FrSky ETHOS Gear Up Down and Nosewheel Steering Anti-Collision via Logic Switches

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • FrSky ETHOS Gear Up Down and Nosewheel Steering Anti-Collision via Logic Switches
    ** I realized after recording this that I neglected to show the NOSE mixer lines, please refer to the screenshots link and notes below **
    In this example the NoseActive logic switch will wait 1s (delay before active) for the gear to drop before becoming active to avoid collision with the fuselage.
    When the gear is retracted, the Gear Up-Down logic switch will wait 0.5s (delay before active) to allow the NoseActive logic switch to turn off and for the nose wheel to self-center via the additional NOSE mixer line.
    The NOSE and GEAR mixer lines are driven from the two logic switches.
    GEAR Mixer :
    Active Condition : Always On
    Source : Logic Switches - Gear Up-Down
    NOSE Mixer (Gear Down) :
    Active Condition : Logic Switches - NoseActive
    Source : Rudder
    NOSE Mixer (Gear Up) :
    Active Condition : Logic Switches - ! NoseActive
    * Note inverted condition, Long Press field and select [Invert]
    Source : Special - 0
    Screenshots :

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