Doesn't obligate carnivore also pertain to the species' appropriate diet? High amounts of grains would not be found in their natural diets. We wouldn't expect a reptile to eat grains. Why should we make cats?
No, it only pertains to the ability to synthesize taurine. Please reference the SACN text for more detail. Also reptiles and Felids are not the same species, we wouldn’t expect them to eat the same thing regardless. Not sure why that analogy gets used either. Horses are not rabbits, are not dogs, are not people, are not hamsters.
Obligate means "by necessity." The dictionary definition is: 1. Restricted to one particularly characteristic mode of life. 2. Biologically essential for survival. Combining obligate with carnivore is pretty clear.
@Fabhuntress the term “obligate carnivore” has a meaning definitionally in totality and is not to broken into individual words. If you are not familiar or had training in biology/zoology I recommend you refer to the linked text for further explanation. By breaking a compound term into individual words you are misrepresenting the intended meaning. This is how those that inappropriately use the term continue to perpetuate false information and confusion. “Obligate carnivore” has a real meaning in biology and amongst those in the profession. that meaning is not debatable. For example the term “civil war”. if each word were taken individually it would seem to mean a war that was faught with civility, but in reality it is nothing like that when both words are used together appropriately. it has a completely alternate meaning. I know everyone is coming to the table with different backgrounds and knowledge bases, and so do those that intentionally misrepresent words to others knowing that gap in knowledge base can be manipulated. But don’t believe me, read the text and get the information for yourself.
Clearly, you're a dog channel 🙄 because your understanding of feline nutrition is so far off base from actual feline nutritionists. It's not a vet that took one semester of nutrition 20 years ago. You are a puppet of the pet food companies they have led the narrative for decades, and it has been passed down that way. Do better! Cats need to thrive, not survive! Smh
I’m sorry you feel that way. I’ll not argue with you over my education either because that is also not disputable. I’ll also not resort to name calling or disrespect. It’s clear that this non-toxic environment is not for you and I wish you the best on your nutrition journey elsewhere.
But "obligate carnivore" is a great phrase to use on vegans who insist on feeding cats a vegan diet. LOL
Let's talk about the danger of Bha and Bht!!!
Doesn't obligate carnivore also pertain to the species' appropriate diet? High amounts of grains would not be found in their natural diets. We wouldn't expect a reptile to eat grains. Why should we make cats?
No, it only pertains to the ability to synthesize taurine. Please reference the SACN text for more detail. Also reptiles and Felids are not the same species, we wouldn’t expect them to eat the same thing regardless. Not sure why that analogy gets used either. Horses are not rabbits, are not dogs, are not people, are not hamsters.
Obligate means "by necessity." The dictionary definition is: 1. Restricted to one particularly characteristic mode of life. 2. Biologically essential for survival. Combining obligate with carnivore is pretty clear.
@Fabhuntress the term “obligate carnivore” has a meaning definitionally in totality and is not to broken into individual words. If you are not familiar or had training in biology/zoology I recommend you refer to the linked text for further explanation. By breaking a compound term into individual words you are misrepresenting the intended meaning. This is how those that inappropriately use the term continue to perpetuate false information and confusion. “Obligate carnivore” has a real meaning in biology and amongst those in the profession. that meaning is not debatable. For example the term “civil war”. if each word were taken individually it would seem to mean a war that was faught with civility, but in reality it is nothing like that when both words are used together appropriately. it has a completely alternate meaning. I know everyone is coming to the table with different backgrounds and knowledge bases, and so do those that intentionally misrepresent words to others knowing that gap in knowledge base can be manipulated. But don’t believe me, read the text and get the information for yourself.
Clearly, you're a dog channel 🙄 because your understanding of feline nutrition is so far off base from actual feline nutritionists. It's not a vet that took one semester of nutrition 20 years ago. You are a puppet of the pet food companies they have led the narrative for decades, and it has been passed down that way. Do better! Cats need to thrive, not survive! Smh
I’m sorry you feel that way. I’ll not argue with you over my education either because that is also not disputable. I’ll also not resort to name calling or disrespect. It’s clear that this non-toxic environment is not for you and I wish you the best on your nutrition journey elsewhere.