Well mostly because of these: - It's frustrating to lose against one especially if they're annoying and hard to kill - Sometimes they can have some abilities that make them survive a fatal hit - Some of them has a ton of mobility to hunt you down - They can be absurd especially they could take down multiple/tankier enemies - And probably some of them don't have counter play
Feels like that's a personal issue for me. I have never get bored of playing as and against assassins because there are so many options that could help you outplay/survive them. Assassins are inherently high risk high reward, so if they do their jobs good then they deserved it. Now it seems that no one is complaining when a xerath ziggs velkoz or zoe 1 shot u from 2 screens away isn't it.
Dont you just love when someone pops out of nowhere, dashes 300 times to hit you with at least a part of their combo, does your entire hp, and then just teleports back while having given you no time to shoot back?
I love that pyke scales with lethality and wish more assassins did too as a way to incentivize proper itemization and not just "hur dur bruiser item talon" (Ik pyke has other issues but even still his lethality scaling aint one of em)
pyke is slippery af but that also is every other assassin, being relegated to lethality makes him actually squishy and he has less dmg than the rest because of forcing him into sup, the money printing is bs tho
sure let me just build lethality items on talon, do no damage to anybody on the enemy team and then instantly die because one person got half a second of cc on me. Great idea
As a Nasus main in low-elo, it's fun to watch assassins do their fancy 10 button combos on me while I just 2-shot them with my Q and heal all my health back.
i mean this is how it should be if the game is balanced. they will walk all over nasus in the mid game, along with evertybodty else. in the late game you should be all but unkillable by a single burst from an assassin on a scaling tank.
@@Peter-zg3em except that its not all balanced, Nasus is overtuned rn and doesnt get shit on enough early. He also has a 3 second 75% slow(the longest in the game) on a 7 sec cd late game.
Used to? That build still works really well for popping the back line. You just no longer get out alive unless you have someone else to initiate and distract the front line.
@@geoticmelody4581 that'd be pretty cool, but the way it works should be really thought of. if it's just a click to stop any dashes around you for 2-3 seconds, that's equivalent to an item that just point n click stuns one or more targets. it would need some counterplay, but the core idea is really good
@@glorytoarstotzka330 maybe the anti-dash shield could stop a single dash with a decent cooldown. keep dash champions in check without making them useless
a fed assassin is probably still the most annoying thing, but poke champs are also quite frustrating if your team doesn't have a good way of dealing with them
what if I told you there was a class specifically designed to deal with champs like that, would you believe that? Anyway Sarcasm is a term that refers to when something_
As others have noted it's a bit of a rock paper scissors between poke, engage, and peel and if a team tries to go with a mix of the 3 then going heavy into any 1 of them will be stronger. Assassins just happen to fit into all 3 of those comps really well.
To be honest, I don’t hate assassins much. My least favorite category of champions is skirmishers. Yone, Yasuo, Master Yi, Tryndamere, Jax, and Fiora are extremely frustrating to play against. Even if you roll them, they can always still beat you down after getting an item or two.
Finally someone with actually logic. Skirmishers even while behind, still have ways to catch up, or be useful for the team. If your 1/9 Yone dies after his q into ult in a team fight, it doesn’t matter because he provided enough cc to maybe pull ahead. But if he doesn’t die, he gets free scaling if they win and doesn’t require too many items.
@@Adonisrose7493 No they don't. Only some of them like the wind brothers. A jax, Fiora, Yi, Trynd in 1/9 is garbage. Their kit is useless in a team fight without the power from the item, not like Yone/Press R and gg.
As a mage main i don't mind them as much (except for Yasuo windwall can choke), Its way easier to keep Tryndamere at bay than It is to dodge half of Zed's combo then dir anyway
Same! Those two are literally my most favorite champs to play at mid. The control they have is just so fun to use and I prefer that over just pure poke/burst mages.
I think aside from Yuumi, assassins are the next most commonly hated champs lol and surprisingly it’s for similar reasons: you have no opportunity to strike back at them
@thunderdrae the frustation with zed is that you are dependant on the mid and jg not feeding him, yeah he has cooldowns unlinke other assassins, his energy is harder to get back and he only teleports behind you, BUT he gets to the point that R->E->AA kills the botlane whitout effort
The biggest problem i have with assassins right now is that a lot of them dont have the downside of being easily killed, a Zed with Eclipse and Ravenous can face tank a team because of the omnivamp.
I agree, instant death and minimal interactability makes fighting it unfun. Akali or Zed goes in, does a ton of damage and you can't hit them? At least Gwen takes a bit of time to kill you, you can see where Lilia is prancing around with her movespeed.
Also, the fact that most assassins can just build bruiser items if they get any kind of lead and become unkillable even if you manage to hit them. At least with the durability update it made it a bit more manageable, but still not fun.
You can’t hit a zed? He legit puts himself into a predictable place when he ults you, and tells you where he can blink to… just learn how he works and he sucks..
@@thepinkchicken247 given the ult gives .35 sec of untargetable movement time and the shadow has only travel time before he can swap with it, you have to hit that perfect window between .35-.6 seconds after he reappears. Thay is to say nothing of flash, which has no buffer cast time. Yes the spot of reappearance after the ult is predictable, but the timing is very tricky if it's a decent zed who uses smart casting (most people who main the champ). A top level player should be able to hit him every time, but the majority of players cannot be expected to make that window unless playing raka, Cass or another champ with an aoe silence or ground.
No other class is more frustrating than assassins. This is because of many reasons mentioned here, but almost every assassin has either a point an click ability (that often allows them to engage target) or an empowered auto attack with an attack reset that drastically improves how much damage that hits. I would need to sit down an go through them to find one that does not have either of these, but this means they have 1 ability at least that can NEVER miss that does a butt load of damage.
assassins are so hard to balance is basically every single game that has them. They are either super OP and dominate everything or they are took weak to be viable, but you will still see them every now and then coming to 1 shot you and make you feel hopeless. assassins are too all or nothing. their either 1 shot u or they die, its basically impossible to balance a good ratio between these 2.
Maybe implementing class-wide interactions ould help...tanks get 50%resistence, 80 against assasins (RN zed can oneshot 200armor 6khp chogath and that does not feel intended). Maybe +30% dmg to assasins by mages/marksman and so on....
my main problem with assasins is they are not balanced in terms of their defense option more. as you said they are squishy and their main defense tool is stealth/immunity/dmg. they all should have similar passive as pyke that they cannot build defense stats. and scrap spellshield from edge - instead it should give cc shield on shorter duration - will NOT block damage. (banshee could have a shield attached alongside the cc block that scales with AP but again will not block dmg only cc. tanks may have opposite shield - breaks on any dmg(even on Autoattack) and will give shield for the premitigation dmg prevented for short period of time.
As a support, the amount of champions that can dash, dash again, then dash again (and the dashes also do damage) then delete me, while I'm under my turret and they have no wave, then they dash again to safety, is infuriating. Also the amount of champions that can become invisible and walk up to me, push buttons and 100-0 me is also infuriating. Any complaints from assassins fall on deaf ears with me.
The only champ I can think of that fits this description is Bel'Veth, very decidedly NOT an assassin. Le blanc has one dash, two if she uses her ultimate. Zed has a telegraphed blink on a massive cooldown Ekko has Tumble followed by a Flash into auto range Fizz has two dashes but they HAVE to be used together. And yes Le blanc can just go back to her dash locations but thats already putting her out of the fight.
@@Nazuiko you expect an enchanter player to understand how the game works, dont even try this guy just wants to cope because his class isnt elo inflated enough
Big agree. I'd also place an emphatic note on how they're broadly supposed to be single target. However I've seen many just...walk into a 5 stack and 1v5 and walk out with half their health intact. Like that just shouldn't be a thing.
Issue is assassins are no longer a high-risk class. They can have enough damage to oneshot you while being tanky enough to survive any retaliation until their escape ability comes back up.
10:00 I was literally talking about that the other day with my boyfriend, I hate that in league we can buy any item we want regardless of class, this makes so that assassin's can buy tank items, or ADC can buy bruiser items and so on so forth. That's really annoying, I would much rather that riot limited the items that can be bought just like MMOs limit the items you can equip, but i don't think the limitation should be by class since there's some characters that are kinda hybrid like TF that can build either full mage or ADC.
Assassins may be frustrating due to their polarizing nature, but the archetype itself is at least important and a valid part of the game. It's just a shame that some assassins are given too many useful tools compared to other types of champions.
I don't know about you guys but I only play this game still to this day because of itemization and rune building freedom. Being creative with them and finding the perfect setup for the ever-changing environments of the game gives the enjoyment I seek from playing the game.
i disagree I wish they would just make items for each class, granted they would need to make a ton more items but atleast it would be more balanced and I guess they could add even more cool items to play arround since they don´t have to consider how each champion could abuse it
@@sakutaro3musik486 Class restricted items will not solve game balance hardly any, yet remove a humongous amount of fun-factor from the game. "Adding more cool items" literally just results in your idea being redundant anyway. Assassins buying bruiser items and never dying is not a result of inter-class item imbalance, it's a result of assassin champions being overtuned as a generality. As long as they aren't overtuned, them buying bruiser items should always result in them not doing enough damage to always instantly kill, but in compensation they are harder to kill themselves. Aka, they become a bruiser instead of an assassin. Personally I think champion class archetypes are a mistake by Riot because it's put into people's minds the wrong idea of how League is supposed to work. Champions are a vessel for playstyles and strategies. Less allowance for creativity makes the game boring. If someone wants to play LeBlanc as a tank because she has a very strong CC ability, why shouldn't they be allowed to? But people won't complain about that build though because it doesn't instantly kill them, unlike when an AD assassin is so overtuned that they can build only bruiser items and still kill you instantly. What I'm getting at is your experiences with overtuned assassins has colored your judgement and given you a wrong idea of what the problem really is.
As an ap (assassins) champions player, the most frustrating champs to face are the fighters building death dance and maw (and hydra also now). Being ap, no matter if you have void staff or not, you simply can’t kill them unless you’re hyper fed or they are at critical hp levels. Regarding items, playing mostly ap assassins I really hope they change the manaless ap items, especially Night Harvester. Being everyone tankier having ability haste as a mythic passive mitigates a lot of damage you’re dealing. It’s on paper the best ap assassin item, just with the wrong mythic passive (I loved the Riftmaker when it came out, that magic pen mythic passive was awesome).
I believe that the assassins are just better midlaners in general recently. Even though mages are better at controlling teamfights, they lack in damage compared to the assassins. I remember when the mages were significantly more dangerous to the adc for example, now theres just syndra flashing towards them with r and dying afterwards. Its not rewarding when you hit all of your skillshots and still does one third of a damage assassin would do with just point-click abilities. And there's the mobility and the forgiveness of assassins' skill sets. Playing mages at midlane becomes more and more unsatisfying, and that's why some of them like ziggs moved to the botlane.
no one plays assassins mid. Mages are untouched in mid lane. Getting so many stats from just one Item alone that it is unplayable for any assassins in mid. i otp Talon and i have my way to win lane= I dont play it. Every mage hard bullies you, so ther is no point of traiding because they outdamge you early on if ther dodge one part of your W. Mages are if played correct just a nightmare to lane against. I usually just roam and try to get fed from bot lane, if they do not have like shields and stuns. Because guess what. That fucks you over aswell. CC just takes the suprise from your attack, that is why you need to wait to throw your dmg at them. If you are unlucky they use Exhaust befor you can do anything and than you just die, because of another thing assassins dont have: Hp and tanky stats. Short: They are shit because they only realy bring dmg to the table. Nothing else, no cc no real engage etc. Sure dmg is cool but league has so MANY tools to just take out the fun playing assassins its not worth playing them atm.
As much as getting oneshot is annoying, i wouldn't say those metas were a treat considering tank metas were just cosplaying "who's adc can rightclick better" or in the words of scooch "wetnoodle slap box contest"
@@cheetahofthewind13 you mean that adcs got to play the game? At no point in league was an adc safe from bad positioning and being engaged upon. The difference is that now with a lot of adcs you'll automatically die if the enemy assassin decides you are the best target. Playing adc is a lot more than just right clicking the enemy also
The fact that the dont just nerf assassins base numbers is insane to me. There no reason that an assassin building tank should be tankier than tanks but out dps adcs. They should just give them all the pyke treatment and scale with lethality more than ad
I feel like my most love/hate relationship as an adc with assasins has to be Yone Yes, he is not an assasins, but to my class soraka feels like an assasin Anyway, sometimes I feel like his dashes are kinda slow and dodging them and outplaying him feels fair, others he just kills me bcs he fails his dashes but still has enough mobility to gap close me and Q me 2 times and oneshot me I like matchups with other champions were if I die I can say "I played that like shit" or "holy fuck he outplayed the fuck out of me, but this is the only champ that has no middle point between Rengar level of fairness and champs like Xerath
No, assassins have kits designed to avoid counterplay, but that's exactly why they shouldn't be able to just spam everything over and over. Especially Ekko's ultimate, it literally gives hm another chance at life while dealing damage. They can have whatever mobility or damage, but they should run the risk of dying if they completely skewer its usage. Not just walking away because their passive movement speed is still more than anyone's.
As a mage player I honestly don't mind assassins much. The real plague that are upon this land are skirmishers, some divers, and Aatrox. I'd rather face a million Katarinas than one Irelia. At least Katarina can die. Granted, the more recent assassin releases are more and more jam packed with either utility or sustained dps tools, so they sometimes end up playing like skirmishers moreso than they do assassins.
It's hard to tell. As an Urgot player hovering around high gold low plat it feels fucking miserable to deal with assassin's for the sole reason you touched on earlier. They can't beat you as a bruiser, but once they know that they literally never have to fight you again if they play it smartly. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've had the enemy team just run circles around me to rip my backline apart where the only thing I could do was try and catch ANYONE. Higher mobility creep is absolutely making the game more fun and fast paced, but I like playing my slow tanky champs and I hate always catching nerfs because of a totally separate group of champions was having too much fun with them.
nah. the problem is the number of interactions. basically every other class plays best of 5s while assasins play best of 1s. and there's a reason tournaments are rarely best of 1s.
i wonder if League would be better balanced if more stats acted like attack speed in that a given item gives a different value for each champ based on their base stats. example: runaans hurricane gives a larger flat augment to attack speed to Twitch than it does to Karthus. i also wonder if we should split attack damage into basic damage and non-magic spell power.
I think we can also agree tha ap assassins are more cancerous than ad assassin (because why shouldn't we give a squishy assassin 1000 hp shield a borderline revive and can abuse zohnya's)
And then there are Bruisers, dealing the same amount of damage as assassins / marksmen, while also sustaining WAY too much and also tanking as much as a tank (they have the same armor just less heath). Hello Aatrox and Fiora.
@@emanuelstornello8009 Yone Diana I have to agree, but Fiora and Aatrox needing more skills than Talon, Akali or Yasuo ... It's like saying yuumi is as skilled as Riven. And I'm main Fiora btw, she's very dumb to play and passive is overloaded.
The reason I hate assassins is because even tho I know how to play around them my team doesn’t. When I play mid and I spam ping danger cuz my laner is roaming and I can’t safely follow my bot doesn’t listen and then dies and feeds them. Then they come back to lane with one or two kills and it’s so much harder for me. When I’m playing adc I keep hearing “an ally has been slain” and then I get dove by a 5/0 assassin roaming and there’s nothing I can do at that point.
i think a lot of issues with damage champs building tank and tank champs building damage and etc. could be alleviated with more scalings based off of certain stats. Pyke i think is a great example. That champion does NO damage if you dont build lethality, because all of his damage scales with lethality. Some adc's scale with crit and some tanks have health scalings, but if a widespread re-balancing of what champs scale with was done with this in mind i believe a lot of issues with off meta, or just assassins building tank, becoming op could be avoided. So instead of just limiting what you can build, just change whats efficient. That way players can still try fun off-meta things as well
First of all Pyke yes scales with lethality but this applies does not apply directly to his damage, the areas that lethality scales are the following: w bonus movement speed, e stun duration and ult execution threshold. Second, assassins specifically ad started buildings items like goredrinker due to all of the changes to their mythic items that were nothing but heavy nerfs in all of the pbe cycles and some patches in live servers later. Ap assassins however (excluding Katarina because she is a hybrid champion) have the luxury of building tank items due to their very high hp, base stats and base damage on abilities, not to mention that demonic embrace is one of the items that synergies well with tank items. As for the tanks building damage items they are usually way squishier but I am not a tank player so I can’t understand that completely.
Assassin's are like the short sharp pain, it feels bad to die instantly but you usually see them die once or twice. Having a tank one shot you while you can't make their health bar move is wayyyyyy worse imo. The short pain is replaced with helplessness
One shot but then you describe it as being a long process, then why the hell are you fighting the tank in melee they have no mobility, if you're a bruiser you can ignore them and chunk through them, if you're a mid you have dashes, if you're a support you have peel, let me guess, you're an adc player who 1v1s tanks in melee and complains about it? tank meta is going strong rn with every tank dropping 2 to 3% winrate dude watch out go to twitter and reddit to complain about tank meta
Assassin should and will always be suffocating to play agaisnt, that's the point of an Assassin. Most Assassin's waveclear are kinda boo boo and they can't really contest wave either if you know how to harrass them like a disfunctional family, which is a big problem if they are not ahead. Lots of items also counter Assassin, but of course it's League we are talking about where instead of learning they post on Reddit 99% of the time
4:15 Only time assasin can oneshot is when the squishy champion player fucks up and doesnt wait for the assasin to show up elsewhere in the fight + exhaust and immortal exists and considering the beggining of a tank meta, assasins are mostly useless (example: playing 30/8 100% crit rengar, couldnt half hp a hardsteel sejuani, using the most broken dmging items in the game for adcs)
Maybe you can tweak it so they get less value somehow without taking away a huge part of the game cuz I feel that huge selection of items and leaving it to players to decide what's best is part of the strength of the game. You can't exactly just make Bonus HP stats based on the owner's Base HP as those are all over the place but maybe an adjustable Bonus HP Ratio per champ would be a not-too-complicated solution? It has precedence in the AttackSpeed Ratio system and lets you specifically tune the values down on certain problem assassins enough that the gold value is more questionable but they can still build bruiser items to become a bit tankier if they need it. It could even easily display the altered HP values in-shop so you KNOW what you're getting before you buy it, making it arguably more intuitive than the existing AS Ratio system.
You are so right assassin's are the only reason why I mostly play lane bullies on toplane cause any other type of champions can just get one shoot by a fed assassin where as it's only full lethality udyr that can one shot a late game tank
Actually first time I've disagreed with several points. First on overall dislike for a class of champs. I'm the only one that plays an assassin in my group and literally all of my friends dislike tanks and enchanters way more. Being a Kat main, I honestly hate assassins more than they do. Virtually every champ in every position can get fed and become a problem, but champs that stop taking damage after getting a few shutdowns are way more frustrating than a Zed that is literally useless if you buy stopwatch. On itemization, I really believe thats just poor decision making. Watching higher level players, you very frequently see ADCs building a few defensive items rather than just cookie cutter crit builds. Assassins started building bruiser not because they want to, its because a lot of assassins stopped killing their targets so they were forced to build to survive longer fights. Finally, due to their roam heavy nature, assassins really are often a "team" skill check rather than "player" skill check. If there's an enemy Eve and Talon, side lanes need to be playing like they exist. And team fights they'll either be the biggest issue or a joke if you just hold one ability for them.
I think it would be interesting if league had a system where when a character belongs to a certain class it gets certains bonuses inherent to that class. Similiar to Overwatch 2. Tanks get bonuses to MR and armor, ADCs get bonuses to attack speed and crit, Assassins get lethality and ms. That way everyone can build tank items, but they will never use those items as well as a tank would, everyone can build crit but no one will use crit as well as ADCs, etc etc. Maybe make it that some itens give less stats / are more expensive on certain classes. That would somewhat limit what certain champions could build without totally taking away their choices.
I do wish stealth worked differently. It's the most tilting thing having a pink and red trinket and still only seeing shaco and twitch when they're right on top of you.
League just needs to swallow it's pride and make a new item restriction class. In addition to "ranged only" and "melee only" they need to add "tank only". By doing so they could add durability items tanks desperately need without needing to worry about a Sunfire Diana issue occurring
That makes no sense because champs in league mostly don't fit in convenient nicely-fitted "tank/support/dps" boxes + it limits customization, a core part of the league gameplay.
What if they make all assassins scale off of lethality then, even Akali and Diana and they make ad and ap items that give lethality would that make assassins try building those lethality options?
I play mostly aram right now and the frustration of facing a team of unkillable assasins all building heart Steel had been enough to get me to stop playing for a while.
Against assassins, I ideally like playing maokai in a team fight. Point and click root on the assassin to allow team mates to hit the crowd controlled assassin.
The problem with assassin is really it should be go in, 100-0 take down squishy dps, escape with a long down time. Instead the real design/tuning is: jump in, miss half the skill shots, still 100-0 squishy, comes out, 5 seconds later, can do it all over again, or simply can stick and run down the whole team or have huge AoE damage. Things like fizz E if it has seraphine W's CD I would still call it strong. Instead it's 8 max rank without any ability haste. But after durability patch, I would say the most frustrating class to play against is tanky bruisers with a lot of self heal. When same/behind, they can just face tank 5 people an dish out huge damage at the same time.
I feel like they should force Assassin to build their specific items by change their scaling or dual scaling with Lethality That way it give them damage for building Assassin item while punishing them for trying to build anything else
Assassins counter the champs that do the same from 3 towers away, i mean velkoz zoe xerath senna etc. they are the only ones stopping soraka from healing the kai sa to full hp again after a darius finally got to her and did some damage. But they can mess up everything. A bad qiyana misses her ult and a q and she dies by the 0 4 sivir, a bad akali doesnt W or sidesteps the lux q and she dies. And the thing that is most suprising is that even when there is the most tanky and anti-assassin meta in the game, OTPs like Beifeng, Mangofish etc. can oneshot you in a split second. (OTPs in lower elo too , but these are the famous names). Thats why they are the most skill exrpessive (most of the time) class in the game.
Tbh assassins used to be my most disliked class.. until fighters/skirmishers came in whom you cannot kill even if you play perfectly. An assassin if they misplay or get caught will still die.
I love it when I'm a mid mage keeping the Akali or Katrina under control, pinging when missing forcing them to decide wave or roam, and my buddy rolls up to mid and just dies saying "wtf is this character". Bruh juke or die, I've been farming with a sword over my chair. As long as you keep them occupied and not roaming, you're equal and that's a win. You're beautiful at that point cuz you're both neutral and she isn't slaughtering. Idk I guess all lanes can be disrespected by team mates and ruin the flow you have. Same with junglers doing bad invades, especially with the new invade nerf.
Assassins are frustrating in league because riot games keep amping up the arms race between all of the "classes". Assassins need 1 billion dashes and a billion front loaded damaged otherwise tanks/brusier that are mega tanky and that can also one shot characters will kill them upon contact. Who is protecting ADCs which are useless for half of the game but can then deal enough damage to cleave the enemy team with ranged attacks in 5 seconds? Everything being broken there nobody is OP is still "balance" but it causes a lot of frustration points in the meanwhile.
I would say only make items within your class available to you to purchase. The amount of heartsteel abusers from assassins is just ridiculous and I prefer consistency when dealing with a champion. If that means build variety goes out the window so be it the majority of classes build within their classes to begin with anyway
and push out any build variance the game has left? if everyone builds the exact same items over and over it will get boring and kill the game faster than it is now
No. Your experiences with overtuned assassins has given you the wrong idea of what the problem is. Assassins who purchase bruiser items are supposed to inherently become a bruiser instead of an assassin. The champion is a vessel for your creative playstyle and ideas, not a limiter. Items limited by class do not solve the problem of assassins being overtuned while simultaneously making the game unbelievably fucking boring as shit.
as a Tank Diana enjoyer myself, the playstyle feels downright unfair any time I get a lead with it. not only is my mythic item cheaper, but so is every subsequent item, and many of those are flexible options based on which members of each team are most fed. when playing from behind it can be a liability though. if I get ahead but my teammates are behind, it does me no good to be built to engage likely unwinnable teamfights, and the tank build isn't nearly as good at pushing side lanes or picking someone off. some champions are also just really good at tank-shredding.
I personally prefer assassins over skirmishers. With an assassin (outside of one building bruiser or tank) I can outplay them so long as I can roughly gauge where they are because they’re usually gonna predictably focus someone each fight. Once they use their gimmick to be untargetable they’re vulnerable to cc, so a lot of the time having well placed vision and aoe cc + single target lockdown means the assassin is basically worthless. Skirmishers, on the other hand, can build assassin items on sustain damage champs, build like 2 damage items, go full tank, and suddenly now you have a creature built to assassinate fighters and tanks that can also one-shot adc’s and still doesn’t die. An assassin usually kills 1-2 people in a fight if there’s chaos and nobody thinks to cc them, a skirmisher will kill all 5 members of your tram if there’s chaos and nobody thinks to cc them.
How could a character class based entirely around either killing you instantly or dying instantly possibly be frustrating?
Well mostly because of these:
- It's frustrating to lose against one especially if they're annoying and hard to kill
- Sometimes they can have some abilities that make them survive a fatal hit
- Some of them has a ton of mobility to hunt you down
- They can be absurd especially they could take down multiple/tankier enemies
- And probably some of them don't have counter play
Doesn't mean all of them are bad, but it seems that these reasons are mostly the root of why Assassins are one of the most hated class
When they don’t die instantly
@@etheron1235Do you. Do you know what sarcasm is ?
Feels like that's a personal issue for me. I have never get bored of playing as and against assassins because there are so many options that could help you outplay/survive them. Assassins are inherently high risk high reward, so if they do their jobs good then they deserved it. Now it seems that no one is complaining when a xerath ziggs velkoz or zoe 1 shot u from 2 screens away isn't it.
Dont you just love when someone pops out of nowhere, dashes 300 times to hit you with at least a part of their combo, does your entire hp, and then just teleports back while having given you no time to shoot back?
Hello yone/ekko hater
Good to see more of us around
I'd love to complain more about assassins, but Ksante exists. That champion frustrates everyone more than an Illaoi.
@@josuoh9888 For me illoai is worse.
@@josuoh9888 impossible, Illaoi is the most annoying champ riot has ever created. Its just been too long since you played against her
@@josuoh9888 Illaoi is way worse than Ksante, at least Ksante hits like a rubber ducky
I love that pyke scales with lethality and wish more assassins did too as a way to incentivize proper itemization and not just "hur dur bruiser item talon" (Ik pyke has other issues but even still his lethality scaling aint one of em)
pyke is slippery af but that also is every other assassin, being relegated to lethality makes him actually squishy and he has less dmg than the rest because of forcing him into sup, the money printing is bs tho
sure let me just build lethality items on talon, do no damage to anybody on the enemy team and then instantly die because one person got half a second of cc on me. Great idea
@@faloughasch9239 yeah that's what we're saying dude xd make assassins scale on lethality to have them not build tankier items AND do dmg
@@nechocat1234 Yeah he's fine in general like you say. Giving his team a cash spike is stupid hyper-snowballing though.
@@faloughasch9239 That's how assassins are supposed to work. Whether they're shit or not depends on the meta, just like every other class.
Assassins is spelled with an "ass" followed by another "ass."
Making them double ass in the game.
You forgot,,sins _
Mm, ass...
Ass as(s) in Assassin?
And ends with "sins"
As a Nasus main in low-elo, it's fun to watch assassins do their fancy 10 button combos on me while I just 2-shot them with my Q and heal all my health back.
yes i love oneshotting nasus before he outplays me by hitting the 30 minute mark
i mean this is how it should be if the game is balanced. they will walk all over nasus in the mid game, along with evertybodty else. in the late game you should be all but unkillable by a single burst from an assassin on a scaling tank.
@@Peter-zg3em except that its not all balanced, Nasus is overtuned rn and doesnt get shit on enough early. He also has a 3 second 75% slow(the longest in the game) on a 7 sec cd late game.
@@zsomborszigeti6797 he early game should be nerf but his late game is fine since you have to really work to get there
@@illusionofartYT for me the real problem is that he is just the most stat-checky champion in the game currently
the amount of times ive dodged most of a zed combo to still get kill by deathmark at 70% health had made me consider uninstalling more than once
Pretty impossible given death mark scales off of taken damage during it's duration, but keep spreading bullshit.
as a zed main this puts a smile on my face.
It's not a dodge if you receive the damage.
@@nushia7192 his ultimate is a lock in my guy
his ult scaling isn't enough that you lose 70% of your hp without being severely behind or getting hit by abilities
getting oneshot by assassins as a tank is more than frustrating
it's fucking bullshit
well tanks have the same mobility and damage
Yes the 63% armor pen zed one shots the tank, I love it
@Bartosz What do you mean K'sante isn't fun to play against?
_Riftmaker Akali and Katarina PTSD_
i remember when Wukong was very well as an Assasin and used to one shot everything that wasn't tank
I remember AP illaoi assasin builds
Used to? That build still works really well for popping the back line. You just no longer get out alive unless you have someone else to initiate and distract the front line.
@@aaronparry2636 sounds like your describing olaf without qss
(no one tell him he still does)
@@lucasnadamas9317 ( but not like in old time when he just E +auto+q)
imagine if the game had more heroes with anti-dashes such as poppy's W, to counter Assasin's mobility
Anti-dash item when tbh
@@geoticmelody4581 that'd be pretty cool, but the way it works should be really thought of.
if it's just a click to stop any dashes around you for 2-3 seconds, that's equivalent to an item that just point n click stuns one or more targets.
it would need some counterplay, but the core idea is really good
@@glorytoarstotzka330 maybe the anti-dash shield could stop a single dash with a decent cooldown. keep dash champions in check without making them useless
Singed, Cassiopeia, Vex passive give more damage and then you have click and point stuns... I don't know what more do you need
@@glorytoarstotzka330 make it like a wall that stops all champ movement for like 2s or something
a fed assassin is probably still the most annoying thing, but poke champs are also quite frustrating if your team doesn't have a good way of dealing with them
If you don't have hard engage, mobility, your own poke or sustain you deserve to lose lol
@@sighman9209 True, but us league players are sorta dumb sometimes. and tend to forget to like plan ahead at all
what if I told you there was a class specifically designed to deal with champs like that, would you believe that?
Anyway Sarcasm is a term that refers to when something_
As others have noted it's a bit of a rock paper scissors between poke, engage, and peel and if a team tries to go with a mix of the 3 then going heavy into any 1 of them will be stronger. Assassins just happen to fit into all 3 of those comps really well.
Honestly, any champ in enemy team who is fed is annoying .
To be honest, I don’t hate assassins much. My least favorite category of champions is skirmishers. Yone, Yasuo, Master Yi, Tryndamere, Jax, and Fiora are extremely frustrating to play against. Even if you roll them, they can always still beat you down after getting an item or two.
Ironically their the hardest class to face as assasins. One does not simply burst down a Tryndamere
Finally someone with actually logic. Skirmishers even while behind, still have ways to catch up, or be useful for the team. If your 1/9 Yone dies after his q into ult in a team fight, it doesn’t matter because he provided enough cc to maybe pull ahead. But if he doesn’t die, he gets free scaling if they win and doesn’t require too many items.
@@Adonisrose7493 No they don't. Only some of them like the wind brothers. A jax, Fiora, Yi, Trynd in 1/9 is garbage. Their kit is useless in a team fight without the power from the item, not like Yone/Press R and gg.
As a mage main i don't mind them as much (except for Yasuo windwall can choke), Its way easier to keep Tryndamere at bay than It is to dodge half of Zed's combo then dir anyway
I will say, if it wasn't for my hatred for assassins, I would've never learned how fun vex and lissandra are for me to play
Same! Those two are literally my most favorite champs to play at mid. The control they have is just so fun to use and I prefer that over just pure poke/burst mages.
they are the most delightful "Fuck you" button to any Assassin player. Like a well placed kick in the nutsack. Thumbs up to that.
Oh yes. I enjoy playing liss and malz and found that out because assassins forced me to expand my pool beyond lux and Morgana back then
Playing the most cringe champ in the game
@@OuhHey Champs are either cringe or bad, that's how League works
I think aside from Yuumi, assassins are the next most commonly hated champs lol and surprisingly it’s for similar reasons: you have no opportunity to strike back at them
As a zed main, people have no idea how he works..
@thunderdrae the frustation with zed is that you are dependant on the mid and jg not feeding him, yeah he has cooldowns unlinke other assassins, his energy is harder to get back and he only teleports behind you, BUT he gets to the point that R->E->AA kills the botlane whitout effort
@thunderdrae yeah not feeding applies to every champ the problem is not the feeding itself it's the practically no skill combo of R->E->AA
@thunderdrae because every adc is tanky enough to survive that combo or has hard cc to stun it
Just ward
The biggest problem i have with assassins right now is that a lot of them dont have the downside of being easily killed, a Zed with Eclipse and Ravenous can face tank a team because of the omnivamp.
I think that’s just a problem with the new ravenous and not zed lol
Assassins? You mean Rammus' back scratchers? Then yes. Draven has heard of those.
I agree, instant death and minimal interactability makes fighting it unfun. Akali or Zed goes in, does a ton of damage and you can't hit them? At least Gwen takes a bit of time to kill you, you can see where Lilia is prancing around with her movespeed.
Also, the fact that most assassins can just build bruiser items if they get any kind of lead and become unkillable even if you manage to hit them. At least with the durability update it made it a bit more manageable, but still not fun.
Katarina infinitely blinking and dealing tons of damage simply by touching you (and the dagger), then blinking back to an ally as if nothing happened.
Right, I preferred it back in like season 5 where they actually had to do their combo a few times, not just instantly one shotting one to 3 people
You can’t hit a zed? He legit puts himself into a predictable place when he ults you, and tells you where he can blink to… just learn how he works and he sucks..
@@thepinkchicken247 given the ult gives .35 sec of untargetable movement time and the shadow has only travel time before he can swap with it, you have to hit that perfect window between .35-.6 seconds after he reappears. Thay is to say nothing of flash, which has no buffer cast time.
Yes the spot of reappearance after the ult is predictable, but the timing is very tricky if it's a decent zed who uses smart casting (most people who main the champ). A top level player should be able to hit him every time, but the majority of players cannot be expected to make that window unless playing raka, Cass or another champ with an aoe silence or ground.
I'm reminded of a clip where a fed Rengar slaughtered Tyler1 in 0.18 sec. Estimates for average human reaction time are 0.2-0.25 seconds 😂
thats why they upped hes kill time, making him substainer in return nerfing that and now hes useless in 4 roles, kust anyonimg
No other class is more frustrating than assassins. This is because of many reasons mentioned here, but almost every assassin has either a point an click ability (that often allows them to engage target) or an empowered auto attack with an attack reset that drastically improves how much damage that hits. I would need to sit down an go through them to find one that does not have either of these, but this means they have 1 ability at least that can NEVER miss that does a butt load of damage.
playing Shen in the mid-lane: "Oh it's a Zed, guess it's time to make someone rage quit"
I’m not sure if I’m the only one but I love how the gameplay looks in this video and the circles around the champs looks super cool
assassins are so hard to balance is basically every single game that has them. They are either super OP and dominate everything or they are took weak to be viable, but you will still see them every now and then coming to 1 shot you and make you feel hopeless.
assassins are too all or nothing. their either 1 shot u or they die, its basically impossible to balance a good ratio between these 2.
Maybe implementing class-wide interactions ould help...tanks get 50%resistence, 80 against assasins (RN zed can oneshot 200armor 6khp chogath and that does not feel intended).
Maybe +30% dmg to assasins by mages/marksman and so on....
Assassins should always be about damage. The real problem in league is that they have high levels of defense.
@@nushia7192 real problem is that assasin shouldnt be able to deal dmg to tanks period.. why they have access to lethality and amor penetration?
@@spricko28 I agree. Assasins should only able to one shot squishy isolated targets not a tank surrounded by teammates.
my main problem with assasins is they are not balanced in terms of their defense option more.
as you said they are squishy and their main defense tool is stealth/immunity/dmg.
they all should have similar passive as pyke that they cannot build defense stats.
and scrap spellshield from edge - instead it should give cc shield on shorter duration - will NOT block damage.
(banshee could have a shield attached alongside the cc block that scales with AP but again will not block dmg only cc.
tanks may have opposite shield - breaks on any dmg(even on Autoattack) and will give shield for the premitigation dmg prevented for short period of time.
The editing and the background is sooo good this video was so visually appealing
Is that Danganronpa V3 music playing in the background? I just got done playing that game, what a coincidence!
As a support, the amount of champions that can dash, dash again, then dash again (and the dashes also do damage) then delete me, while I'm under my turret and they have no wave, then they dash again to safety, is infuriating. Also the amount of champions that can become invisible and walk up to me, push buttons and 100-0 me is also infuriating. Any complaints from assassins fall on deaf ears with me.
The only champ I can think of that fits this description is Bel'Veth, very decidedly NOT an assassin.
Le blanc has one dash, two if she uses her ultimate.
Zed has a telegraphed blink on a massive cooldown
Ekko has Tumble followed by a Flash into auto range
Fizz has two dashes but they HAVE to be used together.
And yes Le blanc can just go back to her dash locations but thats already putting her out of the fight.
"As a support..."
yeah im not listening to this guy's mindless cope
I want back the days where Renekton and Riven were mobile champions
@@Nazuiko you expect an enchanter player to understand how the game works, dont even try this guy just wants to cope because his class isnt elo inflated enough
As a support player??? you COUNTER ASSASINS, holy shit you people are bad
Big agree. I'd also place an emphatic note on how they're broadly supposed to be single target. However I've seen many just...walk into a 5 stack and 1v5 and walk out with half their health intact. Like that just shouldn't be a thing.
Nope, Bruisers are worse. At least assassins have to die trying, for bruisers that last part is merely a suggestion.
Issue is assassins are no longer a high-risk class. They can have enough damage to oneshot you while being tanky enough to survive any retaliation until their escape ability comes back up.
10:00 I was literally talking about that the other day with my boyfriend, I hate that in league we can buy any item we want regardless of class, this makes so that assassin's can buy tank items, or ADC can buy bruiser items and so on so forth.
That's really annoying, I would much rather that riot limited the items that can be bought just like MMOs limit the items you can equip, but i don't think the limitation should be by class since there's some characters that are kinda hybrid like TF that can build either full mage or ADC.
Assassins may be frustrating due to their polarizing nature, but the archetype itself is at least important and a valid part of the game. It's just a shame that some assassins are given too many useful tools compared to other types of champions.
I don't know about you guys but I only play this game still to this day because of itemization and rune building freedom. Being creative with them and finding the perfect setup for the ever-changing environments of the game gives the enjoyment I seek from playing the game.
i disagree I wish they would just make items for each class, granted they would need to make a ton more items but atleast it would be more balanced and I guess they could add even more cool items to play arround since they don´t have to consider how each champion could abuse it
@@sakutaro3musik486 I respect your opinion, yet I don't wanna see Happy Chime Noises go unemployed 😉
That's the beauty of it, being able to build a champion many different ways makes champ select truly a surprise
@@sakutaro3musik486 Class restricted items will not solve game balance hardly any, yet remove a humongous amount of fun-factor from the game. "Adding more cool items" literally just results in your idea being redundant anyway. Assassins buying bruiser items and never dying is not a result of inter-class item imbalance, it's a result of assassin champions being overtuned as a generality. As long as they aren't overtuned, them buying bruiser items should always result in them not doing enough damage to always instantly kill, but in compensation they are harder to kill themselves. Aka, they become a bruiser instead of an assassin.
Personally I think champion class archetypes are a mistake by Riot because it's put into people's minds the wrong idea of how League is supposed to work. Champions are a vessel for playstyles and strategies. Less allowance for creativity makes the game boring. If someone wants to play LeBlanc as a tank because she has a very strong CC ability, why shouldn't they be allowed to? But people won't complain about that build though because it doesn't instantly kill them, unlike when an AD assassin is so overtuned that they can build only bruiser items and still kill you instantly. What I'm getting at is your experiences with overtuned assassins has colored your judgement and given you a wrong idea of what the problem really is.
just went 3/11 to a rengar top
this video was perfectly timed
@@tragedy8365 MEGA top diff. iirc his acc looked like a smurf but i wouldnt put it past me
As an ap (assassins) champions player, the most frustrating champs to face are the fighters building death dance and maw (and hydra also now). Being ap, no matter if you have void staff or not, you simply can’t kill them unless you’re hyper fed or they are at critical hp levels.
Regarding items, playing mostly ap assassins I really hope they change the manaless ap items, especially Night Harvester. Being everyone tankier having ability haste as a mythic passive mitigates a lot of damage you’re dealing. It’s on paper the best ap assassin item, just with the wrong mythic passive (I loved the Riftmaker when it came out, that magic pen mythic passive was awesome).
Lmao that leucoryx footage is funny, both the priest and wizard footage didn’t manage to destroy the big orbs
I believe that the assassins are just better midlaners in general recently. Even though mages are better at controlling teamfights, they lack in damage compared to the assassins. I remember when the mages were significantly more dangerous to the adc for example, now theres just syndra flashing towards them with r and dying afterwards. Its not rewarding when you hit all of your skillshots and still does one third of a damage assassin would do with just point-click abilities. And there's the mobility and the forgiveness of assassins' skill sets. Playing mages at midlane becomes more and more unsatisfying, and that's why some of them like ziggs moved to the botlane.
Entire reason I don't play Asol and only use Veigar mid.
What do you even means lmfao
With the exceptions of Zed and Sylas, Mages are dominating Midlane since s12
no one plays assassins mid. Mages are untouched in mid lane. Getting so many stats from just one Item alone that it is unplayable for any assassins in mid.
i otp Talon and i have my way to win lane= I dont play it. Every mage hard bullies you, so ther is no point of traiding because they outdamge you early on if ther dodge one part of your W. Mages are if played correct just a nightmare to lane against. I usually just roam and try to get fed from bot lane, if they do not have like shields and stuns. Because guess what. That fucks you over aswell. CC just takes the suprise from your attack, that is why you need to wait to throw your dmg at them. If you are unlucky they use Exhaust befor you can do anything and than you just die, because of another thing assassins dont have: Hp and tanky stats.
Short: They are shit because they only realy bring dmg to the table. Nothing else, no cc no real engage etc. Sure dmg is cool but league has so MANY tools to just take out the fun playing assassins its not worth playing them atm.
Having assasina be *mostly* unviable made thos season a real treat
As much as getting oneshot is annoying, i wouldn't say those metas were a treat considering tank metas were just cosplaying "who's adc can rightclick better" or in the words of scooch "wetnoodle slap box contest"
@@cheetahofthewind13 as an enchanter i prefer those....cause i get to play the game once . Not saying im not biased😅😂
@@cheetahofthewind13 you mean that adcs got to play the game?
At no point in league was an adc safe from bad positioning and being engaged upon. The difference is that now with a lot of adcs you'll automatically die if the enemy assassin decides you are the best target.
Playing adc is a lot more than just right clicking the enemy also
The fact that the dont just nerf assassins base numbers is insane to me. There no reason that an assassin building tank should be tankier than tanks but out dps adcs. They should just give them all the pyke treatment and scale with lethality more than ad
I feel like my most love/hate relationship as an adc with assasins has to be Yone
Yes, he is not an assasins, but to my class soraka feels like an assasin
Anyway, sometimes I feel like his dashes are kinda slow and dodging them and outplaying him feels fair, others he just kills me bcs he fails his dashes but still has enough mobility to gap close me and Q me 2 times and oneshot me
I like matchups with other champions were if I die I can say "I played that like shit" or "holy fuck he outplayed the fuck out of me, but this is the only champ that has no middle point between Rengar level of fairness and champs like Xerath
Interesting video but I never would have chosen assassins as my most hated class. It's by far bruisers/juggernauts
No, assassins have kits designed to avoid counterplay, but that's exactly why they shouldn't be able to just spam everything over and over. Especially Ekko's ultimate, it literally gives hm another chance at life while dealing damage.
They can have whatever mobility or damage, but they should run the risk of dying if they completely skewer its usage. Not just walking away because their passive movement speed is still more than anyone's.
I do believe you named my whole champion pool in about 5 minutes.
The most Anime protagonist syndrome you can get
Counterpoint: ADCs who expect their whole team to peel for them when they are 0/5 and can't even autoattack correctly
As a mage player I honestly don't mind assassins much. The real plague that are upon this land are skirmishers, some divers, and Aatrox.
I'd rather face a million Katarinas than one Irelia. At least Katarina can die.
Granted, the more recent assassin releases are more and more jam packed with either utility or sustained dps tools, so they sometimes end up playing like skirmishers moreso than they do assassins.
It's hard to tell.
As an Urgot player hovering around high gold low plat it feels fucking miserable to deal with assassin's for the sole reason you touched on earlier.
They can't beat you as a bruiser, but once they know that they literally never have to fight you again if they play it smartly.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I've had the enemy team just run circles around me to rip my backline apart where the only thing I could do was try and catch ANYONE.
Higher mobility creep is absolutely making the game more fun and fast paced, but I like playing my slow tanky champs and I hate always catching nerfs because of a totally separate group of champions was having too much fun with them.
the dangaronpa music on ur videos hits hard
The fact that you use DRV3 while i'm drowning again in this universe in pure pleasure.
Durability patch was a good idea until they decided to buff back assassins and change tank/bruiser items.
Esecially the more dynamic something is, the more frustrating it is to lose to it since it feels undeserved when you lose due to slow reaction time.
nah. the problem is the number of interactions.
basically every other class plays best of 5s while assasins play best of 1s.
and there's a reason tournaments are rarely best of 1s.
i wonder if League would be better balanced if more stats acted like attack speed in that a given item gives a different value for each champ based on their base stats. example: runaans hurricane gives a larger flat augment to attack speed to Twitch than it does to Karthus. i also wonder if we should split attack damage into basic damage and non-magic spell power.
YOOO Vars the mad lad played Realm of the Mad God. A true man of culture.
Man I didnt expect to see you talking about realm!
I think we can also agree tha ap assassins are more cancerous than ad assassin (because why shouldn't we give a squishy assassin 1000 hp shield a borderline revive and can abuse zohnya's)
They are equally as frustrating, ad assassins get Auto attack damage, invisibility, dash, shield, anti-vision and super fast tempo in items
"Marksmen beat tanks" has to be the funniest joke I've heared in a while
Oh wow. Realm of the Mad God is a throwback. Best game from 6th grade.
And then there are Bruisers, dealing the same amount of damage as assassins / marksmen, while also sustaining WAY too much and also tanking as much as a tank (they have the same armor just less heath).
Hello Aatrox and Fiora.
Yeah but Fiora and aatrox need way more skill than akali yasuo talon tone and diana
@@emanuelstornello8009 Yone Diana I have to agree, but Fiora and Aatrox needing more skills than Talon, Akali or Yasuo ... It's like saying yuumi is as skilled as Riven.
And I'm main Fiora btw, she's very dumb to play and passive is overloaded.
I did not expect this channel to pull out the ROTMG gameplay and flex with a white bag in O3 castle
The reason I hate assassins is because even tho I know how to play around them my team doesn’t. When I play mid and I spam ping danger cuz my laner is roaming and I can’t safely follow my bot doesn’t listen and then dies and feeds them. Then they come back to lane with one or two kills and it’s so much harder for me. When I’m playing adc I keep hearing “an ally has been slain” and then I get dove by a 5/0 assassin roaming and there’s nothing I can do at that point.
This editing is what I live for ggwp Mr editor😩😩
I was not expecting the realm of the mad god reference. Pretty great game.
"no one is faster than assassins"
meanwhile rammus runnning down my lane like hes sonic
i think a lot of issues with damage champs building tank and tank champs building damage and etc. could be alleviated with more scalings based off of certain stats. Pyke i think is a great example. That champion does NO damage if you dont build lethality, because all of his damage scales with lethality. Some adc's scale with crit and some tanks have health scalings, but if a widespread re-balancing of what champs scale with was done with this in mind i believe a lot of issues with off meta, or just assassins building tank, becoming op could be avoided. So instead of just limiting what you can build, just change whats efficient. That way players can still try fun off-meta things as well
First of all Pyke yes scales with lethality but this applies does not apply directly to his damage, the areas that lethality scales are the following: w bonus movement speed, e stun duration and ult execution threshold.
Second, assassins specifically ad started buildings items like goredrinker due to all of the changes to their mythic items that were nothing but heavy nerfs in all of the pbe cycles and some patches in live servers later. Ap assassins however (excluding Katarina because she is a hybrid champion) have the luxury of building tank items due to their very high hp, base stats and base damage on abilities, not to mention that demonic embrace is one of the items that synergies well with tank items. As for the tanks building damage items they are usually way squishier but I am not a tank player so I can’t understand that completely.
Just found your channel, been binging it past few days. I LOVE content like this. Insta-subbed and destroyed that bell.
the danganronpa music is a good choice since assassins kill everybody lol
7:55 tahm kench is quite the bad example for a tank that cant peel well...
If there's an Akali in the backline, you can a. Try to damage and slow her with Q (a skillshot) or b. USE DEVOUR ON SIVIR 😮💨
Assassin's are like the short sharp pain, it feels bad to die instantly but you usually see them die once or twice.
Having a tank one shot you while you can't make their health bar move is wayyyyyy worse imo. The short pain is replaced with helplessness
One shot but then you describe it as being a long process, then why the hell are you fighting the tank in melee they have no mobility, if you're a bruiser you can ignore them and chunk through them, if you're a mid you have dashes, if you're a support you have peel, let me guess, you're an adc player who 1v1s tanks in melee and complains about it? tank meta is going strong rn with every tank dropping 2 to 3% winrate dude watch out go to twitter and reddit to complain about tank meta
Assassin should and will always be suffocating to play agaisnt, that's the point of an Assassin. Most Assassin's waveclear are kinda boo boo and they can't really contest wave either if you know how to harrass them like a disfunctional family, which is a big problem if they are not ahead. Lots of items also counter Assassin, but of course it's League we are talking about where instead of learning they post on Reddit 99% of the time
4:15 Only time assasin can oneshot is when the squishy champion player fucks up and doesnt wait for the assasin to show up elsewhere in the fight + exhaust and immortal exists and considering the beggining of a tank meta, assasins are mostly useless (example: playing 30/8 100% crit rengar, couldnt half hp a hardsteel sejuani, using the most broken dmging items in the game for adcs)
Just finished the video and honestly it sounds like a lot of issues would get fixed in the short term if they just put class restrictions on items.
Maybe you can tweak it so they get less value somehow without taking away a huge part of the game cuz I feel that huge selection of items and leaving it to players to decide what's best is part of the strength of the game. You can't exactly just make Bonus HP stats based on the owner's Base HP as those are all over the place but maybe an adjustable Bonus HP Ratio per champ would be a not-too-complicated solution? It has precedence in the AttackSpeed Ratio system and lets you specifically tune the values down on certain problem assassins enough that the gold value is more questionable but they can still build bruiser items to become a bit tankier if they need it. It could even easily display the altered HP values in-shop so you KNOW what you're getting before you buy it, making it arguably more intuitive than the existing AS Ratio system.
but that would also fucking suck
Nice vid Vars, I love the Danganronpa music!
I never expected you to mention ROTMG again lol
Another interesting video would be the class that is the least frustrating(to play and play against).
You are so right assassin's are the only reason why I mostly play lane bullies on toplane cause any other type of champions can just get one shoot by a fed assassin where as it's only full lethality udyr that can one shot a late game tank
Actually first time I've disagreed with several points. First on overall dislike for a class of champs. I'm the only one that plays an assassin in my group and literally all of my friends dislike tanks and enchanters way more. Being a Kat main, I honestly hate assassins more than they do. Virtually every champ in every position can get fed and become a problem, but champs that stop taking damage after getting a few shutdowns are way more frustrating than a Zed that is literally useless if you buy stopwatch. On itemization, I really believe thats just poor decision making. Watching higher level players, you very frequently see ADCs building a few defensive items rather than just cookie cutter crit builds. Assassins started building bruiser not because they want to, its because a lot of assassins stopped killing their targets so they were forced to build to survive longer fights. Finally, due to their roam heavy nature, assassins really are often a "team" skill check rather than "player" skill check. If there's an enemy Eve and Talon, side lanes need to be playing like they exist. And team fights they'll either be the biggest issue or a joke if you just hold one ability for them.
I really like the pokemon analogy.
I think it would be interesting if league had a system where when a character belongs to a certain class it gets certains bonuses inherent to that class. Similiar to Overwatch 2. Tanks get bonuses to MR and armor, ADCs get bonuses to attack speed and crit, Assassins get lethality and ms. That way everyone can build tank items, but they will never use those items as well as a tank would, everyone can build crit but no one will use crit as well as ADCs, etc etc. Maybe make it that some itens give less stats / are more expensive on certain classes. That would somewhat limit what certain champions could build without totally taking away their choices.
As a Zed main. I say ty to bushes and people just walking up to them.
Yes, this is exactly why I main kat and akali. Nothing brings me more joy than building rav into divine sunderer as akali and going 25/0
I do wish stealth worked differently. It's the most tilting thing having a pink and red trinket and still only seeing shaco and twitch when they're right on top of you.
A Kassadin ults into a bar. Then he ults into a bar. Then he ults into a bar. Then he ults into a bar. The barman ff's.
League just needs to swallow it's pride and make a new item restriction class. In addition to "ranged only" and "melee only" they need to add "tank only". By doing so they could add durability items tanks desperately need without needing to worry about a Sunfire Diana issue occurring
That makes no sense because champs in league mostly don't fit in convenient nicely-fitted "tank/support/dps" boxes + it limits customization, a core part of the league gameplay.
What if they make all assassins scale off of lethality then, even Akali and Diana and they make ad and ap items that give lethality would that make assassins try building those lethality options?
I play mostly aram right now and the frustration of facing a team of unkillable assasins all building heart Steel had been enough to get me to stop playing for a while.
Against assassins, I ideally like playing maokai in a team fight. Point and click root on the assassin to allow team mates to hit the crowd controlled assassin.
The problem with assassin is really it should be go in, 100-0 take down squishy dps, escape with a long down time. Instead the real design/tuning is: jump in, miss half the skill shots, still 100-0 squishy, comes out, 5 seconds later, can do it all over again, or simply can stick and run down the whole team or have huge AoE damage. Things like fizz E if it has seraphine W's CD I would still call it strong. Instead it's 8 max rank without any ability haste.
But after durability patch, I would say the most frustrating class to play against is tanky bruisers with a lot of self heal. When same/behind, they can just face tank 5 people an dish out huge damage at the same time.
I love those Pokémon comparisons, I immediately understand what you mean :D
I feel like they should force Assassin to build their specific items by change their scaling or dual scaling with Lethality
That way it give them damage for building Assassin item while punishing them for trying to build anything else
5:13 When Vars III where you go over Pokemon?
Assassins counter the champs that do the same from 3 towers away, i mean velkoz zoe xerath senna etc. they are the only ones stopping soraka from healing the kai sa to full hp again after a darius finally got to her and did some damage. But they can mess up everything. A bad qiyana misses her ult and a q and she dies by the 0 4 sivir, a bad akali doesnt W or sidesteps the lux q and she dies. And the thing that is most suprising is that even when there is the most tanky and anti-assassin meta in the game, OTPs like Beifeng, Mangofish etc. can oneshot you in a split second. (OTPs in lower elo too , but these are the famous names). Thats why they are the most skill exrpessive (most of the time) class in the game.
Tbh assassins used to be my most disliked class.. until fighters/skirmishers came in whom you cannot kill even if you play perfectly. An assassin if they misplay or get caught will still die.
I love it when I'm a mid mage keeping the Akali or Katrina under control, pinging when missing forcing them to decide wave or roam, and my buddy rolls up to mid and just dies saying "wtf is this character". Bruh juke or die, I've been farming with a sword over my chair. As long as you keep them occupied and not roaming, you're equal and that's a win. You're beautiful at that point cuz you're both neutral and she isn't slaughtering. Idk I guess all lanes can be disrespected by team mates and ruin the flow you have. Same with junglers doing bad invades, especially with the new invade nerf.
Please do Shaco.
I agree with your points! It's tough to hit those slick assasins.
I LOVE how a Level 1 talón with One Q and One Basic left you with half of your Hp, looks balances
This has to be bait, in what world or place did you see this?
Mad cuz bad
Assassins are frustrating in league because riot games keep amping up the arms race between all of the "classes".
Assassins need 1 billion dashes and a billion front loaded damaged otherwise tanks/brusier that are mega tanky and that can also one shot characters will kill them upon contact. Who is protecting ADCs which are useless for half of the game but can then deal enough damage to cleave the enemy team with ranged attacks in 5 seconds?
Everything being broken there nobody is OP is still "balance" but it causes a lot of frustration points in the meanwhile.
I would say only make items within your class available to you to purchase. The amount of heartsteel abusers from assassins is just ridiculous and I prefer consistency when dealing with a champion. If that means build variety goes out the window so be it the majority of classes build within their classes to begin with anyway
and push out any build variance the game has left? if everyone builds the exact same items over and over it will get boring and kill the game faster than it is now
This is an oof take
No. Your experiences with overtuned assassins has given you the wrong idea of what the problem is. Assassins who purchase bruiser items are supposed to inherently become a bruiser instead of an assassin. The champion is a vessel for your creative playstyle and ideas, not a limiter. Items limited by class do not solve the problem of assassins being overtuned while simultaneously making the game unbelievably fucking boring as shit.
as a Tank Diana enjoyer myself, the playstyle feels downright unfair any time I get a lead with it. not only is my mythic item cheaper, but so is every subsequent item, and many of those are flexible options based on which members of each team are most fed.
when playing from behind it can be a liability though. if I get ahead but my teammates are behind, it does me no good to be built to engage likely unwinnable teamfights, and the tank build isn't nearly as good at pushing side lanes or picking someone off. some champions are also just really good at tank-shredding.
We all know fizz players use playful trickster to burst in conjunction with chum the water's knock up
Sassins with tank items, oh yes a combination as old as spaghetti.
I personally prefer assassins over skirmishers. With an assassin (outside of one building bruiser or tank) I can outplay them so long as I can roughly gauge where they are because they’re usually gonna predictably focus someone each fight. Once they use their gimmick to be untargetable they’re vulnerable to cc, so a lot of the time having well placed vision and aoe cc + single target lockdown means the assassin is basically worthless. Skirmishers, on the other hand, can build assassin items on sustain damage champs, build like 2 damage items, go full tank, and suddenly now you have a creature built to assassinate fighters and tanks that can also one-shot adc’s and still doesn’t die. An assassin usually kills 1-2 people in a fight if there’s chaos and nobody thinks to cc them, a skirmisher will kill all 5 members of your tram if there’s chaos and nobody thinks to cc them.
A wise man once said "If your only weakness is something that everyone else is weak to, then it is hardly a weakness."