Balloons Animation Meme

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Chill_Beatz
    @Chill_Beatz 2 года назад +2544

    I'm going to be honest, there isn't many animations nowadays that give me that "woah" feeling, but this really caught me off guard, it is extremely well animated and an absolute treat to watch. honestly amazing job on this video! excited to see more in the future! :)

  • @BlackieSootfur
    @BlackieSootfur 2 года назад +132

    ok help i cant get this video out of my head--

  • @Roxxie
    @Roxxie 2 года назад +1146

    Your animations are always so impressive!! I have to stop myself from rewatching this for hours haha

  • @cloudkid
    @cloudkid 2 года назад +1428

    This is honestly sooo good! You keep getting better with every video 😵🥰

  • @BlackieSootfur
    @BlackieSootfur 2 года назад +73

    it makes me mad that you only have 27k subscribers. you deserve so many moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! cause this and everything else you make is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Nightcloudwolf
    @Nightcloudwolf 2 года назад +410

    I've already seen the whole thing because I'm a patron supporter so I'm gonna go ahead a comment, the animation is amazing the amount of work and effort you put into this is amazing. This AMV is so creative and I've been enjoying watching you animate this character on lives. This AMV is so Incredibly detailed and we'll put together I don't even know if I'll be able to match this level of creativity. You deserve way more views and probably more compliments. Your hard work and efforts won't go unappreciated! My favorite scenes are "Got me taking off like a shuttle" "So put your fingers back in the sky" and "Bottle got me seeing kind of double" I absolutely loved this and will watch it nonstop. You are such a talented animator and deserve to be recognized for that! I love the music, the vibe and the backgrounds are all incredible, there was not a single scene in this that didn't give the energy it was supposed to give and I love that. Boomer has such a characteristic personality that is so obvious to point out during this. I love the color pallet the effects and the overall mood of this animation. This work is so enthusiastic and inspiring I vouch to draw and be this creative someday. I love interactive you were with your fans so I'm overall happy for support you as a content creator. Amazing and astonishing job on this and I hope you have a great thanks giving and Christmas.

    • @prince.charmed
      @prince.charmed Год назад +3

      dude this was so long i almost thought it was a copypasta!!

  • @TheButtercreamKing
    @TheButtercreamKing 2 года назад +16

    Now THIS is how you do an animation meme; I get a little sick of all the repetition I see in most memes ; just rinse repeat and loop the same animation but this is so fresh and amazing; keep up your amazing work. THIS Is what passion in your work and characters looks like

  • @Waybelowaverage494
    @Waybelowaverage494 2 года назад +161

    Leave it to K9 to give us a bubbly, fluid animation!! I could never get bored of your work

    • @SolarPixelzz
      @SolarPixelzz 2 года назад +7

      No likes and no replies I can fix that

  • @_AV_
    @_AV_ 2 года назад +527

    The amount of movement your animations have always astounds me! What FPS do you typically animate with?

    • @YellowK9
      @YellowK9  2 года назад +214

      I use 24fps but I animate on twos, so it acts more like 12fps!

    • @JesterAJ
      @JesterAJ 2 года назад +35

      Can you explain animation on twos? Like one frame is the same as the one before?

    • @_AV_
      @_AV_ 2 года назад +16

      @@YellowK9 ooooh, That's something I need to experiment with still!

    • @YellowK9
      @YellowK9  2 года назад +81

      @@JesterAJ Yeah so basically, each drawing lasts for two frames instead of one, so each drawing is sort of doubled up, if that makes sense.

    • @_AV_
      @_AV_ 2 года назад +28

      @@JesterAJ it's a cool thing best described with visuals. There's a timeline from 1-10. So frame 1 has an animation, then you skip 2 and animate on frame 3, skip 4, and so on. Might not be a great explanation but there are a bunch of resources on here and elsewhere!

  • @KittydogCrystal
    @KittydogCrystal 2 года назад +217

    this animation is so lively!! your animations are always so impressive, i love the vibe this gives off, and this must have taken so much effort xD amazing job and super inspiring :D

  • @Zephrey
    @Zephrey 2 года назад +201

    Your animations have SO MUCH movement, I don’t think I saw a single still frame! It’s so impressive how smooth this is and it’s just so professional!! You deserve so much more attention on your animations/channel!!

  • @lilBeast
    @lilBeast 2 года назад +7

    Is that an animation meme or *FREAKING BIG AWESOME MUSIC CLIP OR EVEN MOVIE* ????

  • @enalv6438
    @enalv6438 2 года назад +90

    You're one of those animators whose animations actually look *alive.*

    • @Jroobelucios
      @Jroobelucios 2 года назад +4

      You’re so right! The character has so much personality and life

  • @spowoku1629
    @spowoku1629 2 года назад +43

    I need to admit I was not expecting this.. I knew it would be very good but not THIS good. The smoothness, the movement, the backgrounds and the creativity is all too perfect. Great effort!

  • @niyonmor786
    @niyonmor786 2 года назад +27

    believable Weighty fluid animation,
    Conveyant yet not cartoony expressions,
    Easy on the eyes color palette,
    well proportioned and consistent character,
    Excellent use of background and foreground animations,
    Excellent rhythmic cohesion with music,
    Overall fantastic and very entertaining.

  • @dracolithe4450
    @dracolithe4450 2 года назад +22

    This must have taken ages. I loved the colour splash toward the first quarter and the character movements are awesome and really well done. You're clearly getting better and better at what you do and hope it continues

  • @-.willowwolfplayz.-2976
    @-.willowwolfplayz.-2976 2 года назад +3

    *gives you that ‘happy’ feeling*

  • @NezzDragon
    @NezzDragon 2 года назад +48

    I’ve been watching all the live streams and I cannot wait to finally see the finished product, these animations are straight up inspirational and I admire the work you up into them!

  • @mewumu9071
    @mewumu9071 2 года назад +28

    This is gorgeous!!! The movement is so fluid, the amount of frames you must have had to draw though? 💀💀💀 so worth it! Stunning!!

  • @mittns2007
    @mittns2007 2 года назад +17


  • @SpitGecko341
    @SpitGecko341 2 года назад +10

    The fact that this was animated by an individual human being just makes my brain so confused, because the amount of effort and motivation needed to complete a project like this in like 3 months is insane. This video is one of my biggest inspirations so far, the consistency of the colors and the smoothness of the animation in general just blows me away. Thank you for blessing RUclips with this masterpiece, goodbye.

  • @mo00v3ed
    @mo00v3ed 2 года назад +5

    Total animated scenes: 18
    🤯 I have no words

  • @pepelesniff8852
    @pepelesniff8852 2 года назад +9

    It is so insane how fluid all your animations are, and with fairly complicated designs too :0

  • @AureaTW
    @AureaTW 2 года назад +5

    THIS IS ONE OF THE SMOOTHEST IF NOT THE SMOOTHEST ANIMATION I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! everything feels so natural, and now that you've posted the behind the scenes vid i finally understand why!💖 awesome animation, as always!!

  • @FishcalledFronk
    @FishcalledFronk Год назад +1

    This has to be one of the best animations I've ever watched. The movements are so fluid and grounded while still retaining that cartoony flair. It's amazing

    @AALIXD 2 года назад +3

    I can’t stop watching this omgmgmg it’s so bouncy and so smooth

  • @musilovesbooks
    @musilovesbooks 2 года назад +6

    Eye candy! The movement looks SO DAMN REALISTIC!!! I am not exaggerating when I say that this might be the smoothest and most fluid animation i've ever seen

  • @BanditCoyote
    @BanditCoyote 2 года назад +3

    I can’t stop watching this! It’s amazing and goes well with the character- your talent is impressive

  • @TEA_ADDICT9238
    @TEA_ADDICT9238 2 года назад +2

    the character animation is so smooth and life-like !! this is genuinely so amazing

  • @calicodragons
    @calicodragons 2 года назад +5

    The amount of effort put into each frame is stunning. Wow- I have not seen something so pretty like this in a while, amazing work!! :DD

  • @void__8302
    @void__8302 2 года назад +7

    Just the fluid movements and the colors are enough to make me go "Wow!" Everything about this animation is so stunning!!

  • @Zasyaa
    @Zasyaa 2 года назад +14

    This not animation meme anymore it's like a whole AMV even more????? Holy shit this incredible it gives me chills-
    the fact this is all frame by frame with alot of movements and turn out smooth as heaven, even with the design that are a bit complex it take hell alot of energy emotion and pain to do animation with them,,
    Especially animating a furry, tbh drawing Snout is always the one that bothers me the most then you right here just flexing it with those lot of head movement and expression 😭😭 it must take so much energy to do just one scene but you make like more than 4 omgg you don't know how much I adore your talent and effort I could literally bow down for it 🛐🛐🛐

  • @BanditCoyote
    @BanditCoyote 2 года назад +3

    This absolute eye candy- like my words would not describe how well animated this is. As well as the colors, character, and everything! Amazing!

  • @himignicest1571
    @himignicest1571 2 года назад +1


  • @2-stepverification624
    @2-stepverification624 2 года назад +2

    this is so good! Iv been watching the livestreams and such and am exited to see the project finally complete, it looks so smooth and relly good!

  • @FlightRiskWizard
    @FlightRiskWizard Год назад +1

    This is genuinely Cartoon Network quality. So beautiful

  • @JesterAJ
    @JesterAJ 2 года назад +7

    Beautiful ! Animating so much movement takes forever and the fact you did a whole AMV ?! THATS AMAZING! +1 sub

  • @inactive.mp4
    @inactive.mp4 2 года назад +1

    Bro! I can't believe you've come far enough to host a giveaway with Cloudkid! You are such an inspiration!

  • @tewtheaxolotl9440
    @tewtheaxolotl9440 2 года назад +4

    ITS SO SMOOTH AHHHH it feels so natural and pleasing to look at. you definitely need more subs, this animation is better than disney!!!!! Ö

  • @Tacobellcramps
    @Tacobellcramps 2 года назад +3

    You’re one of the artists really raising the bar for animation memes. Looks great!

  • @CabinWolfYuki.
    @CabinWolfYuki. 2 года назад +2

    OMG!! you literally can't stop getting better and better!! Your so amazing and I honestly adore this!!!

  • @lordumbreon1723
    @lordumbreon1723 2 года назад +4

    I've watched it at least 5 times by now and I still can't get over how smooth this is and how well it's done, never stop animating cause this is some true talent

  • @Taiphyr
    @Taiphyr 2 года назад +3

    I usually dont have problems with RUclipsrs like you, but my problem with you is that… you’re too underrated.

  • @Nagitoes-cm5mu
    @Nagitoes-cm5mu 2 года назад +2

    It's such a smooth animation, I'm super impressed! This was basically eye candy to me, I just love how fluid and real some movements felt. I'm super excited on what you make next, keep up the great work!

  • @artistjenny
    @artistjenny 2 года назад +3

    This is really good! The music, the art style, and animation are so good together!! ❤

  • @hecksanontagon
    @hecksanontagon 2 года назад +4

    this looks absolutely amazing!! the movement and fluff physics look so fluid its lovely to watch

  • @xiaofan3377
    @xiaofan3377 2 года назад +3

    you're a living legend. not less. this animation is legendary. there are not many like this, that give off a vibe like this. please continue your path as an animator, you have great future ahead of you.

  • @opalxfr
    @opalxfr 2 года назад +1

    This gotta be my favourite animation EVER oml....

  • @TheSleepySys
    @TheSleepySys Год назад +2

    WOAH THIS IS AWESOME?? I know you have 30k but your animations with only 30k?? Thats underrated to me. You deserve more.

  • @andifishgallery9400
    @andifishgallery9400 2 года назад +3

    The movements feel so alive and flow so naturally especially the fur! Seriously every frame could look good for a wallpaper!! Genuinely cant believe you dont have atleast 100k subs for this amount of skill and patience!!!

  • @JourneyThroughTime
    @JourneyThroughTime 2 года назад +3

    Oh my gosh.. the animation is so insane! Hope you pat yourself on the back for this one!

  • @SquirrelsRainyDay
    @SquirrelsRainyDay 2 года назад +1

    This is so bouncy! The flow of the animation is so smooth, and with the way they dance it just looks so lively!! Please keep up the great work, I'm amazed!

  • @abbleflint9273
    @abbleflint9273 2 года назад +2

    You're Animations Are So Smooth And Just , Wow!

  • @mythicalwolf39
    @mythicalwolf39 2 года назад +5

    This was so good! Great animation skills! The smoothness of the animation is smoother than butter and Micheal Jackson’s moonwalk combined! Great animation! I loved it!

  • @biancaanimatez70
    @biancaanimatez70 2 года назад +4

    How do I say this, under 100k subs for this professional work is insanity it’s so smooth and enjoyable, also fluid. I can’t wait to see your projects in the future I mean this is amazing work you have made!

  • @Sillyfangs
    @Sillyfangs 2 года назад +2


  • @13TheFurry
    @13TheFurry 2 года назад +2

    THE TALENT!! I love it so much. You're one of my fav animators

  • @lisounyan
    @lisounyan 2 года назад +5

    That’s *AMAZING* :D
    It’s really impressive, it’s colourful, there are so many details and it’s SO smooth and it goes well with the music !
    I didn’t have the time to watch your streams but sometimes and watched some minutes of them, all the efforts you put into your art is so inspirational!
    You are an incredible artist

  • @InkArcane
    @InkArcane Год назад +2

    This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen, how is it so fluid?

  • @Not_Fish
    @Not_Fish 2 года назад +1

    Bro that into! I love the first part too! This is such a thrill!

  • @JediWolfDude
    @JediWolfDude 2 года назад +1

    How can you be speechless yet have a million things to say because WOW!!! This is Awesome!!!
    All I can really think to say without really rambling is how is the movements so life like while have a cartoonist style! ARE YOU USING DARK MAGIC OR SOMETHING?!?!?!

  • @brackenyelp121
    @brackenyelp121 2 года назад +1

    holy crap those are some smooth movements
    AMAZING job!! i love it so muchh
    i dont usually comment on videos like these but this is too well made not to AT LEAST give my opinion on it
    oh and amazing character design, overall this is absolutely well made and i absolutely love it!!

  • @altega
    @altega 2 года назад +1

    knocked it out of the park again!!!! holy COW i cannot get over your animations. so fluid, i cant even imagine how long it would take to animate the dance, let alone this entire video. some serious dedication here!!!

  • @Stabilization
    @Stabilization 2 года назад +1

    I can’t stop rewatching this, it’s so freaking good!! I love the energy and how idk human they act! Like they way they move seems more alive than a lot of animation I’ve seen on YT!
    Also I am very tempted to try this ahehe
    It would be hard but fun!

  • @CakeIsNotALie
    @CakeIsNotALie 2 года назад +1

    I feel these type of people will bring animation meme community light up again

  • @PsychicSploob
    @PsychicSploob 2 года назад +2

    The body movements and the way the fur bobs around is so smooth and pleasant to the eye 🤩

  • @limediamond4595
    @limediamond4595 2 года назад +1

    Wow! All that time you spent on this was worth it! This came out amazing!

  • @alyssabullock6421
    @alyssabullock6421 Год назад +1

    Oh my goshhhh, this is amazing!!! There's so much to look at, and your work is so fluid and expressive!! Absolutely incredible!

  • @riitaako
    @riitaako 2 года назад +1

    This is incredibly impressive!! The movements look so natural and lively! You can really see the effort that went into it! The behind the scenes was super cool to see too!

  • @Opaline.
    @Opaline. 2 года назад +2

    This is so smooth! I always love how lively your animations are. Look at them go!

  • @jenecko2003
    @jenecko2003 2 года назад +3

    OMG I always love your animations but I have not seen one in a long time since I have not checked on your channel in a while

  • @ninesroom
    @ninesroom 2 года назад +2

    This is absolutely fantastic!! Being able to animate like this one day is my dream 💞💞 Wonderful job, I can tell this took a lot of work but it was so worth it!

  • @obzcurity521
    @obzcurity521 2 года назад +1

    I was so caught off gaurd by the smoothness of the animation and how lively everything was. I felt like animation memes have lost its creative touch, and I dont feel inspired much anymore. This, this is what we need in our animation community. Amazing job, Yellow K9, you now have another loyal follower :]

  • @MrKoolTrix
    @MrKoolTrix 2 года назад +1

    Stumbled upon this through Twitter, I'm absolutely blown away with the fluidity, vibrant colors, and fun energy of this animation 🤯💖
    The song is so fun too, love its funky and boppy groove 😄🎵

  • @CookieCrumbsCalico
    @CookieCrumbsCalico 2 года назад +3

    I saw you working on this through your streams, I cant even describe how amazing this is! You have so much talent I hope I can animate like you someday!✨

  • @sammas7816
    @sammas7816 2 года назад +1

    This is so amazingly fluid and so colorful! This is stunning!

  • @fazbearlovescuphead862
    @fazbearlovescuphead862 2 года назад +1

    woah damn, everything is moving and it’s fabulous

  • @ighup9060
    @ighup9060 2 года назад +4

    Я не знаю что я тут делаю, а анимация идеально красивая

    @ARCTICFROST101 2 года назад +2


  • @nicolecann7840
    @nicolecann7840 Год назад +1

    Super smooth and with lots of variety! This is top notch.

    @THE49THSTARGAZER Год назад +1

    Congratulations, you scared with the fluidity of this animation.

  • @ajbanimatedstudios5014
    @ajbanimatedstudios5014 Месяц назад +1

    Teach me your ways!

  • @rebelol_8963
    @rebelol_8963 2 года назад +1

    I am actually speechless god dang

  • @Xo_Beanie_MorningStar_Xo
    @Xo_Beanie_MorningStar_Xo 2 года назад +3

    This is very smooth wth-

  • @aramisdagaz9
    @aramisdagaz9 8 месяцев назад

    This is less of an animation meme and more of a full-on animated music video. It's just so dang fun to watch!

  • @Cobalt985
    @Cobalt985 Год назад

    This is no animation meme. This is seriously high effort and having never seen an animation by you before, I'm really impressed. The fluid motion is especially impressive and just how dynamic it all is stands out.

  • @LavendusMusic
    @LavendusMusic 2 года назад +1

    Yesss! I love it so much! I’ve never seen anyone draw digigrade legs like that! It’s so unique!

  • @Kiw1_Kat
    @Kiw1_Kat 2 года назад +2

    This is actually my favorite video ever and I've replayed it like 20 times😭😭

  • @Cappy_Capital
    @Cappy_Capital 2 года назад

    The genuine attention to detail that you gave to this was really amazing, i freaked out seeing the feet placements that kept the character on balance, such fantastic details!

  • @Nightmare_The_Wolf
    @Nightmare_The_Wolf 2 года назад +1


  • @maggiewandell6898
    @maggiewandell6898 2 года назад +1

    the voice fits the character so well :D

  • @paardjee1
    @paardjee1 2 года назад +1

    This turned out absolutely amazing!! The amount of work you put into this is so clearly visible!
    I adore all the different animations you made for the dance scenes and the ones playing out the lines of the song!

  • @isabelyork3265
    @isabelyork3265 2 года назад +1

    Your animations are amazing! You're definitely one of my favorite animators! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @StarPlatinum7912
    @StarPlatinum7912 2 года назад +1

    * subscribes *

  • @Cloudyrollz
    @Cloudyrollz 2 года назад +3

    I can't wait to see it! you really spent tons of time and effort in it I really loved the live streams

  • @zakiyadiehl3124
    @zakiyadiehl3124 Год назад +1

    This was super smooth and amazing great job on it!

  • @lilyluvlii
    @lilyluvlii 2 года назад +1

    Its amazingz, how you animate is so unique and bouncy, i just love it!

  • @cluelessbitchez
    @cluelessbitchez 2 года назад +1

    Omfg that dance cycle 0:51
    Thank you for blessing us with your talent, we are unworthy 😢😂❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @LuciusLucius
    @LuciusLucius 2 года назад +1


  • @kittycornartz9548
    @kittycornartz9548 2 года назад +1

    i’ve always wished i could animate dancing this smoothly but oh my god the effort put into this how did you do it 😭❤ props to you this is really fantastic