This video took me a bit longer to research than my normal videos, so I feel like I could have gotten a few details here slightly wrong, but summons have changed a lot since the base game first came out, and I expect that they will continue to see some big changes. I'll try to comment any big updates to the action points that summons start with here, so that it can remain useful Thanks for watching!
This video took me a bit longer to research than my normal videos, so I feel like I could have gotten a few details here slightly wrong, but summons have changed a lot since the base game first came out, and I expect that they will continue to see some big changes. I'll try to comment any big updates to the action points that summons start with here, so that it can remain useful Thanks for watching!
Respect the research. Well done.
Thanks! It took a while XD
The zombies created from the lvl 8 dragon transformation don’t hold enchantments , but zombies from other sources usually do.
Yeah, those zombies are not very consistent XD
I hope to god they revisit planetfall 😢