannibalb8276 lmao okay "hannibal" go get salted by the Romans
@@hannibalb8276 get a clue and go loose some elephants in the mountains
@@hannibalb8276 I could’ve sworn the real Tunisian terror was better at trolling than this are you sure you’re Hannibal Barca?
@@declanlee6894 What trolling? All I've posted here are facts. Deal with it
Guardsman joe "I really think human beings are the sex organs of machines"
skitarii alex "GRWAAAAAAAAH"
Anytime I think of skitarii speaking, I just hear 'ACCESS.... DENIED' from Emperor TTS.
@@Enimus_ Access...ugghhh.. GRANTED.
@@AAGEnzee ☺️*BEEP* 😏😳
@Apsoy Pike in words of our lord Rogal Dorn YESSSSSSSSSSS
1:00 The only way to stop Alex from a crazy rant was Joe telling him he was interrupting his crazy rant. 🤣
It was something Alex truly understood, and he was deeply interested.
Sometimes I think Alex Jones, between the moments he is broadcasting, is actually transported to the W40K universe.
It makes so much sense now.
That puts his ramblings into perspective.
the warp is deep
No alex jones was sent back in time by the imperium to prepare and get humanity more ready sooner for the horrors of 40k
@@AquaFan1998 the lost primarch.
Visions from the Warp. You know how his face gets really red and looks like it's about to pop? He is clearly a psyker.
Grey Knight Alexius Jonus.
High Inquisitor Alexandros Ioannis.
Fabricator Alexijanus.
The list goes on and on...
He’s a perpetual in 40k
Or Alpharius.
@@robertemerson1087 Alexpharius
Him and Tzeentch need to have a sit down!
The fact that you correctly translated Alex Jones to greek ,cracked me up
In that moment he understood the weakness of his flesh
And it disgusted him
He craves the certainty of steel…
I feel the machine spirit awakening.
This is the most logical comment made here... Praise the Omnissiah!
My giggling almost casted a Canticle.
The machine spirit sings in me!
GPT-69 awaits. Or rather, it will command you...
Alex Jones visibly gleeful smile when he says "let's just say: it's super-advanced" is beautiful.
I am now convinced that Alex and Joe voraciously play 40k, there is no other explanation for this subliminally accurate account of all things 40K.
neither are cool enough for that
lol i think they just say more words, like 100x as many words as the average person and all of it is recorded to be spliced into brilliant pieces like this.
What are you from Mars?
time travel is the only logical explanation.
can't imagine how challenging it must have been for Alex Jones to choose faction
"You're interrupting my crazy rant."
Ha, the tables have turned!
I am so enamored with the concept of a guardsman of the Imperium having an earnest conversation with all kinds of 40k types on the battlefield about Stuff That's Going On.
What? You think Guardsman Joe wouldn't still have a podcast where he interviews people about various things?
40k could make all sorts of fun interesting concepts like that if they wanted, but unfortunately the only genre they do is "LE EPIC BATTLE WITH 1 BILLION SOLDIERS FIGHTING ON DESOLATE DECAYED BATTLEFIELD"
@@DoctorDewgong you haven't read many of the books, have you?
Gaunt's Ghosts doesn't actually have a whole lot of fighting compared to ultramarines books.
Space Wolves actually has a lot of world and lore building. Not a whole lot of fighting. Most of it is training and espionage.
@@josephwilliams1915 I don't care how much a story does world building or contributes to lore. This video doesn't do either of those things, but the interaction is still more interesting and compelling than actual 40k content.
Learning lore details is not a story
@@DoctorDewgong you do realize EVERY story is lore building, right? If things happen in sequence, its now lore to draw from. At this point, i don't think you actually know how to read.
Not every story in wh40k happens in thr 41st millenia. There is an entire series on the horus heresy, which happened in the 31st millenia.
Most of the eldaar books don't have direct conflict. Its about diplomacy and subterfuge. Like tom clancy with space elves.
“Let’s just say, it’s super advanced!”
He’s so gassed about this it cracks me up 😂
Idk what it is about these
Their conversation fitting perfect
The choice of background
Or Joes perfect circular head fitting the body so well
It’s just so perfect Joe is basically the normie disposable Guardsman and Alex is the batshit crazy esoteric fanatic
Like given for the circular head comment 😂
"What are you from Mars?"
Life immitating art.
From the moment I discovered the weakness of my disgusted me. I began to crave the certainty and strength of steel.
Where is this from?
@@koettfaers Search adeptus mechanicus trailer
@@koettfaers Mechanicus trailer
I aspire to the purity of the blessed machine.
But I am already saved
"What, are you from Mars?" LMAO 😂
lmfao the integration at the end pleases the Toaster God
Joe - "where do you getting this from?" - The future Joe, the freaking grim dark future
He's getting it from the codex that just dropped. He's getting it straight off GW's website.
OMG 40K is our future!!! He was right all along!!!
I’m convinced Alex Jones wrote an autobiography that some person in the UK found and thinking it was fiction turned it into the universe of WarHammer 40K
So he's like 100 years old?
"I've they've got something that makes me live 500 years longer I'm gonna do it"
Not based
Why would you want to live that long
@@goyonman9655 Why would you want aging to decide when you die? If you want to die at 80-90 you could still do that if aging was cured.
What a daft arguement
Life is about cycle
Introducing an irresponsible imbalance has cons and no pros
I have this sneaking feeling that Guardsman Joe is actually The God Emperor himself doing the undercover boss thing
He's way to casual for a Guardsman I think your on to something 😅
Can't wait for the Servitor Rogan arch
Tech priest Alex: You could be a machine
Guardsmen Joe: You son of a bitch I'm in
My man got isekaied from 40k to our world.
Every single Guardsman Joe + Alex Jones post you’ve made is gold. Keep up the fine work.
Hahah "hold on, please, I let you go on your crazy rant, hold on, please, you're interrupting my crazy rant"... GOLD
Someone needs to tell Alex that he is reading warhammer 40k and not the bible
both fiction
@@Newl777 May be. Doesn't mean it's incorrect.
@@Newl777 i mean lord of the rings is faction you can still learn a lot from it.
@@Newl777warhammer isnt fiction you heretic
@@Newl777 The Bible simply can't be fiction. Its a collection of many stories and books during and before the birth of Christ in 7 BC (Who's birth, existance and death were proven to be real a few decades ago). The fact that across thousands of years the depiction of God has stayed the same even though all of the people who documented the history of Moses or the birth of the nation of David or others didn't know each other or had the knowledge of thier achievings and connections with God already proves that Christian God must be real, and to deny that with a phrase like "All of it was faked in 1th-3rd century AD" or different explanation is ignorant and could be classified as a conspiracy theory.
This is just perfectly accurate 40k lore at this point
Alex Jones is a interdimensional time traveller from the 40k universe that had his mind wiped, but it failed and some of his memories have seeped through.
"Are you from Mars?"
"No, Estaban VII. But I've been to Mars and have a cousin that's a Tech Priest there."
0:37 40k wiki
Friendliest and most sane Mechanicus Tech Priest
I love how Joe asks questions, and ya boi just keeps going......and going....and going...
I never knew he was just explaining 40k lore, it all makes sense
I haven't played any 40k stuff since 10 years ago, but I just love watching these my man, you really found a sweet ass spot.
mmm ass spot
These are the best dude, I get so excited whenever I see you post one. The part where Joe had the mechanical eye made my burst out laughing hahaha
This is getting more and more accurate
I really like the idea of a guardsman and a tech priest being friend and just kind of talk things up.
Alex Jones screaming at the end got me so good. It popped me like a comedy show!😂😂😂
The kind of delicious techno heresy that turns the brains of most Guardsmens to Jello in a levitating servitor skull cup
This is what happens when you ingest Hallucinogenic mushrooms and will watch The Terminator and Signs ( 2002 )
Is anyone just mind blown that these have the real life material to be made. I mean fuck around it's uncannily lore accurate
"What are you from mars" - this was too perfect
I like how he smiles when Joe asks if they're from Mars. Its like he's thinking "haha warhammer"
"Hold on, you are interrupting 'my' crazy rant."
okay this one is the best, between the face in the cowl and what he's saying, just perfection
Each one of these are an absolute goldmine and fits perfect i love it dont stop making these
These two punchlines are absolutely perfect in this context.
0:36 Joe asks 'Where you getting this from?" The answer is, Alex actually reads 40k books and pretends its real for most of his conspiracies.
"Pretends" yeah sure...
most of his stuff ends up being true though
Every tech priest has a tiny bit of Alex Jones in them.
"what are you from mars?"
I fucking cant. I cant. Im dead.
Joe can only entertain and somewhat comprehend this man's mind because he's always high AF during his podcast
The more I see this clips. The more I believe he read a lot of Warhammer when he was younger
Did you mean 40k read a lot of Alex Jones when it was younger?
AJ and GW/BL pulled from the same documents. They just went in different directions with them.
@@Sweetness71775 what documents?
And i didn't know AJ can read.
@@AVhq11 Tell me you've never watched TAJS without telling me you've never watched TAJS. How about before you spew off some ignorant bullshit you actually watch a full broadcast instead of parroting the Mockingbird Media?
"Hold on please, I'll let you go on your crazy rant. You're interrupting my crazy rant."
This is too accurate. Holy shit.
holy shit. you really just took the the whole podcast, edited it perfect and made the best WH40k fan film that is also lore accurate.
that is insane. and Guardsman Joe needs a promotion.
This fits so well it could be considered heresy.....
damn this is getting to real now
Joe: You're interrupting my crazy rant💀
Alex: Ok i understands 🗿
How does their dialogue fit so easily and naturally
It's scary how well this fits
'Every time... I think Alex is saying 40k lore'... oh boy, wait till you learn he's never even heard of warhammer, and if he hasn't and you haven't connected 2 and 2 together: we're fucked
This is too accurate for words.
My guess is that they recite 40K lore to Alex Jones when they kidnap him and pump him full of LSD.
“What are you from mars?”
"What are you from Mars"
Fucking perfect
Breakaways civilization..On Mars…They are the high priests, they are the engineers….Ok man this is getting too wild and accurate.
Just Alex's eyes is the best one ive seen yet. Keep up the great work!
Dude this might be my favorite one yet. These are so good.
He like dug up some handbound 40k books in his back yard and lives by them now! Its fits toooooo well
“You’re interrupting my crazy rant.”
this is the best comedy I seen in years.
In the grim dark future there are only memes
The Joe and Alex edits are just so goddamn hilarious!
"..what are you from mars?" LMAO THAT WAS SO FUNNY
I feel like Alex was tripping playing Bioshock and ended up thinking he was watching a documentary
Alex has joined every order.
Holy shit this is by far the best one I've seen. I was laughing three while time
He isn’t even trying to hide it anymore
The guardsman interrupting that engineer and not getting crucified for it. They must be friends
From Mars? Oh boy, they aren't even trying.
These are gold, every time.
" .... if you read their own writings...."
Bro Guardsman Joe and Alexius Jonas, are the best duo for memes.
It's like watching a talk show in the year 40k
My favorite part "What, is it from Mars?"
Are you from Mars?
This is your best work yet
every time he talk am pretty sure he travel trough the warp and end up in our dimension
From weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us,
from the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us,
from the rage of the Beast, iron protect us,
from the temptations of the flesh, silica cleanse us,
from the ravages of time, anima shield us,
from this rotting cage of biomatter,
Machine god, set us free.
"Hold on please, I let you go on *your* crazy rant. Hold on please, I want to go on *my* crazy rant."
Okay, he is literally just reciting W40K lore on air at this point. There's no way he's not getting it from that.
I'm so glad I stayed a 40k nerd since 91 so I can enjoy this level of genius.