Photography Courses Melbourne - Adobe Lightroom

  • Опубликовано: 4 апр 2018
  • In this video I talk about the Adobe Lightroom photography courses in Melbourne! We do have a lifetime membership online version of this photography course which is called the One Lightroom University. This video is about the “in person” Lightroom workshop where you will be working directly with me in a small group of 4-6 students. Before I begin I think it’s important to introduce myself. When it comes to learning anything you want to make sure the person you’re learning from is an expert in their field and that you actually like their work. If you’re trying to learn how to cook, why would you learn from someone who’s food you don’t enjoy? My name’s Daniel Bilsborough, I’m a photographer and founder of the djb photography school based in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Auckland and New York. My work has been featured on the cover of National Geographic Traveller magazine and on the National Geographic website. I’ve also photographed weddings and fashion campaigns around the world.
    One of the biggest myths amongst beginners is that digital photographs don’t need to be developed. In the film days newbie photographers and professional photographers had different ways of developing their 35mm film. Newbies would usually take their film to a generic low cost lab like Kmart. Here, every photographer’s work would be developed with the exact same standardised process. On the other hand professionals would either develop their own film in they own dark room with their own chemicals. Or they would send it to a professional lab where it was developed with the photographer’s individual style in mind.
    With digital photography we have two different choices in file types produced by the camera - JPEG and RAW. Jpeg files are created by default when you buy your camera and this can be considered equivalent to taking your film to Kmart. RAW files are the digital negatives and developing them in Lightroom is equivalent to having a darkroom of your own. Professionals always shoot in RAW. The big difference now is that we can use all of the same professional tools from the darkroom on our laptops using Lightroom.
    If your photography mostly consists of “out of camera” jpeg files then you’re simply not utilising the full potential of your camera or your own photography skills. At some point in your photography journey you’ll have to start using the RAW/Lightroom process to reach the next level in the quality of the photography you’re producing.
    There are two problems that Lightroom solves for beginners. Firstly, using the library module allows us to manage all of our photographs in a simple and effective way. I have over 300,000 images in my Lightroom catalogue and I can find anything extremely quickly. Secondly, Lightroom allows us to develop our RAW files with authenticity. During the Lightroom course I’ll be teaching you how to declutter and organise your own photographs with the same system I use to manage my own. And I’ll be giving you a copy of my own personal preset and RAW files so you can follow me along, step by step and learn about the essential development tools we have at our disposal in Lightroom.
    I want to make the point that in this day and age you can learn just about anything you want for free on youtube. There are two problems with this. Firstly you need to fish through the BS to get to the good stuff. This takes time, patience and practice. Secondly, you’re completely on your own when you don’t understand something. The true value of education comes from having an expert sitting by your side who can answer your questions instantly. A good teacher is someone who can explain a complicated subject to you on your level and address your individual needs. All of our photography courses operate with this mind. You’re not just paying for the information, you’re paying to be educated on a subject quickly and accurately from a proven expert. Saying this, if you have the time there’s nothing wrong with learning from youtube. It will simply take you longer. I’ve been learning about Lightroom since 2006 and I’ll be teaching you everything I know about digital photographic development in one day.
    If you’re interested in learning more about the Lightroom photography courses in Melbourne please visit the link below! You’ll see a series of before and after photographs to demonstrate what you’ll be working on during the Lightroom workshop. You’ll also see a few emails I’ve received from my past students talking about their experiences on the day.
    Lightroom Courses:
    Instagram: / danielbilsborough
    My portfolio:

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