"በድጋፍና ተቃውሞ" ሰልፍ የዋለው አማራ / "በአንድ መዋቅር መግባት ይቀረናል" - የፋኖ አመራሩ

  • Опубликовано: 19 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @solomonfeleke9470
    @solomonfeleke9470 23 часа назад

    ብልጽግና የሀዘን ድንኳን ዘርግቶ ለቅሶድረሱኝ ያለበትናየተዋረደበት ታሪካዊእለት በአንጻሩፋኖናየአማራሕዝብድልያደረገበትነው

  • @aishasaeed3790
    @aishasaeed3790 День назад +4

    በርቱ ወድሞቻችን🇨🇬💪

  • @abayneshmelaku988
    @abayneshmelaku988 День назад

    ሰላም ብርቱዎች

  • @seidmuhammedmuhammedhassen1919
    @seidmuhammedmuhammedhassen1919 День назад +5

    ፋኖ በተቆጣጠራቸው አካባቢዎች ሰልፍ መጥራት ተስኖት ሳይሆን አገዛዙ በድሮን እንዳይመታቸው በማሰብ ነው።

  • @niftalemteferi7200
    @niftalemteferi7200 День назад

    ራሱ ዘመነ ዋናው አንድነት እንዳይመጣ ያደረገው

  • @SamiSamisha-l9r
    @SamiSamisha-l9r День назад

    በቃሉ እና በላይ ወንድሞቻችን በርቱልን!!! 38:21

  • @temesgenyimanie247
    @temesgenyimanie247 День назад +1

    Precious brothers!

  • @solomonfeleke9470
    @solomonfeleke9470 23 часа назад


  • @girmaymolla8226
    @girmaymolla8226 День назад

    Bertu bro...

  • @hailumulugeta6785
    @hailumulugeta6785 День назад +1

    የአብይ ሰዎች መንገዳቸው ብዙ ነው ስለዚህ ሰው መስለው ቢተቹ አትደነቁ ምክንያቱም የወደቀን ስርዓት መደገፍ ከባድ መሆኑን ያሳያል ።

  • @GfbTigist
    @GfbTigist День назад

    በላይ ማናዬ በናትህ የዜናውን ድባብ ይዘህ ገደል የምትገባው ድምፅህዐምንድነው ዜናውን ግን ደግመህ ትሰማዋለህ?

  • @HabtamuAyana-p5w
    @HabtamuAyana-p5w День назад


  • @askalekassye9307
    @askalekassye9307 День назад


  • @tilahunyimer25
    @tilahunyimer25 День назад

    ዛሬ ደሞ ..Chita መስላችሁ መታችኋል!..wel come brothers

  • @kassa4882
    @kassa4882 День назад


  • @AbelHicklin
    @AbelHicklin День назад +1

    Mulugeta has been siping macchiato when Eskindir was marching in protest what woyane then and now abiy was doing

    • @tigrayplea5385
      @tigrayplea5385 День назад

      ምናባክ ነው ኣንተ ቁምጬ ወያኔ ባንተ ግማታም ኣፍ ኣይነሳም። ጠበሉ ደርሳቹ እየታጠባቹ ነው 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ስላንተው ጠበል ኣፍህ ብትከፍት

  • @degubelachew1703
    @degubelachew1703 День назад

    በላይ ማናዬ: ድምጽህ ወደ ውስጥ ነው እንዴ የሚወጣው?

  • @EwunetuGashaw-x5g
    @EwunetuGashaw-x5g День назад

    ሴቶች ብቻ ነው የወጡት

  • @tediabegaz8031
    @tediabegaz8031 День назад +1

    በላይ:-ድምፅህ ስትናገር ወደ መጨረሻ አካባቢ drop ያደርጋል (ይቀንሳል):: አስተካክለው: በተረፈ በርቱ! ኢትዮ ኒውስ ከጥቂቶቹ አንዱ የእውነት ምንጭ ሚዲያ ነው!

  • @KidusHabtu-h3n
    @KidusHabtu-h3n День назад

    እኔ የሚስጠላኝ መሸጋገሪው አብይን ጃልማሮን ምንማለትነው

  • @DopestEthiopian8818
    @DopestEthiopian8818 День назад

    እሺ እናንተ ከሁሉ የተለያችሁ ጠቢባኖቹን የት እንጠብቃችሁ:: መጣን መጣን ስትሉ ስንት ክረምት አለፈ:: እንደዚህ ነው ነፃ የምታወጡንአይደል ?

  • @AbelHicklin
    @AbelHicklin День назад +1

    Ato Mulugeta, do Amhara people a favor, stay out of Amhara politics and stay away from helping your guy Abiy Ahmed. I think you are trying to be noticed by future Amhara politicians. You are totally out of touch.

  • @AbelHicklin
    @AbelHicklin День назад +1

    Ato Mulugeta is very confused person. Sometimes I doubt he is ethnic Amhara. He was woyane activist and now he is anti Eskindir. This shows he does not want any strong Amhara activist. We do not know why he is sticking his nose into Amhara politics when his real interest is to divide and weaken Amhara Fano. Whether it is Asres mare Zemene Eskindir Mire Wodajo Mesfin’s and Meketaw, they are all our heroes Anyone who is trying to say one of them are better than the other is interested to destroy them. Let it be known this person is Fano/ Amhara enemy.

    • @tigrayplea5385
      @tigrayplea5385 День назад

      አየ እናንተ አህዮች, አሁንም እዚህ ጉድ ውስጥ ከገባቹ በኋላ " ወያኔ" ትላለህ🤣🤣🤣 በወያኔ ዘመንማ ተንቀባርራቹ ኖራቹ ወያኔ አሁን የዘረፋቹት መሬት ብቻ ሳይሆን ታሪካዊ የትግራይ መሬቶች ከለማልሞ እስከ አልውሃ ማስመለስ ነው። ከናንተ ጋ ሌላ ጉዳይ የለንም ገደል ግቡ

  • @tewabechbogale6427
    @tewabechbogale6427 День назад

    Man! Belay your voice is too low, I barely listen what you're talking. Make sure to put the Mike closer and speak louder. I doubt even Bekalu heres you.

  • @MinaleSew
    @MinaleSew День назад

    I'm sorry I don't have Amharic keyboard so I will comment in English.
    I think the regime in Addis Ababa exposed itself big time as follows:
    1. By calling for a demonstration against Fano, the regime is confirming its propaganda of already defeating Fano is untrue.
    2. Regime cadres affirming the devastation on civilian infrastructure in the Amhara region is equivalent to admitting to war crimes by the regime as Fano does not posses weapons of mass destruction.
    3. As you rightly pointed out, the military with and without uniform, leading the demonstrations and forcing the civilian population to come out for the demonstrations proves that the Ethiopian defense force has become a party militia as it has lost its neutrality.
    In my view, these are the strategic talking points. Please discuss further.

  • @saidFeleke
    @saidFeleke День назад

    ማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ነኝ ባይ ከአማራ ህዝብ መረዳት ያለበት ይህ ህዝብ ብልፅግና በቃኝ ህዝብን ገዳይ አፈናቃይ አማራን የሚጠላ ሥ/ዓት መሸከም አልችልም በቅቶኛል መበልፅጉ ቀርቶ መግደሉን በተወኝ በሀገሬ ላይ በሰላም ሰርቸ ልኑር እያለ መሆኑን ማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ሊረዳ ይገባል እውነተኛ ህሊና ያለው ኢትዮጵያዊ ከተገፋ ህዝብ ጎን ይቁም ለፍትህ ይታገል ፍትህ እንፈልጋለን ገዳዮች ለፍርድ እስኪቀርቡ የአማራ ህዝብ ትግል ይቀጥላል !!!

    • @tigrayplea5385
      @tigrayplea5385 День назад

      እኔ ትግራዋይዋም አሁን እምትለው ልመንህ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ወይ እናንተ ነብሰበላ ነብሰገዳዮች እንኳን እሳቱ ቤታቹ ደረሰ👌👌👌 እግዛብሄር ይሳነዋል ሳይውል ሳያድር ሲያሳይ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @thefinanceethio
    @thefinanceethio День назад


  • @AbelHicklin
    @AbelHicklin День назад +1

    Ato Mulugeta is very confused person. Sometimes I doubt he is ethnic Amhara. He was woyane activist and now he is anti Eskindir. This shows he does not want any strong Amhara activist. We do not know why he is sticking his nose into Amhara politics when his real interest is to divide and weaken Amhara Fano. Whether it is Asres mare Zemene Eskindir Mire Wodajo Mesfin’s and Meketaw, they are all our heroes Anyone who is trying to say one of them are better than the other is interested to destroy them. Let it be known this person is Fano/ Amhara enemy.