I’ve been back and forth with having an eliminator squad and 2 war suits in my anvil force. Scout the suits up to the eliminators and just park em. Get that Phobos wizard with the eliminators and dare your opponent to come and get some.
I have been runing Eliminators in Anvil with Phobos Librarians. My friends take every chance to kill them even doing things like charging them with C'tan shards. Las Fusils with +1 to hit and wound and pseudo lone op are strong.
I ran elims in vanguard spearhead, and they still did the work against admech leaders. my opponent kept going for them because they were constantly wounding and chipping damage in, and thus kept fire from other things
Lieutenant in Phobos armor is great with incursors. I think this interaction may have been missed? So he has the lethals aura but also can let a unit d6 extra move after shooting. Great for huge threat ranges and tying up a unit or two etc. he still scout moves, so he can still work with the squad for stuff.
You can also run him solo. He has deepstrike, infiltrator, scout AND he get the move shoot move. Best secondary model to support. And if you take Vanguard, you can invest the Enhancement for lone op, but not really necessary. Just pick him up and another with the strat, and bring him back down.
spectrus killteam are a neat phobos build, you can kit them out with different guns, and they can do the uppy downy trick for free as many times as they want to.
Spectrus KillTeam was 'MY' version of what black-ops marine was supposed to be. And invest either the librarian for 'lone op' or the Lt for move shoot move. That was cool
This is the best channel of late. Every topic is interesting and gets me thinking a lot. How did the tourney go? We finally painting our IF army because of your inspiration.
Loving the little dives into the under represented unit types. Steve I’m wondering if you’ve tried the eliminator spam in Anvil Siege Force? When my local group first saw the codex we were all talking about different combinations like the eliminator spam in Anvil. The las fusils all have heavy already, giving the carbine to the sgt means they can fire and fade to position them after moving up the board. If they’re stationary they get dev wounds on their d6 dmg las fusils with +1 to wound. Also for all those SW players out there who have a grudge against Magnus, send some Hounds of Morkai if you haven’t already done so. As for normal uses for Phobos, at least one unit of infiltrators are a near auto include in my SM lists for enormous screening potential against armies like GK, Chaos Demons, etc. I might have to give incursors a revisit though.
Im new to hammer 40k, and am looking at implementing phobos into my army and you guys make them sound fun, just like i thought they would be used, makes me happy. im going to have to watch this a few times just to make sure i understand it all! xD Thank you so much!
Phobos units were some of the cheapest secondhand units at my local game store so I picked up a few of them as I’ve gotten into the hobby here. I absolutely love the librarian plus in cursors. I think that is such a fun and powerful combo for any shooting that your team is going to do!
I'm certain I'm not the first to think of it, but I've been theory crafting with the vanguard detachment recently. Running a full squad of Centurion Devastators with Grav Cannons, giving them deepstrike with Uriel Ventris, giving them the option for Upie Downies, combined with Strike From the Shadows they can one shot any knight or landraider on average, and even a very decent shot of one shooting a Stompa. It's jank, but jank is fun!
I go heavy into Gravis using Vanguard. I'll drop a Captain and 10 man unit of Heavy Intercessors on the mid board using the Infiltrators enhancement, then pack my back line full of tactical retreats while I tactically retreat my meaty infantry units that suck at dying.
@chaosheaven23 man, I thought I was the only one that loved heavy intercessors. I give the infiltrator enhancement to a chaplain in terminator armor leading a full squad of lightning claw terminators, basic I know, but more importantly it's fun.
@@kyleboulier2272 I also run Assault Terminators, but I usually try to DS them in the enemy deployment and hope they beat up something ugly with their hammer and shields. They almost never die, but their movement is admittingly a bit of an issue.:P
I would look at Las cannon centurions. If you face monsters, the Grav won't do much. Also keep in mind, strike from the shadows let's you pick a Infantry unit and give them +1 BS and AP. All of a sudden, you got centurions, hitting on 2, rerolling 1s (ability they have) Twin linked Las cannons lol
Really happy to hear good things about phobos. Most of my army is based around phobos and ive found weird success (not necessarily wins, mind you) with some cute plays. Warsuits - actually kinda good. I think Tak's use of them in the arena games on PlayOn opened my eyes to the early game disruption of a scout move warsuit. It can charge down the field and be extremely annoying early on, and as kinda medium threat units can be used to bait your opponent into making deployment mistakes which can be exploited by Phobos Captain redeploys. I've also considered deep striking a squad of reivers near a warsuit to help bait the opponent into shifting focus, but havent tested that yet. Its the sort of play that would only really work one time against an opponent, since after the first time they'll realize you deep striked a reinforced pool noodle and not the scary threat it appeared to be. Bolt eliminators - great against characters, but if for whatever reason the opponent doesnt have any high-priority characters you end up just kinda out a unit. The leader can take a different weapon, however, so bringing 1 bolt and 2 las fusils can be decent. Slightly better if you put your Phobos captain in here. Reivers - look I get it, theyre not great. However, there is _one_ strat for these which i found some success with. Phobos Lieutenant with a squad of 10 with knives, deep strike them at 9" from enemy, shoot, move D6 forward thanks to LT, and then make a much easier charge. Great for getting bodoes on an objective and potentially stealing it thanks to their battleshock shenanigans. But yeah, a lot of points to waste on one of the worst units in our codex. Still, not useless! Jump intercessors are probably overall better at this role and cost similar points, but hey, its somethin'!
I love the Phobos Librarian with the Execute and redeploy enchantment, I add that leader to Incursors to help out my Tanks and other heavy hitting units.
Infiltrators and their librarian running around beside Gman is one of my favorite Phobos combos. Trigger Gman’s lone op while giving the infiltrators the lone op rules and block deep strike charges and firing on all of them.
Im geeking out hard, I've been running Vanguard Spearhead marines all of 10th ed! I love the movement shenanigans you can pull with this Detachment. Add some jump pack dudes and all of a sudden you can go wherever you want with guerilla tactics lol
How often do you explain the reactive move abilities to your opponents? I have a casual opponent who expects to be able to hear any applicable abilities before he moves, charges, etc. It neuters Vanguard significantly. Should I allow this throughout the game?
I usually look at my opponents army and see if they want to charge a lot or no. If they want to be in close combat, I tell them about the calculated feint and that is it. Usually at the start of every charge phase. It's unfortunately in the nature of the Detachment, once people know what we got, they play around it. It's also not the hardest Detachment to counter. Tau suits ignore modifiers and cover, Close combat armies (orks, custodes) don't care about shooting. We basically play without a Detachment half the time lol
My first two purchases were the Phobos kill team and Vanguard task force boxes. I love the look of them, it's just a coincidence they happen to be useful 😂
Hey Guys! I love using a unit of incursors for the +1 to hit "mini oath." I usually run a stormspeeder thunderstrike as well, so i hit one monster or vehicle for the +1 to hit and +1 to wound in the shooting phase, and then typically oath a target I plan to hit hard in the fight phase.
I did this with Lysander's -1 to be wounded ability on a big 10 blob of THammers with a Terminator ancient and the Enhancement. I was politely asked by my friend to never play it again. I like this friend. so I didnt play it again. :)
I really wish infiltrators/incursors were battleline again. The amounts of times my opponent just took my objectives away from me by standing there... OC 2 would help enormously
FYI to clarify, the Magic Radio of Infiltrators (Comms Array) can't always give you the CP back if you have already hit your extra CP cap for the round. For example, if you have Marneus Calgar in your list, you always get 1cp and then you've hit the cap. It would need to be rewritten as a "strat costs -1cp" or "strat is free" to work. But unfortunately it says "gain 1cp".
Great video guys, hope the tournament went well. I've got one this weekend. But I'm going to have to change my list 😢 I didn't realize suppressor squads were so hard to find. I was looking around different LGS in Kansas City. Ans couldn't find any suppressors. So I traded them for scouts and took the 20 points on the chin I guess.
Phobos captain, 3 phobos Lts, 2 phobos librarians, lt. W/ combi, 3x5 incursions, 3x3 eliminators, 2x5 infiltrators, land raider, thunder strike speeder, 1x10 assault terms and a term chaplain. Nope, I don't think I am under using phobos troops.
Thanks for this video. I have a lot of Phobos units sitting on the shelf that I was scared to use. They appear to be very weak. But now I'm going to give them a try. They should be a lot of fun to play.
Never be afraid to try stuff. There's a reason why a lot of meta innovations take a while to come to the front of the competitive scene. Be experimental!
I've mainly been running Vanguard throughout 10th, feel like it was the best option for a newer player. -1 to hit outside 12 and benefit of cover definitely helps make up for deployment mistakes.
oh ya, and the strats help a lot with that stuff too. counteractive D6 or flat 6" move when getting charged is nice for the infantry. and being able to lift and redeploy units is just insane when hunting for Victory Points, or when you realize your out positioned.
The charge shenanigan is great. If they only charge 1 you can make it so they can't with the inter-mingle move you stated here. If they charge both, move 1 to block them from basing the second and they can't complete the charge even though you may be close now. It's truly disgusting.
Shrike with vanguard vets holding inferno pistols is always great. Drop them in, devastate a character unit and pull them back up with guerilla tactics.
In my casual games, people always expect me to remind them of reactive moves and will then measure to ensure they don’t trigger it. Is that something I should allow?
I would just mention it at the start of the game. A kind of question I usually ask are "what are your GOTCHA stratagems?" then I explain mine and after that its up to them to remember
Vanguard Spearhead enjoyers. Nobody needs to talk about Infiltrators and Scouts; Everyone uses these guys, they're baller. The Lieutenant with Combi Weapon (Lone Op) is getting some attention too, with the lone op buffs and especially in Vanguard with the +30 points vect upgrade. Thomas Byrd, renowned Ultramarine fan, really likes Incursors in transports. Give the transport scout to move up and then disembark and throw the 2D3 mortal wound grenade at a tank.
I’ve got a couple of squads or infiltrators/incursors. I used them last edition a few times and I can see the utilization of them but I just love big blocks of models lead by hero’s lol. I hate having units just sit on objectives and do nothing. But I don’t play competitive lol
I start every list with 1 squad of 5 Infiltrators. It takes the mental energy of worrying about my home objective away for the first 3 turns, and gives me more options later in the game.
Comments for the RUclips algorithm! Phobos marines have ALWAYS been s-tier for me for quite some time They are incredibly adept at scoring points ALL game long
Infiltrators are really good, but honestly, most of my other Phobos stuff has remained on the shelf this edition. I had a couple of warsuits in my dread iron storm until the iron storm nerf and the nerf to tank shock killed that for me. I also used eliminators in early tenth, but the (unjust) 10 point price increase and scouts being so cheap has made them a lot less interesting.
I love the Vanguard detachment. Was such a good fit for my Alpha Legion. Phobos are a lot of fun for constantly making your opponent have to guess at what you had up your sleeve.
Stop giving away all my Top Secret Tech! lol, Where/When do we get the Tacoma rundown and how Steve made out? I'd love to hear a tournament breakdown about your experience!
love the vid guys thanks! I played the vanguard recently and realised that the calculated feint thing is so OP. however on the recharge, they never have to roll the boxcars, cause the 11 would be able to get them in no? a 12 means they'd be outside of 12 to be within the inch engagement?
Me playing 3rd Company Imperial Fists, Anvil Siege Force, I usually start with Incursors and Eliminators with Las fusil. Best support in the game. Then I fill up with Gravis models, captain, ApoBio and Tor. Gladiator and ballistus finishing the list
What do we think to the 1st company task force with the new captain ability? You can make one seriously tanky assault terminator squad that procs battleshock to just remove a model with the enhancement. It just sounds funny
I have some definite blind spots when it comes to theorycrafting and list building, and Phobos is one of them. I sometimes consider Infiltrators.. but otherwise my eyes glaze over at their anemic combat power.. I am probably gravely mistaken!
I've been playing Shrike a few time now, with Vanguard Vets. They shred Infantry and have some vehicle threat with inferno pistols. I rapid ingress them usually to get more out of the unit and the inferno pistols. Super fun to play and hard to pin down for the opponent
Give it a try! I enjoyed it a bunch! The vanguard Vets with the lethal hits on the charge. I run 10 so I get 40 attacks with lethal and possibly oath or moment if needed lol I had people try to run assault jump Intercessors but I don't like the idea of S4 attacks with no bonus. The mortal wounds are okay, but not super amazing imo? Probably a preference thing.
Just used him a few times recently, I think he is more of a utility piece during the early game then set him up for a charge late game. His attacks are great but I think getting VP out of him in turn 1-2 is more important. all in all he is pretty awesome.
I'm calling it now. You will see allied Spectrus Killteams everywhere after the Imperial Agents codex drops if they keep their current rules! Omni scrambles, infiltrate, scout 6", pick up off board.
Ive been running 2 incursor squads and they arent horrible. With oath of moment, it feels a bit unnecessary to get the +1 to hit half the time. The mine catches people off guard a lot.
The plus one to hit is for a non oathed target. I like to use it on my intended anti tank weapons having las cannons hitting on 2s is fine and could cp reroll if really needed too. Save oath for target that will receive volume fire of 3+ shots.
I played a lot of Phobos at the start of 10th Ed, and bouncing two Invictor Warsuits around with Guerilla Tactics was a lot of fun. Especially after Tank Shocking something to death with S14 melee profile. I love the Tank Shock change to Toughness but for a while the Warsuit Tank Shock was SCARY!
HAHAH ok yes your right the Hounds Of Morkai are pretty top tier in the damage output category when challenging any Psyker. My Daemons check under the bed for HoM.
I love phobos marines, and made a great, thematic, phobos heavy vanguard spearhead list... and then GW gutted the phobos capt. I dont get that shit man. This one phobos capt has almost zero purpose, zero reason to use him in the game. But he has a super cool, super unique, super thematic rule... that makes him legitimately viable... and they just rip it away from him. But, still, pairing incursors with grav cannon devs in vanguard, and popping strike from the shadows, is really solid. getting grav cannon devs hitting on 2s and wounding vehicles on 2s, is pretty solid.
Eliminator snipers have heavy for ASF lovers.stay still and you’re +1 to hit +1 to wound and dev wounds. Against most characters you hit on 2s and wound on 2s.
BA player mostly use SoS Infiltrators: Solid unit choice however I prefer the heavy intercessor at moment for they’re beefiness depends on the match you could end up regretting it having Infiltrators plus Incursors: My issue it’s only 1+ to hit in shooting with combat armies they’re not very useful the best value I got out of them are with eridcators with lib dread TP for vehicles Tactical warsuit: Don’t own it so no comment Captain Phobos: I didn’t know it was any astartes unit so my opinion has changed on him however redeploys aren’t as strong since the change to rule Lt in phobo: could for lethal hits & keeping on the move LT combi in Phobos: nothing bad to say good model can help with volume of fire, however lone op is the main reason Revivers:Just awful not much else to say Liberian In Phobos: really good character and make eliminators or infiltrators really good Eliminators: really good unit however I think the lib in phobo is a must for them to get the most dmg as possible Vanguard spearhead: in my opinion lacks in firepower which is problem against the current meta of vehicles and heavy elite lists
Seems more like an upgrade. You can string out a Blade Driven Deep unit, like 10 Terminators/10 Jumppack Marines, to push enemy Infiltrators away, then redeploy them where you actually want them. Way more flexibility.
I could be wrong but I don't think you're interpretation of the rules is correct when you're talking about how to use Calculated Feint to create an "illegal" charge move. The reason why is because of the way the strat is worded in the When phase. It specifically says that it is used just after a charge is declared, not when a target for the charge is selected. Technically you can declare that a unit is charging before you select targets for that charge. The way the strat is currently worded it actually doesn't function at all because it's forcing the player to use it before the select target step.
I see what your saying. When you declare the charge you have to immediately nominate a unit to be charged. This triggers the "Just after and enemy unit declares a charge" Part of the stratagem. You cannot say you are declaring a charge without nominating a target as part of your declaration. --Warhammer Community Rules Commentary-- Target (of a charge): When a player declares a charge with a unit, the targets of that charge are each said to have been declared as a target of a charge. The target for calculated feint is this TARGET: One Adeptus Astartes Infantry unit from your army that was SELECTED AS A TARGET of that charge.
@@hyperspacehobbies that's fair, overall the wording is ambiguous and I could see it both ways. It would be a lot clearer if the strat was worded as "just after your unit is selected as the target of a charge" or something to that effect
Me, A Raven Guard player:
"All of my marines are phobos"
Incursors are the real gem of the Phobos lineup. Always useful in my Salamanders
How do you use them? Mid board or hanging back?
As an owner of an all Phobos army, this is awesome!
What do you use for damage dealing/anti tank? 😜
This is what i would do if i got into marines. Phobos are the coolest looking marines.
I’ve been back and forth with having an eliminator squad and 2 war suits in my anvil force. Scout the suits up to the eliminators and just park em. Get that Phobos wizard with the eliminators and dare your opponent to come and get some.
Oh those eliminators with +1 to hit and wound is nasty stuff in Anvil Siege force.
I have been runing Eliminators in Anvil with Phobos Librarians. My friends take every chance to kill them even doing things like charging them with C'tan shards. Las Fusils with +1 to hit and wound and pseudo lone op are strong.
I ran elims in vanguard spearhead, and they still did the work against admech leaders. my opponent kept going for them because they were constantly wounding and chipping damage in, and thus kept fire from other things
Lieutenant in Phobos armor is great with incursors. I think this interaction may have been missed? So he has the lethals aura but also can let a unit d6 extra move after shooting. Great for huge threat ranges and tying up a unit or two etc. he still scout moves, so he can still work with the squad for stuff.
Oh ya that guy is pretty strong. and a great unit to add a little more board control with the scuttle move too.
You can also run him solo. He has deepstrike, infiltrator, scout AND he get the move shoot move. Best secondary model to support. And if you take Vanguard, you can invest the Enhancement for lone op, but not really necessary. Just pick him up and another with the strat, and bring him back down.
Thanks for a quick dip into some underused units. I appreciate this kind of focused analysis.
Great pod guys. Please make this more regular. Im loving the info
16:05 this also works with Gladius squad tactics strat!!
spectrus killteam are a neat phobos build, you can kit them out with different guns, and they can do the uppy downy trick for free as many times as they want to.
Well, we was :( let's see if we survive.
Used to love it for scoring secondaries.
Spectrus KillTeam was 'MY' version of what black-ops marine was supposed to be. And invest either the librarian for 'lone op' or the Lt for move shoot move. That was cool
This is the best channel of late. Every topic is interesting and gets me thinking a lot. How did the tourney go?
We finally painting our IF army because of your inspiration.
The tournament update Video is one the way. Glad you like the content.
It cannot be understated just how awesome the Phobos Librarian's model looks! He is one fashionable psyker
Loving the little dives into the under represented unit types. Steve I’m wondering if you’ve tried the eliminator spam in Anvil Siege Force? When my local group first saw the codex we were all talking about different combinations like the eliminator spam in Anvil. The las fusils all have heavy already, giving the carbine to the sgt means they can fire and fade to position them after moving up the board. If they’re stationary they get dev wounds on their d6 dmg las fusils with +1 to wound.
Also for all those SW players out there who have a grudge against Magnus, send some Hounds of Morkai if you haven’t already done so.
As for normal uses for Phobos, at least one unit of infiltrators are a near auto include in my SM lists for enormous screening potential against armies like GK, Chaos Demons, etc. I might have to give incursors a revisit though.
As a Raven Guard player, this video makes me smile :)
Im new to hammer 40k, and am looking at implementing phobos into my army and you guys make them sound fun, just like i thought they would be used, makes me happy. im going to have to watch this a few times just to make sure i understand it all! xD
Thank you so much!
I love Phobos units. Even the Reivers.
I like the phobos lieutenant for scout moving transports forward.
You guys are keeping me in the fight right now. The Soldiers love you both!
Great video! Would love to see Steve talk about how his Anvil did in Tacoma! I love the fists! Rooting for you all the way!
Coming soon!
Phobos units were some of the cheapest secondhand units at my local game store so I picked up a few of them as I’ve gotten into the hobby here. I absolutely love the librarian plus in cursors. I think that is such a fun and powerful combo for any shooting that your team is going to do!
I'm certain I'm not the first to think of it, but I've been theory crafting with the vanguard detachment recently. Running a full squad of Centurion Devastators with Grav Cannons, giving them deepstrike with Uriel Ventris, giving them the option for Upie Downies, combined with Strike From the Shadows they can one shot any knight or landraider on average, and even a very decent shot of one shooting a Stompa. It's jank, but jank is fun!
I go heavy into Gravis using Vanguard. I'll drop a Captain and 10 man unit of Heavy Intercessors on the mid board using the Infiltrators enhancement, then pack my back line full of tactical retreats while I tactically retreat my meaty infantry units that suck at dying.
@chaosheaven23 man, I thought I was the only one that loved heavy intercessors. I give the infiltrator enhancement to a chaplain in terminator armor leading a full squad of lightning claw terminators, basic I know, but more importantly it's fun.
@@kyleboulier2272 I also run Assault Terminators, but I usually try to DS them in the enemy deployment and hope they beat up something ugly with their hammer and shields. They almost never die, but their movement is admittingly a bit of an issue.:P
I would look at Las cannon centurions. If you face monsters, the Grav won't do much.
Also keep in mind, strike from the shadows let's you pick a Infantry unit and give them +1 BS and AP.
All of a sudden, you got centurions, hitting on 2, rerolling 1s (ability they have) Twin linked Las cannons lol
Deepstriking in lol. And you can pick them up again, I played that tons and it works well!
yeah it would be great if gw showed more love for phobos aka Raven guard units
nice video 👍
Really happy to hear good things about phobos. Most of my army is based around phobos and ive found weird success (not necessarily wins, mind you) with some cute plays.
Warsuits - actually kinda good. I think Tak's use of them in the arena games on PlayOn opened my eyes to the early game disruption of a scout move warsuit. It can charge down the field and be extremely annoying early on, and as kinda medium threat units can be used to bait your opponent into making deployment mistakes which can be exploited by Phobos Captain redeploys. I've also considered deep striking a squad of reivers near a warsuit to help bait the opponent into shifting focus, but havent tested that yet. Its the sort of play that would only really work one time against an opponent, since after the first time they'll realize you deep striked a reinforced pool noodle and not the scary threat it appeared to be.
Bolt eliminators - great against characters, but if for whatever reason the opponent doesnt have any high-priority characters you end up just kinda out a unit. The leader can take a different weapon, however, so bringing 1 bolt and 2 las fusils can be decent. Slightly better if you put your Phobos captain in here.
Reivers - look I get it, theyre not great. However, there is _one_ strat for these which i found some success with. Phobos Lieutenant with a squad of 10 with knives, deep strike them at 9" from enemy, shoot, move D6 forward thanks to LT, and then make a much easier charge. Great for getting bodoes on an objective and potentially stealing it thanks to their battleshock shenanigans. But yeah, a lot of points to waste on one of the worst units in our codex. Still, not useless! Jump intercessors are probably overall better at this role and cost similar points, but hey, its somethin'!
That incursors tip of grenades and haywire sounds fun. Can't wait to cripple my friends Valgon unit with 5 basic phobos
I love the Phobos Librarian with the Execute and redeploy enchantment, I add that leader to Incursors to help out my Tanks and other heavy hitting units.
Infiltrators and their librarian running around beside Gman is one of my favorite Phobos combos. Trigger Gman’s lone op while giving the infiltrators the lone op rules and block deep strike charges and firing on all of them.
Im geeking out hard, I've been running Vanguard Spearhead marines all of 10th ed! I love the movement shenanigans you can pull with this Detachment.
Add some jump pack dudes and all of a sudden you can go wherever you want with guerilla tactics lol
How often do you explain the reactive move abilities to your opponents?
I have a casual opponent who expects to be able to hear any applicable abilities before he moves, charges, etc. It neuters Vanguard significantly.
Should I allow this throughout the game?
I usually look at my opponents army and see if they want to charge a lot or no.
If they want to be in close combat, I tell them about the calculated feint and that is it. Usually at the start of every charge phase.
It's unfortunately in the nature of the Detachment, once people know what we got, they play around it. It's also not the hardest Detachment to counter.
Tau suits ignore modifiers and cover, Close combat armies (orks, custodes) don't care about shooting. We basically play without a Detachment half the time lol
5 Infiltrators with a phobos Librarian is a huge piece of safe screening. I use it whenever I'm running Raptors.
My first two purchases were the Phobos kill team and Vanguard task force boxes. I love the look of them, it's just a coincidence they happen to be useful 😂
Hey Guys! I love using a unit of incursors for the +1 to hit "mini oath." I usually run a stormspeeder thunderstrike as well, so i hit one monster or vehicle for the +1 to hit and +1 to wound in the shooting phase, and then typically oath a target I plan to hit hard in the fight phase.
Right on that's some awesome stacking of bonuses. Love it.
I hadn't thought about the charge strat like that. I am definitely going to keep that in mind moving forward, because that is NASTY!
Ya it is such a tricky way to ruin a charge.
Vanguard is still one of my favorite ways to play. THammer death company driven deep is *chefskiss
I did this with Lysander's -1 to be wounded ability on a big 10 blob of THammers with a Terminator ancient and the Enhancement. I was politely asked by my friend to never play it again. I like this friend. so I didnt play it again. :)
I really wish infiltrators/incursors were battleline again.
The amounts of times my opponent just took my objectives away from me by standing there...
OC 2 would help enormously
OC 2 would help them out big time!
FYI to clarify, the Magic Radio of Infiltrators (Comms Array) can't always give you the CP back if you have already hit your extra CP cap for the round. For example, if you have Marneus Calgar in your list, you always get 1cp and then you've hit the cap.
It would need to be rewritten as a "strat costs -1cp" or "strat is free" to work. But unfortunately it says "gain 1cp".
Good content recently, fellas
Love the vid! Deep dive videos are a good time
Great video guys, hope the tournament went well. I've got one this weekend. But I'm going to have to change my list 😢 I didn't realize suppressor squads were so hard to find. I was looking around different LGS in Kansas City. Ans couldn't find any suppressors. So I traded them for scouts and took the 20 points on the chin I guess.
Good luck!
I love the Invictor Tactical Warsuit I think it's a great model, but if it was 115pts I would bring it
Phobos captain, 3 phobos Lts, 2 phobos librarians, lt. W/ combi, 3x5 incursions, 3x3 eliminators, 2x5 infiltrators, land raider, thunder strike speeder, 1x10 assault terms and a term chaplain.
Nope, I don't think I am under using phobos troops.
SICK! do you play them as Raven Guard?
I have just enough points! Great analysis, guys. Thanks for upload.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Unit Highlights Lets GOOOOO
Thanks for this video. I have a lot of Phobos units sitting on the shelf that I was scared to use. They appear to be very weak. But now I'm going to give them a try. They should be a lot of fun to play.
Never be afraid to try stuff. There's a reason why a lot of meta innovations take a while to come to the front of the competitive scene. Be experimental!
Try them out!
I have to say, you usually bring phobos dudes for their abilities. They won't murder units but definitely support other key units
Great advice for sure!
I've mainly been running Vanguard throughout 10th, feel like it was the best option for a newer player. -1 to hit outside 12 and benefit of cover definitely helps make up for deployment mistakes.
oh ya, and the strats help a lot with that stuff too. counteractive D6 or flat 6" move when getting charged is nice for the infantry. and being able to lift and redeploy units is just insane when hunting for Victory Points, or when you realize your out positioned.
Nice video. Bikes should have Haywire mines
The charge shenanigan is great. If they only charge 1 you can make it so they can't with the inter-mingle move you stated here. If they charge both, move 1 to block them from basing the second and they can't complete the charge even though you may be close now. It's truly disgusting.
Shrike with vanguard vets holding inferno pistols is always great. Drop them in, devastate a character unit and pull them back up with guerilla tactics.
Been playing phobos marines with vanguard detachment since i started playing this year and ive been having a blast with them !
The big problem for me with Incursors is that they dont have infiltrate it would make them so much better
Phobos Lieut at 55pts seems like a pretty spicy action monkey!
In my casual games, people always expect me to remind them of reactive moves and will then measure to ensure they don’t trigger it. Is that something I should allow?
I would just mention it at the start of the game. A kind of question I usually ask are "what are your GOTCHA stratagems?" then I explain mine and after that its up to them to remember
@@hyperspacehobbies thanks!
Vanguard Spearhead enjoyers.
Nobody needs to talk about Infiltrators and Scouts; Everyone uses these guys, they're baller. The Lieutenant with Combi Weapon (Lone Op) is getting some attention too, with the lone op buffs and especially in Vanguard with the +30 points vect upgrade.
Thomas Byrd, renowned Ultramarine fan, really likes Incursors in transports. Give the transport scout to move up and then disembark and throw the 2D3 mortal wound grenade at a tank.
If i ever pick up space marines i would play mainly phobos. I'm sure it wouldnt really function, but they're the coolest looking marines imo.
I’ve got a couple of squads or infiltrators/incursors. I used them last edition a few times and I can see the utilization of them but I just love big blocks of models lead by hero’s lol. I hate having units just sit on objectives and do nothing. But I don’t play competitive lol
Watching this video with a bunch of unpainted Eliminators and a Librarian 🤔
I start every list with 1 squad of 5 Infiltrators. It takes the mental energy of worrying about my home objective away for the first 3 turns, and gives me more options later in the game.
Smoke Strat? Not likely. Grenades? Yes!
Comments for the RUclips algorithm! Phobos marines have ALWAYS been s-tier for me for quite some time
They are incredibly adept at scoring points ALL game long
Phobos for the VP!!!
The only thing the Scrambler does not protect you is the Weirdboy "Da Jump" ability.
Since you not setting up the units from reserves.
Infiltrators are really good, but honestly, most of my other Phobos stuff has remained on the shelf this edition.
I had a couple of warsuits in my dread iron storm until the iron storm nerf and the nerf to tank shock killed that for me.
I also used eliminators in early tenth, but the (unjust) 10 point price increase and scouts being so cheap has made them a lot less interesting.
haven't used Phobos before, but considering dropping some in.
Keep in mind, for infiltrators, you can only gain 1 CP per turn. This includes discarding secondaries too.
True so sometimes is sorta redundant.
I love the Vanguard detachment. Was such a good fit for my Alpha Legion. Phobos are a lot of fun for constantly making your opponent have to guess at what you had up your sleeve.
Stop giving away all my Top Secret Tech! lol, Where/When do we get the Tacoma rundown and how Steve made out? I'd love to hear a tournament breakdown about your experience!
Coming soon!
love the vid guys thanks! I played the vanguard recently and realised that the calculated feint thing is so OP. however on the recharge, they never have to roll the boxcars, cause the 11 would be able to get them in no? a 12 means they'd be outside of 12 to be within the inch engagement?
Me playing 3rd Company Imperial Fists, Anvil Siege Force, I usually start with Incursors and Eliminators with Las fusil. Best support in the game. Then I fill up with Gravis models, captain, ApoBio and Tor. Gladiator and ballistus finishing the list
What do we think to the 1st company task force with the new captain ability? You can make one seriously tanky assault terminator squad that procs battleshock to just remove a model with the enhancement. It just sounds funny
If it works then it would be awesome. I just see it struggling to do the actual thing you want it to do. Defiantly cool if it goes off though.
I'm thinking of an army that's just phobos and tanks.
Eliminators are fantastic! I take 3x3 of them. And i play blood angels
Taking out heros is great
Best place for Primaries is the bin.
I have some definite blind spots when it comes to theorycrafting and list building, and Phobos is one of them. I sometimes consider Infiltrators.. but otherwise my eyes glaze over at their anemic combat power.. I am probably gravely mistaken!
What's your opinion on the Raven Guard chapter master shrike? He can basically turn jump intercessors into phobos since he has the keyword.
Not to mention, he let's you pick the unit back up and makes the unit untargetable outside of 12
I've been playing Shrike a few time now, with Vanguard Vets.
They shred Infantry and have some vehicle threat with inferno pistols.
I rapid ingress them usually to get more out of the unit and the inferno pistols. Super fun to play and hard to pin down for the opponent
I'm really tempted to try that out, it sounds like he makes them into better warp talons.
Give it a try! I enjoyed it a bunch!
The vanguard Vets with the lethal hits on the charge. I run 10 so I get 40 attacks with lethal and possibly oath or moment if needed lol
I had people try to run assault jump Intercessors but I don't like the idea of S4 attacks with no bonus. The mortal wounds are okay, but not super amazing imo? Probably a preference thing.
Just used him a few times recently, I think he is more of a utility piece during the early game then set him up for a charge late game. His attacks are great but I think getting VP out of him in turn 1-2 is more important. all in all he is pretty awesome.
I'm calling it now. You will see allied Spectrus Killteams everywhere after the Imperial Agents codex drops if they keep their current rules! Omni scrambles, infiltrate, scout 6", pick up off board.
I don't know if we will keep the Killteams. The WarCom article kinda sounded like the index units will go.
Phobos? What’s next the outrider atv?
Ive been running 2 incursor squads and they arent horrible. With oath of moment, it feels a bit unnecessary to get the +1 to hit half the time.
The mine catches people off guard a lot.
The plus one to hit is for a non oathed target. I like to use it on my intended anti tank weapons having las cannons hitting on 2s is fine and could cp reroll if really needed too. Save oath for target that will receive volume fire of 3+ shots.
That's what I've been doing basically.
Vindicators hitting on 2s is nuts lol
I played a lot of Phobos at the start of 10th Ed, and bouncing two Invictor Warsuits around with Guerilla Tactics was a lot of fun. Especially after Tank Shocking something to death with S14 melee profile. I love the Tank Shock change to Toughness but for a while the Warsuit Tank Shock was SCARY!
Oh Noes! Phobos units do no damage!
Enter: Hounds of Morkai.
Ask the Norn Emissary they met last tournament...
HAHAH ok yes your right the Hounds Of Morkai are pretty top tier in the damage output category when challenging any Psyker. My Daemons check under the bed for HoM.
I love phobos marines, and made a great, thematic, phobos heavy vanguard spearhead list... and then GW gutted the phobos capt. I dont get that shit man. This one phobos capt has almost zero purpose, zero reason to use him in the game. But he has a super cool, super unique, super thematic rule... that makes him legitimately viable... and they just rip it away from him. But, still, pairing incursors with grav cannon devs in vanguard, and popping strike from the shadows, is really solid. getting grav cannon devs hitting on 2s and wounding vehicles on 2s, is pretty solid.
Another great video!
Steve raven garud king of the The Colosseum I believe in you
I'm collecting a Phobos army, is it worthwhile?
No semi-decent Blood Angels player is loitering in LOS in front of Eliminators for a turn before they charge! LOL
full 10th company here
I'm not understanding why does he says that a unit of Incursors can deal 7 to 8 damage to a vehicle. When it's only 2d3, aka 6 at max.
Eliminator snipers have heavy for ASF lovers.stay still and you’re +1 to hit +1 to wound and dev wounds. Against most characters you hit on 2s and wound on 2s.
Oh ya that is savage. and a great point too thanks.
I thought this was serious lol
BA player mostly use SoS
Infiltrators: Solid unit choice however I prefer the heavy intercessor at moment for they’re beefiness depends on the match you could end up regretting it having Infiltrators plus
Incursors: My issue it’s only 1+ to hit in shooting with combat armies they’re not very useful the best value I got out of them are with eridcators with lib dread TP for vehicles
Tactical warsuit: Don’t own it so no comment
Captain Phobos: I didn’t know it was any astartes unit so my opinion has changed on him however redeploys aren’t as strong since the change to rule
Lt in phobo: could for lethal hits & keeping on the move
LT combi in Phobos: nothing bad to say good model can help with volume of fire, however lone op is the main reason
Revivers:Just awful not much else to say
Liberian In Phobos: really good character and make eliminators or infiltrators really good
Eliminators: really good unit however I think the lib in phobo is a must for them to get the most dmg as possible
Vanguard spearhead: in my opinion lacks in firepower which is problem against the current meta of vehicles and heavy elite lists
12:52 Oh shit they changed it to infantry units and not phobos... another nerf 😭
Seems more like an upgrade. You can string out a Blade Driven Deep unit, like 10 Terminators/10 Jumppack Marines, to push enemy Infiltrators away, then redeploy them where you actually want them. Way more flexibility.
@@Sanctjud But I can't redeploy my two Invictor Warsuits any longer. It's a nerf for a phobos heavy army.
I could be wrong but I don't think you're interpretation of the rules is correct when you're talking about how to use Calculated Feint to create an "illegal" charge move. The reason why is because of the way the strat is worded in the When phase. It specifically says that it is used just after a charge is declared, not when a target for the charge is selected. Technically you can declare that a unit is charging before you select targets for that charge. The way the strat is currently worded it actually doesn't function at all because it's forcing the player to use it before the select target step.
I see what your saying. When you declare the charge you have to immediately nominate a unit to be charged. This triggers the "Just after and enemy unit declares a charge" Part of the stratagem. You cannot say you are declaring a charge without nominating a target as part of your declaration.
--Warhammer Community Rules Commentary--
Target (of a charge): When a player declares a charge with a unit, the
targets of that charge are each said to have been declared as a target
of a charge.
The target for calculated feint is this TARGET: One Adeptus Astartes Infantry unit from your army that was SELECTED AS A TARGET of that charge.
@@hyperspacehobbies that's fair, overall the wording is ambiguous and I could see it both ways. It would be a lot clearer if the strat was worded as "just after your unit is selected as the target of a charge" or something to that effect
I really dont care for the way phobos look. Thats the only reason I don't have any in my army 😂
Real question: Are phobos ugly and stupid? Yeah.
There, nobody should use them ever