Hey there, great video. Just a small tip. It would be really useful if you had put the name of the faction on screen every time you talk about a new faction, and maybe some timestamps. For someone who never played the game before and its not a native English speaker, it can get confusing if you just talk about the factions one after another without any obvious indication.
In the Hobbit book, Azog didn’t actually appear as a character. In the book Azog died long ago before the story began - although he is mentioned in the book. At the Battle of the Five Armies, the orc/goblin army was lead by Bolg, Azog’s grandson. So if you want to run a book-accurate version of Azog’s legions, you should use Bolg instead of Azog.
And honestly, the most balanced also! You can go light and 'hordy' with rangers and Warriors, or 'elite' with khazad guard and Iron guard. The Vault Wardens are still very hard to kill and the balista is nice to pick off heroes. The variety is really nice to have c: feels good to have so many options
One thing to keep in mind if you’re playing Goblin Town is that you start taking courage tests based in the number of models you started with. So when the scribe brings in more warriors they don’t increase the number of models needed to break your army, but when killed do count towards the amount your opponent need to kill.
Awesome video dude. I have played this game for more than 12 years, and I think that in only 25 minutes you resume so well the armies. Cheers from Argentina
Very concise! Loved all the information. I would love to see you take a deeper look into Isengard since it's the army you use in the future. Tactics and best units to use for what scenario, like when do you employ Grima in the enemy army etc...
@Conquest Creations, For some reason I can't see your comment. But I can read it off my notification tab weirdly enough. So even if it looks like I'm answering myself here goes: I'm excited for that mate, look forward to seeing it. I've already checked that video out, watched all of it and learned quite a lot. Loved your scheme colour btw!
Very accurate and useful guide to the armies! I was wondering about to start a new army but this video clear up my mind! Rangers of Ithilien are coming xD
Good to see that Isengard is still solid. I started playing in 2002. I remember getting the old TT starter set, the one that came with Uruks and Rohan. From that I built a pretty solid 500pt list for the Uruks. I ran a big pike block (15-20 total, can't remember exactly) with flankers (3 warriors, 3 beserkers on each flank). That block would then be buffed by a Captain w/banner with support from 8 crossbows. There might have been a few more misc models but that list was really fun to play.
I think the they were painted to look like they were wearing weathered down copper Armor and wielding copper weapon's. Don't know the reason why though.
im very sad, because of the laketown, i love that army models but i like challange, so i build laketown anyway! and the video is very helpful, you guys are my favorite mesbg content maker!
The models are gorgeous. It is definitely worth the challenge. I would love to see more people getting them on the table. They are on my list of armies that I would like to do one day!
Khazad-dum is actually the original dwarf kingdom that existed in the Misty Mountains, before it was destroyed by orcs and renamed Moria “the Black Pit.”
This video has been so helpful as someone looking to get into the game but there are so many cool factions its still a hard decision! Really appreciate the content. Im between Halls of Thranduil, Gondor, Khazad-dûm and Isengard. I think I would like a good and evil but starting with one force for now.
Welcome to the game! This game is so much fun. Gondor and Isengard are great because the models are so easy to find. My key piece of advice is to just pick the models that you think look the coolest and go from there
Thanks for the vid! It's been a while since I last played a tabletop game (used to do some skaven back in the day, before college and money became a thing), but this game looks really cool and actually economically doable!
Great info, love list writing and working out best and worst combos. I have been running a few 400 point comps (against myself very sadly) but Moria has blitzed everyone!! Rohan, glass cannon as always but can be great for certain scenarios. Left field shout out for army of the dead. With only one hero at 400 points then are almost horde!!
Two things, I absolutely love LOTR and am amazed that I’d never heard about this game until today. Secondly I play a lot of Total War and am deffffinitely seeing where a lot of influence came for the moderators for Third Age: Total War
Getting started with khazad-dum, all my models are waiting for me at the store once this lockdown ends and I'm really excited to find someone to test my skills against as soon as I can
That's a great video. I hoped I had this info when I started playing competitively. However I'm surprised to not see Goblintown at the top tier even though the finished 1st and 3rd at Ardacon.
I was tossing around with this one. I have played Goblin Town a bit now and have been wrecked by a few lists. Anything with terror is super hard to deal with. But I haven't played them in a tournament yet. They did come 3rd which is what actually inspired me to make an army of them. The first place list was red alliance that is no longer viable so I didn't count it as goblin town
@@ConquestCreations Yes terror is hard. I have never played GT against it before but hope to do it very soon. Yes, the 1st list is now not possible anymore but I'd still count it as a GT list because the core of it was from GT (but I have to admit that the shade made a huge difference)
Interesting that you only put Hobbits in the good tier. Back in the LOTR days, the only thing preventing Hobbits from dominating the game was how expensive they were. I fought a Hobbit army at 650 points with Gandalf the Grey and something like 71 hobbits for the final in a Indy GT in Florida, and my Minas Tirith army was just annihilated. I’m wondering if the warbands structure, requiring more heroes, has changed that equation.
Thanks for the comment mate! They are 3d printed pieces from Printable Scenery www.printablescenery.com/product-category/fantasy/?3d-printable-stl-files-for-games=elf
How did you paint the blue Uruk-hai armour? It's super cool. Would love to do something similar. Oh, also, where did you end up getting your Arnor miniatures from? Thanks!
I will be putting out a painting tutorial on them in the next few weeks. My approach was a white prime. Sybarite Green over the armour panelling. This paint is pretty weak so it took a few coats. The skin was dark red mixed with white to make a weird shade of pink. The whole model was washed in a black wash and then all of the highlights were the base colours mixed with a bit of white
Just found this awesome channel! However, as possibly the only pure Army of Laketown player in the world, the army is absolutely in the GOOD tier, even edging into TOP. Nowhere else in the game can you get 5 point models that are F4 +rerolling. At the end of the day this game is about dice, and Laketown can throw endless bodies at the enemy to bog them down while Bard (a killer hero) does the dirty work. You use Alfrids rule to give might to the Master to get constant F4, becasue Laketowns green allies are the fantastic Thorin's company; giving you 3 combat beasts, a wizard, the AMAZING Bilbo, and more importantly- Bombur, who restores Alfrids will! I have a great win streak going with this army among friends, and when tournaments start again I can't wait to bring them!
That sounds awesome I have been playing with the idea of making an army of them for ages. Do you have an example of some army lists that you have used? I would love to check it out
i would do loads of orces in a warband for sauron in a barad-dur army but honestly him pimped out with 24 black numenoreans with a mounted marshal (using a mouth of sauron kit with a lance converted on to represent his younger years) leading a dozen morgul knights seems cooler to me
Its 3d printed from printable scenery: www.printablescenery.com/product-category/fantasy/elves/ You can buy physical sets from here: www.otpterrain.com/collections/elven-scenery
It hurts to see you place the Easterlings in the same category as sharkey’s rouges when they have such great enemy hero assassination power with Amdur and the dragon knights gaining might back for killing heroes, and access to Khamul the Easterling on fell beast. I feel like the pike block is mainly to capture objectives and then die slowly. I would argue the easterlings are definitely a good army, especially with the addition of the two-attack dragon cult acolytes!
Thank you for this video! I am still wondering whether to invest into the game or not. I like big monster units so I was looking at ents or eagles first and foremost. I know you said each army can win a tournament, but when it comes to heavily outnumbered heavy units, do they? How valuable are standard troops, and how big of a drawback is there when you have none?
You are able to but it costs you some special rules and sometimes your armies won't be able to support each other. For friendly games it's totally fine
That would be amazing if they did! I am planning on converting them from warriors of minas tirith. I will be smoothing down their chests giving them a head swap and a shield swap. it will be a bit of work but I reckon it will look really good
@@ConquestCreations Oof. Sounds like some work. I'm just hoping for a minor supplement with them. Maybe it's in the works since they removed all of the Arnor stuff from GW.
Unreleased Miniatures has some decent Arnor models. I would wait for the possible plastic release though. Can't wait to see your Arnor army in the future!
I have a question, my guy. I notice there's a Fellowship pack, as well as a Treebeard pack with Merry and Pippin. The hobbit models look different between the two packs, but are they different options for Merry and Pip or just different models that use the same stats?
Thanks for the comment, they use the same stats they are just different miniatures for the same character. It's very common throughout the range for multiple characters to have several different sculpts. Gandalf the Grey for example has about 10 different poses but they all use the same rules
This is very true, there is massive speculation that they will get an expansion in the future where they will get a few more characters like Anarion and get steel bows
Numenor got a massive boost from when they came out originally, gaining +1S and resistance to magic when near their named heroes. Back then they were a true one-trick pony - you had Elendil on horse who would wreck face and you hoped the rest of your army wasn’t killed before Elendil got the job done.
Hi at 7.45 you mention "Australians most competitive event..." - I could not make out the words you said before that. Can you reply with the info of this event - or perhaps a link to get more info? Thanks
Great question! I probably should have talked about them. Murin and Drar mainly see play in the Iron Hills legion. They are a cool profile but most army lists dont need them or arent thematic with them. Tom Bombadill and Goldberry are really interesting profiles. A lot of people don't like them becuase they 'break' the game but in reality they are just completely different to any other profile in the game. I very rarely see them
@conquest creations Do you have any recommendations for 2nd hand markets in order to acquire models from the Dead Men of Dunharrow? Ebay seems to be very limited and/or mainly metal sculpts. Please note ideally EU located. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work!
Conquest Creations well I never have painted anything like this before so I’m taking my time with that, slowly expanding my Rohan and trying to sell off half my Armada collection while between jobs. If I had the money I would do elves and Gondor! But for now I have to stick to the budget
Where can I buy full sets still ? I used to have 2 huge armies many years back but sadly lost many moving about over the years . Would love to get back into it but struggling to find stores online that have enough available to get going again .
If you want an evil faction I would start with the Pellanor fields starter kit and make a mordor army. The Witch king is an absolutely brutal hero but can be one of the most complicated units in the game. I would recomend adding in the Morranon command set as well as Shagrat and gorbag. That along side the morranon orcs and the trolls is a very competitive army.
Tsym. I tried getting into the hobbit sbg (didn't know about the coming lotr one) but it was ridiculously expensive. Still disappointed about the forge world nazgul models, but I may be able to pick an army now lol.
The newer models can be expensive but if you look on the second hand market you can get models really cheaply! I recommend joining a middle earth SBG trading page on Facebook
@@ConquestCreations yeah, I've found this game system to be way more affordable than 40k though. What are the rules on forge world models? I'd to use the wardens of gondor for my dol Amroth force.
Not sure if i would start this game but i like easterlings so far just because of the looks. Seems like in every game the army i want to play is weak 😄
Don't worry they certainly aren't weak. My opinion has changed since this video. They have come first place in 2 of the last 3 Victorian tournaments. Check out my Angmar vs Easterling battle report and my Easterling vs Isengard battle report to see how good they are
I am LOSING my MIND trying to figure this out, in the background it looks like you have the Printable Scenery Elven set, mainly the Tower Aeternus and the gloomwood treehouse? but the one on the far left (thought was gloomwood treehouse) i cannot the model on their website, like it looks like gloomwood treehouse at the top almost exactly but the bottom is WAY too narrow, like it was p ut on a different tree trunk, can you explain what is going on? is this an older model?
Great video. I personally got decent results using easterlings but I can't help but feel that they are not worth the hassle. They are close to being great, but still no cigar. The archers are mediocre, the upgrade too expensive, they lack killing power and even amdur needs a shaman to back him up to deal with D7 heroes and khamul's is a mediocre caster. It's like there's a bit "but" right after every good thing one can say about Easterlings
Unfortunately I agree with you. The models are so awesome and I wish that they had something cool and unique about them in game but I always feel like they are lacking
@@ConquestCreations in their lore, GW introduced the Dragon Emperor. It may be nice to see a model of it with nice sinergies and aura effects on his army. Or a LL that gives Amdur weapon master
You can get Ents from gamesworkshop here: www.games-workshop.com/en-AU/Ent-2018 but my army of Ents was 3d printed from this file: www.thingiverse.com/thing:4237764
Great question! There are a lot of niche factions. The least played one is probably Sharkey's ruffians. Other rare armies are Khand, Arnor, and Radagasts alliance
thinking about getting into this finally, last time i decided to give it ago GW cancelled the game. They are not cheap so starting to invest and they pull the plug is an issue. So are they planning on keeping this in production for the long haul?
This game hasn't ever been cancelled fully but even when it GW had it at its lowest the community was still so strong that GW brought the game back. I think the GW is supporting the game for the long haul but even if they don't the community will keep it going
I have a question, my friend recently got into Warhammer tabletop and I was thinking about joining him but I knew of LOTR, Middle Earth SBG compatible with Warhammer at all? I do prefer lore matchups but I have no friends into tabletop and I prefer LOTR to Warhammer personally.
MESBG models are noticably smaller than Warhammer models. They do not look all that nice next to each other, and Warhammer Orcs do not look much like anything in the Middle Earth line.
@@Sivart343 Is the model size that much of an issue at all? I played WH TW so I'm familiar with how they look and the differences, to me I don't really care if it's Middle Earth faction vs Warhammer as long as I can play, of course I'd prefer Middle Earth to Middle Earth but I'm not gonna complain.
I was really looking forward to buying some Games Workshop stuff with well made paintable miniatures that is not Warhammer ... Are they really that much better to paint compared to Warlord Games for example? I have some Bolt Action armies ... more leaning towards historical than fantasy.
I don't have any experience with Warlord Games so don't know what their models are like. Some of the models in the Middle Earth Range are relatively old so won't be as nice to paint but the new models such as Eomer are some of the best models that I have gotten to paint
I wish Minas Morgul still had a dedicated faction, with a mix of cheap mordor's cheap orcs & elite, terror-causing black numenorians and angmar's ghostly spectres, with strong casters at the helm including kardush and the ringwraiths, including the witch-king himself, all with an army bonus to fit the tower of sorcery - maybe some sort of casting boost or penalty to resist rolls. mordor lacks the iconic spectres, angmar can't take the black numenorians, and the two factions have the worst alliance level with each other, so its really just not possible to run a classic lotrsbg style morgul list in modern mesbg matched play. Angmar & Mordor are both cool factions, but neither captures the spirit of my favorite oldschool lotrsbg faction.
i bought the pelennor fields box set, which has a bunch of models but i dont know what to play. Rohan, Army of Dunharrow or Mordor? anyhelp would be appreciated
If you just add the king of the dead and the three hunters the army of the dead is a great army! With Mordor you could to a convertion on some of the morranons to make a banner bearer, captain, and shaman and you have got a full army!
Tabletop wargaming is a genre of games played with miniatures that you build and paint yourself and usually play with dice. Warhammer 40k and Middle Earth SBG are both table top games that are both made by the same company but other than that are unrelated. Middle Earth SBG is a great game! You should definitely get into the hobby
Army of Lake-town won the UK Masters last year. I wouldn't regard them as an underdog ;)
That is awesome news! I hadn't realised. Do you know what the list included? Did bard bring his kids in the list? I am on the fence about them
Congratulations on winning Ardacon 2021. I think you comprehensively proved that Lake-town isn't an underdog!
oh damn it’s him
Hey there, great video. Just a small tip. It would be really useful if you had put the name of the faction on screen every time you talk about a new faction, and maybe some timestamps. For someone who never played the game before and its not a native English speaker, it can get confusing if you just talk about the factions one after another without any obvious indication.
it was confusing for me a little bit...
I am not a native English speaker... and yes, I needed to listen a couple of time for understand the names^^;...
The auto generated time stamps still dont help much - Minas Tirith is just "Minis"
In the Hobbit book, Azog didn’t actually appear as a character. In the book Azog died long ago before the story began - although he is mentioned in the book. At the Battle of the Five Armies, the orc/goblin army was lead by Bolg, Azog’s grandson. So if you want to run a book-accurate version of Azog’s legions, you should use Bolg instead of Azog.
Amazing summary. I can really see this being super helpful for new players to appreciate how big this game really is. Well done!!
Thanks mate! I am hoping to spread the game
Kazad-Dum is still overshining the new dwarf armies, nothing can beat a Durin with iron guards
Once you actually get your beards onto an objective, best of luck to your opponent running them through
And honestly, the most balanced also! You can go light and 'hordy' with rangers and Warriors, or 'elite' with khazad guard and Iron guard. The Vault Wardens are still very hard to kill and the balista is nice to pick off heroes.
The variety is really nice to have c: feels good to have so many options
Make me want to collect them for a fall of Moria scenario
One thing to keep in mind if you’re playing Goblin Town is that you start taking courage tests based in the number of models you started with. So when the scribe brings in more warriors they don’t increase the number of models needed to break your army, but when killed do count towards the amount your opponent need to kill.
“Down Down down in goblin town!”
Awesome video dude. I have played this game for more than 12 years, and I think that in only 25 minutes you resume so well the armies. Cheers from Argentina
Thanks mate! that's high praise coming form such an experienced player!
Perfect timing as I'm just getting into the game! The blueish armour on your uruk-hai look great as well!
Thanks mate, its a great game to get into!
Really happy to find this channel, got a bunch of minis and looking to get back into the game after playing 8th and 9th edition 40k
Very concise! Loved all the information. I would love to see you take a deeper look into Isengard since it's the army you use in the future. Tactics and best units to use for what scenario, like when do you employ Grima in the enemy army etc...
@Conquest Creations, For some reason I can't see your comment. But I can read it off my notification tab weirdly enough. So even if it looks like I'm answering myself here goes: I'm excited for that mate, look forward to seeing it. I've already checked that video out, watched all of it and learned quite a lot. Loved your scheme colour btw!
Very accurate and useful guide to the armies! I was wondering about to start a new army but this video clear up my mind! Rangers of Ithilien are coming xD
Awesome choice mate! Its good timing as well. They have two new heros coming out soon
@@ConquestCreations true! I saw the preview and they seem to be awesome!!!
Good to see that Isengard is still solid.
I started playing in 2002. I remember getting the old TT starter set, the one that came with Uruks and Rohan.
From that I built a pretty solid 500pt list for the Uruks. I ran a big pike block (15-20 total, can't remember exactly) with flankers (3 warriors, 3 beserkers on each flank). That block would then be buffed by a Captain w/banner with support from 8 crossbows. There might have been a few more misc models but that list was really fun to play.
Nobody gonna talk about how his Uruk Hai are green for some reason
I think the they were painted to look like they were wearing weathered down copper Armor and wielding copper weapon's. Don't know the reason why though.
@@rustmaniac6244me too. I think it looks kinda cool.
The reason is its his minis and can paint them however they want
Very early paint tutorials from gw had em green@@rustmaniac6244
they take St Patrick's very seriously in Isengard
im very sad, because of the laketown, i love that army models
but i like challange, so i build laketown anyway!
and the video is very helpful, you guys are my favorite mesbg content maker!
The models are gorgeous. It is definitely worth the challenge. I would love to see more people getting them on the table. They are on my list of armies that I would like to do one day!
Khazad-dum is actually the original dwarf kingdom that existed in the Misty Mountains, before it was destroyed by orcs and renamed Moria “the Black Pit.”
This video has been so helpful as someone looking to get into the game but there are so many cool factions its still a hard decision! Really appreciate the content. Im between Halls of Thranduil, Gondor, Khazad-dûm and Isengard. I think I would like a good and evil but starting with one force for now.
Welcome to the game! This game is so much fun. Gondor and Isengard are great because the models are so easy to find. My key piece of advice is to just pick the models that you think look the coolest and go from there
Thanks for the vid! It's been a while since I last played a tabletop game (used to do some skaven back in the day, before college and money became a thing), but this game looks really cool and actually economically doable!
I got so excited to start Far Harad after this....then I saw the GW store 😭
Great info, love list writing and working out best and worst combos.
I have been running a few 400 point comps (against myself very sadly) but Moria has blitzed everyone!!
Rohan, glass cannon as always but can be great for certain scenarios.
Left field shout out for army of the dead. With only one hero at 400 points then are almost horde!!
Two things, I absolutely love LOTR and am amazed that I’d never heard about this game until today. Secondly I play a lot of Total War and am deffffinitely seeing where a lot of influence came for the moderators for Third Age: Total War
Getting started with khazad-dum, all my models are waiting for me at the store once this lockdown ends and I'm really excited to find someone to test my skills against as soon as I can
Thank you! I've been wondering what army to play and I'm pretty set on Rivendell now. Thanks again
That's a great video. I hoped I had this info when I started playing competitively.
However I'm surprised to not see Goblintown at the top tier even though the finished 1st and 3rd at Ardacon.
I was tossing around with this one. I have played Goblin Town a bit now and have been wrecked by a few lists. Anything with terror is super hard to deal with. But I haven't played them in a tournament yet. They did come 3rd which is what actually inspired me to make an army of them. The first place list was red alliance that is no longer viable so I didn't count it as goblin town
@@ConquestCreations Yes terror is hard. I have never played GT against it before but hope to do it very soon.
Yes, the 1st list is now not possible anymore but I'd still count it as a GT list because the core of it was from GT (but I have to admit that the shade made a huge difference)
Armies are cool but the tower in the background definitely steals the show :)
Interesting that you only put Hobbits in the good tier. Back in the LOTR days, the only thing preventing Hobbits from dominating the game was how expensive they were. I fought a Hobbit army at 650 points with Gandalf the Grey and something like 71 hobbits for the final in a Indy GT in Florida, and my Minas Tirith army was just annihilated. I’m wondering if the warbands structure, requiring more heroes, has changed that equation.
Nice rundown, thanks for posting
Thanks mate!
you are seriously full of info,,you explain yourself well,,too well i think,,thx for sharing well done my friend
this is groovy and informational, A+
16:55 - Amazing Elven towers, where did you get these? Were they made by a hobbyist?
Great video, essentially in such a vast sea of options.
Thanks for the comment mate! They are 3d printed pieces from Printable Scenery www.printablescenery.com/product-category/fantasy/?3d-printable-stl-files-for-games=elf
Great video for a new player like myself. Just started Isengard!
Great faction to start with! Welcome to the game
How did you paint the blue Uruk-hai armour? It's super cool. Would love to do something similar. Oh, also, where did you end up getting your Arnor miniatures from? Thanks!
I will be putting out a painting tutorial on them in the next few weeks. My approach was a white prime. Sybarite Green over the armour panelling. This paint is pretty weak so it took a few coats. The skin was dark red mixed with white to make a weird shade of pink. The whole model was washed in a black wash and then all of the highlights were the base colours mixed with a bit of white
Woo, love me some Isengard!
What did you say Australia’s most competitive event was? I’d be interested in learning more.
Just found this awesome channel! However, as possibly the only pure Army of Laketown player in the world, the army is absolutely in the GOOD tier, even edging into TOP. Nowhere else in the game can you get 5 point models that are F4 +rerolling. At the end of the day this game is about dice, and Laketown can throw endless bodies at the enemy to bog them down while Bard (a killer hero) does the dirty work. You use Alfrids rule to give might to the Master to get constant F4, becasue Laketowns green allies are the fantastic Thorin's company; giving you 3 combat beasts, a wizard, the AMAZING Bilbo, and more importantly- Bombur, who restores Alfrids will! I have a great win streak going with this army among friends, and when tournaments start again I can't wait to bring them!
That sounds awesome I have been playing with the idea of making an army of them for ages. Do you have an example of some army lists that you have used? I would love to check it out
As the 2nd pure Army of LakeTown player in the world, this build was a game changer
@@thelobsterman9681 Isn't it just? ;D
Great video! Also love the bluish uruk hai armor
Thanks man, I wanted to do something a bit different with them
I Hope that Far harad will return! I loved the half Trolls and the DROMEDARS
Half trolls are amazing. I have 9 in my collection. I will need to get them in a battle report some time
Very helpful thanks for all your hard work
Hope my Arnor boys get some much needed love soon 😥
Me to! I am starting mine soon. It would be awesome to get a Arnor vs Angmar expansion
@@ConquestCreations I've always dreamed of the day GW would put out a box of plastic Arnor soldiers, but that's mainly wishful thinking.
@@ConquestCreations how are you gonna start an arnor army when all their models were removed from the store?
@@tjarks.1893 I am going to be 3d printing alternative models! My hobbit archers will all be converted from the fellowship hobbits
Sorry bro. They’ve removed everything but the rangers.
You should double down on your tier list and actually rank them, then heads will roll 😂😂😂
Yep I wanna see this 🤣
Hahaha thats getting a bit to dangerous for me. There are just so many variables to consider!
Conquest Creations Just go based on your experience. Be bold, be brave.
i would do loads of orces in a warband for sauron in a barad-dur army but honestly him pimped out with 24 black numenoreans with a mounted marshal (using a mouth of sauron kit with a lance converted on to represent his younger years) leading a dozen morgul knights seems cooler to me
LOL, great lengthy explanation of the Easterlings.
That one is now a little bit out of date since all the new models have come out. They are even better now!
Very handy video for learning about factions, cheers.
On another note where is that scenery from its amazing (the tree house stuff)
Its 3d printed from printable scenery: www.printablescenery.com/product-category/fantasy/elves/
You can buy physical sets from here: www.otpterrain.com/collections/elven-scenery
No joke, I've had a bunch of haradrim for almost a decade I've yet to even start painting
Ooohhhh baby
Shout out to my boys of Dale
That 3 shot strength 4 bow though
It do be sexy
Me, just starting to play this game and having just bought my first models: Oh boy I can't wait to see how good my Fellowship is!
Rivendell or Thranduil's Halls for me. Epic champions, cost a lot of points but can cause some trouble on the battlefield.
It hurts to see you place the Easterlings in the same category as sharkey’s rouges when they have such great enemy hero assassination power with Amdur and the dragon knights gaining might back for killing heroes, and access to Khamul the Easterling on fell beast. I feel like the pike block is mainly to capture objectives and then die slowly. I would argue the easterlings are definitely a good army, especially with the addition of the two-attack dragon cult acolytes!
Thank you for this video! I am still wondering whether to invest into the game or not. I like big monster units so I was looking at ents or eagles first and foremost. I know you said each army can win a tournament, but when it comes to heavily outnumbered heavy units, do they? How valuable are standard troops, and how big of a drawback is there when you have none?
Great video very helpful :). Thanks
Glad it was helpful!
Right, so I had a question. Are you able to cross factions? Like, say Azog with hunters, and lurtz with scouts?
You are able to but it costs you some special rules and sometimes your armies won't be able to support each other. For friendly games it's totally fine
Excuse me. But there was a notable absence, WHERE IS DUNLEND????!?!?!?
OOOOhhhhh in my defence they are technically a legendary legion! I will have to do a video talking about all the legendary legions soon!
@@ConquestCreations Still though...ruffians? But not dunlend?
where the heck are you getting your Arnor figures? Hopefully GW does a re-release in plastic.
That would be amazing if they did! I am planning on converting them from warriors of minas tirith. I will be smoothing down their chests giving them a head swap and a shield swap. it will be a bit of work but I reckon it will look really good
@@ConquestCreations Oof. Sounds like some work. I'm just hoping for a minor supplement with them. Maybe it's in the works since they removed all of the Arnor stuff from GW.
@@1KingCoin They did say that it wasn't gone for good just being cycled out so hopefully it comes back! I am just not sure how long it will be
Unreleased Miniatures has some decent Arnor models. I would wait for the possible plastic release though. Can't wait to see your Arnor army in the future!
I have a question, my guy. I notice there's a Fellowship pack, as well as a Treebeard pack with Merry and Pippin. The hobbit models look different between the two packs, but are they different options for Merry and Pip or just different models that use the same stats?
Thanks for the comment, they use the same stats they are just different miniatures for the same character. It's very common throughout the range for multiple characters to have several different sculpts. Gandalf the Grey for example has about 10 different poses but they all use the same rules
Dwarves are a dream army i hope to grab one day.
Nice videos, thanks man
Would love to see time stamps on this
Sounds like Numenor got done dirty, honestly. I understand game balance, but they were known for literal steel bows in the books.
This is very true, there is massive speculation that they will get an expansion in the future where they will get a few more characters like Anarion and get steel bows
@@ConquestCreations Sounds awesome, for all I will probably never play one of these games.
Numenor got a massive boost from when they came out originally, gaining +1S and resistance to magic when near their named heroes. Back then they were a true one-trick pony - you had Elendil on horse who would wreck face and you hoped the rest of your army wasn’t killed before Elendil got the job done.
No mention of Dunlending??? Were these out when you made the video???
Which faction is Legolas in?
e is in the Fellowship and the Mirkwood armies as well as the Rangers of Mirkwood, Return of the King, Defense of Helms Deep legendary legions.
Hi at 7.45 you mention "Australians most competitive event..." - I could not make out the words you said before that. Can you reply with the info of this event - or perhaps a link to get more info? Thanks
That was Arda Unleashed it is an unfortunate casualty of covid. We are hoping it comes back in 2023
Where are the dunledings!?!
Very Well did
Great video mate 👍
And what about the wanderers of the wild, I mean Murin, Drar, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry? Do you see them often or are they not used that many?
Great question! I probably should have talked about them. Murin and Drar mainly see play in the Iron Hills legion. They are a cool profile but most army lists dont need them or arent thematic with them. Tom Bombadill and Goldberry are really interesting profiles. A lot of people don't like them becuase they 'break' the game but in reality they are just completely different to any other profile in the game. I very rarely see them
@conquest creations Do you have any recommendations for 2nd hand markets in order to acquire models from the Dead Men of Dunharrow? Ebay seems to be very limited and/or mainly metal sculpts. Please note ideally EU located. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work!
Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately some of them are hard to track down. The best place is Facebook buy/sell/swap groups for middle earth
What advice would you give to a beginner such as myself when it comes to god websites to purchase modules from. Keep up the great content.
Games Workshop is the best place to start. After that I would go on Facebook trading pages. That is where I get most of my models
Isn't GW the worst? In my country every flgs have its own website with models and they are cheaper than those in gw store
Your work is wonderful. I just uploaded a video showing a castle I was designing some years ago, which actually got quite large. LOL
I wanted to do Gondor or elves but the starter was just too good to not get first, this I defaulted you Rohan. Still great video
You can always start another army! I have 7 Fully painted now hahaha
Conquest Creations well I never have painted anything like this before so I’m taking my time with that, slowly expanding my Rohan and trying to sell off half my Armada collection while between jobs. If I had the money I would do elves and Gondor! But for now I have to stick to the budget
Great review for a beginner thanks
Great video, but I’d be curious how you’d rate the Easterlings now. :)
one like for the next fantasy title for total war to be lotr
Where can I buy full sets still ? I used to have 2 huge armies many years back but sadly lost many moving about over the years . Would love to get back into it but struggling to find stores online that have enough available to get going again .
I would like to get into the game with an evil competitive faction ...which one do u suggest to pick?
If you want an evil faction I would start with the Pellanor fields starter kit and make a mordor army. The Witch king is an absolutely brutal hero but can be one of the most complicated units in the game. I would recomend adding in the Morranon command set as well as Shagrat and gorbag. That along side the morranon orcs and the trolls is a very competitive army.
Been debating on joining this game saw some players and rolled a few had fun will join now what army
The main obstacle to starting mesbg: too many cool factions to pick from
Tsym. I tried getting into the hobbit sbg (didn't know about the coming lotr one) but it was ridiculously expensive. Still disappointed about the forge world nazgul models, but I may be able to pick an army now lol.
The newer models can be expensive but if you look on the second hand market you can get models really cheaply! I recommend joining a middle earth SBG trading page on Facebook
@@ConquestCreations yeah, I've found this game system to be way more affordable than 40k though. What are the rules on forge world models? I'd to use the wardens of gondor for my dol Amroth force.
Not sure if i would start this game but i like easterlings so far just because of the looks. Seems like in every game the army i want to play is weak 😄
Don't worry they certainly aren't weak. My opinion has changed since this video. They have come first place in 2 of the last 3 Victorian tournaments. Check out my Angmar vs Easterling battle report and my Easterling vs Isengard battle report to see how good they are
I am LOSING my MIND trying to figure this out, in the background it looks like you have the Printable Scenery Elven set, mainly the Tower Aeternus and the gloomwood treehouse? but the one on the far left (thought was gloomwood treehouse) i cannot the model on their website, like it looks like gloomwood treehouse at the top almost exactly but the bottom is WAY too narrow, like it was p ut on a different tree trunk, can you explain what is going on? is this an older model?
I'm just starting out my army is warriors of minus tirith any suggestions please
Problem is you can't get figures for a big part of the factions...
Great video.
I personally got decent results using easterlings but I can't help but feel that they are not worth the hassle. They are close to being great, but still no cigar. The archers are mediocre, the upgrade too expensive, they lack killing power and even amdur needs a shaman to back him up to deal with D7 heroes and khamul's is a mediocre caster. It's like there's a bit "but" right after every good thing one can say about Easterlings
Unfortunately I agree with you. The models are so awesome and I wish that they had something cool and unique about them in game but I always feel like they are lacking
@@ConquestCreations in their lore, GW introduced the Dragon Emperor. It may be nice to see a model of it with nice sinergies and aura effects on his army. Or a LL that gives Amdur weapon master
@@shishisei A new profile is exactly what they need. Something to help them stand out in a unique way
Where can you even buy ents?
You can get Ents from gamesworkshop here: www.games-workshop.com/en-AU/Ent-2018
but my army of Ents was 3d printed from this file: www.thingiverse.com/thing:4237764
Conquest Creations thanks
Im wanting to start but i dont get how to have moria manual to see which units i can pick and how much does the they cost
Hi Tommas, in Middle Earth all of the profiles for moria are contained in the Armies of Lord of the Rings manual
@@ConquestCreations thank you very much
Cant find the easterling cav on the gw store, is it a FW kit??
No, the Cataphracts are a GW kit and they should be on their webstore
Just out of curiosity: which are the least played army in middle earth?
Great question! There are a lot of niche factions. The least played one is probably Sharkey's ruffians. Other rare armies are Khand, Arnor, and Radagasts alliance
I want to make a serpent horde / far harad army. Is this possible? I am new.
Yes it is
thinking about getting into this finally, last time i decided to give it ago GW cancelled the game. They are not cheap so starting to invest and they pull the plug is an issue. So are they planning on keeping this in production for the long haul?
This game hasn't ever been cancelled fully but even when it GW had it at its lowest the community was still so strong that GW brought the game back. I think the GW is supporting the game for the long haul but even if they don't the community will keep it going
Did you forget Thal?
whats up witht he purple armor lol?
Does anyone have any advice to getting figures? I see so many figures that I can’t seem to find out there
Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately some of them are hard to track down. The best place is Facebook buy/sell/swap groups for middle earth
I have a question, my friend recently got into Warhammer tabletop and I was thinking about joining him but I knew of LOTR, Middle Earth SBG compatible with Warhammer at all? I do prefer lore matchups but I have no friends into tabletop and I prefer LOTR to Warhammer personally.
MESBG models are noticably smaller than Warhammer models. They do not look all that nice next to each other, and Warhammer Orcs do not look much like anything in the Middle Earth line.
@@Sivart343 Is the model size that much of an issue at all? I played WH TW so I'm familiar with how they look and the differences, to me I don't really care if it's Middle Earth faction vs Warhammer as long as I can play, of course I'd prefer Middle Earth to Middle Earth but I'm not gonna complain.
@@tjsmith8348 Warhammer and MESBG do not use the same rules. So you could not run a game of say, Minas Tirith vs. Warriors of Chaos.
@@Sivart343 Alright, thank you
I was really looking forward to buying some Games Workshop stuff with well made paintable miniatures that is not Warhammer ...
Are they really that much better to paint compared to Warlord Games for example? I have some Bolt Action armies ... more leaning towards historical than fantasy.
I don't have any experience with Warlord Games so don't know what their models are like. Some of the models in the Middle Earth Range are relatively old so won't be as nice to paint but the new models such as Eomer are some of the best models that I have gotten to paint
I wish Minas Morgul still had a dedicated faction, with a mix of cheap mordor's cheap orcs & elite, terror-causing black numenorians and angmar's ghostly spectres, with strong casters at the helm including kardush and the ringwraiths, including the witch-king himself, all with an army bonus to fit the tower of sorcery - maybe some sort of casting boost or penalty to resist rolls.
mordor lacks the iconic spectres, angmar can't take the black numenorians, and the two factions have the worst alliance level with each other, so its really just not possible to run a classic lotrsbg style morgul list in modern mesbg matched play.
Angmar & Mordor are both cool factions, but neither captures the spirit of my favorite oldschool lotrsbg faction.
Where is Dunland? Did he just group them with Rohan because their legion in the Rohan book? Heresy! Heresy I tell you!
Im saddened because that iron hills are hard to find…and expensive
i bought the pelennor fields box set, which has a bunch of models but i dont know what to play. Rohan, Army of Dunharrow or Mordor? anyhelp would be appreciated
If you just add the king of the dead and the three hunters the army of the dead is a great army! With Mordor you could to a convertion on some of the morranons to make a banner bearer, captain, and shaman and you have got a full army!
I'm brand new to these board games. Is this part of the Warhammer 40k sbg series?
Tabletop wargaming is a genre of games played with miniatures that you build and paint yourself and usually play with dice.
Warhammer 40k and Middle Earth SBG are both table top games that are both made by the same company but other than that are unrelated.
Middle Earth SBG is a great game! You should definitely get into the hobby
Muster the Rohirim!
i wish gw still sold the iron hills goats and chariots 😔
My man just put easterlings as underdog
Oh boiii
Great comment! I was sooo wrong. They are definitely top tier. They have smashed the Victorian Tournaments this year
I'm starting my shire army