Kidney Disease: Functions of the Kidney and how it relates to the Signs and Symptoms

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 120

  • @dominicperez3777
    @dominicperez3777 Год назад +24

    This video makes me want to prevent kidney failure as early as possible. Very educational.

    • @lorismith2354
      @lorismith2354 Год назад +2

      Your not by yourself

    • @yvonne3052
      @yvonne3052 Год назад

      I hear ya does this sound bad ??? And sick at my stomach every day, but the Dr's say I'm ok...confused???

    • @Melivisiona
      @Melivisiona Год назад

      Yes...always keep track of your kidney and liver health. I do home dialysis for my Mom and you want to avoid it if possible. 🙏🏻💗

    • @lorismith2354
      @lorismith2354 Год назад

      My gfr was 115 in 2017, i have not been back to the doctor. I am going to flush my kidney for 10 days with parsley, cilantro.

    • @ancaryan
      @ancaryan Год назад

      Be careful these herbs are high in oxalates as is spinach and almonds. Oxalates can hurt kidneys

  • @jayleeper1512
    @jayleeper1512 Год назад +25

    My kidney disease was caused by a reaction to a bad contrast dye during a myelogram for a back surgery and was an overnight event. Unfortunately, the Medical facility didn’t tell me what happened due to fear of a lawsuit so I was totally unaware of what had happened until I had a stroke due to high blood pressure (a bleed) a few years later. Still, years later, most Doctors out and out call me a liar when I try to tell them what happened and try to convince me that my hypertension is a life style disease. I am slim, do not drink or smoke and live an athletic life style and before this event, my BP was always120/60. I now run about 170/80 regardless of the medication I take. I live in constant fear of kidney failure and so I want to tell people to be your own doctor and question anything a physician will tell. In America, fear of lawsuit is a far more powerful influencer on what doctors tell you than any concern for the patient.

    • @alphaomega1351
      @alphaomega1351 Год назад +3

      People need to understand that doctors are human and sometimes make mistakes. 😶

    • @jayleeper1512
      @jayleeper1512 Год назад +5

      @@alphaomega1351 Good people acknowledge their mistakes and take responsibility. However, I believe in fate and it was simply my fate to have this happen in my life. I am still alive and have faced the challenge head on and hold animosity towards no one.

    • @gypsychick6824
      @gypsychick6824 Год назад

      I’m so sorry this happened to you. Your attitude is amazing and I wish you a long life filled with much contentment and happiness.

    • @tinaalmeidam4479
      @tinaalmeidam4479 Год назад

      I had some dye placed during a basket retrieval of a kidney stone and he said he looked around while I was in surgery, well I have never been the same literally.... My left kidney has gone to shit, I have daily pain and still pass alot if stones but at one point begged for them to take that kidney out. I got a firm no we can't it still functions!!! So have been suffering ever since 2016.

    • @jayleeper1512
      @jayleeper1512 Год назад +4

      @@tinaalmeidam4479 I have had a lot of surgeries due to a physically hard life and most of them, I probably would have been better had I not had them, although a second back surgery put me back on my feet. Hope will always make us take the risk. Sometimes it works out. The docs a couple of years ago told me to get my affairs together and put me on a bunch more medications and I went through a year of hell due to side effects. I finally got fed up, threw most of the meds in the trash and started walking. I walk five miles a day, in the winter on snow shoes, improved my diet and started telling my self that I could beat this. I take vitamin d, magnesium , a multivitamin and glucosamine. I try to do a stretching and aerobic work out at least 5 days a week. I feel fit and at a recent check up, my doctor called me “the miracle man” I don’t know if this would help you but I now feel we can heal ourselves better than the doctors can. It pains me to hear of your suffering and want you to know I’m pulling for you. Be well🙂

  • @lindseywagner7510
    @lindseywagner7510 Год назад +9

    You might have just saved my life

  • @gailchipman1710
    @gailchipman1710 Год назад +6

    I’ve had long history of recurring kidney problems and infections! Finally my right one was so impaired that my specialist decided they could no longer keep dealing with it through meds…so I underwent surgery to remove the kidney!! It was pretty rough, but after time I recovered although I continue to have some weakness. The end of the infections and deep pain has been a relief! My left kidney is not at top function, but not changing much either!!🙏😘🙏😘

    • @tasha_t9210
      @tasha_t9210 Год назад

      Thank you for sharing your story & giving me an insight of what i may encounter soon, I too am going through this although it's my right kidney that I've been told is now non-functioning after having an unsuccessful stent procedure at the beginning of the year which I might add was told was pointless to begin with! Anyway, I'm now inthe process of having scans, ultrasounds, DMSA scan etc & I hope to have this kidney removed ASAP as I just cannot deal with the lower back pain & other issues 24/7! I do wish you the best in your recovery🙏❤

  • @kerrissedai6857
    @kerrissedai6857 Год назад +8

    My modified GFR was bing bonging around sometimes being too low or normal. Once I researched that if your GFR is out of range you are stage 3 CKD I started pushing for more diagnostic work up and started seeing a nephrologist to manage my care. I always thought if your BP wasn’t severely high then you are okay. In my case even 130/90s is too much.

  • @marktweedy5628
    @marktweedy5628 Год назад +7

    Thank you so much for sharing this ... I am almost five years transplanted and spent about three years on dialysis after crash landing with kidney failure in 2016 ... Been a really tough experience ... Had too take voluntary redundancy from work as an graphic designer illustrator just over a year and a half on dialysis as was not up to being a beneficial part of the team ...was given the choice of leave work and be put on transplant list or struggle on .. I eventually left the job I loved.. had a transplant and before I go on I have too say having a transplant is not a cure and I have faced problems since being given my gift ...I had a stroke in 2021 due to the anti rejection tablets I was taking (not everyone is the same) and still take them every day as usual as I need to stay out of dialysis and keep kidney health ... This experience left me having to learn too walk again and still need help walking too this day ...I have some damage to my brain but hankfully sounds worse than it is ..I do struggle with numbers especially and keeping concentration and remembering things .... I've not been able to write or draw since my stroke .. but still can create illustrations on my Mac thankfully using a mouse... As I said this will not happen to everyone post transplant and I still try and convince people to have transplants and don't nt regret having one but when I have a bad day and post about it or moan comes across as if I am ungrateful and insensitive to the family of the teenager that lost their life to give me a second chance ..which is absolutely ridiculous...and not true ...I am still working on my ability to draw by hand and write but really frustrating ..sorry for going on ..but would love to do what you are doing without feeling guilty at mentioning the experiences I have had .... The mental strain and consequences of this disease is sometimes worse than the physical but thanks again for sharing your story .... X

    • @kidneykeeping
      @kidneykeeping  Год назад +5

      I struggle with mental illness as well, and as hard as kidney failure has been, the mental side is much more difficult. I know that I am living on borrowed time and I feel pressure that I have to make the most of it. If I focus on that idea I feel like I am failing every day. I haven't quite figured it out, but I have people around me helping me to live in the now. Thank you for sharing such a personal comment. It helped me.

    • @trustinginhim3189
      @trustinginhim3189 Год назад +1

      Post transplant meds are really tough on the body. Not sure I want to go that route. I'm a very healthy individual in spite of my pkd. I feel I could live well and long on dialysis. I survived stage 3 cancer and don't want any more drugs in my body. I really like your positive attitude, however.

    • @marktweedy5628
      @marktweedy5628 Год назад

      @@trustinginhim3189 you would be surprised what your body goes thru on dialysis ... it can be horrific ...I am glad you are healthy and overcame cancer but don't belittle the struggle patients have on dialysis ... why do you think there is such a long waiting list's not a cure but gets you off dialysis ... my meds complied with other long term illnesses is what caused my stroke post transplant ... everyone's body is different and has a different make up ... some can lead a great life post transplant but some like me struggle .. if I was to blame the medication I would have stopped taking it and stop recommended transplants but I still take them at a different level ... I pray to God I never have to go back to dialysis ... so sticking with this ... as I say well done on conquering cancer but kidney failure and cancer are totally different diseases and should never be compared as both deadly ... cancer is no worse or better than kidney disease they are both horrendous and to say one is worse than the other can upset people ...I wish you well x

  • @erickyle5604
    @erickyle5604 Год назад +2

    Hey warrior, in September of 2017 I was diagnosed with end stage renal failure. Had 5% function. Put on peritoneal dialysis. Followed daily treatment, made major diet changes.
    Monthly labs and doctors visits, in October 2021 doctor walks in with my latest results. Her words "What is going on with your kidneys?"
    Me "gee doc I don't know, that's why I come see you."
    Doc "we are seeing signs of improvement, would you be willing to stop dialysis for a month and we'll see how things are going?"
    Me "yell fuck yes"
    Fast forward to November, confirmed restored function. Taken off dialysis.
    Best part. 3 days later transplant calls, "we may have a match"
    Keep your chin up my fellow warrior. It's gonna be a long road, the 3rd and 4th month are the worst emotionally. Don't give up, share your story, you got this!!

    • @anilrnc
      @anilrnc 8 месяцев назад

      Did you do anything special or change diet? What led to the improvement?

    • @erickyle5604
      @erickyle5604 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@anilrnc Got rid of processed foods, crabs and just about every fruit and veggie.
      Went to the basics. Elk, bison, beef, salmon.
      Ever see a fat lion? A fat tiger? A diabetic cheetah? Exactly

  • @melodyparker1279
    @melodyparker1279 Год назад +5

    My husband had kidney failure but none of these symptoms had happened to him. He did have a kidney transplant but, a severe headache that starts in the back of your neck and to the middle of your skull was the indicator. He was taking 4 excedrin a day to ease the headache, which made it worse on his kidneys. He did not know he had kidney failure until I spent him to the doctor for a physical. When he got to the doctors office his blood pressure was 200/100. Yeah! The doctor told him he could have had a stroke or heart attack on the way to the office. It was this HBP giving him headaches. I dated him for 2yrs and married 2yrs later so that means he had headaches for 4yrs that I knew of. Anyway,he did 10k runs,triathlons,biathlons,lift weights and had 4 different bikes to do different kinds of riding. He ate healthy everyday. Didn't like sweets, had a few beers on Friday and that was it. He was then sent to a Nephrologist for all tests. He was told what to do by the doctor and he followed it rigidly. After 3yrs his creatine level started to go up so he was placed on a transplant list which was a 10yr waiting list. He was very lucky his sister gave him a kidney. Yes,what she has said is true but a headache that lasts for a long period of time is a big indicator because the HPB causes severe headaches and kidney damage.
    He would have been on dialysis if I hadn't sent this stubborn man to a doctor. All is well and no dialysis.

    • @ast-og-losta
      @ast-og-losta Год назад

      Your husband is a lucky man.

    • @johnrich7879
      @johnrich7879 Год назад

      "Anyway,he did 10k runs,triathlons,biathlons,lift weights and had 4 different bikes to do different kinds of riding". This is the main cause for your husband's kidney problems, he overtrained and broke down too much muscle tissue.

  • @riverjohn7202
    @riverjohn7202 Год назад +10

    Thank you very much for this video. I am stage 3, and I just learned more from you than i have from years of appointments with the doctors. I looked at previous lab results as I was watching your video and now understand, much better, what I am looking at. Thanks. again.

    • @kidneykeeping
      @kidneykeeping  Год назад +2

      Thank you for your comment. I'm glad that my videos are helpful. That's the whole purpose of my channel!

    • @bessaldaba396
      @bessaldaba396 Год назад


    • @christinerichardson6596
      @christinerichardson6596 Год назад +1

      I also have stage 3 kidney disease! I lost one kidney in 2022. I must admit I'm a little scared! I'm 68, I guess I shouldn't be, but... I have a stint in the other! They give you any education about it. I look it up on Google. Can't have salt, that's OK! I love spicy food, could that have contributed to my condition???? I'm subscribing!

    • @kidneykeeping
      @kidneykeeping  Год назад +2

      I like spicy food too. It's a good substitute for salt!

  • @kilpel2
    @kilpel2 Год назад +8

    Thank you for your courage to share! This is very helpful.

  • @wanderingsoul8399
    @wanderingsoul8399 Год назад +6

    Thank you very much for this very informative journey of yours. Learnt a lot from your video. Please continue your videos.

  • @user-gy2ns6up5w
    @user-gy2ns6up5w Год назад +2

    Thanks for the information. CKD is a shock when you find out. Your story gives others with CKD hope.

  • @robinmarks5638
    @robinmarks5638 Год назад +3

    I think your videos are wonderful! Thank you for giving all this information!

  • @agnesmitchell6907
    @agnesmitchell6907 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you. This give a realistic view of what’s ahead for us. I PRAISE YAH because this is an amazing time to be alive. Hope springs eternal and we’re very blessed.

  • @markopolo12008
    @markopolo12008 Год назад +6

    Thank you so much for doing these videos they really do help.. Take care.. 👍

  • @WAXMAN1913
    @WAXMAN1913 Год назад +5

    Just subscribed! Love all your video's. Very informative. God Bless You! Chuck

  • @lornatambuli6415
    @lornatambuli6415 Год назад +1

    My Nephew ESRD Thank you for sharing ❤❤❤

  • @KingP_99
    @KingP_99 Год назад

    I think that's where I'm at. I've lost alot of weight, tingling in fingers and High blood pressure. When you said swelling in feet that just started with me. I've had prostate Cancer. Everything you gave just described I'm going through.

  • @trudybongers3534
    @trudybongers3534 Год назад +1

    Your a wonderful lady with a wonderful message and many lessons learned.... greetings from Roermond in the Netherlands 🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕

  • @michaelburns3124
    @michaelburns3124 Год назад +4

    Thank you for this. I really appreciate your insight.

  • @margaretmoffitt6987
    @margaretmoffitt6987 Год назад +1

    Thanks for your videos ...i lose one kidney to a tumor things are going awry ..t feel very exausted .for doing very little ..ill keep watching some advice will be welcomed !

  • @annmarvenpal68
    @annmarvenpal68 Год назад +2

    You look like Gwneth Paltrow’s,doppelgänger with auburn hair. Girl you’re Gorgeous! You need the “I wake up like this!” t-shirt! You’re an amazingly beautiful person all the way through!!! You are sharp minded and so smart!Best of all you are so kind and generous. You have the biggest heart💖🤩
    Please spread this message far and wide. This is going to help everyone I know everywhere. I feel you, It’s not about “hit that subscribe button”, though everyone might want to. This is about SAVING LIVES and helping with the healing of our community of humans, so that they don’t have to suffer needlessly.
    This is what gets me about you sweet lady, who does that for strangers in these days, in these times. Thank you for this video! ❤🎉😍 I’m celebrating you! Raise that tea cup. Salute! 🤩👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
    You and Dr. Berg, confirmed my suspicions and validated my concerns. You gave me the very important facts,I needed. I have seen 2 neurologists, one of them a neuropsychiatrist, who has chalked this up to lack of sleep, normal every day stress and the aging process. I have taken their test and observational diagnostics.
    This disease is very devastating 😔and despite trying to take responsibility for your health, this happened to you! And yes ,this really can happen to anybody. Please receive grace and mercy at difficult times, hold space for grieving. Light a candle and have some tea and spend time being compassionate and nurturing to yourself. Breathing exercises are healing for your body on every cellular level. You can finish, with a sweeping series of your favorite breath exercises.
    I am headed to my wonderful doctor, she’s a great listener with “no ego” in it) on the 5th of June. I went to two neuropsychiatrist, who said you are awesome at problem solving skills but you’re a little bit slow. and that’s normal feeling slower because it’s part of getting older thosfeeling your age.

  • @Remember_when
    @Remember_when Год назад +1

    I'm so glad that I'm allergic to the contrast die used in CT scans.

  • @guygranger7894
    @guygranger7894 Год назад +3

    I`ve had high blood pressure spikes and have been seriously watching for any signs of taxing my kidneys. my last blood draw and urinalysis showed kidneys and liver functioning normal. I do get slight puffiness around eyes maybe once a week or less and slivers of other signs,but I take beet juice and kyolic garlic when i`m concerned and it drops BP quick and many points. I took a walmart BP check before going to my clinic and it was 180/88 , 3 hours later at clinic it showed 122/70 after beet juice and garlic and relaxing.

    • @lorismith2354
      @lorismith2354 Год назад

      I can't keep my blood pressure jumping up and down like that. I don't take garlic, i take hawthorne berries, my pressure is alway good. I don't play jumping up and down pressure.

    • @guygranger7894
      @guygranger7894 Год назад

      @@lorismith2354 I`d like to get away from spikes up and down also. How do you use hawthorn berries ????

    • @lorismith2354
      @lorismith2354 Год назад

      You put a teaspoon of hawthorne berries in 12 ounces of spring water let them boil together, after it boil cut the heat off, let simmer with a cover for 15 minutes, strain and drink.

    • @lorismith2354
      @lorismith2354 Год назад

      Look up the benefits of hawthorne berries.

    • @guygranger7894
      @guygranger7894 Год назад

      @@lorismith2354 Try sunflower seed lecithin. Safe ,easy and works great. NOT SOY lecithin.

  • @MarijkeWillemsen990
    @MarijkeWillemsen990 Год назад +3

    Thank you for your testimony. There is an interessant publication from dr. Unwin (GP, famous in the U.K.) about improving renal function with keto in diabetes patients, based on the analysis of years of recurrent tests of those patients in his practice. Perhaps worth of reading. Keto has the same amount of protein as a ‘normal’ diet, only the calories of (most of) the carbs have been replaced with (animal) fats.

    • @erickyle5604
      @erickyle5604 Год назад

      There might be something to that. Speaking from personal first hand experience.

  • @vickihartman7572
    @vickihartman7572 Год назад +1

    Many thanks. I am learning so much

  • @adele865
    @adele865 Год назад

    Thank you so much for making these videos. They are really so helpful.

  • @chrncfck
    @chrncfck 8 месяцев назад


  • @william78583
    @william78583 Год назад +1

    What is your age. and what was it when you were first diagnosed?

  • @bnplaza
    @bnplaza Год назад +1

    I tried the carnivore diet and it lowered my EGR from 67 to 34. carnivore is not for everyone

  • @debbieodell482
    @debbieodell482 Год назад

    Thank you very much! Thank you for helping people!

  • @coffeeandhorses7991
    @coffeeandhorses7991 Год назад +5

    Very well done video!.

  • @patrickjaime3260
    @patrickjaime3260 Год назад

    Thank you for your brave wisdom.

  • @billovitt9377
    @billovitt9377 Год назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @parler8698
    @parler8698 Год назад

    This video is so informative.

  • @ursularudman7008
    @ursularudman7008 Год назад +1

    Thank you bigtime 😊

  • @floraramsook5819
    @floraramsook5819 Год назад +1

    Hi good morning What about the liver in this situation

  • @muneerahayath8657
    @muneerahayath8657 Год назад

    Informative video. Thanks.

  • @Dia-mt8xi
    @Dia-mt8xi 3 месяца назад

    God bless u n hope u recover

  • @coffeeandhorses7991
    @coffeeandhorses7991 Год назад +2

    New subscriber! Hello from Canada. I've been on PD since august 2022.

  • @jp7357
    @jp7357 Год назад +3

    Did you look at stem cell therapy (in Europe) starting to hear some amazing kidney recovery stories.

    • @kidneykeeping
      @kidneykeeping  Год назад +1

      I'll have to look into that. I find that stuff fascinating!

    • @jp7357
      @jp7357 Год назад +2

      @@kidneykeeping I have no data other than that which came across my feed. The channel is "European Wellness" .. the story is "Dr Michael". It seems lots to be said about umbilical cord stem cells - which I assume they are using ... also, illegal in the USA but used extensively in Europe and Asia ... good luck.

    • @jp7357
      @jp7357 Год назад


  • @zovinar100
    @zovinar100 Год назад

    I think you’re wonderful person

  • @scottcarter3392
    @scottcarter3392 Год назад +1

    Research any prescription or over the counter drug if it hurts your kidneys or liver don't take it.99% chance there is an alternative what out those side effects that will work just as well Good luck and god bless youPeriodic table

  • @ast-og-losta
    @ast-og-losta Год назад

    My creatinine 1.5 but all my other test are normal. Doctor is telling me that Im stage 3 now. I did lose function after a electric shock wave treatment for kidney stones last fall. I don't drink or do drugs, but I do eat out every day and have a very stressful job.

    • @william78583
      @william78583 Год назад

      Cook your own meals and find a less stressful job or try to get SS disability and start some type of business or side hustle, your health comes first.

  • @jennydkwong
    @jennydkwong Год назад +1

    After covid, i have most of kidney disease symptoms but my primary doctor keep saying im ok. He did lots of blood tests and came out good. He also said my lungs & heart are good but i have to see specialists doctors for those because covid effects me

    • @darkmoore05
      @darkmoore05 Год назад

      Same. But mine didn't even do blood tests. Ignores that there's proteine in my urine still. I have bad edema and am super tired. But all my GP said: drop the carbs, they are slowing down your metabolism. I'm so frustrated

    • @marylinmarylin4872
      @marylinmarylin4872 Год назад

      I’ve been sick for months, doctors referrals never make it to where they should leaving me so sick as a single mom, which is forcing me to go to a hospital- sadly primary’s are not cutting it -

    • @ex8280
      @ex8280 Год назад

      The only way to fix an experiment is to fix it with another experiment. Try everything that is safe to try, to get rid of the virus/vaccine/spike protein before you go to the same people that get you sick. They will milk you dry financially and spiritually before they find you a cure, if your lucky.

    • @william78583
      @william78583 Год назад

      @@darkmoore05Get another primary physician and a Nephrologist

  • @trustinginhim3189
    @trustinginhim3189 Год назад +1

    Once you start dialysis, does the swelling in your legs/ankles improve? I have one swollen ankle....strange.

    • @erickyle5604
      @erickyle5604 Год назад +1

      Yes. Dialysis removes excess fluid from your body. Doing peritoneal dialysis at night. I would drop about a liter during treatment.

  • @saul.t.2.969
    @saul.t.2.969 Год назад

    I would love to know what websites you look at for nutritional benefits.

    • @erickyle5604
      @erickyle5604 Год назад

      Davita has a ton of kidney friendly recipes.

  • @nicm3155
    @nicm3155 Год назад +4

    Iam ckd stage 3 with creatinine 2.5 and BUN 30 its no symptoms..and now I am in plant based diet void anything animal protein. Hope my ckd not progressing far to dialysis

    • @jp7357
      @jp7357 Год назад +2

      From my own experience .. good call .. my eGFR went from 62 (average) to 90 when I went plant based. Pls post your numbers after a few months ..

    • @lorismith2354
      @lorismith2354 Год назад +1

      You still have to be careful of proteins

  • @darshowket9738
    @darshowket9738 9 месяцев назад

    When you was in kidney failure
    How much protein was in your urine at that time

  • @yvonne3052
    @yvonne3052 Год назад

    Hi I'm 62 years old and for the last couple of years I've been having to drink alot of water to digest properly...It seems maybe my kidneys are not so well...If I do t take the water my urine smells and when I do drink my water it's better but I noticed when I sweat and urinate, I noticed I can smell the foods I eat...especially Mexican food or spicy...This happens everyday...???

    • @william78583
      @william78583 Год назад +2

      That can happen to people without kidney disease

  • @robbogovich686
    @robbogovich686 Год назад

    Sounds just about what I have

  • @francish5401
    @francish5401 Год назад

    I have kidneys retention close to kidneys failure I on the page as yourself

  • @sovie3988
    @sovie3988 Год назад +2

    Hi friend I'm coming, new friends here 🤝 ready subscribe for you 😘
    Be strong and hope so good bless you 🤲
    I'm from Indonesia, I've been on PD since September 2022

    • @kidneykeeping
      @kidneykeeping  Год назад +2

      Hello!! Thanks for subscribing. Hope all is well with you!

  • @Dia-mt8xi
    @Dia-mt8xi 3 месяца назад

    Ur a caring sweetheart

  • @willemlouis1007
    @willemlouis1007 Год назад +1

    I am quite puzzled by this video because of the opening statement. In her opening statement, she said "prepare for kidney failure." I think a better opening statement should be how to prevent kidney failure. If people are struggling with kidney failure, my research as a RUclipsr, would focus on solutions as well, not just the problems associated with the issue. She didn't really go into details of what caused kidney failure, instead she focused on what can happen to a person with kidney failure. I am not sure what credentials this lady has to address such a complex medical issue, but her analysis gave the impression that she is not well-versed on the topic of which she is talking.

    • @william78583
      @william78583 Год назад

      Just let her tell her personal story, there are many other videos on you tube about kidney disease and be very careful about taking non medical advice

  • @fordharrison2649
    @fordharrison2649 Год назад

    u may try vegan diet and adding 168 fasting. it might help.

  • @jennifermoffett9866
    @jennifermoffett9866 Год назад

    I actually hope I die before failure.

  • @mitchelledaley1597
    @mitchelledaley1597 Год назад

    One thing I am go to tell you okay very body have die ok

  • @norieh1216
    @norieh1216 Год назад

    I don’t believe you got your personal health claim. You do not look at all w/ kidney disease.

  • @bilqeesabrahams1764
    @bilqeesabrahams1764 Год назад

    Eat healthy do herbs and our only source is to pray and beg our creator to give us along life and rid our organs of any calamities do that and pray pray and beg and cry all healed

    • @william78583
      @william78583 Год назад

      Prayer is good but it’s not going to keep you alive or prevent declining kidney function.

  • @Cingearth
    @Cingearth Год назад

    Dr Michael Gregory should watch his videos on kidney disease ! Plant based is the way to go !

  • @sandorvarga.6982
    @sandorvarga.6982 Год назад