DOOMFIST will have an ability that destroy all barriers and stun players and heal his teammates with old spice and his ulti is solo fight he select one player and fight to death.
Bariah White I suppose, but a large part of the tank meta was Ana because she would heal the tanks constantly and get really fast ulti, whereas a barrier meta would be more focused on preventing the damage in the first place, so healers will have a smaller role
LOL IKR. Also the people that go "Hurr durr, Sombra's not meant to be a DPS assassin so she shouldn't get any sort of buff to help her kill, harr harr" really piss me off. Did they intend for Symmetra to be a DPS assassin when they buffed HER gun? No. She needed to kill better because she was practically useless back then.
Perfect Poké by meta I think he meant she was stupidly good when she was first released and now she's 'eh' more of a nuisance than a proper enemy (except codey, he's amazing at sombra)
LOL Sombra was never good. She wasn't even good in her PTR days. She's only gotten buffs that made her better. The buffs she's getting is exactly what she should've had since launch, but the new balancing team for OW is so damn scared of making anything viable. Their excuse is "we want people to form strategies with her first before we buff her" yeah, except nobody is gonna wanna form strategies for characters that suck. You need to buff someone for them to get respected, like soldier 76 for instance, THEN people will make strategies, then you can nerf if they need it.
midnightmadness786 This is the most blunt yet perfect explenation. Blizzard really needs to grow a pair instead of being bullied by crybabies that hate when a character can become a threat to their mains.
midnightmadness786 it's not that they did not want to make things viable. They did noy want another ana to happen, basically. A hero that conducts the meta of one and a half season, when she isn't really much appreciated during the initial release.
I would like to see blizzard add a PTR game mode into the live game. This would get MUCH more exposure for new characters and different buffs/nerfs. They could just display a splash screen "Things change a lot in this game mode, click here for the most recent changes" when people queue up for it so there is less confusion.
Reaper was nerfed in an early patch which made his ultimate deal less damage. It was not in the patch notes. Sombra will be in the meta the instant they fix the bug that makes her teleporters disappear when she tries to use them, and the bug where shooting places which she away teleported from can kill her. Be great to sync up the first person invis with the third person invis too, to make her less confusing to learn.
But sombra is my bby, I don't wanna share her with the meta players that have been talking shit, we sombra mains are an exclusive club and we don't want fake fans and soldier mains joining us. Aw, pobrecita!
Gil S. Yeah this happened with bastion. All the people who have never played him auto lock him and think that they are better than the players who played him before.
If you look at recent changes they make it obvious we were getting a barrier character with Sym getting a barrier, bastion being labelled by blizzard as the anti barrier and sombra being realeased as the other anti barrier
I don't want others to play her :( we deserve more the sombra mains from the start. I even have gold for her. JUST FUCKING PLAY SOLDIER OR SOMETHING MEEHEHSBAABN !!
I had all golds in so many games plaing sombra while our team had a soldier as well so Sombra is strong but she's way harder than soldier who is that easy that you play the tutorial with him
That's because they play sombra like they were playing soldier. support and disrupt isn't about kills. And as a sombra you must support , you can't just go ham!
sombra feels awesome on ptr... one point many dont think about is that sombra exploits immobility like no other character and orisas barriers cause a more static type of fights... getting behind a rein as sombra results often in him moving backwards to his friends till sombra stands in front of him eating his hammer or she has to get out asap without doing anything... however getting behind orisas shield often results in orisa turning around and Trying to kill sombra while sombras friends are able to push around the barrier... On live servers sombra allways has to wait for an opening to shine, except she uses emp to Start a fight, but on ptr (aswell when bastion was meta) she is capable of creating openings which feels really nice :)
All they need to do now is to have Winstons shield up for 10 seconds instead of 5, and a little more damage output on his Telsa Cannon or an alternative fire. His barrier goes away so quickly.__and his cannon tickles enemies.
One synergy I wish people would try more of is widowmaker/junkrat combo. Widow can easily take down priority targets, but she's hard countered by barriers. Junkrat has the easiest time destroying barriers with his ridiculous damage, and he can also use his trap to give widow an easy couple of headshots on a tank.
I I think another great modification worth to try and be to have sombra be able to switch her submachine gun to a three-shot burst for accuracy medium to long distance like a Famas rifle. so DPS versus accuracy trade-off toggle. also to be able to long press translocator throw button for longer throw
I know they're technically not barriers, but did you forget about's Defence Matrix and the Zarya bubble? Having a Reinhardt & on chokes or & Zarya on KOTH maps is already a small Barrierwatch - and both are broken by Sombra as well. Though, if you can anticipate the EMP your heals can really get you out of the no-barrier-time...
They have another way to play around barriers: It's called Bastion, in the Developer Update its noted he was reworked specifically to break down barriers Also, Sombra was never able to hack through barriers. It was a bug that got fixed within a day on PTR, not a change they wanted to test out.
I like how overwatch does things it's amazing they basically change their game (meta) every competitive season it makes it fresh and brings back a challenging aspect
If that would happen it would take 2 days max before people would start to cry she is OP and fairly so because that change would make her OP. Sombra is allready really powerfull with her hack and translocater helping her escape if needed. If you buff her damage espesially with 25% she would be way to good. Sombra is a hard heroe to master yes but that does not mean we should make her easy and OP to use for every noob in the game.
quick Winston tip, never rage if you get nano boosted. you do so less damage in your ultimate form than the lazer cannon. use Nano boost with regular fire, wait till your health drops, then ult to get it all back
So what I'm thinking is a Barrier/Attack Boost team makeup with Ana (nanoboost ult), Orisa (drum ult), Mercy (attack boost beam), Reinhardt, Winston, and then that leaves a spot for a dps hero, probably Soldier. Basically just stall with barriers until Ana and Orisa get their ults and then damage boost stack for a massive push.Thoughts?
You're wrong sty; reaper has always been changed since release. They've been fixing bugs where reaper unintentionally teleports to parts of maps he shouldn't be on.
Don't forget that bastion is now designed as a barrier buster. With his more sustained damage because of his larger clip, he may be a bigger pick to go against barrier comps.
stormmm :-? It must be that his rank in the previous season was pretty low, I have some friends who were diamond rank in the previous seasons and for their placements they only won 2-3 games and they still got placed in diamond. Keep in mind SR means Skill Rating so even if a player wins lots of matches it doesn't necessarily mean they will get a high placement.
Everyone talking about Sombra kill barriers and all I am thinking about it firing fully charged Symmetra alt fires through all those barriers. I love watching people trying to make the choice of staying behind barrier and taking the hit, or leave barrier and be subject to everything else
Coming from a half sombra main who is master, if it is going to be barrier watch, it would most likely be sombra, for emp usage, and high damage dealers or normal comp + lucio for rushing, imo
The thing about "Barrier Watch" is that it repriorities the DPS characters towards Sombra, Reaper or Junkrat etc. because of their damage output so that a direct counter to barriers like the Zenyata buff isn't really necessary
bastion can rip those barriers apart too so he could be an alternative to sombra. junkrat can do good as well and zarya might get picked less with these buffs in effect (i.e. winston ult can push her around now through her own barrier) which is a concern when you play him as you don't want to give her charge. for the zen issue; as a zenyatta main i've never had an issue discording a reinhardt if I just wait for a firestrike and do it then.
why does everyone make a big deal out of this, nobody cares it will sort itself out. We know the only reason you put this is because you really wanted to write "first" or "I'm early let me think of a joke" well I've got news for you you're the joke... rant over
DwuvShep Its not correct the view only counts of Its at least half of the video which. then counts a view but if it's less it's worth no view so if someone watched 1-2 minutes and gave this a like it makes sense :)
o as all of you know, this ranking system isnt the right one. Mine might not aswell be, but i found intresting to show my thoughts with you guys. My ideas are also solve the problems that, if your like diamond support, but bad at offensive, you need almost to create a smurf account to not be demolished. So, lets begin: My idea is having a separate rank for all heroes, or at least all classes. 5 placements for each one (number may change as i dont know what would do best). Imagine you play widow, and you get placed high plat, but in your zenyatta provisionals you get silver. Now you can improve on zen without having to create a new account. Problems this will create: switches mid game To solve that i would suggest actually a class rank, like a support, offensive and defensive (either together or separated), and tank. I would also suggest that, when you pressed the comp button, you could chose to queue as a role: and if that takes too much time to find a game a primary and a secondary. Your primary will be priorityzed, and the second one is only if its taking too long. Sorry for the long and unorganized post, im looking foward to your thoughts about my idea. I may have forgot something, so i will keep editing the post as i remember all the stuff i wanted to write here.
To queue as a certain role though, that would require Blizzard to basically set/define the meta by choosing what other roles to put in your team, which wouldn't work too well because the meta is constantly changing
2-2-2 has always been viable. Blizzard could make a 2-2-2 out of primary/secondary, but you could still alternate the team comp, for example if you dps and tank agreed to switch then do it. it would be more stable than this queue anyways
QizziT that entire thing sounds much less streamlined, and needlessly complicated. if you want to improve as zenyatta play some quick play, then hop onto comp when you are ready. we don't need different classes and random shenanigans. it's a measure of your overall strength as a player not, oh I main this guy so I'm a grandmaster but this guy I suck at so I'm a low bronze
What do you people think of giving Winston a passive that makes his melee attack more powerful (so like 50 damage per melee instead of 30)? Would be really neat.
Just adding the necessary here: Zarya also uses a barrier... and SYMMETRA. After the revision those barriers are not a small thing - definitely part of the barrier gang :)
I think it would be great if D.Va's defense matrix could absorb Orisa's shield. It is technically a projectile and could really help against that Orisa, Reinhardt combo.
Maybe if Zens discord had a slight penetration behind barriers. So if someones standing right on it you could discord them but if they 5, 10, 15m back then you cant get them
Before ppl start complaining about the barrier meta, think about it for a sec. Now we can see more characters like sombra, junkrat and bastion being used to counter all this barriers. Im totally fine with all the buffs and nerfs so far and I'm excited for orisa.
Sombra and dive comps will become huge. It's a good shift from the constant triple-tank, which was even bad on console, and makes countering a much larger element of the game. It also makes play styles a real thing to consider, as you could use barriers and still effectively dive, since Winston and someone like Genji, Tracer, Pharah, Junkrat, and Sombra can all jump into enemy territory, with an Orisa-centered attack following it. Orisa can also toss a barrier to the pushing team once Winston's bubble is gone if she wants. This will also bring Zarya to the spotlight, as her added shield makes a team even harder to kill (and, correct me if I'm wrong, primary fire passes barriers). This, by extension, makes Hanzo and McCree more useful for their amazing ult combos. The only real issue I see here is that there's a lot of game changing things you can do with tanks because of this, so tank-heavy comps might still wind up dominating the game.
Tl;dr- barriers being meta could make Sombra popular, as well as combos with Winston and a mobile hero. It could also make Zarya popular for her shielding, and by extension heroes like Hanzo and McCree that combo well with her ult. Since there's so much that tanks as a whole can do, though, tank-heavy comps might still be overwhelmingly popular.
The thing is, 4 support 1 dps and 1 tank did work as a comp strat.... But now 4 tanks (winston, rein, orisa, dva) 1 support (probably ana, zen or mercy) and a dps (genji, soldier or bastion) will be op. Even if they have a good sombra, zen or any other counter to shields, they have 4 tanks to soak up damage, 3 shields and a defence matrix to stop incoming damage, 2 high dps to deal damage and a support to keep them alive and or damage boost them. If people dont learn to counter this faster than people master it, it could become a viable and anoying defence strat.
You forgot about junkrat buff, junkrat is very good at killing barriers and dealing damage behind them. Also, shields generally make people stand behind them, so his splash damage is super good. Tried him on ptr and you can be very agressive and accurate with him now.
I think what Blizzard really wants to happen is an Overwatch without any meta. An Overwatch where any pick or comp is viable as long as you mind the counters. Of course it all goes down to comps and strategies, on how characters work with each other, or probably reactions to how the enemy team comps are built.
Maybe sombra could be given the ability to hack a barrier from the front to put a kind of discord effect on it. It's not as op as hacking through the barrier and completely disabling it, but it will improve her viability against rein Orissa combo, without relying on emp. It can be super difficult to get close enough to hack a rein from behind and not taking any damage in the mean time, and because of this it kind of feel like her hacking ability is only good for health packs. This would improve it a bit and make it feel like your actually helping the team
Ana being in very game means she's OP. Rein being in every game means he's not OP, he's just very powerful. Logic++ by Stylosa, the bias is strong with this one. Also given the response when you play sombra in comp, she certainly is offensive.
Well, yes. If everyone plays him in every single game it's because they are playing him because he wins them games. If people say "we need a Hanzo" every game he's op. If people bitch and moan if you don't pick Hanzo. He's op. If everything that happens to Rein and Ana happens to Hanzo. Then yes. You might want to think things through first mate. Not every answer should have to be spoonfed to you. This was all explained implicitly in the first post.
i completely agree but i would also like to take it one step further... its going to be a quad tank meta. rein, orisa, winston, aaannnddd zarya. itll still be barrierwatch with her to cuz she got barriers. she can use them to save winston a lot and whenever all the barriers get destroyed. and then maybe a lucio and an ana. or bastion, lucio. or bastion, ana
When orisa first came out on the ptr, I played no limits. The enemy team had 1 winston that was destroying us. So the next round 2 people on our team went winston. Soon enough, noone was playing orisa and it was just a 6v6 winston fight
I think it's great that they reverted zen's buff. whether it's Op or not it shows that they are prepared to revert changes they make if they don't think they should be there.
What about SYMMETRA? She also has that barrier of hers which can be used when rein or ORISA needs to recharge. Also mei could do this aswell with her ice wall, especially with the choke points
i'd say zens orb change should've stayed BUT the barrier acts like a wall so he has to be behind the barrier for the orb to stay otherwise he has to keep focusing putting it on every few seconds. that way it keeps zen in front of the barrier area where he can be picked off but flankers now have the opputunity to wreck those behind barriers
When you dive in as Winston on someone melee right before you land on someone and you'll do the melee damage and the leap damage at the same time and the melee animation is canceled.
Whilst Rein is generally very applicable and rarely a bad pick, there are some situations however where Rein is not a good pick, that typically being in situations like, on attack on Hanamura when the enemy team has Bastion + Junkrat + Sym as trying to push through that with a deathball is a bad idea. Basically, in the situations where a dive comp is really the only thing you should run, a Rain is not a good pick. That definitely isn't always though but a less extreme statement would be, there are plenty of situations where not taking Rein and instead going full dive comp is far more efficient.
Reinhardt shield, Winston bubble, Orissa barrier plus ult, dva shield, symetra turrets plus shields, mei walls don't expect to ever get through a choke point again 😂
this is a good thing right? if you choose to play with a lot of barriers, which is still a choice. the enemy team has the chance to counter that and punish that kind of play. i like it.
I feel like this will make Reaper more playable, bringing back tanks brings back reaper, plus shields have large hit boxes, making them easy to be Reaper'd to death
Well if Doomfist has such a powerful melee as we suspect, he'll probably have an ability to either insta-kill or cause massive damage to most barriers. It'll have to be on a massive cooldown, show it'll probably be a trait on his ult. Just an educated guess.
DOOMFIST will have an ability that destroy all barriers and stun players and heal his teammates with old spice and his ulti is solo fight he select one player and fight to death.
but he is nothing against mei in a 1 v 1
LunchBox that ability will be useless once jeff is added
LunchBox I know it's a joke but orisa was made, lore wise, to counter doomfist, if he has any connection to barriers it will be a weakness.
LunchBox while yelling out POOOOOWWWWWEEEERRRR
LunchBox can you guys check out my recent overwatch video, I spent 3 hours making it
so correct me if I'm wrong but barrier watch is a different form of triple tank but with Rein Winston and Orisa???
Bariah White I suppose, but a large part of the tank meta was Ana because she would heal the tanks constantly and get really fast ulti, whereas a barrier meta would be more focused on preventing the damage in the first place, so healers will have a smaller role
Bariah White not really cuz ana isnt as strong anymore, and winston is very eqsy to kill
And will bring sombrero back to the game.
Hobzgood ana is still strong... are u drunk? lol
Anthony Alvarez not really her healing has been nerfed alot
"Is Sombra coming back into the meta?" Wait... Sombra was in the meta before this?
LOL IKR. Also the people that go "Hurr durr, Sombra's not meant to be a DPS assassin so she shouldn't get any sort of buff to help her kill, harr harr" really piss me off. Did they intend for Symmetra to be a DPS assassin when they buffed HER gun? No. She needed to kill better because she was practically useless back then.
Perfect Poké by meta I think he meant she was stupidly good when she was first released and now she's 'eh' more of a nuisance than a proper enemy (except codey, he's amazing at sombra)
LOL Sombra was never good. She wasn't even good in her PTR days. She's only gotten buffs that made her better. The buffs she's getting is exactly what she should've had since launch, but the new balancing team for OW is so damn scared of making anything viable. Their excuse is "we want people to form strategies with her first before we buff her" yeah, except nobody is gonna wanna form strategies for characters that suck. You need to buff someone for them to get respected, like soldier 76 for instance, THEN people will make strategies, then you can nerf if they need it.
midnightmadness786 This is the most blunt yet perfect explenation. Blizzard really needs to grow a pair instead of being bullied by crybabies that hate when a character can become a threat to their mains.
midnightmadness786 it's not that they did not want to make things viable. They did noy want another ana to happen, basically. A hero that conducts the meta of one and a half season, when she isn't really much appreciated during the initial release.
Just wondering if theirs any Sombra mains out there?
Cameron Crawford me boy
MrEddie1119 19 years old i dont really consider myself a boy anymore. Lol
Cameron Crawford I have 104 hrs played as Sombra 😂
Daniel Garcia Good Stuff i have about 101 on Tracer.
I also main Tracer haha
That is the saltiest Reaper player I have ever seen.
whhy :c is jus a game xd
I would like to see blizzard add a PTR game mode into the live game. This would get MUCH more exposure for new characters and different buffs/nerfs. They could just display a splash screen "Things change a lot in this game mode, click here for the most recent changes" when people queue up for it so there is less confusion.
rein, orisa, winston, dva, mei , symmetra. no one would be able to pass this shit
....dear god.... I'm a Mei/Zarya/Symmetra/Rein main
BevelBoyJack um that's not main that's just preferred characters
Lol true. I used to be a sole Mei main but I broadened my horizon so much that I can't really say I have a main,
aboodi tayeh no healers?
TheNeko Lord basically the same thing
If discord goes through barriers then the dive comp is even stronger.
IronMan_21_0_17 It doesnt go through barriers
Endriu Endriu It does now (in the PTR).
No, no it doesnt
they reverted that buff really quick.
he said "IF"
Why can Reinhardt Orisa and Winston be in the meta (remember tank meta) all day, but genji and tracer not?
genji and tracer are annoying
BEST PROFILEPICTURE EU genji reaper pharah and tracer will be in the meta, you need flankers to get behind the barriers
BEST PROFILEPICTURE EU They're way too skill dependent. Same with Widow and Hanzo.
A German U-Boat tracer is actually really easy to get good at
You think that cuz you're plat
Reaper was nerfed in an early patch which made his ultimate deal less damage. It was not in the patch notes.
Sombra will be in the meta the instant they fix the bug that makes her teleporters disappear when she tries to use them, and the bug where shooting places which she away teleported from can kill her. Be great to sync up the first person invis with the third person invis too, to make her less confusing to learn.
when does orisa goes live? i mean in the “regular“ game
CryingClone probs around the end of the month :)
when she stops banging bastion in the ptr
LavishGrain530 thx, im soo excited :D
never i think D:
CryingClone Most likely this week.
Is it just me or does Rein's shield look different on the ptr?
ShayRide yeah it does
You forgot symetra
obadk #cool yes
obadk #cool true
obadk #cool yup
obadk #cool aye
no one cares about symm.... BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (R.I.P.)
I think it's the damage meta:
Random healer
Bastion(defense)/soldier 76(attack)
Sombra/random healer.
But sombra is my bby, I don't wanna share her with the meta players that have been talking shit, we sombra mains are an exclusive club and we don't want fake fans and soldier mains joining us. Aw, pobrecita!
Gil S. Yeah this happened with bastion. All the people who have never played him auto lock him and think that they are better than the players who played him before.
Pre-buff Sombra players unite!
Gil S. lol
Hell yeah
If you look at recent changes they make it obvious we were getting a barrier character with Sym getting a barrier, bastion being labelled by blizzard as the anti barrier and sombra being realeased as the other anti barrier
oh no... junkrat is going to be meta...
corn cake That's a good thing! Junkrat has been out of meta forever. He needed some love
yeah but hes my main and i dont want people to take it xd
corn cake guessing you're bronze then lol
im #4 junk atm according to overbuff
I hate junkrat.
That Reaper kept tea bagging you. lol That's how you know your playing a good Winston.
I don't want others to play her :( we deserve more the sombra mains from the start. I even have gold for her. JUST FUCKING PLAY SOLDIER OR SOMETHING MEEHEHSBAABN !!
Son Wook I actually played with two sombra mains, not trolls, we won both games. It's nice to see people master her !
Son Wook I've never won a game with a sombra on my team. They are useless and play like complete shit. I would talk Soldier over Sombra any day.
I had all golds in so many games plaing sombra while our team had a soldier as well so Sombra is strong but she's way harder than soldier who is that easy that you play the tutorial with him
That's because they play sombra like they were playing soldier. support and disrupt isn't about kills.
And as a sombra you must support , you can't just go ham!
all sombra does is hack and run like a coward. shes so useless
Blizzard: we don't want to have characters to be similar in anyway. We want them to be unique.
Blizzard: has 3 characters with rectangular shields.
Let's simplify this video. Tank Meta is back
sombra feels awesome on ptr... one point many dont think about is that sombra exploits immobility like no other character and orisas barriers cause a more static type of fights... getting behind a rein as sombra results often in him moving backwards to his friends till sombra stands in front of him eating his hammer or she has to get out asap without doing anything... however getting behind orisas shield often results in orisa turning around and Trying to kill sombra while sombras friends are able to push around the barrier... On live servers sombra allways has to wait for an opening to shine, except she uses emp to Start a fight, but on ptr (aswell when bastion was meta) she is capable of creating openings which feels really nice :)
I really want an all shield strategy. Only having heroes that use shields. Zarya, Reindhardt, Winston, Symmetra, Orisa, etc.
Sombra ult = GG
True, but there will be too many tanks
also junkrat can get rid of barriers decently. i think jeff ever said something like that in the recent developer update for orisa.
LeafyIsHere To die lmao So a new tank meta.
Rotten dead skunk anus is pretty fucking tasty not gonna lie
All they need to do now is to have Winstons shield up for 10 seconds instead of 5, and a little more damage output on his Telsa Cannon or an alternative fire.
His barrier goes away so quickly.__and his cannon tickles enemies.
I think the new meta team will be:
Markตงล2นี่ไพ Dddd lucio will always be meta
Markตงล2นี่ไพ Dddd No, it's gotta be Reinhardt, Orisa, Winston, Symmetra, Lucio, and a DPS.
One synergy I wish people would try more of is widowmaker/junkrat combo. Widow can easily take down priority targets, but she's hard countered by barriers. Junkrat has the easiest time destroying barriers with his ridiculous damage, and he can also use his trap to give widow an easy couple of headshots on a tank.
imo winston should be able to wallclimb
I I think another great modification worth to try and be to have sombra be able to switch her submachine gun to a three-shot burst for accuracy medium to long distance like a Famas rifle. so DPS versus accuracy trade-off toggle. also to be able to long press translocator throw button for longer throw
havin a gigl
Calum Reid i am scared
Calum Reid y
Hysterical comment
I know they're technically not barriers, but did you forget about's Defence Matrix and the Zarya bubble?
Having a Reinhardt & on chokes or & Zarya on KOTH maps is already a small Barrierwatch - and both are broken by Sombra as well. Though, if you can anticipate the EMP your heals can really get you out of the no-barrier-time...
All I'm thinking........
When is Orissa comming to console????
They have another way to play around barriers: It's called Bastion, in the Developer Update its noted he was reworked specifically to break down barriers
Also, Sombra was never able to hack through barriers. It was a bug that got fixed within a day on PTR, not a change they wanted to test out.
People are still not going to play Sombra, that's how I see it.
huh we'll see)
8:55 Sweet sweet revenge for that T-bag LOL
Another reason why mccree ult will suck even more
I like how overwatch does things it's amazing they basically change their game (meta) every competitive season it makes it fresh and brings back a challenging aspect
Sombra needs a ambush ability that gives her 25% more dmg when she shoots enemies in the back.
BEST PROFILEPICTURE EU that's a passive maybe? but around 5-10%
Im pretty sombra is a support/disruptor, not a dps.
BEST PROFILEPICTURE EU I say 5% more damage for the first 5 bullets if you shoot while invisible as an "ambush"
If that would happen it would take 2 days max before people would start to cry she is OP and fairly so because that change would make her OP. Sombra is allready really powerfull with her hack and translocater helping her escape if needed. If you buff her damage espesially with 25% she would be way to good. Sombra is a hard heroe to master yes but that does not mean we should make her easy and OP to use for every noob in the game.
I think just decreasing the spread a little bit would help enough to make hor more viable on mid range
quick Winston tip, never rage if you get nano boosted. you do so less damage in your ultimate form than the lazer cannon. use Nano boost with regular fire, wait till your health drops, then ult to get it all back
4:52 t-bag edge lord
So what I'm thinking is a Barrier/Attack Boost team makeup with Ana (nanoboost ult), Orisa (drum ult), Mercy (attack boost beam), Reinhardt, Winston, and then that leaves a spot for a dps hero, probably Soldier. Basically just stall with barriers until Ana and Orisa get their ults and then damage boost stack for a massive push.Thoughts?
You're wrong sty; reaper has always been changed since release. They've been fixing bugs where reaper unintentionally teleports to parts of maps he shouldn't be on.
+Sizukun1 aye. I meant major balance changes!
hey stylosa do you remember me xd
That's not changing him, its fixing bugs you moron.
Sizukun1 u are such an idiot -_-
i'm pretty sure this comment was intended as a joke
Don't forget that bastion is now designed as a barrier buster. With his more sustained damage because of his larger clip, he may be a bigger pick to go against barrier comps.
my friend won 7 of placement rounds and lost 2 and got 1 draw and ended up with 829sr.
do you know why
stormmm :-? It must be that his rank in the previous season was pretty low, I have some friends who were diamond rank in the previous seasons and for their placements they only won 2-3 games and they still got placed in diamond. Keep in mind SR means Skill Rating so even if a player wins lots of matches it doesn't necessarily mean they will get a high placement.
Because he is bad.
I lost 5 games got 2 draws 3 wins (Im not good in comp) and got 902 SR
stormmm :-? I won 5, drew 2, lost 3 and got placed in low gold around 2200 SR when I was almost plat at the end of last season
He got an sr of 1936 in season 2 with less victories but have barely played since
Everyone talking about Sombra kill barriers and all I am thinking about it firing fully charged Symmetra alt fires through all those barriers. I love watching people trying to make the choice of staying behind barrier and taking the hit, or leave barrier and be subject to everything else
this is a cool channel
Coming from a half sombra main who is master, if it is going to be barrier watch, it would most likely be sombra, for emp usage, and high damage dealers or normal comp + lucio for rushing, imo
Sombra mains UNITE!
ShyBryGuy s Sombra is shit
The thing about "Barrier Watch" is that it repriorities the DPS characters towards Sombra, Reaper or Junkrat etc. because of their damage output so that a direct counter to barriers like the Zenyata buff isn't really necessary
A Hat FFS stop
A Hat shut the fuck up
a Huge 🎩
Hats off to you!
for the 6º time
bastion can rip those barriers apart too so he could be an alternative to sombra. junkrat can do good as well and zarya might get picked less with these buffs in effect (i.e. winston ult can push her around now through her own barrier) which is a concern when you play him as you don't want to give her charge. for the zen issue; as a zenyatta main i've never had an issue discording a reinhardt if I just wait for a firestrike and do it then.
Hey everybody my name's stylosa. And today we're playing barrierwatch.
Bliz makes a hero with a massive headshot hitbox, then buffs widow, and then adds barriers everywhere! It is like they're trolling widow players...
52 views. 146 likes.53 views. 147 likes.
DwuvShep 56 views 57 likes 5 dislikes
why does everyone make a big deal out of this, nobody cares it will sort itself out. We know the only reason you put this is because you really wanted to write "first" or "I'm early let me think of a joke" well I've got news for you you're the joke... rant over
DwuvShep Its not correct the view only counts of Its at least half of the video which. then counts a view but if it's less it's worth no view so if someone watched 1-2 minutes and gave this a like it makes sense :)
Woah man chill all I meant is that I watched and liked the video. No need to be toxic.
Winston should get a second attack that works like symetra with a charge up that fires slowly
o as all of you know, this ranking system isnt the right one.
Mine might not aswell be, but i found intresting to show my thoughts with you guys. My ideas are also solve the problems that, if your like diamond support, but bad at offensive, you need almost to create a smurf account to not be demolished.
So, lets begin:
My idea is having a separate rank for all heroes, or at least all classes. 5 placements for each one (number may change as i dont know what would do best). Imagine you play widow, and you get placed high plat, but in your zenyatta provisionals you get silver. Now you can improve on zen without having to create a new account.
Problems this will create: switches mid game
To solve that i would suggest actually a class rank, like a support, offensive and defensive (either together or separated), and tank.
I would also suggest that, when you pressed the comp button, you could chose to queue as a role: and if that takes too much time to find a game a primary and a secondary. Your primary will be priorityzed, and the second one is only if its taking too long.
Sorry for the long and unorganized post, im looking foward to your thoughts about my idea.
I may have forgot something, so i will keep editing the post as i remember all the stuff i wanted to write here.
To queue as a certain role though, that would require Blizzard to basically set/define the meta by choosing what other roles to put in your team, which wouldn't work too well because the meta is constantly changing
QizziT that's a good idea,but blizzard will take a long time to make it like that,if they do.
2-2-2 has always been viable. Blizzard could make a 2-2-2 out of primary/secondary, but you could still alternate the team comp, for example if you dps and tank agreed to switch then do it. it would be more stable than this queue anyways
QizziT that entire thing sounds much less streamlined, and needlessly complicated. if you want to improve as zenyatta play some quick play, then hop onto comp when you are ready. we don't need different classes and random shenanigans. it's a measure of your overall strength as a player not, oh I main this guy so I'm a grandmaster but this guy I suck at so I'm a low bronze
quick play is matched against people with similar skill to yours.
Reinheardt, Winston, Orisa have barriers, but they're both Tanks...
Triple Tank Meta has come back in disguise.
I lost all hype for orisa, they took too long to release her on console.
Yuquico Schwartz Its still not out for PC, its just out for PTR so they can keep testing her.
Masarato Clayton I know, but pc can still play it on the ptr, unlike console.
console peasant
Jonathan Hernandez correct
She'll come really soon. I probably won't play her much though.
What do you people think of giving Winston a passive that makes his melee attack more powerful (so like 50 damage per melee instead of 30)? Would be really neat.
ways to get likes
call your self a hat and comment an Emoji of a hat👌
🎧thats a hat
You're not doin it riighhhttt
Isaac Bullen 🎩
Just adding the necessary here: Zarya also uses a barrier... and SYMMETRA. After the revision those barriers are not a small thing - definitely part of the barrier gang :)
If one hero is the solution (Sombra) or the cause (Ana) of the meta....Sorry, your game balance is just sh't !
There's more than one way to deal with this new meta but Sombra (much like Reinhardt) was just designed to take on this keystone role in teams.
I think it would be great if D.Va's defense matrix could absorb Orisa's shield. It is technically a projectile and could really help against that Orisa, Reinhardt combo.
Maybe if Zens discord had a slight penetration behind barriers. So if someones standing right on it you could discord them but if they 5, 10, 15m back then you cant get them
Before ppl start complaining about the barrier meta, think about it for a sec. Now we can see more characters like sombra, junkrat and bastion being used to counter all this barriers. Im totally fine with all the buffs and nerfs so far and I'm excited for orisa.
Other heroes that counter barrier are bastion (who just power through them), and symmetra (who's right click pass though them)
Sombra and dive comps will become huge. It's a good shift from the constant triple-tank, which was even bad on console, and makes countering a much larger element of the game. It also makes play styles a real thing to consider, as you could use barriers and still effectively dive, since Winston and someone like Genji, Tracer, Pharah, Junkrat, and Sombra can all jump into enemy territory, with an Orisa-centered attack following it. Orisa can also toss a barrier to the pushing team once Winston's bubble is gone if she wants. This will also bring Zarya to the spotlight, as her added shield makes a team even harder to kill (and, correct me if I'm wrong, primary fire passes barriers). This, by extension, makes Hanzo and McCree more useful for their amazing ult combos. The only real issue I see here is that there's a lot of game changing things you can do with tanks because of this, so tank-heavy comps might still wind up dominating the game.
Tl;dr- barriers being meta could make Sombra popular, as well as combos with Winston and a mobile hero. It could also make Zarya popular for her shielding, and by extension heroes like Hanzo and McCree that combo well with her ult. Since there's so much that tanks as a whole can do, though, tank-heavy comps might still be overwhelmingly popular.
The thing is, 4 support 1 dps and 1 tank did work as a comp strat....
But now 4 tanks (winston, rein, orisa, dva) 1 support (probably ana, zen or mercy) and a dps (genji, soldier or bastion) will be op.
Even if they have a good sombra, zen or any other counter to shields, they have 4 tanks to soak up damage, 3 shields and a defence matrix to stop incoming damage, 2 high dps to deal damage and a support to keep them alive and or damage boost them.
If people dont learn to counter this faster than people master it, it could become a viable and anoying defence strat.
You forgot about junkrat buff, junkrat is very good at killing barriers and dealing damage behind them. Also, shields generally make people stand behind them, so his splash damage is super good. Tried him on ptr and you can be very agressive and accurate with him now.
I like how Junkrat's buffs to destroy barriers up close and far away without killing himself is just being hidden by Winston and Ana
I think what Blizzard really wants to happen is an Overwatch without any meta. An Overwatch where any pick or comp is viable as long as you mind the counters. Of course it all goes down to comps and strategies, on how characters work with each other, or probably reactions to how the enemy team comps are built.
Bastion walks into the bar but there was no counter
Maybe sombra could be given the ability to hack a barrier from the front to put a kind of discord effect on it. It's not as op as hacking through the barrier and completely disabling it, but it will improve her viability against rein Orissa combo, without relying on emp.
It can be super difficult to get close enough to hack a rein from behind and not taking any damage in the mean time, and because of this it kind of feel like her hacking ability is only good for health packs. This would improve it a bit and make it feel like your actually helping the team
Ana being in very game means she's OP. Rein being in every game means he's not OP, he's just very powerful.
Logic++ by Stylosa, the bias is strong with this one.
Also given the response when you play sombra in comp, she certainly is offensive.
Disparu So if people start playing hanzo in every game he's op, k?
Well, yes. If everyone plays him in every single game it's because they are playing him because he wins them games. If people say "we need a Hanzo" every game he's op. If people bitch and moan if you don't pick Hanzo. He's op.
If everything that happens to Rein and Ana happens to Hanzo. Then yes. You might want to think things through first mate. Not every answer should have to be spoonfed to you. This was all explained implicitly in the first post.
i completely agree but i would also like to take it one step further... its going to be a quad tank meta. rein, orisa, winston, aaannnddd zarya. itll still be barrierwatch with her to cuz she got barriers. she can use them to save winston a lot and whenever all the barriers get destroyed. and then maybe a lucio and an ana. or bastion, lucio. or bastion, ana
When orisa first came out on the ptr, I played no limits. The enemy team had 1 winston that was destroying us. So the next round 2 people on our team went winston.
Soon enough, noone was playing orisa and it was just a 6v6 winston fight
M8. Orisa + KOTH = Her taking people off cliffs
I think it's great that they reverted zen's buff. whether it's Op or not it shows that they are prepared to revert changes they make if they don't think they should be there.
Nearly 500k GONGRATS!
Better start practising Sombra. As a I main Tracer ATM im actually real excited to see how i can do with her.
I've been playing a lot of PTR Sombra and I really like the new Sombra. I feel like I can get in and get out a lot faster and easier
What about SYMMETRA? She also has that barrier of hers which can be used when rein or ORISA needs to recharge. Also mei could do this aswell with her ice wall, especially with the choke points
i'd say zens orb change should've stayed BUT the barrier acts like a wall so he has to be behind the barrier for the orb to stay otherwise he has to keep focusing putting it on every few seconds. that way it keeps zen in front of the barrier area where he can be picked off but flankers now have the opputunity to wreck those behind barriers
When you dive in as Winston on someone melee right before you land on someone and you'll do the melee damage and the leap damage at the same time and the melee animation is canceled.
The Somba hacking though shields and other forms of non target-able states eg: Mei ice cube, Reaper wraithform, was a bug and not intended
"And is Sombra coming back into the meta?
When was she in the meta???
2:38 Stylosa jumped off the point and they lost. Great playing.
Doomfist's shift is quickly planting carrots, his e is planting a single carrot, and his ult is eating carrots.
Whilst Rein is generally very applicable and rarely a bad pick, there are some situations however where Rein is not a good pick, that typically being in situations like, on attack on Hanamura when the enemy team has Bastion + Junkrat + Sym as trying to push through that with a deathball is a bad idea. Basically, in the situations where a dive comp is really the only thing you should run, a Rain is not a good pick. That definitely isn't always though but a less extreme statement would be, there are plenty of situations where not taking Rein and instead going full dive comp is far more efficient.
Did you forget about symmetras barrier? 4 heroes with barriers.
I think that doomfist will have an ability that dose major damage to barriers because they are adding and buffing so many
Reinhardt shield, Winston bubble, Orissa barrier plus ult, dva shield, symetra turrets plus shields, mei walls don't expect to ever get through a choke point again 😂
I love how reaper kept tea-bagging Stylosa
this is a good thing right? if you choose to play with a lot of barriers, which is still a choice. the enemy team has the chance to counter that and punish that kind of play. i like it.
sombra "back" into the meta
don't forget about Symmetra's photon barrier. Perfect defence team: Reinhardt, Winston, Orisa, Symmetra, Bastion and Mercy/Ana
The META, everyone.
I feel like this will make Reaper more playable, bringing back tanks brings back reaper, plus shields have large hit boxes, making them easy to be Reaper'd to death
Pharah's gonna get a lot stronger in a meta where everyone groups up and hides behind a single-directional shield.and im always happy for that.
I think that the counter comp to barrierwatch is gonna be tracer/genji/soldier/pharah, reaper, sombra, zarya, lucio and zen
Its been confirmed, Doomfist is just a staunch tracer that fires deja vu sounds at the enemy launching them a metre every hit
Well if Doomfist has such a powerful melee as we suspect, he'll probably have an ability to either insta-kill or cause massive damage to most barriers. It'll have to be on a massive cooldown, show it'll probably be a trait on his ult. Just an educated guess.