7:40 To clarify, I meant THIRD PARTY games. Of course Nintendo's own games are absolutley Triple A--not even a question about that, which I said right after. But since I've seen some comments it, I just wanted to clarify that point
All of Nintendo's first party games are Triple A... ...Also people need to realize Companies aren't going to put up their best games before they see how the console does.
What is GameXplain's definition of a AAA game? We only know what is coming out based on 2 two official media events and rumors. We have not even had a launch press event with all the launch titles that will be available on March 3rd.
The one and only negative about this system is the voice chat. Other than that im ok with the prices and games. For the love of god let us voice chat and matchmake through the bloody system. the flipping dreamcast had it built in, no excuse nintendo, fix up before we pay for your online service
If you defend the switch or say ANYTHING good about it or it's games, people bash on you and call you a fanboy and a "child" (Whoever thinks Nintendo is played only for children, really? since when can games be only played by a certain age group?) My biggest issue is the people who just hate the switch and just refuse to acknowledge that the switch has good things and bad things. No gaming platform is perfect. No even a PS4, or a PC. (Gasp!) Understand that the Nintendo switch does have good things that come with it. Motion controls, so far, are OPTIONAL in the games we seen. You do NOT have to use them. And you don't have to just bash the console and say it's "gimmicky" all because it's portable. I understand that the Switch has problems, I understand that it isn't perfect, but we have 80 games being developed for the switch down the line. I don't think Nintendo honestly deserves all of the hate it's getting. I am not getting on criticism, but when people start making things up, and start saying that Nintendo will always fail, I think that people have to at least try to speak up about it. Criticism is great, but mindlessly hating the console isn't. I still expect someone to come in and bash me still, or call me a Nintendo fanboy just because I'm defending my opinion over a console. I am not a fanboy.
TheHumanSonikku I've actually had the exact opposite reaction. Whenever I say anything negative about the Switch on Nintendo forums, I'm called entitled, unable to be pleased, nitpicking, or a Sony/Microsoft/PC fanboy.
I greatly disagree here. They focused so much on exactly the haters arguments here and didn't mention anything about the future. I kept hearing launch lineup sucks multiple times throughout the video. The launch lineup doesn't determine a system. The amount of games that will come out in the future will reduce this opinion to rubble. In terms of the storage space argument, PS4 and Xbox have a misleading storage size case as many of the new games require giant installs which will directly eat up hard drive space. That 500GB of storage will run out a lot quicker than you think, but people will gloss over this point.
From what I understand, the Switch does not require any installs if you buy the cartridges. Compare this to the PS4 and Xbox One where you're required to install directly from the disc to the hard drive if you're going physical.
Now that I think about it, Nintendo to the Non-Nintendo crowd can be summed up with one phrase: "Nintendo. We hope for the best, but we're expecting the worst."
I still think the Switch should've been priced at $250. Also, I don't mind that they're now charging an online subscription BUT Nintendo better make sure they give a vastly improved online experience. It's gotta have a stable connection, no lag, online matchmaking, and voice chat among other things.
still to early to say they partnered with Dena for a reason, they are said to be handling the online parts. so it could be better than we expect, though many games ran fine online for me on the wii u tbh. voice chat being a app also caters to people not wanting it in the games too. hearing how this person did X to your mom and stuff like that.
It really annoys me that Nintendo are keeping their mouth shut on how virtual console will work on the Switch, being able to access Nintendo's extensive library of games on the go could be a HUGE selling point
Yeah the Nintendo Switch has NO DPAD by default. No Street Fighter type fighting games, and no old 2D platformer games will be fun to play by default. Made me not pre-order it.
I understand the annouance, but they already sold out pre-orders, so they dont really need any more selling points until after launch, and by thay time we will all know anyway
Awesome ! Very reasonable video ... you guys are the few Nintendo fans taking the issues many people have serious and who don't close their eyes to the problems the Switch has. Bravo
I love Nintendo games, but how can one NOT be concerned with the Switch. I have one ordered and it will go along my Wii U, but so far it has so much more to show us and needs way more games. I don't understand how Nintendo super fans can just dismiss the fact that so far it hasn't shown basically any big NEW 3rd party games. Sure a few old ones like Minecraft and Skyrim, but we need more stuff. And not just for us as gamers, but to sell the console. If the console only sells again to us few million big Nintendo fans it will bomb like the Wii U. How do people not understand that and not feel the need to voice concern. It should be said to Nintendo every second of every day. They are a company making products for us and not the other way around. If consumers don't like what they see they won't buy the Switch.
I mean, there is at least confirmation of a SMT for Switch from Atlus, No More Heroes 3 from Suda and a Tales game from Namco, Project Octopath from Square Enix... Though it does look with this titles that Nintendo is clearly pushing to win more the oriental market than the occidental, logic because the east is a huge market, they could live with that alone I believe, I mean fine to me I freaking love those game but still for the rest of the people...
Oscarsome Maybe a little too much negativity if you ask me, we all know that it has his flaws but I think the general media is being mean without reason sometimes, like when they point out every game that it does not come to Switch, sometimes is ridicule, putting an exaggerated example "Warhammer 40k dawn of war 3 is not coming to Switch!!!", "eh, yeah, is not coming to PS4 and Xbone either", thing like that, like their are making a storm of everything, PS4 also launched without basic key features from his UI, and there were some complains but it was more of "I hope they put those features soon" and less of the shit storm that they create for Switch, I don't know that's what I feel, maybe is because I want to be optimistic about the console...
Nintendo is delivering powerful and well built hardware to the market and launching with perhaps the best launch title since Super Mario 64. Why is it that Nintendo needs to justify a $300 price point for the Switch when NO ONE said how can you justify a $399 price point for PS4 with really no strong first party titles. It launched with Kill Zone Shadow fall and a bunch of ports you could get on PS3. Xbox One launched at at $499 with Dead Rising 3 and a bunch of Xbox 360 ports. Last year it was really nothing but ports of last gen titles to PS4 and Xbox One, hows that for great 3rd party support. For the record I own a PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U.
C Robinson Umm....the games don't translate to the price point for the system. The system's price is dependent on the system's functionality & hardware. And considering we're hearing things like the system won't have simple things like online matchmaking & voicechat on it, and instead we gotta do that stuff through external devices? Stuff like it only having a PATHETIC 32 GB RAM?! THAT'S the type of stuff we want justification for the $300.
I don't know if where you get your information from or if you even were around during the PS4 and Xbox One launch seasons but the amount of negativity for both console launches were absurd, especially their price point. That's why Sony and Microsoft quickly took the feedback of their consumers and made more accessible versions of the consoles, price cuts, and better game releases. You can get an Xbox One and PS4 for $250 and $300 respectively, bundled with a game, 500GB of storage, and more traditional controllers that people love to use, which is why so many people are complaining about the Switch Pro Controller price. The Switch has none of that.
How much are you willing to invest to play the latest Mario and Zelda titles? Or the next Metroid, Donkey Kong, Splatoon, Pikmin, Mario Kart 9, Smash Bros 5....Online Lobby and Voice Chat will be available. Nintendo has not gone in depth in their online details. Your paying $300 for a home console and a portable console all in one. So really your saving at least $150 by not purchasing them separately.
Yes I bought both my Xbox One and PS4 at launch. The "big first titles" available were Kill Zone and Dead Rising. Switch has Zelda. 500 GB is nothing. You can fill it with a dozen games. I'm already full and had to buy an external 4 TB hard drive. Switch has a "traditional controller" called the Pro controller But the Pro model also has Amiibo support, HD rumble, accelerometer and gyroscope. All these neat little features............cost money.
C Robinson ....They're available, but NOT ON THE SYSTEM. They're making us go through some outside device to access it, which is DUMB, because 1. People can in that case just use Skype, Discord, or any other phone app to chat, therefore making their service questionable on what makes it better that we have to pay for it, 2. Not everyone will have a phone with them at all times. Phones can get lost, run out of battery, etc, and 3. Most of all....THIS HAS BEEN SOMETHING THE ORIGINAL XBOX DID EVER SINCE 2006!!! And you're telling me a system coming out 11 years later can't do the same?!!
Well PSN and XBL have been doing it for years now. I don't mind, but I hope Nintendo prepared themselves to offer players an improved online with stable connection, no lag, online matchmaking, voice chat, etc.
yeah but we don't know all the details yet, just a few things there could things to make it worth it. plus the price could be cheaper than psn/live, i mean pokemon bank is super cheap for example.
+Waheed Abdullah Yeah, I primarily just want a stable connection on it so it doesn't suddenly disconnect me in the middle of online gameplay. Also hopefully no more lag at all. I'll first observe how it goes initially and might subscribe next year 2018 depending on the result if players are satisfied with the online features or not.
Couple things. 1. I think "1, 2, Switch" should've been a bundled game. It just screams 'tech demo' to me. I mean it looks interesting, but let's be real: They're gunning for a new "Wii Sports," and having it be sold separately is probably not gonna work out too well. 2. I agree that the accessories are overpriced, but I don't think the console itself is. You're basically getting a console and a handheld for the price of one system. And with micro SDXC cards being on the cheap (seen 100 to 300gb go for $20 in some places), storage space shouldn't be an issue either. 3. PS4 launched with freaking Knack as its only day one release. Pretty sure the Switch greatly outscales that even with its 5 or 6 game launch day lineup. I'm not saying this to be a blind fanboy because I do own other consoles outside of Nintendo stuff. I'm saying in-general, it's not a bad buy at all. What really brought down the Switch presentation (outside of translation goofs) is that gigantic rumor mill that swamped the internet since October. Hype kills everything. The internet has yet to realize this apparently.
And before I forget, you still have 3 more games announced for later on in March after the March 3rd release. Not to mention E3 is just around the corner. I have a feeling they didn't COMPLETELY blow their Switch load with this presentation.
I absolutely agree on all your points. Could you please tell me where I can find a 300gb micro SDXC card for $20? I'm not being sarcastic; I really want to know.
That was more of an exaggeration on my part. Though it does nothing to hurt my point: Micro SD cards are still much cheaper options than external hard drives, which can range in the $100s offering even less space.
MarutoFighter I think they just wanted zelda to sell as much as possible before releasing something big like mario kart 8 deluxe. Remember, than game sold 7million units on the WII U that is insane
Anime Fan on Prom Night how is Mario cart 8 a big release...I have it on wiiu why would I want to buy it again? I'm just curious why the games being remastered are exciting people
Well, for me it is great news because I would much rather play a game like MK8 on the Switch because of the portable mode. I never liked local multi-player gaming when I have to share a single screen/TV. WiiU is great but I'm not interested to buy it.
Don't take the negativity for granted. Every product will have its doubters no matter what. The Switch pre orders have been selling out in North America and Japan, so it's a great sign that both want it.
at least now most games will have online for example starfox wiiu should of had online mario 3d world could of had online.. now with the subscription i feel alot of games will support online
I'd like to make the argument that having a large launch lineup of games is actually a BAD idea for a company and why, historically speaking, developers do not launch consoles with a wide variety of games. If you're talking about the average demographic of consumers, most people DON'T have the money to throw around to buy more than one game at a time, especially when buying a console with the game. This is generally true as people prefer to buy one game at a time so that they can play through them sequentially. What happens when you get a launch lineup of, say, six or more top-notch games? People buy only one. The buzz dies down, they forget about the other games that launched, the company loses the market on the other games. That cuts down on revenue from production costs on EACH of those games. Huge launch lineups create competition. The benefit of having only one AAA game at launch is that everyone that gets the console at launch will buy that game. That's why, while having like two or three 1st-party games at launch sounds nice, having those games dispersed makes more sense to general consumers and to the company. On that note, Zelda on the Wii U is kind of a moot point for people who don't have a Wii U. Why would people buy a Wii U and Zelda when they know the console is literally being replaced when Zelda comes out? If they wanted to make that kind of investment, they would just get the new console and the games on THAT system as it'll be the one where new stuff is released! And while you could argue that they'll lose the consumers that bought the Wii U, most of those people are Nintendo fans; they'll buy the Switch regardless. Releasing Zelda for the Wii U is more of a novelty thing for people who REALLY don't want to leave their Wii U.
I disagree with you guys on the switch's launch year lineup completely. Yes, the launch day lineup is weak, but the launch YEAR lineup is leagues ahead of wiiu, which didn't have a system seller until 2014. Switch has TWO, arguably 3 if you didn't get a WiiU and MK8. I agree that they marketed too much to the original Wii crowd, and that focusing on 1-2 Switch yet not making it a pack-in title was a horrendous blunder. However, I think you guys are underestimating not only the number of Nintendo fans out there, but the number of Nintendo fans who skipped the wiiu or sold their wiiu due to lack of enough games. To those Nintendo fans who skipped the wiiu, this is an amazing sell. $300 for 2 huge brand new games, the chance to play one of the wiiu's best titles (MK8) with an added battle mode, and several other good-looking brand new titles such as Xenoblade 2 (although that probably won't be out within the first year), Splatoon 2, the new Bomberman game, and ARMS
One thing I will agree on is that the third party line-up is suprisingly lackluster, and arguably worse than the wiiu's at its launch. That being said, if the switch sells well in 2017, which I firmly believe it will due to diehards like yourselves buying it and people who skipped the wiiu buying it for BotW and Super Mario Odyssey, the third parties will probably make a true return to the system, and that will eventually put the switch onto the map for those who as of yet haven't seen enough to justify the purchase. By the end of 2017 price drops will also likely have gone into effect, if not for the system itself, then for the accessories, which as of now are, yes, overpriced as hell. We'll also probably see games such as Mario Odyssey and BotW bundled with switches around the holiday season (hopefully for $300), which should make the system more of a sell. Even 1-2 Switch I think could get a push if they eventually pack it in with either more joycons, or the system itself.
In summary, all of the problems they're facing right now are due to an awkward mid-generation, mid-year launch and some holdovers from the wiiu's failure (which to be fair, Xbox and PS4 had the same problem with). It was always going to be a difficult uphill battle for them to sell this new system in competition with systems that are 3 years into their lifestyle and have already been through the price reduction and solid game collection formation phases that the Switch still needs to go through, but what they've done and shown so far will be enough to push it through 2017 and make them big again, especially in Japan, because of the portable aspect like you mentioned.
I don't agree with the Switch launch line up and titles being released this year as being as weak as the WiiU. WiiU launched with Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros U, and ZombiU. All titles could be beaten in a weekend. Then there was virtually NOTHING for 9 months with the exception of a few sprinkles of mediocre 3rd party titles. The Switch will launch with Zelda. Which will sell with the Switch at a 1:1 ratio. It's easily a 100 hour game your going to be playing for a month. Then in April you have Mario Kart 8 DX which is awesome title that some people have not played before. Arms will be out in the Spring, Splatoon 2 will be out in August and Mario Odyssey will be out in November. So from a first party perspective you have 4 titles out in the first 9 months. Lets not forget we will see even more Switch titles announced in February before launch and at E3.
There are over 80 games in development for the Switch. We know that at least 7 of those titles are Nintendo titles. So 73 are 3rd party. Seems a bit lop sided to me.
Agree so much. Zelda alone equals or exceeds the Wii U launch. Mario Kart a month after, month after that is Arms, month after that Splatoon, then in fall we Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade 2, along with huge 3rd party games like Minecraft and Skyrim; and let's not forget Mario in the holiday. And this is before E3, where surely at least 1 or 2 more games will be announced for this year. Wii U year 1: NSMBU, Nintendo Land, Game and Wario, Pikmin 3, W101. Swicth year 1- Probably the best Zelda game yet, the open Mario game we've been clamoring for, Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade, and smaller games like Arms and Mario Kart 8D How are people disappointed? I don't know what they expected beyond that? The only thing I can think of is that not all leaked year one games have been confirmed, so it's less than people thought, but still; open your eyes people!
@Cameron Landry They are expecting 3rd Party AAA support, which was not really shown by Nintendo up until now. What was shown or announced that fits this? - Fifa - Skyrim - NBA ...... I think that was it. That's not much, but Nintendo needs 3rd Party AAA games to stay relevant in this industry. If you don't believe me, just look at the salesnumbers of all the Nintendo consoles in perspective of how many AAA-Publishers threw their games onto these systems. The only one that dosn't fit in is the Wii and even this one follows a rather simple mechanic be it rather loosly .... the more 3rd Party AAA games on a particular console the better it sells. I really hope, that Nintendo struck good deals with the really big fish in the gaming industry so they are getting all those 3rd party games .... if not, the switch will sell way less than what the WiiU and the 3DS did combined, which is still good, but would just continue the trend of Nintendo being less relevent than they were in the past and I really don't want that tbh.
That has been bothering me that most youtubers says the switch is going to have poor launch and that there's not going to be a lot of games for the first year even though the tweet that Nintendo put says "SAMPLING."
For everyone complaining that the switch has no third party support, we have more than 65 games coming so far. the list includes: *zelda, Mario kart, Mario odyssey, dragon quest 1, dragon quest 2, splatoon, dragon quest 10, dragon quest 11, shin migami tensei, fire emblem, Arms, xenoblade 2, etc.* the majority of these games are coming this year. these are great games. I don't understand what people are talking about this system will most likely be an RPG power house.
RobJuanDeLaNooch the Nintendo DS did fine with mostly foreign third party support. People forget this system will most likely encompassing both console and 3ds developers. If this sells anywhere close to how the 3ds sells, developers would most likely want to put their games on it. I believe it all comes down to how well the system sells. If it sells well it will get third party support. It may not get all the western support as PS4 and Xbox 1 but it will most likely get a lot more foreign support than those systems. And IMO that's okay. Because who wants 3 of the same system. I have a PS4 and I prefer if the switch bring a broader/different variety of games instead of just the generic shooters. but yea I do think it will be great if the switch gets the same western 3rd party support as the sony and Microsoft. But I don't think it will be the number one defining factor in how well the system will do.
Robjuan you are thinking from a very american mindset. I can tell you off the bat that fire emblem and xenoblade are going to fly off shelves if they are as good as their predecessors, and shin megami tensei is the original version of the PERSONA series. If that doesn't get sales I don't know what to say. And if arms manages to pull off what splatoon did and basically be a better version of pokken, then there is nothing stopping this launch from being good.
They've never killed off their handhelds early. And aren't going to do it now. Despite a vocal minority online, there's still cautious optimism directed at this. Which is a hell of a lot more than the Wii U....Since you know, people understand that this isn't an add on.
name one "good" launch. usually theres one or 2 good games and like 10 pieces of shovelware. seriously, launch should never be when you buy a console unless you are a huge fan and arguing launch lineups is always ridiculous.
LilyLaya The point is people complain to much nowadays. Zelda Skyward Sword -> No voice acting-> complains-> Zelda BotW -> Voice Acting no Dual-Audio -> complains
The Aki War That could easily have been said within the context of the gaming community rather than starting shit with the obviously sore topic of the US election. I take issue with OP bringing in an unnecessarily controversial topic that a lot of people feel strong,y about when everyone else is just talking about video games.
Honestly, as a casual gamer, I am super excited for the switch. The software lineup doesn't bother me to much, there will be great Nintendo games coming out spaced enough that I'll have enough time over a few months to casually play the games
People literally didn't even know if the Wii U was a new console or not. And it took forever for any big games to come to it, yet it still sold around 13 million in it's life time. The Switch is going to do fine.
What the hell is wrong with a $300 BRAND NEW game system? Get a job, you entitled whiners. What's wrong with a "merely okay" launch lineup? More will come later on. Yeah, let's all crap on the Switch while ignoring literally EVERY other console launch ever. Logical.
+Noah G People in getting a job is easier said then done there, especially if they have multiple barriers in getting a job (i.e. mental disability, drug addiction, mental illness, etc. among other things), so...
Steven Villman Most people complaining can actually afford it and just dont think its worth it OVERALL, in comparisons, or in the foreseeable promised future. Read my 1st reply for further details.
Negativity? Maybe on the internet, but that's just always going to be the case since anti-Nintendo people are very vocal online, but at my high school, tons of kids are genuinely excited about it, which I think is MUCH more important than some online people complaining and b*tching about every little thing.
Jaden dela Cruz 1. Yeah, at Walmart they accept preorders. *Only in stores, not online* Heres a link to their website: www.walmart.com/ip/Nintendo-Switch-Gaming-Console/52901821
One point that I didn't hear you guys say is if the Switch is a huge hit in Japan, the Switch will get a lot of 3rd party Japanese developers like Capcom, Square Enix, etc.
+Rukia Kuchiki's Husbando It's largely because of the Nintendo Switch in being *_significantly_*_ under-powered_ in compared to the XBox One and PS4 base models that came out in 2013, which is especially the case to people who don't live in Japan/East Asia.
at least xbone gave you 500gb memory.. Switch in other hand gives only 32gb. Nintendo is producing very cheap system without giving to much for people who by their console. Now i'm forced to pay extra for storage. That's why i'm not supporting Switch untill a pricedrop is there
OmegaMetroid93 80 games have been revealed for the Switch (emphasize the word "revealed". There are still a lot more games not revelead yet). At least 10 of those are 1st party = 70 third party games. Things aren't looking that bad, actually
Yeah, but what games are they and which ones are actually coming out this year? Which ones are actually a big deal? It's easy to sound impressive given numbers, but you have to actually be able to show for it. Admittedly, the 3DS struggled in the beginning as well, but the difference there is that the Switch already has bad press and it's not even released yet. The 3DS didn't have that, as far as I'm remembering. And 3DS only started selling once they made it less than 200 dollars.
OmegaMetroid93 I think it is fair to assume that Nintendo is going to do well at E3. Or at least it will be better than last year when they were only showing off one game. Yeah, it was Zelda, but it was still one game.
The only games that we know which Nintendo might likely be showing more off at this year's E3 is: - Super Mario Odyssey - Splatoon2 - Fire Emblem Warriors And they might tease on: - Fire Emblem Switch for 2018 That's all the BIG major title games that Nintendo has to offer so far. I can see them padding their E3 presentation with tons of indie titles and other small game titles from smaller developers again. On the more optimistic side, I'm hoping they reveal a surprise major title either Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Metroid, or Mother3,.
+KingKayden21 I am. Though I'm not very wealthy, my parents like me to handle my luxuries on my own. So I'd like more than one game to get my money's worth
Let's compare Wii U launch (Nintendo games only) Wii U (launch) -New super Mario bros U -Nintendo Land 2013 (I think) -Game and Wario -Pikmin 3 -Wonderful 101 -Wii fit U -Wii Sports U -Wind Waker HD -Super Mario 3D World Switch -Breath of the Wild -1 2 Switch -ARMS -Splatoon 2 -Super Mario odyssey -Xenoblade 2 -Fire Emblem Warriors. Not to mention more announcement to come. (Apparently)
I really like the idea of whenever I visit my gamer friends (Switch owners) I could just take it out and have fun time playing with them. Sort of like PC gamers bringing their rigs to LAN parties
Great discussion! I have a couple things to add; I worked at GameStop this past holiday season, and we completely sold out of both Wiis and Wii u's. an entire wall of stock was gone by Christmas Eve. and with that, many people still asked about it and took our advice to wait for the switch. Basically, there's a lot of parents who are hoping for the kid-friendly demographic that are very excited for the switch. I don't think they're in the preorder population, but I think those sales will carry them through the year, and yes, skyrocket at holiday. Aside from that, I'm very involved in the video game demographic in my area and people who haven't had a Nintendo console since the GameCube are also very excited and planning to get it. yes, I haven't spoken to them since the presentation but basically I've been seeing a lot of hype from both parents and gamers around my age (20-30). also, wouldn't it be cute if the first splatfest on the switch was between portable and console mode?
it really dissapoints me that im the ONLY ONE on the whole Internet who actually understood why they were showcasing the Joycons in the presentation... not even GameXplain got it. they were showcasing the motion controls just to throw a small bone to the casual market along with 1,2 Switch, nothing else. "but then why they didnt showcase the portability?" because they already did, many times. what else did you want? to showcase it again and piss off people that part of the presentation was to show something everybody already knew? the message already was recieved and people got it completely. there is nothing else to show. it's obvious that the core Gimmick of the console its the console's portable capabilities. they are obviously going for the hardcore market now. they just showed that part to throw a small bone to casuals. that's it.
"Three hundred dollarydoos!" Yeah. It's a home console that doubles portable. That basically justifies the fifty dollars more to the system cost right there. "Paid onlines!" Um...yeah? Microsoft's been doing that since the _first_ XBox? Sony jumped on that too? "No AAAs!" Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. That shit's gonna sell. Not to mention Skyrim and whatever titles have yet to be announced, anyway. Also, yeeeaaah, because the PS4 and XBox One totally had great launch windows and weren't laden with PS3 and 360 ports. My god, people, get it together.
26:00 DS didn't do very good at launch, and it went on to be the second best selling system of all time, only behind PS2. Note also how the DS got alot of negativity comparing it to the PSP which was apparently going to be huge... it wasn't really.
Yeah I am noticing the hate a lot in comments on videos. One example of some hate I have seen is people saying this "The Switch has already failed so nintendo should cancle it and make a real system with real curent gen power." so yeah I have seen a tone of hate and the thing is not even out yet.
You guys have had some great discussions these past couple videos mainly The Zelda ones and the Switch discussions. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your Mario Odyssey analysis.
The negativity online has been kicked into overdrive. I mean it is more vengeful now than actually criticism. Let people decide on their own what they spend their money on and stop shaming people and hating.
People are all concerned on Nintendo Switch from it's hardware limitations, and are going on about how Sony and Microsoft have better equipment for a cheaper price, and I can understand that. But know that both Sony and Microsoft are mainly home console/software developers, meaning they have the equipment and the right people to create these powerful devices. Nintendo is a game developing company first and console developer second, which is why I can see why the complaints are relevant. Here's what I can confirm from my experiences. First of all, if you actually owned the 32 Gb Wii-U, the only way you can cap at max storage is if you bought 2 copies of Smash Bros. from the E-shop(about 15GB each w/o DLC), which is impossible for one ID. Other than that it's fair to say you can have from 3-7 full Wii U (Not including 3rd party or Virtual console) games depending on the size of the games. And before you go complaining about how little that is, if it had the same storage space as a 500GB PS4 or XBox, that can amount to 55-240 games(estimated) compared to PS4 and XBox that can supposedly hold around 12 with that much space.(I read a comment on this so it may or may not be true) Nintendo does a good job at making their games storage efficient, Meaning you don't need that much space to have a lot of games though it is nice to have extra. There are lots more I want to touch on but It's probably going to get as many hate as the above argument and this comment. But I guess some don't bother reading everything before going on a rampage. I'd like to see Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft survive the gaming industry without 3rd party support whatsoever.
As an Xbox owner, I can confirm that the Xbox One (at least the one I have) can barely even hold 8 games without filling 90% of storage space. I cri eerytim
Douwert The problem is, as they said in the video, that the Switch will be competing mid generation. That means that the price-dropped Xbox and PS4 are going to be far more appealing to the general consumer where a $250 price point would make the Switch more compelling. Did you not listen to Ash at all?
when the xbox 360 first came out it was more powerful than most PCs on the market unless you were willing to shell out for the highest end gpu which was only slightly more powerful for a ridiculous price cant say the same for this bitch switch lol (predicting subject change)
It's not just 300. Just look at the prices of accessories: cdn.gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/nintendo-switch-accessory-price-310x389.jpg Want to play Street Fighter 2 with the pro-controllers for D-Pads? That'll cost you about $500. 300 for console + 40 for game + 140 for Pro Controllers + Tax.
People are so entitled about the Switch it hurts. One of the most anticipated games of 2017 is not enough for a launch game in their eyes. They believe having the battery only one hour shorter than 3ds is a "disaster". They think 300$ is "overpriced" even though Xbox/Playstation costs around that price if not more. Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 port, the inevitable Sm4sh port, Xenoblade 2, a new 3d Mario and more upcoming is "lackluster" somehow. I really don't get it.
+ShyGuyXXL that's true and I mean they have talked in paper Mario before so they gotta have mouths lol....they've talked in the first 3 paper marios so it's gotta be a thing lol
Ryan Mayer Just keep checking Gamestop.com or your local store to see if they have a pre-order slot open. I know some people will cancel their pre-order.
Actually, if you go to your local Walmart, you can reserve it. I'd call in advance, but I did it just a couple days ago when everywhere else was sold out.
21:59 Seatmate:"What is this 'nintendo' you are talking about?" Andre:"How many hours of flight have we left?" Seatmate:"Three and half hours I think . . . " Andre:"Okay then . . ." *3 AND HALF HOURS DISCUSSION INTENSIFIES*
You can't really compare the Switch to the ps4 or xbox one though... that's like comparing a state of the art tablet like the google pixel c with a desktop computer and complaining that the tablet sucks and so does google. That's basically the argument people are making, but it sounds rediculous for google but for some reason it's totally valid when you just swap Google out for Nintendo....
Katie Egervari Whether Nintendo likes it or not, whether they intend it or not, they are competing with PS4 and XBone and their mid generation upgrades. It doesn't matter whether the comparison is fair or not. They're selling their system to the same people in the same market, so they're competing. That is an open invitation to comparison.
MalachiCo0 But it's actual hardware is a tablet. It's a slightly BETTER version of what's in the Google Pixel C actually. It's limitations are also based on it being a tablet. It's just a tablet with detachable motion controllers, that's priced much better than the Google Pixel C is (which is $350-500, because the screen size is bigger, but it has no joycons or dock... so the Switch is actually priced at about the lowest it could be without taking a loss)
And for the price of controllers, I think the Joy-cons are well-priced. Each is a fully-functioning controller with additional features like NFC and HD rumble. The pro controller is what I see as being too expensive.
Switch is going to have a poor launch month but by Christmas there will be a lot more games for Switch, prices are likely to drop around a few pounds for accessories and games even if it's just £3 less and Christmas is the best time for people to buy consoles especially new released ones. So the switch is just going to have a poor first few months but by later this year it will sell a lot more. Plus Nintendo games are some of the best and some third party games from PS4 and Xbox One will port to switch, not all but more then Wii u and 3DS.
Tbh BOTW and Odyssey for opening line up probably would've confirmed a day 1 purchase by most fans, yet at the LEAST they should've had BOTW with Mario Kart 8... is there a reason to sprinkle out all the best launch titles through every season BUT the opening one? That's the game they'd need the least development time for, so it's the most probably option, but I guess they missed out on that...
i cannot believe people who is complaining about the pro controller ps4 controllers battery last for 3-4 hours then if you like buy a battery pack worth 16-20$ then xbox controllers who uses replaceable batteries which you will purchase all the time.
If and when Pokémon hits thats when the 3DS 2DS owners switch over.. They will bring that 40mil to 150 mil people over to switch over time.. 3ds is over 60 million sold
Im glad you guys also mentioning some negative stuff about the Switch. Some fans only see everything as postive stuff, but people needs to see the whole picture. Great discussion guys! And i hope the Switch will do well!
I'm so sad I can't sell my Wii U anymore....my dog dropped the game pad on the floor so the right thumbstick doesn't click in anymore :( it still moves the camera though....here I come BoTW Wii U :(
Im selling my Wii u to get the switch, too. I had to order an L- stick pcb board from china because mine was broken. But once everything was in fixing order it was all set to be sold. Good luck, man
I'm going to buy it anyway because Zelda and Mario. I understand the complaints but A LOT of them are overexagerated. I supose that happens a lot on the Internet but still. For me the console is great and only Zelda is miles better than the Wii U launch. If you are doubting about the console and you don't like Zelda I understand though, buying a console at launch is something difficult to do since technically you don't have any prior game to consider and you only have promises for the future.
People expecting the Switch reveal to be the best console reveal ever were going to be disappointed, considering even Nintendo, in this fickle market, probably aren't even sure what kind of people are playing their games anymore. So, they did what they know best; make high quality games themselves, and hope that their hardware is compelling enough to convince third parties to tag along. So far, it seems hopeful, although anything could happen between now and this time next year. Also, Nintendo didn't PLAN to release the Switch mid- generation. They didn't CHOOSE the Wii U to fail. It certainly would've done more damage to let the Wii U continue for a few more years, instead of cutting their losses and moving onto a new console somewhat prematurely. Nintendo are in a very strange situation right now, and I, for one, hope that they can pull through.
Glad to hear there's concern from you guys. I thought the presentation was extremely weak at what it was supposed to do which is sell the concept of the Switch. I'm worried, and many people don't like that I guess. They always say why don't you care about the PS4 or XBOX ONE. Frankly, because I don't care whether those consoles succeed. Nintendo has such unique hardware that I want to see it succeed, but if they keep repeating the Wii U, they're eventually gonna give up their hardware division. I don't want that, no one wants that. I wish people could understand that more. A lot of this negativity is from a place of love and concern.
Nintendo isn't trying hard enough. I'm sure they have good intentions, but they are just so CLUELESS. They have no idea what gamers want. And no, I'm not talking about a console similar to PS4/X1. I love Switch. But you don't make a presentation with grown-up men snapping fingers for 45 minutes and showing 5 game trailers for ONLY 15 MINUTES. This is not acceptable. Switch is going to do better job than Wii U, that is for sure. But I wish Nintendo wasn't just "okay" with doing better than Wii U and tried harder than this.
Burak Eren its because they have a really awful management system based soley on hierarchy. If one person doesn't like an idea it gets shelved. There is no "risk" taking.
Was anybody else screaming at their screen, "MARCH! MARCH! IT'S LAUNCHING IN MARCH!"? That's kind of an important factor. Traditionally consoles launch in autumn, typically November, right before the holiday season. Christmas time is when video game consoles are really going to sell in the West. By that time the Switch's library will be larger and more appealing. With a March launch they can do it simultaneously world wide and sell to all the diehard Nintendo fans. Without needing to worry about supply issues for Xmas. 3DS also came out in March.
The one thing I feel GameXplain is missing out on in these discussions is the power of some of these casual releases. In particular, Just Dance at launch is actually pretty significant, and NBA 2k and FIFA down the line even more so. There are plenty of people that buy systems for 2k/FIFA, and having the ability for those to be portable as well makes the switch REALLY appealing to those kinds of people.
The switch will fail. Not because it's bad but because it's being made by Nintendo. If the same concept was made by Microsoft or Sony then it would definitely sell.
I found it very interesting that when i showed the trailer to many of my family members. Some hardcore gamers and some very casual, they were surprised when they heard it was "only" 300$ and thought it would be more along the lines of 400-500.
How is this different from Wii u? Let me explain. Wii u had in first year only 3D mario game at holiday season the rest of games was just Wii shovel ware crap that nobody cared anymore.. What does switch have for one year? Breath of wild, Splatoon 2, Mario kart deluxe, Dragon quest 11, Sonic 2017, Pokemon star, Mario odyssey, arms, Xenoblade 2, Fire emblem warriors... Even tough mario kart 8 and breath of wild is port they are brand new games for many people. Most of these titles are big money sellers. You guys should not analyse switch system based your taste in gaming. You should analyse it bussiness wise.
Don't know why so many people are disappointed about the price. The Switch is a more powerful handheld system then Nintendos previous console... I mean what?! If it was between Vita and WiiU level I could have seen 250$. But with graphical capabilities over WiiU and the Joy-Con tech there was no way this was under 300$! Because of that I also don`t understand how people can compare Switch to the PS4 and XboxOne! These systems are so different. Also this device brings so much to the table out of the box. This Handheld/Console out of the box is the following: -Handheld with all the controls you already have on WiiU or 3DS with the CPP. -Homeconsole by putting the Joy-Cons in the grip, which is included with the system. The only compromise is the separated dpad. Other then that it's a complete controller. -2 Player capable at all times due to the Joy-Cons playable on the side. The only compromises are that you only have one set of shoulder buttons and no d-pad. And even the straps are included in the base package to make them more comfortable. Other then a hardcore gamer I don't see anyone putting even one cent more then those 300$ into anything for Switch. That's why I don't understand why so many people say the cost of peripherals is a handicap for the casual gamer when everything is included in the base package! You essentially save the cost for one extra controller. This is obviously for casuals. If you get Street fighter or something like that a core gamer obviously will either get a arcade stick or a pro controller.
7:40 To clarify, I meant THIRD PARTY games. Of course Nintendo's own games are absolutley Triple A--not even a question about that, which I said right after. But since I've seen some comments it, I just wanted to clarify that point
All of Nintendo's first party games are Triple A...
...Also people need to realize Companies aren't going to put up their best games before they see how the console does.
What is GameXplain's definition of a AAA game? We only know what is coming out based on 2 two official media events and rumors. We have not even had a launch press event with all the launch titles that will be available on March 3rd.
If there were going to be an AAA 3rd party game at launch, we would have heard about it by now. I'll be happy to be wrong.
GameXplain I agree!
The one and only negative about this system is the voice chat. Other than that im ok with the prices and games. For the love of god let us voice chat and matchmake through the bloody system. the flipping dreamcast had it built in, no excuse nintendo, fix up before we pay for your online service
Uzumaki Khan Well, it prevents little kids screaming on team chat.
Liam kids know this console is bad they don't want it
wariolandgoldpiramid We could use earphones
Uzumaki Khan yo bro, I feel the same lol
Liam A positive! For me, installing an app isn't that bad. On the contrary, it makes the system cheaper, since it has less in it
If you defend the switch or say ANYTHING good about it or it's games, people bash on you and call you a fanboy and a "child" (Whoever thinks Nintendo is played only for children, really? since when can games be only played by a certain age group?)
My biggest issue is the people who just hate the switch and just refuse to acknowledge that the switch has good things and bad things. No gaming platform is perfect. No even a PS4, or a PC. (Gasp!) Understand that the Nintendo switch does have good things that come with it. Motion controls, so far, are OPTIONAL in the games we seen. You do NOT have to use them.
And you don't have to just bash the console and say it's "gimmicky" all because it's portable. I understand that the Switch has problems, I understand that it isn't perfect, but we have 80 games being developed for the switch down the line. I don't think Nintendo honestly deserves all of the hate it's getting. I am not getting on criticism, but when people start making things up, and start saying that Nintendo will always fail, I think that people have to at least try to speak up about it. Criticism is great, but mindlessly hating the console isn't.
I still expect someone to come in and bash me still, or call me a Nintendo fanboy just because I'm defending my opinion over a console. I am not a fanboy.
you already have my respect.😊
I agree.
TheHumanSonikku agreed
I agree with that too and I think that's one of the best speeches I seen.
TheHumanSonikku I've actually had the exact opposite reaction. Whenever I say anything negative about the Switch on Nintendo forums, I'm called entitled, unable to be pleased, nitpicking, or a Sony/Microsoft/PC fanboy.
I have to applaud Gamexplain. that was well thought out, honest analysis and not blind fanaticism.
+Alan Haas :)
Luka Preradovic glad we have civil people in this conversation.
I greatly disagree here. They focused so much on exactly the haters arguments here and didn't mention anything about the future. I kept hearing launch lineup sucks multiple times throughout the video. The launch lineup doesn't determine a system. The amount of games that will come out in the future will reduce this opinion to rubble.
In terms of the storage space argument, PS4 and Xbox have a misleading storage size case as many of the new games require giant installs which will directly eat up hard drive space. That 500GB of storage will run out a lot quicker than you think, but people will gloss over this point.
sdw4527 The 3rd party games that the switch needs to succeed are all big games. most will not fit on switch.
From what I understand, the Switch does not require any installs if you buy the cartridges. Compare this to the PS4 and Xbox One where you're required to install directly from the disc to the hard drive if you're going physical.
Now that I think about it, Nintendo to the Non-Nintendo crowd can be summed up with one phrase: "Nintendo. We hope for the best, but we're expecting the worst."
pretty much
Well... some people are just lost I suppose. :(
2017: Arms
2020: knees
2021: and toes
Aly Aboumansour 2022 eyes
2023 ears
2024 mouth
2025 nose
I was thinking of the song
Aly Aboumansour What about LEGS?
Nintendo skipping leg day confirmed
2017 The *LEG*-end of Zelda Botw... there happy? :P
I still think the Switch should've been priced at $250.
Also, I don't mind that they're now charging an online subscription BUT Nintendo better make sure they give a vastly improved online experience. It's gotta have a stable connection, no lag, online matchmaking, and voice chat among other things.
I probably won't be using the online service at all
미셜비 Considering the fact you need to use your phone for voice chat I don't see the online being very good.
Dick Grayson they wouldn't force people to pay for it if it wasn't good. The servers must have improved
미셜비 They will
still to early to say they partnered with Dena for a reason, they are said to be handling the online parts. so it could be better than we expect, though many games ran fine online for me on the wii u tbh. voice chat being a app also caters to people not wanting it in the games too. hearing how this person did X to your mom and stuff like that.
It really annoys me that Nintendo are keeping their mouth shut on how virtual console will work on the Switch, being able to access Nintendo's extensive library of games on the go could be a HUGE selling point
True. VC on the Switch seems very interesting to me but some games may work better on the Pro Controller's dpad
Yeah the Nintendo Switch has NO DPAD by default. No Street Fighter type fighting games, and no old 2D platformer games will be fun to play by default. Made me not pre-order it.
I understand the annouance, but they already sold out pre-orders, so they dont really need any more selling points until after launch, and by thay time we will all know anyway
I still stand by Jimquisition's idea of a Netflix like service that allows you to access their entire back catalog. It would be awesome.
@@Bopsterjazz I mean you are not that far lol
Awesome !
Very reasonable video ... you guys are the few Nintendo fans taking the issues many people have serious and who don't close their eyes to the problems the Switch has.
Thanks :) We're super excited ourselves for it, but that doesn't mean the complaints don't have some merit to them
I love Nintendo games, but how can one NOT be concerned with the Switch. I have one ordered and it will go along my Wii U, but so far it has so much more to show us and needs way more games.
I don't understand how Nintendo super fans can just dismiss the fact that so far it hasn't shown basically any big NEW 3rd party games. Sure a few old ones like Minecraft and Skyrim, but we need more stuff. And not just for us as gamers, but to sell the console. If the console only sells again to us few million big Nintendo fans it will bomb like the Wii U. How do people not understand that and not feel the need to voice concern. It should be said to Nintendo every second of every day. They are a company making products for us and not the other way around. If consumers don't like what they see they won't buy the Switch.
I mean, there is at least confirmation of a SMT for Switch from Atlus, No More Heroes 3 from Suda and a Tales game from Namco, Project Octopath from Square Enix...
Though it does look with this titles that Nintendo is clearly pushing to win more the oriental market than the occidental, logic because the east is a huge market, they could live with that alone I believe, I mean fine to me I freaking love those game but still for the rest of the people...
ControlLingOo I feel like people aren't closing their eyes. There's a lot of negativity, more than blind positivity
Oscarsome Maybe a little too much negativity if you ask me, we all know that it has his flaws but I think the general media is being mean without reason sometimes, like when they point out every game that it does not come to Switch, sometimes is ridicule, putting an exaggerated example "Warhammer 40k dawn of war 3 is not coming to Switch!!!", "eh, yeah, is not coming to PS4 and Xbone either", thing like that, like their are making a storm of everything, PS4 also launched without basic key features from his UI, and there were some complains but it was more of "I hope they put those features soon" and less of the shit storm that they create for Switch, I don't know that's what I feel, maybe is because I want to be optimistic about the console...
Nintendo is delivering powerful and well built hardware to the market and launching with perhaps the best launch title since Super Mario 64. Why is it that Nintendo needs to justify a $300 price point for the Switch when NO ONE said how can you justify a $399 price point for PS4 with really no strong first party titles. It launched with Kill Zone Shadow fall and a bunch of ports you could get on PS3. Xbox One launched at at $499 with Dead Rising 3 and a bunch of Xbox 360 ports. Last year it was really nothing but ports of last gen titles to PS4 and Xbox One, hows that for great 3rd party support.
For the record I own a PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U.
C Robinson Umm....the games don't translate to the price point for the system. The system's price is dependent on the system's functionality & hardware.
And considering we're hearing things like the system won't have simple things like online matchmaking & voicechat on it, and instead we gotta do that stuff through external devices? Stuff like it only having a PATHETIC 32 GB RAM?! THAT'S the type of stuff we want justification for the $300.
I don't know if where you get your information from or if you even were around during the PS4 and Xbox One launch seasons but the amount of negativity for both console launches were absurd, especially their price point. That's why Sony and Microsoft quickly took the feedback of their consumers and made more accessible versions of the consoles, price cuts, and better game releases. You can get an Xbox One and PS4 for $250 and $300 respectively, bundled with a game, 500GB of storage, and more traditional controllers that people love to use, which is why so many people are complaining about the Switch Pro Controller price. The Switch has none of that.
How much are you willing to invest to play the latest Mario and Zelda titles? Or the next Metroid, Donkey Kong, Splatoon, Pikmin, Mario Kart 9, Smash Bros 5....Online Lobby and Voice Chat will be available. Nintendo has not gone in depth in their online details. Your paying $300 for a home console and a portable console all in one. So really your saving at least $150 by not purchasing them separately.
Yes I bought both my Xbox One and PS4 at launch. The "big first titles" available were Kill Zone and Dead Rising. Switch has Zelda. 500 GB is nothing. You can fill it with a dozen games. I'm already full and had to buy an external 4 TB hard drive. Switch has a "traditional controller" called the Pro controller But the Pro model also has Amiibo support, HD rumble, accelerometer and gyroscope. All these neat little features............cost money.
C Robinson ....They're available, but NOT ON THE SYSTEM. They're making us go through some outside device to access it, which is DUMB, because
1. People can in that case just use Skype, Discord, or any other phone app to chat, therefore making their service questionable on what makes it better that we have to pay for it,
2. Not everyone will have a phone with them at all times. Phones can get lost, run out of battery, etc, and
3. Most of all....THIS HAS BEEN SOMETHING THE ORIGINAL XBOX DID EVER SINCE 2006!!! And you're telling me a system coming out 11 years later can't do the same?!!
Dear person scrolling through the comments:
If you are reading this, have a good day!
Don't tell me what to do
Prepare for the wave of dislikes. Lots of people hate positivity.
Same to you ^_^
Ender, Ace of Spades You too!
Ender, Ace of Spades Thanks Kapu-Riki. Same to you
The only negativity I have is the online fee coming in fall
Well PSN and XBL have been doing it for years now. I don't mind, but I hope Nintendo prepared themselves to offer players an improved online with stable connection, no lag, online matchmaking, voice chat, etc.
Well I don't really care about voice chat, screenshots, etc. I'm just only interested in Online Gameplay(ex. Splatoon 2)
yeah but we don't know all the details yet, just a few things there could things to make it worth it. plus the price could be cheaper than psn/live, i mean pokemon bank is super cheap for example.
+Waheed Abdullah Yeah, I primarily just want a stable connection on it so it doesn't suddenly disconnect me in the middle of online gameplay. Also hopefully no more lag at all.
I'll first observe how it goes initially and might subscribe next year 2018 depending on the result if players are satisfied with the online features or not.
But it's a good thing Online Gameplay won't be for all games. I mean there isn't a wi-fi thing for Breath of the Wild right?..........uhhhh right?
Too excited for this!
Going to play Zelda for the entire day 1
SupaNintendoGirl me too!
SupaNintendoGirl ...daaaaaaaaayyyyyymmmmnnnnn
I see you on all the same videos I watch. You're gonna have to change your name to "SwitchGirl".
Dude, just let her flaunt it. If she wants to give us all something nice to look at, that's her choice.
Couple things.
1. I think "1, 2, Switch" should've been a bundled game. It just screams 'tech demo' to me. I mean it looks interesting, but let's be real: They're gunning for a new "Wii Sports," and having it be sold separately is probably not gonna work out too well.
2. I agree that the accessories are overpriced, but I don't think the console itself is. You're basically getting a console and a handheld for the price of one system. And with micro SDXC cards being on the cheap (seen 100 to 300gb go for $20 in some places), storage space shouldn't be an issue either.
3. PS4 launched with freaking Knack as its only day one release. Pretty sure the Switch greatly outscales that even with its 5 or 6 game launch day lineup.
I'm not saying this to be a blind fanboy because I do own other consoles outside of Nintendo stuff. I'm saying in-general, it's not a bad buy at all. What really brought down the Switch presentation (outside of translation goofs) is that gigantic rumor mill that swamped the internet since October.
Hype kills everything. The internet has yet to realize this apparently.
And before I forget, you still have 3 more games announced for later on in March after the March 3rd release.
Not to mention E3 is just around the corner. I have a feeling they didn't COMPLETELY blow their Switch load with this presentation.
I absolutely agree on all your points. Could you please tell me where I can find a 300gb micro SDXC card for $20? I'm not being sarcastic; I really want to know.
That was more of an exaggeration on my part. Though it does nothing to hurt my point: Micro SD cards are still much cheaper options than external hard drives, which can range in the $100s offering even less space.
No problem. You're right about the about micro SD cards; also, they are going on sale rather frequently.
Even though Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is not a new game. I feel if it would've helped A LOT if it were a launch title.
I'm guess Nintendo wants to see how many Switch units gets sold with Zelda.
MarutoFighter I think they just wanted zelda to sell as much as possible before releasing something big like mario kart 8 deluxe. Remember, than game sold 7million units on the WII U that is insane
MarutoFighter I agree but at least its sooner than kart 8 on wii u that took forever.
Anime Fan on Prom Night how is Mario cart 8 a big release...I have it on wiiu why would I want to buy it again? I'm just curious why the games being remastered are exciting people
Well, for me it is great news because I would much rather play a game like MK8 on the Switch because of the portable mode. I never liked local multi-player gaming when I have to share a single screen/TV.
WiiU is great but I'm not interested to buy it.
Can't wait for the Nintendo Switch 2,3,4 and 5 weeks later discussions
Don't take the negativity for granted. Every product will have its doubters no matter what. The Switch pre orders have been selling out in North America and Japan, so it's a great sign that both want it.
I know but a lot of kids(Which nintendo is mostly aiming for) can't go up their parents every month and say "Can i use you're credit card?"
Simple, it takes money to run big servers. Plus, they're working with DeNa on online, which they still have to pay.
Because it ain't a PC that's why!
unless they make their internet better it makes no sense. especially since you get nothing else
at least now most games will have online for example starfox wiiu should of had online mario 3d world could of had online.. now with the subscription i feel alot of games will support online
I'd like to make the argument that having a large launch lineup of games is actually a BAD idea for a company and why, historically speaking, developers do not launch consoles with a wide variety of games. If you're talking about the average demographic of consumers, most people DON'T have the money to throw around to buy more than one game at a time, especially when buying a console with the game. This is generally true as people prefer to buy one game at a time so that they can play through them sequentially.
What happens when you get a launch lineup of, say, six or more top-notch games? People buy only one. The buzz dies down, they forget about the other games that launched, the company loses the market on the other games. That cuts down on revenue from production costs on EACH of those games. Huge launch lineups create competition. The benefit of having only one AAA game at launch is that everyone that gets the console at launch will buy that game. That's why, while having like two or three 1st-party games at launch sounds nice, having those games dispersed makes more sense to general consumers and to the company.
On that note, Zelda on the Wii U is kind of a moot point for people who don't have a Wii U. Why would people buy a Wii U and Zelda when they know the console is literally being replaced when Zelda comes out? If they wanted to make that kind of investment, they would just get the new console and the games on THAT system as it'll be the one where new stuff is released! And while you could argue that they'll lose the consumers that bought the Wii U, most of those people are Nintendo fans; they'll buy the Switch regardless. Releasing Zelda for the Wii U is more of a novelty thing for people who REALLY don't want to leave their Wii U.
I disagree with you guys on the switch's launch year lineup completely. Yes, the launch day lineup is weak, but the launch YEAR lineup is leagues ahead of wiiu, which didn't have a system seller until 2014. Switch has TWO, arguably 3 if you didn't get a WiiU and MK8. I agree that they marketed too much to the original Wii crowd, and that focusing on 1-2 Switch yet not making it a pack-in title was a horrendous blunder. However, I think you guys are underestimating not only the number of Nintendo fans out there, but the number of Nintendo fans who skipped the wiiu or sold their wiiu due to lack of enough games. To those Nintendo fans who skipped the wiiu, this is an amazing sell. $300 for 2 huge brand new games, the chance to play one of the wiiu's best titles (MK8) with an added battle mode, and several other good-looking brand new titles such as Xenoblade 2 (although that probably won't be out within the first year), Splatoon 2, the new Bomberman game, and ARMS
One thing I will agree on is that the third party line-up is suprisingly lackluster, and arguably worse than the wiiu's at its launch. That being said, if the switch sells well in 2017, which I firmly believe it will due to diehards like yourselves buying it and people who skipped the wiiu buying it for BotW and Super Mario Odyssey, the third parties will probably make a true return to the system, and that will eventually put the switch onto the map for those who as of yet haven't seen enough to justify the purchase. By the end of 2017 price drops will also likely have gone into effect, if not for the system itself, then for the accessories, which as of now are, yes, overpriced as hell. We'll also probably see games such as Mario Odyssey and BotW bundled with switches around the holiday season (hopefully for $300), which should make the system more of a sell. Even 1-2 Switch I think could get a push if they eventually pack it in with either more joycons, or the system itself.
In summary, all of the problems they're facing right now are due to an awkward mid-generation, mid-year launch and some holdovers from the wiiu's failure (which to be fair, Xbox and PS4 had the same problem with). It was always going to be a difficult uphill battle for them to sell this new system in competition with systems that are 3 years into their lifestyle and have already been through the price reduction and solid game collection formation phases that the Switch still needs to go through, but what they've done and shown so far will be enough to push it through 2017 and make them big again, especially in Japan, because of the portable aspect like you mentioned.
still it was too few A+ games. Nintendo should come with something new like a true RPG game
I don't agree with the Switch launch line up and titles being released this year as being as weak as the WiiU. WiiU launched with Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros U, and ZombiU. All titles could be beaten in a weekend. Then there was virtually NOTHING for 9 months with the exception of a few sprinkles of mediocre 3rd party titles. The Switch will launch with Zelda. Which will sell with the Switch at a 1:1 ratio. It's easily a 100 hour game your going to be playing for a month. Then in April you have Mario Kart 8 DX which is awesome title that some people have not played before. Arms will be out in the Spring, Splatoon 2 will be out in August and Mario Odyssey will be out in November. So from a first party perspective you have 4 titles out in the first 9 months. Lets not forget we will see even more Switch titles announced in February before launch and at E3.
There are over 80 games in development for the Switch. We know that at least 7 of those titles are Nintendo titles. So 73 are 3rd party. Seems a bit lop sided to me.
budget bomberman game? in what sense?
C Robinson well said! 👏
Agree so much. Zelda alone equals or exceeds the Wii U launch. Mario Kart a month after, month after that is Arms, month after that Splatoon, then in fall we Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade 2, along with huge 3rd party games like Minecraft and Skyrim; and let's not forget Mario in the holiday. And this is before E3, where surely at least 1 or 2 more games will be announced for this year.
Wii U year 1: NSMBU, Nintendo Land, Game and Wario, Pikmin 3, W101.
Swicth year 1- Probably the best Zelda game yet, the open Mario game we've been clamoring for, Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade, and smaller games like Arms and Mario Kart 8D
How are people disappointed? I don't know what they expected beyond that? The only thing I can think of is that not all leaked year one games have been confirmed, so it's less than people thought, but still; open your eyes people!
@Cameron Landry
They are expecting 3rd Party AAA support, which was not really shown by Nintendo up until now.
What was shown or announced that fits this?
- Fifa
- Skyrim
...... I think that was it. That's not much, but Nintendo needs 3rd Party AAA games to stay relevant in this industry. If you don't believe me, just look at the salesnumbers of all the Nintendo consoles in perspective of how many AAA-Publishers threw their games onto these systems. The only one that dosn't fit in is the Wii and even this one follows a rather simple mechanic be it rather loosly .... the more 3rd Party AAA games on a particular console the better it sells.
I really hope, that Nintendo struck good deals with the really big fish in the gaming industry so they are getting all those 3rd party games .... if not, the switch will sell way less than what the WiiU and the 3DS did combined, which is still good, but would just continue the trend of Nintendo being less relevent than they were in the past and I really don't want that tbh.
You guys do realize that the entire launch lineup for Switch hasn't been revealed yet.
Thank you
That has been bothering me that most youtubers says the switch is going to have poor launch and that there's not going to be a lot of games for the first year even though the tweet that Nintendo put says "SAMPLING."
King B Hey man you calling them stupid is just your opinion. People can believe whatever they like.
ok why would they not show the hole lineup that would be stupid
Correct. 2 days ago, The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ has been confirmed as a launch title.
Who getting Switch on the 3rd.
Chris Metroid me
Me. with zelda ofc
For everyone complaining that the switch has no third party support, we have more than 65 games coming so far. the list includes:
*zelda, Mario kart, Mario odyssey, dragon quest 1, dragon quest 2, splatoon, dragon quest 10, dragon quest 11, shin migami tensei, fire emblem, Arms, xenoblade 2, etc.* the majority of these games are coming this year. these are great games. I don't understand what people are talking about this system will most likely be an RPG power house.
RobJuanDeLaNooch the Nintendo DS did fine with mostly foreign third party support. People forget this system will most likely encompassing both console and 3ds developers. If this sells anywhere close to how the 3ds sells, developers would most likely want to put their games on it. I believe it all comes down to how well the system sells. If it sells well it will get third party support. It may not get all the western support as PS4 and Xbox 1 but it will most likely get a lot more foreign support than those systems. And IMO that's okay. Because who wants 3 of the same system. I have a PS4 and I prefer if the switch bring a broader/different variety of games instead of just the generic shooters. but yea I do think it will be great if the switch gets the same western 3rd party support as the sony and Microsoft. But I don't think it will be the number one defining factor in how well the system will do.
Robjuan you are thinking from a very american mindset. I can tell you off the bat that fire emblem and xenoblade are going to fly off shelves if they are as good as their predecessors, and shin megami tensei is the original version of the PERSONA series. If that doesn't get sales I don't know what to say.
And if arms manages to pull off what splatoon did and basically be a better version of pokken, then there is nothing stopping this launch from being good.
remember the 3DS launch? remember how that has now sold 65 million. even though it had a terrible launch? :P
Most people seem to have very short term memories.
I think Nintendo needs to kill off the 3DS so they can put games like animal crossing and Pokemon on the Switch.
alexlandsbergs Yes. consoles can do well even if they have a bad launch. but you can denie that a good launch is always a good launch.
They've never killed off their handhelds early. And aren't going to do it now. Despite a vocal minority online, there's still cautious optimism directed at this. Which is a hell of a lot more than the Wii U....Since you know, people understand that this isn't an add on.
name one "good" launch. usually theres one or 2 good games and like 10 pieces of shovelware. seriously, launch should never be when you buy a console unless you are a huge fan and arguing launch lineups is always ridiculous.
Anti trump, anti Nintendo switch. Always someone complaining.
shaolinskunks88 Yup
The hell do those two vastly different things have to do with each other? Stop trying to bring political bs to a gaming discussion.
LilyLaya The point is people complain to much nowadays. Zelda Skyward Sword -> No voice acting-> complains-> Zelda BotW -> Voice Acting no Dual-Audio -> complains
+LilyLaya Truth.
The Aki War That could easily have been said within the context of the gaming community rather than starting shit with the obviously sore topic of the US election. I take issue with OP bringing in an unnecessarily controversial topic that a lot of people feel strong,y about when everyone else is just talking about video games.
Screw all the negativity. I'm looking forward to the Switch. It even has a strong launch year.
Honestly, as a casual gamer, I am super excited for the switch. The software lineup doesn't bother me to much, there will be great Nintendo games coming out spaced enough that I'll have enough time over a few months to casually play the games
People literally didn't even know if the Wii U was a new console or not. And it took forever for any big games to come to it, yet it still sold around 13 million in it's life time. The Switch is going to do fine.
What the hell is wrong with a $300 BRAND NEW game system? Get a job, you entitled whiners.
What's wrong with a "merely okay" launch lineup? More will come later on.
Yeah, let's all crap on the Switch while ignoring literally EVERY other console launch ever. Logical.
Noah G I actually did get a job just to buy the switch lol gotta save up my paychecks
You think non Nintendo fans will care XD? A lot of people will find any way they can to bash this thing.
Buhbuhbuh Brian Same, bro
+Noah G
People in getting a job is easier said then done there, especially if they have multiple barriers in getting a job (i.e. mental disability, drug addiction, mental illness, etc. among other things), so...
Steven Villman Most people complaining can actually afford it and just dont think its worth it OVERALL, in comparisons, or in the foreseeable promised future. Read my 1st reply for further details.
Negativity? Maybe on the internet, but that's just always going to be the case since anti-Nintendo people are very vocal online, but at my high school, tons of kids are genuinely excited about it, which I think is MUCH more important than some online people complaining and b*tching about every little thing.
2 Week later discussion? 3 hours?
Jake .06 who do you think they are? 2 years is the minimum.
I'm pretty sold on the Switch at this point, now if I can just find a place to pre-order :'(
Your best bet is to get it on launch day in stores
Kayan El yeah I figured I'd do that as a last resort
Kyle K Go to your local Walmart and go to the pickup desk and ask for it. That's how I preordered mine on Thursday.
Jaden dela Cruz
1. Yeah, at Walmart they accept preorders. *Only in stores, not online* Heres a link to their website:
Master Chief yeah ik that's what I did a couple days ago :)
One point that I didn't hear you guys say is if the Switch is a huge hit in Japan, the Switch will get a lot of 3rd party Japanese developers like Capcom, Square Enix, etc.
Monster Hunter Switch!!
Phoenix Wright?!
The Unmarked Crow true...
What's wrong with the price? It's a console AND a handheld. Could have been $499 like the Xbone.
Rukia Kuchiki's Husbando and it did it wouldnt sell anything.
+Rukia Kuchiki's Husbando
It's largely because of the Nintendo Switch in being *_significantly_*_ under-powered_ in compared to the XBox One and PS4 base models that came out in 2013, which is especially the case to people who don't live in Japan/East Asia.
at least xbone gave you 500gb memory.. Switch in other hand gives only 32gb. Nintendo is producing very cheap system without giving to much for people who by their console. Now i'm forced to pay extra for storage. That's why i'm not supporting Switch untill a pricedrop is there
Alucard8319 500gb hard drive is awfully small when you have to install every game. It really isn't enough.
They better hit it out of the park at E3 this year. Otherwise, I'd say it's looking bleak.
OmegaMetroid93 80 games have been revealed for the Switch (emphasize the word "revealed". There are still a lot more games not revelead yet). At least 10 of those are 1st party = 70 third party games.
Things aren't looking that bad, actually
Yeah, but what games are they and which ones are actually coming out this year?
Which ones are actually a big deal? It's easy to sound impressive given numbers, but you have to actually be able to show for it.
Admittedly, the 3DS struggled in the beginning as well, but the difference there is that the Switch already has bad press and it's not even released yet. The 3DS didn't have that, as far as I'm remembering.
And 3DS only started selling once they made it less than 200 dollars.
OmegaMetroid93 I think it is fair to assume that Nintendo is going to do well at E3. Or at least it will be better than last year when they were only showing off one game. Yeah, it was Zelda, but it was still one game.
It looks amazing, if you want a handheld.
The only games that we know which Nintendo might likely be showing more off at this year's E3 is:
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Splatoon2
- Fire Emblem Warriors
And they might tease on:
- Fire Emblem Switch for 2018
That's all the BIG major title games that Nintendo has to offer so far. I can see them padding their E3 presentation with tons of indie titles and other small game titles from smaller developers again.
On the more optimistic side, I'm hoping they reveal a surprise major title either Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Metroid, or Mother3,.
Bring in Pokken, Mass Effect Andromeda, and the Smash 4 port, and I'm sold
+KingKayden21 I am. Though I'm not very wealthy, my parents like me to handle my luxuries on my own. So I'd like more than one game to get my money's worth
Heath Mordin EA said they wont bring MEA on Switch, until the Switch sells well (their words)
Actually Pokken did decent.
Mass Effect isn't coming, EA has confirmed. ME3 bombed on Wii U.
Considering they set ME3 up to die, that's EA's own fault.
Let's compare Wii U launch (Nintendo games only)
Wii U (launch)
-New super Mario bros U
-Nintendo Land
2013 (I think)
-Game and Wario
-Pikmin 3
-Wonderful 101
-Wii fit U
-Wii Sports U
-Wind Waker HD
-Super Mario 3D World
-Breath of the Wild
-1 2 Switch
-Splatoon 2
-Super Mario odyssey
-Xenoblade 2
-Fire Emblem Warriors.
Not to mention more announcement to come. (Apparently)
A.L Joseph Don't forget Pikmin 4 which I'm 99.99% sure is coming to the Switch and the new mainline Fire Emblem game that's been confirmed
That's assuming the Wii U launched in March and nothing else came out that year. Also, it assumes nothing in Switch's lineup is delayed.
A.L Joseph wii u had draksiders 2, arkham city, ninja gaiden razor edge, call of duty, fifa and injustice at launch, true third party AAA games
El dandy 14 I said Nintendo games only, and yes Wonderful 101 was produced by Nintendo.
Just wait for the switch to explode and everyone is playing one
I really like the idea of whenever I visit my gamer friends (Switch owners) I could just take it out and have fun time playing with them. Sort of like PC gamers bringing their rigs to LAN parties
In Japan, the PSVita is the Switch's only competition, so it will probably take off in Japan.
Great discussion! I have a couple things to add;
I worked at GameStop this past holiday season, and we completely sold out of both Wiis and Wii u's. an entire wall of stock was gone by Christmas Eve. and with that, many people still asked about it and took our advice to wait for the switch. Basically, there's a lot of parents who are hoping for the kid-friendly demographic that are very excited for the switch. I don't think they're in the preorder population, but I think those sales will carry them through the year, and yes, skyrocket at holiday. Aside from that, I'm very involved in the video game demographic in my area and people who haven't had a Nintendo console since the GameCube are also very excited and planning to get it. yes, I haven't spoken to them since the presentation but basically I've been seeing a lot of hype from both parents and gamers around my age (20-30).
also, wouldn't it be cute if the first splatfest on the switch was between portable and console mode?
What is that Blooper doing to Ribbon Girl in the thumbnail?
SuperPiposaru squirting ink...
SuperPiposaru lubin' her up
i already pre ordered mine. and will enjoy it.
it really dissapoints me that im the ONLY ONE on the whole Internet who actually understood why they were showcasing the Joycons in the presentation... not even GameXplain got it.
they were showcasing the motion controls just to throw a small bone to the casual market along with 1,2 Switch, nothing else.
"but then why they didnt showcase the portability?" because they already did, many times. what else did you want? to showcase it again and piss off people that part of the presentation was to show something everybody already knew? the message already was recieved and people got it completely. there is nothing else to show. it's obvious that the core Gimmick of the console its the console's portable capabilities.
they are obviously going for the hardcore market now. they just showed that part to throw a small bone to casuals. that's it.
So excited for portable Zelda: Breast of the Wild! :D
And Mario Odyssey of course! :3
ShyGuyXXL A better title would be Zelda's Breasts in the Wild.
Zelda announces that her breasts are wild and free
+Kate George I know what I wrote.
how.do we know that these are the only games we'll be getting at launch? we still have over a month for them to announce some surprise stuff
but idk
we need to give Nintendo a chance to get back on their feet after the Wii u, the software lineup will be at least 4 times better on the 2ND year
o you think its the end for the wiui though
sunsbookishgamesx yes cause Nintendo confirmed breath of the wild will be the last Wii u game
Josh Riv I hope so. I preordered it already
The Aki War no doubt about it, Reggie even said not everything was revealed
Where's the Mario Odyssey analysis? D:
It's coming...eventually
GameXplain yup eventually!
"Three hundred dollarydoos!" Yeah. It's a home console that doubles portable. That basically justifies the fifty dollars more to the system cost right there. "Paid onlines!" Um...yeah? Microsoft's been doing that since the _first_ XBox? Sony jumped on that too? "No AAAs!" Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. That shit's gonna sell. Not to mention Skyrim and whatever titles have yet to be announced, anyway. Also, yeeeaaah, because the PS4 and XBox One totally had great launch windows and weren't laden with PS3 and 360 ports. My god, people, get it together.
26:00 DS didn't do very good at launch, and it went on to be the second best selling system of all time, only behind PS2. Note also how the DS got alot of negativity comparing it to the PSP which was apparently going to be huge... it wasn't really.
Wild seeing this now knowing that the switch is going to be the best-selling console of all time.
Remember that Nintendo said a while ago that the were releasing it in march so that by the holidays it would have loads of games
Are you guys going to do a Switch questions part 2 video soon?
Yeah I am noticing the hate a lot in comments on videos. One example of some hate I have seen is people saying this "The Switch has already failed so nintendo should cancle it and make a real system with real curent gen power." so yeah I have seen a tone of hate and the thing is not even out yet.
I don't get why they are so bothered.
I pre ordered for Zelda at launch and snipperclips right after
Bob Bobinson I hear snipperclips is really fun
PheonixBlue that's what I heard, and it's only 20 dollars
Bob Bobinson Yes it is
pinkspider28 I assume it's a downloadable game
Bob bobinson DONT PREORDER
You guys have had some great discussions these past couple videos mainly The Zelda ones and the Switch discussions. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your Mario Odyssey analysis.
Wait -- Andre introduces but Derrick closes? Has that happened before???
The negativity online has been kicked into overdrive. I mean it is more vengeful now than actually criticism.
Let people decide on their own what they spend their money on and stop shaming people and hating.
People are all concerned on Nintendo Switch from it's hardware limitations, and are going on about how Sony and Microsoft have better equipment for a cheaper price, and I can understand that. But know that both Sony and Microsoft are mainly home console/software developers, meaning they have the equipment and the right people to create these powerful devices. Nintendo is a game developing company first and console developer second, which is why I can see why the complaints are relevant.
Here's what I can confirm from my experiences.
First of all, if you actually owned the 32 Gb Wii-U, the only way you can cap at max storage is if you bought 2 copies of Smash Bros. from the E-shop(about 15GB each w/o DLC), which is impossible for one ID. Other than that it's fair to say you can have from 3-7 full Wii U (Not including 3rd party or Virtual console) games depending on the size of the games. And before you go complaining about how little that is, if it had the same storage space as a 500GB PS4 or XBox, that can amount to 55-240 games(estimated) compared to PS4 and XBox that can supposedly hold around 12 with that much space.(I read a comment on this so it may or may not be true) Nintendo does a good job at making their games storage efficient, Meaning you don't need that much space to have a lot of games though it is nice to have extra. There are lots more I want to touch on but It's probably going to get as many hate as the above argument and this comment. But I guess some don't bother reading everything before going on a rampage.
I'd like to see Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft survive the gaming industry without 3rd party support whatsoever.
As an Xbox owner, I can confirm that the Xbox One (at least the one I have) can barely even hold 8 games without filling 90% of storage space. I cri eerytim
I want mario's cap to forcibly make me wear him
Will there be a 2 week later switch discussion?
Would you prefer Nintendo Switch digital or physical games?
250 or 300, What the hell is the problem it's not like the ps4 pro where you're paying a lot more for a stupid function.
Douwert remember when xbox360 was more expensive then nintendo switch why people complaining ?!
Douwert The problem is, as they said in the video, that the Switch will be competing mid generation. That means that the price-dropped Xbox and PS4 are going to be far more appealing to the general consumer where a $250 price point would make the Switch more compelling. Did you not listen to Ash at all?
when the xbox 360 first came out it was more powerful than most PCs on the market unless you were willing to shell out for the highest end gpu which was only slightly more powerful for a ridiculous price cant say the same for this bitch switch lol (predicting subject change)
well people paid twice for it and got ripped off as PS4 pro play games worst on release.
It's not just 300. Just look at the prices of accessories: cdn.gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/nintendo-switch-accessory-price-310x389.jpg
Want to play Street Fighter 2 with the pro-controllers for D-Pads? That'll cost you about $500.
300 for console + 40 for game + 140 for Pro Controllers + Tax.
This discussion did not reached its full potential.
lol, your comment hasn't reached its full potential.
i had so much more to say1
Top Dawg I agree. I expected at least four hours for their discussion. Very disappointed.
Your english hasn't reached its full potential! ;)
I don't think Nintendo is looking for a out the gate selling machine. The switch seems like something that will only gain more popularity over time.
I have t pre ordered the switch yet, I wish I did, so when do you think they'll be available again or if I could get one on launch day
You can probably try Wal-mart they said they would take preorders through the weekend and stop on Monday.
People are so entitled about the Switch it hurts. One of the most anticipated games of 2017 is not enough for a launch game in their eyes. They believe having the battery only one hour shorter than 3ds is a "disaster". They think 300$ is "overpriced" even though Xbox/Playstation costs around that price if not more. Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 port, the inevitable Sm4sh port, Xenoblade 2, a new 3d Mario and more upcoming is "lackluster" somehow. I really don't get it.
H Nickel mhn
They're squids after all...
H Nickel Usually their "mouths" are on the bottom, between the tentacles. In Paper Mario they squirt ink from there, not from the face.
H Nickel thats what i said!!! my childhood is ruined
+ShyGuyXXL that's true and I mean they have talked in paper Mario before so they gotta have mouths lol....they've talked in the first 3 paper marios so it's gotta be a thing lol
A lot of negativity is from Sony fanboy attacking people who want a Switch.
Yes so true I don't see why it bothers them so much if people buy the Nintendo Switch.
Chris Metroid fanboys that were born in the 2000s. People who grew up with games in the '80s and '90s are more capable to talk to.
Flash forward two years and all of them speak glowingly of the switch. Time heals all
I just wish I could get one ;-;
I finally have the money to buy something for once, and I miss it by it being sold out.
Don't worry. They'll fill it back during the week :)
MisterM4F which week? This week or release week? Because literally all 4(?) types sold out within 2 days.
Ryan Mayer Just keep checking Gamestop.com or your local store to see if they have a pre-order slot open. I know some people will cancel their pre-order.
Actually, if you go to your local Walmart, you can reserve it. I'd call in advance, but I did it just a couple days ago when everywhere else was sold out.
Seatmate:"What is this 'nintendo' you are talking about?"
Andre:"How many hours of flight have we left?"
Seatmate:"Three and half hours I think . . . "
Andre:"Okay then . . ."
I'm living in Japan right now and was part of the preorder line, stood there all night to get mine and so I can say: yes the hype is real here!
You can't really compare the Switch to the ps4 or xbox one though... that's like comparing a state of the art tablet like the google pixel c with a desktop computer and complaining that the tablet sucks and so does google. That's basically the argument people are making, but it sounds rediculous for google but for some reason it's totally valid when you just swap Google out for Nintendo....
Katie Egervari But the Switch is a home console, not a tablet.
Katie Egervari Whether Nintendo likes it or not, whether they intend it or not, they are competing with PS4 and XBone and their mid generation upgrades. It doesn't matter whether the comparison is fair or not. They're selling their system to the same people in the same market, so they're competing. That is an open invitation to comparison.
MalachiCo0 But it's actual hardware is a tablet. It's a slightly BETTER version of what's in the Google Pixel C actually. It's limitations are also based on it being a tablet. It's just a tablet with detachable motion controllers, that's priced much better than the Google Pixel C is (which is $350-500, because the screen size is bigger, but it has no joycons or dock... so the Switch is actually priced at about the lowest it could be without taking a loss)
so.....why didn't the Wii u sale. more when they had more games then either one at launch?
Katie Egervari If it's a mere tablet, then they shouldn't be advertising it as a home console. That's false advertising.
I wonder why $300 is too high for Nintendo but other companies can go $400 and it's okay. Am I missing something here?
And for the price of controllers, I think the Joy-cons are well-priced. Each is a fully-functioning controller with additional features like NFC and HD rumble. The pro controller is what I see as being too expensive.
Favoritism/People thinking Nintendo is the "All-time cheapest only".
TurnaboutAttorney graphics
Switch is going to have a poor launch month but by Christmas there will be a lot more games for Switch, prices are likely to drop around a few pounds for accessories and games even if it's just £3 less and Christmas is the best time for people to buy consoles especially new released ones. So the switch is just going to have a poor first few months but by later this year it will sell a lot more. Plus Nintendo games are some of the best and some third party games from PS4 and Xbox One will port to switch, not all but more then Wii u and 3DS.
Tbh BOTW and Odyssey for opening line up probably would've confirmed a day 1 purchase by most fans, yet at the LEAST they should've had BOTW with Mario Kart 8... is there a reason to sprinkle out all the best launch titles through every season BUT the opening one? That's the game they'd need the least development time for, so it's the most probably option, but I guess they missed out on that...
This is the first time I've heard someone saying "the pro controller has HD rumble" THANK YOU.
you guys are complaining about how expensive the switch is in North America. In Australia the switch is 470 dollars
but I'm gonna sell my ps3 and wii so y'know
North America has it good, I don't know why they are complaining about the price.
Wii have to Switch U off now.
i cannot believe people who is complaining about the pro controller ps4 controllers battery last for 3-4 hours then if you like buy a battery pack worth 16-20$ then xbox controllers who uses replaceable batteries which you will purchase all the time.
harry casaclang I got your word very true
My PS4 controller lasts longer than four hours. It'll run at least six hours. You're thinking of the Wii U gamepad.
Dale Stoddard we are talking about the reg controller that people are saying that is expensive battery fir for instance justifies the price.
even the joycons last for 20 hours a piece ps4 6 hours?
People are always negative no matter what, and it's annoying.
soooo are we going to have to wait two or three years for the next pokemon? or is it going to be in like a year or so?
If and when Pokémon hits thats when the 3DS 2DS owners switch over.. They will bring that 40mil to 150 mil people over to switch over time.. 3ds is over 60 million sold
SmashKing17 then im hoping for a early 2018 release...
There have been rumors of a port of Sun and Moon on the Switch, called Stars.
Miitchell Whitmer i know.... but yea, they are rumors so i dont know about that...
Adam Eason
I would be surprised if a new Pokemon comes out before 2018.
Im glad you guys also mentioning some negative stuff about the Switch. Some fans only see everything as postive stuff, but people needs to see the whole picture. Great discussion guys! And i hope the Switch will do well!
I'm so sad I can't sell my Wii U anymore....my dog dropped the game pad on the floor so the right thumbstick doesn't click in anymore :( it still moves the camera though....here I come BoTW Wii U :(
Adrian Castro sell the dog /s
narnianman Lol dogs a mans best friend cant be doing that
narnianman my dog is worth more than a game console if he breaks the switch when I get it in December though I will sell him
Note the /s if you guys think he's being serious.
Im selling my Wii u to get the switch, too. I had to order an L- stick pcb board from china because mine was broken. But once everything was in fixing order it was all set to be sold. Good luck, man
The price is fine!
If the Legend27 says so, then so shall it be
I'm going to buy it anyway because Zelda and Mario. I understand the complaints but A LOT of them are overexagerated. I supose that happens a lot on the Internet but still. For me the console is great and only Zelda is miles better than the Wii U launch. If you are doubting about the console and you don't like Zelda I understand though, buying a console at launch is something difficult to do since technically you don't have any prior game to consider and you only have promises for the future.
People expecting the Switch reveal to be the best console reveal ever were going to be disappointed, considering even Nintendo, in this fickle market, probably aren't even sure what kind of people are playing their games anymore. So, they did what they know best; make high quality games themselves, and hope that their hardware is compelling enough to convince third parties to tag along. So far, it seems hopeful, although anything could happen between now and this time next year.
Also, Nintendo didn't PLAN to release the Switch mid- generation. They didn't CHOOSE the Wii U to fail. It certainly would've done more damage to let the Wii U continue for a few more years, instead of cutting their losses and moving onto a new console somewhat prematurely. Nintendo are in a very strange situation right now, and I, for one, hope that they can pull through.
Glad to hear there's concern from you guys. I thought the presentation was extremely weak at what it was supposed to do which is sell the concept of the Switch. I'm worried, and many people don't like that I guess.
They always say why don't you care about the PS4 or XBOX ONE. Frankly, because I don't care whether those consoles succeed. Nintendo has such unique hardware that I want to see it succeed, but if they keep repeating the Wii U, they're eventually gonna give up their hardware division. I don't want that, no one wants that. I wish people could understand that more. A lot of this negativity is from a place of love and concern.
Nintendo isn't trying hard enough. I'm sure they have good intentions, but they are just so CLUELESS. They have no idea what gamers want. And no, I'm not talking about a console similar to PS4/X1. I love Switch. But you don't make a presentation with grown-up men snapping fingers for 45 minutes and showing 5 game trailers for ONLY 15 MINUTES.
This is not acceptable. Switch is going to do better job than Wii U, that is for sure. But I wish Nintendo wasn't just "okay" with doing better than Wii U and tried harder than this.
Burak Eren its because they have a really awful management system based soley on hierarchy. If one person doesn't like an idea it gets shelved. There is no "risk" taking.
wow nice profile pic...... weeb
Burak Eren And yet what I'm been waiting for is finally in the switch...
Isn't Skyrim a AAA game?
i also think xenoblade is too..
That just re-released 3 months ago on xbox one and PS4.
C Robinson
Yes, it is. It may be old, but playing it on a portable is going to be amazing
I LOVE J HORROR Its a remaster. Don't believe me? Look up at the Original/ Special/ Switch version comparison. The Switch version is the Special one
I'm really looking forward to Octopath Traveler. BotW looks good, same with Snipperclips and 1 2 Switch.
Was anybody else screaming at their screen, "MARCH! MARCH! IT'S LAUNCHING IN MARCH!"?
That's kind of an important factor. Traditionally consoles launch in autumn, typically November, right before the holiday season. Christmas time is when video game consoles are really going to sell in the West. By that time the Switch's library will be larger and more appealing.
With a March launch they can do it simultaneously world wide and sell to all the diehard Nintendo fans. Without needing to worry about supply issues for Xmas. 3DS also came out in March.
The one thing I feel GameXplain is missing out on in these discussions is the power of some of these casual releases. In particular, Just Dance at launch is actually pretty significant, and NBA 2k and FIFA down the line even more so. There are plenty of people that buy systems for 2k/FIFA, and having the ability for those to be portable as well makes the switch REALLY appealing to those kinds of people.
The switch will fail. Not because it's bad but because it's being made by Nintendo. If the same concept was made by Microsoft or Sony then it would definitely sell.
Lil Lil Agreed. If someone else made it, everyone would love it and call it innovation. But since it's Nintendo, it's deemed "gimmicky"
gonna buy one but there should be more launch games. zelda won't entertain me forever unless it really is that big lol
Do people really care that much about $50.. come on, $250 vs $300 is not a big deal, I spend more than that on starbucks in a week.
I spend more than that on lunch
@5:50 I have to point out most game systems from Nintendo don't usually have many games at launch, this is actually now on the larger sides of pure #s
I found it very interesting that when i showed the trailer to many of my family members. Some hardcore gamers and some very casual, they were surprised when they heard it was "only" 300$ and thought it would be more along the lines of 400-500.
What they need to do, is simply put Madden and Call of Duty out on it as a portable game. It will sell.
Yup. If the game developers make those games good and not shitty ports then it will sell
Joan Eunice they were smart in getting Fifa and NBA2K18 available. hopefully more will follow.
go madden
How is this different from Wii u? Let me explain.
Wii u had in first year only 3D mario game at holiday season the rest of games was just Wii shovel ware crap that nobody cared anymore.. What does switch have for one year? Breath of wild, Splatoon 2, Mario kart deluxe, Dragon quest 11, Sonic 2017, Pokemon star, Mario odyssey, arms, Xenoblade 2, Fire emblem warriors... Even tough mario kart 8 and breath of wild is port they are brand new games for many people. Most of these titles are big money sellers. You guys should not analyse switch system based your taste in gaming. You should analyse it bussiness wise.
I haven't seen any negativity tho, only stupid people who expected a mobile ps4pro in the size of a small tablet.
Do you have to pay for the online service for local multiplayer?
Don't know why so many people are disappointed about the price. The Switch is a more powerful handheld system then Nintendos previous console... I mean what?! If it was between Vita and WiiU level I could have seen 250$. But with graphical capabilities over WiiU and the Joy-Con tech there was no way this was under 300$! Because of that I also don`t understand how people can compare Switch to the PS4 and XboxOne! These systems are so different.
Also this device brings so much to the table out of the box. This Handheld/Console out of the box is the following:
-Handheld with all the controls you already have on WiiU or 3DS with the CPP.
-Homeconsole by putting the Joy-Cons in the grip, which is included with the system. The only compromise is the separated dpad. Other then that it's a complete controller.
-2 Player capable at all times due to the Joy-Cons playable on the side. The only compromises are that you only have one set of shoulder buttons and no d-pad. And even the straps are included in the base package to make them more comfortable.
Other then a hardcore gamer I don't see anyone putting even one cent more then those 300$ into anything for Switch. That's why I don't understand why so many people say the cost of peripherals is a handicap for the casual gamer when everything is included in the base package!
You essentially save the cost for one extra controller. This is obviously for casuals. If you get Street fighter or something like that a core gamer obviously will either get a arcade stick or a pro controller.