Jesus DID NOT Return and Here's Why

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 898

  • @Sorren595
    @Sorren595 11 дней назад +15

    Matthew 24:23-25 states: "Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand."

  • @JesusISdaonlyway
    @JesusISdaonlyway 11 дней назад +38

    When Jesus comes back, no discussions whatsoever will be needed. Everyone will know it.

    • @estrome1
      @estrome1 10 дней назад +2

      @JesusISdaonlyway But until then We MUST heed one of the few warnings from the person who wrote most of the New Testament: "Let no one deceive you in any way" "concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him." Paul's emphasis on not being deceived on this issue speaks volumes. Satan is a deceiver. We must speak against the deception of this guest. He's absolutely wrong for one reason: "And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved." That didn't/couldn't happen before our current time.

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 10 дней назад +4

      @You don't need to name-call. Try to understand the view first. Matthew 16:27-28, along with a myriad of other scriptures, put Jesus' return squarely in the time of His contemporaries, not us.

    • @estrome1
      @estrome1 10 дней назад +1

      @@ben.duffour No name-calling here. I called Satan a deceiver. Matthew 16 is easily explained in Matthew 17. But let's stay focused on the debate: Matthew 24. When did this happen: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.?" No serious person will say this happened in the 1st century.
      When did this happen: "if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved?" Never! The preponderance of evidence clealy shows that the benchmarks of Matthew 24 could not have ocurred in the 1st century.

    • @euston2216
      @euston2216 10 дней назад +1

      _>>> "When Jesus comes back, no discussions whatsoever will be needed. Everyone will know it."_


    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 10 дней назад +2

      @@estrome1Oh brother😂
      This is Jewish apocalyptic judgement language. It's employed in Isaiah 13 and Joel 2 and is always used to depict political deposition.
      Could you kindly explain to me which generation Jesus was speaking about in Matthew 23:36 and Matthew 24:34?
      Edit: I didnt catch your Matthew 17 reference earlier. Matthew 16 referred clearly to a judgement scenario. You cannot tell me Jesus judged anyone at the transfiguration.

  • @damienshepherd4815
    @damienshepherd4815 11 дней назад +20

    Saying the 2nd coming happened already is crazy work. Corey mentioned Zechariah 14 and its clear just reading that chapter that Jesus is still yet to return physically where His feet touch the mount of Olives.

    • @LookoutMountain4ever
      @LookoutMountain4ever 11 дней назад

      Yeah, that mountain is to split in two when His feet touch it, and a great gulf of water will fill up the void. Amos 9:15 refers to the nation of Israel, that God will plant them again in their own land, and no one would uproot them ever again. That "planting" occurred in 1948. Try as the nations have ever since, they have not been able to uproot them. That scripture has nothing to do with the church, for it has never been uprooted from the land in the first place. Preterists are very persuasive to those who aren't anchored in scripture and eschatology, and they prey upon them -- I've witnessed it firsthand. A cursory read of Revelation 11, 13, 17, and 19 will clearly show the able Bible student that it did not happen in 70 AD. They try to say Nero was the Antichrist back then, but Revelation and 2 Thes. 2 clearly reveal thast the Beast and the false prophet are cast "ALIVE" into the lake of fire upon Jesus' epiphany parousia (His coming). Nero's self-inflicted demise occurred on June 9, 68 AD, over two full years before the fall of Jerusalem and the Temple. Don't let them deceive you.

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 10 дней назад +2

      Here is what you have to deal with as a futurist:
      1. Matthew 16:27-28 puts Jesus' return in the lifetime of His disciples.
      2. Revelation 17 gives us 7 kings, from the 4th beast. This beast is the same one from Daniel. Who/what would be the identity of the beast and the kings?
      3. The disciples asked Jesus about the destruction of the second temple, signifying the end of the age as Daniel 9 states. How do we possibly make that future to us if the temple fell in Jesus' generation just as predicted?

    • @damienshepherd4815
      @damienshepherd4815 10 дней назад

      @@ben.duffour Has Zechariah 14 happened yet? No, it has not. There’s also Colossians 3.4 and 1 John 3.2 and much more.

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 9 дней назад

      @ you didnt deal with the 3 statements I laid out.

    • @damienshepherd4815
      @damienshepherd4815 9 дней назад

      @@ben.duffour I don’t need to my brother. It’s clear that Jesus prophesied about the temple being destroyed, then the disciples asked when will these things be regarding the temple. History says and shows the temple was destroyed. History doesn’t say nor show that Christ physically returned not even biblically. The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness and watchtower society believe Christ returned too. Again, Zechariah 14 has not happened. Are people going up year to year from the nations that came up against Jerusalem, going to Jerusalem to every year to worship Jesus at the feast of tabernacles, and the nations that do not go up year to year receive the plagues of Egypt; has the mt of olives split and moved from north to south? No none of that has happened.Theres 0 biblical and historical evidence that Christ physically and biblically returned already. I believe that you believe otherwise and as Paul said, let it be according to your faith and believer it unto the Lord my brother. Saying I haven’t “dealt” with “your” statements is wild compared to Zechariah 14.

  • @abundantlifewellnesscoachi8711
    @abundantlifewellnesscoachi8711 11 дней назад +36

    Do not let him back on this channel, waste of time! Even NEW Christians know Jesus hasn't returned yet...

    • @johnbradford553
      @johnbradford553 11 дней назад +4

      Really. You are letting your presuppositions snd arrogance get in your way

    • @johnbradford553
      @johnbradford553 11 дней назад

      Also you are a christian just because you dont agree you should still be willing to listen to a different point of view and if you disagree fine but to just shut them down

    • @Foreknown_
      @Foreknown_ 11 дней назад +4

      This dude Greg the "Prophetic Disciple" literally argues with everyone on every platform. I recognize him from his Instagram comments which are even worse.

    • @LaWendellyn777
      @LaWendellyn777 10 дней назад +1

      @abundantlifewellnesscoachi8711 I agree totally.......waste of time

    • @danielledarley416
      @danielledarley416 7 дней назад

      That's not very nice!! And not very Christ-like of you!! Sometimes we have to understand the evil one has a great hold on this world! And sometimes the lies of this world will require some answers! Better for him to come to somebody for answers than to completely stray away!! Even though he will not lose anything that the father has given to him!! But it is for us as Christians to be there for others!! Especially one another!!

  • @dwil1221
    @dwil1221 10 дней назад +5

    I think Greg has complicated the word and confused himself Corey. Thank you for correcting him. You are appreciated. Keep doing what you do.

  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад +3

    As a full preterist scriptures show plainly that the Lord returned in 70AD. I was a futurist like you for many years but when I started studying in spirit and truth by Yahs grace I started seeing 👀 the truth.

    • @danielledarley416
      @danielledarley416 7 дней назад +1

      Luke21:29 - 31 this parable explains that Jesus will not come back until the fullness of all of the trees spring forth. And then you will know that it is time for him to come back. With all due respect, If you are not understanding The parables of Jesus I suggest that you pray a little bit more. Because even he said (when his disciples asked him why he speaks in parables) it's because if you do not have the Holy Spirit within you, you are not ready to understand it ! Please repent and pray and slow down!🫣🙏

    • @danielledarley416
      @danielledarley416 7 дней назад

      Sorry I meant to put this on main thread.

  • @Renee-jj5lq
    @Renee-jj5lq 11 дней назад +6

    Greg refuses to answer the question: When was the 7 year covenant made between Israel and their enemies that was broken in 3 and a half years? The answer: it has not happened yet. Greg is ignoring this question.

    • @LookoutMountain4ever
      @LookoutMountain4ever 11 дней назад

      Preterists always dodge when confronted with the real truth and real facts. But they pawn themselves off as knowing it all, and that you are the one that's deceived. They also claim Caesar Nero was Antichrist back then. But 2 Thes. 2 and Rev. 19 reveals both the Beast and his false prophet (which Nero didn't have) are cast "alive" into the lake of fire at Jesus' parousia; but Nero committed suicide on June 9, 68 AD, over two full years before the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. They prey upon the unanchored in eschatology and the scriptures.

  • @mymiracle79
    @mymiracle79 9 дней назад +2

    I thoroughly enjoyed this very respectful and mature conversation!!!

  • @brandonpowell1021
    @brandonpowell1021 9 дней назад +5

    Greg was right Matthew 24 was about the destruction of 2nd temple in 70ad. It’s not about future event , it surprise me Cory has expensive tool there that he couldn’t research that.
    Matthew 24:4-5
    "False Christs"
    Josephus: "Now it came to pass, while Fadus was procurator of Judea, that a certain magician, whose name was Theudas, persuaded a great part of the people to take their efforts with them, and follow him to the river Jordan; for he told them he was a prophet, and that he would, by his own command, divide the river, and afford them an easy passage over it; and many were deluded by his words." (The Antiquities Of The Jews, 20:5:1)
    Matthew 24:6-8
    "Wars And Rumors Of Wars"
    Tacitus: "The history on which I am entering is that of a period rich in disasters, terrible with battles, torn by civil struggles, horrible even in peace. Four emperors fell by the sword; there were three civil wars, more foreign wars, and often both at the same time." (The Histories, 1:2)
    Josephus: "Now the people of Caesarea had slain the Jews that were among them on the very same day and hour [when the soldiers were slain], which one would think must have come to pass by the direction of Providence; insomuch that in one hour's time above twenty thousand Jews were killed, and all Cesarea was emptied of its Jewish inhabitants;" (The Wars Of The Jews, 2:18:1)

    • @brandonpowell1021
      @brandonpowell1021 9 дней назад +2

      Matthew 24:7
      "Famines" And Pestilences"
      Josephus: "Now her coming was of very great advantage to the people of Jerusalem; for whereas a famine did oppress them at that time, and many people died for want of what was necessary to produce food withal, queen Helena sent some of her servants to Alexandria with money to buy a great he Antiquites of The hers, 20. 2.5, to bring a cargo of Tacitus: "Many prodigies occurred during the year. Ominus birds took their seat on the Capitol; houses were overturned by repeated shocks of earthquake, and, as the panic spread, the weak were trampled underfoot in the trepidation of the crowd. A shortage of corn, again, and the famine which resulted, were construed as a supernatural warning." (The Annals, 12:43)
      Pestilences are the usual attendants of famine.
      Matthew 24:7
      J. Marcellus Kik: "And as to earthquakes, many are mentioned by writers during a period just previous to 70 A.D. There were earthquakes in Crete, Smyrna, Miletus, Chios, Samos, Laodicea, Hierapolis, Colosse, Campania, Rome, and Judea. It is interesting to note that the city of Pompeii was much damaged by an earthquake occurring on February 5, 63 A.D." (An Eschatology Of Victory, p. 93)

    • @brandonpowell1021
      @brandonpowell1021 9 дней назад +2

      Luke 21:10-11
      "Fearful Events From Heaven"
      Josephus: "..for there broke out a prodigious storm in the night, with the utmost violence, and very strong winds, with the largest showers of rain, with continual lightnings, terrible thunderings, and amazing concussions and bellowings of the earth, that was in an earthquake.
      These things were a manifest indication that some destruction was coming upon men, when the system of the world was put into this disorder; and anyone would guess that these wonders foreshadowed some great calamities that were coming." (The Wars Of The Jews, 4:4:5) Josephus: "Thus there was a star resembling a sword, which stood over the city, and a comet that continued a whole year. Thus also, before the Jews' rebellion... so great a light shone round the altar and the holy house, that it appeared to be bright day time; which light lasted for half an hour. ..Moreover, the eastern gate of the inner [court of the] temple, which was of brass armed with iron, and vastly heavy, and had been with difficulty shut by twenty men, and rested upon a basis armed with iron, and had bolts fastened very deep into the firm floor, which was made of one entire stone, was seen to be opened of its own accord about the sixth hour of the night." (The Wars Of The Jews, 4:4:5)
      Matthew 24:14
      "Preached To All Nations"
      Paul: "For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; Which is come unto you, sie she al ye head: of it rid che w the gries i doch also in if ye
      continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister..." (Colossians 1:5, 6, 23)
      Lars P. Qualben: "Tradition assigns the following fields to the various apostles and evangelists: Andrew is said to have labored in Scythia; hence the Russians worship him as their apostle. Philip spent his last years in Hierapolis in Phyrgia. Bartholomew is said to have brought the gospel according to Matthew into India. The tradition concerning Matthew is rather confused. He is said to have preached to his own people, and afterward in foreign lands. James Alphaeus is said to have worked in Egypt. Thaddeus is said to have been the missionary to Persia. Simon Zelotes is said to have worked in Egypt and in Britain; while another report connects him with Persian and Babylonia. The evangelist John Mark is said to have founded the church in Alexandria." (History Of The church

    • @brandonpowell1021
      @brandonpowell1021 9 дней назад

      Mark 13:9
      "Stand Before Kings"
      Under Nero, it was a crime to be a Christian!
      Peter & John
      Acts 4
      Acts 7
      Acts 12
      Acts 18 (Gallio)
      Acts 24 (Felix)
      Acts 25 (Agrippa)
      Matthew 24:15
      "Abomination Of Desolation"
      Prior to the siege, the temple became a gathering place for wicked men. After the siege, the Romans placed their ensigns over the Eastern gate.
      Josephus: "And now, when the multitude were gotten together to an assembly, and every one was in indignation at these men's seizing upon the sanctuary, at their rapine and murders but had not yet begun their attacks upon them ...
      Agnus stood in the midst of them, and casting his eyes frequently at the temple, and having a flood of tears in his eyes he said, 'Certainly, it had been good for me to die before I had seen the house of God full of so many abominations, or these sacred places that ought not to be trodden upon at random, filled with the feet of these blood-shedding villains..." (The Wars Of The Jews, 4:3:10)

    • @danielledarley416
      @danielledarley416 7 дней назад +1

      A.D.70 happened because of what Christ said in Matthew 21

    • @danielledarley416
      @danielledarley416 7 дней назад +1

      This was because Jesus cursed them in Matthew 21

  • @Frank-zx7rm
    @Frank-zx7rm 11 дней назад +47

    The Bible is supernatural. A relationship with Jesus is supernatural. I started a three day fast this morning. Thank you for this message. I'm 34 years old, make $27,000 a month and am retired. This video really inspired me in many ways!!!🙏

    • @GabrieleRicardonicolo-xr3qe
      @GabrieleRicardonicolo-xr3qe 11 дней назад +1

      I'm inspired.
      Please spill some sugar about the bi-weekly stuff you mentioned.

    • @Frank-zx7rm
      @Frank-zx7rm 11 дней назад +1

      It's ELIZABETH MARIE HAWLEY doing, she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need!!!

    • @Frank-zx7rm
      @Frank-zx7rm 11 дней назад +1

      I remember giving her my first savings of $7,300 and she opened a brokerage account for me, which turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

    • @ChisomOkoro-ut3gj
      @ChisomOkoro-ut3gj 11 дней назад

      This is a definition of God's unending provisions for his people. God remains faithful to his words.
      🙏I receive this for my household

    • @ConfidenceBella-k6t
      @ConfidenceBella-k6t 11 дней назад

      I have heard a lot of wonderful things about ELIZABETH MARIE HAWLEY on the news but didn't believe it until now. I'm definitely trying her out.

  • @ladyphoenixgrey3923
    @ladyphoenixgrey3923 12 дней назад +9

    How was Revelation fulfilled and the Second Coming fulfilled before Revelation was given to John? It’s widely almost universally agreed that it was written in or around 90-95AD but supposedly Jesus had already come back and done it all 20+ years prior?
    Not a great “revelation” if that’s the case. And there’s no mention of its completion, partial or otherwise, in the whole of the book.
    Also, James was martyred in 44AD. So if “this generation” wouldn’t taste death before He returned, James didn’t get the memo.

    • @Owen-sx4jj
      @Owen-sx4jj 12 дней назад +1


    • @DarrellReed-u1d
      @DarrellReed-u1d 11 дней назад +3

      Jesus said some of you will not die until all of this is fulfilled. Not all of them.

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 11 дней назад +1

      Scholarly consensus doesnt make it truth. One huge piece of internal evidence pointing to the early dating of Revelation(60s AD), is the passage about the 7 kings. Those were the Roman emperors from Julius Caesar through to Galba, Nero being the 6th one and the "one who is".

  • @interrupts165
    @interrupts165 11 дней назад +5

    This guy is so lost. I pray the Lord opens his eyes because when you believe like he does I have a hard time believing he has the Holy Spirit because he is this clueless with the word of God. He need to turn to Jesus to save his soul.

  • @bobbyhendrix8536
    @bobbyhendrix8536 12 дней назад +5

    I hope n pray Greg has learned something from this!! If he believed Jesus came back already, the whole book of Rev was totally useless!?

    • @ContendwithChristJ12-1
      @ContendwithChristJ12-1 11 дней назад +2


    • @JesusISdaonlyway
      @JesusISdaonlyway 10 дней назад +1

      @@bobbyhendrix8536 and so is Greg's ministry. What's the point if it's all done already? So, according to him, where are we on God's timeline?

    • @Purpleflower7777
      @Purpleflower7777 7 дней назад

      All we need to do is repent turn from our wicked ways.
      “if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
      ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @Purpleflower7777
      @Purpleflower7777 7 дней назад

      “if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
      ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭
      “I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.”
      ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      It seems to me the messiah hasn’t come yet by this text alone.

  • @danielsemere4971
    @danielsemere4971 11 дней назад +4

    The problem is Cory believes new covenant one day ENDS.
    But new covenant is not end
    Hebrew 13:20
    Gen 8:21-22. ECC 1:4. Psalms 78:69
    Psalms 119:90

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 8 дней назад

      Does Corey actually believe that though?

    • @danielsemere4971
      @danielsemere4971 8 дней назад

      @ he believes Rapture

    • @Purpleflower7777
      @Purpleflower7777 7 дней назад

      @@CaldwellApologetics “I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.”
      ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 7 дней назад

      @@danielsemere4971 The rapture does not indicate that the new covenant ENDS. In fact, what happens AFTER the rapture? And what is its purpose?
      Hint/question: When does this occur?
      See, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”
      (Matthew 23:38-39 ESVi)

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 7 дней назад

      These two passages are not in contradiction with one another.
      (1) Noahic Covenant
      And when the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, the LORD said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. 👉🏾While the earth remains👈🏾, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”
      (Genesis 8:21-22 ESVi)
      (2) Future Judgment (which references the Flood)
      For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
      (2 Peter 3:5-7 ESVi)

  • @Iamwho_Iam316
    @Iamwho_Iam316 11 дней назад +3

    How could the 2nd coming of Christ have already happened if all the prophesies that the 7 Jewish feasts parallel haven't all been fulfilled yet? 7 represents completeness. There's alot missing in this timeline that claims He has. It doesn't align with scripture.
    Christ only fulfilled the Spring Feasts which was fulfilled by His first coming, death, sanctification of blood, and resurrection. Those are the first 4 Jewish feasts. 3 still must be fulfilled for us to dwell with Him on earth. Which represents the completeness. Between the Spring and Fall Feasts is the harvest which is the season we are in right now. We are to harvest souls for Christ by the proclaiming of His gospel.
    **7 Jewish Feasts (Leviticus 23)**
    2. Feast of Unleavened Bread
    3. Feast of Firstfruits
    4. Feast of Weeks
    5. The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)
    6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
    7. Feast of Tabernacles (Booths)
    Spring Feasts Fulfilled
    1. Passover, fulfilled at Christ's crucifixion, 1 Corinthians 5:7.
    2. Feast of Unleavened Bread, fulfilled through the sanctification of Christ's blood, Hebrews 13:12.
    3. Feast of Firstfruits, fulfilled at Christ's resurrection. He is the firstfruit raised from the dead, 1 Corinthians 15:20. Christ proclaims victory over death.
    4. Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), fulfilled when Peter preached a message at Pentecost and looked at the spiritual harvest being reaped, ACTS 2:1,41. As the Jews celebrated in Leviticus the law of Moses being written on tablets, we under grace celebrate the law written on our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Now both Jews and Gentiles are one in Christ.
    ***Time between Spring Feasts and Fall Feasts is harvest. The season we are in right now is harvesting souls for Christ*** Matthew 9:37-38.
    Fall Feasts, yet to be fulfilled at Christ's 2nd coming.
    5. The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), is a time of repentance leading up to the day of rest. Christ will gather His church together to enter His rest, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. All prophesy will be fulfilled leading up to 1000 yr reign of Christ. A day is 1000 yrs and 1000 yrs a day, 2 Peter 3:8.
    6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), yet to be fulfilled at final judgment. Christ will put all His enemies under His feet and cleanse the earth of all sin. He will defeat Satan and cast him into the lake of fire. This will be a time of repentance for Israel while they mourn the One whom they pierced, Zechariah 12:10.
    7. Feast of Tabernacles (Booths), yet to be fulfilled when God dwells in the midst of His ppl. As it is written in Exodus 25:8, Revelation 21:3-4.
    Some things are spiritually discerned and foolishness to those who are perishing, 1 Corinthians 2:14.
    Revelation 21 clearly says we all who are in Christ will dwell amongst Him in the New Jerusalem. This city descends from Heaven onto the earth. God and Jesus Christ are the light in the world. The city will not need the sun or moon to shine on it. Nor is there a temple in it. For God and Jesus Christ are its temple. This is a temple and a city not built with human hands. Let God be true and every man a liar, Romans 3:4.
    Christ has not returned. Do not be fooled by deceptive doctrine. This earth wouldn't be in the sinful fallen condition its in right now if He did. It would be a dwelling place for God and His kingdom. Everyone else who rejected Christ wouldn't be still on earth. They'll be in the outer darkness burning alongside Satan and his kingdom. Satan wouldn't be roaming to and from here on earth and no longer our accuser. He would already be under Christ's feet.
    The same way Christ ascended into heaven will likewise return from heaven, Acts 1:11, Matthew 24:30, Revelation 1:7. Christ is prophesied to return and stand on the mount of olives. Revelation 19:11 has not come to pass yet. The 7 bowls of wrath have not been poured upon the earth as written in Revelation 16. The euphrates river hasn't dried up yet and the list goes on proving Christ has not yet returned. Had He did, the day and the hour would've been revealed to us in scripture. According to Matthew 24:36 the second coming of Christ is yet to be fulfilled. As it is written.

  • @breakthehostility1971
    @breakthehostility1971 11 дней назад +1

    Hey Cory, do you have a channel or contact for Greg? I'd like to help this brother out.

  • @danielsemere4971
    @danielsemere4971 11 дней назад +5

    Greg good job.
    Rom 1:8 col 1:23 Hebrew 8:10-13
    Mat 26:63-65 Isa 13:1-7 Isa 19:1
    Judgment came in first generation 🇮🇱
    This or next generation are not guilty about Jesus Christ death.
    2Th 1:5-10 this individual are waiting for 2000+ years????
    Mat 16:27-28

  • @franktagle8571
    @franktagle8571 11 дней назад +2

    Greg is so confused about what the Word actually means. Greg keeps trying to put his own meaning behind the Word. So sad. Thank you Brother Corey for trying to help Greg.

  • @matthewallenjackson
    @matthewallenjackson 9 дней назад +1

    Corey, concerning item number 8 of you list of, What Things Must Take Place According To Jesus Mt 23-24. Item 8 states: “The sun darkened, Moon won’t give light, stars fall from the sky.” (Mt 24:29)
    This is hyperbolic and metaphoric imagery that was quite common in Hebraic literature that was not meant to be taken literally. The concept of the Sun, Moon and Stars being used in this fashion can be found in several verses in the OT. Here are some examples that you can go look up that supports this concept:
    -Isaiah 13: 9-10
    -Isaiah 34:4
    -Ezekiel 32:7
    -Joel 2:10
    -Joel 2:31
    -Joel 3:15
    Throughout the OT, the Sun, Moon and Stars were typically symbolic of political powers and leaders. Old covenant Judaism definitely was a political power that went down in 70AD.

  • @stevehinton2935
    @stevehinton2935 10 дней назад

    Good job as always bruh. Amen !!!

  • @gregthomas3137
    @gregthomas3137 11 дней назад +8

    He couldn't answer very simple questions but knows all the SAT Bible study words. The Jews still don't acknowledge Jesus as Lord in mass, we the gentiles are still coming in, Israel still doesn't have peace, no one has recorded Jesus coming in the sky, etc. Dude is just wrong and didn't want to let it go because he wants to be the one that has "figured out this great mystery".

    • @LookoutMountain4ever
      @LookoutMountain4ever 11 дней назад

      Good comment, bro. You are correct on all points. Ardent full Preterists are so well versed in their false doctrine that they exhibit hubris about their "knowledge." They will say that you need to question "everything" you've ever been taught in church, because they have all the truth -- this is the very mark and calling card of all false teachers and false prophets.
      Full Preterists love to say, "If Jesus was wrong in Matt. 24, then He is a false prophet." Because they "deny" the truth of the coming tribulation and Antichrist, it is my opinion, as the devil progresses their false doctrine, that they will eventually deny Jesus as a false prophet. The devil wants to "blind" Christians to what is so surely coming in hopes of getting them to worship Antichrist and accept his mark.
      There were no 144,000 saved of the 12 tribes of Israel to speak of in 67 - 70 AD, nor since. There was no single army on earth comprised of 200 million men, as in Rev. 9. The kings of the East didn't come to Israel from a dried up Euphrates river back then. There were no two witnesses whom Nero killed after 1260 days of tormenting the apostate world with their prophecy, fire and plagues. There was no "kingdom" comprised of ten kings as in Rev. 17:17, which was "given" to Nero to "begin" his reign 42 months before 70 AD. Nero did not ascend out of the bottomless pit 3 1/2 years before 70 AD to reign over the empire (he began his reign at age 16 in 54 AD). On and on you can go. But their favorite sidestep is to claim that the scripture you used is allegory, or it pertains to the church instead of Israel. Some of them deny eternal punishment in hell, and that Satan was the "law". I heard this with my own ears from one of their big shots from Michigan, who was at a fellowship in northern Indiana.

    • @LookoutMountain4ever
      @LookoutMountain4ever 11 дней назад

      RUclips bots deleted my comment. I wanted to say you are right on every point. The Mount of Olives is supposed to split in two when Jesus' feet light upon it, and water rushes into the gulf in between. That hasn't happened. There is no reason for Jesus to reign on earth "spiritually" (in spirit only) because the OT is clear that God had been reigning over the earth all along, for "His Kingdom reigns over all (Ps. 103:19)." The whole point for Jesus' "bodily" resurrection was for Him to reign in Jerusalem "bodily." Full Preterists who are well versed in their false doctrine, like timid wolves, prey upon feeble sheep, those who are unlearned and unanchored in the scriptures and eschatology. I've witnessed it firsthand. Just a cursory reading of Rev. 11, 13, 17, and 19 exposes their fraud.

  • @chadwickdoyle2293
    @chadwickdoyle2293 11 дней назад +8

    If you believe Jesus has already returned your lack of biblical understanding is an understatement. Nowhere in the Bible can anyone remotely come close to supporting such an outrageous claim.

  • @vitaltube
    @vitaltube 9 дней назад +3

    Rev 21. In the new Heaven and earth there is no more sea. The sea always referred to gentiles. So, there are no more gentiles today. Also, this pastor is misunderstanding “all of Israel.” Which refers to all believers. Obviously Israel had nothing to do with land or all people inside a border. It has to do with the exact number of believers that God foreknew. So, Greg is right. All prophecy, every jot and tittle, was fulfilled in Christ at the destruction of the temple. But yall ain’t hearing that so, go learn about ancient near Eastern text and honor audience relevance.

  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад +2

    Notice Greg has scriptures for everything he is saying. My brother you must step your studies way up!!!

  • @Kxjkebibo
    @Kxjkebibo 10 дней назад +1

    “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭21‬:‭24‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 10 дней назад +1

      Yup. And read verses 20-23: those were the days of vengeance to fulfilled all that had been written. That occurred from 66-70ad.

  • @GeraldineRatliff
    @GeraldineRatliff 5 дней назад

    Corey they trying to send people to shut u down ,u kno we can't be smart that bothers them u got this u are very smart

  • @tmdx6345
    @tmdx6345 11 дней назад +2

    Hey Smart Christian’s just came to share . This guest was so confusing. The chat referred to him as a Preterits. New terms new thoughts for me. Was listening to R.C Sproul who explained this well for me. It’s under Ligionier Ministries called The Rapture the last days according to Jesus. Hope this helps someone. Blessings

    • @LookoutMountain4ever
      @LookoutMountain4ever 11 дней назад

      R. C. Sproul, unlike "falseprophetgreg", was a "partial" Preterist. Greg is a "full" Preterist, which means he believes every prophecy concerning the last days occurred in 70 AD, which is heresy. Just read the writings of the early church fathers, particularly of the 2nd century, serveral of whom were direct disciples of John, Peter and Paul, and you will readily find they all agreed on a future tribulation, a future Antichrist, and a future coming of the Lord. Don't let their slick tongues fool you. I know their game.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 11 дней назад +2

      @@LookoutMountain4everyet, you can’t prove it is heresy

    • @christislord137
      @christislord137 9 дней назад

      ​@ProphetGreg94 what about Matthew 24:21
      21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
      I legitimately am curious as to your response as to how what happened at that time was the worst tribulation to ever occur or that will ever occur. I am only semi familiar with your view, trying to learn all perspectives. Thanks.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 9 дней назад

      @@christislord137 v. 15 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through the Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place…”
      “The calamities which at that time overwhelmed the whole nation in every part of the world; the process by which the inhabitants of Judaea were driven to the limits of disaster; the thousands and thousands of men of every age who together with women and children perished by the sword, by starvation, and by countless other forms of death; the number of Jewish cities besieged and the horrors they endured - especially the terrible and worse than terrible sights that met the eyes of those who sought refuge in Jerusalem itself as an impregnable fortress; the character of the whole war and the detailed events at all its stages; the last scene of all when the Abomination of Desolation announced by the prophets was set up in the very Temple of God, once world-renowned, when it underwent utter destruction and final dissolution by fire - all this anyone who wishes can gather in precise detail from the pages of Josephus' history” (Eusebius, The History of the Church, pg., 68 & 69)
      v. 16 “Then whose who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.”
      “Furthermore, the members of the Jerusalem church, by means of an oracle given by revelation to acceptable persons there, were ordered to leave the City before the war began and settle in a town in Peraea called Pella. To Pella those who believed in Christ migrated from Jerusalem; and as if holy men had utterly abandoned the royal metropolis of the Jews and the entire Jewish land, the judgement of God at last overtook them for their abominable crimes against Christ and His apostles, completely blotting out that wicked generation from among men” (Eusebius, The History of the Church, pg., 68)
      v. 21 “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be again” [Jesus cites Daniel 12:1].
      “To give a detailed account of their outrageous conduct is impossible, but we may sum it up by saying that no other city has ever endured such horrors, and no generation in history has fathered such wickedness. In the end they brought the whole Hebrew race into contempt…” (The Jewish War, p. 292).
      v.24 “for false Christ and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders…”
      V. 29 “But immediately after the TRIBULATION of THOSE [not ours] days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken”.
      Parenthetical note: This isn’t literal. Same type of language was used in Isaiah 13:10 concerning Babylon’s judgement (which was fulfilled way before Jesus was even born), and the literal earth wasn’t destroyed: “Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, Cruel, with fury and burning anger, To make the land a desolation; And He will exterminate its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations Will not flash forth their light; The sun will be dark when it rises And the moon will not shed its light.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭13‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      v.30 “…they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of they sky with power and great glory”
      (notice how it is IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation of THOSE days the Son of Man will come).
      And indeed the son of man did come, in the same way that the LORD had come in judgment against his adversaries in the Old Testament (Isaiah 19:1f; Jeremiah 4:13; Ezekiel 30:3). And all these passages refers to an invading army being sent by the Lord to judge a people and completely destroy them. And that’s precisely what you have in the first century when the Romans defeated the Jews during the “days of vengeance” to “Fulfill all that has been written” (Luke 21:20-24), all for the shedding of the blood of the prophets (Matthew 23:32-38).
      In addition, verse 34 makes it clear “ALL THOSE THINGS” would take place before the “passing of that generation”, which is only 40 years (Psalm 95:10). That’s precisely how long it was from the time of Jesus’ ministry and preaching of repentance, to the fall of Jerusalem (30ad-70ad).
      And lastly, one simply cannot get around all the other time texts in the Bible where Jesus made it clear that he was going to return in their lifetime (Matthew 10:23;16:27-28; 24:30, 34; Mark 9:1; 14:62; Luke 21:27, 31-32; Revelation 1:1; 3:3; 22:7, 10, 12, 20). Therefore, Jesus had already had come in 70ad.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 9 дней назад +1

      @@christislord137 v. 15 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through the Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place…”
      “The calamities which at that time overwhelmed the whole nation in every part of the world; the process by which the inhabitants of Judaea were driven to the limits of disaster; the thousands and thousands of men of every age who together with women and children perished by the sword, by starvation, and by countless other forms of death; the number of Jewish cities besieged and the horrors they endured - especially the terrible and worse than terrible sights that met the eyes of those who sought refuge in Jerusalem itself as an impregnable fortress; the character of the whole war and the detailed events at all its stages; the last scene of all when the Abomination of Desolation announced by the prophets was set up in the very Temple of God, once world-renowned, when it underwent utter destruction and final dissolution by fire - all this anyone who wishes can gather in precise detail from the pages of Josephus' history” (Eusebius, The History of the Church, pg., 68 & 69)
      v. 16 “Then whose who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.”
      “Furthermore, the members of the Jerusalem church, by means of an oracle given by revelation to acceptable persons there, were ordered to leave the City before the war began and settle in a town in Peraea called Pella. To Pella those who believed in Christ migrated from Jerusalem; and as if holy men had utterly abandoned the royal metropolis of the Jews and the entire Jewish land, the judgement of God at last overtook them for their abominable crimes against Christ and His apostles, completely blotting out that wicked generation from among men” (Eusebius, The History of the Church, pg., 68)
      v. 21 “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be again” [Jesus cites Daniel 12:1].
      “To give a detailed account of their outrageous conduct is impossible, but we may sum it up by saying that no other city has ever endured such horrors, and no generation in history has fathered such wickedness. In the end they brought the whole Hebrew race into contempt…” (The Jewish War, p. 292).

  • @maryannlee9591
    @maryannlee9591 2 дня назад

    We have to be careful not to mix up Time and eternity and perform Jesus come in

  • @matthewallenjackson
    @matthewallenjackson 9 дней назад +1

    Corey, concerning item number 4 of your list of, What Things Must Take Place According To Jesus Mt 23-24. Item 4 states: “Then they will deliver you (who’s they) to tribulation and kill you.”
    I noticed that you put “who’s they” in parenthesis. What you should have put in parenthesis is who’s you. When Jesus delivered the Olivet Discourse, he was speaking to only his disciples in a private conversation, this was not a public event. Jesus said the word you or your several times throughout the Olivet discourse. When He said you or your, he was speaking specifically about the disciples whom he was talking to. Jesus was not saying that people more than 2K years into the future will be delivered into tribulation and killed. He was talking about the disciples specifically. This is what Greg was talking about when he was speaking of audience relevance.

  • @quietstorm1050
    @quietstorm1050 12 дней назад +12

    I am truly asking. If Greg is right, why are we still here in our same form. Did I miss the Great White Throne? The BOOK of Life being opened and the new Jerusalem coming down?

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад +1

      If you are interested, you can reach out to me via email or social. Simple point: salvation is still for today. When we die we go to be with the Lord.

    • @quietstorm1050
      @quietstorm1050 12 дней назад +8

      @ProphetGreg94 Thank you for responding. Like I answered before to someone else. I'm going to stick to the BIBLE with the HOLY SPIRIT as my teacher.

    • @vernonsimon741
      @vernonsimon741 11 дней назад +1

      ​@ProphetGreg94 are you a prophet?

    • @lestie1686
      @lestie1686 11 дней назад +3

      He needs to go to Zachariah chp 14 and tell me when did Jesus divide mt Olive, because it has not been divided.

    • @LookoutMountain4ever
      @LookoutMountain4ever 11 дней назад

      @@quietstorm1050 Full Preterists are very persuasive with their false doctrine. None of the early church fathers (several of whom were direct disciples of the apostles, such as Bishop Polycarp of Smyrna, Bishop Papias of Heirapolis, Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch and Mathetes), nor their disciples wrote that Jesus' prophecy in Matt. 24 had all come to pass (some of it had, which pertained solely to the nation of Israel back then), that Antichrist was dead, that the rapture had occurred, that Jesus was reigning in Jerusalem, and that we were in the new heavens and new earth. All of the earliest disciples, who were far more acquainted with the apostles' teachings than our present day Preterists, still looked for a future fulfillment of the tribulation, Antichrist, the coming of the Lord, the millennium, etc. None of them said that the book of Revelation was fulfilled in 70 AD, and of all people, they should know. Read the early church fathers of the 2nd century.

  • @Justme2010ification
    @Justme2010ification 6 дней назад

    I'd LOVE to see a debate with Greg and @WesHuff! PLEASE!!!!

  • @BookofRevelation2211
    @BookofRevelation2211 11 дней назад +1

    Thank you Brother Corey. This is the first time I understood this view.
    So now I ponder and ask…
    Why does the preterist ‘theological’ view seem so bleek and depressing?
    The horrors on this earth, the killing, the hate, the brainwashing of our youth in not loving themselves as GOD blessed them to be because they are beautiful AS BORN-the destruction of marriages, children born out of wedlock, drugs, genocide (still), of course we could ALL go on-
    Jesus returned in 70 AD❓Where’s the beauty of the end within this line of thinking?
    I like this quote that is inside a book I have:
    "Optimism is a wish without warrant;
    The Christian hope is a certainty which IS guaranteed by GOD HIMSELF.
    Optimism reflects ignorance as to whether good things will ever ACTUALLY…come.
    A Christians hope expresses belief AND knowledge that every day of his life, and every moment beyond it, THE believer CAN SAY with truth, on the basis of GODS own commitment, that (and here it is) 👉🏽the BEST…is yet to come."
    I don’t know who said that but it comes to my mind when I look around.
    In a nutshell it is hope.
    My Hope is in Christ promise via the Word of GOD. The Word penned via the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
    I Hope in Christ.
    And with His return where ALL eyes will SEE…(not just a few)-
    The BEST IS….yet to come.
    The Preterist view is heartbreaking to me.😔😞.
    It is darkness in my view of which-I want no part of.

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 10 дней назад

      What is truly heartbreaking is discovering that Jesus is a liar in all other paradigms. C.S. Lewis identified this as well but just wasn't willing to concede that Jesus did honour His promise.
      He told his disciples He'd come before all of them died to "reward each person according to what they have done." (Matthew 16:27-28). In Jesus' words to John, He re-echoes this same theme of judgment but tells the latter not to seal the book because the time was so close. Do you really believe 2000 years is close?

  • @reggiejohnson2905
    @reggiejohnson2905 10 дней назад +1

    Where is he getting this from.

  • @BrianDavis-yd4cf
    @BrianDavis-yd4cf 12 дней назад +14

    If Jesus returned again. Then The Earth or 17:54 any of us wouldnt be here. Heavean and Earth will Pass Away but His Word will. NEVER PASS AWAY!

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад +3

      False. Earth abides forever Ecc. 1:4

    • @BrianDavis-yd4cf
      @BrianDavis-yd4cf 12 дней назад +3

      @ProphetGreg94 Matthew 24:35. New Covenant. Are you a Cult Christian?

    • @eliezerramosjr1017
      @eliezerramosjr1017 12 дней назад

      @@ProphetGreg94Well it’s more symbolically speaking which He says that everything will pass but His Word for it’s the foundation of all things. Also remember Scriptures is written literally, symbolically and prophetically and I believe there’s one more but don’t remember right off top but it’s there.

    • @GM-7777
      @GM-7777 12 дней назад


    • @JoanneArc-or9sr
      @JoanneArc-or9sr 12 дней назад +2

      ​@ProphetGreg94 the fact you call yourself a prophet says it all. What have you prophecied that has helped the body of Christ? What have you prophecied that has come true? Humble yourself.

  • @BlessedAnita62
    @BlessedAnita62 12 дней назад +5


  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад +2

    Yes they did. Isaiah 66:18-19. All of Israel would be saved but only a remnant

  • @BrianDavis-yd4cf
    @BrianDavis-yd4cf 12 дней назад +5

    Yes This Guy does not Know The Word. AND Jesus Said If People would say Look The Messiah is There and No i Seen Him Here, dont Believe it. and let no man decieve you.

  • @matthewallenjackson
    @matthewallenjackson 9 дней назад +5

    Corey, you asked Greg several times what happened in 70AD that is proof that Jesus came back in 70AD. There were three things:
    1. The judgement of Old Covenant Israel who rejected Jesus as the promised messiah. This included the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the priesthood;
    2. The salvation of the remnant of Jews who did accept Jesus as the promised messiah, and the redemption of the righteous Old Covenant people who were in a temporary holding place. This is where Deuteronomy 30:6 is being fulfilled;
    3. The engrafting of the Gentiles with the Jewish righteous remnant to form what we know as the church today. This is what Paul was talking about when he wrote about the fulfillment of the Gentiles. The Gentiles today are able to be partakers of the promise today exactly because of what happened in 70AD.
    One of the flaws in your thinking is that you are working under the premise that Christ’s second coming would be in a physical bodily return as if he would appear as a 5’6” Jewish man riding in on a cumulus cloud. The bible never said that Christ would return in bodily form. In Luke 17:20, Jesus said that the kingdom will not come visibly.

    • @RudimentJ.2.K
      @RudimentJ.2.K 6 дней назад

      Are you for real? lol all the proof you who believe he came describes a living man (Josephus)seeing Jesus. How can you use Luke 17:20 when Jesus said all eyes will see even those that pierced him. That verse is speaking of the spirit that he later gives His disciples. Not a spiritual return to earth.

    • @matthewallenjackson
      @matthewallenjackson 6 дней назад +1

      @@RudimentJ.2.K I think that you are taking Revelation 1:7 too literally. Just because the text reads that “every eye shall see him,” doesn’t mean that Jesus would appear physically as a 5’6” Jewish man. This text was written in hyperbolic and metaphoric fashion that wasn’t meant to be taken literally.
      Isaiah 19:1 is a perfect example of this kind of hyperbole. It reads, “An oracle concerning Egypt: See, the LORD rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt within them.”
      When Isaiah 19:1 was fulfilled when the Assyrians came against the Egyptians, do you think that the Egyptians REALLY saw the Lord riding on a swift cloud, and their idols trembling before the Lord?
      There are other verses in the Bible that are in a similar context to Isaiah 19:1 that you can check out. They are: Isaiah 30:27; 30:30; 62:11; 66:15; Ezekiel 33:2-3.

    • @RudimentJ.2.K
      @RudimentJ.2.K 6 дней назад

      @ who said he is 5’6? Two the Bible makes the difference between hyperbole and actual events very clear. If you go that route you’ll say everything is hyperbole before long.
      You don’t believe history but use history to prove the theory you don’t actually know happened or not.
      One of the biggest issues is they use Josephus to show evidence but a man who wrote these things didn’t believe? No red flags at all. There’s buildings abandoned but they all tend to have idols in them, because Jesus would allow idol worship, right?
      The buildings and star forts and cabbage babies are great evidence for it? Then the events happening right now should be even more evidence that what we are seeing is right before Jesus returns.
      You believe a mud flood but there’s no evidence of a mud flood anywhere in scripture. I’m not here to argue. But just warn when the evens written begin to happen; you’ll have nothing to worry about.
      You give Satan too much credit. It’s scary. I guess the kings of the earth hid from a hyperbolic event.

    @JVTRUTH 8 дней назад

    Its amazing that a plain reading of the text leads you to believe He hasn't come back yet. Even atheist get that take away from the text they just dont believe its true.
    The early church taught an eminent return,waiting for Christ return and the church continued to teach and wait for His return.

  • @cl-rf9ez
    @cl-rf9ez День назад

    Holy Spirit please remove the scales from over his eyes and expose him to the full truth of Jesus Christ
    Amen Amen Amen

  • @margaritaromero4727
    @margaritaromero4727 12 дней назад +12

    This guy has no idea what he is talking about. Oh my goodness I’m astonished to see the ignorance of this Greg. Sir you need to really seriously study the scripture asking the Holy Spirit to teach you. He has warned out Corey with his ignorance

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад

      Yet, not a single refutation from Corey of any text that I brought up in the debate/discussion. You did not hear my quote verse after verse from the dome? And I don't know what I am talking about? Silly. Wishful thinking.

    • @quietstorm1050
      @quietstorm1050 12 дней назад +3

      ​@@ProphetGreg94 There you are! So if CHRIST has already returned, what can you tell me about Revelation? Because I have not seen the skies rolled away, the Great White Throne, the new Jerusalem. And why is the wicked reigning? He came like a Lamb before, HE promised to come Like a Lion. The wise men did not ask the rocks to fall on them so.... What's going on?

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад

      @ V. 29 “But immediately after the TRIBULATION of THOSE [not ours] days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken”.
      Parenthetical note: This isn’t literal. Same type of language was used in Isaiah 13:10 concerning Babylon’s judgement (which was fulfilled way before Jesus was even born), and the literal earth wasn’t destroyed: “Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, Cruel, with fury and burning anger, To make the land a desolation; And He will exterminate its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations Will not flash forth their light; The sun will be dark when it rises And the moon will not shed its light.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭13‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
      v.30 “…they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of they sky with power and great glory”
      (notice how it is IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation of THOSE days the Son of Man will come).
      And indeed the son of man did come, in the same way that the LORD had come in judgment against his adversaries in the Old Testament (Isaiah 19:1f; Jeremiah 4:13; Ezekiel 30:3). And all these passages refers to an invading army being sent by the Lord to judge a people and completely destroy them. And that’s precisely what you have in the first century when the Romans defeated the Jews during the “days of vengeance” to “Fulfill all that has been written” (Luke 21:20-24), all for the shedding of the blood of the prophets (Matthew 23:32-38).
      In addition, verse 34 makes it clear “ALL THOSE THINGS” would take place before the “passing of that generation”, which is only 40 years (Psalm 95:10). That’s precisely how long it was from the time of Jesus’ ministry and preaching of repentance, to the fall of Jerusalem (30ad-70ad).
      And lastly, one simply cannot get around all the other time texts in the Bible where Jesus made it clear that he was going to return in their lifetime (Matthew 10:23;16:27-28; 24:30, 34; Mark 9:1; 14:62; Luke 21:27, 31-32; Revelation 1:1; 3:3; 22:7, 10, 12, 20). Therefore, Jesus had already had come in 70ad.

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 11 дней назад

      @@quietstorm1050 Matthew 16:27-28 27 For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done. 28 Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

    • @caryt59
      @caryt59 11 дней назад

      @@ProphetGreg94 Young man, you seriously need to humble yourself to some serious RIGHT TEACHING, and come away from your own flawed understanding! You are seriously in danger of misleading people, for which you will be held accountable! One more thing,... YOU are NOT a "prophet"!

  • @LookoutMountain4ever
    @LookoutMountain4ever 12 дней назад +3

    Corey, Luke’s account in chapter 21 proves that “this” generation doesn’t end until after the unlimited diaspora and the trampling underfoot of Jerusalem and the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled - read verse 32. Also, Paul, in his final letters to Timothy (around 64 - 67 AD), told him that “in the last days” some would depart from the faith, not that the last days were already there, nor that Antichrist was already reigning as Caesar Nero. Also, NONE of the early church fathers claimed that this prophecy was fulfilled. Additionally, Amos 9:15 says that God would plant them in their own land and no one would uproot them ever again (this isn’t referring to the Church, because we have never been divorced from the land).

  • @drowningnotwaving
    @drowningnotwaving 12 дней назад +24

    I've only watched 10 mins of this nonsense and I can't listen to this anymore. 'Prophet Greg' is so sadly deceived that he thinks he's a 'prophet' even though they do not exist anymore. So I guess he's invisible, which suits me just fine. If anyone believes this utter rubbish that Jesus has already come, then you must believe that we're living in the millenial kingdom under the reign of Christ when everything is just and perfect? Really? Does this world look perfect to anyone? What a load of rubbish! I'm with you Corey. Don't cast your pearls before swine.

    • @YaveCole
      @YaveCole 10 дней назад +2

      Oh he thinks he's a prophet lol. I was getting food ready so didn't hear that part but the false teachings are just so hilarious I couldn't take my eyes away from the nonsense and laughing at him

    • @kimmoore1080
      @kimmoore1080 10 дней назад +2


    • @IseenowAtl
      @IseenowAtl 10 дней назад

      I’ve posted on a previous video about casting pearls to swine. And how dogmatic some are about what they believe. This is unbiblical and he has already had his mind made up. I guess I’m used to sharing the gospel. Someone who knows they’re sick and in need of a cure. Being open to being wrong and wanting to reason thru scripture to validate if they may be. I’ve learned that the Lord will already be working thru the heart of some and will be willing to listen and understand if they have been in error with their believe. When the Lord saved me, I had someone ask me who I believed who Christ was. At first, I gave the simple answer that He was the Son of God. But, when they shared with me that He was God, I became quiet. His spirit was at work within me and didn’t even know it then. The One who guides us believers into all truth shut my mouth! I couldn’t articulate it, but I knew that to be correct. Didn’t argue or stay on the course of trying to deny, I just knew it was correct. ❤❤

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 10 дней назад +2

      @@drowningnotwaving Didache, 11:3-4 states, "But concerning the apostles and prophets, thus do ye according to the doctrine of the Gospel. Let every apostle who cometh unto you be received as the Lord".
      According to the Didache, which was written in the second century, prophets and apostles were believed to have continued. And upon what basis do you deny their continuation? I’ll wait.

    • @lovelym6565
      @lovelym6565 10 дней назад +2

      My thoughts exactly!. Sad to hear this guy greg say this with so much confidence.

  • @breyonjackson3253
    @breyonjackson3253 12 дней назад +2

    I think the brother may not know or agree with double reference; in which, the bible speaks on something that is during that time but ultimately fulfilled at a later time. Also, I'm curious, what does he think about Satan being locked up and humans dying early, lol, there are a few gaps there but I pray we all come into the truth and knowledge of our Lord and live in it.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад +1

      So what was the first fulfillment of the resurrection of Daniel 12, then? Double fulfillment of a resurrection? Matthew 24 is a recapitulation of Daniel 12, and that was fulfilled before the passing of that generation (Matthew 24:34).

    • @breyonjackson3253
      @breyonjackson3253 12 дней назад

      @ProphetGreg94 Brother, we can go back and forth but I see there will be no changing your mind or mine either, may the Lord bless both of us and I pray we both grow in the Lord, amen.

  • @astin771
    @astin771 12 дней назад +35

    Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад +1

      @@astin771 lol

    • @wojo9732
      @wojo9732 12 дней назад

      Dude, take a step back. Think about this for a minute, 99% of people on earth including unbelievers KNOW Jesus aint back yet. ​@@ProphetGreg94

    • @GM-7777
      @GM-7777 12 дней назад +1

      This is nuts. Can’t believe you think you are correct?! Praying for you

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад +2

      @@GM-7777 notice how Corey didn’t refute a single point I made.

    • @JoanneArc-or9sr
      @JoanneArc-or9sr 12 дней назад

      ​@@GM-7777 pray for yourself

  • @marvinyuill997
    @marvinyuill997 8 дней назад

    Fellas, with all of the words used & ideas exchanged, you guys have saved not ONE soul! Hope you guys had fun.

  • @santosgarcia1396
    @santosgarcia1396 11 дней назад +2

    it seems my brother Corey that some invites are in the interest of not having a discussion of scripture for edification but seek to present an unsound doctrine (Preterist) with possible hope to gain followers...i pray that your invite meditates on his understanding of scripture and seeks the Lord's wisdom.

  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад +2

    Greg is correct

  • @1012latrice
    @1012latrice 11 дней назад +2

    I will say… as wrong as he is, he was a very respectable young man. He never got ugly or lost his temper and maintained self control. I think if he had a more time alone with Corey or another teacher he may be able to see where he’s in error. I pray The Holy Spirit leads him and guide him in all truth.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 11 дней назад +4

      I really appreciate that. Thank you very much.

    • @ArcticChildOfTheKing
      @ArcticChildOfTheKing 9 дней назад +2

      @@ProphetGreg94 Yes, I can agree, and most likely everybody who knows you could agree that you are a gentleman, A man after God's own heart, but not wrong in your eschatology! Keep planting them good seeds my bro ❤❤❤

  • @dougking573
    @dougking573 11 дней назад +4

    Great job Greg! He kept interrupting and talking over you. He,as well as other futurists, see everything in the physical and miss the spiritual Israel aspect and the initial audience relevance.

    • @eddielatham6231
      @eddielatham6231 11 дней назад +2

      Nope, scripture is clear the events are literal. Read your Bible again. We await His return.

    • @ArcticChildOfTheKing
      @ArcticChildOfTheKing 9 дней назад +1

      Amen… you will know them by their fruit… Anyone who gives himself a self title of being “smart” is a dead giveaway… how is it even possible for someone as such to know the truth when scripture is clear God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. The masonic church indoctrination of FUTURISM a hard nut to crack.

  • @angelodoubel9653
    @angelodoubel9653 11 дней назад +1

    Rev 1:7-8 "Look he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him, even those who pierced
    him, and all people on earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be Amen.
    I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord God, who was and who is to come, the Almighty.
    According to scripture Jesus Christ must still come back a second time. John makes clear in Revelations.

  • @christinajones9054
    @christinajones9054 12 дней назад +1

    The 3rth temple should be rebuild before the very end come when Jesus will come in his glory as the second coming to rule for a thousand yes. If he already come is he in hidding?

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад +2

      NO such thing as a third temple.

    • @drowningnotwaving
      @drowningnotwaving 12 дней назад

      ​@@ProphetGreg94Rubbish! What are the Jews doing making all the robes, gold objects and gathering red heifers for then? Fun? You think you know more about the Jewish faith than they do?

  • @matthewallenjackson
    @matthewallenjackson 9 дней назад +2

    Corey, the flaw in you thinking is that you are assuming that Jesus was talking about the end of time in Matthew 24. To Greg’s credit, he tried to point out to you that Jesus was talking about the end of the Old Covenant Age. If Jesus was talking about the end of time and human history, then why did he tell those:
    -who live in Judea to flee to the mountains? (v16);
    -who are on the roof to not go down into their house? (v17;
    -who are in the field, don’t go back to get their cloak? (v18);
    -to pray that their flight doesn’t take place in the winter or on the Sabbath? (v20).
    If Jesus was really talking about the end of time and human history then all those four things that I just outlined for you would not have mattered.

  • @leeolie3728
    @leeolie3728 7 дней назад

    The genesis of disagreements like this remind me of the biblical phrase “strain at a gnat but swallow a camel”.

  • @TheDisqualifiedPreacher
    @TheDisqualifiedPreacher 11 дней назад

    What would Christ' words mean to those who heard Him if you never existed?

  • @Fulksarchery
    @Fulksarchery 12 дней назад +3

    Do you think this doctrine is heresy?

  • @azblock13
    @azblock13 10 дней назад

    I looked it up and this brother unfortunately he believes in what is called "Preterism" which states
    A movement called 'Preterism', aka 'AD70 doctrine', teaches that Jesus already returned with the destruction of the Jewish temple in AD70.

  • @DNico-z9n
    @DNico-z9n 9 дней назад

    Revelation 1 7 says they who pierced him shall see him come back, the question is did these guys live 2000 years or are t you thinking he came back quickly after going to heaven ? In Matthew book he was saying you i talk to will see me coming back, so not to us 2000 years after

  • @bzo195
    @bzo195 11 дней назад +2

    Wow Greg 😮 if Jesus already came and took his elect then why are we believing as gentiles now?? Then that means we been lied to by all historians and the testimony of Paul, Peter, John etc....There was also no witnesses who seen or recorded the second coming according to Greg and i find it hard to believe.This man is reading his Bible upside down with his own presuppositions.

    • @ContendwithChristJ12-1
      @ContendwithChristJ12-1 11 дней назад +2


    • @LookoutMountain4ever
      @LookoutMountain4ever 11 дней назад +3

      Read the early churchh fathers, primarily of the 2nd century, for they were closest to the apostles, several of whom were their direct disciples. NONE of them said that all the things in Jesus' prophecy were fulfilled in 70 AD. None of them claimed Nero was Antichrist (who died June 9, 68 AD, over two full years before 70 AD), nor that the book of Revelation was fulfilled back then, nor that Jesus had been reigning in Jerusalem since 70 AD, nor that we were already in the new heavens and new earth. All those things are still future.

  • @jefffoster3557
    @jefffoster3557 7 дней назад

    This conversation could have been reduced to 10 minutes by just making the case that Mathew 24 has ZERO to do with the Church. There is no rapture of the Church in that text. Game over.

  • @danielduran9287
    @danielduran9287 12 дней назад +2

    The preterist hersey is right along with the teachings of Hymenaus and Philetus

  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад

    This is your show and you are asking the questions???

  • @jameswatts2338
    @jameswatts2338 10 дней назад

    My personal opinion is that this generation in context is talking about the generation that witnesses the fig tree bloom, and all the other trees , the reinstatement of Israel as a nation

  • @margaretj7852
    @margaretj7852 7 дней назад

    Yes rev says every eye will see him coming in the air.

  • @shelbysittig1047
    @shelbysittig1047 12 дней назад +12

    The fact that Jesus said, “No MAN knows the day or the hour of my return.” Should tell us he hasn’t returned. Christ openly told us to not believe people that say the Lord is coming find him in the desert or on the mountain. Therefore this guy’s “points” don’t hold water.
    If everything was dependent on his points then there shouldn’t be any getting saved today and be ruled over by the antichrist because the new heavens and new earth hasn’t been created yet. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄
    How can he be saved as a gentile? If Christ already came back in 70 AD. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @harlanparkerjr1809
      @harlanparkerjr1809 11 дней назад +1

      Thank you. Respectfully dood is a fool smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ forgive me Jesus

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 11 дней назад

      2 verses before Jesus said this in Matthew 24:36, i.e., in Matthew 24:34, He clearly stated that He was to return in that generation (within 40 years).

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 11 дней назад

      @@harlanparkerjr1809yet no one of you all can refute me.

    • @harlanparkerjr1809
      @harlanparkerjr1809 10 дней назад

      @@ProphetGreg94 the Bible does

      @VALLERONUEVEROS 10 дней назад

      @@harlanparkerjr1809 amen

  • @MACRI-zg3qu
    @MACRI-zg3qu 11 дней назад

    Cory ,they be trying it, don't they 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾Clarify clarify Cory.

  • @phillipbenjamin6920
    @phillipbenjamin6920 12 дней назад +21

    If this brother is a "teacher" this teaching the apostles warned us not to be deceived by Jesus hasn't come back yet we haven't missed it

    • @princecarrington
      @princecarrington 12 дней назад +1

      @@phillipbenjamin6920 and that was written before the temple fell, yes?

    • @ChristandHimCrucified
      @ChristandHimCrucified 12 дней назад

      @@princecarrington Don't worry, that don't matter.

    • @princecarrington
      @princecarrington 12 дней назад +1

      @@ChristandHimCrucified you can’t be this slow. The temple falling coincided with Christ’s second coming so if that passage was written BEFORE it fell (which it was) then his argument is null & void.

    • @ChristandHimCrucified
      @ChristandHimCrucified 11 дней назад

      @@princecarrington If He came then His heavenly kingdom would be here, there would be no more Death or dying or sin, we all would have glorified bodies, stop complicating things we know He didn't come back. stars still here, sky still here, earth that's fallen is still here. Please stop lying to people.

    • @princecarrington
      @princecarrington 11 дней назад +1

      @@ChristandHimCrucified tell me where in history was it ever recorded that the sun moon & stars darkened when Babylon was overtaken by the Medes as spoken of by Isaiah 13. Because Isaiah said the exact same thing, that the stars moon and sun would darken WHEN TALKING ABOUT BABYLON. Tell me where that happened in history. & tell me what was the death Adam died in the garden the day he ate of the tree. Because it wasn’t physical death. Do better.

  • @marktravis5162
    @marktravis5162 11 дней назад +2

    Yeah if you gonna stay truthful to the context of Matthew 24 then you have no choice but to believe those things had to have already taken place

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 11 дней назад +2

      Amen. 🙏🏽

    • @stephenfink5009
      @stephenfink5009 11 дней назад +3

      Is that so? Than why did Jesus compare his coming day to that of the days as they were right up until the moment Noah went into the Ark and sealed it shut?
      Do you think Jesus was just spit balling there? Right after he mentioned the fig tree parable?
      Are you guys really this lost in the sauce? Wow unreal.

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 11 дней назад

      @@stephenfink5009 Because in Noah's day, the wicked people were killed, and the righteous remained. The same happened in 70AD when the Romans destroyed Israel and the temple("when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, flee to the mountains..."

    • @marktravis5162
      @marktravis5162 11 дней назад

      @ He also compared it to Lot, so what’s your point?

    • @stephenfink5009
      @stephenfink5009 11 дней назад

      @@marktravis5162 my point is what happened after Lot? What happened after Noah.
      Now with that said has revelation already occurred? Ok than so we were not in the Last Days in 70 AD 🤣 I cannot for the life of me believe people actually believe that Jesus final coming has already happened when literally shortly after God judges everyone in the Second Death judgment in Rev 20.
      Idk 🤷‍♂️ maybe I’m not reading the Bible correctly.
      Trust in God not me pray to him so he can give you the dreams of the end like he did for me, do you walk righteous every day in your life? Do you know Luke 11:33 and what it truly means to be righteous?
      I guess Im not making a point just like when Jesus spoke and they still killed him. You doubt because you fail to realize Jesus is the only Way.
      Again you’ll attack me for saying it just like they did attack Jesus but guess what? Who is the word of God? Do you know?
      I doubt it and where can I find the exact verse telling me so?
      If you have the Holy Spirit tell me who the Son of God is and what he means.
      Educate me on making a point. 😊

  • @maryannlee9591
    @maryannlee9591 2 дня назад

    What form did Jesus return in was it a body was it a spirit or was it the w

  • @ovaloffice8899
    @ovaloffice8899 12 дней назад +56

    this guy has been lied to so bad

  • @maleanewborn9073
    @maleanewborn9073 5 дней назад

    Admittedly, I am no Bible scholar. However, it seems impossible to me that this has already happened. Scripture is very clear that directly following the seven year tribulation, Jesus will return and it’s over, correct? How could we ever think, from what scripture says, that the tribulation happened and it’s barely a footnote in history? The Bible using very stark and terrifying language to describe just how terrible it will be. And does that also mean the antichrist was already in power? This is confusing to me that he is asserting that all these things happened already.

  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад +1

    Zechariah 12:10. All saw 👀 him on the clouds. Easy work my brother

  • @biblicalprayers25
    @biblicalprayers25 11 дней назад

    Greg bro I have no words

  • @davidok9550
    @davidok9550 11 дней назад +1

    Jesus is saying that the generation that witnesses those things which he has prophesied will happen all through out Matthew 24 will see the Rapture. He wasn't talking about the generation in front of him but the generation that will witness those things

    • @ben.duffour
      @ben.duffour 11 дней назад +1

      this is easily refuted by Jesus' own statement in Matthew 16:27-28. There was a reason the disciples kept saying His return was at hand. Its because it was.

  • @Truth-BoundTheology
    @Truth-BoundTheology 10 дней назад

    Is this what dispensationalism sounds like? What is his theological view called? I’ve never heard this articulated before. It’s bizarre.

    • @danielkim672
      @danielkim672 10 дней назад +1

      It is called preterism.

    • @Truth-BoundTheology
      @Truth-BoundTheology 9 дней назад +1

      @ ok. Thank you. I need to look into that. I feel like I’ve heard others vaguely weave it into their theology when discussing things with them but knowing the exact term is helpful so I can do my own research. I appreciate it!

  • @caryt59
    @caryt59 11 дней назад +1

    Why are there so many of these young, untaught young men who fancy themselves to be Bible teachers? They are misleading so many people! They are the epitome of those who lean on their OWN UNDERSTANDING! This young man needs to gain a humble and teachable attitude, and then seek out and submit to, right teaching leadership for himself. Until then, he should refrain from attempting to teach.

  • @princecarrington
    @princecarrington 12 дней назад +8

    VERY poor argumentation Corey. Gentiles are still being saved today because Rev 21 & Isaiah 60 says the doors of the kingdom remain open forever. AFTER the new heavens & earth have come down. How can you forget this? How does this even work if God ends time in the way futurists believe?????

    • @BlessedAnita62
      @BlessedAnita62 12 дней назад +6

      what are you talking about. Corey took callers and allowed them to spew on his platform. Corey debunked using Scripture

    • @JacobSerwinski-fx3on
      @JacobSerwinski-fx3on 12 дней назад

      So by your logic at the millennium already happened that means the Jews would have looked upon the one they have pierced and one third of them would have accepted Jesus as their Messiah but they haven't and they'll be deceived by the Antichrist😮

    • @princecarrington
      @princecarrington 12 дней назад +3

      @ he didn’t debunk anything. I debunked his argument about Christ not coming because Gentiles are still being saved (ie saying the fullness of the gentiles hasn’t happened) USING scripture. Revelation 21 & Isaiah 60.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 12 дней назад

      Amen, my brother.

    • @drowningnotwaving
      @drowningnotwaving 12 дней назад +4

      ​@princecarrington Prince? What exactly are you a Prince of? Craziland? Deceivedtown? 😮‍💨🙄

  • @samuelflores1419
    @samuelflores1419 12 дней назад +11

    I would suggest folks check out The narrow path with Steve Gregg. He goes verse by verse and destroys the despensationalist view. The early church didn't believe in it. Why should we? Just saying to check it out. I used to believe in the secret rapture and the whole nine, but I'm not convinced any longer. That said, this is not an issue to divide on, but we should check out all sides before making a decision. God bless!

    • @maxxbax9365
      @maxxbax9365 12 дней назад +3

      That's right. He does a great job at explaining. Most people reject this theological perspective because they haven't heard it taught in a scholarly or serious manner.

    • @savedbygrace0121
      @savedbygrace0121 12 дней назад

      yes, I'm a subacriber...

    • @shelbysittig1047
      @shelbysittig1047 12 дней назад +1

      I’ll take the Bible and that the whole world will see Christ coming attempting to stop him. I’m befuddled that anyone can take this seriously. The clouds will be furled up like a scroll as the coming of the son of Christ. To me that would be seen by all the world with the tech we have. Trumpets sounding. I keep coming back to Christ said no man knows the day or the hour, that ends it for me. 😊

    • @DonovanLockington-mr2cf
      @DonovanLockington-mr2cf 12 дней назад +2

      If you believe this guy's teaching, you need to study the Bible through proper hermeneutics

    • @maxxbax9365
      @maxxbax9365 12 дней назад

      @DonovanLockington-mr2cf It's not his teachings. If he's a full preterist, he's wrong. If he's a partial preterist, he's right. Don't just say someone has bad hermeneutics, go to the text and prove them wrong.

  • @joshgravlee
    @joshgravlee 11 дней назад +1

    If Corey ever realized that ethnic Jews/Isreal is different than the final Isreal (which is all believers, jews and gentiles [grafted together]) then lord willing he may come out of the stacked false teachings of dispensationalism. I used to be a zealot for dispensationalist views myself. So I know how difficult it is when tour hermeneutics and eschatology is shattered. But is a blessing when it does because now old testament scripture now has so much more meat on it.

  • @donnajaemoon
    @donnajaemoon 12 дней назад +2

    So I missed the intro. Who is Greg? Does he have a channel?

    • @Comidaporvida
      @Comidaporvida 12 дней назад +1

      Greg Chacon it's full preterIst. You are partial preterIst. We 1000% believe In Christ and continue to spread the gospel message. Look into John Alley for Mathew 24 fulfilled and other the time videos.

    • @Jose_Jalapeno
      @Jose_Jalapeno 12 дней назад +6

      Stay away from his channel if you want to keep your biblical sanity

    • @donnajaemoon
      @donnajaemoon 12 дней назад +1

      @@Jose_Jalapeno thanks. I just wondered where I could find out who he is. No worries.

    • @BlessedAnita62
      @BlessedAnita62 12 дней назад +2

      he some kind preiterest priest who claims he a mediator between man and God and that Jesus already came back😅

    • @donnajaemoon
      @donnajaemoon 12 дней назад +1

      @BlessedAnita62 ohhhhhh and he’s Him, I guess. Smh Thanks.

  • @DianeWooden-cr5by
    @DianeWooden-cr5by 11 дней назад +1

    Then by his theory now there has to be a third coming of Christ , and that's not in the scripture to my knowledge.

  • @margaretj7852
    @margaretj7852 7 дней назад

    Do Greg beleive jesus all ready came?

  • @taiss5613
    @taiss5613 9 дней назад

    People just don't think; if he already came what is the purpose of what we r doing right now🤷🏾

  • @fredodear4031
    @fredodear4031 8 дней назад

    This guy is a Prederist. Or however you pronounce the word. They rely on the writings of Joseph's. And that's misleading

  • @MrAlbro26
    @MrAlbro26 8 дней назад +1

    This guy Greg is clueless or worse he is essau . Essau will be cut off. Which probably includes him and he wants to write himself into the book. Where is the recompence in the valley of jehosephfat.. where are the children that will go into slavery to the children of Judah. These heathens want to write themselves into the book. Essau is the end and Jacob the beginning. Black slaves are isrealites including the host but he continues to say he is a gentile it is beyond me he references deutoromy and acts like the people in isreal today fit that description which we know is false. So in summary continue to read your Bible it's obvious this European deconstruction of the scriptures and it's interpretation is to no avail to beleievers. its brainwashed lies and white supremacy...goin to theology school only makes your blind to the book and uses there made up rules to interpret it..shalom

  • @JPGola-n9w
    @JPGola-n9w 12 дней назад +7

    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Please pray for MY HUSBAND, PETE AND TWO SONS, CHRIS AND NICK FOR SALVATION. THANK YOU🌹

  • @maryannlee9591
    @maryannlee9591 2 дня назад

    1,000 years is as one day with the Lord

  • @devantependleton5221
    @devantependleton5221 11 дней назад +7

    This is how you fight the good fight, well done Corey 👏🏾

  • @BiblicalMisconceptions
    @BiblicalMisconceptions 12 дней назад +1

    So 3 people who wrote gospels in our new testament are wrong, but you 2000 years removed are correct. I sense another “I was wrong” video coming

  • @jessek1159
    @jessek1159 12 дней назад

    Mat 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
    Mat 11:26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight

  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад +1

    He did appear in the sky

  • @azblock13
    @azblock13 10 дней назад

    So you mean to tell me that Jesus ALREADY came and EVERY nation saw Him? And the fullness of the gentiles have been fulfilled? Does he mean to the fullness of the gentiles at that time BUT Jesus and His disciples NEVER made the distinction between the past or present gentiles, the text clearly says the FUTURE meaning a future event yet to happen

  • @GM-7777
    @GM-7777 12 дней назад +3

    I couldn’t talk to people like this so annoying

  • @josephwatts9013
    @josephwatts9013 11 дней назад

    The Apostle John died in the 90s AD, polycarp was one of his disciples. 🤷🏿‍♂️ also if the Lord has returned then you to find a way to explain away 2 Peter 3:10

  • @WillieJackson-td1sp
    @WillieJackson-td1sp 9 дней назад

    Now more questions???

  • @Eddie_Bear_702
    @Eddie_Bear_702 12 дней назад +31

    Your talking to a rock Corey 🤦🏽‍♂️🪨🪨🪨

  • @jonathansmith7065
    @jonathansmith7065 9 дней назад

    How can a Christian think that Jesus has already returned. There will be no debate once it happens.

  • @angelodoubel9653
    @angelodoubel9653 11 дней назад

    Greg is following Calvinist Doctrine. He is always mention the "Elect"

  • @sallyaitken-n1u
    @sallyaitken-n1u 12 дней назад

    💥 I was impressed... Gregs knowledge of scripture was not making sense but He was polite and willing to learn, His ego got alittle bruised but He took it like a man .
    Thanks Corey for your wisdom and patience with this brother. He'll be just fine. 📖⚘️🕊

    • @LaverneGrant-ff8ub
      @LaverneGrant-ff8ub 12 дней назад +1

      Why impressed. The guy thinks he is so much more knowledgeable and was trying to show it. Hope he will be ok. Perhaps he should sit under the teaching of Tiff Shuttersworth, Voddie Buchanan, John MacArthur and Paul Washer.

    • @sallyaitken-n1u
      @sallyaitken-n1u 11 дней назад

      Or my Pastor JSMINISTRIES who got me away from the Daystar movement years ago. 👍

  • @randyrstevens4403
    @randyrstevens4403 12 дней назад +7

    Those who think they are Wise, become fools in their errors, and that is what I see here. Unbelievable.