Kasa Chorych - Biały Blues (White Blues) - Polish Lyrics with English translation

  • Опубликовано: 22 июн 2024
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    "Listen to the Blues, play the Blues, play the Blues YEAH" -
    Whether it’s ‘White European-man singing and playing Blues/rock’ or a ‘Wooden-Puppet on a string’, I’ve gotta say that this ultra impressive Bluesy/rock track and video from Polish Blues/rock band ‘Kasa Chorych’ is off the charts with exceptional Polish Harp player Michał Kielak stealing the show in which can only be described as a scintillating and dynamic harmonica performance with his ‘Wooden-Puppet’ on a string friend not far behind him. No wonder Michal he has been voted a seven-time winner of the "Harmonica Player of the Year" award in the annual Blues Top poll.
    Side-note: Harp is ‘Blues slang’ for a harmonica
    Kasa Chorych - Biały Blues (White Blues) - Polish lyrics with English translation
    Gdy ciągle czegoś ci brakuje
    When you're always missing something
    I w nocy wciąż nie możesz spać
    And at night you still can't sleep
    Gdy w oczy znów zagląda bieda
    When poverty looks in the eyes again
    Czujesz się jakbyś w otchłań wpadł
    You feel like you've fallen into an abyss
    Gdy po ulicy idziesz nocą
    When you're walking down the street at night
    I kiedy ktoś zaczepia cię
    And when someone accosts you
    Musisz odważnie stawić czoło
    You must face it bravely
    I nich zakipi tobie gniew
    And they will boil over your anger
    Kiedy dziewczyna cię rzuciła
    When your girlfriend dumped you
    I spadasz aż na samo dni
    And you fall for days
    Musisz zrozumieć najważniejsze
    You need to understand the main thing
    Zapytaj siebie to jest to!
    Ask yourself this is it!
    Bluesa słuchaj
    Listen to the Blues
    Bluesa graj
    Play the Blues
    Kto gra Bluesa nie jest sam
    Who plays the Blues is not alone
    Daleko gdzieś są piękne kraje
    There are beautiful countries far away
    I dużo pięknych kobiet tam
    And a lot of beautiful women there
    Ty siedzisz w kuchni i słuchasz radia
    You are sitting in the kitchen listening to the radio
    A ja dla ciebie Bluesa gram
    And I play the Blues for you
    Bluesa słuchaj
    Listen to the Blues
    Bluesa graj
    Play the Blues
    Kto gra Bluesa nie jest sam
    Who plays the Blues is not alone
    Bluesa słuchaj
    Listen to the Blues
    Bluesa graj
    Play the Blues
    Kto gra Bluesa nie jest sam
    Who plays the Blues is not alone
    Bluesa słuchaj
    Listen to the Blues
    Bluesa graj
    Play the Blues
    Bluesa graj yeah!
    Play the Blues yeah!

Комментарии •