How Food Companies Lie to You

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,6 тыс.

  • @mikhielbluemon4213
    @mikhielbluemon4213 3 года назад +6382

    God, I hate Capitalism.

    • @mikhielbluemon4213
      @mikhielbluemon4213 3 года назад +513

      But I love your channel.

    • @malkav81
      @malkav81 3 года назад +404

      Profit motive is garbage, especially for basic human needs like food.

    • @JDKPhoenix
      @JDKPhoenix 3 года назад +121

      Capitalism sucks, true. But (correct me if i'm wrong) it's kinda necessary. A big society just needs capitalism for it to work. Just imagine the whole world would be like the USSR back then or china now.

    • @PuzzleQodec
      @PuzzleQodec 3 года назад +282

      @@JDKPhoenix Does depend on your definition of capitalism. in essence true, but it needs checks and balances. Like an independent government. Capitalism should not imply unlimited freedom.

    • @degenerateantics7065
      @degenerateantics7065 3 года назад +182

      I mean the ussr isn’t the only other model of economy out there.

  • @Ireallywouldrathernot
    @Ireallywouldrathernot 3 года назад +3590

    The only reason food companies "won't feed us sawdust" is because they tried that and got caught. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they were still doing that.

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 3 года назад +216

      Cellulose, used to bulk out supplement pills... is sawdust.

    • @mr.goldfish1530
      @mr.goldfish1530 3 года назад +159

      @@ellenorbjornsdottir1166 Cellulose isn't just sawdust. It's broadly wood.

    • @SCP--rj8hm
      @SCP--rj8hm 3 года назад +78

      @@mr.goldfish1530 actually its just mostly plant sugar

    • @alexanderb7721
      @alexanderb7721 3 года назад +159

      @@mr.goldfish1530 wood is made of cellulose. When we think of fiber, that is what people often talk about. Cellulose is a sugar yeah, but it is one we can't digest and makes up the protective cell wall in plants.

    • @maxthexpfarmer3957
      @maxthexpfarmer3957 3 года назад +51

      @@mr.goldfish1530 Actually, even plant stems that don't contain wood proper have cellulose. And wood also contains chemicals like lignin which make it different to just cellulose.

  • @jefferyjones8399
    @jefferyjones8399 3 года назад +2675

    I wasn't aware of how bad this was until I read an article about how the anti-fat studies were funded by the sugar industry to get people to believe sugar wasn't the problem.

    • @MrStephen182
      @MrStephen182 3 года назад +174

      The brain loves sugar and can not get enough of it. It's the most additive drug on planet Earth and People want their god damn sugar fix and sugar companies know this. Sugar companies are drug dealers that governments of the world are more than happy to do business with.

    • @RealPigeonz
      @RealPigeonz 3 года назад +126

      Actually both are... Less fat == leaner body less heart diseases, less refined simple sugars (aka sweet sugar) == fewer diseases caused by too high sugar levels in blood stream. Both are killing us because we eat TOO MUCH. It's not like fat is evil or sugar is evil there is no such thing as evil food. We are eating TOO MUCH.

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 3 года назад +57

      @@RealPigeonz so, I eat ungodly amounts of fat. I used to be a fat person (BMI>45) and now I am much less fat (BMI28-31), partly because I woke up to the whole sugar/energy balance conspiracy. You just can't eat that much without eating carbs. I'm reasonably confident that my pericardial fat (a visceral fat depot) is as thin as someone 10 BMI pts below me.

    • @nicorizzo5402
      @nicorizzo5402 3 года назад +48

      @@ellenorbjornsdottir1166 Yep, once I switched to a high fat low carb diet, I lost a huge amount of weight and my health improved dramatically.

    • @heavydirty
      @heavydirty 3 года назад +20

      Exactly, Big Sugar is influencing government. University of California San Francisco released documents from a study that clearly showed the industry’s plan to influence the Food and Drug Administration’s regulatory review of the safety of sugar over the years. It’s gotten only worse over the years.

  • @jessicasalamon8822
    @jessicasalamon8822 3 года назад +2218

    Corporations have never been our friends.

    • @ali32bit42
      @ali32bit42 3 года назад +51

      youre very much right. GOD i hate big tech companies. specifically for how fakely friendly they are . no i wont buy your garbage stop blasting my face with it !

    • @timothymclean
      @timothymclean 3 года назад +14

      I have been assured that the _real_ problem isn't corporations with no interest in the public good being given so much power, but that the government officials they bribe have so much power that they attract such bribes. If there weren't such health guidelines produced by the government, the corporations would never have lobbied to meddle with them, and everything would be fine. (Never mind that confusing health guidelines aren't the problem, they're just an obstacle to _solving_ it.)

    • @Arthurian_Rabbit
      @Arthurian_Rabbit 3 года назад +43

      @@timothymclean So the real problem is humans, we just gotta get rid of those pesky things.

    • @retroplex8666
      @retroplex8666 3 года назад +25

      @Digicraftmon the Crystal Gem There is almost no difference between government and corporations now.

    • @ubernerrd
      @ubernerrd 3 года назад +23

      @@retroplex8666 Corporations have learned how to co-opt the government itself.

  • @sleepyheadsarah
    @sleepyheadsarah 3 года назад +341

    I remember learning about the Food Pyramid in 3rd grade (back in the 90s). For a homework assignment, they had us do little food diaries for a week and bring them in to compare to the pyramid. I got legitimately upset because we were supposed to have 6-11 servings of grains per day. As a kid I was probably eating a maximum of three servings of grains. Don't get me started on 3-5 vegetables, 2-4 fruits, 2-3 servings of meat AND 2-3 servings of dairy. My tiny little body could just not eat that much. I was like "What am I gonna do? There's no way I can make these numbers!".

    • @mr.pavone9719
      @mr.pavone9719 Год назад +36

      I've heard the food pyramid was designed with the full knowledge that the average person would never be able to achieve the standard. They figured people would try their best and in doing so would meet their actual needs.
      So you did fine. We were set up to succeed despite apparently failing.

    • @sbraypaynt
      @sbraypaynt 5 месяцев назад +4

      ⁠@@mr.pavone9719are you sure it wasn’t just designed to encourage people to buy and consume more?

  • @cerebralisk
    @cerebralisk 3 года назад +2369

    Let's be fair corporations would absolutely sell us sawdust and ground up glass as food if they were legally allowed.

    • @Kobolds_in_a_trenchcoat
      @Kobolds_in_a_trenchcoat 3 года назад +136

      And literal poop. No seriously, literal poop if they were allowed.
      Obviously, it wouldn't be the only thing or marketed as such and definitely wouldn't be listed but still.

    • @munineye
      @munineye 3 года назад +134

      And they have! Oh, and to the other comment here: a small percentage of rat excrement is allowed in most foods. And pus in milk. 🤢

    • @cerebralisk
      @cerebralisk 3 года назад +129

      @@munineye Yeah I consult in food/drug safety sometimes and you're allowed to be pretty gross as long as you're statistically unlikely to harm someone with that grossness.

    • @DMCpawn
      @DMCpawn 3 года назад +122

      I'm thinking abt how pre-"the jungle", some companies put white paint into milk, processed meats regardless if worker limbs ended up in the vat or not, etc. Which is a big reason why the fda was made. Now ppl complain abt the fda and weaken their oversight, while also complaining about what's in food. Brooooo

    • @leavewe
      @leavewe 3 года назад +24

      @@munineye that is mainly due to it being unavoidable

  • @trans_and_gothicpiano2676
    @trans_and_gothicpiano2676 3 года назад +1505

    "Remove the money, and you remove the problem"
    This is a golden quote! I'm honestly debating putting it on shirts and posters

    • @Littlebeth5657
      @Littlebeth5657 3 года назад +45

      "money is the root of all kinds of evil" or words to that effect.

    • @iamhereblossom1588
      @iamhereblossom1588 3 года назад +7

      Great! If you do, I think that the comma is not necessary if you have the word "and". Alternatively if you choose to keep the comma, you'd need to remove the "and" I believe.

    • @MrStephen182
      @MrStephen182 3 года назад +22

      Money is not the problem humans are. No matter what system you put in place their will always be people to take advantage of it because really it's not capitalism that's the problem but humans. Humans on the whole are greedy

    • @Littlebeth5657
      @Littlebeth5657 3 года назад +22

      @@MrStephen182 I guess there are countries with better corruption and lobbying laws that mean money is less of an influence. In the UK there is a limit to the money spent on an election campaign etc. These things "remove the money" and therefore remove the incentive. Transparency and scrutiny can do a lot in this case.

    • @comettripper
      @comettripper 3 года назад +23

      That doesn't make sense when you consider that even in capitalism there are a lot of people Trying to not take advantage of it, going out of their way to be more sustainable and supporting small business even when they're more expensive.
      The system makes it easy to act carelessly, so many ppl do and we all pay the price, but there are still ppl trying to do the right thing and with a different system, there would b even more

  • @Noms_Chompsky
    @Noms_Chompsky 3 года назад +1397

    "They're not going to put sawdust in your food" uh, bakers used to do that back in Victorian times when Capitalism was still young. When production and distribution were tied together in that your customers knew where you lived because that's where they came to get their morning bread adulterating the food was unthinkable; but when you had workers stacking bread high to be taken to market, well, a little sawdust in the flour would really cut down on those production costs.

    • @munineye
      @munineye 3 года назад +173

      Came here for this. Upton Sinclair's The Jungle details the horrific food practices in the 19th century - government regulation is why you can enjoy food without sawdust (mostly, some diet foods contain cellulose for fiber). But a lot of "health" foods are waste products of other systems. Whey protein is from cheese, various gluten-free flours are from the processing of those ingredients (pumpkin seed, oat, etc.), and so on. Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma was my introduction to this side of the food industry, and it remains a classic. But the core take-away is eat less, mostly vegetables, mostly unprocessed. Not that that's easy in a capitalist hellscape, constantly on the go, frequently too tired or busy to cook raw ingredients.

    • @sissymarie2912
      @sissymarie2912 3 года назад +100

      @@munineye as someone who is currently attempting to escape the capitalist food hellscape, the problem with some of the food you mentioned isn't so much that they're byproducts. I make my own yogurt and cheese products and always have leftover whey. I put it in bread, use it in lacto fermentation, thicken sauces, etc. It's healthy and pretty damn delicious actually. Using byproducts goes a long way towards creating a more sustainable diet, wasting nothing, and getting the full value of every food we eat. I se the real problem with them being marketed as some kind of "super food" and companies charging out the ass. Capitalism will never approach sustainability for its own sake or for the good of human beings.

    • @sissymarie2912
      @sissymarie2912 3 года назад +43

      Also, storing and disposing of certain byproducts creates big environmental risks. So, using everything is a positive. But, these practices that should lead to greater accessibility of nutritious foods instead becomes another way of using food to reinforce class disparity.

    • @bluequiltedness
      @bluequiltedness 3 года назад +24

      So she should have said "They're probably not going to feed us sawdust... again..."

    • @danicegewiss862
      @danicegewiss862 3 года назад +14

      My brother in law worked for a massive bakery that sold bread nationwide. If the dough fell on the floor, it got tossed back in the mixer. I won't say their name.

  • @GlichCentral
    @GlichCentral 3 года назад +119

    I remember one time I was strawberries that said “cholesterol-free” on the packaging. Y’know, cuz strawberries normally have tons of cholesterol.

    • @Bb-yr1cu
      @Bb-yr1cu Год назад +35

      This! Once I saw a package of sunflower seeds that said "Vegan!" and "Vegetarian!" in shiny and colourful text. Like no way, dude, who would've guessed?

    • @jackiecove
      @jackiecove Год назад +11

      asbestos-free cereal

    • @jfarrar19
      @jfarrar19 8 месяцев назад +4

      I should've taken a picture of the "Gluten Free" Sticker on a case of bottled water

    • @mihaleben6051
      @mihaleben6051 8 месяцев назад

      @@NostalgiaLoverxX what.
      What what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what
      *u WOT bro?*

    • @sbraypaynt
      @sbraypaynt 5 месяцев назад +1

      “Organic Blueberries”
      As if they aren’t usually made of carbon

  • @skelly1004
    @skelly1004 2 года назад +50

    Showed my dad this video and he just said, "Yeah, we need to just buy healthy foods and if enough people do that, companies will stop making unhealthy food" :/

    • @sbraypaynt
      @sbraypaynt 5 месяцев назад +3

      “How can you tell what a healthy food is then, Dad?”

  • @TheFatPunisher
    @TheFatPunisher 3 года назад +1070

    "if you want advice go to your doctor and talk to them"
    In the USA you can go bankrupt doing that. whoops.
    what is the typical cost of a consultation now? over a hundred dollars? it's that or rent.

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +538

      I try really hard, but I guess casual classism slips into my language, too.
      You're 100% right.

    • @athenaconde2955
      @athenaconde2955 3 года назад +96

      It does? I never realized it costs that much because my parents insurance usually covers it. Wow everything is so expensive.

    • @TheFatPunisher
      @TheFatPunisher 3 года назад +197

      @@athenaconde2955 The more people know the better. working class people in the USA really don't have access to a lot of basic infrastructure.

    • @stevencowan37
      @stevencowan37 3 года назад +147

      @@athenaconde2955 Consultation is usually about $100 if you're uninsured. But if you really want eye-bulging expensive numbers, nothing beats emergency surgery.
      Friend had to have his appendix removed because it literally burst. He had insurance that covered it, but the bill for it was something like $60,000

    • @1Hawkears1
      @1Hawkears1 3 года назад +134

      @@athenaconde2955 I got charged 600$ to talk to a neurologist for 10 min and he just told me there's no good solution to the problem I was having :")

  • @exclamatia
    @exclamatia 3 года назад +486

    Yeah its... really mortifying how many angles you can look at capitalism and see "this is fucked up, we are dying, why aren't our leaders doing anything?"
    Food is a massive one. Energy, transportation, housing, pretty much everything the US has a secretary or office for. And they do nothing to actually improve our lives outside of crumbs of change to quell progressive voices.

    • @guy-sl3kr
      @guy-sl3kr 3 года назад +48

      It's almost like the people have practically no involvement in the government that's supposedly "of the people, by the people, for the people" 🙁

    • @exclamatia
      @exclamatia 3 года назад +27

      @@guy-sl3kr thaaaaaaaat's capitalism!

    • @guy-sl3kr
      @guy-sl3kr 3 года назад +11

      @@exclamatia Hey capitalists, won't one of you pleeeease sell me some rope?

    • @munineye
      @munineye 3 года назад +11

      @@guy-sl3kr Liberate the guillotines! 😉

    • @rosemali3022
      @rosemali3022 3 года назад +1

      Energy especially Krystal Ball of the Hill Rising had a good story on Texas the other day. I'm very familiar with the supplier industry but in my state we have (some, not enough) regulations. Texas is apparently a free for all and a guy got a like $16,000 bill after the outages.

  • @sheko1615
    @sheko1615 3 года назад +671

    As a former nutrition educator, this cuts to the heart of a lot of what is difficult about trying to address the issue just through education.
    In addition to being deliberately confusing, the mixed messages on particular food products (eggs/dairy as an example) over time makes people justifiably skeptical of any nutrition advice as just being part of some current fad. That said, the non-disputed foods aren't always more expensive, frozen and canned fruits and veggies can are usually cheaper than fresh, and can be used in dishes like the casseroles and rice bowls mentioned in the previous video.
    Also, the sugar lobby is indeed straight up bizarre. I had a friend who studied money flow for sugar beet subsidies in MN for a masters degree, and after their first presentation where a couple of reps from it showed up, they had to switch their thesis and had the equivalent of an NDA put on their findings for 8 years, which still hasn't passed.
    Also, I just want to generally say thank you for covering food issues in this way (both videos). It's pretty heartening to see someone worry about the same things I do, even if a definite path forward is unclear.

    • @Psychwriteify
      @Psychwriteify 3 года назад +45

      Haven't watched the video yet, but this comment terrifies me.

    • @LifEsongChimE
      @LifEsongChimE 3 года назад +19

      I'm not surprised but I'm sad.

    • @weareallbornmad410
      @weareallbornmad410 3 года назад +26

      You can't just put an NDA on someone! Can you? I suppose in USA everything is possible...

    • @sheko1615
      @sheko1615 3 года назад +71

      @@weareallbornmad410 It wasn't specifically an NDA. In order to use the data from the farmers, they had to get permission with an Institutional Review Board (IRB) form. After their presentation, all the farmers they worked with, none of whom saw the presentation, withdrew their participation. That meant they couldn't publish the data for the period I mentioned since the purpose of the agreement is to protect the privacy of individuals involved in research.

    • @Psychwriteify
      @Psychwriteify 3 года назад +65

      I get why protections are important but honestly the fact that it can be used to silence studies with undesirable results for the industry is a sign that reform is desperately needed. Honestly that reform would be a lot easier if the whole corporations are people hobby lobby decision didn't happen.

  • @TheTechnicolorWeasel
    @TheTechnicolorWeasel 3 года назад +115

    I think about this stuff SO often. I love sports & weight-lifting, and it's SO unreasonably hard to find foods that are fast to prepare, actually healthy, and provide enough of the right nutrients and protein. I've done a ton of research, and it's still exhausting to sort through all the bullshit. Thanks for the awesome video- it really helped explain WHY this stuff is so muddled.

    • @truffeltroll6668
      @truffeltroll6668 Год назад +3

      Brokkoli and chicken it is...
      Every day, every meal

    • @turtleanton6539
      @turtleanton6539 Год назад +1

      Beans potatoes eggs fruits chicken fish naturell yoghurt😊

    • @turtleanton6539
      @turtleanton6539 Год назад

      ​@@truffeltroll6668what is so good about broccoli😊

  • @DerekSquirreltail
    @DerekSquirreltail 3 года назад +542

    The one that always gets to me is candy that proudly claims to have no fat. A for effort, you found the one thing about Airheads that technically isn't destroying your body.

    • @Megabot62
      @Megabot62 3 года назад +77

      Fat isn't even bad though! When I see stuff proclaim to be fat free I'm less inclined to buy it since I know it will make me feel less full for longer. Fat is satiating. :)

    • @oj5218
      @oj5218 3 года назад +45

      @@Megabot62 my health Improved tremendously when I turned from sugar to fat, ... and no more cravings!

    • @thesenamesaretaken
      @thesenamesaretaken 3 года назад +28

      @@Megabot62 It's amazing how long the "fat free" meme has persisted. I could have sworn that even governments had dumped low fat diets from their recommendations years ago yet like that stain on the bottom of my toilet it just won't fucking go away. I even have a packet of dog treats proudly declaring "20% less fat" on them.

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 3 года назад +9

      Oxygen is destroying your body, yet you continue breathing.
      Same is true for sugar.
      Sugar isn't just good for you, it's the best. It's best at making you smart, fast and strong. The problem isn't eating sugar and aging accordingly (the latter happens anyways) the problem is eating enormous amounts of sugar with no activity.

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 3 года назад +5

      It's bad precisely because it's satiating. And not only that, it's also not immediately available and it doesn't increase muscle growth and alertness, etc in the same way as sugar.

  • @witch2019
    @witch2019 3 года назад +493

    Is now when I scream about the corn industry for twenty minutes?

    • @Cammerlot
      @Cammerlot 3 года назад +76

      Ah yes, my favorite dishes: screamed corn and scream of wheat.

    • @michaels7079
      @michaels7079 3 года назад +14

      @@Cammerlot that just made me scream

    • @JetScreamer_YT
      @JetScreamer_YT 3 года назад +4

      You've gone Corn Nuts!

    • @RozehKakes
      @RozehKakes 3 года назад +2

      yes pleaseeee uwu

    • @IllusionistsBane
      @IllusionistsBane 3 года назад +8

      ...I thought you were talking about HFCS. High Fructose Corn Syrup. The name alone already makes my skin crawl.

  • @L3gitNinjaMonkey
    @L3gitNinjaMonkey 3 года назад +664

    great video! i am a bit skeptical of the whole "vote with your dollar/fork" idea because when the company thats selling you the unprocessed organic Good Stuff™️ is the same company (or is owned by the same parent company) as the ones selling the junk, youre feeding the same beast no matter what you buy. the corporations are playing both sides so they always come out on top lol

    • @Plushiecandie
      @Plushiecandie 3 года назад +48

      Makes me think of neoliberal vegans lol 🤦‍♀️

    • @ArmandoDoval
      @ArmandoDoval 3 года назад +30

      There's always buying real food from a farmer's market or a farm that ships to you. Obviously not an option for everyone but it's not like processed food products manufactured by massive multinational corporations is the only choice.

    • @hoominbeeing
      @hoominbeeing 3 года назад +60

      You're still voting with your dollar- just for a different product, not a different company.
      If product 1 has 20% sawdust and product 2 has 0%, "voting with your dollar" and choosing product 2 still incentivizes the company to stop producing the sawdust product if enough people stop buying it.

    • @hoominbeeing
      @hoominbeeing 3 года назад +2

      @@Plushiecandie What's wrong with neoliberalism?

    • @jennoscura2381
      @jennoscura2381 3 года назад +22

      The company that is selling you the organic stuff should be tossed out too. Organic offers no nutritional benefits, it's more expensive, and less efficient in terms of production. I go out of my way to avoid organic when I can.

  • @fiercerodent
    @fiercerodent 3 года назад +303

    "Now before you go angry-typing your hate comments about how I'm some un-American commie..."
    Me, who was sent here by the Solidarity Eyeballs: "why do you say that like it's a bad thing"

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +120

      I'm trying to make things for a more moderate audience who I can pull leftward. So..."commie" is still kind of a bad word, haha.

    • @fiercerodent
      @fiercerodent 3 года назад +54

      No worries, I didn't take it as a judgment. Just making bad jokes to feed the ever-hungry algorithm. I really liked your explanations and hope your channel grows. Personally I'm bad at communicating the problems with capitalism to people who aren't already convinced, and rely on resources like your videos.

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +48

      No, there was no offense taken!
      But I'm so glad that my videos can be a useful resource for you! :)

    • @Alice-gr1kb
      @Alice-gr1kb 3 года назад +7

      @@zoe_bee ooh smart

    • @WolfgangDoW
      @WolfgangDoW 3 года назад +22

      Seriously hate shutting all criticism down cos ""communism""
      America has never beet anywhere near socialism, let alone communism. It's a delusion!
      Also constructive criticism is a good thing.
      Patriotism means wanting your country to do BETTER.
      Nationalism is believing your country is already the greatest and perfect
      People have to be allowed to give valid constructive criticism of things, and the system. Otherwise you end up with the cancer that is America
      (As in the system, not targeting individuals)

  • @MaverDick12
    @MaverDick12 3 года назад +397

    Automatically gotta trust her food info since she got a fork and spoon for earrings. Looking like Mrs.Frizzle.

    • @NightsReign
      @NightsReign 3 года назад +13

      I can see it.
      Those dresses that Mrs. Frizzle sported, (usually matching the schoolbus) displaying intricate scientific dioramas, those would be amazing IRL.
      Beau of the 5th Column has the vibe with his t-shirts.

    • @ItsAsparageese
      @ItsAsparageese 3 года назад +3

      @@NightsReign Nice to run into another Beau fan, that guy is really something special

    • @ItsAsparageese
      @ItsAsparageese 3 года назад +1

      OP hell yeah that's who her awesome aesthetic has been reminding me of, thanks for connecting the dots for me

  • @imurt3417
    @imurt3417 3 года назад +351

    "We have an entire holiday focused on eating"
    Italy: One? Pathetic

    • @danielcrafter9349
      @danielcrafter9349 2 года назад +21

      But Italy's are single days, spaced throughout the year, so you can burn them off in between
      The US one is a month-long binge-fest

    • @fistingthecomp
      @fistingthecomp 6 дней назад

      ​@@danielcrafter9349rly? We eat one day at our home, and that's it

  • @MosquitoNumber13
    @MosquitoNumber13 3 года назад +375

    unfortunately the food industry is only one side of the equation. One very big and important side, sure, but still. It's even harder to stay healthy when the medical field itself is ruled by very similar profit-oriented mentality, the beauty industry feeding us unattainable images as how a healthy body should look like, and you haven't even mentioned the weight-loss industry which rakes in billions annually from people frustrated by being unable to achieve those unattainable beauty goals thanks to the beauty industry's successful marketing because of the food industry's successful marketing...

    • @SoulDevoured
      @SoulDevoured 3 года назад +45

      All works together.
      Don't forget the education system being a mess. And marketing being a giant industry fueled by science to ping the impulsive and addictive centers of our brain.

    • @EroticInferno
      @EroticInferno 3 года назад +4

      Yeah doctors don’t even recommend diet to heal the body because pharmaceutical companies can’t profit off of food..

    • @SoulDevoured
      @SoulDevoured 3 года назад +12

      @@EroticInferno it's not that they don't. It's that their knowledge is incomplete and rather shallow.
      Diabetic: eat less sugar
      High blood pressure: eat less salt
      High cholesterol: eat less fat
      Low vitamins and minerals: eat supplements
      That's about the extent of most doctor's knowledge of medical applications of food.

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 3 года назад

      Firstly it's not unattainable to be a certain bodyfat%. That gets arbitrarily low and then you die.
      Secondly if someone's problem is that they care too much about what certain women and gays have to say about female fashion, I don't think that's my problem to solve.

  • @Afterscience742
    @Afterscience742 3 года назад +273

    Get rid of the money? That would only be possible in a moneyless society, which would thusly also have to be stateless and classless. Hmmm...

    • @allisond.46
      @allisond.46 3 года назад +23

      A moneyless society would not be classless because if there's one thing people are good at, it's putting people into groups and then ranking said groups.

    • @dudono1744
      @dudono1744 2 года назад +8

      and wouldn't necessarily be stateless

    • @cultistaautista
      @cultistaautista Год назад +1

      The Khmer Rouge literally burned all the money back when they ruled Cambodia. Everyone knows how it all turned out and how “classless” and “stateless” it all was.

  • @Cathowl
    @Cathowl 3 года назад +85

    "That doesn't mean that food companies will just feed us sawdust and garbage"
    Except they definitely will, if we let them. They HAVE done so whenever food laws failed to protect against that. Look up the history of bread laws it's wild and terrifying.

    • @alicemuguet6947
      @alicemuguet6947 3 года назад +1

      Exactly, Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle' partially covered this and is actually a good book to read

    • @taylorbritt499
      @taylorbritt499 3 года назад +4

      @@alicemuguet6947 yeah a good book if you don't mind being very paranoid about eating _anything_ for the next few months lol. We read a lot of excerpts from it in my us history class in high school and I was SUPER skeptical of basically any food for a while after that unit. Especially meat.

    • @alicemuguet6947
      @alicemuguet6947 3 года назад

      @@taylorbritt499 Congratulations, that was the point of the book. We should be skeptical of what we are made to consume

    • @taylorbritt499
      @taylorbritt499 3 года назад +5

      @@alicemuguet6947 oh no absolutely. I was just amused by the wording of "good book". It IS a good book, but not in the way that like, Frankenstein is a _good book._ It's good in the sense that it's important, but not necessarily a leisurely read.

    • @erkinalp
      @erkinalp 3 года назад +1

      @@alicemuguet6947 As Sinclair says, if your life or work depends on not knowing something, you tend to not learn it.

  • @michellesmith9442
    @michellesmith9442 3 года назад +71

    I have worked for WIC (a USDA nutrition program) for 10 years and you've hit the nail on the head. Potato lobbyists bulldozed their way over all the experts, and forced us to add white potatoes to our fruit and vegetable allowance. We as nutritionists end up counseling against some of the foods we provide to them through their benefits package (like juice), and don't get me started on the amount of milk we give them each month.

    • @cabbage-soup
      @cabbage-soup 2 года назад

      is milk bad for you?

    • @kokorochacarero8003
      @kokorochacarero8003 Год назад +10

      @@cabbage-soup I'm gonna go ahead and give you the long answer
      No food "is bad" for you
      The problem is the ammount of food you eat and the variety of nutrients you get from your diet
      Milk is mainly carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is a highly nutritional food in terms of macronutrients. For centuries it was a civilizational stepping stone in regions where extensive agriculture centered around grains was not viable
      With our current standars of living, comfort, physical activity, food preservation and food security, we don't really need to consume as much milk and dairy products anymore. That's A LOT more carbs and fats than we truly need, and too little micronutrients
      And you've gotta take into account OPs program was already shipping fuits and vegetables on top of potatoes (which are mainly carbs and starch) to people. That's a lot of energy dense macronutrients your body will probably store
      Eat a little bit of everything, in moderation. (kinda tricky since moderation depends on which kind of food we are talking about but that's another rant)

    • @directAction3389
      @directAction3389 Год назад +1

      Juice is just fruit flavored sugar water basically. Almost as bad if not as bad as coca cola. And yet people (such as myself previously) think it's healthy cuz it's made from fruit!

    • @BullShark-i2z
      @BullShark-i2z 2 месяца назад

      @@cabbage-soup No, actually, milk is good for you; milk is high in calcium.

    • @BullShark-i2z
      @BullShark-i2z 2 месяца назад

      @@directAction3389 Juice is just sugar. Whole fruit is better, because it has fiber.

  • @anilite_
    @anilite_ 3 года назад +87

    The thing that worries me the most is that "listening to experts" is also extremely tricky...scientists can be just wrong sometimes, research and experiments can be biased even without food corporation funding or findings can be simply outdated. Of course the solution to this is carefully researching each paper and claim but... 1. it's incredibly time consuming and not everyone even knows how to do it right, including me and 2. even the most respected, well-versed scientists can disagree with each other. One says meat is just outright terrible and we should go on pure vegetarian diets, the second one says we gotta do a bit of both because that way we get more nutrients in the right form and the third one says that having an actual excess of veggies and grains in any form is bad and unnecessary. Like wtf, what kind of choices are WE supposed to make then? This has been giving me lots of anxiety of the last few years and I honestly have no idea how to go about this. Even consulting with doctors isn't always the best solution because the doctors can be wrong too; if they graduated med school in the 80s they may be biased towards what they were taught back then which might contradict the current findings. Not all doctors care enough to research this stuff constantly, especially in countries that are both kinda poor and still have free healthcare (e.g. here in Russia doctors in municipal hospitals sometimes don't even get payed a friggin living wage, even professionals with decades of experience GET PAYED $500 A MONTH OR LESS! how can you expect those people to have enough energy and motivation to study more and care?).

    • @zvxcvxcz
      @zvxcvxcz 3 года назад +7

      Yep, exactly. This is why I hate it so much when real doctors start pushing nonsense. I know because I did the incredibly time consuming reading and have the education to understand it, and even then untangling the lies and half truths and potential mistakes is a nightmare. And what I was looking at in that respect most recently were the nonsense being pedaled around Ivermectin by people like Paul Marik and Kory. Nutrition is a whole other set of landmines. I can untangle some of the major lies/truths in it, but in nutrition there is just so much false and misleading (if technically correct) stuff out there that it is daunting to even start. At least Covid is only a few years old now so there is a limit to the total amount of crap generated, but nutrition... it's tough stuff. In general, I've found the USDA guidelines (not the pyramid, which is even more general, but the actual guidelines, there is a free pdf on their website) to be a good place to start, and meeting those guidelines with any sort of diet seems to be a decent starting place. As long as you're hitting all of your daily values for vitamins, minerals, and things like fiber, and nothing is in great excess, then it is probably a decent diet. Probably better than just decent actually, since the vast majority of people don't manage anything close to that. A lot of people like to discredit the USDA by pointing to how Americans eat, but fail to realize that the way Americans actually eat is not even close to being compliant with the guidelines.

  • @arigadatred5395
    @arigadatred5395 3 года назад +70

    "Mary had a little lamb
    and when she saw it sicken,
    she shipped it off to packingtown
    and now it's labelled chicken."

  • @gwynhwyfar1321
    @gwynhwyfar1321 3 года назад +40

    As a dietician I have to thank you a lot for this video!
    You crammed so much information in there and still managed to make it easy to understand, despite being a topic that one could talk about for ages.
    I live in Germany, but we have pretty much the same problems over here (increasing rates of obesity, confusing claims on highly processed foods etc.).
    I often have clients/patients who just want to educate themselves and learn how they can influence their chronic disease/health in a positive way, buy like 10 books, get 10 different opinions and just end up really confused as to what even is "healthy" anymore. It can be quite upsetting at times but my co-workers and I try our best, so that our patients find eating habits that are best for them personally.
    Thank you again for this video and thanks to anyone who took their time reading this!

    • @aclassmedicine3306
      @aclassmedicine3306 3 года назад

      Bachelor of Applied Science here Nutrition and food science.(1984). It has taken years for the truth to come out. Big Pharma and other corporate interests have not abated. I hope Germany does not follow the US food pyramid?

  • @enbyopossum
    @enbyopossum 3 года назад +96

    If you want to read something in a similar vein to this, I recommend 'Sugar, Salt, Fat: How Food Giants Hooked Us'.

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +22

      Thanks for the rec! I'll definitely check it out!

    • @gingermaniac5484
      @gingermaniac5484 3 года назад +4

      cookie clicker really is more accurate than we thought then eh? haha *sobs*

    • @thebk247
      @thebk247 3 года назад

      Depends on the source of fat.

  • @Owesomasaurus
    @Owesomasaurus 3 года назад +57

    As someone who is trying to lose weight its been eye opening to see how the food environment restricts the food choices I can make.

  • @Anonymous-sb9rr
    @Anonymous-sb9rr 3 года назад +85

    There is no such thing as "to big to fail", there is only "so big that they can influence government enough to give them money when they fail."

  • @robintheviking8990
    @robintheviking8990 3 года назад +23

    Businesses feel like Eldritch abominations. Massive, inscrutable entities with strange and vile morals that affect our lives in countless ways merely through their existence.

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 3 года назад

      Yeah, eldritch monstrosities giving you tons of helpful tools for free and anything that can be gotten reliably for cheap. I wish I had less food and more work.

    • @robintheviking8990
      @robintheviking8990 3 года назад +4

      @@MrCmon113 businesses don't "give" anything. They withhold it. Businesses are not a primary source of innovation. They provide as little as possible in exchange for as much as possible.

  • @DoctorInkwell
    @DoctorInkwell 3 года назад +15

    This pattern of law makers being in bed with industry tycoons is present across the board!! It’s everywhere. The prison, military, and housing industrial complexes all are in bed with politicians and have mutual interests that are prioritized over actual human lives

  • @TheSneezefreak
    @TheSneezefreak 3 года назад +42

    Listening to this was really cathartic. I've had a really big struggle with food personally, and I'm glad (sort of) that a lot of the obfuscation around food in America is entirely intentional. I can start blaming myself less.

    • @TheSneezefreak
      @TheSneezefreak 3 года назад +9

      @@EmilyKinny i don't blame myself now in adulthood, but my journey with food/weight through my formative years was very isolating, due to the culture formed around how we perceive food and people who are overweight. I'm even guilty of this myself as for a long time i resented anyone who was plus sized and happy after I'd worked my way into looking a certain way, because I still didn't feel happy with myself when I had.

    • @SoulDevoured
      @SoulDevoured 3 года назад +6

      I had a similar issue. Seemed to me "healthy' was literally starving yourself. I didn't really know shit about diet. I mean sure sugar and fat is bad for you but I mean I don't even like dessert so that's not my problem.
      Yeah sugar and fat were my problem. Turns out all I needed to maintain a healthy weight was to not drink soda and eat rarely eat fried foods or cheese.
      Unfortunately did not come soon enough to save my gallbladder. Rip my poor overwhelmed organ that dealt with me alternating between starving myself and eating extreme amounts of things I never realized were THAT bad for me.
      What's more American than cheeseburgers and pizza? It's not that bad for you, meat, cheese, bread, and none of it is deep fried. And everyone has a coke sometimes. It isn't that bad for you.
      It makes me really sad that I hurt myself so badly and that it is so normalized. Eating cheeseburgers pizza and soda every day is not good for you and exercising and eating salads does not make up for it. Fasting definitely does not make up for it.
      I think this is getting a little better but damn. I can't believe how ignorant I was and how everyone around me was.

    • @henriquepacheco7473
      @henriquepacheco7473 3 года назад +4

      @@SoulDevoured As someone from a South-American country, the tidbit that apparently cheeseburgers and pizza everyday is pretty normalized in parts of the USA appalls me. It's not that it's unheard of, but everyone here would know that that's shit for your health, so nobody would be surprised by gaining weight if they ate mostly that.

    • @SoulDevoured
      @SoulDevoured 3 года назад +1

      @@henriquepacheco7473 it's gotten better for sure with the internet and health food movement but yeah alot of people really don't understand how bad for you this stuff is.
      My parents still eat pizza and burgers 3-4 days a week. Though they have cut out soda and will occasionally have a salad.

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 3 года назад

      Pfft. Responsibility isn't zero sum. There can be none and there can be arbitrarily much for everyone.
      Stop "blaming" anything, start seeing opportunities.

  • @er00ic
    @er00ic 3 года назад +25

    So I work in biomedical science and a part of how industry can distort research is with what sorts of studies they choose to fund. If they think that a particular grant or study design will result in something they don't like, they just don't give those researchers money. Those who decide what research gets funded can absolutely alter what sorts of studies get published, even if those studies are appropriately designed.

  • @Purple_Hayes
    @Purple_Hayes 3 года назад +46

    Talk about the sugar family. I feel like I need a 2 hour documentary on that

  • @champagneandgummybears
    @champagneandgummybears 3 года назад +88

    I’m vegan and it has been an strange mix of exciting and terrifying to watch over the years as companies wake up to that market and realize they can sell us (and a bunch of omnivores who immediately think vegan means healthy,) a bunch of processed foods (which I love by the way, I’ll eat a vegan corndog anytime they want to sell me one.)That queasy feeling of realizing you are part of a group powerful enough to be worth exploiting has been interesting, like when we all watched in real time as companies tried to co-opt BLM

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +49

      "Omnivores who think vegan means healthy"
      *laughs in Oreo*

    • @CobaltContrast
      @CobaltContrast 3 года назад +10

      Junkfood vegans are the best. You know they are in it for the animals and the environment. Healthy vegans are more likely to backside into some neo keto diet. They are always chasing the next protein powder that comes from China where lead and toxic minerals aren't accounted for and aren't approved by the FDA.

    • @thebk247
      @thebk247 3 года назад

      There is nothing healthy about veganism. That is exactly why all major food corporations are trying to sell it to you.

    • @thebk247
      @thebk247 3 года назад +1

      @@CobaltContrast toxic minerals? Like fiber, cyanide and lectins?

    • @CobaltContrast
      @CobaltContrast 3 года назад +7

      @@thebk247 you are on a propaganda rampage.

  • @Ronesby
    @Ronesby 3 года назад +18

    I can see the kindness in your eyes. You have a good heart and we need more people like you in the world. Especially right now with the general social climate of not being able to trust our "leaders"

  • @Rumade
    @Rumade 3 года назад +26

    If you look at what other primates eat, it's a high amount of vegetation. Like them, we have a long gut, and I truly believe that we're meant to eat loads of vegetables. But people have called me weird for having vegetables with every meal (even breakfast sometimes when I'll have spinach in an omelette or sauerkraut or kimchee). I started reacting badly to gluten in 2013 and have been pretty much off it since. When I eat a high grain low vegetable diet I feel so bad, even if it's gluten free.

    • @kaydenl6836
      @kaydenl6836 3 года назад +3

      We do not have a long guy. We have a much shorter gut than them-that’s why we have such big brains relative to our overall size. We sacrificed gut for brain. We evolved eating a FUCK TON of meat until only about 10,000 years ago. Meat was our primary source of calories and absolutely the primary source of protein, you didn’t survive if you didn’t have meat. We can also survive perfectly fine with no vegetables, and no supplements. The same cannot be said for the other way around.

    • @valerietheawkwardartist
      @valerietheawkwardartist 3 года назад +4

      @@kaydenl6836 That depends on your heritage. Some places do not have a lot of animals and have more fruits or vegetables. People survive off many different things around the world over many years.

    • @firstlast9855
      @firstlast9855 2 года назад +1

      We actually have short guts but we cook our vegetables which makes vitamin more bioavailable to us than raw vegetables (thus need less length to process in the body), even if some water soluble vitamins are cooked out. Luckily, we typically eat fruits raw which makes up for the loss of water soluble vitamins from cooked vegetables. Because of this we don't have guts as long as a typical plant based animal.

    • @Rumade
      @Rumade 2 года назад +1

      @@firstlast9855 we have long guts relative to body size when compared to true carnivores like cats.

  • @Littlebeth5657
    @Littlebeth5657 3 года назад +20

    One big issue I have with scientific language is the amount of hedging their bets they do. So many papers are super unclear and that can lead to misinterpretation willingly or not. I think we could do a lot better to protect the work that is done and the people it should be for.

    • @er00ic
      @er00ic 3 года назад +17

      I want to chime in as a scientist. We write that way because we're discussing our handful of experiments. It's rare for a single study to be so robust that we can make a true authoritative statement. We also write them for each other to read, not for the general public to read. Our papers are written to fill in a small gap of knowledge, not to do something like definitely determine the 'proper' amount of sugar one should have in their diet. It's far more likely to be something along the lines of 'does this ratio of fructose to glucose alter how much insulin the pancreas secretes and how long it will secrete insulin?'

    • @Littlebeth5657
      @Littlebeth5657 3 года назад +6

      @@er00ic I work as a scientist for the government so I do understand. I mean more that we as scientist need to more clearly steer the narrative for our work. I used to work in statistics and there was a big push for us to better interpret and call the trends that we were seeing. It's very easy when surrounded by experts to think everyone is going to treat your data the way you expect, but in the hands of non-experts it can be a weapon of harm. You wouldn't give a sharp knife to a baby and expect them to follow all your safey instructions. That's why data ethics needs to be a bigger discussion in the scientific community as it all can end up in the hands of those who don't know how to handle it and we are responsible for how it gets there.

    • @er00ic
      @er00ic 3 года назад +8

      @@Littlebeth5657 I do admit, I don't tend to think too hard about how non-experts will interpret what I write (and I think the process discourages us from doing that). But you do have a point, especially in light of COVID where studies are being read and reported upon by a growing number of people, including bad actors who seek to twist the language.

    • @zvxcvxcz
      @zvxcvxcz 3 года назад

      @@er00ic Yeah, I don't think we want walled gardens where only our peers can read our work. But this is certainly an aspect of open access publishing and more egregiously of preprint servers that we don't seem to have adjusted to yet. Not that studies weren't abused in the past, but it seems like the rate has been ramped up to 11/10.

  • @elsanto2401
    @elsanto2401 3 года назад +22

    wowee zowiee that sub count was a lot lower a couple of videos ago. also as a mexican i knew that food pyramid was sus when they slapped beans up near meat and left spaghetti as the bottom of the base.

  • @Margarinetaylorgrease
    @Margarinetaylorgrease 3 года назад +41

    19:32 if instead of "Capitalism" you had said "the wealthy elite" you would attract a very different kind of comment.

    • @5353Jumper
      @5353Jumper 3 года назад +8

      Sorry to dig up an old thread but saw this and agree with you.
      The problems of the USA are not answered at all with a debate of Capitalism vs Socialism. Both words have become politically weaponized and misinterpreted but actually have very little to do with the problems facing the working poor and shrinking middle class of the USA.
      It seems counter intuitive but the economic model does not and has never had any real correlation with the prosperity of the majority citizens at any time in history.
      The only human factor that has ever affected the prosperity of citizens is the amount of genuine representation they have in government vs the amount of corruption tolerated in the system.
      Countries with benevolent or truly representative government have rising citizen prosperity.
      Countries with Dictatorships or oligopolistic governments have falling citizen prosperity.
      Countries where only one group race/religious have representation and others do not have the one group prospering and the others starving.
      Whatever economic model a country is pretending to follow is irrelevant. All countries are a mixture of all economic models on a spectrum of private vs centrally controlled entities. For infrastructure, necessities and social supports leaning towards regulated or state owned is better and for luxuries and new development leaning towards privatized free market business is best. So the truth is a blend is better than one side or the other, but who decides the blend?
      Anyone who thinks that Socialism will solve the problems of corruption, profiteering and political favoritism is just as delusional as the people who say Capitalism has incentive to answer the needs of the citizens.
      We need to improve citizen involvement and representation in the democracy. We need to regulate based on citizen prosperity which means $$$ is not always the priority. We need to also regulate to avoid and find corruption, root it out and remove the perpetrators from power.
      If somehow the USA elected a majority extreme left government and they snapped their fingers and made the USA Socialist, we would still have a corrupt elite group of ultra wealthy pulling the strings and making deals better for themselves at the cost of citizen prosperity.
      A percentage of human nature is greed and power seeking, always will be. Any system we create needs to understand this basic fact and deal with it. Capitalism allows it, but so does Socialism. The answer is for the good people to speak up about it and demand better instead of being complacent about it.

    • @matsv201
      @matsv201 3 года назад

      Capitslism and elitism is not the same

    • @valerietheawkwardartist
      @valerietheawkwardartist 3 года назад +1

      @@5353Jumper Thank you. Finally someone said it.

    • @Margarinetaylorgrease
      @Margarinetaylorgrease 3 года назад

      @@matsv201 Hence not getting the same kind of comment.
      The clue was in the words.

  • @whyisthomyorke
    @whyisthomyorke 3 года назад +13

    We need to take food recommendations with a grain of.. low sodium seasoning

  • @MCArt25
    @MCArt25 3 года назад +17

    This also neatly explains the enormous opposition against vegetarianism and animal rights

  • @WrensRemarks
    @WrensRemarks 3 года назад +76

    Found you via thought slime, I really liked the video! Someone else already mentioned the angle on obesity, but I'd like to add that the same process of public confusion around nutrition thanks to the food industry is almost shot for shot what's happened to the public's view of fatness and health.
    Culturally we're taught about weight and health as though both are completely within an individual's control (and these tie into ableism as well), and it's mostly a marketing tactic by the dieting industry. Diet companies have used the same tactics as food companies in regards to funding studies, and decades of research has yet to find a diet or exercise regimen that provably helps people lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off long term. Sometimes the two are one and the same, one example is Weight Watchers who was bought by Heinz in the 90s and is currently owned by a food investment firm that also owns a large stake in Keebler.
    The result from both of these is that individuals, especially fat people and disabled people, are made to feel like their personal choices are the cause of experiencing discrimination and health struggles. People with power make money from creating a problem, so they have no incentive to fix it, or worse they have an incentive to sell a fake solution they know won't work. And individuals by and large don't have much agency over these structural problems, I think the best thing people can do is learn as much as possible about these abuses of power so they don't feel guilty for surviving capitalism as best they can.

    • @rosemali3022
      @rosemali3022 3 года назад +5

      For whatit's worth, I've found that intermittent fasting is pretty beneficial. After some time you quit getting hungry during your fasting hours. The science is really interesting to read about. Plus, if your poor and forced to under eat it makes that... like, not as terrible.

    • @jennoscura2381
      @jennoscura2381 3 года назад +11

      Speaking as a disabled obese person. We absolutely CAN lose weight. My weight has been going down. Yea the diet industry is crap. But thankfully we don't have to buy their products. Generally speaking it boils down to consuming fewer calories than you burn. Funny how cutting high calorie junk from my diet has resulted in weight and fat loss. It's as though the fat acceptance activists are wrong and just want an excuse to justify their obesity. Before anyone chimes in about long term weight loss. I am working on a lifestyle that I can do forever. If I don't go back to the lifestyle that kept me obese, my weight should stay down. I am looking forward to the day I am no longer obese.

    • @jennoscura2381
      @jennoscura2381 3 года назад +2

      @@rosemali3022 I do a bit of IF. Mainly in the form of having coffee for breakfast because I don't feel like eating.

    • @SoulDevoured
      @SoulDevoured 3 года назад +5

      @@jennoscura2381 I think it's funny op mentioned weight watchers when weight watchers is the most successful diet program of all time.
      Why is that? Because it teaches people to count calories and read the labels and understand their dietary limits.
      Weight watchers the program, not weight watchers the brand. Their brand food is... Questionable at best...

    • @catboygremlin
      @catboygremlin 2 года назад +3

      @@jennoscura2381 *some* disbaled obese people can lose weight. there are also medical issues (such as PCOS) that make weight loss incredibly difficult at best and impossible at worst. While I'm glad you have found success, realize that you are feeding into the same problem that OP's comment highlights.

  • @MamaAkina
    @MamaAkina 3 года назад +18

    Hey there! I know you're new and I just wanted to stop in and let you know I think you're doing great! Good quality content, and you are very well spoken. You remind me a little of another channel Second Thought. I appreciate the topics you're covering, these are really imperative for all humans living in the US politics aside. Our world needs more unity, thank you for using your talents to bring us together.

  • @khazermashkes2316
    @khazermashkes2316 3 года назад +8

    I would love to watch a video about the family with the sugar empire! I do want to mention that for some people such as myself conventionally "unhealthy" foods are essential. I need to eat a large amount of salt (~5 grams per day) for health reasons, can't eat most whole fruits and vegetables due to jaw issues, and can't prepare my own food when my chronic illness is most active. If processed foods like salty snacks, juices, and frozen meals did not exist I would be much less healthy due to both lacking micronutrients and being unable to get enough calories.

  • @LextraYT
    @LextraYT 3 года назад +50

    Great video, but I want to say that I feel the framing of health in terms of obesity is kind of flawed. It's often taken for granted that the fatter someone is, the less healthy they are, but that isn't always the case. It's a problem of treating effects like causes - if someone eats too much food that's high in fat and sugar, they will generally gain weight, but the weight isn't the problem, it's the diet itself, or more specifically the blood cholesterol levels and insulin resistance caused by that diet.
    There are people out there who live a totally healthy lifestyle with exercise and good eating and still end up being obese, just because of how their body processes fat. "Obese" in particular is a weird label, because it's based on BMI, a painfully oversimplified statistic that wasn't ever supposed to be used in individual health assessment. The conflation of body fat with un-health leads to a lot of negligence from doctors (I could check to see if you have x disease, but it's probably just that you're fat) and some doctors will even do absurd things like put their patients on unhealthy amounts of speed to make them stop being fat.
    I don't assume you were trying to be malicious or anything by I just felt the need to get that out there. Like I said, the actual points in the video were great and I enjoyed it a lot.

    • @starpasta
      @starpasta 3 года назад +5

      Omg, I was going to say something similar, so thank you for saying this! Also, I see Zoe gave your comment a heart. That's awesome! Lastly, Idk if you're into podcasts, but I highly recommend Maintenance Phase, where the hosts Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon talk about fatphobia and the horrors of the diet industry.

    • @Ne-u333
      @Ne-u333 2 года назад +4

      You can definitely have healthy fat people, but for that to be true the person would need to gorge themselves on whole nutritious food. I’m willing to bet that a good majority of fat people at least in the US didn’t build up that extra fat binge eating spinach.

    • @killertigergaming7395
      @killertigergaming7395 2 года назад

      Being obese is still unhealthy due to joint problems among other health issues as a result of that weight

  • @maxquayle2519
    @maxquayle2519 3 года назад +16

    It is too late for middle ground 'band-aids' on or current problems, we need actual change

    • @shroomer3867
      @shroomer3867 3 года назад +3

      It has gone down hill ever since the Cold War when Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher went off the deep end and somehow managed for their dementia filled and schizophrenic induced nightmares to be accepted into reality.

  • @aaronshadwick1
    @aaronshadwick1 3 года назад +12

    One thing i think not enough people are aware of is how sugar & salt are 2 of the best preservatives. Also I'd love to know more about the sugar family with a red phone.

  • @TheDanielradio
    @TheDanielradio 3 года назад +33

    Do I want a SUGAR EMPIRE'S HOT-LINE CORRUPTION SCANDAL video? hhhhhhhhhhhhyes I would!

    • @MrStephen182
      @MrStephen182 3 года назад +2

      The brain loves sugar and can not get enough of it. It's the most additive drug on planet Earth and People want their god damn sugar fix and sugar companies know this. Sugar companies are drug dealers that governments of the world are more than happy to do business with.

  • @jellyrcw12
    @jellyrcw12 3 года назад +2

    Wow the eat more vs eat less language choice is mind blowing. Thanks for sharing!

  • @lxiaoqi6275
    @lxiaoqi6275 3 года назад +12

    in retrospect, capitalism becomes scary when companies are able to influence government decision against the people for profit.

  • @PeaceInExile
    @PeaceInExile 3 года назад +9

    I'm one of those people who doesn't know how to cook, and most vegetables taste so terrible to me I literally get sick eating them. So a problem I've noticed, is I have cut out most of the "bad" foods I used to eat, but now I feel terrible because the variety in my diet is all but gone.
    Now I've got the problem of having to learn how to cook foods I don't like or understand how they're supposed to taste. I'm still working on that, but it sucks. I don't know anyone who eats like I do, and looking for help online is... unhelpful.
    Now I'm learning that the things I eat that I thought were healthy, probably aren't. This is gonna stay difficult isn't it...

    • @Letcharlieplay2545
      @Letcharlieplay2545 3 года назад +5

      I feel you, my dude. Dur to poor parenting, I grew up on pizza hut and McDonald's with a very limited scope on how to cook, and now nuerodivercency plus that bad parenting has made me quite the picky eater. I myself am learning how to cook (In small increments) and am trying to cut things form my diet (Also incrementally)
      I think something helpful to remember is foods in and of themselves aren't 'bad', even candy or potato chips have some nutritional value. Applying moral value to foodstuffs or nutrients is ridiculous and oftentimes colonialist, ableist, and classist as well. Don't be ashamed of eating meat or dairy or sugars because that's what's most palatable for you, we all have different needs.
      I've learned to just take expanding my 'fridge' slow and steady, and to not be ashamed of fallbacks when I have them (Such as right now, when I'm drinking soda daily even though I'm trying to kick my sugar addiction), there's no shame in having faults.
      I encourage you look for local products when trying to eat healthy too, they're often better quality and help reduce environmental pollution while also supporting local farmers.

    • @PeaceInExile
      @PeaceInExile 3 года назад +2

      @@Letcharlieplay2545 I wasn’t assigning moral value, I was saying that foods that are bad for me (ones that I over eat on or things like sweets that I eat too often) I’ve been cutting out. I wasn’t being ableist or classist. I’m poor and massively overweight. Like I could die by 50 if I don’t change overweight.

    • @Letcharlieplay2545
      @Letcharlieplay2545 3 года назад +3

      @@PeaceInExile No, dude, I wasn't saying that you yourself are classist or whatever or that you were even saying foods are bad, I'm saying that the idea of 'bad' foodstuffs have classist and ableist roots. Separating yourself from that idea is good and helpful for days when you fall back on your goals.
      There can absolutely be stuff that's bad for you personally but that doesn't apply to everyone and the idea that all diets can and should apply to everyone is ridiculous.
      I was just trying to send you a different way of thinking about food so that you can be nicer to yourself when you fall back on your goals (as someone with a terrible diet to another). Kindness to ourselves in a world that is inherently cruel to people like us is important for our growth and movement to healthier eating.

    • @PeaceInExile
      @PeaceInExile 3 года назад +3

      @@Letcharlieplay2545 oh, okay. I don't really have a problem with falling back or anything. I have a problem with moving forward. I don't really enjoy eating, I mostly do it mindlessly and overeat till I feel sick. None of my eating habits are motivated by anything other than I don't want to die before my son is grown, but even then I don't kick myself for backsliding. My only real problem is, how do I prepare lettuce to eat? How do I cook green beans so that they don't turn into vomit textured mush that also tastes like lawn clippings. Stuff like that. Everyone has their own good or bad foods, all I was saying is that these foods I cut out were bad for me. And the problem I ran into was I didn't have anything to replace them with because I don't know how to make or eat "healthy" foods.

    • @Letcharlieplay2545
      @Letcharlieplay2545 3 года назад +3

      @@PeaceInExile Well maybe going on to vegan/vegitarian cooking channels or blogs can help. I wish you luck in your goals.

  • @t0dd000
    @t0dd000 3 года назад +15

    Eat less food. The words "eat less meat and dairy" falls into the same category of twisting the language. Just "eat less." After we as a society succeed at that, we can then focus on the most problematic calories (both nutritionally and ecologically) like sugar, corn and other row crops.
    Great video.

    • @simonedebeauvoir8552
      @simonedebeauvoir8552 3 года назад

      The most ecologically problematic calories come from meat and dairy, tons of scientific evidence. Just think about how much corn and soy has to be grown to feed cows!

    • @thebk247
      @thebk247 3 года назад +2

      If your diet is most meat and dairy you will naturally eat less as they are better for, denser and satiate the body for much longer.

    • @thebk247
      @thebk247 3 года назад +3

      @@simonedebeauvoir8552 far less than to feed humans. You know they soy and corn fed to livestock is plant waste right? Cows should be grass fed anyways.

  • @indrahunter965
    @indrahunter965 3 года назад +8

    Finally RUclips suggests a channel that is actually interesting, informative and whose creator doesn't sound like she's high🤣 Lovely content thanks for sharing!

  • @vicg2652
    @vicg2652 3 года назад +33

    Aaaaaand now I’m sucked into yet another RUclips channel. I guess work isn’t happening today.

  • @zanezeik
    @zanezeik 3 года назад +19

    yes tear it all down! and seriously i'd love a part.. 3? with more on the food pyramid and sugar empires and maybe corn subsidies? cuz those are wack

  • @FunkMcLovin
    @FunkMcLovin 3 года назад +6

    Terrific takedown. Love to see more essayists taking a crack at this. This isn’t a conspiracy, this is documented phenomena

  • @kittycatcaoimhe
    @kittycatcaoimhe 3 года назад +3

    I feel like the waters are muddied even further for people with chronic illness. The amount of dietary complications I have in addition to needing cheap, easy to prepare foods makes navigating health in this food environment even more difficult. Especially when there are seemingly contradictory requirements and limitations, both in regards to personal and general health guidelines.
    In other news, local disabled commie shakes fist at food corporations.

  • @johnwalker1058
    @johnwalker1058 2 года назад +3

    Zoe: points out how sometimes lobbyists would later become government officials and how government officials would later become execs or lobbyists for the companies they pandered to
    Me: *wondering if one of the reasons politicians pander to certain companies is so that if they leave politics, they can find employment with the companies they were extra friendly to as a sort of retirement plan*

  • @sleepymagnesium6215
    @sleepymagnesium6215 3 года назад +9

    Great video! It's very cool to see a creator talking about the problems with the food industry and all the confusion around nutrition. I would love to see you make a video about the food pyramid. Thanks eyeballs!

  • @GHoST2130
    @GHoST2130 3 года назад +18

    This video is finally the thing that convinced me to eat less meat

  • @capefeather
    @capefeather 3 года назад +22

    Say the line, breadtube!
    "Capitalism did it."

    • @shroomer3867
      @shroomer3867 3 года назад +2

      I love how just discussing these sort of things and delving into history is automatically considered breadtube or "left leaning". Funny how the contrary is rarely the case since it's just "This thing bad, here's why" or "Yeah, [x] people are [insert slur or insult] because [strawman]"

    • @capefeather
      @capefeather 3 года назад +2

      @@shroomer3867 Yeah "breadtube" at this point doesn't have much of an actual meaning

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 3 года назад

      She pinned a comment of someone saying they hate capitalism and she said in another comment that she's trying to manipulate people into agreeing with her, rather than arguing her case openly.
      That's a common theme among political commentators on youtube.
      They take any topic - ANY. And then slowly introduce the "real problem" (in most cases capitalism or multiculturalism) into the video, thinking they are being sneaky. It's pathetic.

    • @kittykittybangbang9367
      @kittykittybangbang9367 2 года назад

      @@capefeather I thought breadtube was left-leaning RUclips

    • @capefeather
      @capefeather 2 года назад

      @@kittykittybangbang9367 The problem is, "the left" is a broad spectrum of ideologies.

  • @StaticCollapse
    @StaticCollapse 3 года назад +9

    You have great potential in the political world honestly. That's not an insult, I mean as in the independent media world. Keep up the good work though 😌

  • @vicca4671
    @vicca4671 3 года назад +14

    Zoe Bee produces healthy content. Healthy for our society ❤️

  • @tabbygale5430
    @tabbygale5430 3 года назад +63

    Shadowy Cabal of elites? Uhhhhh, let me save this one for later, can't be seen watching this kind of content at my Jewish university.
    EDIT: No antisemitism intended, just pointing out that the word "cabal" has a few unfortunate connotations.

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +32

      None taken! I was using the term in a tongue-in-cheek way because of those connotations. No worries :)

    • @henriquepacheco7473
      @henriquepacheco7473 3 года назад +5

      It's funny in a very bitter way - and indescribably frustrating - that some people feel the need to search for a secret group of elites manipulating the world in order to benefit themselves and screw over the common man, when the actual group of elites doing that is operating openly.

    • @lyokianhitchhiker
      @lyokianhitchhiker 3 года назад

      When I hear that word, I think of the video game Blood.

  • @Chris-rw8yp
    @Chris-rw8yp 3 года назад +15

    Good job, If I were you I'd try to change up the camera angle; Make yourself the center of attention rather than off to the side. Otherwise great infographics (for being what I imagine a one person team) and good script. As for now, amazing quality for a new startup channel.
    I'm still watching, but I would love to also see a list of sources in the description.

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +6

      Thanks for the pro-tips!

    • @katiegriggs9825
      @katiegriggs9825 3 года назад +2

      I definitely second the suggestion to list sources in the description!

  • @nateyerruedinger-quispe2362
    @nateyerruedinger-quispe2362 7 месяцев назад +1

    I used some of the information from this video in a discussion today about the new footlong cookie from Subway. It's honestly shocking how much contempt and outrage certain people seem to have for people who eat food like that, and how comparatively little contempt and outrage these same people feel towards the companies that see no problem with selling food like that even though they know it's literally killing us, as long as they can make a buck or two million off of us before we succumb to diabetic ketoacidosis.

  • @CoolVictor2002
    @CoolVictor2002 3 года назад +5

    No artificial sweeteners means it contains sugar because it comes "naturally" from sugar cane

    • @amoureux6502
      @amoureux6502 3 года назад

      It *can* also mean it contains honey, stevia or monkfruit extract, etc - even "no added sugar" can mean something like "sweetened with dates"
      Basically it's all a mess

  • @georgepap8956
    @georgepap8956 3 года назад +16

    It's really ironic that the book you are using is written by Nestlé! Jokes aside that was a very informative video, keep up the good work!

  • @Dodgerzden
    @Dodgerzden 3 года назад +1

    It reminds me of the very end of the first Borat movie where he’s at the supermarket with 200 variations of cheese and asking the guy, and what is this?” It’s cheese. “And what is this?”. It’s cheese. And so on and so forth.

  • @morgankayex
    @morgankayex 3 года назад +8

    Canadian food guidelines are really simple and straightforward: 1/2 plate of veggies/fruit, 1/4 of protein, 1/4 of whole grains, and water as the drink of choice

    • @thebk247
      @thebk247 3 года назад +2

      Cut the grains and minimize the veggies, add more real saturated fats. Enjoy feeling better mentally, energized and more satiated.

    • @killertigergaming7395
      @killertigergaming7395 2 года назад +1

      @@thebk247 wtf are real saturated fats lol as opposed to the fake fats

  • @josh34578
    @josh34578 3 года назад +11

    Intermittent fasting, no sugar, low carb is the only thing that's worked for me to lose weight. But you can't sell not eating things...

    • @lolwut6635
      @lolwut6635 3 года назад +7

      Lol you can and people do.

  • @nickspeelman9174
    @nickspeelman9174 3 года назад +5

    This is all on point. But I think you have to look at the diet industry as part-and-parcel of the whole complex. While the food industry's misleading information may be the right hook that knocks us out, it's the constant jabbing of the diet industry that gets us to drop our guard. The best predictor of future weight gain is dieting behavior. So you have an industry that places the blame for "the obesity crisis" squarely at the feet of individuals, while simultaneously creating pathological drives to eat more and more and more. That works real well for both the food industry and the diet industry.

  • @syn010110
    @syn010110 3 года назад +4

    but food companies *did* feed people sawdust when the regulations didn't prohibit it.

    • @thebk247
      @thebk247 3 года назад

      Not any different than eating lettuce or broccoli

  • @jaenmartens5697
    @jaenmartens5697 3 года назад +2

    Excellent presentation- My approach these last 50 years is to not buy anything corporate owned(first of all) and eat only real produce, non GMO whole grains and other starches - a little sea food when I can afford it. I go without a lot but “calorie restriction” whether voluntary or pragmatic keeps you healthier anyway.

  • @slimee8841
    @slimee8841 3 года назад +2

    About the sawdust thing, here in Brazil the meat industry literally filled meats with cardboard.

  • @mfalecks3503
    @mfalecks3503 3 года назад +3

    i liked how she said that it might seem far-fetched that rich people are paying the government to get special treatment all for the sake of profits.
    that was a funny joke

  • @TheEnoEtile
    @TheEnoEtile 3 года назад +15

    As an incredibly unhealthy person who lost a fuck load of weight doing Keto I would never recommend it to someone wanting to eat healthy or make a permanent life style change. Its miserable and my cholesterol is way up. It's also so easy to overindulge in sugar when you come off of it.

    • @ConductiveFoam
      @ConductiveFoam 3 года назад

      Are you interested in resources on Plant-Based nutrition? It has helped me build a sustainable (for the last ~8 years at least lol) and healthy life style.

    • @TheEnoEtile
      @TheEnoEtile 3 года назад +2

      @@ConductiveFoam nah I've made my peace with being pretty unhealthy. Doing keto when my weight spikes and trying to go to the gym more and eat vegetables occasionally. It's not good but it keeps me from ballooning up to 220 again so I'll take it.

    • @ConductiveFoam
      @ConductiveFoam 3 года назад +2

      @@TheEnoEtile Alrighty, understood. That's why I asked instead of just dumping it on you.
      All the best to you in the future!

    • @CrowsofAcheron
      @CrowsofAcheron 3 года назад +5

      Being healthy and being thin are completely different things. If your previous diet was unhealthy, then going on keto was NOT a solution to that.

    • @TheEnoEtile
      @TheEnoEtile 3 года назад +2

      @@CrowsofAcheron very true. That's kind of my point. I did it to lose weight and that's about it. Theres very few healthy ways to do keto. And even then I'd be skeptical of it being that healthy since it's such a limited diet. I'm trying to adopt slightly more healthy habits now that I'm off of it.

  • @liamheseltine4082
    @liamheseltine4082 3 года назад +80

    "I don't know how to keep money out of politics"
    ...May I interest you in a wee communism?

    • @zoe_bee
      @zoe_bee  3 года назад +64

      Listen, I'm a baby leftist, and a lot of my audience (well, BEFORE the eyeballs came, that is) is more moderate, so I'm trying to pull leftward, not assume people are already there.
      But yes. Consider my interest piqued, haha

    • @Notveryimpressed
      @Notveryimpressed 3 года назад +7

      This is an advisable course.

    • @lucacaccamese3417
      @lucacaccamese3417 3 года назад +4

      @@zoe_bee The eyeballs beckon, and we must follow

    • @thebigcapitalism9826
      @thebigcapitalism9826 3 года назад +3

      @@zoe_bee I am also a baby leftist lmao

    • @stormelemental13
      @stormelemental13 3 года назад

      That doesn't get business out of government, it removes all separation between the two. The results are not better than capitalism. If you want to argue the point, I am absolutely down for a comment battle.

  • @andreasala5446
    @andreasala5446 3 года назад +2

    Nice video, plain true and easy to understand. I will add something to the formula. Pharmaceutical companies don't want people to be healthy. And so we have much more of powerful lobbies. It happens that food lobbies and pharmaceutical lobbies have the same goals for making money. Isn't it? And pharmaceutical companies have a lot of scientists on their paylist, I suspect... Does it make any sense?

  • @FuzzyImages
    @FuzzyImages 11 месяцев назад +1

    Seriously, it always shocks me that lobbyist (Or at least the way THESE lobbyists operate) are even legal. Any politician found taking anything from them should be removed for corruption... Like ... there ARE laws against that!

  • @alexgee3111
    @alexgee3111 3 года назад +5

    imagine if everyone in the continental united states knew this. imagine the disruption, imagine the change. Real Education(like this video) must be the solution, not souped up vague garbage, but real education

    @XCATFANCYX 3 года назад +4

    I was going to bring up "Food Politics". That book changed the way I look at politics in general.

  • @waffles3629
    @waffles3629 Год назад +1

    Same. I did it in 6th grade and I just remember looking at it like "I can't eat that much food". And I ate like a bottomless pit at that time because puberty plus growth spurt equals very hungry. They also lumped it in with exercise and I got dinged for "barely exercising". Apparently my seven hours of gymnastics a week was insufficient because it only took place over three days, not four and we were supposed to be getting 30 minutes four days a week of light to moderate exercise. Apparently 7 hours of moderate to intense exercise didn't meet my "requirement" for 2 hours of light to moderate exercise.

  • @yespotato7508
    @yespotato7508 2 года назад +2

    I am proud of people who care for the betterment of humanity. I hope people like you will continue to be more common.

  • @temporalce1684
    @temporalce1684 3 года назад +4

    People don't realize how much power consumers actual have. If you don't like a product or company, just don't buy or shop there.

    • @henriquepacheco7473
      @henriquepacheco7473 3 года назад

      Sometimes the very geographical reality of someone prevents that. If there's only one grocery store in your area, you're gonna buy there. If said grocery store has deals with specific companies to exclusively supply their products, you're going to buy said company's products. This isn't exactly the reality in large urban centers, but these will often also make eating unhealthy far more convenient, accessible and affordable, leading to a worryingly high and climbing rate of obesity and other diet-related health issues.

  • @Sudo_Nimh
    @Sudo_Nimh 3 года назад +4

    @8:52 "...Because they had a STEAK.. LITERALLY" You HERD it here first folks.

  • @theazerbaijani9349
    @theazerbaijani9349 2 года назад +1

    6:12 that sounds like corruption just with a few more steps

  • @Ermude10
    @Ermude10 3 года назад +2

    This was very eye-opening!
    This reminds me of how the dairy industry colluded with the government to subsidise and promote dairy post world war. This happened because dairy production was rapidly increased to support the army, but after the war the demand was gone. So basic economic theory says that the production should naturally decrease, but by now the dairy industry already had a foot inside the government door and they managed to create dairy buy-back programs, as well as churn out massive propaganda campaigns to promote dairy. And the whole dairy science field was practically bought by the dairy industry, as almost all research from that time was funded by the industry. There's more and more evidence coming out that suggests that dairy is unnecessary for good bone health or a strong body, and rather that limiting dairy has a very positive impact on avoiding heart disease and such. You can practically feel the nervousness from the industry now that plant based alternatives are on the rise.

    • @Ermude10
      @Ermude10 3 года назад

      Also, can you end all videos with puppies please?

  • @halguy5745
    @halguy5745 3 года назад +14

    capitalism, where money is more important than reality

    • @quinnlove5777
      @quinnlove5777 3 года назад

      Couldn’t have said it better

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 3 года назад +3

      "Money" reflects people's needs, ie reality.
      When reality is ignored in favour of ideology, you don't get obesity, you get starvation. That happens under communism.

      @SOLO.SHAD0W-HAWK 3 года назад

      Why must there be such a choice? Life isn't a multiple choice question.

  • @adamfisher173
    @adamfisher173 3 года назад +5

    Out of curiosity is the Chiquita Bananas card a reference to the banana republiques and the wars the US fought in central America to secure corperait power from democratic oversight?

  • @lalabee3308
    @lalabee3308 3 года назад

    2:35 I love the little music you put when you started speaking lol

  • @benjaminlipson4313
    @benjaminlipson4313 3 года назад +2

    I wish you'd brought up ALEC and how food companies literally write a lot of the legislation that passes through congress.

  • @KhiTurner
    @KhiTurner 3 года назад +3

    _If you like this you REALLY should research Coca-Cola and other companies impact on the public perception of sugar, and how they manipulated studies_

  • @vilonflagle
    @vilonflagle 3 года назад +3

    These kinds of poitics/govt vs nutrition issues sometimes literally keep me up at night. It's so frustrating to be able to clearly see the issues and have no idea how to combat them and also struggle with them yourself. The entire system is insane and it spans absolutely everything within America society. The role govt plays in how our food is marketed and sold and regulated is obviously a huge issue but then you have things like food deserts, or how the govt subsidizes dairy farms which is why -only- milk is served in public schools, you have the food pyramid being taught that trains are healthiest -because that's what America produces and the govt subsidizes that industry-. How do you even begin to start to unravel the massive systemic issues that are the results of decade after decade of shady political dealings. Electing officials that aren't bought and paid for by big industry sounds great but then...what if a politician does not run that isn't bought? Then what?
    Anyway I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about this issue and understanding that it sounds like an insane conspiracy theory but it's happening and it's documented. People who somehow think that any corporation or the govt has the people's best interests at heart, instead of their bottom line, always baffle me.
    Edit: I paused right before you said food deserts and the rest. Whoops. So just yes. To everything you said. Yes and thank you for saying it.

  • @sevastra8249
    @sevastra8249 3 года назад +3

    Ok, I have to request a video on this since you brought up the concept of an obesity epidemic. My request is a deep dive into how fat people are often poor, neglected and mistreated by doctors and statistically have fewer options for upward mobility. Also that the diet industry repackages eating disorder behavior and they profit from people failing to keep weight off.

  • @brightphoebesays
    @brightphoebesays 3 года назад +1

    People are like this too. They have no obligation to respect your boundaries. They are all out for themselves. It is up to us to protect ourselves by establishing and maintaining good boundaries with people. It's easy to be mad at others for caring more about themselves, but that's how humanity works isn't it.

  • @adamhustler3639
    @adamhustler3639 3 года назад +1

    I did a paper on the revolving door and conflicts of interests when working on my poli-sci BA and MA. It's crazy how much of it takes place and just how little the current CoI laws prevent.

  • @DJBclay
    @DJBclay 3 года назад +5

    Thought Slime sent me here and i am glad he did.