What elo should I try next? Access top League players for coaching and finding the best teammates online and get 20% off your first 3 with this link share.tapin.gg/RAVSEP20 or by using code RAVSEP20. This will also help me get future sponsorships so that I can feed my family like I feed my opponents on the rift.
I love that this is a kind person in the league community. He was genuinely trying to help and actually good at his job but some of the quotes are complete comedy. "Q the fucking minion you know" "The farm is uhhh, unbearably fucking shit"
Something funny with going from silver to diamond is that the insults will improve the higher you climb. In silver or lower people can barely string a sentence together but when you reach high plat/diamond people get more eloquent.
I think the take on smurfing is just sad, unfortunately there's no way to play an offrole or learn another champion but to smurf. I'm not gonna grief my team by playing adc as a jungle main, we'd auto lose the game. If you're talking about smurfing to stomp on lower skilled players, that's sad yes. But smurfing to learn an offrole, or to play with friends is the norm. And griefing higher ELO lobbies is not a taste of their own medicine.
@@taserrrI agree that playing off-role on your soloQ is somewhat griefing, but did you forget normal games exist to learn other roles and champions ? Even if you are diamon jg and go to adc, you will still have better mechanics and macro knowledge than 90% of iron - gold players, so "smurfing" even in off-role will create a miserable experience for the actual players of that elo. A new account to play with friends or learn off-role is also fine if you want a reset of mmr and slightly easier games, but you should still stay in normals in the new account.
@@TuskAct4ZSIt's not about complaining. Ranked should be the fairer mode. Normal is for trying new heroes, builds, playing with friends etc. Most smurfs play to stomp.
I bought a diamond account once and deranked to bronze within 4 hours. Best $40 I’ve ever spent because I immediately quit league and my life has been immeasurably better
Rav:......I have a confession to make.... **dramatically takes a step away with his back turned** .......I'm not a Diamond Player Coach: Yeah! No shit!
I think the coaching was really good and helpful (if a bit caustic). Pay attention to resetting after momentum changes so you aren't pushed up with no HP. It's okay to give up lane a little bit if it means not throwing. The lane state is the next thing to work on managing. Push hard when you can make the opponent miss out on farm and freeze when you can farm safely. Winning your lane doesn't always have to be a blowout. The margins win games too.
Well yeah, you're in the only lane that gets a literal babysitter for you, you only gotta worry about a small part of the map, can only get gangked from the topside unless it's a lane bush cheese, macro matters very little because you just play safe in the back and kite, your team does the macro for you. You're not an initiator so you don't need to know when u can go in, u don't do any objectives so you don't need to know when to do them. Basically you can ignore the biggest part of the game lol.
i think im one of the few players that was hard stuck in gold but thought I could def play in higher elo and i was getting held back. turns out I was, by my duoq. solo q'd like 200 games and went from gold to diamond, started my climb to d1 and realized I just couldnt stand playing the game anymore and quit. :shrug:
Not going to lie that guy is a pretty good coach my friend had several and he would secretly record them and then later we would watch the recordings and most of them just didn't give two shits on actually helping or giving him advice like that
@@JohnnyDoyle-j7ewouldnt captions broaden his horizons if he saw what was being said with such accent? sometimes i cant get what people are saying in my native language because they basically dont speak clearly. and there are people in house of lords who cant be understood because of their accents. dont act as if you were the god here
The fact that people say "boosted" doesn't mean anything. On 1 profile I went from iron to plat in 6 days with 70% win rate and in like 50% of the games there was always at least 1 person saying that to me 😂 Hell I saw people in diamond and master flaming challengers that were boosting accounts 😂
honestly. if you go into the mindset of learning from your obvious, going to get shit on, experience, i say this is a great way to get better fast. because everyone in proper higher elo, play consistently better so you can ditch your bad habits faster since they wont work most of the time. in low elo you can make a million mistakes and win which wont fly and since the actuall skill variety is so big in low elo, you cant actually get used to a skill ceiling. i say, reverse smurf and buy high elo accounts if you want to get better.
as someone who climbed to emerald 1 on my main acct this year but my alt is still gold, .... going back to it and playing on it in normals to try new champs out is like playing with apes. No thinking just LUL. I can only imagine its even worse for players better than me.
@Ravlol Diamond you say, right? Game 1. Rav, be honest. Did you bring that Milio with you from silver? Or was it vayne, who was boosting him up to this rank? 2.55 (15.28 in game) Actually, you will die here not only because YOU didnt put ward, but mostly because of your supports mistake. I am sure most coahes will call that milio "bad support" because he did not let you get all money from turret solo. I call him "bad", because: 1) he didnt provide vision for his adc. Not sure if he had wards, but milio doesnt do much damage to turrets, so he could have just stand in bushes providing vision both from river and from jungle, thus preventing this gank; 2) he waste his precious cc skill on minions. Funny how milio use q exactly 1 second before 2 enemy heroes appeared on screen. Just Q nasus, E on cait for speed, use ult to dispel slow from nasus if he comes near (we see above minimap, that Milio`s ult is ready for use). Easy. For a good support. For a good milio. You`d think diamond is full of good supports or good milio players. But not this one. 3.20 (17..07 in game) For a brief moment we see Milio on screen and... instead of providing surviability to the most vulnerable ally in his vicinity (adc at this time), for some reason milio decided to move away from adc, who begins trading with enemy adc, toward tank in the jungle. Who is full hp and in no danger. 3.35 (18.30 in game) Another strange behavior from this support. Milio again waste his Q (yes, waste. that skill is best disengage and mostly effective vs melee, so in this game should be used vs pant or nasus). Again milio refuses to provide vision for team - just make several step to the top of the screen and you will have vision on those, who may try to enter the bush. Maybe put another ward in the bush - provide 2 second vision and futher vision on enemy pink wards. Atleast in my vision a good support in that position will still have 1-2 ward on support item, right? There is pink ward in bush near mid and no ward in enemy tribush near enemy T1, normal ward almost expired - but a good support will refil his wards before dragon, right? Ok. No wards, no Q. How to proceeed next? Why not move down, toward rest of the team, while keeping adc in range of his ullt and other abilities? Ok, we dont know about abilities - maybe they are on cd. But we can clearly see his ult READY (again - above minimap). What this milio does? Goes mid to get farm, allowing enemy easy access to his adc. so. By 29th minute in game you have 6/7/5 kda - as we discovered half your deaths in fact were because of your support not knowing hot to be a good support. You followed your team to the dragon, reducing the risks of enemy interrupting your team from getting permanent buff (I think it was earth dragon and armor buff?), that otherwise cannot be obtained or enemy team will get it. That`s rather decent. Sure you did mistakes that "challenger would be able to avoid in your place", but the moments we see on video - that`s mostly "support being not good on his role". In last fight we see skarner/jungle being 3 levels less then enemy jungle, your mid and support dead (you fought in bad position? bad vision on map which enemy exloited?), we see and enemy mid with 2 dashes and invisibility focusing you (rather hard counter something like that actually). P.S. And on top of all that - i see a name which I personally correlate with wintrading if I see it in match.
For the love of god 1. don't try to engage in fights! If your support or someone else does, back them up, but don't start them yourself unless you know what you're doing. 2. don't engage in fights ever if your wave is retreating, almost always ends in your death.
i think game 1 wasnt even lost because of you, plus i dont think you played that bad, at least what was shown, sure awareness and positioning could be much better, playing more safe, i understand its more boring, but thays the way it is
I'm not going to lie man. Every time I've seen you play, you play like a silver. Also, going to say that your coach first tip in trying to pick first before your support was actually perfect. Almost no one understands that support is the most counter picked position in the game. There is no safe support picks. Especially when you can be countered by 2 champs in lane, as well as the jungle/mid. How so? Pick a squishy immobile enchanter and get smashed by high mobility assassin counter picks. Pick an engage tank? Get thwarted by disengage champs like morg, janna, or even ziggs. Pick a mage champ? Get snuffed by high healing/shield enchanters that laugh at your attempts at burst. Seriously, it is so easy to get screwed over as the support in a game and feel useless. Still, fun watching this series.
True. When i see my sup is fp i always try and swap with them. Sometimes they dont want to which can be frustrating but well... I dont see the point in lastpicking when i only ever choose between 2-3 champs anyways. Had a lot of times where senna, sona, soraka players instalock their champ on firstpick after denying my trade. You also have to keep in mind that u dont want to pick sup, top and mid first 3 picks. usually what you would want to aim for is picking topside or botside first not mixing it up. so if you were to pick adc first you could take jungle/sup in the second rotation. mostly i try to give lastpick to top and push sup/mid to 2nd to last bracket
Nobody is picking to counter enemy support except for mayube other support. We picking from our champ pool to carry the game and/or win lane. jungle mid and top still more important.
"support is the most counter picked position in the game" Lol, are you playing the same game as me? You clearly never played Top lane in your whole life. Try playing a counter matchup on top against a jungler that can dive early... You will quit the game forever with that mentality.
toplane is far more counterpicked than support but toplane is the most counterpicked lane in the game by far. support is definitely second and its easy to counterpick but toplane counterpicks are far more impactful and more dangerous. this is simply due to the fact that your adc can compensate a bad support matchup. in toplane theres nobody to help you
rav i want you to know in the nicest way possible... i was hardstuck plat4 on EUW and my friend bought me a server switch to NA to play arena with him, so i decided to play ranked. and i still got gold 1. YET... i still think you are better than me so... tldr. ranked means nothing. thank you for coming to my TED talk.
It especially means nothing when I, as an iron player, get matched up against gold players. Then they prosed curvestomp my team. And here I'm wondering why Riot doesn't match me with fellow iron ranks so I can prove I'm not deserving to stay in iron. Thank you for letting me went
@@ItsJustKaya ranks always mean something. but you have to pair the rank with winrate and other statistics. a platinum 4 player can definitely be worse at the game than a gold 2 player, if theyre just playing a better champion or if they got lucky a few games in a row
Normally i'd say "oh he stayed with you for an extra hour to teach you stuff for free? what a nice guy", but obviously its a promotion. you sneaky dog rav
i would pay to watch people troll high elo games as many smurfs ruin my silver games oh wait i do, when i buy challenger acts to troll the smurfs in their games
Im a firm believer that Elo (A chess based ranking system that was built off single player vs single player) is a bad system for any ranked multiplayer game and they need to put their heads together to find out a new ranking system that accounts everything down to team mates throwing accidentally - and that MMR is too bare bones to actually do anything to combat boosting / smurfing.
The funny thing is that these people are 50% and below win rate hardstuck themselfs. They have such a massive ego but are really as bad as a gold player.
I just know you from wow hardcore but i like your Video style. My question is how good were you in lol and why are you worse now? Is it because alot has changed in lol or whats the reason?
He was plat at one point. And it goes: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Emerald, Diamond... So he was in highter elo before. For some reason he's silver now 🤷♂️. And there are loads of reason to fall in ranks. Just beeing unlucky or you just decide: "I'm gonna be a Shen OTP now, and play only him from now on!". And you go on 15 game lose streak after every game thinking: "ok this time I got it!". 😂
to be fair, diamond is a huge stepdown from challenger. diamond are just glorified plat players and the gap between silver and plat is not that huge. even faker says that everything below 800 lp master is playing shit at league so i guess it is what it is
6:18 holy shit I had to double-check to see if he was actually playing with Zwag, but then i remembered they give Krug as one of the names in champ select. (Zwag Xerath has an account with the name Krug ingame)
What elo should I try next?
Access top League players for coaching and finding the best teammates online and get 20% off your first 3 with this link share.tapin.gg/RAVSEP20 or by using code RAVSEP20. This will also help me get future sponsorships so that I can feed my family like I feed my opponents on the rift.
Play in Bronze. Should be funny.
iron or emerald
Do a Zwag and play Iron lmao
Maybe silver?
try playing against silver see if you can manage to hold up to those boosted animals
I love that this is a kind person in the league community.
He was genuinely trying to help and actually good at his job but some of the quotes are complete comedy.
"Q the fucking minion you know"
"The farm is uhhh, unbearably fucking shit"
He was being paid, so it's paid kindness
"You reset like shit"
We know the Italian community is not the best 🤣
@@vhfulgencio "He stayed with me for an hour after for free"
Seems pretty kind to me
Anton type beat
Something funny with going from silver to diamond is that the insults will improve the higher you climb. In silver or lower people can barely string a sentence together but when you reach high plat/diamond people get more eloquent.
That's because we've spent years circumventing new autoban rules. We've gotten much more sophisticated as a result lol
@@ryanjohnston9364 This is actually so true 😂
We not only mastered the game, but also the flame 😎
People don't care about bans anymore they just buy a new account. Yeah they might lose skins but it's easy to just buy the good ones.
@@ryanjohnston9364 get candy 🤗
Yo that Smolder + Dragon(s)layer Pantheon duo combo is actually lowkey hilarious
I remember in like season 3 or 4 we played rangar and kha'zix botlane and it was glorious xD
Dude get paid 1 game and stay 1 hour to help you improve, what a chad :)
love the reverse smurfing, give them some of their own medicine.
I think the take on smurfing is just sad, unfortunately there's no way to play an offrole or learn another champion but to smurf.
I'm not gonna grief my team by playing adc as a jungle main, we'd auto lose the game.
If you're talking about smurfing to stomp on lower skilled players, that's sad yes. But smurfing to learn an offrole, or to play with friends is the norm. And griefing higher ELO lobbies is not a taste of their own medicine.
@@taserrrI agree that playing off-role on your soloQ is somewhat griefing, but did you forget normal games exist to learn other roles and champions ? Even if you are diamon jg and go to adc, you will still have better mechanics and macro knowledge than 90% of iron - gold players, so "smurfing" even in off-role will create a miserable experience for the actual players of that elo. A new account to play with friends or learn off-role is also fine if you want a reset of mmr and slightly easier games, but you should still stay in normals in the new account.
@TheKidlegend1 players complain either way. If they get shit on in normals they say "go back to ranked"
@@TuskAct4ZSIt's not about complaining. Ranked should be the fairer mode. Normal is for trying new heroes, builds, playing with friends etc.
Most smurfs play to stomp.
That's what normals are for bro@@taserrr
I bought a diamond account once and deranked to bronze within 4 hours. Best $40 I’ve ever spent because I immediately quit league and my life has been immeasurably better
Slowly accepting the reality. I can't wait for the emerald vid.
"I cry myself to sleep on a bed of silver," honestly had me laughing way too hard. Great video Rav!!
Rav:......I have a confession to make.... **dramatically takes a step away with his back turned** .......I'm not a Diamond Player
Coach: Yeah! No shit!
I think the coaching was really good and helpful (if a bit caustic). Pay attention to resetting after momentum changes so you aren't pushed up with no HP. It's okay to give up lane a little bit if it means not throwing. The lane state is the next thing to work on managing. Push hard when you can make the opponent miss out on farm and freeze when you can farm safely. Winning your lane doesn't always have to be a blowout. The margins win games too.
I love the coach because he's so aggressively kind 😭😭
"... everyone was nickacado avacado, two steps ahead of me."
Damn bub that slapped like a mac truck while having 0 rights to.
The fact he just laughed when you said you weren't really diamond was hilarious ngl.
Funny that the old rank borders were so much better that people use those assets to this day and RIot just REFUSES to revert
He uses the modern diamond borders. Just the challenger ones for some reason are old.
that coach seems very good
13:48 "I'm Rav, and I'm a WoW player, and this is my pig named Howard"
“Hey Spongebob?”
“Yes Larry?”
“You’re not a Diamond player are you?”
“No Larry”
That first game laning phase is the perfect example of ADC being the most braindead role.
yep, if even a hardstuck silver can get out of lane more fed than his Diamond counterpart it's fucked
Honestly that Milio was a god. It's only easy for ADC like that in a small percent of games.
i mean theres a chance that wasnt their main role
@@averyyeen rav is an ADC mainly.
Well yeah, you're in the only lane that gets a literal babysitter for you, you only gotta worry about a small part of the map, can only get gangked from the topside unless it's a lane bush cheese, macro matters very little because you just play safe in the back and kite, your team does the macro for you. You're not an initiator so you don't need to know when u can go in, u don't do any objectives so you don't need to know when to do them. Basically you can ignore the biggest part of the game lol.
actually a good way to get coaching, much more blunt with mistakes
6:00 when u see so many "Sir" u should know its an Indian scammer
Whenever someone questions a questionable League strat of yours (like double heal), my standard response is "it's a new thing in Korean challenger".
Sweet. Look forward to the undercover Emerald, Platinum, Gold videos.
i think im one of the few players that was hard stuck in gold but thought I could def play in higher elo and i was getting held back. turns out I was, by my duoq. solo q'd like 200 games and went from gold to diamond, started my climb to d1 and realized I just couldnt stand playing the game anymore and quit. :shrug:
Rav, I was silver for 6 months then hit gold and in 4 days only losing about 5 times I'm already gold 1 getting +32.
On Br server, the player "Vô Corvo" does this, he is Bronze 4 and ppl give him accounts on High elo accounts and he plays against Pro-players.
Omg 😳 that ult on 10:28
Honestly these are my fave videos, they are so entertaining and funny! Thanks Rav !!
I have watched two of your videos, must say they are by far the best league related content I have ever seen 😂😂😂
Not going to lie that guy is a pretty good coach my friend had several and he would secretly record them and then later we would watch the recordings and most of them just didn't give two shits on actually helping or giving him advice like that
I love these videos. Can we get an upload that's subtitled/captioned for your coach, though? I can make out what he's saying maybe half the time.
lol broaden your horizons friend.
@@JohnnyDoyle-j7e If broadening my horizons would change how my ears worked, I would do so.
@@MakashiOwns expose yourself to different cultures. It quite literally will change the way you perceive the information your ears pick up.
@@JohnnyDoyle-j7ewouldnt captions broaden his horizons if he saw what was being said with such accent? sometimes i cant get what people are saying in my native language because they basically dont speak clearly. and there are people in house of lords who cant be understood because of their accents. dont act as if you were the god here
“Gotta make like a fart and blow this shithole” AHAHAHHAHHA i haven’t laughed so hard in weeks man, thanks xD
Man I love you but this was so painful. Also super informative but still painful
we need the undercover silver elo
WE NEED MORE OF YOUR VIDEOS!!! The wait in between your videos are pain :(((
02:18 nah that's on millio and communication honestly. If he tanked 1 more you get the kill and live but he didnt know you were gonna flash
3:02 wait, somethings not right
Yeah, I'm gonna jump on the "Rav belongs in iron" bandwagon after this video 😂
Rav's in his Gargamel era
The fact that people say "boosted" doesn't mean anything.
On 1 profile I went from iron to plat in 6 days with 70% win rate and in like 50% of the games there was always at least 1 person saying that to me 😂
Hell I saw people in diamond and master flaming challengers that were boosting accounts 😂
Howto know someone is not diamond? they compliment u xD
We need the not so undercover iron 4 games
6:12 i legit that he was jizuki when he started talking lol
BRO i thought the same exact thing he sounds exactly like jiizuke
The balloons tower defense fire wizard 😭
yh ik had me dyinggg
Bet i can carry you out of silver. I have zero rank experience but how hard can it be?
It's as hard as me when I see sabrina carpenter
@@Flowers_Die its as hard as me when i get cryogenically frozen
Adcs are 1 division lower since duos with good supp will always be better than solo q adc
thank you for your service, brave soldier
i love these, needs more.
there is a channel called skillcaped they use phrases like " how to escape low elo like diamond"
honestly. if you go into the mindset of learning from your obvious, going to get shit on, experience, i say this is a great way to get better fast. because everyone in proper higher elo, play consistently better so you can ditch your bad habits faster since they wont work most of the time. in low elo you can make a million mistakes and win which wont fly and since the actuall skill variety is so big in low elo, you cant actually get used to a skill ceiling.
i say, reverse smurf and buy high elo accounts if you want to get better.
love those video please keep the good work :D
Those old borders were so nice
Joke falls flat. Mormons have TV bro.
damnit really?
as someone who climbed to emerald 1 on my main acct this year but my alt is still gold, .... going back to it and playing on it in normals to try new champs out is like playing with apes. No thinking just LUL. I can only imagine its even worse for players better than me.
You are literally better than my avarage teammate
What would make an Italian sweat more?
Pineapple on pizza
Or coaching Rav?
Dude adc NEVER walks alone on river. Also adc never checks bushes that is why you take Farsight Alteration.
unless u know where enemy is
@@Xerex9999 Yes
@@Xerex9999 Yes, that goes without saying.
@@Xerex9999 youre not really "checking" the bush if you already know where the enemy is though, now are you?
@@yihadistxdl951 yep, but u might need to pee for example, and the bush is a good place for it i think
they do that to every player that loses lane they had no idea
Diamond you say, right?
Game 1.
Rav, be honest. Did you bring that Milio with you from silver? Or was it vayne, who was boosting him up to this rank?
2.55 (15.28 in game) Actually, you will die here not only because YOU didnt put ward, but mostly because of your supports mistake. I am sure most coahes will call that milio "bad support" because he did not let you get all money from turret solo. I call him "bad", because:
1) he didnt provide vision for his adc. Not sure if he had wards, but milio doesnt do much damage to turrets, so he could have just stand in bushes providing vision both from river and from jungle, thus preventing this gank;
2) he waste his precious cc skill on minions. Funny how milio use q exactly 1 second before 2 enemy heroes appeared on screen. Just Q nasus, E on cait for speed, use ult to dispel slow from nasus if he comes near (we see above minimap, that Milio`s ult is ready for use). Easy. For a good support. For a good milio. You`d think diamond is full of good supports or good milio players. But not this one.
3.20 (17..07 in game) For a brief moment we see Milio on screen and... instead of providing surviability to the most vulnerable ally in his vicinity (adc at this time), for some reason milio decided to move away from adc, who begins trading with enemy adc, toward tank in the jungle. Who is full hp and in no danger.
3.35 (18.30 in game) Another strange behavior from this support. Milio again waste his Q (yes, waste. that skill is best disengage and mostly effective vs melee, so in this game should be used vs pant or nasus). Again milio refuses to provide vision for team - just make several step to the top of the screen and you will have vision on those, who may try to enter the bush. Maybe put another ward in the bush - provide 2 second vision and futher vision on enemy pink wards. Atleast in my vision a good support in that position will still have 1-2 ward on support item, right? There is pink ward in bush near mid and no ward in enemy tribush near enemy T1, normal ward almost expired - but a good support will refil his wards before dragon, right?
Ok. No wards, no Q. How to proceeed next? Why not move down, toward rest of the team, while keeping adc in range of his ullt and other abilities? Ok, we dont know about abilities - maybe they are on cd. But we can clearly see his ult READY (again - above minimap). What this milio does? Goes mid to get farm, allowing enemy easy access to his adc.
so. By 29th minute in game you have 6/7/5 kda - as we discovered half your deaths in fact were because of your support not knowing hot to be a good support. You followed your team to the dragon, reducing the risks of enemy interrupting your team from getting permanent buff (I think it was earth dragon and armor buff?), that otherwise cannot be obtained or enemy team will get it. That`s rather decent. Sure you did mistakes that "challenger would be able to avoid in your place", but the moments we see on video - that`s mostly "support being not good on his role".
In last fight we see skarner/jungle being 3 levels less then enemy jungle, your mid and support dead (you fought in bad position? bad vision on map which enemy exloited?), we see and enemy mid with 2 dashes and invisibility focusing you (rather hard counter something like that actually).
P.S. And on top of all that - i see a name which I personally correlate with wintrading if I see it in match.
I queued solo in ranked games for all games shown in this video. I can't control who was in those games
Maybe you personally cant, but I am 100% sure I met several guys, who could.
atleast he was honest
Ooh I know the guy from the 3rd game :D
For the love of god
1. don't try to engage in fights! If your support or someone else does, back them up, but don't start them yourself unless you know what you're doing.
2. don't engage in fights ever if your wave is retreating, almost always ends in your death.
i think game 1 wasnt even lost because of you, plus i dont think you played that bad, at least what was shown, sure awareness and positioning could be much better, playing more safe, i understand its more boring, but thays the way it is
Yeah i know, lmfao god that feelsbad
He's not salty. he's Italian
silver / low gold for a couple years. Switched roles to support. Nearly 75% wr to plat. If you wanna climb play that role its dumb.
I'm not going to lie man. Every time I've seen you play, you play like a silver. Also, going to say that your coach first tip in trying to pick first before your support was actually perfect. Almost no one understands that support is the most counter picked position in the game. There is no safe support picks. Especially when you can be countered by 2 champs in lane, as well as the jungle/mid. How so? Pick a squishy immobile enchanter and get smashed by high mobility assassin counter picks. Pick an engage tank? Get thwarted by disengage champs like morg, janna, or even ziggs. Pick a mage champ? Get snuffed by high healing/shield enchanters that laugh at your attempts at burst. Seriously, it is so easy to get screwed over as the support in a game and feel useless. Still, fun watching this series.
True. When i see my sup is fp i always try and swap with them. Sometimes they dont want to which can be frustrating but well... I dont see the point in lastpicking when i only ever choose between 2-3 champs anyways. Had a lot of times where senna, sona, soraka players instalock their champ on firstpick after denying my trade. You also have to keep in mind that u dont want to pick sup, top and mid first 3 picks. usually what you would want to aim for is picking topside or botside first not mixing it up. so if you were to pick adc first you could take jungle/sup in the second rotation. mostly i try to give lastpick to top and push sup/mid to 2nd to last bracket
Nobody is picking to counter enemy support except for mayube other support. We picking from our champ pool to carry the game and/or win lane. jungle mid and top still more important.
"support is the most counter picked position in the game" Lol, are you playing the same game as me? You clearly never played Top lane in your whole life. Try playing a counter matchup on top against a jungler that can dive early... You will quit the game forever with that mentality.
@@IceWraith101 As an adc; When my sup is counterpicked im pretty much not allowed to play if enemy is not stupid
toplane is far more counterpicked than support but toplane is the most counterpicked lane in the game by far. support is definitely second and its easy to counterpick but toplane counterpicks are far more impactful and more dangerous. this is simply due to the fact that your adc can compensate a bad support matchup. in toplane theres nobody to help you
he sees the talent
How to make a bad teammate play better: Flame them.
rav i want you to know in the nicest way possible... i was hardstuck plat4 on EUW and my friend bought me a server switch to NA to play arena with him, so i decided to play ranked. and i still got gold 1. YET... i still think you are better than me so... tldr. ranked means nothing. thank you for coming to my TED talk.
It especially means nothing when I, as an iron player, get matched up against gold players. Then they prosed curvestomp my team. And here I'm wondering why Riot doesn't match me with fellow iron ranks so I can prove I'm not deserving to stay in iron.
Thank you for letting me went
Ranks mean only a thing when you reach master in asia server. Thats the gate to see your true peak rank on hardest server where master means Nothing.
@@ItsJustKaya ranks always mean something. but you have to pair the rank with winrate and other statistics. a platinum 4 player can definitely be worse at the game than a gold 2 player, if theyre just playing a better champion or if they got lucky a few games in a row
Normally i'd say "oh he stayed with you for an extra hour to teach you stuff for free? what a nice guy", but obviously its a promotion.
you sneaky dog rav
i would pay to watch people troll high elo games as many smurfs ruin my silver games
oh wait i do, when i buy challenger acts to troll the smurfs in their games
He did it again
I honestly think riot wants us stuck where we are. I watch pekin miss 100 skill checks a game yet hes always in challenger.
What insane cope
I love these videos😊 😂❤
sometimes in diamond we play like silver
autofilled moment
Rav, as much as we think you are silver be honest with yourself! You are plat on a good day, silver on a bad day.
30 seconds in im betting your getting your shit pushed in this video, will edit after vid is over
watching this i realize im diamond
I feel like i saw this video before
Im a firm believer that Elo (A chess based ranking system that was built off single player vs single player) is a bad system for any ranked multiplayer game and they need to put their heads together to find out a new ranking system that accounts everything down to team mates throwing accidentally - and that MMR is too bare bones to actually do anything to combat boosting / smurfing.
im titled just watching those jerks talking down to u rav
The funny thing is that these people are 50% and below win rate hardstuck themselfs. They have such a massive ego but are really as bad as a gold player.
what people?
are you perhaps autistic ? just curious no offense
reverse smurfing??
bom ber que o Vô Corvo esta deixando seu legado kkkk
I remember when it used to be "hardstuck gold" ;(
LMFAO the fucking 3 edit was brilliant
Does this mean we'll get Undercover smurfing in Iron soon?
how could you fall for someone calling you "sir" only scammers do that.
Reverse the series be a silver in iron and see if they realize
this video made me nervous for you
I just know you from wow hardcore but i like your Video style. My question is how good were you in lol and why are you worse now? Is it because alot has changed in lol or whats the reason?
He was plat at one point. And it goes: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Emerald, Diamond... So he was in highter elo before. For some reason he's silver now 🤷♂️.
And there are loads of reason to fall in ranks. Just beeing unlucky or you just decide: "I'm gonna be a Shen OTP now, and play only him from now on!". And you go on 15 game lose streak after every game thinking: "ok this time I got it!". 😂
imagine getting paid to tell people they're shit at the game
to be fair, diamond is a huge stepdown from challenger. diamond are just glorified plat players and the gap between silver and plat is not that huge. even faker says that everything below 800 lp master is playing shit at league so i guess it is what it is
"ye I know"
yo put a 3 over that 4 XD
i love these videos
Quality content
Rav if you let me be your support I am sure we can make you pass as plat at least.
6:18 holy shit I had to double-check to see if he was actually playing with Zwag, but then i remembered they give Krug as one of the names in champ select. (Zwag Xerath has an account with the name Krug ingame)
Rav is downclimbing)