That definitely was not a standard tapping cycle, what's puzzling me is how the synchronisation between the spindle, and the Z? axis was done? You see the spindle orient before it taps the cork so it must be doing some sort of synchro. If it could do this, maybe solid cam could output things like interpolation turning on a machine without this as a cycle? There are allot of interesting possibilities when you can get your post to output spindle, and axis synchronisation movements, like emuge's new punch tapping?
Presission and Accuracy . you can't go wrong....Thanks for sharing ..
That definitely was not a standard tapping cycle, what's puzzling me is how the synchronisation between the spindle, and the Z? axis was done? You see the spindle orient before it taps the cork so it must be doing some sort of synchro. If it could do this, maybe solid cam could output things like interpolation turning on a machine without this as a cycle? There are allot of interesting possibilities when you can get your post to output spindle, and axis synchronisation movements, like emuge's new punch tapping?
Nice advertisment for sober thinkig while working on CNC machines :D
Don't drink at work!:D
Nice work :D cheers !!!
Awesome! :D
very good
Лишь бы руками ничего не делать :)