This is exactly the video I was looking for. I am also a Christian and I just watched full metal brotherhood. Despite my hesitation I ended up noticing the exact similarities you noticed and you just put all into words for me. I like how the show demonstrates the need for a balance between science and faith, one cannot exist without the other without turning into something ugly. I believe in Jesus Christ because my life experiences have shown me, life is good when I cooperate with God, and I have learned there will always be struggle but I will walk away much stronger from the experience. Thank you again for this video, May the Lord be with you.
FMAB's god is actually based on hindu concept of “brahamana” Every single being in world is brahmana and brahamana is you. The Schrodinger's famous philosophical quote Atma=brahmana is what the philosophy of god in fmab
Yeah, its always been weird to me when I see fellow Christians treat science with disdain. Science is just understanding the world God made and learning how to exert mastery over it. It is God's gift to us so that we can improve our lives.
I feel like the most powerful and important message of Fullmetal Alchemist is “Don’t elevate yourself above others.” Yes you can strive to be more powerful but you can never allow yourself to believe that you are in any way superior or greater. We are all only human and that’s enough.
I probably should have said in the video that regardless of if you believe we came about in a theological telos or a natural evolution, there is a way to live in which we function the best. If you believe in a God, then he created you a certain way. If you believe we came from random evolution, we have adapted and have become a certain way due to billions of years of refinement. To believe that you can somehow fundamentally usurp that is unhinged hubris vanity. This is not to say that we shouldn't strive for progress. I'm just saying that we should try and improve ourselves rather than, as per the examples from the video, create technologies that would destroy ourselves
We have adapted and are adapting or we are created and are evolving so saying we are bound to certain characteristics or behaviours by origin is not appropriate in the long term and could be seen as undermining the human potential but surely could have utility for the time being.
@Apurva Aryan I mostly agree with that. As I said in the video, we should try and help ourselves, not allow tech to control ourselves to avoid a technological apocalypse
Dude!!! I hope you know how insightful and profound this statement is. Probably the most perfect understanding of our existence put into words that has ever been spoken. At least in my opinion.
This is exactly the video I was looking for. I am also a Christian and I just watched full metal brotherhood for the first time. Despite my hesitation I ended up loving this anime, mostly because I noticed the exact similarities you noticed, but you just put it all into words for me. I like how the show demonstrates the need for a balance between science and faith, one cannot exist without the other without turning into something ugly. I believe in Jesus Christ because my life experiences have shown me, life is good when I cooperate with God, and I have learned there will always be struggle but I will walk away much stronger from the experience. Thank you again for this video, May the Lord be with you.
How in the world does this only have 55 upvotes? This was wonderfully done and researched. As someone who has always had a fascination for the study of world religions and mythology, this was a fascinating take on the nature of "truth" in the Brotherhood anime. I would be curious to hear your view regarding religion versus science in the 2003 version of Fullmetal Alchemist which has a much more somber and somewhat less hopeful view of humanity and morality.
This is an incredible video. One thing I thought as you talked is when ed uses alchemy, he puts his hands together like he’s praying. I see a correlation to how alchemy can’t fix everything in the world, neither can just praying. It takes actions and to love your friends, neighbors and enemies.
I loved this!! Finally someone talking about the correlation between the gate of truth and the tree of knowledge of good and evil!! I wanted to comment my interpretation of the moment when Ling said that Ed clapping his hands together to transmute resembled prayer. In order for Ed to transmute (use the ability to create given to him by God) he has to put his hands together in a symbol of submission to God. It shows creation as an act of worship, and prayer as an acknowledgement of God. I think it’s very cool!!
Another thing that just occurred to ms, is that the way Ed and Al are succeeded in the end was by, living out the 7 heavenly virtues. They remain Chaste through out the entire anime, they Temper their desires, they are Charitable to people who need help, they are Diligent in working towards their goals, they are Forgiving to those that wronged the (the Mustang and Envy one sided curbstomp comes to mind), they are kind to others, and by the end become truly Humble.
Oh wow, there are going to be so many angry people because of this video. I mean, I completely agree that Truth is fundamentally a god similar to the Judeo-Christian model, but that is not a take that the internet will be happy about. ::::: I'm going to revisit this now that the video is done and I had some time to digest it. You've made an excellent series of points throughout the video, and it's nice to see a Christian perspective that is willing to use it's education. I still think the internet will not be happy about it, but that is because edgy atheists are the dominant lifeform, and the majority of Christians who tend to comment online seem occupied being their worse selves. This nice little piece of philosophy/theology deserves better. The place where many fans of FMA struggle is with the nature/emotion of Truth. Truth is not always a very nice creature, and the modern Christian view of God tends to focus on him being 'nice'. This means that people struggle with the idea that some actions should be punished, even if done with 'good intentions'. Children who want their mother back are not evil, a mother who desires to resurrect her child is not evil. These two examples are both punished harshly, however. Even brutally in the case of Izumi, with a almost cruelly poetic twist. So to work around Truth as a true god, we have to try to understand this. The easy out is that Truth is God written by a human, and thus will be a limited portrait. But the bible can provide ample examples which nearly so harsh. So we need to split this into two things. 1. Truth, while perhaps the best example of God I've seen written for manga or anime, is lacking the final step. Ironically, Truth lacks Christ, or rather the attitude which Christ embodies and represents as an aspect of God. Mercy, a willingness not to break the rules, but that the rules were written by a being which saw the laws of reality as only tool to achieve good. I do not honestly know if a mother who turned to forbidden magic to revive a child would always be treated so harshly, though the arrogance is concerning. But I KNOW that God would view children reaching out to bring their mother back with a more merciful eye. Ed and Al were, after all, very young. Truth has laws written into reality, and the mercy of Truth is only seen at the end. Perhaps it best reflects Ed himself, who saw Truth as evil at first, and only in the end realized it's nature. 2. Now, moving outside the excuse of an author, why does God appear cruel at times? This is a fair question, since the nature of the world cannot be entirely blamed on the devil, though that does explain many things that modern people seem confused about. Why did a child die of cancer, unfairly? Well, that would because the second most powerful force in creation thinks that unfair death is super cool. But the larger problem isn't that children die of cancer, but rather that sometimes they do not. God does intervene, or so all of theology and scripture tells us. Why does he intervene for one child, but provides no answer to the parent of another who appeals to him with the same belief? That is the better question! We know many wrong answers to this question. It is not because one child is worth more than another. It is not because one parent loves the child more than the other parent. The book of Job does a good job highlighting these wrong answers. It is not because of sin, even. So WHY? Job asks the same question, and he does not get an answer but rather a riddle. The best guess I can hazard is perspective. Death is, ultimately a temporary horror for any who accept God's offer. The child who God cures will die in time, all humans do. The child who died is not dead. It's a half answer, and it doesn't satisfy, but I am not God, and I hope his answer will be far more complete. But it is a hint. Everybody dies, and while a child dying is a horrid cruelty, it is not as if that child is lost. The age'd woman slowly dying alone in a nursing home is no less horrific. There are a million ways to die a miserable death, unfair, cruel, and fundamentally evil. Death is evil, the most cruel creation the devil could create. In our modern tendency to ignore the devil, people forget that God never intended death. In fact it is very obvious that death outrages God. The last part of the answer to the cruelty of death is simply this: God died too. And crucifixion is a very ugly way to die, one of the nastiest ones. God has experienced death in all it's horror, while that doesn't make it kinder, it does mean is not being a hypocrite. He is not allowing anyone to endure something he did not. It is only a rational comfort, but it does have a fundamental morality and equality. We are not being asked to do anything God was not willing to do himself.
I made these same connections after watching FMA! I almost thought I was crazy for noticing, but it just made me love the story more! Absolutely loved the video! ❤️
As a fellow non perfect believer in the Lord Jesus, watching FMA & brotherhood made me realize and see that faith and science can be vital in understanding the world and all its curiosities! I would never try or want to play God. While we as humans all have a natural curiosity to seek knowledge..I’m grateful for having my faith to understand that I will never fully Know everything and the sanity to never fully try to! I’m assured that some things aren’t meant for me to know. I’m just blessed to have the opportunity to have life and to try to live it abundantly! He gave His life so that we can have everlasting life! Thank you for your video! You have said so much insightful brilliance in your assessment of fma. I always learn or gain some understanding anytime I watch this anime! Blessings and understanding to you all! All is 1 and 1 is all! May the Lord bless you!
I was actually recently thinking about how little attention there is in ancient history books. The most attention was received by military technology. It is also interesting how military is actually the edge of the spear of technology, on the most part.
It's strange... Once, I saw the world as something that was fundamentally broken and in need of immediate repair - by force, if necessary. While I did fix some things, in hindsight I believe I did at least as much harm, if not more, than good. Ironically, I also found the results of my applied fixes less satisfying than expected, and there was much guilt to be found in the side-effects of my attempts to bend the world to my liking. I'm freakishly lucky that God spared me the worst of the immediate consequences, and guided me on my path to Him.
Dang man, this is a new apex for you. I know this one might be before your time. But , have you ever thought of comparing themes of youth, aspirations, and societal duty through sports in eyeshield 21 vs Haikyuu or Blue Lock?
@@DrUpauli it was also a comfort show when i was struggling with a crush on a girl. [im 14] liked her for 2 yrs [picked it up again] and i cant like her anymore would u pray for me
The starting point seems to be a distorted interpretation of what the Truth in FMA would be. The different punishments, the different presentations, the different treatments and the final dialogue with Ed (the Truth assuming defeat) seem to point to the Truth as being a negative conscience of the individual, arising from the guilt of the transgression and, in the end, the redemption of the individual. individual. conscience. In fact, there are statements from the creator in this sense (placing Truth as a kind of internal consciousness, not as a God). In addition to the dubious interpretation, there is a crude attempt to associate Ed with the presented description of Poiesis. Declaring that Ed “thinks that everything in the world is possible with Alchemy and that if there is an apparent impossibility it is due to some error in the equation” is simply to have missed (or ignored) all the dialogue that Ed made in episode 3 of FMAB and in the episode 1 of the FMA (it's the introductory premise of the anime!!!), where he insists that some things are impossible for alchemy even if one can easily gather all the material requirements for a supposed transmutation (Ed is the skeptic there and is the one who accepts the Natural request!). This is also the reason why Ed will make Rosé follow her path and find purpose on her own, beyond false religion and beyond the hope of seeing her partner alive again. Ed is many things there, except someone who believes he can determine the truth for himself through Alchemy. At the beginning of the series, alchemy is just the means of transforming the world (and the human condition itself) that Ed takes for himself, a means that will be abandoned at the end of the series to give way only to human virtue as a means of transformation. Edward, like Rosé, also needs to learn to walk alone, not only symbolically, as in Rose's case, but also literally. Ed's advice to Rosé in chapter 3 of the FMAB (and in chapter 2 of the FMA) will only come true for him at the end of his journey (Rosé away from religion and Ed away from alchemy). This ruins any attempt to draw a parallel, but I think that for conveying a personal message, analogies, with all their shortcomings, are satisfactory (at least some). In particular, I liked the dialogue about Pride.
@@DrUpauli As a big fan of the Christian youtube space hearing you shoutout InspiringPhilosophy was great. The dude completely transformed a lot of my ideas along with other people in the Christian space like Mike Winger, Ruslan, and Pints with Aquanis. Hearing you quote Kerkegaard had me in awe. All in all this video this video was very edifying. Please keep up the great work.
@Diblee thank you a lot! The best part of this is that this was all related to the show as well. I have at least 1 more Christian video in the works. Stay tuned!
I must say it’s a very well presented video, some great points to Christianity. I think the author intended this to be loosely link to Christianity, Islam and general alchemy in real history’s. I can see why some would not like your pro Christian take, but as I an atheist, I found this a great video, well done man. 👍
The author did indeed intend this to be loosely christian. There is a christian bias but it was intended for anyone to enjoy. I'm surprised I've seen relatively little pushback to my takes. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
To add to your salvation comment: faith that Jesus will save your soul is the truest of things you need. Knowing that only by him can you be spared and through no power of your own. I feel like there are several things in fullmetal alchemist that parallel this.
This work is an epic of system philosophy, the idea that all things in the universe are connected and that the interactions between the ones creates the all. Christianity is a lesser, imperfect form of this philosophy as it seeks to personify many aspects of the philosophy. Christianity in itself is a great example of human pride, for why would god look like us? Or make us look like it? To me that just sounds like you are imagining yourself in an elevated position in the relationship of all and one. It’s arrogant and deeply insecure regarding one’s place in the all. The story is simply about enjoying life and that human life is invaluable, part of that for many people involves furthering humanities grasp on these bounds. Most people reading this comment wouldn’t be alive now if it weren’t for humans usurping nature in the form of medical science to better understand ones relationship to the all. “Only god should chose what is right and wrong” is a horrible abdication of the responsibility humans hold to one another. There is clearly no higher power that acts to keep us from doing bad things to one another, this is a testament to the idea that god is more than what Christian’s mentally envision. That thought process is what has allowed Christianity to stymie humans relationship to the universe for 2 millennia. The truth is that we are to become aware of our place in the all. By understanding that good moral choices can be made that benefit both the all and the one. Regardless of if you agree with my take or not, I very much dislike it when Christian’s make arrogant analyses of beautiful art in order to feel validated in their beliefs. Great you found some basic connections to your worldview, that doesn’t mean the work is championing it in any way shape or form. Systems philosophy is infinitely more than Christianity can be because it doesn’t pretend to know things or to assert truth when it doesn’t/shouldn’t with pride, it seeks to understand it humbly
The story isn't simply about "enjoying life", but about the process of humility that comes after accepting your place in the universe by not putting yourself above anyone despite their different beliefs and world views, and sorry to break it to you but FMA has heavy Christian references, one of the most prominent ones is "Elohim" and "Adonai" being written on Ed's gate of truth at the end of the series, both which are ways to refer to God in the old testament.
I love this video but minor correction on your Latin! If you're pronouncing it in Classical pronunciation, the C is a hard "Kuh". So Vici should be pronounced close to "Wiki". Otherwise, I love your content!
I think how it's funny to some degree what people don't know what perfect actually means in a sense to be perfect needs to be whole or without flaw. If something fills its purpose or is functions, it is not really flawed. Is it so long as it serves its function? It's purpose. It's Telesis or you might even say Dharma the nature of it's being or the intended nature of its being. That's because something is perfect. Doesn't mean it's perfect for everything if that makes sense or perhaps just because something is perfect for particular scenario. Doesn't that mean it is useful or to be utilized in every situation, at least for certain things. that seems to be true to me at least
I thought equations could allow for everything the mind could conjure then I met imaginary numbers and then I understood why math is a science and not only a product of our minds.
Fuaaa, I'm super critical of content like yours, usually finding the contradiction very fast, It's normally the low effort "capitalism is bad" and "go back to nature" views. I haven't seen in waaaay too long, something that actually makes me reflect on what I believe. I used to be a staunch atheist, or somewhere or something like that, until not so long ago, I had a few panic attacks related to disappearing after I died, and the inmensity of eternity, and a friend of mine said I may had a "spiritual awakening" after being diagnosed with existencial OCD I actually found a lot of comfort with your content. Man this is golden.
It makes my day to read a comment like this. I'm happy my content is able to resonate with you and make you reflect. I encourage you to continue to wrestle with these questions, I believe it is all part of your spiritual journey. You're going through something big and important by the sounds of it. If my content can help even a little bit in guiding you through these questions and in this time of your life, that means a lot to me. I plan on continuing to make videos like this. Thanks for sharing that with me.
@@DrUpauli she doesn’t watch anime so I think she would be alittle lost, but she is religious and I’ve been wrestling with my religion and wanted to get her opinion on what sin is. I thought what you said and what you quoted is good.
I just kinda dont like this I feel like we should be able to do both Should i just give up my dreams of having a world where no one lives with disease simply because its not natural No i will aconplish my dreams and love my friends and make the best world for me my friends them and all the people i love and all our decendants Me the people around me and the people i love will make the best world for us and the people we love and all our decendants
This is exactly the video I was looking for. I am also a Christian and I just watched full metal brotherhood. Despite my hesitation I ended up noticing the exact similarities you noticed and you just put all into words for me. I like how the show demonstrates the need for a balance between science and faith, one cannot exist without the other without turning into something ugly. I believe in Jesus Christ because my life experiences have shown me, life is good when I cooperate with God, and I have learned there will always be struggle but I will walk away much stronger from the experience. Thank you again for this video, May the Lord be with you.
Thank you! Please share the video and God bless
@@DrUpauli yes i will
FMAB's god is actually based on hindu concept of “brahamana”
Every single being in world is brahmana and brahamana is you. The Schrodinger's famous philosophical quote Atma=brahmana is what the philosophy of god in fmab
Yeah, its always been weird to me when I see fellow Christians treat science with disdain. Science is just understanding the world God made and learning how to exert mastery over it. It is God's gift to us so that we can improve our lives.
I feel like the most powerful and important message of Fullmetal Alchemist is “Don’t elevate yourself above others.” Yes you can strive to be more powerful but you can never allow yourself to believe that you are in any way superior or greater. We are all only human and that’s enough.
I probably should have said in the video that regardless of if you believe we came about in a theological telos or a natural evolution, there is a way to live in which we function the best. If you believe in a God, then he created you a certain way. If you believe we came from random evolution, we have adapted and have become a certain way due to billions of years of refinement. To believe that you can somehow fundamentally usurp that is unhinged hubris vanity. This is not to say that we shouldn't strive for progress. I'm just saying that we should try and improve ourselves rather than, as per the examples from the video, create technologies that would destroy ourselves
We have adapted and are adapting or we are created and are evolving so saying we are bound to certain characteristics or behaviours by origin is not appropriate in the long term and could be seen as undermining the human potential but surely could have utility for the time being.
@Apurva Aryan I mostly agree with that. As I said in the video, we should try and help ourselves, not allow tech to control ourselves to avoid a technological apocalypse
Dude!!! I hope you know how insightful and profound this statement is. Probably the most perfect understanding of our existence put into words that has ever been spoken. At least in my opinion.
@@justinpeterson9734 thank you! I'm so glad you think so
This is exactly the video I was looking for. I am also a Christian and I just watched full metal brotherhood for the first time. Despite my hesitation I ended up loving this anime, mostly because I noticed the exact similarities you noticed, but you just put it all into words for me. I like how the show demonstrates the need for a balance between science and faith, one cannot exist without the other without turning into something ugly. I believe in Jesus Christ because my life experiences have shown me, life is good when I cooperate with God, and I have learned there will always be struggle but I will walk away much stronger from the experience. Thank you again for this video, May the Lord be with you.
How in the world does this only have 55 upvotes? This was wonderfully done and researched. As someone who has always had a fascination for the study of world religions and mythology, this was a fascinating take on the nature of "truth" in the Brotherhood anime. I would be curious to hear your view regarding religion versus science in the 2003 version of Fullmetal Alchemist which has a much more somber and somewhat less hopeful view of humanity and morality.
Thank you! Hopefully the algorithm does catch on to this video one day. I have no plans of discussing the 2003 anime sorry
This is an incredible video.
One thing I thought as you talked is when ed uses alchemy, he puts his hands together like he’s praying. I see a correlation to how alchemy can’t fix everything in the world, neither can just praying. It takes actions and to love your friends, neighbors and enemies.
Thank you! Also that is a good point haha
I loved this!! Finally someone talking about the correlation between the gate of truth and the tree of knowledge of good and evil!! I wanted to comment my interpretation of the moment when Ling said that Ed clapping his hands together to transmute resembled prayer. In order for Ed to transmute (use the ability to create given to him by God) he has to put his hands together in a symbol of submission to God. It shows creation as an act of worship, and prayer as an acknowledgement of God. I think it’s very cool!!
Another thing that just occurred to ms, is that the way Ed and Al are succeeded in the end was by, living out the 7 heavenly virtues. They remain Chaste through out the entire anime, they Temper their desires, they are Charitable to people who need help, they are Diligent in working towards their goals, they are Forgiving to those that wronged the (the Mustang and Envy one sided curbstomp comes to mind), they are kind to others, and by the end become truly Humble.
Wow I never noticed that, your right!
Oh wow, there are going to be so many angry people because of this video. I mean, I completely agree that Truth is fundamentally a god similar to the Judeo-Christian model, but that is not a take that the internet will be happy about.
I'm going to revisit this now that the video is done and I had some time to digest it. You've made an excellent series of points throughout the video, and it's nice to see a Christian perspective that is willing to use it's education.
I still think the internet will not be happy about it, but that is because edgy atheists are the dominant lifeform, and the majority of Christians who tend to comment online seem occupied being their worse selves. This nice little piece of philosophy/theology deserves better. The place where many fans of FMA struggle is with the nature/emotion of Truth. Truth is not always a very nice creature, and the modern Christian view of God tends to focus on him being 'nice'. This means that people struggle with the idea that some actions should be punished, even if done with 'good intentions'.
Children who want their mother back are not evil, a mother who desires to resurrect her child is not evil. These two examples are both punished harshly, however. Even brutally in the case of Izumi, with a almost cruelly poetic twist. So to work around Truth as a true god, we have to try to understand this. The easy out is that Truth is God written by a human, and thus will be a limited portrait. But the bible can provide ample examples which nearly so harsh. So we need to split this into two things.
1. Truth, while perhaps the best example of God I've seen written for manga or anime, is lacking the final step. Ironically, Truth lacks Christ, or rather the attitude which Christ embodies and represents as an aspect of God. Mercy, a willingness not to break the rules, but that the rules were written by a being which saw the laws of reality as only tool to achieve good. I do not honestly know if a mother who turned to forbidden magic to revive a child would always be treated so harshly, though the arrogance is concerning. But I KNOW that God would view children reaching out to bring their mother back with a more merciful eye. Ed and Al were, after all, very young. Truth has laws written into reality, and the mercy of Truth is only seen at the end. Perhaps it best reflects Ed himself, who saw Truth as evil at first, and only in the end realized it's nature.
2. Now, moving outside the excuse of an author, why does God appear cruel at times? This is a fair question, since the nature of the world cannot be entirely blamed on the devil, though that does explain many things that modern people seem confused about. Why did a child die of cancer, unfairly? Well, that would because the second most powerful force in creation thinks that unfair death is super cool. But the larger problem isn't that children die of cancer, but rather that sometimes they do not. God does intervene, or so all of theology and scripture tells us. Why does he intervene for one child, but provides no answer to the parent of another who appeals to him with the same belief? That is the better question!
We know many wrong answers to this question. It is not because one child is worth more than another. It is not because one parent loves the child more than the other parent. The book of Job does a good job highlighting these wrong answers. It is not because of sin, even. So WHY? Job asks the same question, and he does not get an answer but rather a riddle. The best guess I can hazard is perspective. Death is, ultimately a temporary horror for any who accept God's offer. The child who God cures will die in time, all humans do. The child who died is not dead. It's a half answer, and it doesn't satisfy, but I am not God, and I hope his answer will be far more complete. But it is a hint. Everybody dies, and while a child dying is a horrid cruelty, it is not as if that child is lost. The age'd woman slowly dying alone in a nursing home is no less horrific. There are a million ways to die a miserable death, unfair, cruel, and fundamentally evil. Death is evil, the most cruel creation the devil could create. In our modern tendency to ignore the devil, people forget that God never intended death. In fact it is very obvious that death outrages God.
The last part of the answer to the cruelty of death is simply this: God died too. And crucifixion is a very ugly way to die, one of the nastiest ones. God has experienced death in all it's horror, while that doesn't make it kinder, it does mean is not being a hypocrite. He is not allowing anyone to endure something he did not. It is only a rational comfort, but it does have a fundamental morality and equality. We are not being asked to do anything God was not willing to do himself.
I'm somewhat surprised at the positive response so far. Although it's possible the change at any moment
Fantastic video. Deserves way more views
Much appreciated
I made these same connections after watching FMA! I almost thought I was crazy for noticing, but it just made me love the story more! Absolutely loved the video! ❤️
That's great haha. Thank you for the appreciation!
As a fellow non perfect believer in the Lord Jesus, watching FMA & brotherhood made me realize and see that faith and science can be vital in understanding the world and all its curiosities! I would never try or want to play God. While we as humans all have a natural curiosity to seek knowledge..I’m grateful for having my faith to understand that I will never fully Know everything and the sanity to never fully try to!
I’m assured that some things aren’t meant for me to know.
I’m just blessed to have the opportunity to have life and to try to live it abundantly!
He gave His life so that we can have everlasting life!
Thank you for your video! You have said so much insightful brilliance in your assessment of fma.
I always learn or gain some understanding anytime I watch this anime!
Blessings and understanding to you all!
All is 1 and 1 is all! May the Lord bless you!
Fma improved my walk w Christ too!!!
I was actually recently thinking about how little attention there is in ancient history books. The most attention was received by military technology. It is also interesting how military is actually the edge of the spear of technology, on the most part.
Yea I noticed that too. Oh well. There was still enough to make this video for it
@@DrUpauli It's a great video man! Made me think.
Glad you enjoyed it. Please share it!
It's strange... Once, I saw the world as something that was fundamentally broken and in need of immediate repair - by force, if necessary. While I did fix some things, in hindsight I believe I did at least as much harm, if not more, than good. Ironically, I also found the results of my applied fixes less satisfying than expected, and there was much guilt to be found in the side-effects of my attempts to bend the world to my liking. I'm freakishly lucky that God spared me the worst of the immediate consequences, and guided me on my path to Him.
Glad to see I'm not crazy! I've Been thinking about things since I've seen this anime. This is my favorite interpretation yet
Thank you! Please share!
Dang man, this is a new apex for you. I know this one might be before your time. But , have you ever thought of comparing themes of youth, aspirations, and societal duty through sports in eyeshield 21 vs Haikyuu or Blue Lock?
Idk if this is my new best video but I'm glad you liked it! As for the video suggestion, I'm not sure, I have a lot on my plate
This was a great video bro. Thank you for sharing and diving deep for the Truth.
You're welcome 🙏
I'm almost done w fmab!! I looovveee it. Fma has improved my walk sm.
The ending is amazing, and I'm glad it did!
@@DrUpauli it was also a comfort show when i was struggling with a crush on a girl. [im 14] liked her for 2 yrs [picked it up again] and i cant like her anymore would u pray for me
The starting point seems to be a distorted interpretation of what the Truth in FMA would be. The different punishments, the different presentations, the different treatments and the final dialogue with Ed (the Truth assuming defeat) seem to point to the Truth as being a negative conscience of the individual, arising from the guilt of the transgression and, in the end, the redemption of the individual. individual. conscience. In fact, there are statements from the creator in this sense (placing Truth as a kind of internal consciousness, not as a God).
In addition to the dubious interpretation, there is a crude attempt to associate Ed with the presented description of Poiesis. Declaring that Ed “thinks that everything in the world is possible with Alchemy and that if there is an apparent impossibility it is due to some error in the equation” is simply to have missed (or ignored) all the dialogue that Ed made in episode 3 of FMAB and in the episode 1 of the FMA (it's the introductory premise of the anime!!!), where he insists that some things are impossible for alchemy even if one can easily gather all the material requirements for a supposed transmutation (Ed is the skeptic there and is the one who accepts the Natural request!). This is also the reason why Ed will make Rosé follow her path and find purpose on her own, beyond false religion and beyond the hope of seeing her partner alive again. Ed is many things there, except someone who believes he can determine the truth for himself through Alchemy.
At the beginning of the series, alchemy is just the means of transforming the world (and the human condition itself) that Ed takes for himself, a means that will be abandoned at the end of the series to give way only to human virtue as a means of transformation. Edward, like Rosé, also needs to learn to walk alone, not only symbolically, as in Rose's case, but also literally. Ed's advice to Rosé in chapter 3 of the FMAB (and in chapter 2 of the FMA) will only come true for him at the end of his journey (Rosé away from religion and Ed away from alchemy).
This ruins any attempt to draw a parallel, but I think that for conveying a personal message, analogies, with all their shortcomings, are satisfactory (at least some). In particular, I liked the dialogue about Pride.
Thank you for the video
You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it
You sir are based. I loved every single second of this video.
Thank you! It is one of the ones I remember being more happy with
@@DrUpauli As a big fan of the Christian youtube space hearing you shoutout InspiringPhilosophy was great.
The dude completely transformed a lot of my ideas along with other people in the Christian space like Mike Winger, Ruslan, and Pints with Aquanis.
Hearing you quote Kerkegaard had me in awe.
All in all this video this video was very edifying. Please keep up the great work.
@Diblee thank you a lot! The best part of this is that this was all related to the show as well. I have at least 1 more Christian video in the works. Stay tuned!
I must say it’s a very well presented video, some great points to Christianity. I think the author intended this to be loosely link to Christianity, Islam and general alchemy in real history’s.
I can see why some would not like your pro Christian take, but as I an atheist, I found this a great video, well done man. 👍
The author did indeed intend this to be loosely christian. There is a christian bias but it was intended for anyone to enjoy. I'm surprised I've seen relatively little pushback to my takes. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@@DrUpauli cheers mate 👍
Wonderful video, thanks for the content.
Thank you
Hearing pokemon bw background music made me happy
I bet that books gonna be fire
I don't wanna hype it up too much yet, but it is flameo 🔥🔥
Here's the pre order link!
To add to your salvation comment: faith that Jesus will save your soul is the truest of things you need. Knowing that only by him can you be spared and through no power of your own. I feel like there are several things in fullmetal alchemist that parallel this.
Fantastic analysis, well done
Thank you!
This work is an epic of system philosophy, the idea that all things in the universe are connected and that the interactions between the ones creates the all. Christianity is a lesser, imperfect form of this philosophy as it seeks to personify many aspects of the philosophy. Christianity in itself is a great example of human pride, for why would god look like us? Or make us look like it? To me that just sounds like you are imagining yourself in an elevated position in the relationship of all and one. It’s arrogant and deeply insecure regarding one’s place in the all.
The story is simply about enjoying life and that human life is invaluable, part of that for many people involves furthering humanities grasp on these bounds. Most people reading this comment wouldn’t be alive now if it weren’t for humans usurping nature in the form of medical science to better understand ones relationship to the all.
“Only god should chose what is right and wrong” is a horrible abdication of the responsibility humans hold to one another. There is clearly no higher power that acts to keep us from doing bad things to one another, this is a testament to the idea that god is more than what Christian’s mentally envision. That thought process is what has allowed Christianity to stymie humans relationship to the universe for 2 millennia. The truth is that we are to become aware of our place in the all. By understanding that good moral choices can be made that benefit both the all and the one.
Regardless of if you agree with my take or not, I very much dislike it when Christian’s make arrogant analyses of beautiful art in order to feel validated in their beliefs. Great you found some basic connections to your worldview, that doesn’t mean the work is championing it in any way shape or form. Systems philosophy is infinitely more than Christianity can be because it doesn’t pretend to know things or to assert truth when it doesn’t/shouldn’t with pride, it seeks to understand it humbly
The story isn't simply about "enjoying life", but about the process of humility that comes after accepting your place in the universe by not putting yourself above anyone despite their different beliefs and world views, and sorry to break it to you but FMA has heavy Christian references, one of the most prominent ones is "Elohim" and "Adonai" being written on Ed's gate of truth at the end of the series, both which are ways to refer to God in the old testament.
I love this video but minor correction on your Latin! If you're pronouncing it in Classical pronunciation, the C is a hard "Kuh". So Vici should be pronounced close to "Wiki".
Otherwise, I love your content!
Thank you!
My analytical brain is trying to listen but my lizard brain is fighting for its life in Smash 😂😂😂😂😂
So does FMA:B promote the idea of divine pedagogy through suffering?
Self Education
Naturalist Tasklists
inquisitive Meditative
Empathy Nourishments
Trustworthy Analysis
Learn ideas Symbiosis Tributes
I think how it's funny to some degree what people don't know what perfect actually means in a sense to be perfect needs to be whole or without flaw. If something fills its purpose or is functions, it is not really flawed. Is it so long as it serves its function? It's purpose. It's Telesis or you might even say Dharma the nature of it's being or the intended nature of its being. That's because something is perfect. Doesn't mean it's perfect for everything if that makes sense or perhaps just because something is perfect for particular scenario. Doesn't that mean it is useful or to be utilized in every situation, at least for certain things. that seems to be true to me at least
I thought equations could allow for everything the mind could conjure then I met imaginary numbers and then I understood why math is a science and not only a product of our minds.
RIP Nina
Fuaaa, I'm super critical of content like yours, usually finding the contradiction very fast, It's normally the low effort "capitalism is bad" and "go back to nature" views.
I haven't seen in waaaay too long, something that actually makes me reflect on what I believe.
I used to be a staunch atheist, or somewhere or something like that, until not so long ago, I had a few panic attacks related to disappearing after I died, and the inmensity of eternity, and a friend of mine said I may had a "spiritual awakening" after being diagnosed with existencial OCD I actually found a lot of comfort with your content.
Man this is golden.
It makes my day to read a comment like this. I'm happy my content is able to resonate with you and make you reflect.
I encourage you to continue to wrestle with these questions, I believe it is all part of your spiritual journey. You're going through something big and important by the sounds of it. If my content can help even a little bit in guiding you through these questions and in this time of your life, that means a lot to me. I plan on continuing to make videos like this.
Thanks for sharing that with me.
What about that timestamp stands out to you?
@@DrUpauli I wanted to show my mother this part of the show. So it’s more like a bookmark
@@wkeezz why did you want to show her that part if I may ask?
@@DrUpauli she doesn’t watch anime so I think she would be alittle lost, but she is religious and I’ve been wrestling with my religion and wanted to get her opinion on what sin is. I thought what you said and what you quoted is good.
@W Keesler oh OK. Thank you and let me know how it goes!
You are excellent
Many thanks
Thank you!
truth is not just one self truth but everything and everyone when father dont allow other truth him false to be god
truth is a massive tool tho, forgot to mention that. lol for real tho great video
the rule 2 possible if you give up everything by this i mean your gateway but only if you follow your trust i think as ed did it for him brother
I love thiiiiis aahhhhhhh!!!!
Thank you!
I just kinda dont like this
I feel like we should be able to do both
Should i just give up my dreams of having a world where no one lives with disease simply because its not natural
No i will aconplish my dreams and love my friends and make the best world for me my friends them and all the people i love and all our decendants
Me the people around me and the people i love will make the best world for us and the people we love and all our decendants
Truth has nothing to do with the Christian God
The Christian God doesn't belong to just Christians. Christ's sacrifice is for everyone
Anime writers are conciously and subconciously taking inspiration from other sources.
Yeah that's why Elohim and Adonai are totally not referenced in Ed's gate of truth at the end of the series...